14 Penasylva ¥ii p AGUREN IR AUDIPons Harry (0 Jopae ng PROTON (HIER OF PX Sree (iy NOM TEST INFH and Clearfield division of vania railroad “OT the Cambria the Pennsvyl EVOLUTION OF MINERS UNIONS Ten years ago unions among the the the predominating bituminous region cnal conrerning the same address or miners of Pennsylvania i was the Miners and Laborers / - mated association, of Tot Britt, formerly of DuBois, and a man of unusual executive ability organizer, He father of the union Was POssi- hile proportions as a miners’ union exclusively, the assistance of (Geo. Harris, who now 4 Yift! which a8 an was president was the and it for him to give it great w ith § i 3 rite ¥ . ro I Je ii CRTALE 86x proved rea lives at Reynoldsville. That organi- | ticalars aiden J C. Patrick, pation, ; zation fell info disintegration after a Pa.-94tf prolonged strike and the next union to | extend over the region and gain power | was the Knights of Labor. That was succeeded in it’s supremacy among the | miners by the United Mine Workers of | which gave John McBryde | reputation. ‘Now the dis-| to be on the eve of an- : whereby the U. M. W. A. | in the is to become absorbed | by the Independent Knights of Labor, which was, not many months ago, given its start by seceders from the old and original T. V. Powderly K. of L. Praises the Bieyele. It seems to be com ipg—socientific ap- poniere, member of the Academy of ‘Medicine, has made observations on Frenchwomen who have used the wheel, trunk of the body, especially abont the torso. The lung capacity is increased, full, healthy action of the heart is re stared and the deposition of fat is avoid ed. The doctor asserts thait he can detact infallibly the woman who uses the whee] from her sisters when they cross tha streets. One proceeds with self con- fidence and ease when the other dodges ancl invites disaster. He then examines the mental discipline afforded by the bi cycle, and thence deducis his most strik- ing cone He finds that the wom an's powers of attention and ohearvation are awakened in an extraordinary de- gree, or rather that these powers, which all hums birth, are saves both sexes 18 one defects prodoeed wheelwomen the freedom gore of the The doctor the SHOULD BE CAREFUL, An exchange in speaking of what the parents should do who send their children to public schocls says that during the school parents should be very careful how speak of teachers before children. If there is any fault to be found with the by parents it should be talked in and not in the hearing of children. They are tors, and if they hear anything of the kind they naturally will do the same, many times Injoriog both teacher but ths days they lusions, teacher pri- with the wonderful imita- in being gi are endo vate Very and pups, Iw Time rile, Pup ers, 49 a are ¢ ompe tent OT174 emp : permits Pigeon Roosta Fifty Years Ago. teacher and WO 1310 pri 1 f d bs iy renae; Pride i} Progress. i “S~ EXPENDITURES Ara us Pry yees su bas Lr Advance mformation from Wa ton indicates that the expenditus the month of October will exo receints bs Over 28 000.000 xpenditures. for the izinly on account of ivil and miscell There significant about offic expenditures and that ha The rec did £ pared with those for Septemit he treasury ais looged fi f Oetaoher, eipts they hand showed For the months and December a falling for, calendar pendifures is looked beginning of the next between receipts be more fa Girl and Boy Pupils In Boston treasury than at present. Losteeessful: merch {'OURIER. in the of what and Dox'T BE jealous vour neigh- bor does or gets, ‘“‘business’’ to try and ah Fvers to tend to would A splendid “han Any of fifteen miles or $10 worth of their Don’t miss the goods at our y will be paid IRKIN & KUBNER Pa. proval—in all directions. Dr. Cham- £5” i TORI FS OF Two Men Wha Fought of Atlmnts Meet wy some mighty good grub in my haversack, and Captain Howell oyad that because he had had nothing like it in A iO aR Lins arn nj lways the ght, toa, ti h back at my empty baversack ¢ AWAY, thinking that 4 it were full had hag a gi wid ha a puiled me ve forgotten that | soldier that kag." The Confedsrate veteran carried Cap- mel ACTORS tain Cushman to the union depot, . where he was presented to Colonel Al- bert Howell. But, notwithstanding the fact that over 80 years have passed since then, the two gentlemen recognized one - another almost instantly, and for an : hour they rectunted the story of that and he finds they are better performers | 188 of truce. —-Atlanta Constitution. than men, learning more easily and! | with Jess purposeless expenditure of i force. He finds a marked increase in the amount of muscle developed all over the O08 task of scaling White Horse ledge, A Dissy Helght. Harry Shercnz performed the hazard. | near North Conway, N. H., racently, a feat never bafore accomplished, and from the dizzy height of the cliff. whish 18 900 feet hi ; ular line red flags Sheronx, who is age, started alone from the SBuns»t pavili acted as head ‘waiter, wi dred feet of rope to roundabont coarse he reachs and fastened the rope % i art Were | gh in an almost perpendio- from the be Ame, [1 (astaned two ASRIRE rage hed He shifted 3 iredi p Rave away on ag £0. { re Presence of Mind 2 fsreat Takes ‘ SAV-DITIOEC Sow” The price ought always to determine the quality. It does The best $2.00 at my store. vici Kid Button Shoe for women is the kind I sell for '82.00 Our boy's siioes at 1 and $1. 25 are wearers. ~ Our ladies’ $2 shoe leads the procession here. Those men’s . nore ! r M FALL GOODS. GEO. NS. (O01), Patton, Pa. Pleasant to take. TTI DENTISTR , viracti oe IZED AIR administered for Painless T+ i Cake it. d. T. SWARTZ, D. D. 5. FIT TY TT rT W TN #4 i INT ASN & ho h An ¥ x PATTON, PEXX'A, No Injection. Perfectly harmless. WE Patton Supply HAVE \ ¥ Co.
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