i i i 2 ato politic of Brice a {ow duys sgh om retorning home planted it £ La Eo BRICE OF OHIO. [He Wil Enter Fotitics In New York and lax Groat Aspirations = Ome resinlt of the hear on good anthe wity, ix the disappear- | ance of Calvia 8 pocent eleetion, 1 Brice from Olio Al our RAILROAD INTERESTS. DUCHESS TO ¢ RIPPLE | teaportant Facts In Ta the Repors of the Tn terstate Commeres Commision. “The forthouming report of the ioter- state commeree commission will show that Illinois how a greater rat iway oil than any other state in the Univn | year from next Mare b his term gs Unit The total natieagy of the United Sent § ed States senator fron Te Hlarke opis ME aA Hl come to an end, ol hy thas tims will have seqoired legal residence in) New York. The dost « Aorever shaken from his feet, A Cinto will be now rearhes 175.708, which’ 1s an evease of 2,347 froma the prévions year, 8.09 miles to peory HO square miles of territory and 26.38 miles per 10000 in C hatitants, In New York Mr. Brioo expres to ge y He is ambitions and bee Teves he bas a furore. Still 8 young pan--he iw just Si--Mr. Briss Bas pir . president. A friend cf the senator tolls me Mr. Brice hag determined to be pros. ‘tye of time Some day be hages 10 Tare CB mies Dphes Kansas, B81 Jdent of the United States ofias hed ‘dies, and Brice ix a men who bolidees Lilinots has a tefl of 10400 priles, which 85.85 per cant of all the railway | myles in the conntry, 13.05 mids for Lnjrery (OO Spy are miles of territory and Gv. 32 miles for every 10,000 inhabitants, | Pennsvivacria stands second, with Texas third, with # 353, O¥lsio, M545 fawn, §.477; New York, R071 7.883: Missoari, 6,499; Indians, 6.3824 CEaedeware, Rhode Island, Verson » Michigan, THE DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH TOLD | HIS FIANCEE A PITIFUL STORY. In Was at Dimmer With Mra Afra and Mise Consuelo Vanderbilt — Then the Light of Flenty Shone In the Wrete hed Home, | | i Thers in a Hitle gir] in New York to whos the sonnd of the . words “Muri. borcngh Vanderben ram the rw eeteut movie, amd as she hears 48 tears of grati- tode creep down bor cheek, Zhe i a cripple, and the dark, poorly furnished roca thant she calls hom 26 i in the olahteen > Inadredn | fa teed ave 1 nue Fir wears she has been Meytrisiden, bat althoogh a hopaiess orl opie she supe ports an ared invalid mother andl Oklahoma have the smallest mile tHE CAINIY RX HEE LIE EN The highest pererstage for teuritiny i nstnrally x vam in the small + wads with I N Cand Pen nay bn sha 313s miles | Highest ml age per 0 Ly 3 . Nlorrana, in Fond i the Rooky mounts Norada, Wy nA tf will be shown ; chm FRR ce Tyner that mahaidiney rode § | Maney rental and IMS at CRITW AYR Tvl Copies not bn | roads abandoned during The ¢ her of _ stan dhs srvvihing in this world be sets ont to do. He has a soblime faith in Bimal, and well ho may have, for he is snguestionnt! ¥ & remarkabis man Those who imagine Mr. Brice to bo jenply a money maker and a volzar "eort of politician, with a checkbook at eammand, mistake the man. There is in public life tiday no mors alert sta “dent of affairs, no man with a keener | soent for the trend of public (pinion, Ww more sarching analyst of men aud events, than Mr. Br: je I am regonded of © hat Mr Drona anid Hed na waked Rempaten, fon TO th Ohh & ‘his pinion of © pEALIeN plied: I do pot know Mr. Brice very. “weell, but in my opinion bw 08 the stra est and abilist of all the young ren of the day. 1 think he may Tairly be oom sidered a man of his times Coming from Mr Duns, this was pretty strong! ‘pratee. ~~ Washington Cor. Times Herald bd GR SA AR INE MOUND BUILDERS’ CORN. Ein a After Borisl Por Centaries 18 Grows Like. Rend Crain A curions experiment was mle this {rte Trradin | fereiate com merns sorambsion