- . pleasant jufirity} ; : is. mn Z: £5 nna ear BE Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING CO. Proprietors. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1895. bie ih en, po sr 50 nin Sa 544 os be ne eet tae re ta 8. Wi A eb EE EBENSSURI. : FARMING NOTES = _ Coat Land For Sale. EBENSBURG, P Pa., Oct. 8, 1895. of Interest to the Farmers Who Read the Three thousand acres of elegant coal Patton “Courier.” laid situated on the Cambria and Increase the feed of fattening ani- (Clearfield railroad at the headwaters of mals oo Chest Creek, Cambria county, Pa. The Keep the manure pile steadily grow- new line of the Beech Creek railroad Argument court will convene on | Monday, October 21. Judge Barker held court at Union- TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. © One copy; one year, ip advance, - - . $1.00 Friday last from the M. E. conference | gy-Advertising rates made known upon which was held i in Pittsburg. i application, town last week. Rev. §..J Hunt relurnedl sioime of ing. branch, known as the Conemaugh and Carrots are much relished by cattle Western, will pass directly over the as well as horses. tract. 7he land contains three veins A large-sized orchard needs constant of fine coal, the largest one being over #No papers discontinued until all ar- Messrs. Carl McKerrick and Harvey resetting in order to make it do its four feet in thickness. For particulars, reariges are paid, unless at the option of the | you, g departed last week for Pough- ‘boat publishe xr. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton .as sotond: class mail raatter. COUNTY. TIME OF HOLDING ©QUKT. 1st Monday of March | 1st Monday of Sept. Ist Mowday of June 1st Monday of Dee. OFFIC ERS. PRESIDENT IC pae--Hon. A. V. Barker. PROTHONOTARY—J. C. Derby, REGISTER AND RECORDER — ), A. McGough. TREASURER-F. Barker. SHERIFF--D. W. H Bark: ete., write or call on the COURIER, Pat- keepsie, N. Y., where they will enter a (rather the apples carefully and sort ton, Cambria county, Pa. ' business college. them over so that no bruised ones be 8. B. King, proprietor of Brandon of packed in the barrels to decay and Spangler, visited his many friends in damage the others. Ebensburg on Satarday. The Delaware logislation has ap- County Commissioner P. E. Dillon inte a commission to visit all the and Clerk John C. Gates attended the peach orchards in the state and destroy ‘State convention of county commis- all the trees affected with yellows. 'sioners which was held at Meadville, Trees in an orchard that is never N. Y. Board of Health on Wine, Dr. Janes of the New York Bourd of Health says: “I take great pleasare in the Port Wine produced by Alfred longed trial I recommend it as a testifying to the superior qualities of Speer, of New Jersey. After a pro-. | superior wine for the sick and debili- Notice of Application for Charter. =F ’ Notice is hereby given that an application | ipst ation] Bank will be made to the ¢ Jovernor of Pankayivania, | on Friday, the 25th day of October, A. by F. E, Me ‘Eifresh, A. E. Patton, {Hy Rove: | OF PA TTON, George 8. Good, W. H. Sandford and E. C. Brown, ander the Aet of Assembly, entitled, ‘Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. ‘An act to provide for the incorporation and ; regulation of cortain corporation. ” approved | esr the 2th day of April, A i, and the sup- | ple mene thereto, for the fied or of an in-| CAPITAL PAID UP, a le an ¢ corporation to be ealls “The Patton! 000. iny Manufeturing Company,” the character | SURPLUS, $10, = object of which Is the mining, quarrying, | and dealing in fireclay. and manafactaoring 10 and Banks received upon the most a Accounts of Col rations; Firms, Individo- od. ve favors- and selling brick, fireclay building figteriais | ble terms consistent with safe 3 3 and other articles manufactu frome fireclay, and. fot these purpises to have, | PORSesS, AT enjoy ail the rights, benefits; and | Foret Drafts ble in the prinel privileges of the said Aet o Assembly and the | nes, 2 en Pa gd Fable In supplements thereto, | cities of the Old Worl , banking. | personal attention. Steamship tickets for sale for sll the leading : ROLA YD D. Swoore, Solicitor. | AI! correspondence will have our prompt and Carwensiville, Pa., Sept. Mth, 1985, a | | Interest paid on time deposits. A. BE. PATTON, ‘Wu. H. SANFORD, Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa.’ President. i Pa., last ‘week. manured exhaust the fertility in the DEPUTY SnErcFrs—Samuel Davie Fimer Milton Spencer ard Alex. Leslie, | yi} within reach of their roots, and | E. Davis. DisTRICT AProRNEY ~-R. 8. Mar phy. ConMISg10K ERS J. Dillon, . G, Lioyd, Geo. M. Wertz, CoMMISSIONER'S CLERK-—John (. Gates. . COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT J. W. fLeec COUNTY SURVEYORS, GG. Fetterman. COUNTY Am Wm, J. Jones, Berry, James JUR COMMISSION ERs Ansiem Wenkiand, | Wm. Miller. CORONER—Dr. George Martin. both of Spangler, paid Ebensburg a'ihen fail to bear ns well as was ex- tated. ” It is kept in casks to a great age before bottling, and though higher (in price is far superior and more. re- od ship yesterday morning. visit last week. pected. . Miss Minnie. Craver, of this place, | Gather all your tipe tomatoes, the opened her school in Allegheny town- ‘poor as well as the good ones. The | Grape and Bark Bitters for Madara. | former are excellent for stock of all Everyone knows the value of grape, Southers-Price company are billed | pings and are appreciated by poultry 38 a luscious and healthy fruit. Aunt ‘at the Ebensburg opera house this op. like to peck at them. Rachae’s Malarial Bitters is the ulti- liable than other wines. ‘Poor DIRECTORS—R. Moore, James Som-! poopy They will give adifferent enter- 1, Great Pritain and Ireland there mate of’ the Grape Juice; in its prop- erville; Raphiel Hite. : BOROUGH OFFICERS. BURGESS —W. J. Donnelly. : CoUNCiL—Lineoln 8, Bell, president; 8. M ‘Wilson, Prank Campbell, B. F. Wise, P. P| Y A ph Letse ho op C. Cowell president; GQ. ~."H. Curfman, secretary; . H. ford, treas- | urer; Jemse Jesse E. Dale, i E. Barton, Samuel | minston JUSTICE OF THE PrACE—Jesse F. Dale, Jas. Mellon. TREASURER—W. H, Sandford. - CrLERR—Harvey Pa : AssEssor—Jos, H. Ricker, : fo JACDItOR) -F. H. Kinkead, H. 0. Winslow, Joupae oF ELECTION—Sam’] Boy ce, INSPECTOR— Walter Weakiand. CHIEF oF PoLICE—John Boyce, STREET Sonora. J. Jackson. THE GOLD CROP. The director of the mint cutimates the increase of gold output for last | year at $22,000,000, an increase not at all alarming, considering that the, world is growing richer year by year, | and requires more and more gold by | way of ornament. On the other hand | - the nervous people who have been ap- | prehensive that there was not enough | gold in the world to serve as money, or the basis of money, can rest easy | since the production of gold in South | Africa, especially, gives assurance of pu adequate supply. These mines of | a ore are as regular in pro- | ~ ductiveness as coal mines. They read- ily capitalize on a 8 or 4 per cent. basis at European money centers, from this very-cause. Furthermore, it must be considered that the world is not abso- "lately dependent on South Africa as . yet. The authority stated, estimates that about one-half of the increase, or about $11,000,000 of gold, was obtained - from sources outside the dark conti- nent. : LINCOLN A GOOD MAN. In speaking of the Republican can- ~ didacy for president the Pittsburg Chronicle Telegraph says that specula- | tion as to the Republican ticket of ‘08 | fall and winter trade. is just about as idle as that of the | Democrats. As to the former, the only thing that can be said with any show | ‘of definiteness is that Gen. Harrison is out of the race. This gentleman is re- - ported as favoring the nomination of’ Robert Lincoln, and thereupon an eastern paper suggests, for the other . end of the ticket, the name of Police . Commissioner Grant. It says: “Lin- | coln and Grant! That would make a ticket for which the boys would throw ; up their hats.’’ . DON'T BORROW | your neighbor's | COURIER, but get one of your own. i SOMETIMES, do unto others as they do | - unto you, works best. MOST GENERALLY the biggest kicker | is the man who does not take his home | paper. NO MAN really wants to lie, but what “else can the publisher of a small circu- lation do.—L. A. W. Bulletin. CANDIDATES for the Republican ' presidency should be Lincoln and: Grant. They are the proper beople; | none better. ; THE BRAIN. of a woman is smaller | than that of a man, but it is stated to be somewhat larger in proportion to | the weight of the body. FRANCE I HAS furnished fewer immi- | grants to the United States than any! other nation in Europe. During the | ten years preceding 1890 only about | 50,000 persons left France for America. - A BROOKLYN man was arrested and sent to jail for having fits, denominated as hugging fits. When taken with one of these fits he cannot resist the incli- nation to hug about all of the vo- . luptuous girls in reach. What a An Ohio minister preached a sermon on “Profanity.” During the discourse _he Sook the ground that damn was not | swearing, simply used by many to em- phasize what they said. The minister, while calling on the members of his congregation & few days afterward met a young lady, one of the vivicious : girls who said: “Elder, that was a promply hanged his views. He was , ied | cotton states exhibition. | house should be crowded to greet it. | home on Tuesday. | tainment each evening. Last evening ore only 3,605,799 cows. or an average erties, mildly diuretic, sudorific and "they produced for the first time in this ‘of one to every ten persons. In the tonic. More than seven-eighths is the ' town the beaatifal four-act sensational | | United States there are 15,000,000 cows, - pure juice of grape, simply mace bit- comedy, Mable Heath. | or one cow to every four persons. The livery firm of Peach & Brown, | Flowers, Snake Root, Etc., and will | For pain in the chest a piece of flan- ja ls Place, has Gisuslyol HE | vii datapenail witis 0 barlgin's Pain cure Malaria Fever if nsed as dinscted. | opposite the jail, while Mr. Brown will | Baim and bound on over the seat of! ‘establish the same business in Mountain house stable on Centre, 3 Money. to Loan. tween the shoulders, will affort prompt Prove real estate security. For par-| | | relief. This is especially valuable in | ticulars address J. C. Patrick, Patton, | | : ‘cases where the pain is caused by a | Pa.-04tf : | | FROM HASTINGS. | a cold and there is a tendency toward! Many merchants are well aware that | R | pneumonia. For sals by Patton Pharm- | their customers are their best fiiends 2 Iw STeipeitat Sena en Some acy, © C. W. Hodgkins. ‘and take pleasure in supplying them : HASTINGS, Pia., Oct. 7, 1895. | Excursion to Rhededendron Park. | With the best goods obtainable. Asan | One of the most appreciative aud- | The Pennsylvania Railroad company | instance we mention Perry & Cameron, | | iences that has ever assembled in our announces that their annual autumnal Prominent druggists of Flushing, | opera house greeted the A. Q. Scam- excursion to Rhcdodendron Park, | Mich. They say: “We have no hesi- | { mon company in ‘The Burglar’’Satur- | Lioydsville, will be run on Thursday, | tation in recomending Chamberlain's} | day night and witnessed a very pleas- | October 10. At this time of the year a "ugh Remedy to our customers, as i ling and interesting entertainment. The | trip over the forest-clad mountains of | 18 s the best cough medicine we vi ‘GOOD BUILDING, | company is a first-class one and each | | Pennsylvania in their autamnal splen- [ever sold, and always gives satiafac- | member performed their part in andor, unsurpassed in richness and va t1on.’' For sale at 25 and 50 cents per, | admirable manner, and we hope Man- | riety of color by the works of the POttle by Patton Pharmacy, OC. W. | ager McNeelis will continne to give ns | greatest artists, is most enjdyable. Hodgkins. (such good shows during the entire! The acme of perfuction, however is . The healing properties of De Witt's | reached at Rhododendron Park, where : Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It Thos. Peach and F. A Shoemaker, of | natare