READY FOR BUSINESS. he Republican State Committee Prepared for the Campaign. GHAIRMAN QUAY'S: NEW PLANS. Be Mas Appointed am Executive Cornmit- tee, with Framk Willing Leach as Chatr- misn— Although This Is an “Off Year” Every Effort Will Be Made to Get Out 8 Good Republican Vote. : LIIADSLERIS Sept. 8). —With the first | ng of the Republican state committee at the headquarters in this eity the cam- peaign may be said to be formally inaugu- | rategl. Chnirman Quay, whose knowledge of | political tactics is indisputed, has inaugu- rated] a departure In state campaign work ‘this year by the arpofntment of an execu- tive committee of the state ocominittee, This executive committee is hused npon | slgilar lines as the oné in the national | Regmiiltican committse and as those in! the New York and Ohio state commit | tess. Frank Willing Leach has been made | chairman ot this comy:ittee, and upon | his shoaldors the burden of the campaign | will naturnii Ap ordie The oc.a ia Leadqguarters here re negpble a bo: Live in whic hi there are no dames. Chair on Quay and Leach are determined to te nothing for granted. With the assistar © of Socretaries Jere R. Bex and Vilar Lo Andrews, they pro- pose to inaugurate a vigorous campaign corrse, will 1 ¥en tes 6 Glare with thie votes in pre ids smtial aqd gubernatorial yours. Their desicos with the assistance’ of the vounty chairmen. is 10 keep the vote up 8s big as possible Si CHAINMAN @v AT'S CAREER Chainnan Quay's earecr ean ba sum- marized in the opening paragraph of the . eptech nei by Cougressman Stop: in ngninating him as the leader of the party Boasts It is as follows: “Born at Dillshurg, Yerk eou ty, Sept. 0, 1553, whe gon of a Preshyterinn clergy- “ATTHEW STANLEY QUAY. (Chairmen of the State Committee.) mag; prepared for college at Indiana amdemies: graduated from Jefferson col- lege In 1850: admitted to the bar in 1554; elected prothonotary of Beaver county in 1868; re-ctocted in 1839; lieutenant in the " Tenth Peiaevivania reserves; colonel in the One Hundryl and Thirty fourth Penn- “sylvania voiunt ops; lieutenant colonel and assistant comunissary general; private secpetary to ‘rovernor Curtin; major-in- clef of trapsportation and telegraph; state agent at Washington: mili- tary secretary to the governor of Pennsyl- vais; member of the Pennsyivania legis , 1965, 1856 and 1837; secretary of the wealth from 1572 to 1878; recorder of ty of Philadelphia and chairman of the Republican state committee, 1878 aad 1879; delegnte at:large to the Republi ‘cam mational convention, 1872, 1876 and © 1880; secretary of the « ym inonwealth from C1899 to 1881: vlocted stats treasurer 1885; ‘elegted a United States senator in 1887: chairman of the Republican national com- Wien ia 1888, condueting personally that campai nn which resilied in the elee- of Harrison and Morton: a delegate 10H Republican national convention in ; re-elected United States senator in b, end mey I acd, slectsl chairman of the Republican state committer in 18953— such in brief is the pablie history of Matthew Swenley Quay.” i ; CHAIBEMAN LEACH'S LIFE. Frank Willing Leach, the chairman of i. now executive committee, is known FRANK WILLING LEACH. (Chairman of the Executive Committee.) nally or through correspondence to every important party leader in the state of Pennsylvania. During the recent fac- tional fight he won the admiration of both . fronds and opponents by his manliness in sacrificing « |, ),000 political position rather than desert Senator Quay or even remain ' nepteal in a fight where Colonel Quays in- teapsts were involved. He is certain to give _ thes same zeal to the interests of the whole party in his new position. in the state or- gan nk Willing Leach was born at Cape ‘Muy, N.J., Aug. 25, 1855. He was edu. ‘ cated in public and private schools, studied Jowy, and in 1877 was admitted to the Phil- " mdelphia bar. He has contributed to ‘maumerous magazines and periodicals, and By years ago wrote several chapters of adteott’s - history of Philadelphia, now the standard work on that subject. IN NATIONAL CAMPAIGNS. Although Mr. Leach has been secretary of the state committee since 1885 part of this tire he was not actively engaged on the duties of that position. in the Dela- mater campaign, buica month before the election. he returned to this city and was chairman of the sub-committe » of the Re- Bpitican ¢ city committee that directed the - i peeial canvass of the Third omgressiond : ‘district, which, with the possibilities for | phrewd landesshin in the Mo Alser. Vane campaign, resulted in an immense reduc tion of the Democratic majority in this district, i In the national fight of 188 Chairman . Quay detailed Mr. Leach ty direct a still "hunt campaign for Harrison in North Caro- lina, which was recognized as a hazardous undertaking. Though the scheme was | discovered a few days before the election, and the state wns lost, the Republicans had the satisfaction of electing three rep reseutatives, which saved the house of the , Fifty first congress to. the Republican party. The chairman of thie North Caro | an Republican committee publicly de clared at the time that not one of these | Songressmen would have been elected but | for this secret campaign. Mr. Leach for | many years was assistant secretary of the ' national Repmblican committee. | THE TWO SECRETARINS. | Jere J. Rex, of Huntingdon, and Wil- lam R. Andrews, of Crawford, are the | twa secretaries of the stite compnittee | i Mr. Rex has made his mark as a Repub lican leader in Huntingdin county. He | was reading clerk of the legislatures of 1891 and 1993 and is now the resident clerk of the honse of representatives Mr. Rex has heen one of the secretaries of the state earmmittee for the past two ye: Mr: Andrews is one of the ene ergetic Re- publican leaders of Crawfond county. He is the publisher of the Meadville Tribune Pepablican, one of the staunch and never filing Hopnublican pewspapers of western Penmusylvania, To a grest espacity for work Mr. Andrews adds an affable may Creer Senator W. H. Andrews is his shrothy for dhe purpose of go ling out as large ns | vote as jpuseitis. The vote this year, of | NO GOOSEBERRY PIE FOR HER. The Old Lady Had a Disper Thst Sur- prised the Knowing (Gamblers. The cid lady entered a restaurant which, rightly or wrongly, is known as the resort of the gay and careless. She was typically countrified in nppearance, her spectacles resting on the bridge of and her gait and general attitnde those of one fresh from the littie farmhouse. Without, however, any sign of halt- ing confidence that was to te expected of a stranger to city ways, she sat down at the most conspicuous. table in the ‘room. A surly looking short card play- { er, who, although it was 6 o'clock in the afternoon, was just getting®iis break- fast, stared at ber with curicsity. Two dejected turf gamblers, prevented from attending the races on that day by bad luck on the day befare, who were solae- ‘ing themselves with strong waters and who hadn't spoken to each other for half an hour, observed her with eli abt smiles. . “Well, now,”’ said one, ‘‘that's a funny old girl to see in here. 1 remem- ber seeing her kind in country towns when I was in the show husiness. I'll gamble on what she'll order. She'll have goose pie and milk, and she'll eat the pie with her knife They don’t have no forks where she comes from.’’ But the other would not bot. He said merely and not unkingly, ‘‘Ehe doesn’t seem to fit this place.” . They could not hear whut she ordered, but they could sue that thers was noth- ing flippant in the attitudes of the wait- er who went to her. She ate with delib- eration and then departed Ome of the two unsuccessful patrons «f the turf called the waiter and asked, * What did thar old lady order?’ “Why, le’s see,” answered the wait- er, “‘I think she had pigeon and a pint or fizz. She's very fond of both.’ The: gamblers locked surprised. “Who is the?’ asked one. : “Why, d n't yom know her?’ queried the waiter. ‘That’ 8s Mlle: Langoni, the head dancer in this new barlesque at the Jupiter theater.’ —New Y ork World. : Home Thrust, It is said that the saying, ‘Mach may be done with a Scotchman if he be caught young,’ which has pussed into a historical witticism, was first spoken by Dr. Johnson in reference to Lord Mans- field. An amusing little incident is said !