w 4 Chicagn ¢ 1.054 railways bn thas counnry, sre operated by 945 Omani LAR sro lowed at a fixed AEE ges 5h Cf the Then sri Jo 32 perativg fod 1 % : private nennter of 16, apgroaating In pies The nor roofed Baral, Tee sat fea and cen iadated was Af, representing S850 nia be, It 35 shes that there are Fi wa than 1,000 } of peed. $2 nies operating fron ¥ 2, 33 ¢otniaNn es One £3 coanpanew £50 ma les svat GET empe Maries Thin feral number of eomotives in being an fnorewss of 104 Givi the previous year. The total won fer of cars in service ix 1 278.00= speee $8 B85 FW E year was rating boa than 350 miles | IDR thet he had requested bis seoretary, osrnvier, does ned ine im 3a; private au panies or private firms for ing their GW Appt The hovipess of forpishing rolling stock to Gr to sBingery is Ineréasing ragdiy, but it is impossible for the 10 y Oba | official informaiicon concerning them "There was 3 large falling off ip railway’ squipment dpring the last yeor, which | iw, of course, doe fo the finpncial de | pression and the economy which was in reduced in all corporations ys, ee Washing | | fiom Cor. Chicago Reoord. _ Fammer bry Charles Graham, & nursery. man of Ohio Falls, Ind | and the result dw apn the disk before your corre 5t as he writes, Last year Mr. A. A Graham of Mount Vernon, Ind, nade a visit to the vicinity of Alten, | party and ov sectional * Ills... and called spon a friend wis bad © Just opened a monnd builder torial) fund. Upon the mound grew seveusl large - A is eh pr First President Simoes the War, Cywhich lowe the inmription Mar] Fwy | meee pitiable than the duke Mr Clsnland is president of the United States—not as Mr. Lincoln was president, ar (leneral Grant. 7 Mr Hayes, or Gemeral Garfield, or Mr. Ar thar, or Geégersl Harrison, every one id whom represented in his turn a sectional Hnaon I oe wident of the whole United States, of he south ay well ae the niath, of Ger fia pot Jess than Obie, of Routh User frees, among them sn oak 4 fiat in: diameter, and thes the age of the wound wa. established as comsiderabie Ju it Cavers fomnd the crombling remaing of _ bones, and arvong other utensils a Jarg pot, containing a maize very mic ike our present canon pond corn, OF this Mr. Graham secured several grass, and It grew, and the result was that he produced a strain of corn which is most Likely the ancestor of the corn we now cultivate, La as weil ss Masswhasetts, and be tause he is president of the who coun try 3t ix om patriotic duly to greet hin ne (he rep pementative of arennited coun DREY. dt, Bar esto News and Coarjer isa Sing Sp Cososge’s } New States. Mr. Medill of the Chicago Triboom is going to honor himsall sodl his profession The Pasings that kent the wolf from sho dower wore Trono the da hte # hunt Pore piacors that are facsimile do pot Her work rhoat thes placove find fhe prt enters and the Janos of the Nartaraliy thw weaithy difoniny is getting dentinal heen are $0 $0 ponte ieyafy in papier mi Ww HERA PIRI A readv Area Psy OF GRLGne postage Stars Pav hot onl When the 3 Last weal a prespnts SAARI ceived by the Drake of Marilay pie bride, and that they we torrasl to they dines, her for among the few wiv themeeives 10 her bhehsil isa slvvg the Plaza hotel, where ng. and thromieh hum get the foreign stamps from mail matter This disapnvdntiment was rs seat the ¢loark, but : fas ¥ bonnet fron castle arrd vod Thos tanity and forthwith wrote ao fink £ the fevvants of 1H clerk saw pis Dogs cf the Ltt crip) thers Emme 8 re ply fy ry Mr Morris, 16 mw hat thi stamps which had brought of wars fnrned ver 0 the | the Awmwirican mine $I rises emt the Geeen maRer, | Fut what made the little cripple’s heurt ap Was a little frien iff pater cuph, and which was oq5! iw Ant at the duke's American banker's lor more than a doen plagbes, sven ar thet > | | peat prices | That evening when the dake dined | with the mother of the 3 HE Wornan | who fx pow his duchies be 1004 inf the Fittle cripple. The fair Mrs. Alva Van | C derbiit and the dainty Conedeln wore | i tonched They sent thelr age avin to Bed | : the girl They found her o cadition even Fant dase | soribed | It was sarily 5p the next morning that a grent box of ont flowers arrived at thn . dingy roves Where the oripp fod giv] Jivesd with her invalid mether In oa rie by making a gift to Lincoln park in that city, He has asked the park com missioners to devignat sn approprisie pita in the park for x henge statoe of Ia apite of having T=en in the grave Benjamin Prag lin, toes 304, for certainly not Jess than 400 years, it, perpetuate the memory of the father « of grew very ropidly sod produced a large, | gmcrican printing and journalism. wall shaped ear upon a fairly tall stalk The ear is well sot, the grains being’ somewhat sialler than any of the pres emt varieties, except popoors. 1a shape the grain resembles dried sweet com, | being rough and wrinkled. In taste it | The dau azy 2B dn swent and agreeable. ~Indianapolis’ 3 's recollections News : Now Water Bicycle. The people of Berlin were startled the other day by a strange sight—a wa: ter yelocipeds on the Spree, which seemed to work on the water in about the same manner as the bicyole on terra ‘firms, both in locomotion and peel. The constroction consists of three hol. gi 3 $ 3 5 { The side cylinders are smaller than tbe central one and are made ais of | Cif) ble winged screw, which is attach- through the waterproof pipe fn the cen- . tral cylinder. material—of paper or alumin- | EE apparatos consists of | dou | vere attack of "od at the end of a shaft which runs | ETave anxiety to every foweign g ) ment. i } ote the pedals and saddle resemble | thoss of an ordinary bicycle In case the rider loses his equilibrium the side | cylinders prevint him from fallicg in | the water. —Now York Jourpal a—————" Report con cones from Constantinople | i | | | Almost a Belgn of Terver. J Talk of inban ssmaeer. 0 hewatifal So se. Sow the hacrient and larbont 7 Adi the Year tome |» She wonther's warm ov chilly, or the me freon woek fo week, The skies are fais an dreamy Kinder mized | with Joy an grist, | An the sht wirhd wena to shodder st the fall in of » Seat a5 the daiie o their bella mer grat be fu. as be Gomer 4 boy Ry b + ped i 2 Make some Sivvly Winder riot that wiald spisd binding carry the price of ordinary | “ean far an Tree Bat pow Its feet the hasioss an the laziest time | ! © | special edition of 1,74 volumes of the | finest binding, which will sqniain asto. | | graphic signatores of the dist Panther and for which his admirers ame | expected tu pay $35 per spt. As the Lo ome ~FPrank Ll. Stanton bs Abia le Cocatitatioe. Drerprudaction Ia Ulttmaatams. Lead Salisbury is suffering from a : aitimstum upon the brain. His condition is the cause of CARED per are pow five Britkh sitim tame oat, addressed respectively to Ashanti, Yeneznela Thm irrepressible anxiety dis foreigh governmen:s, especially by the | tmpecunions repoblics of Central and South Anwrica, to have a Hritish wit ‘that the stucants who are disposed to Iatuzn presented 10 the, ie easily ex ~ incite riots are taken at night in boats | | from the Tu:'ish warships and into the Bos; orus where the current is swiftest. The prisoners are pinioned and = in wei shied bags before they are thrown overiard, which is an ancient _ fParkish forn: of execution. It is hard fa say what is going on in Turkey, but the condition: of affairs is not many re- moves from a reign of terror. —St. Louis | ice Demon at omer aninn tn nn SOmiy jod Enough to Write, Hon Roc efort opens the preface to ‘the story of his eventful life with the : | yemark that saying to a man ‘‘you _ ‘onght to write your memoirs’’ is a po- TR lite way of iving nim to understand at he is pollong + good for anything | Fame of the vif 11:08 of Johu Sher- applying the ob- ls to him. -- Lo ton Herald i & § | plained. The present vales of a British | mitimatam io the suk gra market is { R500. Is i» ramared that the nltimatmn dispatebed to Venezuela, which appears | to be Jost, has been seized by order of the courts af the instance of an Euglash | eroditor of that republic. The report has created consternation at Laracss — Tynth AA Se Fuok » Be Sarcastic. While Paris and London are bowing takes a “day off’ in order before the Kaffir millionaires, Barney . come in Qquile apropos. — Philadelphia PRA ISRO RE SRE incon Might Jus aa Well. It is maid that the barbers io ail the | Dare WHEG YL BO OSES DOT Ie Oren now | coties e towns bave decided 10 close their shops until after the football sea- son. — Rochester Post-Express. road vi mhase few romex are from the bridal vabie of the Dochees of Marlborough, and they are sat with che lowe sd 8) purity of the mother of the Brides at the bride's resist. ] With it was a cheek so large that the i Hite plagnemaker will na hal to work for many patithe Now York Re cpa THRIFTY JOHN SHERMAN, His Sunecemfol Advertising of [Fie Forth somsing Pook, Thronghont the preparation of hus re os peelitionl Rintery and td preset tion to the pablie, Senator Jobn Shor. man of Ohio has teen grid by that vory fue sense of thrift whic B boas made | CBim oa very wesithy man and which bas | kept him socomsafully in pulilic life for i 8 great mesy years. Pro tatily thors was weaver a forthosning pein ations as sue : | cemstally advertised as this book was, | and its advertisment wip ply wm Toller's "Trald was Jeft entirely | in the hands of public men {hrs agi Bt ! the tannery. Permitting the publication of advanes | sheets which would te likely to stir up | CUDLPGYRISY, § CUMIrGYeryy foliowed and { such pobilc interest was created in the | book that ite sale, now going on by ante PR girly goncher, Drown in the pastur » ; ; "i 3 i = rvasied smady thi i Jow cylinders with two pol thre hol | 1 ty Ba i bE Ray worse v things | ane for propulsion and the other for | | Other sales the book aay Belgium, China, Tarkey and Javed by | tment ia £3 ! The Fusyirey bad nat a wi of os way asl LAs | ghese weg wis ther dellod (in the i | by kenging quiet ~ Buosdford In quire. i | Barnato, a few choice articles co the | - American worship of wealth would ee ha | ah bead wai read Dui mription, is going to be Yury large Make & foller foet Hn drown with the tiakie ! Agents are canvaawing Washington and | i gin § 5 3 Prom hy they eall 13 “nfs ! ot Doms know Jest why ad i inde saan oe alipow | are placing 8 greal many copies. These agents have made knowns an. 4 schetse by which $25,000 will be obtained. The price of the cheapest sot ix #7. Variogs styles of bindings ap to $12 Therd is to bea stingnished | Agents clarm thers will be po difeniny in dospostng of 1.0400 sets, 1 sews (DAS $22 000 la thas sows aside froxn whas han nt fe ALLA Hey abi v he yuqio ore Hysterion sin hrater sayabar Lliar’s mgs 1 sails d FARR OR Boned all who #4 wt bf aniieoaw The Bagg suming CIs eaaht oF Tha that Riad of sarge a fad UIGiReR guar Crake Haw ! add sudden 7: Why aid ne Riga sXxpona thelr | { ramcality Woe her yu apknowiedged Quay a Tang axed FIMAR I i pedera? ! | 17 these nen The Dgaioet's st Fras gas AIRY pends it wound balp (is cle mach more dust » Marriage. An old pogo named Maanmy who had oo attend thas | spertant function arwng Afre recht r— aakedd how | La 2 Smost in TIRES ERY elt dudne] eni'y meselt ‘ wus for ply. [Twat no weddin, dat ar. "Tw a8 Ut a harryin wit abounb pon alse to eat wuff ) jest a mar | Twan't po weddin, ryin =—New York Sun takes Bi0 0 Cthat 471 347 ns : Kota, south imbata, Ne Cadpegon, Ws On foie Wang — : Uhicags H OUR COAL SUI PLIES. THERE 18 NO REASON FOR THE iN CREASE iN PRICES. The Shortage I+ an Artifieia Ome. Twe Million Tons Io Beasrve Onur Saperior Pucilitios For Mistng In Comparienn With the Farbpean Sources Jour pv thers 1s 8 great ontery abont gp ehortage fa the cong sRpILY raters] that dea ere sheonid take advan tage of Uh sitiation 10 raise pics and forces podistisers Bo lay in Big supplies for the winter fio fear of still further Tadvitires ITs jnestionalle if the shom ty ie pot altogether ath artificial foe SF rah weeks apy cam of the Hig pres ducing companies was threatening to dum 2.006, 000 tone on the mareet be rate (te nompetitors woald not ares Cte fra demareds ios big deal that was then being arranged Those 205045, 000 tere lve st vel gone into consumption, and even if thee had the eapabilition of the Amiricnn miners are such that they sronines atl the cond wanted as fast he senermsed and at ices auld permis of med rato | Weing mainrained ali tw yelir round. An exawination hes peeenyy been nade into the producing Sapa son of [eaten as compared with wrifriem This has dem American pipe can cut road as fast agin ax the Fog these times an fast The advantage of the lies 16 the improved the mines in : anit whieh has pacts od the cist oF nro dutio fn very 1a In i1==3 3% wt # nwner of oti th brite eval to th vn wurls a Hog sta bat 1 2 , on the other hand, j 1 huss inoreasad bee tween the years nsentioned from $1.17 to 81.85, the increase there being doe to vg of the mines and the ad vapre in the price of labor. Ten vears ap England mined 183. S00 O00 toms in the coarse of the year. vi Tnited Fis a of i rnmtratod that the Lars Heh or German and as ihe Belgian Amarican pipsy TE tp ry w ith ww bh dy AIEY sre an ral Ww tor ai Y : | Last pear it produced 184,300 000 wane + Practically the production aver there has heen af os standstill Yer 0 oaow 0 persons to do the work WL formerly did Tis (R83 the annaal production for each miner was Now it is oniy 308 tons In the same ms the production in the | Dette states increased from 108 000 - 0 tease to IRE 000 000 tone. The pro- ducts ony in the two oimntries is now very pearly squal, yet the sumber of men pmployed in the American mines is lit tie cover one-half the complement re quired to do the same work in England. The actus! number employed bers is §63.000 The American miner prodoces | | their pewly chosen asscwistes and wi 44% tons per annum, against 354 in ] stand before the bar of the ssnste spon | England, #06 in Austria, 197 in France {and 308 in Belgiom. The cost of pro. duction hers iv less than in any of the eonntrios parm, and the price to the | scmpnmer should be ourrespendingly | LOWE ed hleag Post. danish FOR AN EIGHT HOUR DAY. Metal Workers Yaraughont the Country wr Vole ou the Question, Mambers of trades unions wfiliated with the Palerated Motal Trades are Alwcnssing the question of making a de- ‘pnd May 1, 1808, for an eight hoor | : workday All over the United Rates during the pext 30 days a vote will be talon in ev. ery anion of machinikta, molders, boil. er makers and iron ehipbuilders, Up avd heer iron workers, brass workers and bisckemiths as to whether the rest. | § mendarion of the Faderated Metal Trades convention, favoring a general densand | for sight hours, shall be indorsed If | | ths vote ig in the affirmative, then the | | delegates from these organisations will auk the American Federation of Labor to back them in their efforts 10 seoure : the shorter day. At the last convention of the federa- ‘tion President Gompers advocated = general demand for an sight hoar day on May I, 1808. This was favorably re ported opon, with the recommendation | that the pest convestion, which meets ‘in New York in December, shonid ar- range the details, provided the issue Cwas indorsed by the affiliated suicis — Philadelphia Prom. THE WORLD AGAINST HER. Taking account of England situation in Egypt, India, Caoada and the © ‘hina seas taking account also of the dell eacy of her relations with Franes, Ras. sta and other Earcpean powers, what a | fool she wonld be to provoke a dispate with the $nited States! Strong as she Tikes, she in net so strong ss the rest of the wort New York Sun There is gothing dpi yifted in a chrono ambition ta ewist the tal of the Brit wh on ie mie ambeelnnnng in La great poopie tow Hily By wi we tie American eagle deprives of her cansdas | plaroags feather Ly feather Washing isn lar Thin has been a voar of Dig en ene of the largest nn England's erm of aitimatums. Thee are Hyg thy Che air in all ardenions, Troan China to i ve. oe x r ok us § © Ashanti from Tnrkee 9 Veteousis The vastness of the British biaff will basierme Andden ly apparent sme (dav. Bt. Loos Globe Democrat Twin City Exposition. Governor Clough of Minnesota has is. sued a formal invitation to toe gOYernors of ten states and to the mayors of the principal cities therein to send represent. atives to a eonveition © be held in Min- neapciix Nov. 20. The dl Biect of the oon vention 18 to take the first steps toward behing a great mideoptigental expusi wis betwee th navies aud St Paci in 1847 ap Inia Ihe stitem Pow ted A Wisonsin, laehogan, ova, Norte Dae dranict. Mim tun, It imoniy | ¥ i States senate In stoeat, and wm view of the close fivision ef pmriies in that body at this time ap | explanation of the crgaiization will be | the 31 senators alent, est pedwainal imurtane to sil tors and is of great conesrn fo the pes | oad MADE PLAIN ENOUGH. | T Nr KH I MANNER OF ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED BTATES SENATE. Membership Divided | The syact charnctor of what is known ax “the organization’ of the United got gonernlly onder of interest. The common apbartanding | in that, being a ¢ tindoes body, the senate i alwags fully rgramimed wad prepared to transact any business that may be Bronght bafoa if catly to a limited dogres, The seoste is | supplied with a oods of rabies presid. ing offesr, clothed with foll anthority | to aot, and with a secretary. mergeant- | at-arms apd # fall force of clerival apd sther oMoiale neowseary to is assembly and conduet, hot at the begin | ping of every new congress, #0 far as tha | performance of any iniportant legisla. | tive sot is copeerned, tha senate is al- | pet ax noprepared [or business ge is fhe hone of roiressntat bead prior to the | election of a stoaker aril other (foes | af the senate iv di The memberddiin vided Into throw Raney vows of which enters with every congtesn Thi class | which enters with the Fifty fonrth none grees compists of 20, to al 11 of when the cath of aon most he adininistered by This is tron ! | first wis very 1 srdert iv J. 5. ASTOR, THE MILLIONAIRE, BUYS \ UP KEELY MOTOR BTOCK. A ————— : . The Fiying Machine Predicted “Oulliste” May Be » Pact Predicted removery of a Now Puree Laws of Gravity Hevolns Housed, The news that Joba Jacoh Astor had rohased 8 big slice of the stock of the ealy Motor company created B sents. tion This stock has so lng beet re garded a0 of doubtful valoe and Keely's motor has bheecane a aniverenily) kpowa | as a metor that will not “mote thet the fact of any oue’s desiring to bay . stock in the copoern excites suriogity. Kenly : a i Colonel Astor bought all t motor stock owned by Mre Blo | Moors, whose interest -in the inyeaticn . hut ister be {declared that abe Timved that Keely f was pot aiming af snything bets mos tive power for an airship, and hes wilh | ingness te all ont has been known for some time Perhaps it is foe just the Mra Moore dishelioves in th mo Colonel Astor 18 20 sagor 0 oh the in | wention, for thet be hae faith iv som | sontrivance that will navigate Whe wa? | well mown, © Tr aw pot generally known that ae deal « spent ra invenling an seni, of Onlonel Astor's Inisnrn tim de | porpespongdiog to bis Celia, in his highly iogentohs novel, A Jour 3 the presiding officer before they can be cone folly qualified to perform any offf- | vial aot At thie present time, therefor, the legal meembeoehip of the sniaty in Tiostted to 58 and ite et sot will of | pocossity be the immediate Dncduetion of | ar as inany of them | as present themselves (of howe meanationd | eleot 18 ure men who wears nol mtters | of the prresding senate Political) Ie they | stand 10 Republicans, x tading Po Pon of Delaware: 8 Demoorsts and 3 id fete Under the rales business must be con- | siderwd nnd reported By a caumities of | the body before it can hws meted upon hy | the sedate No withstanding the fact that 17 of the senators oi bers of the preceding senate, their for | mer (ficial relations with that body arn | ¥ 7 ¥ 3 i i 2 i % & 3 et Were Meme | i as completely cut off ad hotgh they hod | : never axasted they bave been considers ss continoing | members, have been cirried on the lst of committees, accorded all the privi. : legos asd awarded all the “eonrtesies’’ that attach io a Toll fledged mater You the ex Meio sennlors among the senators aleet must enter by the same door and go through the smmn forms to soenire admission and rehabilviation as the sane footing ax the latter, Aw the 17 ox ofl outors oan have 80 oMeial connection with the senate mle to formal induetiom, it follows | that they pow have no gal somnestion with itscommitteoes As 1h senate now | stands many of the aaomittees are merely whe lotions, sonus of them pat hay ing soMcient wernbership to sonstitote | 8 quorum. The vacancies can be Sled only after the pewly siveted voembers are duly admitind fo thi senate No wos world even sagaeet thst legislative host ass shonld bo proseeded with until the | Troe it bs Aomnittees are necrgim bsed that prior to the reorganisation, business has been transacted by the seuate, pot pan ions SOR. this has been doe by 0 gent and Bas never jnviaivesd any oon fates nest ions It therefore follows that at the very | cptant the seohte will be confronted | with the qoeston of argauization, sad that the ta determing sion the sinstrastion of the fn ; Jogislation can be proceed with, The constraction of tae | COERERTEOEK 1s Bot 8 herely perfunstory | act. limited to the assignment of the sew senators, That worl ws of the highs i 5 Taki ple. for the reason (hist the character of | Averntivg tn enstom, | i gokat partis will bave 4 3 Li sen. HY JACOB ASTOR. Other Worlds * The chief difenlty mel with by all inventors of fying machines or airships in gravity. Now Taeipaine : : vention distinetly clsims { | creation of an sntirely ne ad as mitch stronger thay elect is superior to stesni. In Colonel Astor's book a pew force, which make man possible This fore “apergy’’ and says that it | by simply blending negwti tive slectricity with slectr third element or state, and » body sufficiently with th tation is neilifed wr per and the earth repels the o | mama or groster power peite which 10 still stivsels oF thet it may be mspenst move awsy into space. JNM, Now, this is preed. © claims that bis motor i Capergy. It ix interesting wo Astor rem zs in his “apergy.’” With fu} we pot achieve?’ Inn describing tha airship of the fotu. ‘he calls it uu aeroplane, which, be © ameerts, omime int oes when 8 mitable motor power was disovered Flo says that this is to be obtatped from vey light paper osll batteries. which fret wast be charged from a dynamo, after which they con supply full gurrents for 100 hours, evoogh to Ee tu arcand the globe. A hap to be applied through turbine screws, half of which are sapsble of propelling | the fiat deck in its inclined position a8 | sufficient speed to prevent ite falling. The airships—whose length from 50 to 500 feet—have rudders for jegisiation ix determined by fies sali | erdinats bodies, In the provesting STI ETR whup PAE im portant of the RES CORBIN tions Were | domimated by thn Democrats and for | the simples reawn that their party wan in majurity. The numerical stieagth of | ' that party in the approaching i will be Joss thao that of the Republic ei Press ans. and the iatter do pot pumber & Wa jority of the senste. Theres has been considerable talk abous permitting the | present orgapization’ to continue, bot | that is impracticubls exoept so far as the organization affects the oificers of | the senate. The croanigation of the committens | is vastly wore important than ihe wo hes tion of officers, abd, being essential 0 legislation, caupot be ng postponed. Reorganization being bnpsaalive and | } the Republican wong the dranipant par- | ty, although ncking | the Republicaps will be fuipelied to weet this gnestion aed to insist that | hey shall be recy gniaed as thw doapl- sant party and given oomtrol of the lead ER SURE ions, 4 gertaps tras that tre Republica bot | sontroibng a majority, wand prefer pot to assume the responsibility for bog peintion. bay ther anew wads or shrink from it They will have 42 senators, axcivd- | ing Du Pont of Delawire, amd apon the | admission of Utah in Japnary will gain WO more, gIVIng whe will then constitote the senate, as suming the Du Pont jsse is nodetermin. | ed. The Democrats ave been out down | o 4% and cannot Be vapected to oontinne | 18 domination. It therefore follows that | fntever arrangement 5 made, whether it be between the Republicans and the | Denoorats or the Republicans and Pop: | i liets, the Republicans will le ihiiged | st that ther superior pumbers | ali be resogniped, NM. Carson in Philadeiphia Ledger saree of 8 matort- notwithstanding the fact that they are a few nite below the | pambersthat counstitates a qoormn. I is thera id of 59 members | anid the Jeading | yori tees ba placed in thelr hare = i 3 prevent leeway when taraing. * | emtirely on the priveiple of birds, 1 : differing thas from the anwieldy bal oon. | described—supposing of conree | motor would do all that is ¢ Win, With a Keely motor insuch a ship | it—Colonel Astor wight have the atl . faction of seeing al invention uly on paper xi far a reality. a thie connection, » description of 3 ¥ sides, with a domed roof, | the total height w 21 foet, with » ~ gotter about it to catch the rein on on Jo- ; piter. The sides, roof and Aoor were two sheets, sach cos-third of an inet | thick and six inches apart, the space be- tween fllad with mineral wool, af & | protection against the intemse onld of | space. There were several ppt hind neath Large, to anes in the Hover, ail fnished foors were of Intsics. wark, Ii the angine vosgn of a rs | WAS 8 TOWN Dest gr obeervatayy » Wop That Oolousl Aster will try to the Keely mottw to a fying wm sesns positive, from the way bis? | talk. He himself is reticent a d | ject, snd will bot state whether be will begin 10 apply the mo ship purposes ak soon 38 18° comditicar, whith, 14 8 # © stoekioiiders, will vere | than next spring. — The Thrhboros Arthary Orton. 6 anf, who pow Keep Isbvgtan, was iu» . the other day te ¢ | had stolen hie wat saghened plate windows were in the roof and sides, and. . ia aE a a -
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