Patton Courier, PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietor TEE Fun ugust. Crave usqueha ship, Camby : : ANOLING ement! ia | been opened again. | township, was the guest of his brother of an order of the Court of Common When you want a good job of House, | Dave just returned irom lhe cles - “ % a v b THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1895. | R. E. Davis, of Altoona, was in Pat-| L. A. Craver, of the Blair house, on Pleas of Cambria county, Pa. tome Sign or Ornamental : with a beantifol line of | ton an business Saturday. _ |Priday. le sade. ‘on the premise. in Chest PAINTING and GRAININC = FALL and WINTER er NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. i J. A. Hileman, of Gallitzin] regis- C. A. Langbein, proprietor of the township, said county, on Monday, done, go and see 1 Rubscribers who do not give express tered at the Central hotel Monday. popular hostelry at Garman’s Mills, Nov. 25, 1885 at 2 o'clock p. m, all: Ww ARR EN, t} Pp t i . sin 1 ie Painter. Milli : Millinery 2 40 the eontrary are considered us wish- | | accompanied by his wife. attended the that certain tract or piece of land vii pth Jesse E. Dale’s new residunce on! pan Y ns wile, the re Te order the discontirnance | po aver } des funeral of P. F. Brown yesterday. _ situate in Chest township, Cambria P ATTON, PA cals, the publisher may con- | = gee avenue is nearly comple 13 hn T. D . county, Pa., bounded by lands of se Advertising a Speciaity. 6 to send them until all arrearages are | The Pennsylvania inspection train onn avis is curbing the Catho- Joseph’ Warner, Charles Gill, Jr. ; : : | TF 3 . . lie cemetery square. He has a nnmber Elizabeth Becker, and others, contain- | : — rm {Full line of lad:es’ novelties ject or refuse to tak assed through P ORL ie i e ee ole] {PF h Pation on ¥: of men at work and will have it fin- ing about Sixt o thera? Acres, about: Goto and gloves, babi th they are directed, they are responsible until | | Bonnie Kusner, of the firm 2Jof Mirkin | ished in a short time. i fonytwe actes 8 4 rof being nderiaid JOHN DANIEESON'S (Con g 1.- + etre “ 4 ele. they have settled thelr Bil 1 wr & UsH stasTit Sunday in 1te0m 2 . arith rv 4 of whisk ; omnes ear: rr elore t = SSO - semtinued. vb to (ANG THRO «ith & Ku ner, sg CT Ra . Alte A Frank James, = if is att ; nas é pe need Fr per at] . \ bx vy SHOE A SHOP 2 Top Le i ny out informing th nre sent to Lh former aaa ress Order your take dopeh bop} and i aving the ovidse of intent 6. If RheoTIOE re 1 bound tir give tire af tf x EEL the tine if ? oa . . : . ine a revival at Virnond ‘ r TET ni ey tote paid on tay of rale and ti v LRTI WW sure] fi# £IRY ii . ; wt Fra er ties] § wood Fw and the ind s peal eX Press 13¢ i ages. 8 sent 16 the publish ? ks re. is re : > = nw % Cs jow' een par v at their home on Julian ALBERT IIETRIC) & CHURCH NOTICES topped at the Lommerciad role dSal- | J, on Thursday evening ve A Li rn 1 t ii re tC BVErY Shire diay at = and rv. i193 - 5 : ks 4 : . HEARAL Is WA ¥ i 33 i § LET arne 4 $% 9 day schoal at t ric Ves x Bt 3 pH finest line of heating VER iN ai ‘ Wiihe hag move hi Eric . Hasting<. P Cot 300 1%G METHOLS Cambria wf Bp day evi Undertaking a Specialty Patron ington ¢ Evening MH. (1 ANCIENT ARDY TEA Caoants { oo 31 3 Phil focal Time Table, The hours of arrival and d of trains at the Patton i follows: Train N TRI-4 THIN Tis TR-N Postoffice houn P.M. . Train nambe northbound and 8’ —- RA DOX'T MISS | Pm rege II Pin o all gt RR Man and His shaes A nud het With st The first shall The shoes wear When mien wear They hot) are tr tren: Olmsted's , Butter Store, Main St. JOHNSTOWN, PA. Harry Starrett, seen on our streets Friday. 