The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 28, 1895, Image 2
| ps AA di © Pet Terrier Arouses Inmates of ai ‘Burning Hotel. ESCAPE OF THE OCCUPANTS, 1 prea ab ouss, Willimmsporr, was (he oe Dusunbradly Ineendlery. ’ Pe. ? Nov. 21.-—-Aboot older of Botnet Man, who, it wwe ale | unity bere tx hores stewing abd wae » Perpeints | / un Year, wont 2 a'vloe HEP WR 7 oy Bottling Olants, th a point rear 4 8 pont 7 miles by Dighwaymen ineliding \ Turoer, in front | and, the the ber , who di of thibk it aresr wal pen pod in tas jay plum ob a ba wassbhbed. Tie! 898 harm hi, buses of bem £0 over Tara's sym and aring the drive . the dark Anti’ hill roud. 4 Yours s ‘or thnagh Tors 4 “ill % the Gor vens. ot Bn spased : imperil persons wa thin sf Barlow Em bi wi Wory, | fed by | Ld moore Wren | Fhilled by go. oiling 5 | 5 to thw wr y briok id i Toe origi of the fies te & mystery. Tia | “iw a bai shi - En be Tarim ge | Fired yg i Fura een, Wlea,} d diet of pot guilty. obi ets Acquite of Murdering His Sis Assunited the fudge ter's Butrayer #d H im. ho Rentone. THE LIKE OF DEFENCE wis SANEY. He WiLL NOW SERVE TWENTY YEARS. en aris a miei aids PhePricnars Father Died Ten Mivutes Me ) fore the Vr otic! Way Anneunred, Hovwived o Two Yew le Se ree Firs Nee Your, Nav. 21 ~The tris} of Dr. BErvioess, N. J, Nov. 23-Ouo Nos vit F. Hupurgar, charged with tha mar | ember 12 Grant Kat! ar, ol Basan, plead Deed, sednesd un sinter of the prisoner, | ventunoed 10 two years ju sala pisos 4 of afterwards cansed ber death se the Keller ienrning thet the shen Dad ar nit of a criminal operation, cams to rspeed to take him to Treuton to-duy 1 an snd to-night, the jary relaroiog & ver Be de sn +Bort 10 Break Jatt fast night He was again bropeht before conn The plea of the defense was that Hur this morniog snd bis motence wae ve nigan was inesns through grist over his tireseed to Dva years. | This # ipoersed sister's disgrace aod desth when be com- | Ratier thet be became violent apd osli-d wittad the murder. rue jigs vite names. Keiler was hasty # was das to pervots prostration. The oid {twice The same train, man having sofferad sotenmely ver th Ln the our, Keller made a fate of his Sanghter and teint © rae eon | ak. He kicked the adys smd at the Se asp o a » 3 Bal Bom rs wood Triad Rogun. Eoin hs Bt fnea fine attempted Hr forms Bim anh . a LEE heels of fhe nla ¥ fran Lowy GN, Nowy. 31 ri E00 teint of J ak 4 oi pra ve Side i ie : ate - { a Sw Yor 5 | Spenonr Beitonr sod the ote defen: Crit the . tr, wha br cher i tim demi ‘ants charged with franl in nersciu aii retnirned ti the pahanty Jal and | with tte Honse & Land Lovatment Tenet |" i Sr ; : will pow De given 8 T¥enty company, began Ls the (Fampn's bebinrh oy | yision of the high wont of astm this | | Lmorgteg, & pew jary baviog best oben | ad withient delay. Beroeraxtit, Nov wl A oonfere : ot delegates rupresant ing tha tite ‘Prep ced hy the Katisehilgs Eibn Clamrfteid Baesh ' soak anal en Paks, Noy 4 ~The mutket on the | Sud Fron L i ab onifed or treed wt Lh bonres wR mp vod tiedey nwing to ihe Stu nest Tuneday. Rotbhebilds coming