We Aoveriise As mu Bene ch for your fit as our own- know cle for finest ther M22 11th Ave, ALTOONA, PA. How to Prevoeut Croup 1 ling that will prove inter: esting ‘oung mothers. tow grivard aEanst Lie Hine gse terror 8 them co toms and treatment is the object mothers erning the cause, first symp- item. The origin of croup mon cold. it take cold very easily and croup is “almost sure to follow. The first symp- tom .is hoarseness; this is soon fol- lowed bs recognized { hildren who are subject to a rough cough, which is easily and wiil never be forgotten ward it. The toy by one who has he time act is when the child becomes hoarse, If Chamberjain's. Cough Remedy is freely given all tendency to croup will soon disappear. ven after the eroupy cough has developed it will prevent the attack. There is no danger in giv- ing this remedy for it contains nothing ‘injurious. For sale by Patton Pharm- ; acy, C.W. Hodgkins. «Pennsylvania Day” at Atlanta Expositson, For the especial benefit of those who desire to be present at the Atlanta Exposition on ‘Pennsylvania Day,” under the blade. Then, leaning over, he | grabbed a’ handful of raw and tender road company will place on sale ex- skin and rolled it between his fingers carsion tickets to Atlanta and return : at the rates quoted below. The tickets will be sold only for tr:ins connecting November 14, the Pennsylvania Rail- with through trains to Atlanta leaving Union Stadion, Washington, November 12, ‘and are limited for continuous going passage and return for contin- fous passage within ten days of day of sale: Pittsburg, 820.10; Altoona, $20.10; Harrisburg, 217.75; Williamsport, $20.55; Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, $19.35, Philadelphia, $18.00; Easton, 219.70 (rood advice: Never leave ho journey without a bottle of Chamb Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoed Patton Pharm lain’s Remedy acy, OC. W For sale by Hodgkins. ing from 1 Bede abd a when Mr Pai she was within Pain iy wines that rival (6343) mjeer 3 Pas “RAC, ol, vinta: LN 1 Nr: A¥e ial v iTHe { { ire ' head ain't no roulette wheel '’ SEALING IN LABRADOR Fields Many Miles Sguare Fairly Treming With Seals. ry the Now 1k throngh r and nero THE A Tale of a Talkative Tonsorial Arties mand His Graff Cnstomer. leaned over, garroted tient with a towsl ane When ce or twice Ric mig the str phe “Oh. is it?" answered the other. The barber looked startled, but he tried again “Paper says we're going to have nice weather now.’ “Thanks, how to read myself’ At this lence, Bat he tweaked the soap into the corne # gruff man swore cotter. ‘I know was th 16 Answer rebuff the barber shaved Bains: | 16 71 other's no “smiled, and as a final act or vias grabbed the other by the top of the scalp and twisted his head until the cervical vertebrae creaked again. ‘“‘Say,’’ cried the gruff man, “my But still the barber shaved on in si- lence. He shaved and shaved, scraping the skin 20 close that Jv stowed ragged | py until the other groaned alond. As the tear drops stole down the scarified face the barber administered the final taunt: ‘Do you shave yourself, sir?"’ “No,” roared the groff man, leaping up in: the chair, ‘I shave my grand: mother and s.ster's pieces Then he buried his face in the paper and the barber smiled ani smil smiled, while he rubbed alun sore spots on the victim's York World Connecticut Leads In Patents. This 1s an inventive age. Dm year of 1894 th } sOe0 Wik “90.803 still ahead in for, in proport patents were than to Mass 1 ian th sea iiiq 1 A Rattalion of One Handre RBaovs Will Try to Stag IK (3 OrRAanIing t ' : trum caret o Tres: and the ou of the experiment is watched wit interest by the resident: past side — New York” CULPABLE CAREL Cagse of an Outbreak of Typhoid Near Chicago, Negligence on if in the water departinent $30 pada i respx GTisibl 16 { iT A Sprea a in and aronnd Pa.lman cases have been § of the health departine i refald thvestigation wings to Nght a startling ; state of affairs. About four weeks ago . last Sunday a valve in the pumping sta- tion at Hyde Park blew out, and it be- | OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE! came necessary to shut off the water supply in the West Pullman district. The people were directed to draw such | an amount of water as they would need | to tide them over until Monday morn- ing, which they did. Sunday, when the faucets were tried, the break had been repal ved Suring the night without necessitating the he ng of the supply durin lay ni Monday morning. belief residents G! water for drinking, as wi Bary purposes. Two weeks ] Reuel CTE TIE i iil ANID ital | \ \ € e rices to Pll [IEa. SUIT All pairing a Me rTY So fee UF fe 31 3 Somerville SHER & Wholesale. Pa Bottles AND ie ies, COXEY’S COMMON: it was found that water oontinuved to ‘flow, and it was generally thought that WEAL Wines, Beer. Etc. 7 £ ~~ .0 HastingS, Penn'a. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa ods 8 Mpex alty. Kh Ed oe —— i 0 a and Proprietors of | | Lbougias SHES | } “R00 J J BEST } | $2.25 bw ! For Men . . Waar W. L. Douglas thoes and save Sow $1.06 to 3.00 » pair. Li styles and hid 1th. i : atlas 1% rig act hea ' oT 3 w. “1. Douglas shoes remain the same. AL Batis Aang DYGe (NS stampad LEP A 6 sele LW. x Bogie. rian, Mass = MIRKIN & KUSNER. ERR Time Tab! FALLS CREEK C. . & M. Division. SSIRGRSEESRE HNPNUP INE pe AESITVBERIRRS t- SPREE PRE ETN - nrg bury Fulin Urevk ; Luther 4 Anderson Viaduct cAVEATS TRADE MARks “COPYRIGHTS. Sarina A JTATENT ; Ste vio ha hor hig a aap YELLE SRE