The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 10, 1895, Image 5
§ : pa i Fr ik a YL CR day. - Patton @ourier. | paTTON PUBLISHING co,, Proprietors. L THU 'RSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. #4 NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Subscribers who do not give EX press . notice to the contrary are considered as wish- = ing to renew their subscriptions. : If subscribers order the discontinuance ‘of their periodicals, the publisher may con- tinue to send them until all arrearnges are 3 I subscribers neglect or refuse to take their periodicals from t they are directed, they are responsible until they have settied their bills and ordered them diseontin naed. If subscribers move to other places with- Le Cro the publishers, and the papers - are sent {0 the former address, they are eld 5 Cd be aris have decided that re fasiog to odicsls from the office or removing | and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. ais :1¢ subseribers pay in advance they are to give notice at the ¢ nd of the time if they Ee not wish to continue taking it; other- wisie the publishers is authorilzed to send it and the subscriber will he responsible until an _ express notice, with yment of all arrear- ages. is sent to the pub isher. ———————— CHURCH WOTICES. CarroLic—Father' Marcellius, tor. Mass every other Sunday at Rand 10a. m.. Sun- day school at 2 p. m. and vespers at 3 p. fm. Mergovist Eriscoral—Rev. C. W. Wasson, Services at 10:30 a. mn. and 7:30 p. m. nday school at 2 p. m. Epworth League 6830 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednes- Say eve evening at 1 #5. : : Loeal Time Tabie. ; The hours of arrival and departure of trains at the Patton Station are as Mail Closes. | 702 AM! A { P Pp § M x 8 Train numbers bis marked Nr gl northbound and gr soythbound. Take a ‘Hint From Mary. Mary had a little jamb; You do not look Of. Soutse you don't, or co has advertised. And something you may learn from this, If you are not a clam; You can be just as widely known "As Mary and her lamb, Your name can be a household word, "And - ua be known so well, ~ That forks will confidently buy The things you have to sell, And when you once have got yourself. Into the : cheering may: Of the sunlight of publicity; - You bet your life, it pays. ~ Printers’ Talk. Soda water At Hodgkin's Try Truman's coal.-67tf we postoffice to which | October 16th is Arbor day. Wall paper at Fisher’s.-95t2 * Dr. Hertz spent Sunday at Tyrone. Have you “banged” any squirrels’ yet? i All successful mere hants ady ertise in the COURIER. Jas. Whalley came over from: Barnes- “boro Saturday. ; XJas. Barnes, of Barnesboro, spent Sunday in Patton. ready to plant your trees. Rain is needed very much through- | out this part of the State. The forests are commencing to present a beautiful appearance.” These millinery openings come high but the women must have them. tered at the Central hotel Monday. Wm. Peach, a liveryman of Ebens- | burg, was in town last Wednesday. ‘The Burglar’ at the Hastings opera house Saturday night was first-class. Who can bring the’ biggest ear of ‘corn into the Courter office this year? Call at Good's store and get some choice wall paper at your own price. “A Soldier's Sweetheart’ at Hastings | opera house Teeny bight, October 15th. - \The familiar face of W. C. Baum, of | | DuBois, was seen in Patton one day | last week. The Cambria Hardware company ' | carry the finest line of heating stoves in this section. | Jas. W. Thompson and Geo. A. Kin- | 'kead, of the county seat, spent Thars-| | day among us. ~Dr. J.T. Swartz, of Tyrone, was in | | Patton one day last week looking after business interests. ¥i re Wartelsky and Frank Donohue, | | Both business men of Hastings, were | visitors on Sunday | fClarenen . Edmiston, Patton’s bi- eycle flyer, ets a trip to Philipsburg on his wheel on Sanday. Daniel A. McGough, Register and! ' Recorder of Ebensburg, was a guest at the Central hotel Tuesday. : Mirkin & Kusner, the Fifth avenue! ' merchants, have something new to tell you in another column. Miss Fannie Criste and Dollie | Arbor day is October 18th. Get Chas. A. Rogers, of Altoons, regis: . Maud Muller on a summer night | went out on her bike in -the bright moonlight. She pedalled around from 6to 10 on a trip that would fag the strongest of en; but her heart was light and her epirite gay. for it wasn’t work, ‘twas nothing but play. Next : morning, however, she’d a pain in her head, she was all played out and stayed in bed, while her mother hustled in the kitchen below — not to ride a wheel, but to make things go. Though the morning was hot and she worked by the fire, she didn’t collapse with a punctured tire. —Not Original. From Coal Trade Journal. Al the operators in the South Fork district are producing nearly to their capacity althongh with some of them cars are reported as scarce. ! At a meeting of the miners held at DuBois, it was decided to demand an advance of 5 vents per ton in high coal and 7} cents per ton in low coal The shortage of cars in the bitumi- nous trade is already causing consid- erable delay, and as demand has increased on account of the prosperity of the iron business, it would be well for all large consumers to put some ' coal in stock for future emergencies. The trouble at DuBois dates back to the hard times of 1894, when the men . asked for a redaction to 30 cents per ‘ton in order by so doing they might be kept at work. When business be- gan to revive, the men asked for the joi scale of wages, which was refused, ‘and they determined to strike. Acts at once, never fails, One Minute ‘Cough Cure. A remedy ior asthma, and that feverish condition which ac- companies a severe ‘cold. The only harmless remedy that produces im- ' mediate reet}ia. C. w. 7 Hodgkin. (Cambria County *Not In rd The following is taken from the Scientific American. ‘We are indebted to Dumont Clarke, Esq., of this city, for the photograph from which our engraving was made, showing the monstrous size of a potato grown by Mr. J. B. Swan, of Loveland, Col. The photograph was taken by Mr. A. H. Talbot, of the same place. This huge vegetable is 28 inches long, 14 in diamater, and is said to weigh 86 | pounds 10 ounces, which is equivalent ‘to the weight of 14 bushels of ordinary ‘potatoes. It is of the Maggie Murphy. Everybody should gisarve Arbor | Murphy, of QCallitzin, were welcome | ,, ety excellent in quality and pro- Chestnuts are'scarce in this vicinity this year. Grass seed for sale at Sam'l Boyee's A cleaning up of the stock of wal paper at Good's. : “P. 8. Keller, of Galitsin, had busi "ness in our town. Monday in Patton. . W. C. Lingle, wife ad child spent Niue = J. H. Brocken, of Gallitzin, had busi- | ness here on Wednesday. yo BE. J. Hoover, of Clearfield, was seen on our streets Friday. Order your coal from Truman. It gives the best satisfaction of any.-6741. -'W. B. Graham, of Haitisburg, was a * guest at the Commercial hotel Monday. attention is called to Olm- | ~ Bpecial sted's butter advertisement in another | column. Freeman B. Williams 5 spending al few days visiting in Jefferson and | Indiana counties. You can get the Patton COURIER and 5 the New York ‘Thrice-a-week World | for only $1.50 per year. ‘Before leaving your order for a all suit of clothes call on Lerch, the | ~ tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-68tf Ww. Logan Weaver, a traveling sales- mon of Freeport, registered at the - Commercial hotel Monday. G. H. Wilson and F. J. Brownell, of | : Binghampton, N. Y., stopped at the Commercial hotel Saturday. Mrs. Eliza Gallaber, who has been’ oj visiting relatives at Portage, Pa., for a few days returned home Monday evening. The next attraction at ‘the Hastings opera house ia*‘A Soldier's Sweetheart’ written by Flora Staniford, on Tues- ©. day evening, October 15th. W. B. Williams, of Blossburg, and Bernard Rice, of DuBois, were in town Tuesday looking after the interest of | visitors to Patton Saturday. Vincent Tonkin, of Cherrytree, was | iin town on Monday and while here | stopped at the Central hotel. . W. Lee and W. B. Townsend, two | Clearfleld’s prominent lumbermen, | were in Patton on business on Tuesday. iF. W. Bitner, of Lock Haven, who! was at one time a resident of Pation, | rd 0). G. 8. Commons, of-Hbensburg, spent | spent several hours here one day last | week. Six pounds of butter for $1 at Olm- | ‘sted’s butter store, Johnstown, Pa. See “ad” in snother column for par- | ticulars. Frank Marble, representing Armour & Company of Chicago, Ill, was in, town Tuesday looking after business | interests. ‘Geo. Salmon, of Lock Haven, spent Tuesday in Patton among his friends. George made many friends during his stay in Patton last summer who were glad to see him. juror for the October term of the | United States court, which convenes at | Pittsburg this week. | Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Brown spent Sunday at Mr. Brown’s parents at | Huntingdon, Pa. During the visit Mr. | Brown was taken suddenly ill and did not return to Patton until Tuesday evening. YRobt. A. Hunter calls special at- tention in another column to the fact ‘that he has embarked in the black- smithing and horseshoeing business in the shop on Magee avenue near the iron bridge. Quite a number of Coaiporters at- tended the Farmers’ Alliance picnic at | St. Lawrence last Saturday. Hon. J. D. Hicks, Dr. Noonan, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Reig, each addressed the large audience. -—Coalport Standard. The residence of J. D. Townsend, at | Kerrmoor, burned to the ground early Thursday morning together with al- most all the contents. The fire caught | from a defective flue. Loss about $700, | partly covered by insurance.—Clear-' lific in quantity. Last year, from a | single acre on Mr. Swan’s farm, 430 | bushels of pesto were obtained.” Get the New York World three times a week and the Patton COURIER for only ¥ $1.50 a year. - the Pennsylvania Bar association, which They Will Not Go There Any More, An item from a Perry county paper describing some big walnut logs that were shipped from that county to Germany has been going the rounds of the newspapers. One paper got the’ item mixed up 'vith a personal notice with the following astonishing results: “Our town was enlivened one day this week by the visit of a party of handsome young ladies from the ——— seminary. One magnificent specimen was seven feet iicross the butt and at- tracted great attention.” No doubt the editor has sold out by this time and the young ladies will make it a point to stay clear of that place hereafter. DON'T MISS IT. It is a truth in medicine that the A misstep would be disastrous to ‘to this fair creature. Let os smallest dose that performs a cure i$ gi rpaund her. Above all she should not miss Ee OL MSTED'S BUTTER STORE, are the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and are thebest. CC. W. Hodg- Where the freshest and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17c. per pound. kins. ; Thre: From Cambria. Same) Didieson, Bag, president of | Sonar shonld she miss Olmsted’s Ice Cream Parlors, THE FI NEST IN THE CITY. met several months ago at Bedford, po EE A) Dott, Send £1.00 and get 6. pounds of Butter committees, consisting of one from by Express. each county, the foliowing Cambria gastyatioraye: ‘08 legal bogmaphy. | Olmsted’s Butter Store, the Hon. A. V. Barker; on legal edu- aioe BT Helos Por > a a a 507 Main St JOHNSTOWN, PA | bria Freeman. SSm— It’s just as easy to try One Minute (We Sell Reliable Gots Cheaper Than Rav Other House Cough Cure as anything else. It's easier to cure a severe cough or cold | with it. Let your next purchase for a cough. be Ore Minute Cough Cure. | Better medicine; better results; bet- | ter try it. C. w. Hodgkins. ; Cow For Sale. : ; We have for sale a first-class fresh ny cow. Her calf is only one week old. iB P. P. Young & Bro, In Patton. Patton, Pa. Full and Winter a oe We have just receiv ved a beautiful ine of WILLINERY.S ai HE HR Come Early COATS and CA PES and see for yourself. Also all kinds of fancy novelties and, For Ladies, Misses K- Children. ; ladies’ and children’s wear. ALICE A. ASHCROFT, PATTON, PA. Don’t Pass T his. ‘We bought a lot of Underw ear | with our Regular Line IT 1-3 ACTUAL COST. Finest line of heating stoves in Pat- 'W. C. B. Littl IN to give e, of this county, and iNOW we are olin 0 Iv € ton at Cambria Hardware wmpany 8 who is a farmer, has been drawn asa 8 5 5 store.-96L( Our customers the benefit. HERE IT IS. DRY GOODS A SPECIALTY. inspection. No trouble to show Goods. Prompt and polite attention to all. Prices the Lie MIRKIN & KUSNER, The Reliable Clothiers and ShoelDealers, PATTON, PA. io dozen Shirts and same of Drawers . Well worth $2.00 ” [ake it while its here MN THe sum. a Suit, a @==Any person coming from W estover and’ perehasl : $10.00 W orth of goods at our store will be paid their railroad at fare both ways. No Superior and Few E toale - SEE IN THE WEST WINDOW. - that ‘se may not miss a secure feoting and that she may escape the peri which - And our large stock 1s all ready for your fi ad x . : ". * Pr the miners of this district. eld Public Spirit. . Those 5 O C Gloves at ) 5 C are Going Fast. W.H. H. Bell, Sr., Yond wife, form. The South Fork Record says that it : * : rs : erly of McKeesport, have moved their has been informed that at least four, '* household goods to Patton and expect and possibly five, applications for i metre to make this their future home. liquor license will be presented to the | : ; court from that place at the next tors} We have them. To order or When you take a trip to Ebensburg | of license court, in Februar 0 O ts. y readv to put on. stop ap us hie Blah honse ani Job wil Te present there is but one licensed Wo ve rc » iT P i cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf. : nthe lows. ; ' YAn afternoon tes party wis given by % | | Wm. Probert, ‘the Magee avenue ,,.. p Brown at her home on' 1 eviye THR ~ ING. . barber, has recently had his tonsorlal pt o SOT gy aternoon, Biggest Line Hats and Caps and kFurn- : red and fixed up in general | ! palors pape October 3rd, from 3:30 to 5:30, to meet | 1shings i in this town. . which present a fine appearance. Miss Jellison, of Altoona, and Miss Editor J. L. Sechler, of the South | Gregg, who are visiting Mrs. Brown. | Cash—One Price. To our Cook Stov es and Reboss All are Guaranteed to be perfect workers. Our shelves are crow ded with many desirable pieces of jane and cooking utensils of all kinds. Come in and see ~ THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE (0. Fork Record, ‘accompanied by Harry | The young ladies entertained were the | 4 lioyd, a prominent merchant of Eb- | Misses Shumway, Wolfe, Dowler, eu drove to Patton on Sunday | Spottewood, Wilson, Zimmerman, ' while here were the guests of the | | Smith, Jackson, McPherson, Dale, ‘COURIER man. and Ashcroft. i | ' \ v . i : L Scoot ig a aii