| o— JOTEL DEADBEATS. SHARP RASGALS WHO A WHO ARE TOO MUCH . FOR THE SHREWDEST CLERKS. jf me of the Tricks by Which They Obtain Accommodations Without Paying and Als Borrow Money—Empty Trunks and Despite every precaution taken by ‘shrewd hotel clerks a large number of persons are constantly engaged in secur- ing board and lodging by fraud. It is wvsually supposed that when a guest arrives at a hotel without bag- be cannot secure accommoda- tions unless he pays in advance, but the ) and some of the cash in the till #8 the clerk and requested - trunks be sent for from the depot. Le. "tricky ‘deadbeat’ mot only will live "in the hotel free for a week, but in | hare. ‘many cases will secure a loan from the unsuspecting gentleman behind the desk. ~The ‘‘deadbeat’’ constantly evolves | pew tricks to ‘‘do up’’ the hotel man, and it was not many days ago that a well known hotel was defranded in a very skillful manner of a week's bora 0 *‘deadbeat’’ walked into the hotel lob- by and in a confident maaner placed his name ou the register as hailing from Chicago. He was neatly dressed and carried a small grip. © He informad the ‘clerk that he was a traveling man on his first trip to the coast. Traveling men are good ¢ abtomens, 80 the new arrival was assigned to a good room. He handed two baggage checks that his In an hour or two he inquired why his baggage had not been sent up to his room MMe porter was sent for and ex- r' 1 that the transfer company had , been able to find it. sade by telephone, but the railroad people could give no information of the ~ missing baggage. “Well, I am in a nice fix,”” said the new guest to the hotel clerk, “for all my clothes are in my trunks, and I sup- pose the things have gone astray.’ . The clerk was very sympathetic, for a traveling man without - his clothes is indeed to be pitied. The fellow man- aged to borrow $30 to buy some shirts, collars, ties, etc., and went out of the hotel vowing vengeance against the rail- road company. He even had the hotel clerk pay for a telegram to Chicago in- quiring at the depot there as to where trunks bearing certain nambered ‘ checks had been sent to. The reply camo ack 4 that they would look the matter up nd pending the information the had a royal good time at the a few days he disappeared, dawned upon the hotel men had been neatly swindled by the means by two baggage checks which evidently had been stolen at some time 2 in Chicago or elsewhere. Another .aToxita trick to defraud a hotel 4s done by means of a confeders: One man will go to a first class house and secure » good room. About the sec- ond day he will be in the office, and ‘while there ‘he hotel clerk will receive _ & telephone message purporting to come from a well known store asking if Mr. {Joni +o desires the goods he ordered up to the hotel. The clerk Will nat- urally ask the guest the question, and i hotel man is requested by the guest-to be will reply that he desires the goods * sentup. When the package arrives, there is always $10 to $25 to be paid. The ““gattle the amount and charge it up in my bilL”’ It does not pay to offend a guest whose appearance indicates 4 wealth, $0 the money is handed out in t, The gueet now disappears, . and his trunk is found to be a cheap “ene and gen rally full of paper, whils which has been paid for ; by the hotel people is also worthless. ‘Bogus telegrams and letterheads are used by ‘‘deadbeats’’ in or- der to secure a little ready cash uvatil . **my money arrives,’”’ and very often ~ the scheme works all right, for a botel clerk is always afraid of offending a in these matters, for sbould he mistrust an honest man he will injure the hotel’s reputation. While mt ho- _ tels make it a rule not to cash drafts or or loan money, still very often A the ‘‘deadbeat’’ will make them break it. A scheme which has recently been e ‘worked: all over the country was for the ~ **deadbeat’’ to send by express a pack- age to a hotel in another city. It would fi be heavily sealed and marked, ‘‘ Value $900,” and the hotel man, tliuking & guest the safe. In a few days the ‘deadbeat’ him. He would be told that it was in ] Rine/cases ont ~ this city. that it contained jewelry intenced for soon to arrive, would put it in ,. Would turn up at the hotel, register and "inquire if a package had arrived for ‘safe, and he would tell them it .con- watches and valuables. The same : mighta a loan of $20 would be asked for, and the botel man, remembering the in the safe, would in ten hand out the coin. The guest would disappear, and when 1 package wus opened it was found to of no value. ~~ Asall accounts in hotels are rendered weekly it is impossible for dishonest persons to obtain free living for longer than a week, for they will be requested to pay or vacate. "A man and his wife, by placing a sup- posed jewel case in a hotel safe, man- aged, some time ago, to secure over six weeks’ livin in a well known hotel in “he lkeudlord, who had seen the woman wearing a quantity of jew- els, naturally supposed they were in the jewel case in hissafe. When the guests disappeared nnd the package was opened, it was found to be a trunk strap, care fully coiled rp and tied with string. — . San Francisco Chronicle. Hi a o— C—— —— A Reminiscence of the Maria. - ‘The famons yacht Maria once loafed around Newport harbor with a big iron suspended from her centerboard. n fon order to get up the courage of y : peticors, but on the day when. it ; BE ae for the cup she let it go and left the whole fleet hull down and out of gight. — Boston Globe. been from home a considerable time, | Inquiries were! David! ‘of blazing oil wicks. ‘hours. If any oil appears on the top of “weeks afterward, SCOTCH HUMOR. It Crops Out Occantonally Among Eiders of the Kirk, The elder of the kirk, like most of us, can blnnder occa donally. The pastor of a small village on the borders had gone for a few days to visit some relatives, when an old lady was suddenly stricken down and not expected to live more than a few hours. The elder ‘was hastily summoned to attend; but, having been lately elected to the post, which he had} accepted in order to satisfy the vanity of his wife, he did not feel able to face the trying ordeal. His wife entreated him to do his duty, and whispering a few lines of Scripture into his ears sent him off on his errand. An hour later his wife beheld him stepping homeward as brisk ns a March 0. She inquired how he had come on. _ “Oh, fine, woman, fine!'' was the re- ply. ‘‘She was deid when I got there!’ A short time ago, when disostablish- ment was in everybody's mouth, an old lady created quite a sensation in a church not far from Annan. Eaving them. They paused and prepared for she was unaware that the election of | elders had taken place. She attended | services the following Sunday, when the |. i morir si giovane. 1 minister, commenting on the result, re-| marked that in David Richardson the | church had a new pillar of strength, to which she retorted: ‘‘What! David] Richardson a pillar! Nae wonder the | snld kirk's gann to fa’!”" David, who | had the misfortune to have a wooden | leg and a hamp back, quietly rose up| and answered: “Whee ht. ve @owk Criftel’s (a mountain in the neighbor: hood) not straig tht!" On one occasion the minis ster met Ponald eoming from Dumfries Ro a fair in rather a muddled state. ‘‘David! Do I see your double?’ “Eh, gnidsakes, minister I" exclaimed the elder. A minister, feeling indisposed on one | occasion, did not. put in an appearance, and the elder, apologizing for his ab- sence, gave it out that ‘‘his reverence was unco bad in the roomattic’’ (for so| be pronounced the word rheumatism} “and couldn't get out.’ On hearing this startling intelligence | an old lady who Bappened to be pres- ent shrieked out: ‘“Eh, that auld hizzy o’ his! Has she locked puir man in the attic becizuse he was enjoying himsel’ at Farmer Bell's kim ?7’—Scottish American. SARDINE FISHING. The Process From the Time of the Catch : to the Caaning and Cooking. Toward the end of April the sardine fishermen along the coast of Brittany begin to watch for the bubbling of the sardines on the surface of the sea. For they know that vast shoals of the little fish are on their way from the coast of Africa up through the bay of Biscay to the north, and that they must be caught, if at all, as they pass. When nny one sees the water agitated, word spreads rapidly and the boats put out from the shore and race to the shoal. When the net is extended. the water fs “baited” by throwing bulls of ““roque’’ into it. As the bait dissolves and sinks the sardines rise and remain long after to nibble it, and their doom is sealed. For this reason ‘‘roqueé’’ is a most important part of the sardine fish- erman’s outfit. It is made of the eggs of mackerel and codfish mixed with clay, and is rather expensive, costing from 25 shillings to 70 shillings a barrel. Within the curing factories or can: neries everything is bustle and confu- sion, for there must not be # mcment’s delay in cleaning. the fish. All night long the work is carried on ty tke light The sardines are | spread out un benches or tables, where | salt is dusted over them. Then the| women go along and snip off the beads | with great scissors, | The little flat boxes so well known! to commerce are taken one by (ne and] filled from the glistening pile of fish, | after which pure olive oil from the, province of Bari, in Italy, is poured over them and the tops soldered on. In the meantime a great caldron of hot water has been raised to the boiling point ready for the real operation of cooking the fish. The sealed boxes are thrown into it and left for two cr three the water, the master workman knows that some can has not been properly soldered, and the loss is charged up to the man who did the worle A good workman will not lose mom than two or three boxes in 100.