{ to have given rise to the remark. Lord Mansfield, having received his education entirely in England, always considered himself an Englishman, but the fact that he was born im Scotland was once referred to with great effect. General Sabine, governor of Gibraltar nt the time, having failed im his at- tempts to extort money from a Jew, sent him back by force to Tetuan, in Marooco, from whence he had come to Gibraltar. The Jew afterward went to England and sued the governor for damages. Lord Mansfield, who wat then known as Mr. Murray, was counsel for the gov- ernor. In the course of his defense be- fore the jury he said: “True, the Jew was bunished. But where? Why, to the place of his na- tivity! Where is the cruelty, where the hardship, where the injustice of banish- ing a man to his own country?"’ Mr. Nowell, counsel for the Jew, re- torted : **Since my learned friend thinks so lightly of the matter, I ask him to suppose thé case hisown. Would he like to be banished to his native land?’ The court rang with peals of laugh- ter, in which Murray himself joined panion. A Useful Dog. ““Yom say that I'm not altogether 5o- jectionable to your parents,” be said ruefully. “‘No,'’ she renlied, ‘‘father and moth- er both. speak very highly of you.’ me every time I come pear and chew a piece out of my clothes?" : **Oh, you mustn't mind Brutus. He's make a lovely patchwork quilt.’'— Washington Star. A Rule For Book Ruviewers. A prominent journalist had the great er under Bret Harte on ‘Che Overland Monthly. She says that the following was his invariable rule for dealing with writer or the first work of an author, lean on the side of mercy. Spare the tod. But if it-is by an old hand, lay on! a her nose, her hat being old fashioned of Wesirninstar ” with a right good will. — Youth's Com- | “Then why does that big dog assault | P! : i tin. The hard steel surface causes the 7 8 THE EGG DANCE. { A Besutifal Feat That Is Performed by - Hinaoe Juggiing Gris. One of the most wonderful of the many feats performed by Hindoo jug- glers is the egg dance. Usnally it is ex- ecuted by a gizl, fantastically dressed Bhe makes use of the willow wheel, around ‘which at equal distances are there is a noose, held open by a bead. head, while she carries a basket of ég2s #£he begins to dance, and the whee! be- the thread noses and throws it from her with sufficient force to draw the knot tight. The 5; ning of the whee) keeps tue thread stretched, with the egg at the end of it £he then takes another egg trom the! basket, places it in another noose egd. repeats this unt.l there is an egg in ev. ery noose. Her fautastic costunse, her) perfect motion and all the eges swing. | ing on the stretched threads at once pre-| sent a very pretty sight indeed. It re. quires nmich art to execute the danes, for at ong £.1ze step the egg ia dashed together, the dance £. | wad the dancir thereby disgraced. : After dancing for atime with all the eggs swinging arvund Ler head she takes them out of the noose ime by ane, all] the time keeping the wheel balanced, and in motion, and again places them in the basket on id T AT. When the dance is finished, the Spe tators ard allows a to examine the eggs - to see thas they are real —Philadelphial Ties, A White Sqnall, “A white squalle—did I ever see ope’) I should say I had,’ raid ap old sailor; in the barge occ. ‘Wea were between | here and the West Indies, and it was as fair a day as yom ever put eyes on. | was at the wheel, and we were bowling! | along under a pretty sailing breeze There wasn't a cloud to be seen, nniess a little white vapor far off could be called a clond. All of a sudden the cap: tain came up out of his cabin. “Get all the light sails off her as! quick ir you can,’ he shouted to the mate. 'Clew up the royals and to'gal- lant sails and bear a hand lively, boys.’ ‘‘ ‘What's the matter with the old man now?’ said the sailors as they look around the horizon and saw nothing but sunshine and the clear sky. ‘‘ Nevertheless all hands turned te gotting ir the light sails. The captain ‘took the wheel and sent me to assist. Of ‘course we all thought it was a piece of foolishness, but we worked with a will because the captain told us to. ‘““Well, we bad no sooner got those ails in than it struck. Right out of the clear sky came an awful gale. It tore bons quicker than a flash. It came ‘butt end to,’ as the sailors say. ‘“‘How did the captain know it was coming? Why, be was in his cabin and happened to see his glass go down sud: denly.. That meant something, and he hustled on deck. A good captain watches his barometer as a cat watches amouse.’’| ~—Paortland Pros, | The Fight Which Is to Come. The fate of the civilized world had | always hung upon the strength of the | Aryan naticas to repel the attempts of | Asiatics to force their way into Europe | and to flood the western world with | oriental ideas and habits, modes of gov- | ernment and forms of religion. The! etruggles of Greece with Persia and of | Rome with Carthage, the struggles of | Greeks, Romans and Tewutons with the | Saracens ; the conflicts, extending to our ; own times, with the Turks, were but = many acts in one long drama, of which | the earliest scenes are to be found in the | pages of Herodotes, and the latest might | “be studied in the telegrams of the daily | newspaper. — ‘Life of Freeman, Dean A DEADLY WEAPON. New Ballet That Hine a Fearful Shattering The first man to be killed in this country with a bullet from the new Krag-Jorgensen rifle was Thomas Cof- fey, a desperate military convict. Sen- | tinel Jacob M. Kress killed him at Fort | $ "A Sheridan, near Chicago, when be made | a wild dush far liberty. The nickel | pointed ball, at a distance of 50 yards, passed thromgh Cotfey’s head, then it went through a live tree eight inches in | | diameter amd afterward buried itself | ‘three feet deep in the hillside 30 yards | beyond. The ball entered the back of the fugitive's head, just under his hat. and passed out through the forehead. | The skull was broken so that only the | { scalp held it together. Hefellin a heap | beside a tree and did not move again. | A story said the bullet exploded in the | man's heed, but this was ridiculed, as | the United States uses no explosive ball. | In explaining the bullet and the fearful shattering effect it had on Coffes’s skull! Lieutenant Thompson said to a reporter of the Chicago Tribune: ‘“The naw small servica bullet nsed in | United States magazine rifle, caliber! 30, is a hardened lead sleg surrounded | by a thin enpro-nickeled steel envelope. | It is light in weight, being about 220 grains, as against 400 grains for the caliber 45 lead bullet used in the old Springfield rifle. The lead in the new bullet is hardened by a mixture with bullet to take the rifling off the fun, which a hullet of softer material would trained to. do that. Auwuty has gotten | 1 almost enough samples from him to | : | greater range, accuracy and penetration. |' A simple lead bullet propelled at the | high velocity now used, which is some- i thing like 2,000 feet a second, would ; strip or override the rifling. This bul ly training as a review- | ¢ : advantage of early g ! let, striking at short range, say up tu 400 or 500 yards, does terrible dam: age, . particularly if it strikes any of the vital »f books: ‘‘I it is a young | i ; the criticism of bo { the heart or the lungs. It causes a shat ! tering which is best termed an explosive | effect.” not do in the new ride. The advantages secured by this hard cecating of steel are organs of the body, such as. the brain, Nm —— threads, and at the end of each thread This vibeel the girl places on ber on ber arm. When the meusic strikes ap, gins to spin aroind She then takes an’ egg from the basiet, ploces it in ope of God por nan. He had amassid & for- | tane from the place, which was the re lelmed up fast, and when its patroms i them be liad ¢iperienced a change ' of Moorert® Lo had opened a retren: for fallen woinen ! RIrescy, and Ww 0% in the SEreaeg my iB Bil, £57 . . i persevered in his goordl undertaking for | i five years, and at the end of that {ime | Lie was able to say that of the 1,642 men our great mainsail and otber sails to rib-| | Up stairs 3 dozen beds are provided, | within the capillary area of any other | back enough voluntary contributions of derstudy for the position above him. | bread and nieat to feed 26 poor families Familiarize yourself with its duties. } of the neighboehood, who have been | Know all its requirements. The time} hunted out by Mrs. Mooreroff, her bus- | Will ecme, sometimes soon and often | ‘band’s indefatigable assistant in the | Jate, when the guestion will be asked, | meet. Each ticket entitles the holder to | acquisition of a working voeabdulary of . fast. . They are sagerly sought after by IY Own. ; the poor of the neighborhood. Moors off | . who drove Stevenson's first locamotivve. | . road he met his death by falling through | an open hatch on the street. Another | member of the Irish parliament A ‘ from the alligator except by the shape .of its head, though it grows bigger aad attains a lingth of 18 Jeet. : MOORC ROFF’ FOLATEST sions poate seco dncted with mywa Foreman thaw nh AN EX-DIVEKEEPER WHO NOW SON- own, they are cocasiomally enlivened by | : DUCTS A RESCUE MISSION. ; aa Maitre Cssenenve, a famons advocate u of Toulouse, now dead, had a pet dog, | ee oe rer oy tree] of which he was very fond One day be | ing "aries Bers a; ventured to take this dog, which was | Been fo Spocoessful In Saving Souls That | small, and named Aper, into conrt with | He Has Just Eegon a New Work. | him. He seated Azor at one end of the | Theres wis five years ago no more no- | east sage to the counsel ard bee i poriom= dive in New York than the argument. “Hole in the Wall,” sitnated fu Fourth Maitre Casencuve had a high pitched avenue, neur Twelfth street. Its proprie- | voice, and 3s be warmed up with his amusing incidents. : ADVERTISING IN CARS A NEW BUSINESS WHICH AMOUN a S$ TO $3,000,000 A YEAR. The Honson Why It Hes Ite Limitations. AR Grows Tp Within a Very Few Years = | Boston's Serious View of the Ad. Wri rl Aum at Bethan, The annual for street car advertising in the United States bar in five years grown from $300,600 ® §3;- tor, William P. Mooreroff, was known | Pio be raised it toa loud tone. - Azor | oonid stand it no lmper. He stood up | to all lawbreakers as fearing either | on the bench and howled—wow! wow! | wow ! sort for all the hardest cases in that hard | Maitre Casenewn moderated Kis voios | locality. [Prom early morning pntil far’ and cuffed the dog “aside,” whereupon into the night a noisy erowd omen and | Azor subsided into silence. The lawyer women omgrezated in the ‘‘Hle,”’ | MB9ed on, and by and by, ons] | drinking and gambling and ¢ursing and | himself in his earnestness, raised his swearing and rasting their substapos | yoite (nee zuore to a high pitel and a | to the ever inc-oating pecuniary advan- Jou sbe. : . ~ tages of the “tL ss ow! wow! wow!" howled the] One night ise whole Jocality was little dog ones mors startled to sec the ‘Hole in the Wall’ This [Hime the lrwper stopped bert tarned f ua i WEIL. ¥ rked afi. tix door they were met at Wi bare. Amr he fal Aloud, | the threstcld by Mooreroff, who told or ED mi ug 2 Ld » LE W 2%3 * # : I am then you've got to keep stall!” After that Azor held his peace -—- | Youth's Companion. a The Bide. » COORTA NS J, sords, 3 BLi%8 : shapters i and 66 bxocika; 38 the 115th Pxalimgy the | middle chapte ris the T1TEh J . middie verso is the eighth of the 115th Psalm The kogest name is in the | i wif & “ry i and wormwmn he had cared for in his en Se 13 jagah Ta = Tessin 363 bat professed belief in| gepeneh chagter of Tari and the ork Christ ani 45 had reformed and become | yeomhy, chapter of the second book of #ful and happy members of the com- | Kings are alike. Tle opgest verse is the i Ry he paicts in tha Eien { ninth of th. eighth Shuor of Esther; tn TA fn aT a the shortest the thirty-fifth of the elev- | THISINAE, Mf. AGEGGH JE TUONO | enth chapier of John. The twenty-first i te devote the ier of his life a - em f his lile 10} corse of the seventh chipter of Ezra is FANEIBLL LO IF GOIN 10 DOOTERT Ca 886s | > 8 ryt wit ad 2 ARE 3 ee : . i the commuit TAKE IDEN I | which contains every letter in the alpha | ctable etiz: - ] 573 11 he of } a i g a vs : : i 2 : seis 1321 pet. The word ‘Lord,’ or its equiva-| ¢ arch. A few cays #iu08 he oe ed) the | yn. “Jehovah.” cocnrs 3.608 times in 1 ay ww 2 Lai y FTI Rak, 3 1 * Fo i oo ERNGEI TASETe ImMWSHN BF 532 (1814 Lhe O)d Tes ument, or, 16 be more exact, £. cet, Breokiye, ED. and began the | gy word “Lord” occurs 1.853 times | % x a La h, Ad . % od 3 t tk of saving the lawhrewkers of hat | Log the word *“ Jelovah™ 5.545 times | . PR ud y 2rct. . . i é pet. i : The word God" does mit oocor in thy | _ When a reporter called at the Retue | yoy of Esther. 8 Louis Republic." | ¢. Sunday afternoon, 4 fiver wad in | pr Zressin the neat | 1 Morrero®¥| The Heart and Brain Keep Young. ho! secured fir his missien Theerwd! In his work on the semile heart Dr, ti t packe 1 the parsow rere despite the | Balfour tells us that there are two parts | it ‘mse bert aud hstened reer ~:fully | of the human orgarism which if wisely : a} reverently 10 the appeal Mooreroff | used ‘‘largely escape senile failure ™ | w..; making them to ref =m and be sav- | Thess two are the brain and the heart, { ed indicated the sympathy with which | Persoms who think have often wondered | the neighbors re his efforts to | why brain workers should cootinue t0 | heighten the neighbarbiood’s mor al aad | work with almost unimpaired mental | social ene | activity and energy up to a period when | After the services were entieluded and | most of the organs and fanctions of the | ! the Andiswwse dispersed Moorcroff show- | body are in a condition of advanced se- | od the reporter over the place and told | piledecay. There is a physiological rea- | him how the work is condacted, ison for this, and Dr. Balfour tells us | The mai hall has seats for 200 and | what it ia The normal brain, be affirms, | is neatly matted and lighted with brass | “remains vigoross ¢) the last,” and that | gas chandeliers. At the farther end is! “*becduse-its nutrition. is especially pro- : the platfonn, with reading desk and or- vided for. ”’ About middle life, or a lit- | gan. The walls are adorned with ti: ats tle later, the zeneral arteries of the body | intended to reach the hearts of the au- | begin 10 J =e their elasticity and to slow | dience. Services are beld every evening ly but sarely dilate. They become there- | EY ‘heart and that the place was closed! for Ro The next this i= old patrons hear] i East Thirtemth | Tr. Bib | to reacties the very sonis he iad hetped to ruin. Later be atiemspted the same viork vr the men of the neighborhood Hel at 8 o'ckek and twice on Sunday | fore much less efficient carriers of the Mooreroff said the mission was a re- notrient blood to the capillary ares | eruiting station for ne ighboring chnieh- | this is pot the case with the inter es, the pastirs of which were ail insym- | pal carotids, which smpouly the capillar) pathy with him aud often attended the areas of the krain On the contrary, | Services. these large vessels ‘‘eantinue to ; There is also a free reading room in their pristine elastic ty, so that the blo - y.'% 3 i the buildin, open from 9 to 3 o'clock Pressure remains normally higher thap | where 4 px man may get a bath und | ergan in the .buady. The envebral blo might’s lodging free. If be eares to, be | paths being thus kept open, the bran may stay a week and put himself under | tissue is kept better nourished than the the good infloences of the place. He ether tissues of tle body.’ "Medical | generally goes away a changed roan. | Record. i : Bat this is net all. Down stairs the! reporter wai shown the * ‘rescue’ wagon, | i Same Goad Advies. | which makes a daily round of the balers | Let me urge upos the rising ' and butchers in the vicinity and briags Ian in any business always to be an on- « mission. * | “Do you thisk yeu can 1] the position *"” Two of Mooreroff's copverts assist lf you kmow you en, yom will answer him in his work and make copstapt | ubbesitatingly, “Certainly!” : rounds of the streets in the districe | IM I had ray life to live over again, 1} They are provided with tickets, whic. | should devote some of the hours I wasted they distriliute among the men they; iD mseless desnlory amusements to the a free bath, supper, lodging and break: | at least two or thrve languages besides Numbers of men possessing no other | said he had pever met with sach saocess | ability maybe today are starving them-! in any of ris former undertakings, snd | s¢ives to death with several languages | | he hoped to extend the mission's work at their tongue 's ends, but po young man | until it becnime the center of inspiration | | possessing the requisite ambition to be- | | and improvement for the whole eactirn | COme a business maa would ever find it | | that flashed cut at cooe in all the cars: district of Breoklyn. —New York Re- | disadvantageous to his advancement to corder. ; : 8 be at least a lingmist in a commercial = sense if his knowledge in comtinental| First Locomotive Engineer Dead. tongues extended no further. —Hard | The vast march of progress within | ware. | one generation is strikingly illnstrated | —t— Humors of Coagresa i During an exciting debate in the house of repiuientatives the members some- by the deata only a few days since in! England co! Joseph Bell, the enginver After escaping numercas perils on the | times pot only indulge in mixed nl | phors bat rival Sir Boyle Roche, illustration is Sir Isaac Holden, who | famous for his “‘balis.” The National | was a member of the last pat liament | Tribune prints these ph and is still an active old gentlemun, | A member in referring to one of his | who invented the locifer match. colleagues said: i etm ‘The gentleman, ‘ike a mo using owl, i Yhe Convict Colmer. is always putting in his car where it is | JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. Sept. 37. —By the B0t Wanted. : | aid of Warden Hoyt, of the prison South, | In another speech occurred this ex. Seomvt Service Detec tive Summers arrested | Pression: Captain Heary Patton foreman of the Pat “The iron heel of stern necessity | ton M: anufarfuring company, located in the | darkens eVErY hearthstone. penitentiary: on the thuiee of circulating And another mennber in a very forei- gounteriely, Honey, Which has for yours 1ple and dramatic manner asked the nade in the prison by the convicts ss thie ctavil ion : Captain Patton confessed. and was taken house this startang question : to Now Alban? to be Five n a prelimin ary i “Would You stamp out the last flick- hearing before United States Commis | €TINZ embers of a li‘e shat is fast ebbing | sioner Harrington The money was man- | AWAY? ufactured by Convict William Alsop. who pi rT is serving 4 toa year term for grand Lae A Terrible Fear. ceny ma { It is enderstocd that there will be a | pongress of poets ar the exposition, but strong effar: will. be made to prevent | them from -singing while the sensitive | machinery is in motion. We want the | great show to pull through without a jar. —Atlanta Constitution It appears thas a speoas 2F 8 creo. dile is foand in southern Florida om: both coasts. It is hardly distinguishable i the only one of the entire collection i - Jeast 20 co meerns «ach expend from $43, | for varioos reasons, a peculiarly ir ter- esting development of modern business isi It is an outgrowth of Tipo. tant social betterments, a pew field for the display of artistic and literary tal- ent, and a not inconsiderable element of | entertainment as well as practics| in- formation for the quick witted Ajoeri- | can poblic. It is also a field coriously | liable tv be cornered. Newspapers may add on columns and pages 10 aeeoLmo- | date advertisers, magazines be made a few canoes or pounds heavier to the same end, pew publications without | number be set going and Liliboards en larged indefinitely. In fact, every other vehicle of advertising has a quality of elasticity that is entirely lacking in the street car method. New lines will not be started or even mors cars put on to give 159 : Opportunities to advertisers’ Those things are determined by the require : | ments of koal travel And when the 18 advertising spaces in a car are Shed the seventeenth advertiser who comes aloag will have to wait his chanes for some one else to drop ont Not infrequently the limit of accom- meodation bas been reached in Boston and other New Eogland cities peenliar- ir favored by advertisers, and appli ' ecants for space have had to wait for the expiration of romping contrscts before they cord gain entrance. Already half a dozen firms are spending from $75.00 to $100,900 a year each in this way, at 000 to $75,000, and from 25 to 30 may be connted whe put out from $235,000 to . $40 000 each. These sums, it is under. | stood, are paid for the actnal rental of spaces in the street cars, the placing of the cards in them and the watching nec- {| essary to see that the cars are run sc- | cording to contract. The cost of getting | | up the cards. which is very considerable, is ogtside this estimate. To mabe up tive remainder of the estimated §3,000,- 000 of Sofa suncal Sxpenditart as de. has be 1 ‘a very marked degree de- t spon and synchronous ‘with marked improvements in street car serv- ice. It was a very insignificant interest Is the cid days of the horse cars prior to 873. The low ceiled, dingy, ill lighted | Sotitien Bem 16 aecarrios s fiw Sate, ive cards. balf ohusused ‘unattract he dust and covered by ip hi refrac- ticns from which made them difficuls to decipher. Only local advertisers occa pied spaces and did so rather to belp a | stroggling enterprise or got ¥id of a per-. | mistent solicitor than through any bape of profit from the investraent. Then, in San Francisco primarily, cable traction | began to take the place of horses, ema- i bling the employment of roomier, Joft- jer cars, bandsomer in every detail of | materials, farm ‘and color than the old . aves, and scme genins evolved the hap- pr idea of oonfining the advertising cards by moldings in concave spaces and without glass. At once the cards were | made to conform to their improved sur- roundings. - They were more handsome- ly designed, printed in bright, attract- 1 ive colors and sometimes illustrated. It was not until 1888, when electric propulsion had been clearly demon- young | strated to bo commercially practicable and trolley lines wers pot In operation all over the ecuntry, that street car ad- vertising began to sesume its present character. As before the inrrovement in it was in keeping with the better- | ment of the vehicles, which were mow »o longer simply comfortable, but be- came huxurioss The amount of interest taken in the advertising cards, as well as the vigilance of critical observation, is sometimes demonstrated by protests against some novelty within the first boar of its a That is particn- larly likely to happen in Boston, where the committer for regnlaiing the uni- verse is largely represented. ‘That com- mittee is always in session, ome of its members constitutes a quorum, and it seldom lacks things to kick at. Oue day, | some months ago, it was moved to turn itself loose on the subject «f a new card . The man who lets a lady stand The Boston newspapers received let- ters of indignant protest against the ad- vertiser’s audacity in presuming to teach ' Bostonians courtesy under the guise of | advertising his baking powder. Finally | the row got into the courts over the questic. whether the car companies could compel the removal of the ob ‘noxious eard. The squabble was com- : promised, bet not until that baking powder had been advertised as it never was befcre. In like manner in the same { sity another rempes. was caused by the simple query of a tailor'scard, “Do you . Wear pants?’ The characteristic Bostonian remon- | strated against the word “pants as a vulgar abbreviation, outrageous to oor- . rect taste. In a number of cities the car | companies will not permit the display . of any cards advertising wines or lig- wors, amd such things would even be | contrary to law in certain portions of ! New England. Patent medicines, too, | are viewed with disfavor. —New York Sun. fg It 1s figured by Edward Atkinson that : cotton fiber prepared by hand in India is four times as strong as that torn and | tortured by power gins, as in this coun- t 3 ; try. the ——— ag & Ee sr x " y ; Basia py
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers