DAUPHIN CUURT HEVHOLD. The New Superior I ‘ourt Mot Is Consticutions:. ore. FOR SX CANDIDATES ONLY. i dS Cougressman Arvold antic pated the Dect. : sion aa an Interview. ; - @yryrssunc, Oct. 17 ~The eupreme const of Penneylvania sitting bere to-day reversed the recent dacision ot Jedge Bi- menton of Dauphin conoty, avd declared the aot cresting the soperior sourt of the ~ state to be comstitationsl. : %he opinion sustaining the new court ‘act was handed down by Jaetiee Deno, Ohiet Justios Sterrett and Associate Jue- tice Williame dissented. lo his opision Justices Dees decided that bot sir of the eend’ Antes sas be vot. ed for by sn elector. Among other things Justice Dean saye the courts ses withont suthority to re- vise the work of the Btate legislatures co ‘long as that work isin strict barmony ith the comstitution. The Superior . court case, which was taken op to the Bapreme eoert of the state to determine whether the election ballots should have six or seve candi- dstes each for the Superior court, has settled the controversy in ample Sime to pennit the praper printing of the ballots, by ruling that esoh ticket shouldbave the name of but sir candidates on it, the num: ber nominated by each of the twe great * patties. ‘The aot provides thet siz candi- dates are all one elector cea vote for, and there was a oostroversy as to ite -consti- tutionality; it-was taken inte the Deaphin county court end Judge Simouton ruled that the restrioting provision was neeon- stitational, ae where seven jndges were to be elected every aslified elector had the right to vote for seven candidates; it was . thew taken to the higher eourt sod the ralicg of Judge Simonton was reversed. - Thefiret inforseation cn the Eval setiie ment of the point was received bere through a privite meessge to Hoo. WW. OC. Arnold; which was as follows: Pirtenras, Pa, Oct. 17, 1895 Hon. W. O.. Arn dd, DuBois, Os Alms and Ansmiunii nn Seized at Wilmington LReterped. NEUTRALITY LHS NT VIRATED. Slugger Corbett Pineed Coder Arrest »t Hot Springs. —Geth 8 Hearing To-0ay. Wasaniorix, Ot. 17.—Attorney Gen eral Harmon this afternoon telegraphed Hewson E. Lanoan, United States mar abs) for Dalewsre, to retarn to the owp- ors arms and smmarition found upon the tag Taurae, which was seized about the 1st of Beptemsber pesr Wilmington, Del, | for intended violation of the peatrality laws of the United States. . Over twenty men were found on board and the men and the tag were the sabject of triat at Wilmington Tf! , and the men were seqmittid and the (ag reiessed frum libel. The srms and ammunition aboard bave since heen in the ons'ody of the Uoited States marshal. Tt «ition of | the attorney genera} sioses the 1nciient. coRserT'S wert + POSTPON ED. His Counsel Contends That the State Law on Prize Fighting ws illegal. Hor Serves, Ark, Oct. 18. Corbett arrived bere this mormng from his. traio- ing quarters at Rpring Lake and proceed- od with Sheriff Houpt to tbe office of Justice of the Pence Kirk. Attorney Martin for Corbett, presented 8 petition addressed to Judge Leatherman, of chao: gery court, and asking for s writ of hab-se corpus, The petitice was osounizid snd Gon bett was arraigned before the judge this afternoon. Attorney Mertio contended that the laws enacted by the legislature in 1891 wre iliagal, hecanse they paseed by a vive voise vote inetead of roll esl! as the constitetion uf the state provides. The fire! witaans was Josapn Vendig, by whom it eres proved that the defen. dant hed made so eyreement fo eogage in a glove contest in tose erty Out. 31, with Rabsrt Ritgeizamons 00. nnder the ancpioss of tue Flards Athlatie clab, : Before the testimony of Yandig was Gf A purses of £41 Jadgze Bimonton’e decision reversed, the ~ chet Junie and Justice Williams ais- | " @mo. Pramcon. Prothenetary. | ~~ The news of the disposition of this im- | portant ieene, coming 8s it did, refreshed recollections of an apinion given by Mr. Arnold oely twe days before—given while in Philadelphia iv an interview ap: pearing in The Press of that eity om Wed- nesday, which wes es follows: "The argument on the Superior Court question before the reme Court yes- terday was a subject great interest to loon poi itioians. Cengressmsn W. C. i of: DaBoiwe, whe was 8 visiter at : Republiesn Btate Leadqnartere, voices the sentiment of those slorest to Senator Quay when be said that be believed that the decision will be thet tbe Fuaperior Conrt bill was properly end oconetitotion- : o drawn, that a man can eset a jot {or only aix cendidstes. HARDER’ $ KIS ROE. Wheels From Cleagfisid. ts Williamsoort in Less Than 13 Howe. WivisaMseorr, Pa, Oct. 17.—J, E. Harder, of Clearfield, who left that town at 5 o'clock this morning en bis bieycle - alone, the other whealmer having hacked ‘ont at the last moment, reached tins city at 5:30 thic evening, bavieg ndden 117 miles between daytrosk and dosk. At Philipsburg Earry J. (Yous jomned | ¢ Harder end huog oo to his rear wheel! ‘aotil Mill Ha!! was reached, 67 mils, at | 8 p. m., where be dropped oat on account | of a sprain: d knee. - At Bellefonte A. L. Sheffer, the racing meo, sat pace for au . few miles and at Lock Haveo Harry W. Mills, the fast rider, took Harder down the river 5 miles in eighteen enivutes , through the woret road in Olinton county. Harder wheeled from Jersey Shore to . Williamsport, 16 miles, in one howe and . Sen minutes. Thee hones were lost in stoppages, snd twelve miles added be- .oause of taking & wrong road Detareen . Bellefonte and Mill Eall. Haoder is the fiset rider ¢0 wheel be- tween Olearfleld and Willismeport ie a day. Many sttemapts bave been made by himself and others but without soocesa, | He does not look any the wowas for the long ride. He rode a nineteen pound wheel geared at sixty-eight. : A Child's Horrible Death. PirrssoRg, Oct. 17.—Ida Block, a 6- ‘year-old girl, was crashed to death be- oar about 8:3) thie morning, and for a time it looked as if those in charge of the | i car wonld meet with rough treatment at | the bands of the excited people that bad | witneased the accident I! was prov ahis | i meath the wheels of a Fifth avenue cable : corapieted Lote er Martin requesiad the ctiannelior | to sliow Corbett to depart for! Little Bock, rd he bad an engage ment to rhe ton ght. The chapcelln i grapted the request, bot rec uired the t sheriff {0 eerul » deputy with lam to see that Le retarved tomorrow. Ibe court then adjourned until tomorrow aftarroon, | i coveraon CLARK Fin. Says No Fight in Aitwas=Corbett Arrested and . ‘Under Bond dor a Hearing. Hor Sprinas, Ark., Oot. 17.—Governor Ciarke to-dsy declared thst he had not changed his mind ju regird te the Cor- bett- Fitzsimmons fight and that he can- not permit anything savoring of a prize fight to take plece om Arkansss territory. The governor said that the militia of the { state is now holding Mee!l in readiness to reaped to a csll from him. Thie afternoon Prosecating Attorney League bud n waresat iseaed for Corbett arrest on the charge of eonspiring to com- mit a bresch of the peace. The sueriff served ¢he warrant at a late bour and Corbett gave bord lor appenriuce iu court LOL orrow. It is nudlerstood Justice Kirk will place Corbet! noder $10,000 bond to keep | tue penoe. "This bx nd Cor bets will de i elipe to give and ke will xpply for a writ | of habeas corpus, sod should this be! | granted, Corbett wiil be liberated. It is the concensus of legal opinion tbat tbe authorities esnnot interfere further with | the contest. Fae in &» Coal Mite, WiLkzssaBzE, Ot. 18. cawered in the How «nati, st Port Uriffith, to-day and wae st.| burning to-uvight. It was caused by the 1guiting of a feeder of gasin the red ach vein which set fire to a solid body o coul. Pittston fire engines were oslled into eecvioe, and it is expect- ed the flames will {se extinguished daring the night. . Maoressiog kis Water Supply. ‘Avtoexa, Pa, Oct. 17.—It bas bsen decided by the Pennsylvania railroad offi- i ciale to permanently increase their water anpply at once in this city and prepara- tions. bave been made to coustract 8 ree- ervoir along the Pevnsylvanis snd North- | will ais be secared. Vayvard om Brill sh. Warships. Le + HoN, Dot, 18 — Tuite] Hintes Am Sarto! Bay: ira is the goest of Lio:d the cost sbocking accident that haus fon saaturd toodiy. ob the cession of the eurred on the line since it Las been pnt F gun trigls on boar apd it is elaimed it! in operation, was due tothe carelvssness of the grip- soa, Herry Satter. | Brains and blood were spattered oor). “4he cnr front aud the streat beoeath the | car was covered with tae brains and parts | of the skull and iutestives which had | been torn from the body by the wheel. | ‘The skall had heen crushed and a large | gash ent across the back jaat above the! Jegs. : | The scene of the fatality Wes on the | grade on Fifth avenue between Logan and Btevensun streets. The victim was / the daughter of Benj. Block, a Hebrew, | residing on the third floor of 1322 Fifth | avenue. The child wae playing in front of her home at the time of the aceident | and had left the house but n few min- Lay, 140 I of the pew battle. | Ship Megrifivent, Ae Bayard will he guest of George I. Gosclien, f the rdmirslty, o ¥ vi ietorions at Cha thie Was Sivepiag ou the Track. Drirrwoop, Oot. 18.--Sjlvester Qaone, flagiman on thaJobrsatbaryg train on the P. & IL., was track bi» genger train pear Whistletown this noon and instantly Killed. was lying © u the tek, apparently asleep. | His home is ip St. Marys. $300.0 000. Fire. New Orneans, Oot. 18.--A Sleagtions fire occurred here this evening. Rice | mill B, which contained $100,000 worth + Thbers fo Fire was dis- Med J30 HL bi SYMPRTHIZERS WTR THIF SGA THE 5 leghip In tana Wil. Earn a | - 850. 6040 Ponus fe or C; ram 8 i STO ations Working Bat inn Hil fb tRaveral Og : . nrdar. Tak oo vem ons not be gn fined: we THER Gy fu pens Seuss bene of ate. : The ioliowinn 11 Liiea sven Tile nd sy Lied ae | 1pHDOTY BL: i» xpress belie ths words of ore che, he sit aation et 'oose places o ¥ | the ov rpe snspeps on is ordered to go o i 'N i effect: 1a nae DUKE IN THE CLUTCHES. yi The SUSPENSION BECOE GEAERAL toenail OR, Mim Dake of Mariborongh Arrested in Ceptral Park for Coasting on His Bicycle, Bosrox, O 2. 18. In her offi «ini trial island, a distance of 31 knote, tue bauttle- ship Indians, made sn average epeed of 15.51 knots for four boure. This is 61- 100 knots above the speed required oy the government and as there was a pre- miom offered of $25,000 for every qaarter knot made over 15, the Cramps will re- osive $50,000 as 8 bonne in excess of con- tract price. This may be increased to $75,008 when tidal observations are work- ed ont as the silowaiea for iidal obstrio- tions will probably give the ship 15.75 koote. The very satisfactory speed de | wonderin! way which the maclioers | wor ked. The: day was patton | for a trisl trip. A NOBLEWAW'S ARREST. Duke of Marlborough Arrested for Coasting in Cen tral Park. New Yosk, Oot. 18 —The Duke of Marlborongh, the fiancee of Mics Cou suelo Vanderbilt, was arrested in Central park this efternoon on a charge of violat- ing a park ordioance. The duke was seen by a park policeman pasesng rapidiy down a hill on bis bivpele with bie feet on the suds. This se in violation of a park ordinance made for the safety of per- sons using the hill. The duke sccom paoied the policeman to the station. He said he regretted the ceenrenoe, se he was answare of the existence of avy orlin- : } s disoharged the doke after warnii not to repeat the offise. iON T REY 3 sq: RE DEAL i | Bat ler Firemen ( Yas wm: Fhey Were Chentegl | at Atlanta, p Brrues, Oct. 18. mir 17 tesa of tris fr 4 their tin to Resdiog, where i} oF won the stats i: i nship, apd at At | Juste, 3 where thicy clattoed they were do. robbed of the second prize, whic hy was awasded them by Biking ip 46 seconde, but afterwards takes !rom them without any explanation ors Lew - r x x ZT io 1. the makeap of the official board Pennsylvania was frozen out, and when Brtler arrived with state chsmpionehip lsnrels aud was looked upon as a possible winner of the world’s championship, L. W. Clark, of New York, a prime mover on the board, immediately showed hie animosity toward Pennsylvania, and it was proven that one of the judges, the plugmar, bed openly wagered that Bat- ler would pot make the run in less than 45 seconde, forfeited his money after the | informed them that the plog copnpection was imperfect. This was vivieg no time and allowing Grianel, Ia; which hsd, io the presence of hundreds, filled to ruste the counection, taka second moti=y The Batler bays then paenrad the | vices of attorneys ava took steps for {injanction, bot were joformed by Unis | Joiver, of Atiauta, that tie prizas {been awitded sud rece pred for. i mext stepe will have to be throngh { United States courts, It 13 ~'osri- pon- { ceded by indignant citigore i¥ that #T.J. Keepan, Jr. of Pit'sharg, | had been or * + board of indges Batler! | would hor wi ou top. | Uliimatom to Venperdela. Lospox, Oct. 20.—The 8¢. J Fim zette gays it is in a positic «we Last Lord Salisbury has sent au uitiaatam to President Crespo, of Veneznels, demand- ing reparation for the arrest of policemen at Uruan, and stating the terms upon which Great Britain will determine the boandary dispute with Venezuela. The ultimetam is either on the way to Vene- zuels, or, possibly by this time bas sctu- ally been delivered. Lord Salisbury and Mr. Chamberlain, colonial secretay, the Gazette says, decid- ed/ apon a final course in the matter be- fore Mr. Chsmberlain started on his va- estion a month ago, and both agreed that pute et opoe, even it it had to be accom. plisbed by force. Kyi ne on a Five Usnt Pieeon, rowx, Oct, 20.—-Two thousand 1 strike along tha Yonghio- pel & redaction of Bee moirg. ! FORD 0 a FAS, © ines are avolved., The! r= Lance & Bangl's Washington Coal com- wir ers bave been gelling | x i 51 yp & price, on: a redaction ardersd aug they refase to Ritied by the Philudeiphis Express ALT AA, Ou if. - — Thea Pr ade i ia express on the Pen cay ive: via ratlroad last jute struck and killed Archie Hamwor, | a of lord man, whose residence wis at rate of Big Fignt Chains 3. 1 | Hor Sremvas, Ark, Oot, 18 —The| ates vefore ghe met her death beneath the! | stroyed. The tots] loss 1a 2300,000; irn- | hae basy postpoved, bat to what time is : wheels, | suraiice partial. pot yet koows, trip to-day between Cape Ano rud Boone | veloped by the Indiana is secondary to the | ance which he kad sppsrentiy broken. | Roundeman Rysp, who wis in charge, | The First ward roo-. dace hava returiec | L: Fac »s Concerning the ( ondttion ut i. Now ! : Exits. Rinos the Clearfi=11 mimvrs’ convention ‘a CUTRIER represeotalive hus visited wey. eral of the nearby operations and endeav- | oredi to get expressions from thoce 1b con trol in orcier to better undirstend the ex isting conditions and the probability or othurwise of the snepension becoming general, and the views of (he operators 10 relation to the grantiog of the advance denmoded. While the goestion of s general 808 | peti non gang nto effect Seturdsy or tu the | itior of the operators of this immed: ate! onal fisld 18 of ipter-st alike to miners sod all others. pany was met with the statement thas the oonipany still adbered to its proposition of the 5th inset. , which was as follows: DuBois, Pa., Oat. 5, 1805, Thie company reiterstes ite proposition of 1he 5th of April last {which its em- plojtes socepted by their scte) that when snd tbe Beech Creek and gions 40 cants per net ton respectively, it will pay 40 cents per net ton for pick mio- ing Lami 25 pants per nat toa for machine miring, and other Jubor in proportion; sod it farther declares thet it will pay at sll ‘mines, anti] the above conditions are complied with, 35 cente per pet ton for pick micing sod the ssmis rate for ma- ebiie mining that prevatisd st the time of the present suspension. Tne Brrr, i & Yares C. M. Co, B. Eliott, Gen, Mar. | Tbe proposition of April Sih last, re fered to anovs, aids colita.ned the fol towing: ; : That it 1s wali knows that the operators | PI DEL IOTRE COD Dating with us arg all psy - [wok then wa are It is fnther wel Kiemn tmat for nearly iresmpltion jast iv mmer, we, together with the K. an 4 P. Ai icents more for {competitors sail instead of an sdeanoce in Lother regions, some, Sane Pittebury, | { weit far below ne, ~ohy lower iu fact | lthan wa lave ever hesp, i All mast adm faven abs should be PRPS MOnE Arg Re RTE i ony enp Wiiboat Gu expeciations or beef ihat onr cotapetityrs shall pay the same standard as Hnrsel ves. If our employes agree bt) work uninter- raptediy daring the month of April, 1595, at ‘be present price of mining, we bereby area to sdvanoe the price of pick minioe to #0 eents, snd maeeckine mining to 25 oer ta per net ton on May lst, 1835, sed to pay ail (sy lsbor ss whan we last paid the 40 seats per pet ton for mining, with the distinc! understsnidicg and agree ‘ment with you, bowever. that if the Pitte- bug rata shall not be sdvinced to 63, and the Clearfield and Beeckt Creek regione itn $0 enpta per net ton ou or before Jooe atl to halwye tliat | tie an on and after Jave lat, 1895 st the { pre@ant rates paid, aod work at thie rate [aut the above regione sre paid 69 and! 40 penta respectively ‘when we will agree, at tue same {ira to reanipe again at the { 40 pents per ton rite, r ‘fhe R, sod P. Coal sud Iron company | ¥ ind Adrian Iselis of the Helvetia mines, | sctieslly similar propositions sod | ‘mide pra {for ora month the 40 eu rate prevailed he at {Lo operations of thew comnans, b nt y jth advanes pat heing n i pating regions the le ; : ace | to Conditions, these cornpenies claim, re- » erg ready to grant the advance asked i: te day should others do eo. : : Work was yesterday in progress at the mices of the R. and P, Coal and Iron occmpany, at Heivetia, anil several other timent is against a suspansion at this time and where it is said there sre serious doubts of one being broaght Shout; ot present at least. Quite likely thie feeling—a desire to re- main at work—would not be so strong among the men had they, during the past fimr or five months, hed no more work than have the DuBois miners. Batween steady work and that for bat Ars COA: MITErs; isher whe ser they bind or belong to 5 aw oy i »% fro rR F o#) little work {pear fotare, is gtill nocerimin, the post- | Iygniry at the beadjoarters of the Ball, Lawis & Yates Conl Minivg com nan LOW, Kn BOD) sWer rates r such | fve monthe after auc. I. Co., pad five Pls {han our Desr-ny || joyes demand of ns ap a’dvauce| the com | a rite was returned | main the samt, and their positions are | ooaed. It is still ooderstood that | places, in all of which the prevailiog sen- a few days each month, thers is a diffes- | be : | asce which very patureliy indaences the | it was necesenry to énd the frontier dis- | western ratbrord nnd from it pipe the | water of Bella Rao bere. Tipton tno! lopiniors of wage earners, no matter tak meeting of the mivers of the B, L. x LOM, Co, was beld this forenoon betas) 1 Ratbhme) nd Prescottviile for the pur- | dwiegutag to the inte Ciesrfi=td conveo- tun. [' wae decided to abide hy the de sision of the eouvention nut to pontinoe tha spenencinng . Commiiess wears ap- pointed with doe au «rly to solicit sod receive cor tributions {ur the rein! of the men snd their families. were po-t-4 at many mines acvi ivy mio- Hrs of the action taken at Clearfield and ating on thane $5 eagperd work <0 sud { alver to-morrow. No meetings have teen held and ae yet it is a matter of copjant { nre ss to the number of mioers that wi! i ba ide on Monday morping. The opera itore have tuken po steps to nvert the tlreatened suepension. Bome assert that they san purchase all the coal they need im other regions st less prices than pi sonid eost them to mine shonid they grant tha sdvanoce asked. niiners and business mes that, in order to postpone the miners’ strike which is to the Pittsburg region shall psy 69 cents| begin to morrow, the cperators would sek Clearfield re- re- | for a conference, but not having done en, a strike of more or less magnitade is now eerta’n. Equally sure is it that the oper- store will pot yield from their position not to grant the advsnos demanded. If the strike ordered is obeyed generally, from 5,000 to 6,000 miners will be idle in the Clearfield sud Beech Creek regions alone. The operators claim that the misers are divided on the qnesticn and : that in many mioes there will be nn snus: pension. i pose of Pwteping to toe reports of the Pa.rarssuse, O 4. 18.-—To-day notices |- Ustil to day it’ was thought by many "REPORTS INGIEATE FALE. a] Tiere Muat be More Misionary. Work if All Snspe: ud. rEsALY AL POIATS Kn FaoM ust | or he Mouvtaia ure to Coatiune Operations It was impossible to tell Sucdey whet the miners at evary poiot all over the Ces- tral sod Northern Pevoeytvanie coal re- men qait work Batorday it eo ont ontill the intrenss demanded is grant od. There wae no work on Sunday, bat st bow many places there will be worl Covrizr gathered abont all that ~nuld reat to work ont with soming events. With the mivers of the Bell, Levis & Yutes onmpsoy the situution ie as it has been for & number of weeks—none will be at work to day. COAL GLEN. : At Joel Gien the miners of the Jeffer- a5 Coal compsny have s heif-bolidey on Saturday avd when they went out af DOOD last Satordey it was anderstood thes are. BEECHTRER. Ba octet wil Pitteburg Coal sod Iron compssy hes mines, the men held s mesting Setardey afternoon sud, us the report reached We Covnixz, they vote not to retarn to work Monday morning. This information is given 8s it was gathered from parties who cams from that plece Sstarday oveing. PUNXICTaAWNEY. Ponraowey ¢ report was recived by wire last night and ie authentic. Prxsserawsey, Oct. 20, Knowledge It ie nnoerstood that the ho'dirg of a! of what the miners will do here foslly nisss meeting of miners at Papxsnituw. | c8onot be obtsivad from any source to night. The Rochester and Pittsburg i ney on Sanday ie contfemplatad. The first of seyt weak will ; termine the resuit’ of th a presant strife { Should i the men Lope to win through the grant | ng of their derasnds; this they mey Jn ‘bongs deruends, In that cease thera is trouble ab sd iu some parts of this min- tog district which may, but it is boped deplorable scapes and experiences, He ie indesd a wise man who can, at this jan- ctare, foretel] what the next few dase may A hen ts aa ANA sa Corbett ‘Set at Liberty. habess corpus proceedings yeetordsy Chancellor Lestbermina rendered su Je cision that therm ie no lew mo the state probibiting priza fighting or glovs cou race, snd then st the meeting of the vosrd | G5 , $ a 1st, 1885 yon will reenme without ques eate and that the defendant was on- i } auvpue and it waa so ordered. | app peal to the supreme court. Laubching at Newpast News Newport News, Ve, Ot. 28—The | sunchieg of the gaubosta Nashville ar id | | yi. ming ou Saturday, was Ww tgessed by | : . mia Dance snd she North Atlantic | . iii apt r party. ! The boats were bait i sind into the water tands am fashion. i in one way and 3 Smashup East of Tyron: ArtooxNa, Oot, 20, —A berd on eollisi on between two freight trains ooenrred at Warrior Ridge, east of Tyrone, Seatarday morning st 7 o'clock. A large nomber of cars were wrecked sod the tracks bincked, detsiviog all trains: A epecial for the west was made ap bere. Nobody was hart. Over a Fool of Saow. Erg, Oct. 20.—A heavy storin bas rag: ed kere all day, and over a foot of snow has fallen. Street cars and railroad traf- fic is badiy havdicapped. The storm is ove of the worst ever known 80 early in ! the fall. Millionaire Mackay’ 8 Son Dead, Paris, Oct. 2. the «ldast son of Joan W. i Ban Francisco, died rest i . x Linres received by being throw Her Two cn ANCE, rail Bown. i » Fond t ths COURIER | xs of the first! $80 tha = at the: > Lipvitat ions to tha ¢qlive order, apon | ) dit men at the sine operation, mj ery { tbe sarae period, enrnad resp rly the | following amonnts: 830, $421.73, $844.75, $144 13 215.81, 844.07, ge. 72 ao 236.70. | { "ba toonags of twelve men fcr tha same! | period was also as follows: 129, 107, 104, 82, 77, 1183, 103, 118, and 90 | tons. This last showing is about the av: { | of clean rice was among the buildings de- | date of the Corbett: Fitzsimmons fight! erage of the men who work fairly steadily, {Ot corse many of thetn have helpers, pat even thap it shows tat with steady a7, 113, 117, | i Hc > i ; with Titan —— i 1 : = vl in the Atlantic I sebes in the southern, 536; 35; ia the Paulie, 63. largely de. | . | working pending fiva! sotion in the Clears The disposition with them in regard to isyivg down their fools seams be “better last than Sra” They buve the snepensior be made genarsl fXpressed 8 dee'ra informally $0 see the arrive at sn agreement which Sbouid a largs nomber of men remain at | work and refuse $0 recogaige the edict of the sopvention the suspension will fail. 0 | perstors will not, cause & renewal of recent sed | "Her 8prixgs, Oct. 20.—Io tbe Corbett pradron, and Secretary Herbert rad al ~ John W. Mackays Jr, | Neh ol | Clenrflald and decided to suspeod oe Ooel and Tron company’s men will go on feid region. wil Tesve thew stand relatively se they | : that en equitable snd | The companies may also try to ran their | | do pow, hat in sech position ss will ad- pict by compebiog | works with pew men insted of granting | mt of } She aniforn: advance to the miners. - | This wus the rather indefinite sovclusion hes meeting beld at the opers Ecuse. Patron, Cambria. Co, Pa., Oct. 20. 4 mass meeting of the miners here was held this afternoon and it was unssimously voted So coutiuns work ull wioadh list ere over the district come ont fo justify them in doivg the same. Those in Nortbern Cambria at which the & decided to snenend work are, Spangler, Barnesbors and Hastings 2 - The men bare have hod & great dest ol idle time on their hande in the past yesr | titled to bis liberty under a writ of habeas | and sre very conservative. They bave “Tbe attor- | Tney general tates that be will take an | been idle ic the past when others were at | ers ure pot digging coal which they should | be digg if they stop now. | EAST OF THE MOUNTAIN. Farrressraea, Oct, 20.—1t now looks as {if the mine strike will be, so far as the 1 Beech Creek and Clearfiald regions: ars | soncarned, a failare, | Tbe mivers of the Osceola distrieh, | which comprises shout twelve mines, at 8 meeting est night, resolved not to sae- pend work. Ia the Beech Cre region the mivers employed in the fellowmg mines also: voted to continue work: Boyal, Acme, Forest, Gearbart, Decstar, Baitie, iLan- cashire No. 1 aod Pardes. Cs From the Cambria county coal Seld advices are that the miners in the vicinity continns work and reports from the Clearfleid region. where the Berwind- ‘White Coal Mung comp} was; lee be no suspension st any of the mines. At Morrisdale the miners agreed to suspend work and remain idle uatil Thursday, and thon i? the strike did pot prove to be of a geversl character, to a turn to work. : At Bloomington and Oshacter the wits {arg sre still on steika. bs peashire No, 218 the Giiy wive 80 Par "null the esol Cresk region toat’ ane 3 ER the action of the ecosventivn at C marrow, Binme 5 to the Mails, St, Lonisans who Lave pet yet received Marlborough. Vander | hilt wading shoald bear in mind The fack “that the mails betwaen New York and 3 this ily Have be syaler of later 8 Lous Glo sbe-De amoerat. Wha Slapped This Eattor on the Bae? A gontlem if &lwars kuowa the differs , ence | siween bay ng friandly snd Teing = » {smiling —Hek J Mateo (Cal) Gugeite. Canin’ Blame This . Wages Man, “Ir'any o of my crstomers gat. won't be my fanit, by jocka™ exclaimed | the honest milkman, pouring hall a gal: lon of boiled water into bis can. —Caicago | Tnbone, | How To Get On Wilh Your Admit oconsion: he knows more tha a grest 1m ression @ and good see. to-day, it will take thadsy to tell. The De toia with cartamty and waits for the | they eet 00 0 tay with fhe ther srl | wort and they want to ba sure that othe of Patton, Hastings and Spangler will interests, are to the effect that there will *overi RB. fo Tr Sa Sn