—New York Re- carder : he Hanging. Young folks are apt to judge of words by their literal meaning, without any attempt to reason upon the subject. The descendant of a celebrated general of the Revolution, quite a small boy, was visit- ing Independence hall with his raother, when she pointed to an oil portrait and said : *“There ig a picture of your great-great. grandfather, hung by General Washing: ton.’’ : The boy tock little notice of what she said at the time, apparently being more interested in the Liberty bell and other curious relics in the hall. But some when distinguished guests were dining at his father’s table, he broke an interval of silence by ask- ing: “Mamma, what did yon tell me in| Philadelphia about my great-great- grandfather being hung?" The question was a startling cne, but it was soon explained to the entire sat- isfaction of the guests. —Exchange. A sharp Turn. ; ‘‘After a young man has boen proper- | at fi | ly brought up he will never steal any! more horses,’’ says the Dallas News. Yes, ‘‘brought up,’’ with a sharp turn! —of the Tope. —~Rochester P ost-Express. af They Are Then the Fad. ; Is is almost time to hang the bloomers up in the red cedar closet, rendy for an- other year.—Boston Globe. + ders of applause and a rain of coin, both “ple grace of the woman's tall figure re- ‘ : os» | harvest, but when the sunimer deéparte ‘(zuidsakes, are yo fou tae? ja ; nt tha sunnier 161 iried | tery. Of course the police knew, but the | that is the case, and as. Paris forgets as | speedily as sho adores wildly, we had skulls and hourglass over the entrance to the churchyard are vigorously done. | i from tha foot of the table. ‘deposit in a box all the tips received by | New York Tribune. win the rich young woman, THE VEILED WARBLER, A Street Singer That Puznied the Freneh Capital For Three Jonas, Once, and once only, was it given to Paris to be puzzled by a street singer, | | The apperition only lasted threé months, but while it listed it was most perplex- | ing tc us. on the boulevards, who were sipping’ their beer, or ‘‘strangling a parrot,’’ as the French phrase hath it to describe the process of imbibing a dose of that! subt’e poison, absinth, were mildly bored by observing the approach of three street musicians. One man trundled a piano, a second carried a violin and 8 third, a tall, slight woman in deep mourning, her craps vail sweeping over her fice, took up her station between action, wherenpon many people, know: ing the vilonoss and discord of street music, made ready to leave, when, tc the utter amazement of all, to the ac: companiment of two fairly good instra-| way as coal. feet deep are dug, and as soon as the ments, arose in the night air an exqui- sitely modulated and very powerful fe. male voice, siaging, with a hearfbreak in every note, the wild wail of Traviata over her appro aching death, ‘Gran Dio, Perhaps the voice gained by the sur. prise of the public, perhaps it was aided by the stillness. of the snlfry air, bat eortainly it sounded most divine. Thun- gold and silver, rewarded the trio's ef ne. but they never gave but two songs per avening and then disappeared. The adventurous men who followed the sup- turned discorafited, scared away by the troculent aspect of her two companions. During that whole summer the strange band -wounld reappear covery night, and every night would reap a they, too, vanished and never again re- appeared. Theo Veiled Songstress, as she was called, came from the darkness and vanished info the night, and who she wag or where she vanished is a mys archives of the prefectura are sacred { from the gauze of the profane, and as the arithmetical puzzle, Inaundi, the lightning calculator, to distract our at tention that antumn in front of the cafe, eo the Veiled Songstress sank ont of sight, and the waves of oblivion have closed over her now and forever. —Paris Letter. st. Giles, Cripplegate. There is no church in London more grimly affecting or more grewsomely} picturesque than St. Giles’, Cripple gate. Its lantern is strangely gaunt and blackened, its towers stark and solemn. The approaches are all straggling and curious. We fancy ourselves in a bit of some old foreign city. The curious It escaped the great fire and is an inter esting church altogether and pictor- esque. Here we find Milton's tomb, Foxe's (of the ‘Book of Martyrs'’) and that of a daughter of Shakespeare's Lucy. And, as if this were not suffi. cient to reward ome's curiosity, they will show us the registry of the mar- riage of Oliver Cromwell to Elizabeth Boucher. In the churchyard a large fragment cf the old city wall iz to be seen. —(entleman’s Magarine. Huamor Ia the Family. “One of those lazy, good for nothing tramps called today and wanted a piece of pie,’ said the landlady during a mo- mentary zilence: The bachelor boaeder faltered and laid down his knife and fork. “And did he ge€ it?" he queried anx- iously. “Not much,” returned the lady. ‘'IIp got a piece ¢f my stead." yp “Which probably destroyed his,’ piped the thin boarder in the tenor voice tnd. ind in- “‘His what?" * demanded the landlady sternly. ‘Peace of mind,’” explained the thin boarder apologetically. Everybody cried out in applause at this.——Exchange. Waiters and Tips. There was astonishment in a Paris cafe recently when a new waiter pock- eted the tips be received as his own property, and he was arrested oun the complaint of his employer. It isthe cus tom in Paris restaurants employing more than ons waiter for the garcons tc them, and at the close of the day the head waiter opens this box, counts the money and divides is pro rata, after de- ducting a certain percentage for the pro- priotor for breakage. This head waiter is called ‘‘the corporal’’ In Boston head waiters ure called ‘‘captains,’’ but they do not appear to have any such military designation in New York — Love Prodigality. : A Michigan avenue youth was dilat- ing to a friend upcn the charms of his adored one. His friend was disposed to distrust EOIEW hat the acuracy of the young man's vision. ‘‘She is beautiful; you say? “As a star!” “And rich?" “Bah! I know not vor care “True, thas is: a secondary considera dion. But is she very wise?’ **Wiser than Sclomon!’] “Exce Hent. I suppo co fine family?" “Family, LE whe i= also of my bay? Family? : Why, that girl has a family tree th at would | | shade Lincoln park!’ —Chie ago Times- Herald. A Mine. ‘The poor young man was trying to ‘‘Be mine,’ he implorel. “What kind of mine?” she responded: ‘‘gold mine?’ ~Detroit Free Press. One evening all the loungers. wor rr —— 8E PTUAGES'MA SUNDAY. Genesis §, 1, *'In the heinning God coonred the heaven and the earth.’ —First Lesson. Revelation xxi, 1, ‘“And I saw a new heaven and n new earth ''—Sesond Lesson. The Epistle for the day speaks of the inter- val as a race or u fight; the gospel, as a day's work in a vineyurd. Whence? and Whither? cries the soul. Here thy cradle, there thy goal. Here they tel of man’s first birth. "There they # ng new heaven, new earth, "Twixt the two a rice fo run Till thy eartaly coarse be done. Life is battle; lifo 3 tofl. Man was bora to till the soil, Who for fight the palm would bear Plants his blows nor beats the air. Whatsoe'er the Master send, © Work unenvisus to the end. May thoy hare who strive to teach Grace to practice what they preach! Made from dast and prone to sin, May they feel God's breath within! —~F. Cornish in Week by Week.. MEERSCHAUM. How It Is Mined and Dried and Prepared For Market. Meerschaun is extracted in the sams Pits from 235 feet to 123 vein is st: horizontal galleries, gometimes oi considerable length, ara made, but more than two galleries ara seldom to be found in one pit. Ths stone as extracted is called “ham tash’’ (rough block: and is soft enough to bs easily cut with a knife. It is white, with a yellowish tint, and is covered with a red clayey soil of abont one inca thick. In thiy state thé blocks are pur- chased by dealers on the spot, not by weight nor by measurement, but ac- cording to approxiinate quantity, either per load of three sacks or per cartload, the price varying from £35 to £30 per load, accordicg to quality. These rough blocks are dried and subjected to cer- tain preparation before being conveyed to Eski-Shehir. Some of them ure as smail ar a wilnut, while others attain the size of a cubic foot. Those which combine regularity of surface and size are the best. ‘Che manipulation required before they are resdy for exportation is long and cost)y. The clayey soil attach- ed is removed and the meerschaunia dried. In summer exposure for five (xr six days to the sun’s rays suffices, but in winter a r¢om heated to the required temperature {3 required, and the dr ing process takes eight or ten days When well dried, the blocks are well cleaned and polighed. Then they are sorted iffto abeut 12 classes, each clans being packed with great care in sepn- rate cases and each block being wrapped in cottcn wool. —Engineering and Min- ing Journal Training a Locomotive. : It may not be generally imown that locomotives ititended for express trairs require as much training, in their way, for fast running as do race horses. The Pennsylvania Railroad company builds its own engines, and those built for ex- press trains are known asclass P. They are very large and built, with slight vn- riations, after the pattern of the big English engine imported into this cour: try severzl yenrs ago, and which at that time was a curiosity in its way. When .one of these big engines is taken out cf the shops to bs placed on the road, in- stead of putting it to the wark it is ir- tended for at once it is run for two cr three weeks cn some one of the local branches in order to train it, 80 to speak, for faster running. By this meaps all the bearings and journals connected with the running gear become settled to their work, for should apything about tbe new mach:ne not work harmonious- ly there is ample time to adjust the de- fect. Usually the new engine proves troublesome orn acccunt of its propensity to make fast “ime, and at almost every station the train is found to bd a littl ahead of schedule time and must wait for from ten seconds to a minute. —Phil- adelphia Record. A Greek Devil Beli. The Greek oneeption of their devil, whom they call Yama, makes that per- -sonage one of the most satanic of the whole devil tribe. ideas of him, he is 240 miles high and According to their the hairs on his body stand cut like palm trees on a mountain side. He pun- ishes the docmed beings submitted tu his charge by putting them in beds of boiling oil, sawing their bodies in two, pouring molten lead in their ears and such other little pranks as palling out their tongues. toe and finger nails and ing out their eyes. He is a beart- less old devil of the most devilish kind and has many other exquisite little tor- tures laid up for the helpless wretch consigned to bis ‘‘chamber of herrors.”’ —3t. Louis Republic. Italian Superstition. Superstition. reigns tyrannically in many rural districts in Italy. Lately a fortune teller prophesied to a young farmer and his sister, living near Noto, Sicily, that ov the evening before a cer- tain feast day both would die a violent death. This so affected the minds of the poor dupes that they became insane and rushed shrieking through the streets. A brother of these unfortunates then came somehow to the conclusion that the ca lamity was die to the witcheralt of their stepmother, and in a tit of blind rage he killed the poor woman with a hoe. —Philade lphi a Ledger. : Kind Offer. Iimpoliteness may sometimes perhaps be answered properiy with impertinence A struggling author went to an.editor with a manos Tp. ; “On,” exclaimed the editor, ‘don’; bother me now. I've other fish to fry.’ “Well, I'll fry your fish for you," said the author, ‘while you read my manuscript.’ 23 the edditcr had toread it. — Youth's A laay of gonins will give a gente, air to well fancied suit of knots S Writer gives a Spirtt to a whole sentence bv a sings expression. —{(yuy. ber whole diess by a as a jade The Kentucky river had irs from an Indian expression, Kain ‘at the head of the river name tuk ee “ties to go by default, the expectation being, t eve of she convention and hia futile work for Quay, were eertainly specimen bricks ‘| gerved in England as a festival. ered frou: the yoke of the Danes. ‘THE CAMPAIGN OF DECEIT. | ! ow the Qany S:111 Pact Campaign Failed | ! in Centre snd Northampton Counties. The Northampton county convention on : Saturday and the Centre county primaries ! on the same day established two impor | tant pointe—first, the utter weakness of Senator Quay in these counties, and seo- ond, the misrepresentation, subterfuge and trickery by which his sampaign is be- ing conducted. The election of the entire delegation in favor of Governor Hastings and Judge Reeder, and the killing of a resolution to indorse Senator Quay showed the sentl- ment of the Northampton Republicans pretty clearly. In Centre county theelec- tion of about 113 out of 124 county con: vention delegates was proof positive that the governor's home county is where it’ was expected to be, A specially notable feature of the Sat tarday proceedings; however, was the proof furnished with startling distinct- ness of the bad faith and deceit of the Quay management. When Senator Quay precipitated the present conflict he caused it to be understood that he would fight General Hastings and h!s friends in every county in the state. It required buta short - tlmbe to disclose to him thas his chances tm Centre, Northampton and Bucks, among other counties, were very. poor indeed. Then Aulrews and Leach from the Quay headquarters sent out the intelligence that no fight would be pro jected by Senator Quay in these counties. This surrender did net decaive any one. The fact that Contre is the homo of the governor, Northampton of Secratary of State Reeder and Bucks of Colonel Gilke son, was stated by Mr. Leach asthe reason for magnanimously perriitting these coun. of course, that the friends