T wT ab in PLOTS. fe Seminary 1c ongress Theological Economy This Winte-. Dusttoyed ig 0 | American MARY HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES will Dectde pis of Ywmpo ag the ( al Qa sts Gdernta Med Nit Appeal for view Aconsext Sacked avd x hic on rfgsnce, Wa in pnt hile e X [#1 di tires will he the Repn : srrnaroN, Nov, 20 = Rigi } pean Lioxp x, Eng. dent of gramme for pext winter. bia except it Laiood to mean that the river ican pro | means that no money will vute ; i a 8 han. | new pablie boildinge poried pial FhONSANAR Ke GRRL RY yn. jHeW 2 PRE, | gaut necessity existe, wheres 18 REO dren : Ary WAS gud ut A | dnc point consistent with the needs (I the vertimeant aled for] Mf (learned, fr {spect plnndered sndepta | committee will be constituted as iacked, snmbier ital rronr ssid a i iiaily wounotad, th in A! 1 hanr ling 4 VY eR ir ah & slay Dignedered HR i nnn , Reed has put, cre lg of tha pe hava A pe swmnlated any y the tar? or finavotal OT:YES ADOESSIRIES TO MLC Hep npected wi A. MceDo soph 4, bo 1 fon pson Bil i with Eonepirsa g re} r ft Wi (ERY WW? Ri Hamar 8, AH MINING MO ha miners $11 # Eid represen hich if wt snecass’ mines oO MBENe al WBgen early ve; spring to at Wie miners, “the competitive fields of the Broa Maryland, Poes pel! least 25,000 | wae re] tT a into | bewitohi t 3 hil i Top, | part Mi I ull other com | SR & a ibd dl £3 { ities Wily Us BED y Way was assigned tam ip i } ¥ $4 1 sak ¢ LOoniss KD ghe did pal witnt the irsclol ng districts manper in which that character y Draucker ii Hetty 1. and was not to inaugurate the move WAS ment iu each distiiet. Action was tuken i eented. i trike or took the part © laclaring against a ¢ SUSPENsiun { Serbs inckin ¥ l any partion} Chen who veo ent. iit io a masterly mapper, Priest y » ¥ ?i A to make it « Feetive, und advising against that character. 1 i any one district mwoviog io the latter bonsh sod sberlain, was presented by i (i i oh .} bs ph ae 2 ok TY ws AL op ows 2a 3 3 Gat 2 Ue Derg 1 a: tricts endors. Verne Blo 3641 3d well ed the wu {the d in prodacing Hega and High by Harry Bre Liue's Gaards were Lawrenes Dole snd (W. A. Brainard ' Katie Frank and May Borabangh ; . David Arnold was presented Promotious in the Chulel he Pope precited tory st the vali Rose, Nov, 23-1 Attend 1 fants Riuga : Halm- | Larsen 8 A Ears COuBlE Jtatay, The seegion #naed was in h spoke terms oardinals which the consistory I vated at noon. byw holiness | | Page , J @ hie alth snd | | bold ; of HOh BU £3 rv 1h 3 ¢ is normal state of in eu'ogistic the pew | Patton, and then followed a semi-chorus |. bad - ap- of children, Persians, Jews, ete. Miss | : J Josie Thomps ma presided at the piano an dige prolotes were elevated to the car. | Prof. G. W. Weaver acte 1 in the capaci Hiualate, ipciudiog Mgr. Batolh, papal tof leader ; Dr. H. J. Echbert as co delegate to the United Btates. {he others ist. The Keystone orchestra fo ware Mar Got th, papal nuvcio to Brazil; | most excellent musi ti9 ops of Viladeli, Lamberg, |tertainment. Boarges aod I Belz burg and the bishops of | Anconia. Twenty: sr = bishops were algo precontz i + thre ughbont archb Urgel, Auton, sud {par [aii bis hi Pires day hapded i 0 | azuivet LD EB. Harz, sustaining the ‘motion in arrest of jadgment. Hartzell was checkweighran for T. D. Stein, the coal operator, and was receatly convicted on two counts of using false weights and scales, whereby the miners | were defrauded. The opinion was bused | upon the nue nstitutionslity of the epecial | act of assembly of June 1, 1887, The title of ibe act, it appears, does pot ey , rover ie eYrovision of the act | | itaeif as reqn y tha law, Ia the cuss of : D. Htein, the employer | of tisrtzell, convicted nnder common law nsing false scales, the court apoulled in igment and inet down an Chie Thirteen Miners Crushed. QOasusr, N. Y., Nov. 20.—A cave-in, resulting io the loss of 13 or 14 lives oc- anrred at Tilly Foster mines after 3 o'clock thie afternoon. | ~ Foremun Patrick Lach was descending the pit to teke time of two gangs of lab- orers numbering about 35 men working as ths bottom when a large smount of earth aud rock slid from the. surface to the bottom of the pit about 30 feet below. Ont of one gang of 11 men ouly five came | cat alive, fer ; lof Neutrality Law Violators, ‘tue motiou for the arrest of WirminaToN, Del, Nov. 29.—Captain | 8 Hew Snenoe and his mate, of the steamer Leon | were arrested to-day on the ¢ iating the neatrality laws. given a hearing to-morrow $ pu 1 Tigi, 5 Harnrenu: | yaar at e Financial Hepor .. Pa, Dee. 1.—The ata treasary ended Satar- lance in the fund wag 82 On 11838 ae against $ LOL 0, 18 a year age Receipts {or and the total h arge of Vig- fizeal : They wili be the st day. The bu general . a} Power House Boroed, Jonxerows, Pa., Nov. 20—Fire Wed. nesday night at Twin Bocke, this county, deetroyad the power house anid machinery | Amonnt of the Charles MoFadden coal mines. | 211,800,005 Loss $15,000. 5 = i mated ex $11.3, were payments. 213,404,348.0 appropriations was whieh exceaded the esti ures by over millions 4p i on borer nen tw bee iit Will Practice Rigid ' Combination Ticket Cagried With LEADERS WILL WAIT FoR CLEVELAND, os those appropriations to the lowes! | 1h and ns But One Exception, 85 7 THE HOSE cu RIOUS ‘WISTORY © CONGRESS CONVENES Hs (FTERRODY. Nat fication of Organ) ealion be MA auIEe tay thie Preside through the répuhl honse at the osp ne exception who was slated { Mr. CC ita (if the of abana CHAap'a of Michiga: mts hy RA FIO rac Bre thes "Thi v i ' i Fd Phomas 1 vaed, 0 | Uterk, Alexander Mol NoeR ger Panns { ham J: Gen rn, nh MeL Her ry AL ( DW Wh, FY Jaeen’ 8 P Aes, E lith snd Boubece aj LCD Vid oh i said he worked. The tacailics or facuad i» $¢ Maine. i. y 4 Jones, Crawford, Gentry, Turnham and | Richardson all claim the honor of hav- ing employed him upon their cabins As he grew older he became vue of fhe strongest and most popular *‘hapds’’ the vicinity, and much of his time was | spent as a ‘“hired boy’ on some neigh- bor’s farm. For 25 cents a day—paid to | his father--he was hostler, plowman, woedehopter ad xarfemen Decides i: + 3 5 Magazine, tine 3 ak { hin : & Triew i he i i I THE SWANN UTOPIA. 0} 4 A oISPUTE OVER MILLIONS GF ACRES. + 3 How General Swany Went 10 Europe tw Further His Scheme His Unprisonmens, A Whole Tawn aud Thousands of Farms favilved, : on whi ish go nera- thos $ yi London Has tho Fever The *‘Trilby’ infection has worked | in the slower English blocd a fever no | less violent than that from whic ica recovered months "has invaded everything and become al most insafferable 2 the Americans in Loudon. the bock have row been published, and the h Amer The ALC craze | More than 100,000 copies of | demand is unsatisfied. It is an : Eta cay SS use at the close vir wera James | pretty human guidebook of information. | from north, i Jackson and | things left of t lata, and the saddle from which Gen- #16 Confedérate snd Federal Rete st the : Atlanta Faly, “Oh! yon needn't mind,” ‘mid a pleasant voice over my shoulder as I wiped a few tears from my eyes, “Great big men come in hers and cry like ba- bies. Why, it was only the other day that 1 looked around nud saw way over + in one corner of this little room a man at i id T ! | | EEE cee 23888 BEB LEEER0R liaer 50 ven 20 a tremendons, gin: vig rt ot pt pact ed lh Sm WY ON 0 BO bE LAY ha DuBois we be wt TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY Fastward rain 4, 7:66 4 po Mar stand it { Or ear MOA LS yday, for Nat alope, bnt at least without this WESTWARD :26 A. M.—Train I teil you the old things there will | “C8 fh pers a A anh ES make anybody's heart ache, be they tations. Lomves ig are south, east or west. There : i is the cradle in whici®Jeff Davis was rocked, there the swords of Stonewall Robert Lee. There is an ‘wheel, ope of the few Sherman's bonfire of At- mediate # wu. for | paste AL TW i wn pare nua ‘nse mediate 1 8.27 P.M. “Fain 11, daily except Sunny, & Kane ana intermediate stations. THROUGH TRAINS FOR DRIFTWOOD ¥ROM THE EAST AND SOUTH. i: Baidmon #58 i» m + Baltimore #45 ua. 0, jem ves “Washington T: 50 a. Nilkesbarre, duly except Sun iY, Aria { Driftw {at 27 po. Wil man p M08 i yiaipals HHimins port HAIN 3 lemvos Now yore »t ip om Pa eiphla, § i 4 ,, Hila, 0 f ing at Drift cPIng Care vin wash nxport ang riladeliphis old spinning P i: 1 x 3% 71 4 $1 3 Re 5 IIe rik m., Aaily sawed T (Dally exceptsSunday.) { TRAIN 19 leaves Ridgway at 30 a Sonbure af B4h a ai CG) lr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers