responsible. follows: 7 aid nlpiiga A nn wo R. C. Kauffinan, ‘of Altoona, wiss| The Ancient Order of Hibernians, i EBENSBURG. The COURIER and the New York' For pain in the chest a piece of flan- - discontinued. «> Patton Courier, guest at the Commercial hotel Satar- | Board of America, Division No. 2, of | EBENSBURG, Pa., Oct. 22, 1895. SP et episode} pri Sos . : : : i Patton, will hold a ball. in the Yeager! \ vy . 4 PATTON PUBLISHING C€O,, Proprietors. day. 1 hall Taesd nN, be or | Argument Court convenes here next es ; °e Ladies have you seen the new Arm- na esdaay evening, vovember buh. | Monday, the 28th inst. : THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. | orside Corset? If not call at Patton It is a truth in medicine that the Messrs. Anna and Bauman, of Pat- : Supply Store.-98t2 smallest dose that performs a. cure is ton, drove to Ebensburg on Wednes- Get the New York World three times | the best. De Witt’s Little Early Rirers day. Lae ty a week and the Patton Courier for are the smallest pills, will perform a Postmaster Phil G. Phenlon, of this : : { cure, and are the best, CC. W. Hodg- place, made a business trip to Johins- ing He el " i kins : : town on Wednesday v weribers order the discontinuarice : ya ; 1 a ; : ! say. of their periodicals, the publisher may con- The Cambria Hardware company ., etd! Prof. ‘Gitson. ’ of the Bbendiure tinue to send them until all arrearages are | carry the finest line of heating stoves | An epidemic of scarlet and typhoid : 0 i : the B > : ) ; : Te : | : tidy itv schools, is attending the Erie County: pe If subscribers neglect or refuse to take | in this section. -96tf | fever is raging with great severity at 1 7 g ! ? . 3 ‘thelr periodicals from the postoffice to which! =. _ he - : Spangler, Cambria county. In several Teachers Institute this week. Prof J. y are directed, they are responsible until |= E. C. Rankin, a hustling commercial | oe ; ith | W. Leech has charge of the schools have settled their bills and ordered them . the Cou { families all the members are ill with YY- ut CF : : ‘ ; man of Johnstown, made the COURIER | > ol : aa ; : ; "| one or the other of the disesses and in during our principal’s absence. 4. If subscribers move to other places with- | g pleasant call on Thursday. i one TO : he TSE Ate St Of out informing the publishers, and the papers | ” others two and three have died. John Tibbott’s corps of paper-hang- are sent to the former address, they are held | Attorneys Wm. H. Davis, and J. F. | sl i : ers repapered the interior of the bank ee L Dt te ! . | Executions amounting to $43,000 : : = 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to | McKenrick, of Ebensburg, were in| : : v lai of Johnston, Buck & company, of this take periodicals from the office or removing Patton Thursd biisiness. | were issued at Altoona last Monday vince. on Saturda 4 : and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia ‘at n u ay on business. morning by the H. B. Chaflin company, I , on Satu) y. vidence of intentional fraud, . : 3 : he at. ) his If sabseribers pay in advance they are Nir. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop and. of New York, and other creditors Among the attorneys who attonded | the supreme court, which was in session nn MOREE RR Rg Ry Mr. and Mrs. John Cawley spent Sun- | against Frank M. Morrow, the owner ; wise the publishers is authoriized to send it | day in Patton with A. C. Fisher. ‘of a la ‘merchandise - store in Al- last week at Pittsburg, were Alvin and the subscriber will be responsible until an | | Rrge : =" Evans, Wm. H. Sechler, Donald Daf- express notice, with puyment of all arrear| Sam’l Cross and J. E. Turnbach, two | toona.” ~~ ton, Don. Kittell and P. J. Little, of a1 { ’ mn. 16 . de ALLIES OF! - ages. Is sent ine I rg : prominent citizens of Philipsburg, | Ground was broken last week for Evensburg. Lhe © CHURCH NOTICES. were visitors to Patton on Sunday. {the plant of the Patton Clay Man-| “ry. | dies’ Mite society, of the M. CATHOLIC— Father Marcellius, pastor. Mass | Where did you get that elegant ufacturing company, the contract for po: , 4 or Ebensbarg, held a chickeft “every other Sunday at 8 and 10a. m. Sun- syrup? At the Patton Supply Store. | the masonry having been given to W. | and waffle supper at ne ideation of "| NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. . 1. Bubseribers who do not give express “notiee to the contrary are considered as ish only $1.50 a year. Thrice-a-week World for only: $1.50 a year. # 5 November Teodlottes, Ladies are incessant in thoir praised of Toilettes as a seasonsble and :o- liable guide fo what is fash) | : There is not a single article for lac 3’ wear that does not. occasionally fin a place in its pages; and the wants of the little ones are regularly attended to, from the baby to the girl just bud- ding into womanhood. The Novem- nel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of the pain, and another on the back be- tween the shoulders, will affort prompt relief. This is especially: valuable in cases where the pain is caused by a a coid and there is a tendency toward pneumonia, For sale by Patton Pharm- acy, C. W. Hodgkins. ber edition, lately received, which comes to us very much enlarged, and if possible more stylish, amply illus: trates these comments in its rich and handsome models for all kinds of winter. It contains among many new changes, four beautiful color plates, :and an entirely new cover design, likewise lithographed in colors, which . render the book more attractive and artistic looking than ever. - Evening | dresses are especially represented in admirable variety and novel designs which our lady friends pronounce day school at 2 p. m.and vespers at p.m. . METHODIST EPscorarl—Rey. C. W, Wasson, tor. Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. nday school at2 p. m, Epworth League =t 6:30 p. m. Prayer meting every Wednes- day evening at 7:45, LODGE NOTICES. ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIAKS OF AMER- tea—Division No. of Patton, Cambria ty, meets every first Sunday afternoon of po + month in opera house. : : snnis Flannigan, Pres, Philip Callighan, Ree. See, INDEPENDENT ORDER oF ODD FELLOWS-—Pat- ton lodge ify heels Every Thursday ing at 7:30 in Good's . wa sadn G. H. Curfman, N. G. B. F. Wise, Bee. Loeal Time Table. : The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as PM . ™8.B. Jones. : | Mol ; Train ‘numbers marked “N» are northbound and ‘‘8” southbound. ap — —; os BP, By the Card. She thumped the keys of her writing-ma- : ne, And a fairer thumper I've seldom seen; the question, then and there, ng beseechingly by her chair. She answered me not, but she nodded hef © head Ata card on the wall, whith silently said, In the most unfeeling) tive way: THIS IS MY BUSY DAY! ; «Judge, They handle the best in town. -98t2 A. J. Jackson has just completed a new addition to his house on Palmer | avenue in the way of a neat kitchen. Mrs. A. C. Fisher has been suffering with a severe attack of quinsey the past week, but at this writing is im- proving. ; Mrs. Effie Wilson and daughter {athleen, of Mahaffey, are visiting at | the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Wilson this week. : You will find the largest assortment of heating stoves at the Cambria Hard- ware company's store. Go and see them.-96tf Jas. McDevitt, of Palmer avenue, - has been improving the appearance of | his residence by treating it to a fresh coat of paint. : Jas. Walters, of Johnstown, candi- date for District Attorney on the Dem- ocratic ticket, registered at the Central - hotel Tuesday. F. M. Evans, of Pittsburg, and G. B. Holland, of Altoona, two traveling salesmen, registered at the Commercial ‘hotel Monday. : : The new woman wears the Armor- side Corset. Why? Because it gives her a stylish figure. For sale by Patton Supply Co.-98t2 he J. W. Sceurman and T. W. Hancock, of Philipsburg, and Jas. Allport, of Try Hodgkin's | Patton on Tuesday. Sods Water and Hope Ale. There is plenty of water in Patton. \ Pay your state and county taxes to The A. O. H., of Spangler, will give time is anticipated. Abraham Byers, of Mineral Point, T. Robinson, and that for the Super. | Mrs. T. J. Davison. It was a success. ‘structure to Haobbard & Wise. The 4,0 proceeds netted about $35. plant will cost $50,000 and give work | ° wie jennie Conrad, of Gallitzin, on (to one hundred men.—JohnStOWN | ryeeday last entertained the Convent | Tribune, of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Ebons- | & burg. : : 3 lod | The Rt. Rev. Bishop Phelan, of Pitts- | ‘burg Diocese, confirmed about 75) | persons at the Catholic church in this | j-. Argument Court List. | The following cases have been fi | for Cambria county argument court, | commencing Monday, October 28th: | Meskes vs. Delozier, McCoy vs. Confer, | aay he confirmed 140 at Loretto, Aller | Dun re ye. Biombengh, use Smith vs, | the ceremony, Father Kittell, pastor of | | Brallier et al., in re exceptions to re- | port of auditor in assigned estate of J. i Loretto church, had breakfast served | in the hall for the children. iD Rhodes, in yo exceptions to report ‘Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Jones, of Ebsns- | of auditor in assigned estate of Reyn- + ah a Ly “8 i : : burg, returned from their wed¢ ng! {olds & Bowen, Moxham Building & ; d pot! I iation vs. Evangelical tour on Thursday evening, an not | | Church intion, Clty of Johnstown only “the small boy,” but a number of | | va. Gooner & Co. McConaughy vs larger growth, joined in the serenade | St at :F H lL plaintiff i ‘ on Friday evening and made our! | Strayet o Ux.; Farrel, pimnuil In eF-: streets ring with music (7). 1 (ror, vi. Peach, defendent in error; tid Z | { Mahan v8. Jones, Anderson vs. Glass, i Come and examine new fall line of | | Drass vs. McCloskey, Long vs. Sell, in Underwear. We cap save you movey. | re exceptions to Sheriff's deed to Pat. | 962 ~ Patron SuprLy On. rick Leahy, Lamb vs. Trustees of Beau- New Vork World. 7d (lah church, Crouse vs. O'Donnell, The Twice-a-week edition of the | | Bidner va. Patton Coal company, in re New York World has been converted | | exceptions to report of auditor in #8- | into the Thrice-a-week. It furnishes 3| (signed estate of Theo. Bendon, in re papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen | {road in Busquebanna township, in re | pages every week, at the old prics of | ;road in Susquehanna township, in re. (One Dollar a year. This gives 158 al |road in Summerhill township, George year for One Dollar and every paper | | v8. Cresswell, Barnes va. Barnes et al.; has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 | {in re private road in Reade township; columns in all. The Thrice-a-week | | Monroe, plaintiff in error, va. H. M. World is not only much larger than | | Hastings, were pleasunt visitors to|Klepser & Co., defendent; use Gram- any weekly or semi-weekly newspaper, land gloves, babies’ outfit, etc. { |ling va. Gramling et al.; Harris et al, ‘but it furnishes the news with much | Come early before the assort- | plaintiff in error, vs. Englebach, de- ‘ greater frequency and promptness. In| | a grand ball in Rodkey’s hall on the | fendant in error; City of Johnstown | fact it combines all the crisp, fresh ual- | evening of October 31ut. A splendid | vs. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad com- ities of a daily with the attractive | | pany, in re road in Blacklick township, | special features of a weekly. And i | place on Tuesday last, and on Wednes- | : | aniqe and perfect. It can be obtained from all newsdealers, or direct from Toilettes Publishing Co., 128 West 33d | street, New York. Single copies 25 cents; yearly subscriptions, $2; six months, $1. : | oo | : I Wave now opened the shop on Magee | Stylish : ‘avenue near iron bridge, Pat- : : 5a im Ta she Tan | GENTLEMEN are finding it prof- prepared to do all kinds of prac- ‘itable to buy their garments ready-made, more and more so SLICKSMITING M0 HORSE-SHOEING, ec. Groening me what : used to be. Now it gets just Your patronage is respect- as much care and attention as fully solicited. best tailors put it together. FALL x : : i » Of course an exact fit isn’t Announcement I have just retutned from the cities alteration makes a fit perfect. with a beautiful lineof Even a merchant tailor has to’ make alterations. [| can save ‘PALL and WINTER ‘a man at least $10 on a suit AN 1 | \7 of Clothes. Suppos tr Millinery Cos Some Full line of ladies’ novelties merchant tailor. | ment is broken. Prices low. L. >. BELL, | MISS H. M. SHARBAUGH, “he nal ~The Clothier. custom-made clothes. The Robt. A. Hunter. Pest cloth is used, the best cutters are employed and the always possible, but a slight "The miners of Patton did not come | among us one day last week. He | in sale x Ww. H. Thomas property, L ‘out on a strike. has a host of friends here who were | Oreeewell, manager, vs. Davis; BP. © 2) Grass seed for sale at Sam] Boyce’s | glad to see him again. Selig & Co. vs. Karr et al. i { | | | in re exceptions %o report of auditor |§1.50 will get the Thrice-a-week World | i | and the PATTON COURIER for one year. Think of it. Call at the COURIER of- | fice and leave your name. "been declared off. be sure and read it. : = feed store. 86tf |W. J. O'Donnell, of Chest Springs, | The Corbett Fitzsimmons fight has the owner of Grandfather's clock, [tis announced that Ex-President Witch Hazel Salve nre well known. It] Letts leads them all in wall paper, | painting, etc.-97t2. A. M. Thomas has changed his ‘‘ad;” | Work is progessing rapidly on the ~ mew clay plant in Patton. ' Some queer pumpkins grow on the ence cne day last week. ‘When you take a trip to Ebensburg stop at the Blair house and yon will be used all right. Accommodations ex- cellent and rates moderate.-69-tf. Miss Anna Trout, of Altoona, and p Miss Mary Glass, of St. Augustine, The healing properties of De Wist’s | General Harrison's Literary Work. | made himself conspicuous by his pres- | Benjamin Harrison is engaged in writ- Cures eczema, skin affections and is| [fe Ladies’ Home Journal, in which C. W. Hodgkins. : | periodical they will begin in the De- | At the Palmer House. | foember number. The series will be Following is a list of some of the | called “This Country of Ours,” and : . | j people who registered at the Palmer will consist of ten articles and probably | se since last Wedneuday morning: | {more. The papers are being writen |; ",, ‘gp, Gallitrin; Chas. W. Good: | ing a series of magazine articles for Simply a perfect remedy for piles. | % N 5 ns” Re vi igang say Ta buy walt | Glass and family last Wednesday. = | Jobe (0 Fost s rowing, witssprend ‘paper at C.M Letts’.-97t2 4 The new gymnasinm building at the | understand the workings of iin = : our wa papers Per, a Normal chon wilh blk of Ml EL" . cheapest place in town.-97tf tricks wil be Yeqtiived Look Haven ‘tions. It will be the aim of the arti- . Boys get yourself ready for All Hal- Express : {iu 1 cles to explain in the clear and concise . Jow Fen next Thursday night. | ti : : . style for which the ex-president is Ca A Condrin, of Atoona, was a Men are at work this week grading famous, just what the Unpited States guest at the Central hotel Tuesday. | Fifth avenue in front of the school | government means; the origin and 8'T McClain. of Cresson stopped building. When completed that part meaning of the constitution; how laws . 5 b5e Onn trad Lotel ons day fast Wook. of the street will present a fine ap- are enacted and enforced; what the i sal from Weisman E | pearance. powers of the president and other i | ONE yous » Zoi Of any -ONL, | AJohn P. Byers, formerly of this place, | officials se Wish the judiciary system hs : oy : | but now of Mineral Point, rode to Pat- | cans; OW our foreign relations a'e The Patton Supply company is at, ton on his bicycle Saturday, a distance brought about and their meaning; how : : ! congress and the senate -legislate--in wr ; ; tad? § the front with a new : this week. of thirty-six miles, in two and one- | : a fact, a complete explanation of the government told in a popular way. Hon. Jas. Kerr, of Washington, D. 'y 1c poo C., was a visitor to Patton on Monday. | : ah : The celebrated Armorside sold and | On Tuesday Sheriff Coulter, Jeff |General Harrison writes the articles guaranteed by Patton Supply Co.-98t2 | Evans, Clark Creery and Strang Henry | from the standpoint of a citizen who +, | each killed two wild (?) turkeys, and understands his subject. They have Thuraday night, October 31st, the | y pg, Thompson one, making a total lo bearing on politics whatever. While heat day of this month, is All Hallow of nine.—Cambria Herald. : Seely ed fos women, Gon a ae : : | The Patton Clay Manufacturing cles Will naturally have a much broader Mrs. Joseph Taylor Jo. Vidijng id | company has awarded contracts for the | scope and likewise interest men, and mother at Dikesson rg ‘erection of a plant at Patton. The | especially young men. : week. a = ~ [company will manufacture tiling, ~_F.E. McElfresh and H. L. Irwin, of | goer pipe, ete.—Lock Haven Demo- | * New Cumberland, W. Va., are stopping cra, | ; Mrs. L. L. Brown and little daughter, The Houtzdale Journal says that the | Pittsburg Post, the great home Nnews- “The Only” for 1893. | were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. by General Harrison especially for ough, Pgh.; Lawshe Baird, Oscecia; | _ been sick with malarial fever the past | a ; ‘to pay the interest and taxes on our it A A | The COURIER is pleased to announce | home and keep our family. We have | : Cu Ss aii its- clubbing’ arrangements with The ged Aunt Rachael's Peruvian Malarial | S. M. McTinney, F. K. Patterson, Pgh.; | : J. C. Thompson, Clearfield; Eugene! : : 5 Wagner, Baltimore, Md.; Gus W.| DON’T MISS IT. : Block, Pgh.; W. G. Haupt, W'msp't;| 4 misstep would be disastrous to to this fair creature. Let us hope that W. E. Urathens, Jno. H. Bollen, Jr., | she may not miss a secure feoting and that she may escape the perils which Pgh.; Gus Wolfe, Curwensville; J. H. [surround her. Above all she should not miss ; Appel, Phila; T. M. Pringle, W. C. | Bostley, J. B. Forsyth, A. Davis, | Portage; T. B. McLain, Bellefonte; H. | P. Tate, Hagerstown, Md.; A.J. Neg-! Where the freshest and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17c. per pound. ley, Pgh.; Frank Marble, Altoona; C. Neither should she miss Q|msted’s Ice Cream Parlors, W. Gould Somerset. : ! THE FINEST IN THE CITY. : 1.oo and get 6 pounds of Butter ‘ gam. : » gies en =r Teka JL Nil——""_ Say, why don’t you try De Wits : Send Kf Little Early Risers? These little fills! : cure headache, indigestion and consti- | bv : Express. pation. They're small, but do the| ~ work. C.W.Hodgkins. | Olmsted’s Butter Store, { Malarial Bitters. DECATUR, IIL, Aug. 26, 1593, We consider that we have not only | == saved our lives but also our house and | home by the use of Aunt Rachael's’ Peruvian Malarial Bitters. We have! "No Superior and Few Equals - IHRE pedi two years and not able to work sufficient | . CoE TARTS TUTE = it i RT nw Eo Wr dP fl Rng! oo Sa da al et ERE STARE RR ST nie il Ye gsm Cad Te NC BR iu a . a Bitters two months and we are re-| OLMSTED’S BUTTER STORE, lew 507 Main St. JOHNSTOWN, PA. 4 4 So A ACR i mes lbs pr CA SR store of NV. Stirman bai been seized by paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons joiced to say that our health has been of Hastings, visited in Patton on . ; * Tuesday. = ; ‘the Sheriff and the gwods advertised | who want the best daily or semi-weekly ET MecNeeler, of Johnstown, stop- ped at the Commercial hotel one day "Miss Jennie Craver, of Ebensburg, Was a visitor to Patton Thursday of ‘Bee the big offer Wm. F. Gable & Co. have made in another column of Dinest line of heating stoves in Pat- ton at Cambria Hardware company’s store.-96tf = 7 - Jos. A. Latringer and Chas. Hasson, both of Ebensburg, were seen cn our streets Sunday. * W. H. H. Bell, Jr, of Reynoldsville, visited relatives in Patton on Tuesday «snd Wednesday. » W.T. Bradley, the famous ice man | Monday morning. He proposes to te- | of Ladies’ Knit Shirts and Shawls, ALICE A. ASHCROFT, 4 Ade LAN ) 2 “of Clearfield, had business in Patton - one day last week. for sale, to take place Tuesday,October 122d. The store was closed on Tuesday morning. ; {| Rev. Chas. W. Wasson attended the | Epworth League convention at Hunt- | ingdon last week. Mrs. Wasson and ‘daughter Stella, accornpanied him as far as Tyrone where they spent the ' week visiting friends. Y W. T. Robinson and Mr. Laughlin, [the parties who have the contract for | building the stonework for the Patton Clay Manufactaring company, "are making the mortar fly and will soon be ready for the superstructure. Simon Strittmatter, brother of Alex. | Strittmatter, the well-known local Grange worker of Carroll township, departed for the state of Illinois on main in the west some time. —Carroll- {town News. - : I | : restored and we are free from malarial | paper published in the city, we recom- foyer and chills. : , mend The Post. He ; MR. AND Mgrs. W. J. CAMPBELL. The Daily Post, a large eight-page : paper, and The COURIER one year each “all and Winte | for $3.00. The price of The Post alone Pailand Winter | every Sunday, containing as much i zines, and The COURIER one year each all kinds of Millinery Goods. | | The Semi-weekly Post and The Cou- | RIER one year each for only $1.50. Just Come Early | think of it, The Post twice a week, and | for only $2.25. { : - | your county paper for the price of one. and see for you rself. Also all | Write us for sample copies. kinds of fancy novelties and] | 5 2 ” ] . : ‘a ? | We have just opened a nice new line ladies’ and children’s wear. | Fasinators, Hoods and Touges. 82 PATTON SUPPLY 00. PATTON, PA. oe is $3.00. Send us your order at once’ : : | (and get seven papers a week for the J} : |. | price you formerly paid for one. 1 : | | The Sunday Post, twenty pages : 5 BO] bli : I have just arrived from the eastern | ‘reading as any of the monthly maga- ities with a full and complete line of! To our Cook Stoves and Ranges. All are Guaranteed IN. SE to be perfec - Our shelves are crowded w tinware and cooking utensils of |thein. " THE CAMBRIA