1. M. Patterson of Lock Haven, was in Patton Monday on business. ings on Satu rday hen you take a trip { AIENEDUTY All grain should he ont before I } : #t OR : i : ! i Dir. Swartz is £63 1 front again t hii 2 PY Sh PAY : ing: And Yon wii |i coming ena i % bow § I it oz FT, t i with a new advetisement subi oi ; Higa I'ne moAl prohilabie Way 10 MAarZet von ni ; short tn M. Leavy, of Houtzdale, was a gues at the Central hotel on Tuesday. ad ow Tr Sh es ta ihaneted 2 : : zr ta LE Men's natural all-wool shi at 80 were guests of Mrs, J. H.- Dixon. ot -. The freshh t green bone from the L Ie ; oy { X } ITS : cents at Mirkin & Kusner’'s.-9t leech avenue.’ one afternoon last bBatoher ; Vel HM arent article fy 3 : 1 ts 35 24 : “le ee Special attention is called to the week. te grOOn Doi ; Bt I] Ig { ’ A PLS. school report in another columi. The Cherrvires Sioned Giarvie tha |, 13 1 le, the more acid she froit the Y ‘ ‘ 11 i ung v better for drying. Only perfect fruit i. nto MILLINERY, Men's Dosh y blue and "gray shirts at people to prepare for war and to get - : <4 : : 3 50 cts. at Mirkin & Kusner's.-90ti your gun 1d t says that Spall. ww. 1. a a i on ! (1. { VT] i Ni TiS Hallow'een passer off verv quietly Wanis a qiiek apoiog Wands 3 : ; / 137] : : : in Patton, 00 rain ior the 3%) vo hii bos Fuciiosr wti rile version ) 4 5 : : { \ [ ) i, IR il kL. A EK, boys. : A horrible railroad weed earn ¥ Wako a : . ; 1 . Nw. ; : B and pi dh corn and 1 2:3 i OV ES Note the change ol William F. Gable HD. and near Pillsaoniry o (38 rimlzes et ery it Ig % So : : ; : nN é I) { I L ! a ey & Cos ad’? this ; ; column. Edward Langham, a visitor to Patton on Wadnesday of ressnt rrespor it 1 : tH : Ors F 117 last week. iallitzin Times says that Jos Fara- States f ished $7,806,000 wor snd fF vou want thes \ X EY) } I : The Patton election beard convened Jaugs, OF he Leryn baci, W inada 215, MAL 00 wort £ bor tre ; + iy : x : : : ws Na alo . in Oresson lookin 131 3 } t 13 {4:3 411 apart : orl BAP ot ‘ sg : 2% mn Fir s hall S ing the election : An Lib seeds nlehed : : ro; ; sl . on Tuesday. newspaper, —Spangier Sentine) which any portion of the flesh 1s cing. : % | SS [- ba If you want to see & nice line of the Phe Patton Fire company ha { ing shold be wasnied Ailerwiards 5 . # 5 ; = dhs COT nleted q by 3 . 16 " 1a Yi uy STITH 1 111 1 the sui ¥ v4 4 ry kv 1 ¥ va : vet latest styles of overcoats go to Mirkin FE : Spi ai Res 2 ’. 3 . i A y p 12 is : ; : ~ 23 2 i i 3 isd & Kusner.-99tf BuLOInE of) alg Avenue, Alu here mia nn = : > HI geal produsion : RY ~~ i I 1 Avenuc ’ W. J. Spencer, of Williamsburg, , rv ea Bld hws. (ne Minis Cavrh A Thai Lil LOUK Al T DON \ P for ail arian i oe Ing C1 Les . rs ru in i ahD h - ! 14 a ryt & ah L FA i ha y A. stopped at the Central hotel on Thurs ' oy ia f ro Je x i : i Lied LEE % ‘3 2 ‘ ’ ya day of last week. : : ' should not, if in need of help. The smallest dose that performs a cure is Get the New York World three times the best De Witt's Little Early Ri only. harmless remedy that produces Ome an ee yy ur nL N ; S Spt d I 3 E < l : thie best, : it's dite bari Lise rs a : : hfe Fram war i" . : = " #a week and the Patton COURIER for 4 : @ SEY Hi immeaqiate results WW. Hodgkins Lig Rlue tint snd «0 NO Br u periol an CW -q uais are the smallest pills, will perform only $1.50 a year. I : : eure, and are the best, Hodg- pe TO Jas. McMullen, formerly place, but now of Altoona, was tor to our town on Tuesday. Na i : ; asl. EB On Monday morning the «mail boy th ' 1 ud wir) nel a Pr = = % - : t 3 I. . 92 Ex a3 e % I ; er had a chance to try his ‘skates on the iis nlace on Mon ni af es ov ok i yr . re i shih = = in ih ; Mark's dam on Lang avenue, ill wrohal on es ha fue ! ro od : a 3: : i re os . ay oy lL S$ BEL | Mrs. Hannah E. Morrison, of Clear- hunting any more this season ma i The 1 : t TT ii : . [9 a hei field, was the guest of Miss Kate Agents for th Fives ania Tail. The Dalle Past % large cioht. O'Hara a few days last week. road company Rave obtained oplions paper, and The COURIER one year each a Th Cl th 1& ‘You will find the largest’ assortment | on several thousand acres of land for $3.00. The price of The Post alone be c 0 cr . of heating stoves at the Cambria Hard- along the line of the South - Fork is $3.00. Send us your order at once 4 gb ware company’s store. Go and see branch, and it is said the company in. and get seven papers a week for the Fall and Winter them.-96tf : tends to develop the coal in that terri-| price you formerly paid for one. : an ‘Mrs. J. Ritter, of the Commercial ' tory.—Coal Trade Journal. The Sunday Post, twenty pages ; hotel, Barnesboro, and her sister Miss | Hunter & Banghman, the enterpris- €V¢TY Sunday, containing as much - Pilie Musser, of Philipsburg, visited ing lumbermen, who are operating an | reading as any of the monthly maga- friends In town on Friday. | extensive business east of Patton, are Zines, and The COURIER one year each : I have just arrived from the eastern Bditor Thompson, of the Ebensburg having a large amount of suwed lum. for only $2.25. ities with a full and complete lire of | Fe i: Mountaineer, and T. L. McNamara, ber hauled into town and loaded on’ The Semi-weekly Pest and The Cov- ' all Kinds of Millinery Goods, To our Cook Stoves and Ranges. All are also of ‘the county seat. were pleas. the cars for shipment. Mr. Baugh- KIER one year each for only $1.50. Just hi fi i Yat wi iy pol ang . 1 lc A - A! ) € > € b ant callers at the COURIER office on Man, Who is superintending the works think of i, The | ey ; (0 Earl Pn t Friday. : here, has just completed a large plat. | TOUT connly paper ior Whe price of one hy : } : ! wW Re pe ry a ’ : i to be perfect wo LETS. The bar committee of the Cambria form. near fi : preparatory to FAL wn Mbp in Lad phate . 2 : 5 ; . : : : . : » Y TY ¢ fivy VvOlIrseti} . } ERE . rg 3 4 a 3 + } 11 legira h » iA ie ©5 A county bar will hold a meeting in the 1 ICSI le PIeces of fice of the Hon. W. Horace Rose at “shnstown at 10 o'clock next Thursday work go on ‘Whorning for the preliminary examina. Men's all-wool ch L pants, worth % wed \ He : a ve d gh ! Ee s H VE] iF { “Ri MB RIA HARD W ARE CO. ’ 3 5 's | 2 pp stil EAL sO I this vy "yw ts I it .,; ig NOt hing y QISIressIng 88 8 DACKIDE yv » - Co. . ee ny et x ei el ® i , zy i . = ye e T his fail an nter lot the gos ow . ' Sind ! ot : Kinds Come in and see tion of persons desiring to register as 82 50, we sell at $1.25 students of law. : 0 AMIRKIN & KUSNER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers