The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1895, Image 7

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Benator Marion If
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/ the senate reorganize that body! covered by Stan] bis expedition for oO id lock 4 ; : :
’ 7 « ~ RTT OE & woul € ¢ i= bos a 3 \ " x : ¥ % ¥
AVOr gOvVernmient ald loGKIg 10 18 gong lack at the fellow, and there came | fairly good English verse, sometimes in | Fecentiy in his sharps and Fiats'' col
® are enough of them to do so, and the rescue of F wshiz, now reaches .s
foould then control. Men have been this conntry. Thess forests are said to : to i a TS to me a sudden flash of recognition. He | imitation of the original scansion. This | umn in the Chicngo Record, evidences
‘here year after year upon their dec- be inexhagstible and gre probably of | Of these 118 Tep.:68 Uh are strongly was the same cne who had made tha | ¢f itself is only a hamper on the free | the tenderness of his affection for his
tons in fuvor of silver, and it seems equal, perbaps of greater, value than 0 favor of ‘the building of the canal, jean for liberty from the Bridge of Sighs | dom of the rendering. He was far bet. | family. It is entitled "The Dreams."
, moe that if they refuse to come to- the richest gold cr dimond mines of sither by government aid oF Gove EEMen “Things wept better with the young ter as an original in the school he mide Two dreams carse down to earth one nigh
“Sor and organize the senate, they the dark continent. Capitalisti were ownership; two are apposed and 20 are gail ow after that,” continued Mr. Mills | for himself than in any hnitations Mr. From the realm of mist and dow--
noneoM Mittal, “He got ou and prospered and is now | 1Meld was a sprightly man, exceedingly | - OBC Wasa dromn of the ald, vid days,
‘have toanswer to their constituents interested in Stanley's account and a ; ;
wan : : yo : he ARLE y Qenater Morrill of Verniont says, “So ‘ . . ; . Aud one was a dreatu of the new.
y i Benator Morrill of Vermont says, “'S0 4 well to do commercial traveler. V'=— cry in his bumor of conversation, bot | a. Hy
“eafly construction?
" . : : . x x IT31.
on. ! louriching trade in the timber hasre- ', "~ 1 ” seal fntores: ¢
My . 3 5 3 s Griant Lae at Ti i Pes 3 TE 3 ey if Sat 1 ge . . “ » soo a bE dss a
“Do you mean an organization on & gulted. Prices of mahogany products np 0 ADS 8 . nation - a. TESI8 OL Chicago Inter Ocean, | | pevegtheless humcrons. He waa wit, | One was a dream of a shady lane :
; +9 % ; : : : ny the ite slates fF the NICaraguw ot miming sata : : ” : : - yar piok HA,
baeis?'’ Mr. Butler was were in a fair way to rice to excessive tha Linnie Hes = ¥carag ™ : too, and had no mean talent as a rociter | Where the willews and Yosuenel Hiei
. eg Ti ; ; canal that our government, as I think, STEAMER CHAIRS cf eptrienl Ae natherie hits HIE home| Hers Rue WHEE B06 Mi GOWER HM
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the silver nie
the interest of 1]
the country,
claim to I
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they should
A Novel Railvoad,
A railroad tl ;
built between Brighton and s
_gean, England, the rails Leung #0 ners
* Jow water murk that they will be sub-
merged the greater part of ta 146,
There are four rails, the outed
feet apart, fastened to concret
mortised in bed rock. On theses for
wheeled trucks will ran supricrting 1:
inch steel tubes, inside which
shafts that propel the wi
rise 23 feet above the rai
@ car, which has
8 otive. }
conveyed by the trolley system. — New Grim Hamer of Germ
York Sun.
A Forest of Microbes,
Cheese. the Euyp gel to
milk cord of r i
in the world
Observance of the Sabbath,
There wa
‘muir, who on
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