Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. THURSDAY, ROVEMBER 28, 1535 sass Perkins’ Letter. Onoee more we are in the midst mad and complaints are be ginning to be. sounded My friend don’t kick on the {the mosl beaut rain and veather, we have just had ope oi avtumms we have had for y ieking doesn’t do any good; § ears, Ther your k may just a accept this Bange you cannot vou could wih iv wi¥V Wiel yi if ar meting (Ral Cann {mit the weather do not thia thought Ix t« would not appre CARINE f ay much as we every dav with 1s 5 TY 1D} We Pnjov { of uy we have Wf Moses PERK NE, er fails, One M 1163 dy fe wr vith} which and that “rich condition companies § rold. harmless at pr mediate .W. Hodgins At the Johnstown Opera House, reg! is. (Gitish Reforma in Knox ve, Mary Stuart” Mrs HE. distingmished lecturer of Phil Bgtpiia 1, with the aid of eighty optican Johnstown house, November the ausj church ot Je eve nis in th £& Mary Stuart 250 persons in tame, he '- tare, tions, mus’ i tion'' or Jo wll be toi t hy Monroe, tho 1 ix $1 npe rh views. in opera 30, under Jes of s3¥} 75 1 Lutheran dsnstown. The lead lives of John will he that produces zh for the Editor lied of starvation was heaven by an angel sp out for that pur- .ay 1 look at the other place Lviore I ascend to eternal happiness?” “Easily,” said the angel. Bo they went below and skirmished around, taking in the sights. The angel lost track of the editor and went around hunt him. He found him sitting by a hades to Thank stviog ™e vy Exenmion to Buffale. The approaching holiday season, and giv es the waning. old brings great at. tractions and throogs of people y of the Lakes! 7 and places of amusements fest now and Year ’ PHINeen { birisin aus 3 ¥ DINE 5% dazzling with srgeous display tier ge mest, roy wed Feying “next d ii prorkt : i =) a honrs vag v worth $5.00 if | & return | and sprightly again and all owing fo vour Peruvian ST ARD Say. why don't Little Early va 3 unre. pation. WOrR Reuel Somerville, $4, vy iY cyr, PATON, PA. Office in the Good Building. HLER, I «<1 VW ' furnace fanning himself and gazing | with rapture upon a lot of people in the fire. There was a sign on the furnace which said, “Come,” said the angel, “You go on,” said the editor, “I'm not coming. This a is heaven enough for m for me.” —Ex. “I'he healing “properties of De Witt’s Wikeh Hagel Salve are well known. It | | cures eczems, skin affections and is dmply_s perhct remedy for ples ~ 0. W. Hodgkins. Throat Diseass Cu Horehound. The noted.” ‘old nurse, descendant of | that a Holland Dutch, discovered rertain combination Horehound Herb of grapes with and the root of Elecampane made into a cordial will | cure sore throats and coughs, and is’ and all’ excellent for colds, catarrh irritation of the bronchial tubes, tonsils and throat, and for singers and public | speakers. Diruggists say the sales are immense, and it is doing great good. 1t ia ealled annt Rachael’s Elecampane and Horehound Cordial. Amd advice: journey without a bottle of Chamber- lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea! Remedy. For sale by acy, C. W. Hodgkins. i Notice of Purchase,’ : 1 have pwehased the following named goods: t k stove, 1 Ang machine, ane organ, rocking chairs, and other arti- numeroas to mention belong- fre. Ada Bennett, Will lea e mentioned goods with Mrs. ard therefore notify all per- dizturb or meddle with the LEVI SPANGLE bed and bedding, OTe £8 are being Cured With Grapes and | Never leave home on a | Patton Pharm. table, 1 bedroom suit, | “Delinquent Sub- | WH DAVIS, ~ Attorney and Counselor at Luw, All legal business promptly attended to. Office in Armory Hall. R 1 L GEORGE, | GALLITZIN, PA. Solicitor for (lerman National B. & L. association. (io To JOHN DANIELBON'S 4th Ave , near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and repairing of all kinds done promptly Prices moderate 18tf, CENTRAL - JOHN ERE. UL, Pr Accommodations the best, Bar in connection. } ‘ci ih me TYNES 5.1.25 PER M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. 3 #2 + commodations first-class is tL ihe mar, Stabling ati Fenda GEORGE otf Harnes, Bridles, S8add and Whips. Blankets, ness Oils, Ete. Repairing a Specialty. E. J. SEUERIN, Prop PATTON, i ‘3 leg, LL ollars, Har- PA, fet thodiat church. and (Christ conversions, g 3 sealing to the | EBENSBURG, Pa. ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, | SHOP : | 3 - | 5 o i Order vour coal from Troman. It the e| best satisfaction of any. 87H | TORACOO and CF in Patton at PITZER \T] (ARS i AUGU ST K.-H STONE MA LANTZ Pe: i SOX. nes, Liquors, Beer. Etc. iw po = } ’ x Bre: )inG Co.'s Beer Hastingd, Penn a. FIGHER & CD. Wholesale. CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND EY'SCOMMON- WEAL of the Largest Fire Jnsar- ance (Companias of IPipstNatf OF PATTON, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. POLO) todd PATTON NSU INGE AGENCY 1 PROPERTY. 8 Ty we / (&/ YUAdoR Svan (xOOD, Ratton, Pa. and Few Equals Creamery md AEH BS. Mail orders promptly at- ‘tended to. Expre ss Sip ped ail CC. 0 D BUTTER Pilices to SUIT All A TORT MANX with Farms, 1alrge MARKET 0, 1511 Eleventh Ave. |p. InitooNA PR. - | pense estern Fresh Eggs. Imported Swiss, Domestic Limberger Cheese, a The above phrase you will understand whe °n you visit our store and see the Dry rick # Soy, ( LIC tin, WE HAVE y nen ‘9g lai 1Tiall ith «+4 = A VV Ee WE WHILE WE HAVE Wolf & Thompson, GOOD BUILDING, Patton £ PA. Supply Co. PATTON,
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