in all its wildness and in modern ' cures eczema, skin affections sand is Ebensburg, registered at the Central cultivation is preserved with a most simply a perfect remedy for piles. hotel Saturday. | picturesque effect. A special train will C. W. Hodgkins. J. F. Schlanstine, importer of and leave Pittsburg at 8 a. m., and stop at ; Libel = Divoves. dealer in birds, rare animals, ete., of principal intermediate stations between Belle McCormick by her; In the Court of Com- Johnstown, occupied n small place in | | that place and Cresson, the latter point next friend William mon Plaw of where he had on. exhibition a very occasion, good to retarn until October 0. B. McCormick. | ING. nice lot of canary birds and parrots, 12, inclusive, and permitting of stop- | pena and al Subpesna in above case having | and disposed of quite a number to our off at Altoona on the return trip, will by me reta MOX EST INVENTCS you are nitified to be at the Court of Common citizens and the people of surround- | be sold at $3 from Pittsburg, $2.40 from | Pleas of Cambria ¢ County on the First Hondas 3] « ing towns. Greensburg, $1.25 from Johnstown, 70 Toe DW COVLTRR, rie” Saturday was pay day at Mitchell's ' cents from Cresson, and proportionate ,Sher!M's Office, Ebensbarg, Sept. i, 1186. | mines and our streets were quite brisk | rates from intermediate stations. The ; {as a result for a few hours the same extremely low rates that prevail for Go To Yovenive, Suinow ip \spsaviok bere os o3 apron ar | cua Jone pavmSONS | ves our m -ua an op nity o y | couragement and we all look for's good this year’s excursion stiould not be | SHOE - SHOP missed. : 4th Ave., near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and repairing A. G. Bartley, of Magic, Pa., writes: of all kinds done promptly. Prices feel it a duty of mine to inform you moderate. 18tf. ‘and the public that De Witt’s Witch | - : Hagel Sal red f bad | i man, STILT CENTRAL - HOTEL, Cc. w JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop’. Robert F. Notely and John Douglass | will leave during this week for Atlanta, | 1 Ga., to spend several months at the | | ’ rone’s accomplished and handsome a running sore on his leg. ‘ter by Peruvian Bark, Chamomile | Kline's pool room the past few days included. Excursion tickets for this "© wx Oambra Ceonty. |: JUTE books.” “The true University of these avs is a collections of : If he were alive to-day he would add, “and a Genenl Store.” WE ARE ania up FALL GOODS. Come in and see thesis SEE Our Prices on Groceries and Feed, so low the ‘themselves and hurt the printer Come in an GEO. S. oo Patto n, Pa. them. | the pain, and anothsr on the back be-. In sums of $200 to $10,000 on ap- | ' Shoes, Rubbers, New Yarns, in fact everything you want. IF YOU MISS ONE TRAIN YOU CAN TAKE THE NEXT... But if You Miss ONE Sn OPPORTUNITY Sees lowest prices, you may never get the opportunity again. A Call Will Convince You ings, Boots and Shoes, and everything to fit out the Wardrobe of a Man or Boy and at the low- est of low prices. Embrace this opportunity and call on "WOLF & THOMPSON To the Respondent above mimed: The sub-| 10 insure for Men Boys and Children the best suits at the T hat we have the finest stock of Clothing, Gents Furnish- | young ladies, who had been the guest |p oC "Accommodations the best. First-class’ And See tne Elegant Fall Dis- of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Frazer, departed | : a for her home Saturday afternoon. At the Palmaer House. Postmaster Kaylor bas worn a very Following is a list of some of the ‘broad smile the past few days owing | people who registered at the Palmer ‘to the arrival on Friday night of a house since last Wednesday morning: | “new postmistress.”” Mother and baby | Tony Wood, = Philipsburg; Ray T. are doing well. Warren, New York; F. D. Wil Bar in connection. I have now opened the shop on Magee avenue near iron bridge, Put- ton, Pa., where I am prepared to do all kinds of + 98 peas. { Emma Myers, departed on Thursday Jones, Philipsburg; W. QGainsford, 4 William Lambert, representing Jno. John H. Balbie, Pgh.; ; B. Macey, HORSE SHOEINC. The Misses Mellons of Patton, and | | Newman, Phila.; C. H. Taylor, Pgh; | Friday afternoon. ‘don; F. E. McElfresh, H. B. Irwin, Robt. A. Hunter. ion his trade here on Saturday. Mr. Mrs. W. G. Coffey, accompanied by liams;, Elmira; J. H. Beckly, Johns- ' her danghter Katharine and sister Miss town; W. H. Denlinger, Frank S. | afternoon for Lock Haven where they E. Neeley, Pgh.; Jos. Richards, will visit their parents and relatives a rone; Howard Price, er | few weeks. ' Geo. H. Becker, Phila.; A.J. Negley, | Ludwig & Sons of Johnstown, tarried Beaver: Alex. R. Batley, Bucyrus, O.; in our town on Thursday. ; |W. D. Harold, R. N. Hill, Pgh; I | Miss Addleman, of Curwensville, called | lw. G. Rhodes, Phila.; D. W. Hender- Your patronage i is respect- ‘on Miss Nellie Luther, of our town, on | son, Pgh.; J. N. McCormick, Hunting- fully solicited. Charles A. Shaffer, representing a New Cumberland, W. Va.; C. W. Sear- Harrisburg coffin manufacturer, called ing, New York. | Shaffer is the exact personification of Not a few who read what Mr. Robert A change of Ed. T. McNeelis, Esq., of Johnstown, | Rowls, of Hollands, Va., has to say and is quite frequently suluted in this Delo: Will remember their own ex- Seaso ns manner: “Hello Ed., when did you perience under like circumstances: : : | come up.” “Last winter I had la grippe which left : b R. L. Frantz, of the East End hote me in a low state of health. I tried requires a C ange of | has returned frow his former home 2 numerous remedies, none of which did NEEDS. Nittany Valley, Clinton county, after ™¢ = good, ne a induced t6 . This is the season to pre- ‘a few weeks sojourn. Uy a boitle of Chamberlain's Cough hare for cold weather. The Rev. H. W. Baker and family have Remedy. The first bottle of it so far : : ‘reloriied fio 8 two Week’s hr relieved me that I was enabled to at- less you worry the more per- during which time they visited Rev tend to my work, and the second bottle fect your h: appluess, hence get Baker's home at Huntingdon, Pa. effected a cure.” For sale at 25 and 50 something that will give you The next attraction at the opera! Sons IE portie ny Patton Pharmacy, comfort and pleasure and keep house wil be Flora Haniford in a 8 vou warm. Cinderella stoves “Soldier's Sweetheart’’ on Tuesday | : a de . wm ) will do this. Come and ex- evening, October 15th, This is said to FALL . : ing, amine them, both be a very interesting play and the } | Announcement Cook and Mrs. 1 L. Bindef, of. Hastings, and I have just returned from the cities Heating Stoves Miss Theress Binder, of Carrolltown, with a beautiful line of Air tight soft coal heater will, spent Monday in Altoona. - FALL and WINTER keep fire 24 hours, fit for a Miss Annie Binder, of Carrolitown, palace, also almost a full line’ was the est of her brother I. L. . . : Ptr ar days this ok Mi Nn Fa r of heavy and shelf hardware, Ossil Wilkinson, of the firm of Jas. tinware, lamps, lamp globes, Wilkinson & Son of Ebensburg, deal- ~~ Full line of ladies’ novelties glass, doors, sash, paints, oils, | ers in tombstones, otc., transacted and gloves, babies’ outfit, etc. and miners’ supplies, bird busi in H tiess in Hastings Monday, Come early before the assort- cages. Miss Gertrude Van Drew, a pre- possessing yoang lady of Pittsburg, ment is broken. Prices low. Come and see and ask who has been the guest of A. Lantzy MISS H. M. SHARBAUGH and wife the past few weeks, left for ~ Sharbaugh Buildin A. M. THOMAS, Carrolltown, Pa. iss PATTON, PA. | RATES $1.25 PER DAY. wr play and You Will be Sure to Buy. Get the Freshest and ‘the Purest — AT THE— PATTON SUPPLY CO. Here are a few Specialties mentioned: White wine and Pure Cider Vinegar, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, | 'Crocks and Jugs, Flower Pots, Etc. A full line of Flour and Feed. OBSERVE: —We will pay one cent a-piece for signatures from Arbuckle's Coffee wrappers. Save them and bring them to our store. Yours for a Bargain, Patton Supply Co 3 el 5 yoy I A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers