3 thaakeving fy Fxearsion a Butite. Order your coal from Troms. » i : " Some of the Target Mire Tisur Patton Courier. The approaching boliday season, and Eives the best satisfaction of any. 874. & 1a 4d ance Companies of the World 2 mie oh the waning old year brin great at- : : 5 (Lr 1awid PATTON PUBLISHING co., Propristors. | | tenetions . 2 throngs hr to the TOBACCO and CIGARS gs <1 3 A © nhs Cam OF PATTON, . Ld City of the Lakes!’ aps | The Anent PTTZPA at a ie 0 Ti r d ; Patton mbria : THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1595. | Hpmoen City of the fates Theme hee GJ. FITZPATRICK'S ARSURARL t ABERLT , Cam Co,Pa. w a SA one ANY Litter. ‘best now and business houses are Regtaarant on. Magee AvVORUS. NOAr wh : as (is ; P A Once more we are in the midt of] uo og I apiny. MEALR AT oe HO Rs PROPERTY. y SURPLUS, $15,000.00, wr rain and mad and complaints ary be Rochester & Pittsburg Railroad will | SOCIAL, in and Ha ix reves spon rio, Inte : i Is bo a ginning! to he sound My Soar ‘ran a cheap excarsion to Buffilo on AUGUST. K. ‘HUBER. READ! NG, Ke Office in Ge oe Bu tiding Ble tert boniatent with wl AR conmPRAtIve friend don’t kick on the weather, we ALIGGLT ! wer 1st Natio x Bandiriony Ww ednesday y No eter 27th. Tickets er 1s atic nal Fa n at ip sickide fp sale for all the : 1 Fore stn Bye ifs ss mbes he Rr ve me YL i i ore STONE MASON, WRITING. en rank EE Ea Ra Clearfield at 7 a m., » and * Sr return Malian A venue, F ATTON. FA. K ITCH E N : A H ceyprvep site ek wilt me Hur nenpt and ¥ aR 5A Ai Wine bf wir ray Lg neti AY Past rs your kicking doesn’t do any good; you passage on any regular train if weed on |, PS Coe Ew rwcts Men £0 al wr a p \R NEL I, | Interest paid on times depositn may jost as well BRVE your effort and ar before Monday, worn beer i Fare = ged By rr bade w feral wk Herod ¢ yr ( ni 1 Ix Or wire, d ind ‘A BE PAPION. Wa H = ANDPFGRD, gana pire. Give ren ou Xe pe Agents. President a accept things ss they are, you might for round trip from Clearfield only 8B. change some things in this life, but you cannot change the weather, and if The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of at . you could change it wonld you help it | Bast Brimfield, Mass, had been suffer. AR] any? fo be truthful about it the ing from neuralgia for two days, not nivil 1 °c: 6 N ) LA AMP weather an H in ard hax beeen waits | being ahle te wiedp Or & ard) iy keep still, | v 1 - Yroeors gs Lane Nati Sar ialy T ak fox more people thas it would if you or 1 when Mr. Holden, the swrohant there, Dealer : Laraps $50 C were muking it. Then kicking iw not sent her a bottle of Chamberizin’s Tih a) Ads : Desorated Plain Fini Lah i a good trait, eapocially when yotl gre ‘Poin Baim, and asked that she give i : 3 i Stand Hand | amos A Hiets ki‘king shout something that cannot a thorough trisi. On meeting Mr. W Ines, Lig uors, Fonted Hand Lamps 250i LL ¥ changed, (| admit the weather does | Wells the next day he was tol that . Kitehess and Bracket Lamps 8 jhe true age, but we do not cause the she wan all right, the pain had eft her Beer. Etc. & Thets hooks Re | Then this thought is to be within two hoars, and the bottle of . : Rochester 1 AE Te, antares and Chime If Fa a the subiect he Protect Your © CAPITAL PAID UP, 000.00. University of these days 15 a colections of Tr : an rE f he were alive todav " mild add WH, . “ ‘dated: We would not appreciate Puin Balm was worth $5.00 if it eonld Phoenix BrewinG (o0.'s Beer. neys om “rea wy peeved in a. Sp Yere ane od AY he would add. and a (yeneral ine half so much as Wwe now net be had for less. For sale at 50 : 5. Eee 0H it it Was with os every day. Be cents per bottle by Patton Pharmacy, Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ele. 50 more prattical; we do not appreciate OC. W. Hodgkina,' Hand Sleds have arrived. Don't rg of life until shadows A Lotter to Aunt Rachael, | | Hast ngs, Penn’ 4d.’ forget when ow gna WAS. : inte it, then we enjoy the bright Carmo, 111, Aaguost 29. 4 + vs Attention | * spols and know we hive been mis 1, Anat Rachael } Speer of Passac, N. J. == : : : ~ Bo Sm TEIN CIGHED Pf] JAMES QUINN. enn FALL GOODS. Come in id se them. #5 Ono, never § ne Minute | Fa «18 ai ; 5s ~~ . Cough (ure. A remedy for asthma, | past and find it the very best tonic wa § § HILL! UA 5 134 and 138 Clinton St, Shoes, Ru hhers, New Yarns, mm fact ever ythiug yor want. and that feverish condition which ac. have ever need to effectually wipe ont Hh | Johnstown. Pa companies 8 severe cold. The only | aH traces of majarial fever. Mp wife | : Si ! v . — mediate resulta. CW. Hodgkire. "| janguid for the past tome seasons, and | ; ; : RE 5 0 nr tried almost everything. We heard so os ¢ i % < : ’ he a ie : a —_ i much of yoor bitters that I concluded Fine Old W hiskies and Im- 2:1 Onur Prices on Groceries and Feed, so low they advertise tion" or “John Knox va. Mary Stoart” jo Soy fiimy nding tly ported Liquors. VA themselves and hurt the printer. Come in and profit by will be told by Mrs. hE Monroe, the | opin and all owing to your Peruvian (alifornia Wines and Brandies AF = om lectorer of Philadelphin, yi rial Bitters. CH. WoODWARD. a. GE 0 S. GOOD, with the aid of eighty-six superb steri- ) . De Wits 147 Clinton & 609 Main Sts, ¢ TENT optican views, in Johnstown opers | ap, why don’t, you try a id ! ADS | | house, Noversber 28, 29, and 30, nnder y Risers? These litt Mies BE TEE POERERS : 0% the suwpices of Trinity Latheran. ‘cure headache, indigestion and consti- | ~ Johnstown. Pa. rane GOOD BU LLDING, Patton . events in the lives of John Knox and | work. ow Hodgkins. | m - § Mary Btaart will be represented by Womey to Lous. Telephone 175 Ta petunia 8 Ihe Hath SOY | In sams of $200 to $10,000 on sp- i] Babin jews, Premimia- proved real estate security. For par- | : Tons, ue’. will be pleasing And gare address J. C. Patrick, atton, Bottles and Proprietors of Re 1 are cordially invited 10 pos ng yoar friends. This The Departure of the Tencherh. OLD CABI is undertaken for the i tar ; COW a3 pwiriiom things Seder ihe wun . for reviving & ave of Lr Te hoe tater OLD F VORITE | . 0 te y 3 4 : Ae | he Re rH Fhe a in pind they stagger as they ron | A D All wow! new Fall and Winter dress 1 or the right. (hart Choro Lhe rain $ wore at oe. fall 30 in. wide. New. &F reserved seats nt f8 a very great offal IO cate the Neven twin {aids and Bancle goods, ehoston pat sore will bes open OFF Ft was he proniost of fig tor woes Ebon | COX EYS COM MON- teria Rlack wool dress gona War. ! i They had nos Hise oven to ndadge In Comat | sad Ladies Jackets and Ca in sday, November 6th, | lk. ranted pew wis | And one Gf them aid (The Prof wan Le rely in WEAL adi wizgen. The largest stock between the « He fun Philadelphia and F ittaborg es : . Sf wom’ 1 sta thotigh to Fhe weg IA : : : Ar LF good reasons why - od a ep un Pure Rve Whiskies Millinary Joos A Specially. § 3 ; te W 3 . oF by 1 sen 4) (Ine ‘Min Cough fot ron they 41 35 from the fired Lo the last S845 : 20 eg bp DO TERAODA why yan And the longest, ote Jost onaght The tele as ft 3 mouih! need of help, The Ad as they were starfed I frost they do Dn ders a winedy that prodinces | wal ¥ 3 woods ¥ Thomeh the ast wk I ot sald "Yon es $e : | Ther C. W. Hodgkins, | mii Rirbied z Jobbers in a o'S POun for the Kaito, : High Grade nr Ml _ s ? : river tied of starvation was Reuel Somerville, 4 | = | ] Fo onr Cook Stoves and Ranges, All are Ye Attorney-at-Law, Creamery © 1 : > - | E ) o | int | Guarant five os a cml | : i out for that pur — «y 1 lock st the other place | ; vars | ascend to. eternal Rapping” | PATTON, PA. oo gpapapr Irn Our shelves are crowded with Re porte oh: “Easily, n said the angel. Bo they went | Office i in the Good Building. : Hit] Hk i é C k y p below and pd around, taking 111 THE 11. [ware and cooking utensils of all kinds. Come in and see MALY : them. in thesights. The angel low track of | \y' |. SECHLER, 19RAL A Tn hr ia ARSE AER ARDE FA in found him wtting by. Attorney - at - Law, AANA WW t _ | THE (RMBRIAR HARD Wal; F (0. furnson fanaiug himesif and jung EBENSBURG, FREel ep ern | upon a lot of people in | me Cambria County, Pa. | | ru : ALITTE Elgin Creamery, . farnaon which said, “Delinquent Sob- viii : : Ae * Mil : thick Crads a Sorbet “Come, makd the a WM DAVIS, — ~ = Eo 111 111 HGR Lrraat | Ye must be going.” “You go on," ; said the editor, “I'm not coming. This Attorney and Counselor 22 is heavin for me.” Ex. Enpsssting, PA. lab WW | AUET DN hl ala enough DO peal braainess peosaptly atlendnd Sa : ’ o B = imporiea SHES, En The healing properties of De Wits's | (ime tn Armery Hail : : ¥ 11 © Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It as Mail orders Hn Jy cores scmemas, skin affections and Is pg GEORGE promptly “at- Limberger Cheese. # Maply s perfect remedy for piles. es | fecenth Ave - ry eg. | W. Hodgkins. | ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, tended to. | 13511 Eleventh Ave. ,_, . The above phrase you w ill understand whe n vou visit our store and see the : 3 Throat Disease: Cored With Grapes sed GALLITZIN, PA. Ba gg Ship | Hand - . Ha x : RLTOONA, PA The noted old mare, descendant of Solicitor for German National B. & [1 | y * XY Cum | bargains we are offermg mn Dry L. association. 'D, | Tee Goods, Grocentes, Boots, and Shoes. JOHN DANIELSON'S Pri © Noe to SU IT Al | SHOE - SHOP ES —— - EE WE HAVE just peries] up a full new line of Sen's 4th Ave, near R. R. Station. | x ; | Women's and Children’s Cotton and Wool” E < and for singers snd pobl | oes made lo order al | | | | UNDERWEAR which we are selling at prices SHORT that defy competition. ~ Druggists say the salts are moderate. 151 Jia called sant Rachael's Blecampane | a i) Prop’ p ; * vy v ved i . J ; 400 advice: Never leave home on a J HN R CORDELL, r with large waist, a tall man with a small! Boots A nd Sh EL) - SS. Yain's mio be} Be cna the best. First-class, | waist, a man with | long arms, a man with short arms, a man rE ; For sale Patton i with no arms at all, can be fitted with our Speck ally designed ; : Remedy. For sale by Pharm- RATES $1.25 PER DAY. Y i 5} I: lena vou will find bargains fi acy, O. W. Hodgkins. 3 A ws underwear. The drawers are cut with large waists and short Ia this department you will find bargains for your a : MAR: Y Horses | ron ney. Ladies shoes fram $1 to $3; babies’ from "asods: Fabio, bodman ai Aen Mahatiny, setin| sleeves and s slecqeless To say Se we can fit a man of orde k stove, 1 bed and bedding, | and Wines at the tar. Stabling attached. inary build seem 15 superfinons, “ing machine, one Organ, one GEORGE FERGUSON, : : . WE HAVE. now on sale the cele brated Armor Side ‘Fosiking Sheirs, and thay sei ud Prop's. did | Corsets which never hreaks down on the side. with save | Harmen, Bridles, Saddies, Coliars, eta | eet Rl vou ansthing about oar shees tl | and therefore notify all per- sd Whips, rng Har wasn't st ele toma. Aid we ecor fail to rectife. ANY righ a WHILE WE HAVE many EE ARGAINS to offer you distgrb or meddle with the ; that you b rt attain HT wm us ld a fake! we cannot enumerate them all, but give ns a trial § § Tig ta oR attention —an Wo evey exit « t; > 3 og x5 ¥ * Levi Seamer | Repairing a Specialty. ta . a br of : I Bid + + cheap shoddv | when in need of anytin ng im our ine. We will res 161 I Ad o& NGG vou evel ail A CCAD Slew « - | E. J. SEUERIN, Propr, | Suc ale 0 pl treat you right. A full ine of Flour and Feed; a « ry + ishoe at our store? ; og rrices. PATTON. PA. A | every sack guaranteed. Salt by the barrel and tn or vx, Wolf & Thompson, | Attorney and Comnselor at Law, | G OO D BUI LD IN A Paensatra, Pa. Po Wi aiterst to all baxiness with promptn a : | aro Adelity | PA N. P Often opposite the Mountain House. Disnse sti i § tio To i 2. Troms a YY £3 legs, long legs : ind smail WAISLS e i SE i 0 : 5 i A : T h ie 5 11rt Some Ww ith | ONY SIEVE, short SieevesS, Baile REL GEE ELL mn i | { 1 | 1irt } ]