fo the eapport of a : inrge tr, ates apn the report thm LLL i be nratinn of Pi MM. Berthelof, minister of farmign affaice, | - - Cw pies a titel the por we ii pill mewke & wp vifbs statement ohumber of depatisa today apon Lise 4 wien the east | Pi sipenlar Rar fb Will Try io Operatian show oir fuperion bu bo Ur rales Wilh 8 Pre pan ®. & ¥ igs a Abate Flank 71 Dea New Yom, Novy 31 Judie: : should the wisdom of SR 00 wan entered yonteriny wgetnit the | mvooe be spparent ih die tesdite fhe | Hooheeter i Pittabnrg Com & Tron soo ers of the s¥ilire Braun aga | pany do favor of Thomas FF. Went we wekeid to eiter Tatar Hor sarrices 88 fonnasd bat even das are | of halibing thw | envy tioig Wont rawnly ¢ i 1, 1351. mad Jenpary 1. 1550 Waenrsorax. Nov. 2% DPrnraves mid Talking, Rs Vaciutant Tresenrer Morgan teingis Canzary, Nor. 271 At a batgael 0vmn | Qoaretary Carlisle from: New York hara to tight is bowser of Lord Dusrewesn, | the Trish sarl wade 8 speeoh in defers of | With the SUMED Balen out Ther hima! agniont the sriviectoma rased, aid {thie wil prastunaily resterated the shares be made | 84 Na ie Pomwpney (20d a agninst thee Defeuder 1a it G4 with dennis 1 19 oe sankw The goid ryote I he sgetsenn toring stants wt B80 HUH Hinge BMeglvtv 1 Logen House, Terrific Gas ®owist : ns Arrooxa Nov, 22.-~ About 1245 thu erin, Po. Now 2 When mornisg the building rovpectsd with the anu § tne Logan bonse, fronting on Elewsath sve fat 0r, Fodoan Het or, ‘nue, apd need ss & monies room BY com : mereis) travelers, was dispeversd bo Bethe os This mosOng 88 SX Seb on fire. Beosaoss of the water suppl : ] being short and taroed off at the reer youlr, 4 was some tims before ws stream wan got on the blssa, sud by thal Loe the bailding was doomed, sithoagh the | { Laoggats hots proper was pot damaged af fe £oher wha was 10 all, it bedog a separsta baikding. Pioseiwsy acute ddiabalios x sp nited the meted to Big vibes asd) died Hames originated in sample rooms Noo 4 Mise Heller wus tor: acid tw trunks storm] thers, tha prope) al sof wraek by 8 Gling ‘arty of TA. Green, an agent Tor oa New {wf gaily dae | York firm, were the only goods not enved his aonident wes sated by | These trucks, the auent states, unin paillinary sample 0 the valine of F100 | The damage to the building, whieh. The Foape Tod spose a owned by the renosyivanis Ratlroad Oo Boss Nov. 3 ~The Pope ov suf cing | from kn sttack of rhenmet vu. Ha cou ditty excites Bo Rist fle attend] mass to-duy 10 Ba poate chapel, bot aliorward, sotine wer ad vies of Bis dortor, he went to The report i xt Rev. Faper Williim H. O'Convei ad been appointed] rectus Let] mamont to $1.30, fally sovwrsd by | lnsormuee. : Disastrons © a ewe pio Crcaay, Nov. 33. —~A fire diesslrons 16 file amd property, swept through the v gouds asd woolen exchange boilding w moroing. Fre firemen wore car ' throngh s foor and baried auder of the meron oollege bere is covfirmed | of wreckage froes the five floors | 4 Ihe vaiicas. = i Four of the men 1» lens bat the Parkey Appears Pacts! ‘# nob serionnly © | oed Ove gic! a window sud reosived ipinries 4 she died. A dozen other men, girls, ware hort or overcome wd rescned from imminent neoperty joes to the building ssBuren street, are? 276 Lisi be nee ed. aud conte a fs wt 0 itd Benois, Sov. 34. ~ Rept ra nd da a da Peeled to Tal shis tu Lave Fass Vis arrived in the sity this evening from “ty. 33 ~That Saltao | New York, The prosgsitive speaker de making ao «fort 10 shined to talk sind tie ontests that re | ® in the yarioas sro | neiag waged for commities chitraian- intends to bold bis {glu pe and minor slecrive Moss of the Tietly 0 soooant | hoage. sto be confirmed & Turkish lega- the text of pr uilitary com maEEtaT Rare Boston Harvard 11, Pant 4 Now York Yas 2) Hoinestoun Easton Lafaynita Wast Pont Dragan id 14, Lastinghs © wet, wDonaid,] Bavertord Rusrmnmt “wapivg 4 TNO ness. | A Baby Exchange. ari The imexhnastihie ext! Bend of the London te | YieWs appears to have fonn od BEY « st Ha has discovired that one of | wants of the modern world fa a conven tent baby exchange. Thies ars faniillee 2 too many children, aod there ay mpies who he er r Plead Gotiiy of Horan Srwniing wid Hasnigan's father died 10 minu wu he moved ad taken to the depot. The fore the prisoner wis acquitted Dats [judee was sien ot the sation Sain te | u | i % ! | ! from Coostantivopls by Jd 0 5 pew show that the sitnuiion nn the Tarkish | enpital is qnistar, I! is bBoped farther | uisasares on the part of the powers will | Wasmisarox, Nov. 24. Thomas 2 | ! § i i have nena There ame owe desointed bw bersgvement, and we that are rendered almost sa no while by the influx of a SEpabn. of ttle one There are infants we been deprived of their par 11ty h, and thers are familivs of a4 that have ssommbed to tha wrer. At present no medin = exists that wonld tend to Ppl and demand hnlanes betwean those why v babiay and those whe Stead 1s canvinesd that this kind and the ex tive of adoption wood Ueviating much mis 1 | Journal ier CuLLOM 13 HUMAN. Therefore the Fil imete Senator Has Presi. dentinl Alm, Shelby M. Callom is a * hanian be. ing.’ and therefore be may be regarded by his friends, and by his foes for tht matter, as a candidate for the presi “dency ‘1 am a Soman being said Mr Callen to a reporter the arber ight, and. he added, Cand—and. well and there yon are Mr wil s sonl hal been softens by music ae winning 88 Fyre Woded ne teranos froapasriuny He had gooe ont of bis way while roovonding 10 a toast at 8 bangoet of muasicinne at the Aud PREVENT COLLISIONS New Fleetetrad evice Said to le a Con. piele Snevess Poamas nib rTrsaale CLINNRGY 11 hone been in gee of 1 rom for several we arpeater of the Fits Hinds says up te this tioe if le done Ail that is expec tend of 11 Ie was shown st the test that the evs for will giver timely ainrm ta the an. Peas wien anproach- dor meiving octanative on Js. track, apd of wn ooenpied rade srowsing, an open FWitch or draw bridge, or a far prowsiing from a side track over zn omnin trek As the sigoal given 8 the tioginge of shown Wi tha bail iu the onb of the Jeamotive, fh wil soemtinsie to ring until sp ped Ly the engines, $t iv apparent that the is certain to be as effective in darkness (8 in daylight, or during fogs and ralRStGNDE, Of CHYTes OF heavy | ge ey where a visible sigoal vould at Chae saws 1D Doe 10 gvert a disaster eee iL hires Tr A Study of Modern Navels Yals's new sonrse of steely of nod in avrears 10 te winds PERE DRYLINTR 1 artis Thy Ree wWonat intaremt Sh IREGTRCHIR ‘Pm owery mach catch ap with gn dew tar Fighting Senators sind 1 ther res Now Engian statesman, { dvansdier, hae de elared war In his Cramand pewspapse Those ya @XCIENR Dimes Ph ladeiploa Yarbum Sep. The man who keeps his mind on the sod times corning is a lot mitre sens ble than the man who keeps thinking uf the troubles he os had, ~—~Somperviile | : the most business, ~~ Washington Star be ddrew back and sid eonsan’s ponoiar state oficer, tes WAH mY Drain Stair sscsped Hoo was five or six! tives merohianis [rom all parts of the i country will participate It wiil he | 18 rriet Cgtriotly a occoumennal svent, to oeleluate © RK + | proses vANIA RarL#OAD. iN FRR NON Fi owe STORIES OF THE DAY. Bowne ew War Stories Aboot Wall 5nowns Fighters. Wh Fliers yt in and Brie Hatinud Nis : . . [ras Taide. Trudie leave Driftwood : § beard the inte ex-Geoosrpie Jerry : Push. abo sas one of Prooudent Horns Som phos shar ealanot md a alt a fos ys ig . bit bes Sen PY WH aria i srinesiinte Teas a funy 3 » ! HE LEE ¥ : Shem arviving a 3 fot irbers Hohe ol commanding a brigade tn Naw a York Tigi ti; Baitimore, ah sroiy while 0 was pase ng Sioa North Carolina IP eamwped in pine fests CASTWARD bd Train ® diye sunday, BY trim Kane lo Pilate ) ; Su r M Prin a daily eseept’ ~uiday, BE oS iant ot ths Poser oF 13 - rg nnd inlermedinte slatioes, | : Brew hime xened ia a fot § tng af Plaledeiptin of £ On mi. New youd the power of co ideee vite 61 moe Pulisnan Sleepiog oars fromm winter Shean aul wiv SES aR RIG Sm to! Pi } ‘is fren the forests (hes bribed Boa claened 1 andi bassin frou, fee mari pralied out thers ies wiiite peaple by the poiidaan Oe distingi ished bookiug op dieting wake Erte ard Witimseeoort 0 Pais Indes: Carolinian was hore tad ws he Ledisd | wesgees 0 sleeper for Baitimore smd w inte the faoes of the mon and discovered | thst they were Vnpiiong bot ut gee, : tate dowd te UrmnieSorred int Washing setae AY Migoristagcg oC Phase rn sorte te Phiiedel pin in and Wiliam cor? ny Hadlimeom, WRENTW A g/D ga rT When Se aay Roak's Bleck Tate, | xx ok a Lk i Y ankves have nl ols emer E ty | Look ; 3 gant 8 Teh a MTrsin 1 duiiy i = ar hat field band and pointed 54 Wis Lor Hbdgwwny DuBois, Clermont and TA rustions Lewves Ridgway st ; Sd man, governor and datinet £1 pm : Groranl Rusk hor bm wa mato ¢ en mai y sl rie sana MI 2 oe Arey 34 te wid va] Prion, aks ; LaF Fo gts 1} Antiy *xoepd Satay, we : Saou. eh Ge EE Ler Jiro any iin Busan. peelings Fie THE EAST AND sii TH FRALY £3 ye PHIna A RSE ae a & ambiogton TO Pmt tre S45 8. We, 9 * re Smiiy § exvept day, arriving af rittwnd st ef pom. WIT Palisa cathe owe fons Philadel pin naw iH lmneeRrs SEA SIRS Loman B omre New York st Bi poe Po Sve it as his oan | ade pista, 3h Tp am Wa irae. £ ASE 5 by pega of hile degithy Or does re i the man iu aticess d Bie in Ooms doiy £ thie A vane ¥ ferns want ari t hea ok OR 4 big Le oa a enaend Maboone le weal gn Soebityi {7 Se oe oo HALIM 1 maven Mares Bk Sa &* mm. il Manday, sroviog hy "3 Si we malvanee By bated om div iam . : i 14 2 Se ; i“ E FOREN NT gainaiiah Bt SIRE oeneTig isl s i Chal wees Sundae. CPHATY 19 amves Hideway at ve ma ! sonar AE Ea aErTR GE ab 4 eet a he THAIN 20 ano { Sworenenst ni FE al Lowe § mae aE Th Bo NE. wR oo (‘reek Railroad & FH OB OR OK Co. Lessee RENMEI TE fe a a Sku Bas & § fp AE ~h on A TEE 3 uESUES B Bx $3 HAE , 1 HaRprt with Pais Mig Rativoewd AR AMT Hay bi te mit Heo Ry, an Mi wl Hatires® of Penosiivanis AR hat aid} putmry wilh Peoria, HHL AY ented LE aie 13 wal Bawa farmer captain aquaied any offiver in the A Mubafes and 1 bet apni. PYM Sle acini rewas after dha tien aries | sed Clesefledd 30 proving inf Yd Decay trans meh Bote vo. 3} SRB. SAO many | Rind Al Malay wilh be Pennay! vesin TO hed plerabiirg, 1h 6d, 2 PLC nd North western reileny and 1% Moers a or reg sonal Wears sent | ¥E HRIMAN, via. 10 AG PALMER. ident F £4 % ifn Sia TI 4% # wa 3 ti the left Gn a recoBDOBRBOL. A : Hy erin bas da pe tion of Mabone’ a iwinion sew the an Bis tures, surrounded iF and made pisos | . of all of them After a fow weeks Cap: | me to take art — EL 30 Cab { LLEGHEN ¥ VALLEY BRallL,WAY, wenks getting back to oar Heese Had in LW GRADE DIV IRION ab sregert hints days in and travel nights Unni be reached | Wome Virgim anly gules be had Wore Degree ham savplied 5 . hs Fi 7 H big Hs a HAT NR PTW AED. Winey, ollen | RANT A RD, w vr bast dine Jor Ney Reh Js i hdd An Am 8 - aM AM ru. br sgandey Jaiy SK 6, Lowines Cwoodt aied PY itebuig will Ton 8 5d Cl Nirpiaa » Dritieonnd LO awhile yy 8 Heprearote tap Presid or FELLER Bai ve Troe Hes Carved es wo pr le fp BALERS fpEnksgpas® i i Brea The Hos oat Vie Yeates EhEx FE RE ged AE REE a A CREBwenw pnw UHERZ BERT eG TE ARF 3 goa Rh £3 $i ? Eiias a wk 8 3 £1 sont a rit a5 Pe AoE Te aad at Tir FOR wl Eh SD Ma 5 eaves al Lip pe sae ri ves ad Dirt woud wd Ww tie Co GAVID MOC ARGO, then! Supt, ¢ . ; INDE RSGIN en’! Vass Agetis 23t vs forgave the apd aleen om new havooas they did ig MUSWAY AND CARFIELD RB Cd " \ en EA ee ENING end 3 EINE fr A RR Eh 5 pe > oi Haraid DAILY EXCEPT BUND: ¥ One Huodred sare of Trade AUTH WARD, NORTHWARD STATIONS TT Ridgwny island wan Mil Haven i reopen nad #norss Mills Hlas Boek Vineyard Run i 3 (ne America = sateantat will brawl inn Now York on Deamber hnqnet, ab whieh ihr Chsanoey M Dope w will preside and represents Brockway ville MeMino Sammit Harvers Ran Falls Urewik Dabs TRAINS LEAYE RIDGWAY, the inception of Lan industrial growth of this conntry. Incidentally the memory of John Jay will bw hopored — New Yirk Recorder SENEEEEREC LN ou or Eastward Westwnr' The v Mimatum Crane. : ; vein SIT am, Train & Ll It 1s not alwars the oonptry which | Train a D8 py om Train i gets in the fivst ultimatum that does TTB LTH 0 Wm Traim & | M. PREVOST, i Manger, ney wg Tot pon. Pullines ¥ oF Sa wh il, andl pes oni. a IR rain asp : TRAINS FOR DRIFTWOOD ed of 3 WA Se a