| Advertise As much for your Be nefit as our own-| isi know : } cle for the money (hier ston 4 finest in h ary. yar productions, therefore, are certainly superior. We will not waste ened in telling you what we haye in the store for you this BORO, The finest Shoes ever shown Our opening the week one Fall George F. Streit, 1122 11th Ave, ALTOONA, PA. | places—how he saved WAFRMAN'S CAT STORY. Pussy Liked the Port Well Enough, hnt fhe Stuck to the Locomotive, “Yan have heard of the railroad dog, of conrse,’’ said Cy Warman ‘very | body hag, but I'll venture to say that you never heard of a railway cat. Well, I used to have one. You know I used to fire on the Rio Grande Western, 1 got mixed up with one of those big mountain clinibers in a wrack one time, and after that I quit the business cold and turned poet We 11, now for the tab by. ; You know the exploits of the rail- { road dog have been re ounted in divers 1 a train and the Hives of the passengers from a fathom less pit or a dark yawning abyss and all that: Those are all stories of the rail roader, of which the dog is the hero.of the honr - yarn is not like those old stor sr pussy was too well trained to do 11 0 rash as tosave a train own life In : af the andlar vad men boarded, an } } cat took a liking to railr 2 “he was a remarganie traveler, she preferred the tendar of fraight comotive to a Pullman palace car. When the train wonld have a long wait at a gide track or station, Miss Puss would descend from her perch on the rile of coal, or if the weather was inclement from the seat of the engineer, whera she wonld sit yond : was laneh kitchen de She was.a groat favorite and always b yoy Mt a ‘ ¥ wating honse the best the houss best ful Cat. nd ¥ 3 1 ddd } tender with. all the grace and dignity PN 3 | imaginable, and if the wind was blow- | ing she would ruffle up her black coat | of fur as though entering a protest. ' Puss never missed a trip all the time I was on the road after she took the rail- -, road fever. General Harrison's Literary Work. It is announced that Ex-President ‘Benjamin Harrison is engaged in writ- | ing a series of magazine articles for ‘the Ladies’ Home Journal, in which periodical they will begin in the De- cember number. The series will he called i U0 HITEY of Our pel will consist of ten articles and probais being wiiiten ving, wilespres i said ecuanty, fA lrards A Car k cases the inicker and more by druggists ““When I left the Western, puss had | to choose between her owner and the big black monster that bad carried her 80 many miles. I remember the day I went out to bid the big inanimate ob- ject goodby. I was very much attached to it. Why not? We had gone through a wreck together, and it had Fecaiesl tha brunt of a coll ith a big rick look : 3 thes, bounded vig been barrier Wigs tries Free church. ne ' 0 ninese. The morolans slass of China is com posed of polite, patient, extremely shrewd, well dressed pattern ghopkeep ers. The leisure class is graceful, p i1- ished apd amiable, but the peasantry remind one of the country folk of Eu rope, sxeepting Russia. As compared with Japan, one feature of every view ia strikingly in favor of Chine. The dress and hehavior of the Chinese will not offend b aropeans.- 1h women are modest and dress in a baggy garment which completely covers them In spite of their modesty Chinese girls do flirt and in proper European fashion. At church they make eyes at the young men and onthe way to school The mast beantiful women of China are of Soo-Chow They are, as a rule prettier than the women of Japan. The Chinese thrash rice by taking a handful ‘and beating a log with it to geattar the kernels on the ground. The farmers break up the soil and punch holes in it for seeds with a stick. Women who ara marri back hair in a coil held narrow bar of gilt metal or jade stone. The young girls wear the coil at one #ids of the head and stick a white flower in. — The Thorongh Woman, Thoronghnpess wonld bea good onward ery for the advaneing women——I say ad- vancing with emphasis, for really the advanced womer are not on hand in any considerable nomber. large extent those who are when they arrive ar coed equ pment, 1 - the war of and the rale women who ax COPE) fight—with first rate men mn the strug be prepared airs. And thoroughness is Datlivax. Putting on a Little veneer and pretend- ing to know never deceives ourselves, and rarely any one else, save for a very short time. Life, like love, is a leveler, and if we live among folks they soon find out just how much we don't know, and the weak spots in our armor become SHER the bullseyes for their shafts. I tell you the trumpet blast of prog- pass isn't ‘‘u.l ory and no wool !'’—Polly Pry in New York Recorder. The Point of Touch. Mr: MeSwatters— And what aid the doctor say? [nvalid—F He just tous MoeSwattors-— vig lid —-N¢ {he [eech ~~ - 3 al ALTOONA, PA. rices to SUIT All fai, NHBETTIRG (rood Balding | 1 tT TYY YATH EH. wD see Fil. ll, Attorney EBEN Nit Rn. LL. G BU blxl, SAL, SA rh OSS £55 PS 408 ASE, WTI AACR WO HST dir Pit at YIIZPATRI in { nn AND ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, THE EVE A SPECIALTY. GA LLITZI N, PA. ‘Solicitor for German National B. & L. association. | : - i | | I i i Wholesale. Johnstown. OLD CABINET AF LD FAVUI Joh Room Ne. 3, GOOD BUILDING. RI'P-ANS The modern stand- Medi- Cures the Family oo ry id TOW HA. JAY Life fe I. R, WOOD, eneral Pas, Agi. will arrive and depart from | Station, dally, except Sunday, as follows: BP X <a FY yi ¥ Ax Pu F. B. HERE A AN, on pert n endent, Gen i Al B.R. & P. Time Table. : The Short Line between DuBois, Ridgway. - ' Biudford, Salamanca, Ba aye Falls %, and points in the upper ofl *. On. “mand after Nov, 25, 15M, or 8:35 in. m.—Buftalo and ‘Re mail—For Broek wey ville, Ridgway, Johnsonburg, Mt. Feswett, Bradford, Salamanca, Buffalo, and Rochester; connecting at Johnsonburg with e sr BE tmin 3 for Wileox., Kane, arren, ¥ § 1 i wilting | Pym at viiirdatio iustrated, has ¥ far thi v soientific work in the stint BRRIAOASERS A DE (TARE IE) A SAR AEA
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