LIVES SMED BY Kh rm Pat Terrier Arouses Inmates of al’ Jurning Hotel. ‘THE LINE OF DEFENCE WAS I¥SA NARROW ESCAPE OF THE OCCUPANTS. thal The mwoner's Father died Ten Minutes fore the Verdict Was An: Nav, 21 WA lary A bout bongs Lycoming House, Williamepor?, Scene. ~ Fire Unaoubtedly Inc Wirrniamsrort, Pa., Nov. 21 4:30 this morping the Lycoming was gutted by fire and the inmates haa = ‘narrovw escape from suffocation ; The proprietor, John ©. Englieb, iid wfterwards cansed aroused from his sleep by 8 pet terrier resnit of n jumping on the bed sul pawiog lie face 180 end to-night, The smoke and heat hecame eo intenss | the occupents barely escaped ino nightclothee. Mrs. English was o®f come and had to be esrried to sn sd’. SISters disgrs ing hotel where ghe soon revi ed. Mr English retarned to rescue the hed to be taken from a second & dow. The femily wes una anything. The lose, whic! covernd by msuranes, T doubledly of incendiar nuanced, end of YORE, ae iyi wi iH reed with the fier death as t} wae criminal operat the jary retarniog diet of not gnilty, He nigan was insane throagh grief over thir Fhe plea of the defense was that ica and desth when b HELD uP NE’ of the Bold In This Cruanrier this morn tami Yo 2 One ley Bottling (Manta 4 8 point OBS 1, F mile { learfiel by hiighwavme dying » Loree and ert was relic abt gn Watch ang gi it, tsheck fop $8.00. 18 two men e irove their o of Tarpers dnmping of orses Ly their bonds rohhey clinhed in blag with nr mt ineludi ane upvind Tare urt rast g and ped in frot wigon ag orees, Aud, cnt, he ; One took tha to the w s and grr ner, who (di ob thir k 88 to rect T 8. (ther ner walen an anddriven thn 1... “5 1111 i do get " hil) vhete La Was ahbed, Ihe co aof, led by BCBE 8 E800ra of 2 killed | in- men. voir, 1 fire was got on the bhilaz : the building was doomed. sithongh Liogat LOSS Proper wal 1 ¢ i? Grech he larga a First A he which 18 yor hos by the renpsylvania Railroad Co., i will amount to 81, 200, fully covered by _ |insarauce. : Disastrous Chicago Fire. + Onicaao, Nov. 22.—A fire disastrons to lile and property, swept through the "ty goods sod woolen exchange building ‘a morning. Five firemen were car- ' through a floor and buried under of wreckage from the five tloors Four of the men lie dead bat the ‘8 not seriously irjured. One gir a window and received injuries h she died. A dozen other men, ' girle, were hurt or overcome wd resened {gag 8 $ i Thin af ty sh ismuge to the brilding, from nwroperty loss to the bnilding | anBuoren etreat, and and conterta, iy « ni Peace, vy. 22 —Thsat making an eff 3 10 the vari DED inten: 18 to bold his by ¥ i i its LO jive ly ¢ to accoant NITY, He 17. Lar was Alsi gitar Of The prisoner, ion, cane ta ranged fie § tminent | TW: {ILL XOW SERVE s# Haran BY #2 r Plan veda Two Yo (yulity Hees! BELVIDERE, N. J amity bere to horses entenped to two a Ke lor lentning t tuke i BouMg, Nov. 24.--The Pope is suff ring from an attack of rheume! ca. His con- dition excites po alarm. : : fle attended mass to-day 10 bis private chapel, bat afterward, acting i uw ad- vice of his doctor, he went to « J. The report tit Rev. Finer William H. O’Connel: nad been appointed rector of the Armericua college bere is confirmed at the vatican. : Tarkey Appears Peaceful, Berry, Noy. from Constantinople by d:; show that the sitnadon 1 capital is It 1a hoped ¢ th this Tu rept} erviier quieter, imaegsarea on the 2 1. 8 I ’ part ¢ po ot ta v Decliyied letips uli house Lai ito be confirmed | a Tarkish jega- the text of Er Hitury com +1 | inDonald, ! The A054 ta] Views apes YE. THe na : wants of the n tent ha f too many t ¥ ha 24.—Reprta rer iveld here rkish | “the trial was finished it i i Were will | CULLOM 13 3 fd § Therefore vis Roanntor Has Pres the filine After was decided to tual operation than the model. incorporate a company. It has been in use on the five miles | of road for several weeks, and President | Carpenter of tbe Eastern Illinois says | up to this time it has dene all that is expected of it. It was shown at the test that ths ays- tem will give timely alarm to the en- (eer of a moving train when approach- ++ a standing or moving locomotive on | same track, and of an occopied ! | grade crossing, an open switch or draw- bridge, or a car Projecting from n side | $a tudy of Modern Novels, TTNO fury iv cfm TC SR SE A Bassons 0 i. Rome Now War parade or in drilling, but when it came. to fighting, and our regiment had lots of it, with Grant from Culpéper to Pe- tersburg, under Sheridan in the Shenan- ! doah valley, and back to Petersburg in time to take part in the closing battles | —when it came to fighting, that old | farmer captain equaled any officer in the | command. Soon after the two armies | reached Petersburg, in 1364, 250 men | and 18 officers of our regiment were sent i to the left on a reconnoissance. A por- tion of Mahone’s division saw the small force, surrounded it and made pfisoners of all of them. After a few Weeks Cap- 3 i FH {ee i a ina [IFENNSYIVANISA RAILROAD } NEY F TOR Hay OTR erpain Insiespe gS : PP + shi, BLY 2X cept Bunday, on trains Sand 38, : Through coach to New York, and through Putian Buffett Parlor Car to Bi indium o train leaving Williamsport 10:30 a. m., Counnections—At nr amport with Philadul and Reading Railroad a ry and Patton Clearfial division of the F ratiroad- At Mah with a p and Northwestern AS PALMER, | fn i A RONEN) VALLEY RalLLWay, i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers