i i i ag ‘SUNDAY SCHOOL WORKERS. 81st Annual Session of the State Association. JOHN WANAMAKER ELECTED PRESIDENT, Money Raised for New Work and to Employ : More Workers for Next Year, Winniamsporr, Pa., Oct. 10. — The Peousylvania State Sabbath schoo! ae- sociation colored its anpunal seesion here to-day, I'he most important work done ‘was the electing of the following named officers: President, Hon, Jobn Wanamaker, Philadelphia; vice presidents, Rey. WV. A. Btenoton, Pitteburg; Mr. T. M. B. Hicks, Williamsport; recording secretary, Rev. W. A. Oarver, Gettysburg; treas- urer, Mr. J. Albert Had lock, Meds. District presidents: Rev. Alex. Henry, Frankford. Philadelphia; Rev. W. R. Laird, West Chester; Rev. O. G. Bort, Allentown; Mr, Robt. Keller, Btroudls barg; Mr. A. W. Dickson, Beranton; Mr. George Urquhart; Jr,, Wilkesbarre; Rev. B. P. Morse, Newberry; Rev. D. E, Sskoedler, Turbotville; Mr. George H. Beiler, Swatars; Rev. E. 8. Bowman, M :chanicsburg: Mr. James Macklin, Mo- Veytown; Rev. 8. T. Forgeus, Huntiog- don; Genl. James A. Beaver, Bellefonte; Rev. A. A. Bird, Wilcox; Rev, H. E. Wie- aad, Clarion; Jobn E. Hill, Johnstown; Rev, H. 0. Bird, Uniontown: Mr. Edwiu 8. Gray, Pittsburg; Professor 8. R. -hompeon, New Wilmington; Rev. J. W. Smith, Warren; J. R. Osldwell, D. D., Greenville. Member of international executive com- mittee, Hon. John Wanamaker. New members of the executive commit- tee: Mr. N. T. Arnold, Ridgway, three years; Rev. J. Shontz, Ohambersbarg, three years; Mr. H. J. Heirz, three years; ‘Rev. Obaries Rhoade, Philadelphia, cne year. The treasnrer alter fignring op the pledges reported that a total of 85137 - bad been pledged for next year. Mr. - Wanamaker said they were still over $000 short on what they woald hike to have to do the new work aud employ more workers for next year. The movey was quick'y raised, and thers was dome to epure. The pluce of meting mex! esr wine left to the executive committee, [tf will be decided later. Harper. ibe 'y Beil in Mex « New Yosk, Oct. 10.—-Ths On liberty bell committee has received from the gcvernment of Mexico, through Pres- ident Diez; sn invitation for the exhibi- tion of the bell in that eouniry immedi- ately after the close of the Atlanta expo- ‘sition. - It 1s intended that ceremnuiee shall be held with the bell atihegravesof Hidalgo and Juarrez and other points in Mexico, made sacred in the. efforts of that nation for liberty. It 18 aleo suggested that the bell ehall - vigit the lowest point reached by sailroad in Central America, and there have wp appropriate ceremony suggestive of the proposed connection by rail between North and Bonth America. While it is anderstood that the full expense of the | bell while upon Mexican territory will be berne by the government and the citizeus of the pation inviting it, it ie, of conse, pececanry that the treasury shall ba well reinforced before the trip is eute red upon i Jrrabian CRIMINAL PROCEELINGS COMING City Attorney Moreland May Be Prosecits »d Along | : With House. ‘Prrrssure, Oot. 10.—City. Controller QGourly and the snb-finance committee of | city councils engaged in investigating the | fluances of the city attoruey's office, did not ‘have a meeting to-day to further consider the matter as was aunounced last even: ing. City Attorney Moreland denied em- phatically thai he had ever made any ar. mangement to receive interest on cit y money with any one. A rumor wes circulated to-day that probably not more than two or three days ‘will elapse before proceedings will be in. stituted to have Assistant Oity Attorney House procecated for receiving interest on city fands deposited in ths name of City Attorney Moreland, The plan of criminal action, *. is re- ported, may include City Attorney Mcre- land himself in the proceedings on the ground that whether or not Le received | any portion of the interest he was al partner to the transaction, throu;h con tribatory negligence. Shot apd Robe, Pirtsbona, Oat. 10-—An ‘was murdered ut Bower Hill, 4 - tion on the Pittebnrg, Chat tars 'Y iogheny raiiroad, st rth morning. After rifling the body th: murderer escaped. ‘identity can be found, ss everything valus had been removed from the tinkrown man sal Ki € Y r No arres!s have been made Traffic Badly Twp dso, Pirrspore, Oct. 10. The wreck on! the Psuneylvania railroad at Munor sta- tion last evening caused much confusion | None | Hamlin, lett Washington at 10 -'ciock to loea! and through treflie to-day {direct beirs and leaving an estate valued Nu c.ow to the men's i Piretary K-u nedy and Gov. Jacl (ASH FOR THEIR LABOR. Company Store (Juestion Discus sed in Pittsburg Convention. | DEARMITT FOR - A UNIFORM. RATE. Shamokin Miners WII Teat the Semi MonthlysPay Lew. to-day of cos: operatcrs avd representa. tives of the miners of the Pittsburg die- triot to settle upon terms of uniformity of prodaction of coal in the] district, Presi- dent W. P. Dearmitt, of the New York dressed the couvention. He ssid be was in favor of uniformity in mining ratee and would pay any price established and lived op to. “Uniformity,” ocontinnea Mr. Dearmitt, ‘‘s the payment of so many cents in cash for sc many pounds of coal.” W. P. Rend said he had one ar two sompsny e‘ores at big mines, too they were there at the solicitation of the wives of hig employes. In ove case the women had to truvel several toiles for provisions and he rap the store for their accommo: dation. The convention " atisared antil to- morrow, when some action as to a rate will likely be taken up. She rman Prea: os ¢ Vietory. WasHInaToN, Oct. 11.—A Republican ms jority of 50,000 or 60,000 is what Seua- tor 8bermar, of Ohio, predicts i that state next month. He asserts that the legislature will also bs» Republican; that in this regard mach depends upon Ham- ilton county, bat that indications there are all favorable to the Republicaue. Speaking of the general po'itical outlook, Senator Sherman regards it as anfavor able to the Democrate, : “Times are better than teey were, The baeiness conditions huve improved over what they have beep, hut there is no snb stantial revival, sod nc: promise of a re tnrn of general prosperity under present rironmoetances, The revival is not gen eral.” DELOE STILL DN EARTH. Walked Into His Falher s Hame in Washington tn | -8 Dazed Condition Wasmineron, Ost. 11. William jDasloe, who digapeared from Dal twelve days ago, bias been found. Ha walked into his tues bore in this ity this rm roing with the remark: *'I} 6 here” : i Delos was in a dazed condition and | unable to explain oe i sappearance, It! is supposed he wander:cl abont while iv | a delirinm, Bailey Left No INlceot Heirs. has been appointed by Aagditor Gepersl (iregg escheator of tho estate of Ciras Bailey who died here lust year with no at Z30.000. Bailey has no illegitiniate son aud was boro in Franklin county in 1825 His half-brothers named lLieesman, of Frankl o eoonty, have roads cisim to the estate and will contest with the common wealth at the next term Of civil cases 11 this county for its posession, Deserten Alte or Se wig Hours lise, married, Bevea hours jater the bride de- gertod her husband ard was speeding {toward Sun Fraticisco in. eo {former louver, | Her parents opposed her marriage to | Mille, und t is alleged that her elopement [with Angel was asswstel by bar family | Mills takes his deserticr philosopuicaily . compnuay ol a President Retaros to Washioglon, Buzzarps Bay, Oct. 11. Cleveland has concludswi bis vacation aod ‘#8 the guest of Commodore Benedict, Mrs. Cleveland, children and other mem- bers of the femily will leave Tuesday. Toe preéident’s entire journey to Wash. president has enjoyed excellent health this enmmer sod he plaiuiy shows it. After 5 wi-Montibhly Pay. Hagrienuns, Ot. 10.-~The employees of the Union Coal compnoy at Bhamokin, compel the corporation to comply wiih tlaw, A Clearfield coanty jndge declared i} tpattment of the State sill appeal the case tO the sUpLcIoe COUR, 1 ' : i i Two (hes of Leprory ' (8 rE LES GOINES, f leprosy 1o this slate have ied to the RBOVeruor, atl tha m | been turned over to tha sicta board health, which 1s now 1uvestigativg, Sec- beoeyny o divnlge the location of the in kuown that the persons efi’ {children in one family. Vo dariiste 10 Speak ta Boston, WasaINaToN, Oct. 1). Be y Car- lisle accompauied by Assistint: Seeretary of those injnred are dead and it is believ- | this morning for Bostor. Mr. Qariisle ed by physicians that there will be no more deaths to record. Fourtee n Were Drowaed. Loxpox, Oct. 10.—The steamer Napier, of North Shields, has arrived here with 10 of the crew of the steamer, Livonia, of Leith, which was sunk by collision with the Napier off the island of Aaland. Four- evening. : on ‘Twenty Workmien in the Ruins, Westphalia, collapsed workmen were buried iti the ruins. Sev- teen of the Livonia’s crew were drowned eral bodies have been tuken ont. Prrrsnora, Oct. 10.—-At th cnr venticn and Oleveland Gas (Coal company, ad- IN OUTRAGEOUS FAKE Absurd Story of Cleveland Being Assassinated. ORIGINATED BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Eullet ns Created Intense Fxcitement fo “the Various Cittex Y mterday Morning. New York, 11.—The general in- accuracy whien charaoterizae the organ- ization known as the Chicago Associated Press bad the newspapers and part of the conotry wild early thie morning with a story that Preei lent Oleveland bad been It wae an outragzeons fake or jaet such a blunder thet made the Chicago assccia- tion give the Eaglish yacht Valkyrie III the first race in the international series, when Defender showad ber aclear pair of heels. For tte moment, however, the rumor created intense excitement in thie city, thoagh it was accepted with much. in- credulity, The Associated Press itself does uot exactly know how the story got onthe wires any more than thst a policeman was seen in the vicinity of Gray Gables, whereat the Associated Press reporter brilliantly eoncloded that President Oleveland must hava been killed. : However disrepatable the rumor and its antbors, Mr. Cleveland 18 to-day When a United Press reporter calied at Gray Gables at 8:30 the presidental fam- ily wa« at breakfast and Mr. Cleveland was discu «ing the program of a day's fishing. : Mr. Clevelund charsoterizad the story as too ridienions and absurd to be even talked utiont. He conld not noderstand ho # nu repntable news organizition conld be so gnlled. Wasaixaron, Oct. 11 —The report of the psenpsination of President Cleveland, which guiced cariency énrly this morn trough and throng, bh but when the x [5 pergete Well it formed persone could not believe | bie. Buzzards | communication ln ex larga wrounts of money octlected | Lthe world tar sagh New Bedford, Mass, : Bay has 1alaphonie AvtooNs, Oct. 11. —Clengressman Hicks ! BerisGrieLp, Mo., Oct. J0.—At 10 ¢- | | clock yesterdey mornit gi, Mies Eva Dou i rvan and John Mille, of this city, were vemed William Avge. President ington will be made on tLe Oueida. The | have petitione f 3 or} ave petitioned the fastory inspector to] Wat sotively evpaged in: the paradit or cvioletors of the law, and had 8 wonder! {the provisions of the semi mouthly pay ; tia! Les wot uueou titaliouel apd the law de- | will deliver an address a? the dinper of the Reform club of Beston, Batarday | ton aronsed great jadiz ation. tha story even from the first, and in thes event of ench a great tragedy, “1 to think tbat that telephone would rot te | | 5 working is absarl, The Court bivided Haurmspone, Oat, enjoying good health and peace of mind. ing throngh the envrgy ard gnilibility of | the Associated Press, etartied this city | commen va erimina!l action against W. C- ieee l vita gama to tris] we soon As joss) v COMMITTEE BALKED BY MORELAND. TURNING ON NORE UGHT WORK RESUMES T0-ON New Crookedness Discovered by the City Auditors. Refuses Aasiz'unce and Withholds Books aod Aceonals From Them, Prrrseora, Ost. 11. —More allegations similar tn those made by ex-Canbier Senl ly, of the First Natioval bauk, with ref erence to the payment of interes’, to As: sistant City Attorney Honee, may be ex- peoted ia the investigation of ths work- ings of the city attorney's office. Wm. Van Kirk, who in 1884.85 was president of the Tradeeman’s Natioval bark, bas signified his willingress to to teetity wher called or. At thin evening's meeting of city conn- oil's sntr-finance committes Controller Gonrley and City Attorney Morelund did not appear. The anditors, however, who have for | many many months been engaged io kp | examination mto city acconnts, did ap-| pear, and said the discoveries of dsnbtfal transact one 10 connecticn with the-city | attorney 8s office had only began and that they had. been balked by the city attor- ney, who wonl!d pot render any aseiatance and had withheld bis booke and acoonnts from them. ‘They stated that three monte or.more would ba regnired to complete their investigation. An afterngon paper publiches 2 state ment credited to City Controller Ciourley to the «ffect that prosecution cf City Attorney Mcreland and his nestetant, Mr. Honse is inevitable, Sab firanae committea which hus ben Rhian) the oy attorpey’s office will make report to finance committee of conneila Monday. recommending that connrils instruct City Controller Gourley to lay the facta nnenrtbed before the district attorney, J The district attorney is reqnested to i | Moreland, city sttorney, acd 'W. H. i t Tha ‘gab committe bheliava there bus | wi ditfarant gonpese that have pews ri en tarned ‘ptothe city treapary. RUNAWAY TROLLEY CAR. i . : 2 “lumped thy Track at tse Bottom of a Hill, Killing! 13. ~ Judge Simon- Threa Fassengars Outright. Prrrsiiora; Ot, 13.—Three persons | ton Satardsy morning decided that the | ware killed ontright and pine others in- | provision of the act creating the saperior jnred bys ronnway trol’ 'ay 0arcn ‘tha West | 1896. (oon:t, restricting the voter to a choice of | Fpi electrio line jnmping the track and I 8iX © wadidetes, is nnoonstitutionsal. Judge MePherson,. however, sustains | the pri visions and declares it is perfectly ! Feonstitutional. Judge Simonton granted a wmandamys cagainnt tha secretary of the gommon: | ;wenlth reqn iring him to prepare the offic ial ballot so thet each voter may. vota lor seven candidates r } ws § Au RDpLBAL Wil batyben to the Ru prema {wealthy nt ones, ea that the matter may te cifficinl bailct oo Fynenhing in Miser io, Ost 13 his Hend- arson, & negro sped ahont SB yours, was yuched on the ontekirts of this village last night. Reversi d ago he enticed Minnie Rast, aged enrs, daughter of regnectatile white nara te toon nastiore nr bh} yi ies ¢ } nese Lhe vi Ke atid tE&IY ah viit ithe child, Her sereams Gtr. at aknigt- alice nnd ti vty {ed to the woods. A porte go y followed him aud he was locked = village jail. Fury inst evening a mob eto jail ard hurried the negro «4. pis : : tore where he had waylaid ~ with, and left this afternoon ou uv ywcut Uneida, | hanged Lim to a limb of err elm tree. It! is hardly possib'e thet aoy of the lynchers | ribly maageld will be arreste: 4. Detective e Biookn Dead. Prrrspcra, Oot, 11.—James J. Brooks, ex-chiet of the Unitea States secret ser- | was probably one of the best known de- tectivis in the world. record for gnceess, Caban Day al Atlanta Ls (1a., Oct. 13. Ths £ 3 Efe Brretigin ons are be Ig distin ge ghad orat gOINg over an, embankment to-night. The k Fed ure: Gaorge Rothman, for 'nitore desler und Fred Hewsel, glass | § : . ¥ i worker. of Carvers and ag aukpown wor i 1 TGAL, i i tacalp wannd an peonrt by the soretary of the Corntaon- Pdeterrnined before Ostiobay 2 when hel Limthipa: ef Os Tre injared are: Meo. Michaal Folay, had seal 3 wonuds and interral iujaries, may dic: Condnetor Albert AMeGaon °, 1 internal ir jaries; Fred dde!l, motorman, shonl kel Fol Jared 7, son of Miohael, élizhtiy | 2 fronton * .$ dar dISONIRTRO jurad; Mra! Leach, light i juries; Hen- | Heit 1, ig BY 1. Eroterrar Alex i tuft riche Etep lawrated : bud , A | tray baw {4 he ampatated; Katie 1 Bet aw 2eat } . Feolay, ynangiehi sirghtly Braised. rw rgoke tif Ca ngie ut “ t of " ’ i thera i2 8B at i gihas track for al imile. When the ithe brakas rd br lost conten), Th iroad. The car was broken into gflinters | § | was found dead on Steuben street, West his country to attend. As yet the pluns « rapidy shape] ‘nlv bLa before crit as Haods Sono rested by the Hold op fo Altoona. ArtoonNa, Oot. 11.—1his morning st ) ' 51, nn apd 112 30 o'clock two tiotpads held np and Berniy, Oct. 10.—Part of a large paid. i attempted to go through the | ocket: of ng uaed a8 a spinning will in Bocholt, | John H. Stoape, of Conemaugh, while to-lay, and 20 | he wae crossing one of the bridges which span the Pennsylvania i1silroad io this i | ety. vice bureau, died at an early hour thie | Satarday’ morring. morning at his residence, 1843 Bla the high panhandle railroad bridge acroes street. He was 76 yeara old, Mr. Brooks Little Baw Mill ran, Weat Ecd, and had | For B50 years he | cipitated from the bridge, which is 60] rerched MeUnrtvey street, ‘re taera 18 A sharp euarve, Here jt 26188 sped he track and turned ecmpletely over, landing In a ravice aloogside of the and the three persons killed were hor. A Mysterious Death. Prrrseora, Oct. 13.—James Bannon End, by Patro'man Mike Carrigan. early He was lying ander evidently met instant death by being pre-| 3 feet above the streat. He had been dead | several honrs when discovered. Nothing! tis known as to how he was killed, and ronsideruble mystery atdrroands his death I'he bady was moved to tha morgue ‘load wagon My tt a that if bel { the end of the { tion, and ai | lations are going its. rounds cotice en { the possibility of na a of friendly i relations Between her ¥. bad se alp wou nd; dais ft tone. Ten million dol Strike in C tenrficl Distriet is Called off. A HARD KICK AT COMPANY STORES. Pitt-burg Coe vention E-tablishes an Twenty. Cent Diffeesnilin~l ver Tou Proape-sora, (ot 13. Work will he regume tu the 8 vernal idl» mined nthe Clen iid district to-morrow. Willisra B. Wilsou, master workman, of the 1ode- pendent order Kotghts of Labor, wro ‘bas been in thiw section for tne past. two weeke, visi ed the dis ict uffected yweter- day, and suggested that the men retarn. to work. The etriks wea sivsnsiohed by the dis charge of a Lomber of miners fur violation of certain rnles. The committes will yisit the com; any «fflsials and endeavor to bave the diectarged men reinsteted. The operators are giving no attention to the miners convention to be held at Clearfield Taesdny aud apparently do not apprehend snapsoeion in th's part of the State. BLOW 10 COMPANY §7 STORES. The Pittsburg Convention A Adopts 2 Twenty-Cent Dit ferential Per Ton. Pirrssorc, Oot. 13.—The convention | of operators and miners conolnded work yesterday by adopting the report of the cow aittes <n dead work. The report re- commended the wage sesle of 1892, where- py the pay. ie increased and decreased in proportion the price paid to miners. The restoration fixing a differential rate on and after Jaonary 1, presented Friday evening and which was withdrawn, was again offered and after considerable dis cussion adopted. It provides that on snd after Jananary 1, 18:6, proper differeutisl payment betweer cash and store orders for mining coal shall be twenty cents a ton. This 1s believed by all concerned to te the desth koell of the company store system, ; ) For Halance of This Year, Toe followinz 18 » paragraph from a | mtemant was allayed the erneity of such | Honse, sse1 tant city attornay and pro- | dispateh in this puper Satniey showing or 1885, Ttis| | repeated with corrections #8, owing to | PY PM the differential adopted f wmrelessness, tha figures iven Satardey | Ware ALIONAOUS! Pirranrree Oct, 11. -- Ai this alternoon’s '8vsaion of miners and oper ‘atera’ convene Pood oGataliien cpa “ £3 25030 ai | formity cf ratee raparted that rates agreed | npon on Aagust 24 should remain in foros fnntil Daoccamber 3let, namely, 61 cents | where wages are paid im cash and 61 cents where the company stores exist. Com- mittes farther desided that all company stores shail be abolished alter January 1; Reporew was Sudoptel. THC DUCHESS’ D DOWRY. Miss Consuelo Vanderbilt to Have About : $10,000,000. Mise Yanderhin's engagement is the abs ring fo $10 of ROCIO My % CONVeTrsa - orts of rumors and specu mather and her father's family and what settlements | | Mr. Vanderbilt will make npon her. ourse hea large | lars ig the sam | ww A v wry bl oy J » £ yA . £ Hy d YWTY Y ijl of ¢ generally pentioned ir society's gossip, This will be weenred to the } will Gini ly ba abl toned iterest Lot it. Blenheim can be pt wy hand. romely on $7 00.¢ a year and much of hammer Hof teiverd t Yeh grea tar, ay er to stroteh the annual allowances ne to time the young Amer n to the R10, 000,000 dow ly keep her in clothes, to be sure-—Mrs, Theodore Haverieyer, who does not dress very elegantly, is reported to have paid 840,000 for her gowns last year—- but it will pay for her hats and gloves at least. An intimate friend of Mr. W. K. Vanderbilt, who will not: permit his name to be mentioned, said that outside of the four most interested persons in the marriage— Mr. and Mrs. Vander. bilt, Miss Vanderbilt and the Duke of Marlboroungh—probably nobody knew the exact amount of money that will be settled on Miss Vanderbilt. | i future | | duchess in Taek ¢ a way that her husband | prEeNsYLYANI, Ra ILROAD. AN HEFREOT NOV. 25, wy, Philadelphia and Erie Rafirosd Division ftwood fime Table. Trainsleave Dri KE ASTWARD; 04 A. M.— Train 8, daily except SnAg _Sunvury, Harmbarg and nu intermediate tions, arriving at phia, 5% 5 New York, $33 Pp: m.; Butinore. es t. Washington, 7 7:00 p, mw. ron nthe from illiamsport and from Kane to Philadelphia. Ba M. Train 6. dail sxcept an; - rEarrisburg and in — pol : ing ut Philadelphia at 4 oa m., Ted wm Pal'man Sleeping cars nanarg 10 Phiadelphia and ‘nndis Hsoan ni. anti 7 ARG passenigy Erie and Dagens wengers in sleeper for Sen wake will be transferred into rom. ede ta" Philade] in rom wrie to Ph oort .» Bdlt Ph : WESTWARD 7:26 A, M—Train 1. for Ridgway, bu noe < MEY xcept Lr : medintesia ., Leuven Ridgway at oe mm. for rar A.M “Tins op wary wr Erie sau 1008 BT PM, Tate, fiatiy oxcept Sunany. for Kane ana intermedinte ! THROUGH TRAINS da. DRIFTWOOD FROM THE EAST AND Sova, TRAIN 11 leaves Philadel Wushinglon 7:50 &. m.; Baltimore is : =. 3 Ukesvarre; 10:15 a. m.; dail Scept Su , arriving at Driftwood at p.m, ealisan Ran pavior car Phiiadelphis lowes Wow York at £00 p.m. Pu. nar EE 10:40 a. i Bale at from Fhiimdeigh and bind tit to Erie, more to Williamsport. TRAIN 1 leaves Renovo at 645 a. m., sxeept Sunday, arriving Driftwood 7 JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD (Daily, except Sunday.) TRAIN 19 leaves Ridgway at 9:30 . Joby Rare St ie. m, Serving oF at Clermont a.m, 0» TRAIN 20 loaves Clermont a 1040's. m., ae riving at Johnsonburg at 1:4 a. m, and Ridgway at 12:00 noon. Rr mT A i A, Hesth “Creek Railroad. N.Y. C. & H. R. R. BR. Co., Lessee. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Bead Up Exp Mali No 37 No. &y 8 = B Patton WW i HLOVer. ee Matatiey..... eT iL 5 — “Karmoor. 133 Ar... eo ATEIDOY, Now Mpor... ore cue AN ls : - Mi Hohe Hs IVER Gr Gn Un On Gas] we SNE ue aa asus sus s re GHA tOWR a "Rng shoe........ as Bb Creek: Mii} Hail. ... Youngdale py I 74 Jersey shore Janetion.. 7 Blve., Williamsport... Arr x » - SALTER ; A ‘| RneNrm nas : 8 wEBceve REBEL REE » _—E aE ei st cra A #2 40 #8 55 Ar. Wliliam rt. Lv 10 30 9 #R 35 *i1 80 Lve._. Philade hin Arr 508 748 +3... Lve.N Y via amg. Arr 845 is 7 4 Lye N Y via Phila. Arr 73 1958 A Mo Spm Foot of Libertv Bi.) PM AN *miiy Weekdays, Bry Sundays, IHLES AM. an Throneh Pullman Buflet Sleeping ‘Oar ba wien Clearfield and. Philadelphia, dally ox { 2, | eept Aunday, on trains Stand 8 Throngh conch to New York, and through Pallman B afte th Parlor Car to Phil ile tphia on { brain enving Willinmeport LESS a, ; poi and Be nding Railroad Connections— At Willlamport with Phiindel Al Jersey Slore netion with the Fall Brook Ry. at Mill Hall " ‘th Ce nirai Rallroa® of Pennsylvania, At Piiiipsborg with Penn's. RoR, Al Clearfield {with the Bufnto, Rochester and Pltisbnrg rail. wav. ALM: aatley and Patton with Cambria bilt will bave £30,000 na | § iN y ? ! year, which som goes with every Van- | | derbilr girl for pin money, Jt will hard- “Mr. and Mrs. Vanderbilt's lawyers | will also know in time, but I doubt if any one else will ever learn the trae anmonnt,”’ tH tive t ond : ~~ 5 T = {a £) ho # Interesting Sonveair Cangress and Clearfield avi ision of the Pennsylvania railroad At Mabaftey with the Peunxryvania and North western TRiiwaY ERRIMAN A G PALMER, Superintendent, Gen’l Passenger Ag, Philadelphia. P a, A JEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY, LOW GR ADE DIVISION. minsssnstensre On and after Sunday Tuiy 20, 19M, traine bei Weed Driftwood and a Fv will run as OWS: - WISTW AR. No 2 Noy AM. AM, P 10 » 5 EASTWARD, No# Nod Nel x mftwood % Brians ers Penfield DU BOIS Fails Creek Reynoldavilie Fuilers Brook vile MANET viLG Mavsville Hawihora TEBE Bank FEEUEgYLEEEER 104 5 10 35 s x) 1000 nw a pw Tc pe 2 5 2 00 BO HE 3D we bee vt re Se a BE INES EY TH LLELBEAIITI EBON . Had ‘Bank os 1) Fifty wound ost lel Pitta wt Alaa, No, Hleg ves 200», mi. ar ing al Pitta at tsbiirgat 3.44, m INE ve vy Ny } iN 3 { mrrives at Dri ais 4 | iREGalEa . WK J Bw IN MI neviard Kan 12 wh Srock way ville MoMinn samuait 2 Harveys Run i2 Falls t reel 12 2 CuBois 121 2 3 HE 2 5 2 be WE EN Se Eas re - LEAVE RIDGWAY Was wa rv ni tare ia ee . q8BNe!s A EPUB R a ~~ SceR a5 a J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers