La ‘Perfumes, Games, VISIT 1805 atten [hristmas AND New fears Santa Claus Head- quarters for DOLLS! DOLLS! Christmas Tre {rn Christmas Cards, Mirrors, Knives, Musical Goods, Razors, Scissors, Toilet Articles, Cristmas Candy Ete. Books, Novelties, Smokers’ Goods, Notions; Blocks, Albums, Toilet Cases C. W. Sa, Patton Pharmacy, E te. Opposite School Building. 1 iis by the City write Re- rmation. ‘THE LEADERS. COMER BROS, COOr | affuir as compared h i x esenting the miners of that and The climax of th { clay pipe. JT prSHOnNIS Yiu pNnn Sar ® gin | instiunte enter ie imperishable Johnstown, Pa. RE. 125 Market Telephone No. 140. R.A r0iey 4 KY, A PROVED NDANCE. , 4 adertagers in this Stale. Subse- better acquainted, it presented a more SnGervASers i us hHialg ane attractive appearance. tt 8 , : ; adopted by-laws amount to Nanny teachers nn ¢ Le : amounied to $29,403,417. The deficit for the thereh sntlv the Raard Bald yr F i present month enlly Lhe Board held a meeting rules re. GU great cit enrrents from th prob m every da) “The McEifresh. { Manufacturing | company, 1 Peasrith, W. Va., offers a positive remedy in the shape of a clay- | gains Burgess Nood Not “ign War $17,601,521 for vhe last five Ont, rent. Ane ® wELL, tw ab an institute. i in Aliegheny county last Monday an "Farmers Institute. | Some of the instructors we have opinion was handed down by Judge | ware pipe, to take the place of iron| The Hon. 8S. D. Patterson, the Hon. listened to before, also some of those | Magee in the case of Fred Haziey | who entertained us in the evenings, against Fred Piroth, Sr. The defend- ‘mains in general use. This is made of J. J. Thomas and Mr. Alex. Strittmat- | West Virginia fireclay, a plastic or so- |... held a meeting in Ebensburg yes- | { however, it pays to hear some educa- ant is treasurer of the borough of West | tors the second time. ; | Liberty and refused to cash a warrant called bastard fire-clay, which is vitri- | yrgqy and decided that Cambria | 3; fied and salt glazéd, and is of a suf- | osunty p rw institates should be | The lecture on Monday evening was signed by the president of council and ficient thickness to stand any required | poiq at Patton February 12,and Ebens- | | both interesting and instructive. The attested by the borough clerk, on barg Feb 13. Besides ‘a number | speaker told many noted facts about | grounds that the warrant was not “The hoo are made in three feet | | of distant ole of wide reputation the Indians, and accused our govern- countersigned by the burgess. The ment agents of gross misconduct court says: “There is no reason why lengths, and are inserted in each other | o 33 00008 will be delivered by the fol- | ; "half way, leaving a space of about a 'y, Lo gent Superfutender t toward the Red Men. The lecturer of the warrant should not be paid, there oS gon of an conferrin quarter of an inch All be |eech awyer McKenrick and Pio filled with hydraulic I Fi ro fessor piater lhe power to method i : hin Me eighteen inches long, which will neither reat of Wilinor tr Sohn Folov The iretitute was en! i} leak nor burst, of Carroll : with main is one continuous pipe n lhe pq iron main pipe the joi i inches long. lemen ATES * Ie Yrndinn ia + 2 ier . 5s - around the evenm i vie InGian 8 oO iaw { AIH n the bu TEess st § TPT sLr yy * » went, sy COUNRLWeTrsIgn warrants, fessor {:ibhson of construction giv ns a ound of | ¥ 4 i iT J i iT From Laek Haven Fapress ¥ ry ad and, whe tere Beier OWI, ve ii il RODE anda VETS, i recinted by with lead, a ciated by ited much app his professio: drawbacks, and ¥ “Ol @leCiric FRY Fire proof hn siifing materials of all i le fi mn pari iY 8px lai Lien with that of ta Hners’ conterence held at Philipsburg Surely he is a master in woetiral i Fogo i mil £4 LIX “The made being non-ru fi ig naterial of ve " HOLIOW Wigs Fiy ieXy BYE £0 INET wien Lhe ustrious to at le: st 25.000 miners. A commit- Janes, the Evangelist Orator x51} g ; y . TN balicwbvinad +) wdasd Hh tional sewer ! will be gent into the donnecti auth, delighted the crowded house WH ad 8eWw r tions and invert blocks and large sec- and unaffecte | | ted PRUE rents of electricity the 1 : field of Proad Tor advantages iron | road Top, hontas and all i * 4 Pym ver §e fhe NOR-COrrosive ch tricts (Oo inn company hag for son ugar of pipe in use in Phitlnde each : i pumping sulphari¢ acid t the users of it report th ¥ 3 the flected by the acid least a “Connections BOryi c’ : . ridorsed the wu ; made in two wavs Ent Cioond WO # t 3 Iti 1 Prvies x ¥ X known as the tii - { Lhe Fegh { ! remiss r,s es attendance of have taken = 1 and 24 nei } day ; Pio Ww ven 1d the £ je ted, foots fr Haven Sass of ¢ eczema The child evinced of a 3 Hodgkins running HOT Lema Se &Ty diss CATE » Y poslanasiers enciosing a LAT 3 y 4 3 % + 43 . Card, to be posted 200ut the posto fice, # 1 hy ¢ ef cautioning the PLIGG I regarag Lo the o* lam be ol Quite A% wach were left with Mr. Hoy, he: joweler, for repairs, some time ago, are in our possession and the owners can have sume by calling at the store. Worr & TROMPSON. GABLE & co. ALTOONA, PA. SANTA CLAUS ls Coming! gone by > sad of beantifi Gil 2 TS on hig Dak Sines & 3 hy i WE ARE RELPING SANTA CLAUS ars Ww a> macie
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