‘1. Subscribers who do not give express at the Palmer house Monday. Gd As 15 Shor HAS AeA SE Se hes i - repeat mas ap - . ” ambi Yr dap aft incisors toatl « ‘ - ay Ey . sm ei A, i A rn Patton Courier. Next Tuesday is election day. | nearby towns come to Patton to have Esexssrre, Pa, Oct. 29, 1895, ~~ The COURIER is pleased to announce . 3 : | dentistry done since Dr. Swartz has ne : : . lita clubbing arrangement with The P Grass seed for sale at Sam’]l Boyce's | Argument court convened here this Bg ge . RINTING 2nd nd GRATNING. PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. | feed store. S6tf located here. The COURIER will assure morning at 9:45. | Pittsburg Post, the great home news- | THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31,1895. F. R. Albert, of Mahaffey, was seen them they wil be teste D. Be W. F. Parker, one of Philipshurg’s Paper of Pennsylvania, ‘and to persons | .W ARREN, the Painter. It is & truth in medicine that the ,rominent citizens, was a guest at the = .who want the best daily or semi-wee:. 3 PATTON, PA. s— ==. ON Our streets Saturda 4 ; NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. a J. H. Beckly, of PS oiororn. stbbped smallest dose that performs a cure is Blair house on Monday. paper published in the city, we woo: | gar Advertising a Speciaty. y: OPPed | (16 best. De Witt’s Little Early Risers Mr. R. E. Jones, who has been very mend The Fost. 4 renew thelr subscriptions, Men's pretty blue and gray shirts at cure, and arethe best. C. W. Hodg- Prof T L paper, and The COURIER one year ¢ Gibson, of the Ebens- JOHN DANTELSON’S : = to the contrary are considered as wih. | are the smallest pills, will perform a ck the past few days, is much better. The Daily Post, a large eighty ge | : Go To | BE Y ch | ne: © wise the publishers ix authorized to send it Saturday. town is. and always has been in a and singing. All present report a a TW « MprrRODIST EPISCOPAL—Rey. CO. W. Wasson, And the 2 On, the girl of the South, we assure you with tered at the Palmer house Thesday, For pain in the chest a piece of dsp: | tal ; oft their periodicals, the publisher may con- 50 cts. at Mirkin & Kusner’s.-99t{ | Kins. {f subscribers order the discontinuance for $3.00. Th } f Tho Post : : burg schools, spent last week attend- 00, The price of Tha Post alone SHOE - OO Order your coal from Truman. It mug gtatement of the Pennsylvania ing the teachers’ institute at Wilkes- is $3.00. Send us your order at once ith Aves. near R. SiC Pe bscribers lect or refuse to take | ier ii irvh ; ——f . ish ix ix = eile 3 mE ery Bol ie postoffice to Oo hic gives the best satisfaction of any.-67tf, ‘Railroad Relief Fund for the month of barre, Pa. J. W. Leach had charge of and get seven papers n weck for the er tht batie en Srowred them | Wm. H. Colton, of Harrisburg, was September, 1895, shows that there were the schools during hiy absence. brice you formerly paid forme. of all kinds done promptly. Prices a guest at the Commercial hotel Satur- | paid in death benefits, $13,250; sceident A number of young people from he Sunday Post, twenty pages) mpmoderate. bers th ith. | : ; sary rm i " I subscribers move to other places. > day. - benefits, $6,058; sick ‘benefits, $0,022 : .Ebensburg attended i corn husking at every Sunday, containing as much On publishers, and the pa ? mmm fore aire, They ars rid. William Mithell wears a broad smile total, 828.330. ' the home of R. W. Gittings, in Cam. TEACINE a8 any of the monthly maga- zines, and The COURIER one year each | te The Courts have decided that refusing to since the arrival of a new boy at his The Spangler Sentinel denies the re. bria township, on Thursday evening. take periodicals from the office or removing : : dh for only $2.45. bh. : : in 3 and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia house. has been an epi- At 11 o'clock a delicious supper was EER nd port that there is or has been an ep p or only 5 bes ana The con.| ATIMOUNCEMent! s rved to about 50 persons after which If subscribers pay in advance they are, Lewis Gill and Frank O’Harra, of demic of typhoid or. scarlet fever in Served : Wi 3 I have just returned fro nl ee notice af the end of the time if . t some time was spert playing games X1ER one year each for only $1.50. Just m the cities Madara, stopped at the Central hotel that town. It further states tha ite pest paymng think of it, The Poet twice a week, and ‘with a beautiful line of ‘do not wish to continue taking it; other healthy condition. : very pleasant time aod everyone went your county paper for the price of one. | FALL and WINTER | ; home the happy possessor of that Write as for sample copies, i- : to send them until all arrearages are FALL and the s {11 be responsible until an | AE notice, with her ment of all arrear- Pinest line of heating stoves in Pat- SSA 16 the prints ton at Cambria Hardware. company’s Speer’s Old Port Grape Wine from ces. ~~ store.96tf { nis Oporto Grape vineyards at Passale, | 0i0en of good luck” the red earof | : Meiey so Lanier Mi | I c c_ Father Marcelling, pastor. Mass Ladies have you seen the new Arm- “N. J., his Socialite Claret, vin. 1881, eorh. : : 15 SUNS of $0) to Sio600 ap ATHOLIC—Father Ma ; y Miss Leaming, whe spends the sum- proved real estate security For par-| every other Sunday at Sand 10a. m. Sun- nd his luscious Burgandy stand un- ee i - day school at 2 p. mand vespersat3 p.m, | orside Corset? If not call at Patton, all od at id e ‘world. os. | POT months here, will leave to-day for | ticulars address J. C. Patrick, Patton, Full line of ladies’ novelties pp Ie | ially for invalids. "7 | her home at Youngstown, O. Mrs. W. Pa -94tf | and gloves, babies’ outfit, ete. Ey ho ata oan WPM | Get the New York World three times | PECISTYY Tor In E. Moore will accompany her and Nothing so distressing us a hacking | | 2 * ox . ' . Burgess Donnelly, John Yahner, saan 2 ; g g g fy eveoin Prayer meeting every Wednes- 4 week and the Patton COURIER for ; spend a few weeks as her guest. Miss cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer | evening at 7 only $1.50 a year. | John Otto and Mike Trinkley, mades | [ooyrine hus a numbor of warm friends from it. Nothing so dangerous if: al. Went 18 broken. Prices low. LODGE NOTICES. | The Cambria Hardware company otis ise rip to he . seat os in Ebensburg all of whom will be eorry | lowed to continue. One Minute Cough | MISS H. » L SHARRADOR. ANcrext OrnER OF HIBERNIAN oF AMER- carry the finest line of heating stoves Monday. Dusiig ie Vi two o 3 € to see her leave and will anxiously | | Cure gives immediate relief. C. W. | pe iets every rt Sunday” afl noon in this scction. -96tf ; ; party a Hale in a dog await her return in the early summer. : Hodgkins. : fight in front of a friend’s home. The many friends of Chas. Weakland | sss of each month in opera hou ; Philip Callighan, Aol ¥ ga, Pres. | Miss Grace McLaughlin, of Clear- The Mahaffey Valley Wave says that were very glad to meet him on Mon- | r fleld, visited her brother E. F. Mec- hb Crock will ots INDEPENDEXT ORDER OF Orp FEravs-Par Laughlin over Sunday. the Beec reek road start a day evening last. He has been on the | ton Lodge So Rigo ee fecny | Ntastyn : branch road from Bower which will go great lakes on the yacht Sapphire for | G. H. Curfman, N. G. ety-five cents for fine far hate in | 4p, Curry run and tap the coal veins in | geveral months and gives glowing de- | B. LF. Wise, See. stiff and Alpine shapes, worth $1.50, 8t (hat vicinity. Engineers are at work go riptions of t , beautiful sheets of | Local Time Table. | Mirkin & Kusner’s.-99tf locating the road and are stopping at | water. Mrs. Wm. G. Comerford, of Loretto, : The hours of arrival and departure Gath tora thin % hocking after] the Kenmore. The healing properties of De Witt's of trains at t the Patton Station are as | Weer looking Miss Sadie Dowler, of Burnside | : ; | her many musical students. : | Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It township, Clearfield county, daughter | cures eczema, skin affections and is | Mail Closes. A good restaurant in best location in of Captain James Dowler, died on’ y wore A A % Patton. Address postoffice box 313 for Wednesday of last week of typhoid CW, Hodguine. Thay Jilee i 310 p u | particulars, Patton, Pa.-98tf. fever, aged 20 years. The deceased Ay "| The new township road, which will is a sister of Miss Josephine Dowler, | Postoffice hours from 7 A. M. to 8 intersect with the St. Lawrence road, ‘who 9 8 todsier i the HBS schools at fra a marked ‘“N” are 'is rapidly nearing completion. © this place. ~ morthbound and «8 southbound. . Jessie E. Dale spent Sunday at As we go to press we are glad to ini 'Girampain, Clearfield county, visiting learn that Charley, son of Mr. and ~ | 3 : : 3 Pa DON’T MISS IT. ruil hy Ta) Lh land. | bis sister, who has been quite ill. Mrs. E. E. Wilson, who recently hada. R./ | A misstep would be disastrous to to this fair creature. Let us hope that ne wheelwoman doesn’t exist, \ Where did you : get that elegant portion of his hand amputated, will Ms = | she may not miss a secure feoting and that she may escape the perils which Where the girl that you love is childish and ‘syrup? At the Patton Supply Store. recover without any further reamputa- The ™ . | surround her. Above all she should not miss As the girl that your grandfather kissed. ‘They handle the best in town.-98t2 tion, which was questionable at the ; g oy — : OL MSTED’ S B UTTER ST 0 RE, Where the bloomers don’t “bloom, and the wo oi oeord an d H. E. Neeley, two ‘time owing to the palmer circulation on Te of x _~ skirts don’t divide, [; a, P 3 majden don’t box or make bets; traveling salesmen of Pitteburg, regis- ‘being partially destroyed. “de £8 Ho OF | ~ pods) Where the freshest and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17c. por. pound, nel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain amy" A Ni [Neither should she miss Olmsted's Ice Cream Parlors, ' Balm and bound on over the seat of, J A J i THE FINEST IN THE CITY. ; be- | the pain, and another on the back Send $I. .00 and get 6 pounds of Butter k sian and smoke cigarettes. : . Sani “—Toronto Telegram. J. Edwin Parnell, of the Patton In- - surance Agency, made a business trip | to Clearfield and Houtzdale this week. Don Say, Try Hodgkin's ‘tween the shoulders, will affort prompt | _. Since the rope haulage system has : : Soda Water and Hope Ale. : | relief. This is especially valuable in| .— A. G. Neff came over from Hastings [heey laces n on ye canes where the pain is cased by » Piled Away up. by Express. co Sapaciy = uy 0°’ a cold and there is a tendency toward | ; fon Tuesday. creased. pneumonia. For sale by Patton Pharm- | Our store is piled full ofl Te Olmsted’s Butter Store, Bey | ges Soma ey M a: fr Se 5:0. W. Hole new things for men to wear dno 507 Ma ; St JOHNSTOWN. F PA. : eft on Monday morning to complete | | a3 : : n : Mrs. Clara Smith, of Lock Haven, her study in music in the Ada, (Ohio) en 0 Ld winter. [= ain HN) » spent Saturday in Patton. Normal. { There is about as much good h Now is a splendid time for] remem i rt A AH 5 BA tM Robt Wise, of Berwinsdale, wasa You will find the largest assortment | reasoning done by the average shoot the careful buyer to go around visitor to Patton on Monday. ‘of heating stoves at the Cambria Hard. [P07 28 by anyone. Not that he uses 11 the d d 4 , 1 shirts at 50] ware oom s store. (Go and see his powers for study as the school dis- 10 2 e dealers, and see ‘Men's natural all-woo pany’ ‘where the goods fit the prices. : Fhlptory spent last Wednesday in H. Myers and Miss Henry, all of Eb- 3 man the boy will get through a! Wan. Walter ‘Dale, Hayes Wilson . and | Sunday. bad weather does not prevent. But line requires, but for his own per- cents at Mirkin & Kusner’s. 5. -90tf them. -96¢( cip ‘sonal convenience. He realizes the We like to have our Clothin . . J. P. Marks and wife drove over to Say, observe the new advertinomente] rains of strategie und a0 lly g' If so, remember. that our cosy Ww «iting rooms, with its knows Patton from Altoona on Monday. in the COURIER this week. Business|, . 3 ¢iick of bribery. In his “Dll and prices compared with writing desk, easy chairs, etc., etc., are at your disposal. John Kulp, of Johnstown, was a Men know when they advertise in the .,;, ypig core if you do,” he strikes at those of onr competitors. The \yhether you want to buy or not, come in and rest. After guest at the Central hotel Friday. Pest medium. Be fandamental principle of our po- Verdict is always in our favor. | resting take a look through our immense stock of John Wallace, of Tyrone, reg istered The new woman wears the Armor- litical leaders of to-day and is usually It isn’t very often that the at the Commercial hotel Saturday. side Corser, ig vines Pion as successful in placing his particular careful buyer decides against | CO ATS, E W. Sharbaugh came down from oo" ®°% Fe, Tore n | following as the politician is. Ins, "FURC APES, - Supply Co.-98t2 : y - - Carrollton on business Thursday. | PY Children are pretty good students of yy; (want to see the new! The Baptist congregation of Patton mankind and soon learn that pretty a 2 al : T ry The Johnstown Tribune will print expect to soon commence the erection 'untruths are nearly sa acceptable 28, li ne of Lenox Overcoats in ! 'MILLINERY, - the ballots for the coming election. of their new church. It will be built the unvarnished truth, at least to some blue and black—-just came 1n. | fn CLOTH SUITS, Frank Love, of Johnstown, Was a pn East Beech avenue. ~ | people. The school boy trys to keep prices way down Tow. guest at the Palmer house Tuesday. |, o Good, of Lock Haven, A. E. his engagements and wishes others to (Coats well wcrth $18, girl i | UNDERWEAR, . The celebrated Armorside soid and | Patton, of Curwensville, and Hon. ‘do the same and if continual failure : ; i ; Yr gusrigioot by Patton Supply Co.-98t2 | jag Kerr, of Clearfleld, were in town ‘to do as he promises looms up before Pt worl 216 1 : KID GLOX ES, “Ten Nights in a Bar Room” at | on Friday on busincss. him he becomes like the man who was : eo kab eb i BN Hastings opera house Saturday night. | When you take a trip to Ebensburg advised to punish his boy for some mis- our price ONLY S11 In fact t any thing Y Ou may ne ec d. V ou will find Andrew Lees, of Hastings, was # stop at the Blair house and yon will be Chief performed. The reply wasorig-| Others in grey, brown and | here and at prices that will ¢ ause you to say: plassant caller at this office on Tues- used all right. Accommcdations ex- [ou if Ang else. hi t do it light colors same prices anc up cellent and rates —69-tf. . | You see I "ve threatened Jim so muc » : " its ce ® uy oe vou lonsie if you want them «Way Diox't 1 co Tuere Berore.’ and the NeW York | ‘and ‘never done nuthin’ that I haint! Ye ; The COURIER The Ancient Order of Hibernians, the Loart to broak over 4nd ck him Our Suits sell the same 1do.” real value the Week the mines in hall Tuesday evening, November 5th. During gost boy. is in his most enjoyable ['nderwear, gloves, hos: ery “Patton have been running quite, The man who gets mad at what the gi.1e when he has work enough to keep in great profusion : : 1323 ith Avenue, ~ Thrice-a-week World for only $1.50 a Board of America, Division No. 2, of : : cause way. Just about 3; of their C | year. | Patton, will hold a ball in the Yeager | he'l] ose confidence in we it J : : he J ESSE steady. newspapers say of him should return |: suessing and not enough to keep John F. McCormick, of Lock Haven, thanks three times daily for what they him busy. He then exercises his brain We have twice the. stock | . | . 7 ALT Lo NA PA ~ stopped . at the Commercial hotel know about him, but don’t say. -Ex. ‘in a rapid series of calculations as to! other clothiers ¢ ary 3 . : 00 9 ‘ ; Yriday. 3 and Mrs. J. D. Denny; and how long it will take him to the work Our prices are ant ———— ; - RR H. Denlinger and son William, of anghter Grace, accompanied by H. allotted. If it is a half day's work for Come and see ourself. Ce Cr : 5% 3 No Superior and Few Equals That Blue tint underwear ensburg, drove down to Patton on’ good rtion of it in a week's tim if a ; po ime Flat gv.20 the suit is well worth! Sanv'l Eckenrode drove to Altoona on The Spangler public schools. opened with all that he is the coming man and $2 the suit Sunday. ‘Monday. The number enrolled at outgrows his boyish ways as surely as Those 25C. glov es are bin H.C. Yambert, of Spangler, and W. present is about 170. It is expected the dawn grows into day. mers. J. Timlin, of Pittsburg, spent Sunday number will reach 200. —Spangler | - MosES PERKINS. in Patton. Sentinel. : : ¢| Next Monday ev lod £ th You can get the Patton COURIER and L 5 BELL Harry Wilbur and Chas. Hasson, 0 ext Monday evening a lodge of the | 1, New York Thrice-a-week World . ode y ¥| Patriotic Sons of America. of Patton, Ebensburg, registered at the Central | fo ly $1.50 ‘hotel Sunday. : will be organized in Good's hall. The oe ony $ pet year. ” ‘order will start ont with shout thirty | "+ St. lawrence Leiter. . Radios costs $600 ac oe os | members. - |. Miss Aggie Dietrich is very sick and The Clothie Cr. 3 ed to live. Kusner’s.-99tf C. A. Repsher, an employe of the . Not expect: 0 | ‘Miss Charlotve Campbell, of Carroll. | COURIER office, accompanied by his Miss Sue Wentz left for Ada, O, Fall and Winter ys of last week. The shooting match which everybody “| wife, visited Mr. Repsher’s mother and where the will enter he muses] town, visited friends in Patton afew “0° "0 FCC Rayrotiyili Pray M | | | | \ | i N © " you want to see a nice line of ‘the ‘was longing for at Martin Yahner’s of overcoats to Mirkin "he § 5 Iatest styles go and undertaker, ‘is having . lumber came off last Saturday. The St. Law I fave just apsivedt Eom the epntern & Kusner.-99tf : rence boys were determined not to let : : placed on the ground for the erection cities with a full and complete line of Carl Brehm's “Ten Nights in a Bar addition to his business block on. the hog and that 25-pound turkey go all kinds of Millinery Goc 0) To our Cod Stoves and Ranges. AH are - Room” at Hastings opera house on : : ‘away from St. Lawrence. The hog ih t Satprday night. M Avenue. was won by Henry leiden and the ' = L a ram ade MC. W Spang! OI ne arl 8. W. Hench and J. F. Rowles, of estover, of Spang er, and | turkey was won by F. E. Wentz te k . Robert Notely, of Hastings, have pur- | py, ; ba : to perfect Workers. ~ Tryona, ‘were among the many visitors hased six 1 te North S 1 hl Everybody was well pleased with the : to Patton on Sunday. Fe erccting welts houses on way they were treated and appreciated and see for yourself. Also all! Our shelves are crowded with many desirable pieces of Executions for $13,000 have been is. the same at once. 'the turkey roast for supper very kinds of fancy novelties and tinware and cooking utensils of all kinds. Come i in and see sued against E. Cohn, proprietor of a, Rudyard Kipling's new story, which } much. : i ladies’ and children’s wear. ut to | J. R. Cornelius, the furniture dealer u ‘them. bin lage Home Journal is | FE a foie oe ot og | Come and games ner lof ALICE A AS THE CRMBRIA HARDWARE ©. ee a The ho Fomine 30 fniis Jonlly s/ i a yells 21 ALICE A. ASHCROFT, | | lo : by the sheriff. “ the Conquerer.”” | 982 ~~ Patro~ SuppLy Co. - PATTON, PA. ‘Welcome rain Sunday night. i Quite a simber of people from | ; EBENSBURG. : The Only for 1805. : | When you want » gov b Bowl Job of House, Shoes made to order and repairing Come early before the assort- A SSI HSE Hp Era A a RA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers