VOL. 111.—NO. SALMOND & COWDEN SRT ES VISIT COOXK, (R05 CRIMINAL CH RENE SI NABI ESI SON LOGAL AY is TWO YEARS OLD John J : ristmas Some Very fot joxting fases Will Be ip hast: ardy; M: ‘og ee Wo im Ci Bre nd Hus Received the Harty Support of ’ : 5 : | for Trial—A Large List. ay 3 Baterbaug, Ioraioation and + the Busiagess Mon of Patton, : - The criminal court calender, as sub- | rr Buterbaugh | A period of two years has elspsed | mitted by District Attorney Marghy, | Oo0rgs Spuseet 2 fornication and bas- | 06 the publication of the first issue | for the trial of cases in the Cambria | tardy; An ¢ the P Cot criminal court, oommencin i Clement McGough fornication snd | 0 ATTON TRIER, and in enter- y, December 2d, will be found | ng |ing upon its third year with this issue | below. _ The following an JK fenderson, for fornication and bas- | the pubiishers trust that in the future, made: Prosec a wit- | tard on they: | the et | John Larson, fornication and bas-|*® in the past, may be able to the days named below, | | tardy; Mary Swanson | overcome all vicissitudes which may ted to the Paul Harmand, fornication and bas- befall them, and keep this youthful, 1jury: defendan and their wit. | tardy; Annie Cooper | but we trust, indispensible journal up | nesses need not be present until the! E Blough, assault and battery, | day named for t trial of cases in which and aggravated assault and battery; IS HG Suna to which it ‘has ever they are concerned. ire Kate Forbes Cases f° Gran d Jary, Monday, Dec, 24d John He ds ol, for : i ano It is pleasing: to pote that the (ot Cammonweslith vs. Howard Glunt, bast: a ai, yo. | RIERD Santa Claus Head- assault and buttery; presecutor, OF ward A. Me: tet re, are nt Gale: : “PF if Tinhartann and NX Beaver have extended it éncouragemen’: and Nicholas Bover and W H Robe rtson, rd . fa iar assanlt an battery; Mary FE quarters for ult John {1 Herdman, fornication, tardy, goduction: Marvy A Hecker DOLLS! DOLLS! f5: fonts, frien ama be gua ® pte . AL ir oo} Enoch Miller ¢t ai, Henry McDerm- ott et al, ma'icious mischief; Adam nd ae 2 hn é 3. + ! i or Ava ni} i ho hleroth a : MY eis ¥ : i ¥ Miles, |e netion, rryicatioon aT 5 La oo ia “5 3 }§ 2ta. dy Etta J Mi : PHOT AN ¥ i i! i I ra : = ; . : and bastar yY:! J { = Ai viv iv i or Sven gy : Fhe first desire « the {COURIER Was € 31: z : = : . » . . MONDAY. DECEMBER 2D [yt Magee Motlargy ter = (JT IS : 3 endl who erested in its welfire, and who as 86 many watchful fr > 2 ’ 2 - Merchants and business hy the publishers of LAA Christmas Ornaments O P Galer ot al, Williara Ashcroft al, forcible entry and detainer; nr 3 oo Glunt EoLUs, Suhr. futnre usefulness and in that it O P Galer, conspiracy; E. Glant A es Zim ATCEnY: Lon a degres of SOCOOSE John J Westover, Ori : ! : Ah : : 1 hastardy, seduction; Ma gific Wook O P Gavlor larceny and receiv v ry 3 stolen goods: J E Giant Books, Kmives, WwW T Butert ang, forication and Perfume: nia George Spencer, fornieatic ni - and erifinits, {rin LS, “hastardy. 13 Onn \ WEE Smokers’ Razors. ~ Clement : x» bastardy; Ua Goods, SCISSOTS, J K Henderson, j (Games hastardy; Marion Gibsor ses J Weeh v . : : John larson, Mania tion and bas (} P Gales al Notions, ri1Cic tardy; Mary Bwanson croft Blocks, Cristimas Lottie a disorderly J F Glunt 1 1 hionise: iam F HGR OP Galer, a Albums, Candy, James RB Zimmerman, larceny ari or Toilet Cases, tc. Bic. receiving; Mary Skutchall larceny Elizabeth Felix, receivi Howard H Glunt. : , . pa (. W. Hodgkins goods; William H Mondor tery, and aggravaled Patton Pharmacy, Christmas Car Fil Muoundorfl Ferns ¥ Ho PRE i tery, and Tovs, Mirrors, ¥e T i oF i Joseph Louther, assanl and battery: battery; Op Laier oY Annie Lo athe r Hi igh Vi iy, Margaret Me Nal y Thomas Yonkers, la: ceiving; Jenn ie Spe riock Mine Korioth, aggravate < and battery; Mi ne Shiling {'hrist PE Blo rh . ery, 8 aavated assault hoo! Building. po ka Font eh Elizabeth Sande rs of receiving; William Mun Caranaco © Marine, adultery De Conna Cases fo Opposite Sc 34 Ma : Knrtz, Wiliia assault assault al HANKSEN > Es Should be observed in many was and we give thanks shat we are t LEADERS in all kinds of FURNITURE And we defy competition, Fiore in o Y anor Cine M Wiis el al. malicious mis- }ardi, wsault and battery, is . John Toens A Howe, larceny ‘by ballee; over Howell BR re pS ko - THE Wise MANS THE Moon And all other wise men and women "CUT: VLE Ri pe pet YE EF YTRGI : Potts will tell you that they are always JBCOL arin fa, Til, -¥y ilies Fs Harr:s rio? hn Zipf ; treated well at our m ammoth store. Post, Special attention will be shown to srsons de aling with us wha live oat of the city . V Jisit {i= and his cons 11) el, Frank Yislor, | COMER BROS = Johnstown, Pa. | Fraok Duly et al, robbery and re. From sow SEL Her Fuss ® ERE ore the smallest pills | ceiving; Lo TE nee Szalinger c 125 Market St. W A Rosecra HW Stein E G Kerr, forgery, Telephone No. 140. Mike Zerrak et al, larceny and re- cure, and are the bes WHmMo : | ceiving; James Bowser Try Truman’s coal. -87tf kins. Hugh MaoXNuity, a= : battery, their support been most spoil, TRIED TO WRECK £ © Ne 0 OTRYN Th vs water] ¥ PHrsainy Ww en the ay 1 t een 8 and 7 o'clock, tre Site me wig po OF tas an the track ahead. He managed to stop Ln the train just as the obstruction was reached, and no damage was done. There was a belief that the ties had ‘been placed there very recently, and a started out to search with the result that the man now in custody bere was captured. ~~ On being brought to Ebensburg and : taken before 'Squire Jones, he admitted | that he placed the ties there, but would not tell his motive. He was committed t« ini af court The Post Mao PE rNOO at 2:30 he Grand Army of srganized in Pat- 13d officer } an R ih. r. Robert Johnson, of nan: of the new post. Kaylor Post, No. lowing a installed: vies.commander, Ge Ww. Patrick B plain, John master, 8. M » Firemen’ STORE, ALTOONA, PA. OWN WARD IN CUSTODY ¥e irifeg girl, by an at day mor ning and arranged hefore an iiderman. Hig region, af TADer, i’A from I lookiT been rMiaent RAAT ™ as subd Deome dist aster. iol, pein aed opersof tis ref late @ he ras Le) fonnyeoassin tion; has oheen C new g.fand wil and P rcnch paper 10 next kK. Grand Feu ES oe r Pesple & : B Thaptist Young == fhe bi Pe a will Ft a grand fest ; i . < v2 OT Xi baildi ENE dil : 3 ~ ining eveni anda « on iInuing - Cae bral even Hyoryotn:, tend, Tagen ta Johnstown by Sherifl’ Coulter Mon- # We ama
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