Patton PATTOX PUHLISHING 4 THURSDAY, spies Taken from the | (Good Roads } hetongs THAN, of 1 of that valuable ne doubt, One he abide gua Touring fit sitderioe dowd res} ap de Heht can fing it Woe unto the turkey to-day. Festival to-day in Yi per Now is the {ime for shooting matches Lr get Thin is the day the turkey the yuck.” “1. ¥. Bigler, field Monday (irass seed for sale feed store. 861 Go to Firemen'’s hall every nigh this and next week. ~ And still there is a grest démand for | houses in Patton. ! Attend the festival in the Yeager | ; building this week. With this issue the CouniEs enters upon its third year. : CH. 8. Shunk, of Lancaster, had busi- i in town on Monday. ; of Bell and W. H. Sandford drove| to Carrolltown Tuesdsy. : : BP F. Wise and Alex. Montieth drove’ % YEbensburg on Tuesday. Attorney Somerville had business at the county seat on Tuesday. came np from at Sam’lt Bovee's Jas. Cartin, of Altoona, was a guest at the Central hotel Monday. The St. Lawrence letter came late for publication last week. C. B. Robertson, of Tyrone, guest at the Palmer house Monday. too Was a There are strong hopes of a bicycle factory being built at Johnstown soon. An elegant dramatic at Hastings opera house every night this week. 1t costs 10, 20 and 30 cents to attend the show at Hastings opera house this week. AW. H. Wilson, of among the ma..y visitors Monday. “Yioens | MeDonald, of Greenshur this oh: company TESAON, Was to Patton on the blind musician igitor to Pattor stoves in Pat- < ompany’s Finest fine of heating ton at Cambria Hardware store, -96tf B. , Blake Smith, Corning, N. Y., stop] in town first of the week. The Cambria YMpaAn carry the finest line of heating stoves ant and 3d Try . Tardware © in this section. das. Mitch Mearfield, was here Saturday after business interests, J.P. Phalen, at Philadelphia, was a rday. and wife, RF Fa an Oi looking } 1x: 1 Lie TLIO aveling salesman of guest at the Com- mercist hotel Sata ar tha oTioR od were the guest ol Ciallaher of Coalport, {rallaher and 167 OVEer over sunday. Frantz, senting the Phila- i Inquirer, Wi A Viki moti rOPres delphi welcome iant week. =a ii : . MO ICINe CoOln- Fire Atta pany’s and the Hualippa 16 4o novelty show v Sa $a men's vitls sia} weed, $1 ne 35 Edwin Par- ance men, Hastings Lrve)y the Patton were Tri Inst in’ Hastings Tuesday. hune, Bamuel Bell and wife, McKean county, were Mr. Bell’s paients Sunday. of Smethport, the guests ol hrother over and You will find the largest assortment of heating stoves at the Cambria Hard- company’s store, Go and see gBtf Patton week 80 opportanity ware them The closed this teachers an schools were give the attend the public as to ounty institute. Riise Edith of Fig county spent .Sunday visiting friends in Patton. She was on her way to the 12. . + 3 Darr, art, ihm county of the COURIER written by 0. the [n-ancther columi will be found a poem NZ and dedicated to teachers of Patton. The Lock Haven Democrat says that reporta from Clearfield are to the effect that near Lamber rafts will 16 iil together this than it school more { ALY winter n years past. the big new page advertisement i in this issue, This is posi- faith Lhe DHEBINeSS in advertising in affie on t +h 3 mone I» Creek railroad can be gleaned from cars haaled over the line for the week ending November 16 handled 8,451 west bound, 80 leaded and 3,483 empty. Number of sonnd, 3 Cars gaat | 10 ioaded : Courier. i aries ¥. 3oddel eri fr Miniery named Carwensville Thursday mong | Clearfield Public Spirit. A fair sized audience greeted Minnie Seward and her excellent company at the opera house last evening, when! “The Convict’s Daughter” was pro- | duced, The play is a four-act comedy | ‘drama, filled with witty sayings and the title role did credit to the part. |Bhe is a graceful little creature and possesses any amount of histrionic exciting power. Frederic fleward as Curly Miller, the tramp, and afterwards as a gentleman, furnishes the humor, Will F. M:Nulty Miss Florence 8. Hastings introf eral specialties incidental Eugene Stantley of ard most 3 3 1040 whe poss clear, bags voice rencered s in avery town Register, creditable At this manner, : cried dey ; Hastings y : 1 NOUR ¢ Wee very n 31 {uff ta How Some reading that to Proveat Croup will prove inter. How 4 Lroup is » ee] # motizers esting Lo. yf guard against the terror to young neerning the HAN mothers lisaase. them co ause, first sym toms and treatment is the object of in hoarseness lowed hy a rough congt wrtl OY will neve: recognized and bv one who hax heard it child bed Cough act is when the OMe’ hoarse . | Foun » : if { hambe rial Y 5 Hemedyv ix freely ronp wil Ive For sals Hodgkins. seers] Hien Hpened t Cr15é now For Sale e hati ALICE A. ASHCROFT, PATTON, PA. Do You Wear . For many our store about this statement. They came i There never w prices ax + we Kept this fact a secret, 11%. be wy, Kept r $0 er’s Fall never been show Farmers OOK HERE! order. 1323 Eleventh Avenue, Bp 5 Ef opt np crowds to relieve them. | ALTOONA. rom « SHOES? ig % yur hnce stock which DOU Dazzling, Bewitching, Charming, Pleasing, Beautiful, Winning, Handsome, Admirable, Attractive, Durable, Useful, Appropriate, Economical, Superior, Lasting, Desirable, Excellent, Serviceable and Ben eficial Vy a> Old amd Young Make as as You Can. RTELSKY The Reliable Jeweler, Hastings, Fa. KINDS ALL FOR Like A Swarm tc. ~urniture, el Gallaher & Co. MIRKIN CLOTHING | KUSNE AND - {ATS RL HANSON IH Nuarrnate IT'S NOT BY CHANCEL OA RN SAN SPN eum We Are the Leaders vy
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