€ GREAT OBJECT OF FIELD'S LIFE [WAS To “HAVE FUN WITH PEOPLE. " 3 Somernine Atos His Lite, Personality and Works -- “Bifew In" $60,000 In Two Weare He Was a Collector of Every: thing That Was Old. Eugene Field's father died while he was at Williamu college, and Professor John W. Burgess of Knox college, at (ialesborg, Jiic, was appointed his goardian. Field staid there two years and then went to the Hate university af Colombia, Mo. In 1871, having at. | tained Kis majority, he came into the $50,000 which he had inherited from his father. friends, the brother of the woman he tard roarried, and went to Eerope yd & Jovely time,’ Be said once fling his caperience to a friend. *'1 ‘wwatied the money arcund, Joe of it, 2 bay of 91, without father Fhe wed with 869,000, be petence. 1 save more things a pin thimps than are dreamed # pidkmophy, Horatio ore sont Lf sewod fo werk, FE "Rnd daken him to fortune, bat he ha ¥ thi be had to siti bi {% Doce be i ly hve whpdonet t ancy peas 55% five ont] be could pokes livieg Chae. He went fits 2 SION RDATET We and joined the wall of fhe rt Lenin Xi mroal ae a rig Ba u ri jie 1h ip yt ave ie yo whieh ‘Bim kocwao Compvwd ineorrig thls founity. Then Bow a wg te Sr. Wy ; RE iE i of The {¥atetse There he » married, in 1870. Miss Julia | 8 Consiook, strvives him stmek foi hie iw or IW, 5 ATH, Foi SE Fry Bi RLY i thes went back to & Jomrunl se 8 writer fia para Abs. That was the be wink in the line which “ey oem” He wrots finsh vicie nfo er The dopftal. It was nak Troasores, | ah Hi je Ea which was vel Buin aii Gover the famine o went no the Denver Trib- | a siaid potil be joined rw amder comtract to psd, bat he was to | a day of it a and Plate” was widely 1 tame oni of the work told Tis workman and i of copy easily, | harden of that <4 and 1 worried xeray from it rons easiern ase. One great these fempting £0 Nim, nt be stesdi- | He was in his clement | 2 His end § Iie took coe of his intimate | It was a | Ihed ks x experience —- | i sony fo Lox HEIR ol He FAEEY v 5 EERE in he brs to tha He Tis Giageria offi | HT * eglaning with || 3 Lin relia roan | wo Sood erik an on. fader the load of a great pile of cases Wield stopped him, and the Girman Wid that be had in the caste a coraplets | noticetion of the butterfiee of North America. | The collection was tha work of a lifetivas, tut he had lost his work nnd had to sell it 1 pay big rent. Field ought it co the spet for $50 anil Jog geal it home, promising Gimeeif {o give it tor a muses, Bat he never dud As a teljector of books Me Fold wal more Miseriminating, and be had jeft a pot | worthy brary of first and rare od the Lawt spring Mr Field homght a Gr nid mansion tn Ruone Park, ove of the waborbs of Chicago This hoose with cabinets loaded down with ¢ He had po particulsr prefarende, unl i it was for books, bat cai ipniand bdr 2s impartially and indworiminately, Ton Cwpecial treasures ha had, aie id they hing wide By eile in whatever ome he hed (ree was a ax which bad been nied by (ladutims. Fiold wont th oe fhe fa mous Eoglishmon at bis pi kt Ha warden, and Gi ; {39 8% With a dale Bad just foished dutting Movaen 4 fren. The (they SIT AE pair of shears whieh Mr A Prana hat give: : we Me Fiasl av t in Blind Beis Fi PRT 513 3d fi £0] nest in thee FREI NOT, the iain fad the hiwn and porch paliors and Field pitt bio Pham ail He was remarkably witty aad an inion juble story teller, abounding with ina. [smnt fon He always reeponded £0 a pai fo baln apteriaie po ik. and bis neigh bors dlwars called on him. He bad Way f cotning howe and saving fo Ri wife, What vou ging to have {or din. | par?’ IH it was smnething be didn't Bike particularly, he world go to tha : Feat sad mod wrk Nh fore aN When ha found what he wanted, be wild gitar, amd no Tovar IAs URS Aer Bore wel He was grate aiid sheers and ¢ bowed Bion : beim amd Be fold Tham wold stores, which he invented on thie sp Nips children wers horn fo whoa Bee sre stil Hving 1 £3 2st hirer svar Ome fooident will Hisatrats (io pro pensity for practical jokda : Onur alter moos last spring be took to each of Rie . peighibors in Poesy Park a itd green Sa heb | slip of a plant to which be gave n © derail Latin vane, sod told Bim ir a bemntiful flower. With his own Bassin he plasted the slips in the gardens of fos friends. It dida't take Mog to deve that the beantifal plants ware (ar nds thidthen, and thers were vaary gnod na tured rallings st Field He was pestérsd so moh a 00 years ago for Mographieal dass hat 1a got od a clrenlar of information Biv : and sent 8 to &F Bis friends | astonishing self exposit age, bevght, weight, eyes, sige of hem, ho be loved wonien #, ai nits that Gk # wipe Teka Yeas foi i things that 4 him bis own | didn’ t al staff Abwavs, of the fut Fela} fhigt k tand smoked ! didn't admit, what was the fact, tat be was a very hard worker, ; | guests sought Bhim out § know if Be told the froth 2 which was Tt aut ¢« Wilson, the actor, wha nd Field's, in a bean wd only for private Some of his work ranks thigt has ever been dons, vicnlarly those of child. can printed in pearly every Aom Unalaska to Johapnes. +f them, * Wynken, Biynken is little short of being the nem in the language. * was a most enthusiastic | verything that for any rea garded as warth collect: ‘me he was in New York ‘ends found him in his ‘way hotel sarronnded © snd plates, old ingers and every: «if it might be we that these a Mayflower, vices le paid, * a bargain, ray anything rise to some ml, but this | Humphry Ward st table him over ervitically asi dewated | ber oun wersaticai entirely to others ant tired the attention thas of bere» were pay , | ing to Field Them she tured © 5 hima | i sod said : and edd he didnt he Fail he seid that i Tix 5 £5 Hi LEA A taste a ol ¥ Fa had (fax caglye ane evel hat one be bad townie eat year {or woven years, sw meant 14 kewy PROE Le had sale t eatifae to hinaself It emid that bab didn t driz niy in nh deratiian Moa 0 5 is One of Fields asaosem sis was enter taining st the Chlomgo Pain leaps who might be visting Chicage. Usnally be would vite sossn of the oomierr 1 lights of Chicago to diss with these and not infrequently be would poke fan at them withont muck merey. The Jaet tigne be was in Londes be was at a dus per where be was pimesd next to Mom. She | looked sue 3 1ie 5 “Toll tae about the habits and chias | acteristion of your peogle, Field looked st her with extraor: Hi ATE serioustess jn his solemn fac ane pling “Whep they cnoght me Iwas ops, tgs Then be went on ® tel] fhe whole: ‘| table aboot his fries Red Leary, the Hr od murderer, and sbone BEE Lr thisves and highwaymen a way which amased thew, anil many afserward Hi Tha werk of filling his aiinn + Sharps and Plata so wire en hi he was strosgiing to get i went alwat Fis 3 desl oan 3 trrtaineT, raha sont fr own wink Io this way be aided 3 F deal to Bis incovoe fron Bie boris, whi kad grown to be aboot $5 0 8 yea Hix * lectures, te ak thew were bathed B39 proper) fv. were especially so asta ko epiy children, to whom he wand rela aby Laly In Boba ix =o snd sipniler poems. Whe Two fueils © whick he wet with the greaiest suc Fat TN were © Wynkvo, Biynken aud Nod’ “Fathur's Way. Mr. Pleld was tall aod thin, bi md awd boyish. He was smooth shaven, ay there was 8 suspiciously scien expres sion ahout his face. It is a pathetic cuincidewds that the apponscetnent of Fieid's death aps of a pew book of hid poems shonld cone © gether, The last stanas of the vpilogae of the “Echoes From the Sabine Farm is: (; sed BO BEErE sty Rtygian Tiver, Or i we part to This «ide the wi Be re of this: On yonder share Qo pact Chuosr BW niteth suck as wae A Raldne panne heaven, OF friemd~ And fellowship that knows yo sad weNew York San CHa thes WO BYD war. My ; part of "had pit - ReermE Wy - pede] to me (0 2 ‘club moy persoos of literary repmiation | oxide & lake and tree i Dprsterocmn thers are what Lyon § ; the ons WHAT HENBY M, STANLEY CALLS THIS HEMISPHERE. Prond of Being an MP. Iis First Peried of Teal Rest Canads Rediscovered, Finds Panlt With Our [Raitronds “Ee Splendid Balldiogs. Henry M. Ba of newsepape ATONE EX pasta wnt # £ yisit ta America exyiioring the cemtivent. ax be calle it He looks in splendid health. Bie chesks are plump, his eves wre bright, and his physigoe is robnst. The only traces of Bix African hardships are in | hair. Jr and his ranutarke are white, and only his eye beers retain their original brown hod Asked it he sonld imagine himself going to Afeirn ups said it was posite that be nosh go ubom a dO mercial errand, Ton again. 1 have a wile anal dhe has soe tl fart---10 say abom He bad to atten hot aaiumin : parliament hoax of wire On Boer ws Th greatest light £% Be BES®Y cover hire on A vacation Snished a trip to the Paced and is resting in New oil friends He 3a proud gs Fas of being CL BSN InE par! EY ans boomy oleetad 18 0 od kw Lp VEEL ed cl Seager at Wilh nay dé : hot Sirivass among the ef can't sax it was as hard a ploon of kaa] everd SYS, “kat it hal its annoyRnoes in your journeys on this side have you teen Jecturing or pie MRTG “1 am resting,’ said Mr. B Stanley, Miter wor 7 am enjoying away from poy dutics are the frst real rest ] have hal anon 1 the first perasd in yoac hed manhood, which I have nat bad something to a0 for sommelxddy aise. I have rat made a trip to Montreal, then west to Vane vor and Viet to San Francisco sud Lis Atige ow and back by the way of the Fanta Fe rail riiamentary duties chosnd in nin Enripe #38 September and ax (he San “hat eoled 1 ora 2 { the Britsh soni hefipee day el - freer thonsind fat vast tract of woods and rocky wold water thal sivins To reat nx envi aninters 1 suppose 18 is of little value spoke the interviewer “Ne. indend,”’ ssid Mr Stanley, who ave been ARID in that part of Canada. wood and connlry merth ir sires {ov wii of Braves The idesi of 1 busy business man woskl be to sumer in a place mot Oneal than the near prghbor Rood of the city, to Jive in 8 gre te The we 1 PERE Fpaul tha anu wowed and Teen In ita a Beastifol peospent of waler, rock. Commider what money ha aba to make of Manse Cards peighborhood 7% may ses any pamber of places t that show what it wae, Yet it poole 2 pest OW Wiliam van mmariekx of the z lakew of rig GWE ir i i hu —gpit penis, Bulowisin | tal water, swarming with fish, whore | you may enjoy fabio i the por perfect settings of wood and Creek your leading aitins. From (Bin to { York your and buasing amid The reron is guile aocessible tO Now pepe way reseh there 13 ten homes at the latest. Your tired bosi- bomen hens, Towing ated casting Thélr dyes aboms, im ia met Sad a more delighefal a What do you nd to be our pr in railroading’ hers,” sald Mr. Btasler, showing AT | that I had op i yomr wanna they need further Iprove of vy BUY APT OCARIS, aul Tet 5 Aa a x RATE Lye #3 iv tly an tien car, wher aT axl resnain sf cannot el what they wanieq and DAR OB maaan Ya Yims lees again, 1 a 3 thi Agen pa scight Be pepe te a polite: ip of pan He pend not, when bis 00 bs the dose of 8 weil furrisied Pullman, put on Ba air amd Gabidding spoearanee it x very unlikely that io LAER weil Sra 3 orks rg ere Th any hl 4 ih w ha fF ected Jt is FARRAR OOreTaly rtly persots i keep pegging vanced palion 18 Ni there Sra 3: wazs who modily thay stds pestered ail Sram gt 5 nave Then, 15 Lin stitution. tha Tr pa Toslern usa A CAT Ti sual ma Hy Rte poriesd the ov — RTF Atendy, arohawoture. Ad - is what I base Loses won that if you go om wr P BIrnelnres, band 34 ntl and 8 half thas 1 ME rin, tH Reatile then down wa wostward Coens By Low fo satiate Bik eves With plate place. | | Up there in Canada a man may have a { lake of his : | Horne savs thers ar & : Bar years in (he ume way constantly haproving, vying with one} aprther in prodocing these oomtly stron. tures and pamgleting your ideas of architeetural art, people wili be syarn- ing nves bere from Forooe to wonder at fits in the same manner that Tasiies Je at a stited- Fone k Xp TOY brs ie hive Amvrioang { § fie 50 ww will he 3 of grand be ldiogs yon shored at son af Bow Xo i sae shimney §, ony ¢ $id th hodas for windows?’ said (his twiod geuged ¢ thm ley dont shiek o | think thers ix a great desi Se Phe bat idingy of tall Tie great spprebvnsiom was Hot paises Hees 110 Imenee sgt constant danger from wing in stes] frames and of material Bree i poavrenennes nf Dion mana varia wx rid oF Lah POEnuan a Fa run ovr d aae wit fire. mt bY} king the A. smiley thint Fe £5 # nak LEE PANTO that Cg SRY 1% MONUME NT 10 FIELD SWArming | Siva loabnf | A | y as in the past 98, | | pat greet lon of Rb i Kai American Republic There has been moh friction of nie hetween (reat Britain and the Sordh American republic of Oilombia which it ix thomphy, way Jead to radical ste 2 by the Britsvh The Oo Lian govern. ment gave a concession to an English syndicate 10 boild 8 ral isvay thrcagh the tate of Anriiania tal PREETI ST $ fh Fad rp te Peblie Sentiment Tn Paver of a Memstond | oy to the © Hildren's Laureate, oo pan Bh erthaa aay o pnite aden the : she ike this $365 pms taki } Bat wn weanlesrnethong poeta. ba & Jarge statue, Bowe die fo Bave sn child gukding his pen, 3 3 were to be Bx miler a child writ. | 1g the name ' Kage Fiold™ cn a sons (er faving a laorel wroath upon ame 1 think to have a life sige Sgure of the post B24 ting in a chiir--a the winged moses Have him sitting a wa pi # wy 4 if it ¢ $A a i fin fhe Brest thing wound be shar sapparted wel | wadding trio | decided to Bold an attitude of deep thooght, as if wat : vig for an Gamat #f bis Koes Tooling iin bose, Teme HS SRE Haoeigdd ia pes NEW DE A FOR WOMEN. snd a loth obtid | And have : {on the soutien planta Phnew if oeonki { murried Mrs Colton Wants Government Roesgni: | fan Far Bey Sew. A row len Wak aay teratin of W if # A inte Fd is AFA 3 HER wg Es ton ihe why 5 RHEIN of goverpment meome wwh po WY as men Ri pEeT Lpgd § at West Paint and Aauapd. TE Hit want 0 a a ne shan tie wos fiw. £3 pobre wie was aridiers amd ea ire but she want ax geeial bo fn sone capaeity sulted fe thelr tents, anid she wanted the governoioRt te pro vide far them to be tratned The dea is vivatad tO any exient, gmat. pot f Le strong manmer in whieh Mra Coton presented it, 31 created wile ine terest. Mes Ootion is a satlen She moved to North Caplin very say She married Ru ; wrt 1’ Coston of nN (She as the metner or ix children and was the lady manager of the World s fair for North € arclinae. She ligws cnn» farm. Indévoded 20 durnestin duties and is wot sn adroeate of woman sak th 14% a ahd th gaffrage Atlanta Coastation. A aby Crasade women in Breoklya 1% is to de divected s@ninet the prastioe nurses have of Jenving baby carriages in stores while they are : The crusaders are moved fo era considerations. First and foremost oF hose is the fae that? ; 2% are bad f imteriory Wi du, Lawl i i ot phe A ou sent gk YAY 8 0 the tree tise ai $5 Tread AX {oat tara r mutes, — Now York San. Cavell Jor, AY Cty OO Know Bow 1% Fomin swat 4 ty sar Bow Lhe sera ng LY 201 had amis? wataet bad see 4 an thin wap! Al Ri rol avents ~~ Washington id dw sm: ven HER MAIDEN SPEECH. Mrs. Stanton Constdered It 8 Plegracs to Have the Paper Mention JL Elizabeth Cady Banton, of ner maiden speech, Bars: SWhen 1 petarped home wanipon and disenes Wipe 1 eonsiderad the edition of whet ne degraded an the of 1k TARRY 3 Io wine ia tha eis intamn Ban a hemring mr tan friends RPE : : X i, pe L- Rise, erro ated wis tae) xt roy EN oy : Pat i Bogn lature, y. | Vi af & tise Ls Le SW In :h sed to mas them relatively ip wex apd tasir country | fia i aril day foi my i Albany Eve by Thorlo i Ria TREE diel t smd does thi ®ve TEs. TOO i Lambwetly Umidy Salam 9 005 thee Jew Monday afvrmen at 2 oleliek hn] Wosnan a fngwr. apt Ve odd £ ret pas #1 po bet, r Rains Jay Ely BET Ly hi what iT savy Le sis THEE hat not been ad. | fusnded, and orward {gone il was in DEVEr seein % § 3 ¢ i “f apewersd. "1 suppres IE He was perfectly oe Bay CARAS i Cian my chenis are Fo Re . i had “haan hae said . § wish vou wonid read 32 the depths of despair shounght i was the most awlal disgrace | tise « moog nh § Beall A WIA. “When I read my speech to wy fa ther, he suggested several improvements ad Gmnd worse laws for ilastiabion than 1 had, werkibg wilh me slelock in the morning, yet for a eon servarive old jade to bave ps daugiter ] phe GRRL # rations was ® deep blow { { spoke twin Boars, and this, my Sra | speach, was published in The Bousing { fir thee same meas that # exposure ag | hatte, Then " teatiie BY ae ryt CrTRe rd ; eli ldren aod © out gece digwrint og mel oS GAT OB WE Cae at ads do Ddisappeas iy A povel crusade is proposed br same Jonrnal . : | married woman's property law passed BORE hers aid | and gave . 3 2 ih wy ¥. rherr halies iy hal iE a3 Die 4 ntside Bgl tT & shopping. | not by sew That same year. 1348, the wiarrierd worsen their nights TAT Europe Is acing ores, Europe Bas faces ys omting ex horses 3% noek Ly agit which 18 had wa mpdred venes wget 3 sheers of Tesh GR Tatars, great prejud i bonnd 1G Loenl, Gyeminaciy fo iar Wi pals press ik edn oat af ite pee hee Saito of pliant ur tathat of gaara 2 a how bas heen shod. while cooking, sasiimr fo thar of Ty -E ¥ HE TEDY SII Wet 5 Latabile YE Iv Een EE farther coast of bors flesh peEver Him i ndwery ats Te, Li, hoo Any a4 AW vil Te OA aR a fie in ad Jen $2 en Lame YOR AEA 5 ab bi fire it ie SH The sani. ty of ths fir Big oon the ayn. purposes aud god sw as fox x, thers wi plenty ar 1 N gies track WEA ae of youn PIERS fe clety, sod ii Dod hy ANT. tr BA aE EE $i abhi ab rhe dinner Ta Reuse Tas What's Lia a Nawoe? i, . She p sywright, pus aid call hime Fhe Trooble Between liritain snd a Sowtls | in speaking | | Por Casey tendo! strictly te his bis ‘ad ise from my Roease o u Fight, Hor 3 wride 19 fis fe alt aad in Lhe wilikrons (Brings a Ina BIT me in print Rofo and gues ld Vein Tagan Globe ® C down to six Cmeties huve BU Wher the money Sowed He ; Films wax brave and trae! Whely the mighta’ was crisp ‘nd balmy. ‘nd pe ent wir wll set, With tue jotvira ail throwed wids open ‘nd no ghar 1 demur] Oh ther: tines on Bed Hews mosstein in he Pokies far away! Thers's ae Boh piso nie Leses fiiea them as § Jas fd ole h 1h ¢ sgn hes posted? | sees to ik on thet big ‘ad warty = ie H Yowid And : rn a sert of yourphs ‘nd a chogic in my Ehroat Whee 1 think of Bed Hows porantsin “poi of Comey # Catibite lo da ive yeuw | Aras th pink, bat that da Shd ed Peadie ‘ed Wr nigh bis Wasi yee ou inal Bee's pk in Deal oF carves In ger with u redger win Bae Tove a ts id ik aid wet ars away fray © waht wo vem sid Hinge Te te BO et Fok Ain of rikeenats of Tek Brow rsosutain ACen y ss fares rtninin BLT cinerea. bad od wen the work 4 raat oA Tun Ge wadteriloned fama Eat wowhe thee Ukr of foe sil pipes. wR N38 hind Tami, whew wtf © WEE FOS # 5 wil off wn wiaishy oF 10s ron i sires OF Bosses Sromr perhare, Tod STR on Pee CW th Cee ad both were BrTraetione WEE prvetote GF cfferad ab ney w 3 ha 5 Acres tatios altogother in the tax vou hed to par Spom Four wiikiew 5a > in the red pao bented Frew, which hie emery WOR Shs wT They anid @ uae wok OULOrY to tek tor ary Hursl, ie WIR ania houses a began to While Casey Rent on sewin wood pd Inyis in thr dat, dpsed wu STAY weet fade By Na “a editor feo Deeper sity A Lin rover patllo Caer’ tabble sriberin alley Hf erent from NE fos cds sme you git wil these ta in Voter only Nd ames Te tah Toker Degllils x Poised, 8 whieh te 3 roamed res med write Sha AEG, : > wk vwery Mind wry iE in Rig DF ghia with sofas 4 im ou soothin Mad in a Teller’s of plows vioR IS Evie alee mage LF Canet's sotios of Sues paddin's ol Conran Be my bean “id the wales 7% Ws, Of Wewrin : $3 wl adn towesiaes sin’y whe i arya tte Setier. nd maybe mo biarisn 4 like to be oadivin ia lhe moahinine Jean ihe REE $3 ee so These dat fair nak Blue, When Sings wie ras wilh open Sl tows was hrs od roe Fhan Drawhy arts tie soon hain as ote Por wharewithal 3 pay Bw writen of Casey's ts LU de. WE yom, Uaderihed brcaber, asleepin way With Hed Hoe monntain hugpia you clos te iE Rarin broeste Of de rou Areas x Tour Bet seep of how we weed Be An, OF mow we werk'd cod Hie slslmns together, re hl wom? Why whet L saw you med 8 smile wus rests sam wir Dene, Like pres wun id to sheey forever IN hat ad ¥ . NA ae POSE Wh “nak I A be, boss, i} was sleep ow Sik Bern bow 8 Drotber’s ove ain't for he wo rii te Emo, Woanei=s 1 va Thin Benrtarhe Od this chun ir pew SRPORE £ Sar ol ac BE RRS = eases tiie dete, But Hw spain when skies wae Binty rile of Red Hom Novel Clty Government tu South Bend. Tha ety of South Bend, Or, presents a novelty in American politios and gov- ernipent, tn that Bo @ afive there iii { have spe salary atleched to it dar ng the potniog ear, or praciiesily pone, apd als: that thers are pore piace hast ars than ther are places. The city win debt for Lmprovennenis that bave wen made, and a week ago the cvmneil voted to recites the salaet OE * aii vit officers to $1 a yepr, and devals te processds of Th tax Wy Ww ley a the debt More than ssough citizens and Iaspay- ars have deciared their willingress %0 take the offoes, and shus help Wo clear the city of debe The state law provides that the treasgrer shail recorve at least a a menth, but the citizen who takes hat ofce will turn over the salary 10. the otiv, py A Phi lmbed phim Joke, hip in scame sections is apd the humane So- pied agents to cary ro Rha BR shut they will nok rhirsty ~= Phi adeiphia Polintin Tha © riser thahem Wai Row