of the adminis tration would relax their efforts to an ex- tent that could be taker advantage of by Quay’'s followers. While the Quay organs were yet damp with Leach’s printed declaration of non interference, money was being spent lav ishly in both Centre and Northampton in an effort to obtain by corruption and tresnchery what was unattainable by fair methods. Charged witli doub’e dealing, the Quay managers relied that no fight was directed from headquarters and that the opposition in Centre and Northampton to the governor and Colanel Gilkeson was purely local. “Jack” Robinson's raid from Delaware county into Northampton, and his appearance at Bethlehem on the of ‘local’ opposition. The victories forces on Saturday was not a surprise to anybody (unless to Senator Quay), bus the circumstances attending them finished a valuable object lesson of the disreput abte methods in vogue by the Quayitesto| bolster up a bad cause. If any evidence was wanting it is now forthcoming that no dependence can be placed In any agree ments, promises or pled ges made by them. Their campaign ts a campaign of decep- tion and fraud. Acconling to the Pine street headquarters announcements, Bucks county will be left unopposed for Hast ings and Gilkeson. in the same way that Center and Northampton were. The Bucks counsy Republicans know what this means, and should not be caught off theis guard. Quay’s managers have been pub licly convicted of deceit and general dis honesty in the two cases named; the Bucks county people know what they may expecs. FEELING IN WASHINGTON. Fight and Praying He Will Win. WASHINGTON, July 23. ~The declaration by Mr. Quay that Mr. Cameron is not a factor in the fighs In Pennsylvania does mot couns for much among those who are at all familiar with the plans laid ou? for the Cameron boom. Should Mr. Quay win it would very soon develop that Mr. Cameron's interests wure advanced, In spite of Mr Quay’s announcement, which will bear n second careful reading. A vic tory for Quay now would be regarded by the silver men as a sriumph for their cause, and they world look forward very hopefully to a “Cameron delegation’ from Pennsylvania to the Republican national convention. ‘I'he explanation of Quay's making this declaration is not believed by those familinr with the national bearing of the contest to be that Quay is trying to unload Cameron and free silver so as to help himself. but that, foreseeing defeat, he wants to relieve Cameron from being involved in it. The silver Republicans areseriously and earnestly bent upon making Cameron their presidential candidate, with or with- out Pennsylvania. They intend to make the fight, and think that by throwing the election into the house they may sucoveed, if in the electoral college they can secure him a few votes, so as tu make him one of the shrewe candidates before the house. ‘A victory for Quay, it is said, would help Cameron, bus if ‘‘the combine’ is to win it is important thas it should not ap- pear that the blow was simed at Cameron, rather than Quay. The belief is, there- fore, that Is is Cameron rather than him- self whom Quay seeks to serve by his an- nouncement. He does not want to in- volve bis colleague in defeat. A New Industry. A Pari; Yeggar has been liviag very comfortably by hanging himself. He would choose a tree where young chil- dren were playing, string himself up and groan to attract attention so that they would run for heip. He would be cut down and restored, and a letter in his pocket would explain his attempted puicide by a statement of his destita- tion. A Gigantic Enterprise. Lendon’s constant trouble over the lack of sufficient water supply bas ‘brought Op proposal which will re- quire the sm of $50,000,000 to carry out. It is to build two aqueducts, one 150 miles long, the othgr 170 miles, and each is to convey 200,000,000 gallons of water a day. Bold Straw Hat Wearers. A uniqae organization called the An- tomnal Straw Hat association has just been formed in Boston. Its object is to persuade men to wear straw hats aft- er Sept. 15. provided the emperarre makes it justifiable. For over 400 years Nov. 13 was ob- it com memorated the death of Hardican ‘ec and the acoussion of Hdward the Con- fessor, by which the country was deliv: me. STORIES OF THE DAY. A Walter's stupidity snd’ the Cllssar to a Dinner. : They sat at his favorite table inam up town restaurant. Both were dressed in the height of fashion. : The attention of the other guests in the dining rcom had been attracted to the couple by ths evident anxiety of the young man to make a favorable impress sion upon his fair companion. He gave orders to the waiter with an air of self styled superiority, and his tone of voios was warranted to reach the ears of all those present. As the courses progressed the time for serving dessert came. The young woman was“ heard to confess a Weakness for huckleberry pie. ‘“Ah,”” exclaimed the youth, ‘‘so funny, you know! I, too, am passion- ately fond of huckleberry ‘ple. I have i¢ almost every day here.’’ “I say, waiter,”” he called, at the same time snapping his Bugens above the table, “bring two portions of rve- kleberry pie!” The waiter executed the order with - due haste, and as he set the plates npon the table the final act of the little drama that was being enjoyed by the persons at other uear by tables began. The young woinan frowned, then blush- ed, and leaning over complained to the young man in a stage whisper that the powdered sugar had been omitted. “How stupid!” he cried as he beck- oned the waiter again. ‘‘Brooks,’”’ he said to that functionary, “what is it that I always order with huckleberry pie, and which you invariably forget?*’ . “I know, sir,”’ replied the waiter, after a moment's hesitation. : “Go at once, then,’ continued the youth, ‘and bring it to Miss ———’’ ..By this time several new arrivals who had come in just in time to hear the last part of the conversation joined the rest. of . the. andience in watching the couple. Everybody waited impatiently for the waiter's return. : In a few seconds he came back hur ; riedly and walking to the young wom- .an's side laid beside her plate—a knife. The young man’s face was a study in chromatics of high tints as he saw the - expression of suppressed laughter about him. He hastily paid the bill and left ‘with his fzir companion, who showed of the administration} Sumis that the ‘‘setback’’ of the earth ‘its. dajly rotation round its axis ee ported to be thdt such retardation owing to the friction caused by tides, the latter acting as a brake; and such action is calculated, according to this same sutharity, to be equal earth, due to the falling on it oric dust, which, if deposited at rate of one foot in 4,000 years, produce the observed retardation’ self. Further, such a phenomenon aa Stiver Men Aestonis Wetehing the Quay | D8 200A] growth and melting of and ice at the poles, by abstracting water from the other parts of the ocean, introduces irregularities into the prob- lem, the abstraction accelerating the earth's motion, and the meliing, by re- storing the water, retarding it. as opposed to the retarding forves, it is urged that there is to be taken into ac- cougt a probable acceieration, due to the gradual sinking of the earth by cooling, this, however, being not more, perhaps, than one six-thousandth part of the re- tardation due to tidal friction. A Timeless Village. : From the notebook of a recent trav- eler in Alsace: Belchen I looked upon the beautiful vil- lages of the Lewen valley, and being a tourist who likes to poke his nose into everything I turned by chance into the church at Kirchberg. On comingout I took out my watch to regulate it by the - clock in the church tower. But there was no clock to be seen. Hence I went into the village inn, and there asked the : time. But mine host could not oblige ‘You see,’ he said, ‘we have no use for clocks. In the morning we go hy the smoke rising from the chimney at the parsonage upon the hill. The par- sonage pecple are very regular. We dine when dinner is ready. At 4 p. m. the whistle of the train coming from Mass- munster tells us that the time has come for another meal, and at night we know that it is time to go to bed when it is dark. On Sundhys we go to church when the bell rings. Our parson is a very essy going man. He doesn’t mind begioniss half an hour _soomer or later." : Talk at $1 a Minute. ~ At the yearly meeting of Friends at Wimington, O., Edward R. Walton, formerly a. missionary among the In- dians, offered to pay $5 if the meeting would give him five minutes’ time to make a speech. The meeting closed the bargain, and Walton began his dollar a minute discourse. : At the end of the five minutes paid’ for the clerk called a halt. As he waa in thé middle of a story, Mr. Walton thought a minute, then gravely and de- liberately marched to the clerk's desk and laid down $2 more, and finished his story in seven minutes.—New York Re- corder. A Stur on Qur Good Sense. Is not the frequent granting of new trials, especially for serious offenses, something of a reflection upon our juris. . prudence? (Ought we not as the present stage of civilization to have such laws and judges that there will remain little ‘ chance for the commission of the errors that give cause for retrials? Juries are not charged with many mistakes. The i granting of a new trial on the ground shat the verdict was against the evi- dence is exceedingly rare. The worst of criminals escape through the delays se- cured through new trials. — - Denver Poet. “On my return from