The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, November 21, 1895, Image 6

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    Mo ‘ i neiby
AL fengis ok vob dv Gkk,
For sweet 191 the smell of my old, old bods
In their piaces against the wall.
Here is a folio that's grim with age
And yellow nd green with mold.
There's the bi
And the hint of a stanch ship's hold.
And bere {a.a treasure from Franoe- In bells
Exhaling a faint perfume
Of wedded lily and cephodel
In a garden of song abloom.
And this wee little book of puritan mien
And rude, conspicuous print ;
Fath the Yankee favor of wintergreen,
Boise City's Club.
Mrs. Emma Smith De Voe lately or-
ganized an eqoal suffrage club at Boise
City, with the chief justice's wife as
president, and the wife of the con-
‘grossman elect as secretary. Many wom-
eu of high moral and social standing are
The amount of wealth invested in our
manufactures is increasing in i larger
proportion than that put into any other
form of production.
Good Stock.
That Would Be the Last Straw
sth of the sea on every paga
ins. a———
Desirable Investment.
nf that city
ad '
es fe
ing of the tit!
| and will last indefinitely
hardest service.
the paving material of the future, Sa-
ander the
from homu to get her material. There |
is enough sedge within sight of the City |
Exchange tower to pave Paris. —Savan-
nah News.
We Have Reached the 70, 000,000 Mark.
State censuses have been taken this
year by Massachusetts, Michigan, Wis-
sonsin, Towa and Minnesota, and the ag-
A Scheme by Which Government Gusraz-
tees as Well as Registers Titles to Real
Estate — Will Make Land a Much More
A question of some moment to the
welfare of Chicago was answered in the
| affirmative on election day by the voters
Tl a anastion was whether
ia } AE Ng x 7.
If salt marsh sedge is |; preparing
In Action,’
i 3x - PA & Ҥ =
vanneh will not have to go far away | bistory of f
| thi navies of the world
i after
{ through having *
right moment.—8t. Louis . Globe-Deri-
| Eregate increase in po piste of these [.
He Reached North Latitude $1.20 -The
Back by the Ship That Took Him “Out
Opened In London.
The documents prought from Ex plorer
Jackson by the Windward, after ‘eaving
‘him on Franz Josef Land, were opened
proosit Ty Broan
An English writer en naval affairs
a work railed “Ironelads
whith will deal with the
ghting on the ocean daring |
phe last 40 years. He should give the |
United States credit for revelntionizing
a few months
the civil war broke ont, and all}
‘an arm red chees
a raft’” atv the right place at
A Record Breaking Year.
Yong Arctic Winter—Doenments Broug’it |
- well prepared to meet it.’
poein, ‘‘Wyuxen, Biyuken and Nod,
is as follows:
Wynken, Elynken and Nod one night
Bailed off In a wooden shoe
Sailed on a river of erystal light
Into a sea of dew.
The old man asad | he three,
“We have come to fish for the herring fish
That live ia the beat staful sew:
Nets of «liver and gold gave we,”
Said Wyrken,
were ot 1
that, wth
needs a
course irresistibie, and it
is re-enforced ty the fact
winter approaching, Macd
whole lot of new things, and so there is
nothing for me to do but to dravra |
i check fur the amount. :
‘But we must get Mand to begin eat-
come in at a time when IL was not so
There cama in the mail to New Hue
vs 4 ; 3 & 3 3 LN
one of the best, if not the very boat,
¢bild poem in the English language. Is
“Where are you going and what do» youn ish?”
| once and didn’t see a single attractive
: : | thing during t
ing butter or I must establish a butter
sinking fund, for Maund’s net bill might | that be’—Don't they have mirrors in
: 2 { C leve
".—New York |
| nature, nw with such marking touches,
hl a a I a
W a New
How few people when furnishing a |
small house or flat remember that old
bine is one of the happiest colors to
choose for a foundation, writes Frances |
Ann Hocadley in The Ladies’ Home
Journal. In A wt where, as a rule, |
all the rooms open .uto one another, cs- |
pecial care wust be taken to preser ve
iork neater, ;
There were at least six persons who
were witnasses of this scene in the lobby
of the Garrick theater, New York, th
other night. Two women entered tH
Jobby at about 9 o'clock, when the first
act of ‘“‘Leonardo’’ was almost over.
Both seemed excited and very nervous 3
One of the women was crying. They
spoke to the doorkeeper and asked him
to send word to a woman who was sit
f iho
harmony. It is better then to select one |
color which shall ron through all th
Old blue is the color par
rooms. e excel- | i
Your dear
1a if an hone
yey for vom.
jond about kh
autumnal breezes. The she was sean {0
write something upon her slate, and
when the teacher approached the child
triomphantiy exhibited tals brief, but
wise composition : Io
“The world is ful 1 of wind.’
ton Globe
end is garnered by the representative of
the other. —National Hotel Reporte-
A Gallant Ipguure
She—I was in Clevemnd for a week
he whole time.
He (soulfully personal)—How could
Sweet Praise.
W. H. MacDonald, the baritone of
the Bostonians, teils a good story on
himself. Last summer while rusticating
in the pine woods of Maine it became
3 y :
that hy sive the very ir ¥ vised 3 apn
land? Def troit Free Pr Press.
- Shakespea
paints so very closely to
nt the that Wo was