| Rorial nf Anrry Weight. ne MEG MED iN Tl THEW Posies Od. 6-4 wes wos YL bail maceger snd obief of staff of league Corbett and Fitz Can Fight Over umpires, waa interr:d this afiervoon im the Border. beantifal West Laarel Hill ceroetery. Rarely haz apy man, no matter what hie pesition may have heen in pa lie hfe, 0 EXISTING LAW in THE SUBJECT. TE oli on iibprosive. and touching faveral, From noon ontil 3 President Dins. However, 1s Opposed to the | roiioh, the hoar of dipuciure for the Sport and May Prevent a Meeting. _ Wasmmerox, Oct. 3.—Minister Ro-| ot the house ot Frank Hortat, one of Mr. mero, of Mexico, speaking without official | wishes most intimte friende, st 2119 information of the subject, inclined to! ver place, where fureral services were the belief this afternoon that the Corbett- | ne:d, were crowded by people aoxions to Fitzsimmons fight might be brongbt off | ,.y 1oeir last tribute to ive illustrions ‘within Mexican borders, if the partiee | joad. Baseball men of prominence from concerned eo agreed. The place seid 104] parte of the conntry, were present, as have been selected is in the state of Tam- | gag also men promioent in basive.s aod _ atlipse, which touches the southern bor-| gogial life in Philedelphia. Toe floral cemetery, the streets in the neighborhood | It Succeeded fie Du DuBois Deposit Bank Last Monday. A HIGHLY SUBCESSFIL INSTITUTION. | | A Brief Resume of 1h: Hanking Bnginamm ie Dios, ; A pew departare in the 8 ope, charac- t2r, organization and field of veefainese of one of DuBois’ most sacoessfal, pro- gressive and yet populsr and conservative business institutions occurs to-dsy. : The DuBois Deposit Bank is a thing of the past and when tbe dours within a its bosiness has in the psst been traneacted swing open this morning it will CPUS MATORRL BM rene meme u for su, posipz that the Deposit | They Can't Appreciate the Fin de Siecle ou ‘the "ow, which 18 ous of the growing oentres of hnsivess nod populstion of} UAL alilg Males a rond, stud "here i 50 | Nati 5a! will st eontinte ov merit and receive the sa _.~ high considerition: Licsipg over the entire field of the State, we find many stroog amd well con- ducted baukivg iustitations that are de- a reir A specific mention in thesa eol- | amus, ty virtne of the importunoce of the work they are doiog iD their respective apheres of nsefnluess. For instance, we hsv. Pufore us some facts and figares ip peli -ice to the DnBole Deposit Benk, D tons, Pa which may he tsuken in the Pe seuss of the word. ns a reprasentative joetitotivs. This is rhe oldest bank ip Clearfield conury—a district rich in cosl sod iror, sod blessed pe with inuch good agricaitaresl jand. ‘Tue D-posit Bank is moorporsted nn ier the nw; of the State of Penusvivavia, . It has a cspital stook of $75,000), and 18 ander the mAnsgement of the bouawiog named gentlemen se of "AER EDITORS. | Pp=s¥ivasi mammoan. | IN EFFECT NOV. 35, ue. Poet, Stephen Crane. Stephen Crane is .a melancholy ap- | pearing youn man who writes yo - RABTWARD, choly appearing lines. In the minds of | 104 A. M.—Train 8, daily except Su some person, among them Mr. Orane | Sinvery, hs and his publishers, it is presumed that | New York, Pp. mi; , latent genius seems to nestle in those moa lines To the cold, unfeeling rabble, | from Kane to 16 ; He which needs to know what words mean | nr P md te ers Andes Sunday, te understand or enjoy them, those lines Fritts are of the most enfeebled grade of twad- . p Hi da Yet his verse—and it has been called verse—has mt been written in vain. It ‘has aronsed pity for the writer in tender | week bearts, which know that brain troobles| Hmore, ee ot epmiivte| mses an sympathy is ever ve to the plaints of him who wears out in the nebon, wit red uo barness.. The Philistine has said that| Tom sade to Philadelphia 4 what we are coming to in poetry is like port «s Baltimore. Trains leave Driftwood and Erie Railmed Divisis der of Texas, on the Rio Grande. There | arings were among the most elaborate tobe no existing law that willl oer een in this oity appears - prevent the fight there. so os ate Express Thiel Captured. 87. Louis, Oct. 3—A well-known sport- . 6.—John Don Farden ing man who has had years of experience _DareeRs, Ost Atlan ; in Mezioo and Indisn Territory, said to 4 ase hile. st Ter fe Hante, a United Press reporter that Corbett ud ied SR bere last pixist charged Fitssimmons will never flabt jo esher of with theft of $16,000 {rom bis employers. the territories or in Mexico. He says the fle waived extradition proceedings snd railroad travel is too great, and the fact waa thken west to-nibl. that ample protection from either Re *% | Farden sdmitted that he took the pack thorities or disorderly element could no +g6 bootaining the money and implicated be guaranteed would deter people froth J. R. Barnett, ticket agent of the Ven- oiog to any piace ssleoted in those local dalis rairoad at Terre Haate. The men | i of witnees. | S0P8rsted after dividiog the spoils, Far iog a prise fight. Claims that the law den going south, while Barnett traveled westward. The latter, it ie said, is etill abiding citizens of the territory in ot large. mand government intervention if the pi is proposed for their section of the coun: Accident at a Dedication, try. Paesident Diaz 18 opposed to prize|{ Lonaix, O., Oct. 6—A trighttal acci- fighting, and arrest and imprisonment in | dent attended the laying of the corner Mexico ie a thing to be dreaded. stone for the vew Et. Marys Catholic chareh in this city this morniog. Fully Orookedness Unearthed. 5,000 people were gnthered aromn:i the Prrrssure, Of. 4—In oconoection toundstion for the new structure und the with the aadit and investigation of the priests were about to begin servis when . accounts of tha city attorpey urder di: |the platform oconstracted of boards sud rection of council's commitiea & ee s8lion | rpuning the entira distance across tha was developed to-day and st least 006 | ares on which were boat 1,000 people, ity official is under grave suspicions. zave way, precipitating 200 of them into Csehier Wardrop of the Trademen's [+},, czeavation. - A panic evs wd which Nations! bank, to-day informed the io: |.sagited io increseiog the Tatalitiss. Oue vestiyaling committes that interest on & foaren; was killed, 11) fatally an 12 seni: deposit of $100,000 bad been paid to W. 1 asic hart. : : H. House, assistant city sttoruey; ti : ' qadrterly payment of interest on eity de- + Priseeton Wou i Aoeept Now. : posit covered a period exceeding four| FPriNcETON, Oct. (3.—Ceptain Lea of years. Oashier Wardrop will make de- | tbe Princeton footbull team to-day in re- tailed statement perteininy to the account | ard to the offer mude by Philadelptis for the information of the committees. Inquirer of cup valued at $1,000 to be Otber backs which are city depositories | §176D to the wiunet of Princeton-Penn- were visited by the committee bat ro hiring game, Tal snch bs erienged positive information was obtaivel except or this year. The cup wou come af the Freehold bank, where it was stated | the property of the team winning such that no interest bad been paid on city |@sme for three successive years. Les was much sarprisud at the offer. He House, who ia charged with the collect- stated that it would be ‘impossible to ar- jom of interest money illegsily has been Hale» fusih tie Yiu. ok 8 rea gonpected with tbe city rwyy: office | 200 that there 50 Cae open for tweaty years. VICTOR KIRK INSTANTLY KLLED. Water by the Car Load. He Was Em gloved a1 ee Blanchard Mine, Horuipavsavra, Oct. 4.—Hollidaye- Perro, Pa., Oct. 4.—A young map burg city cvancils to-night granted a tem- | by the name of Victor Kirk was killed at porary wster supply to the car shops, lo- | Winterburn to-day while epragging cars eomotive works and the 5,000 employes of | from the mouth of mine down to the tip- the Penneylvania railroad at Altoona, |ple. He was riding ove of the loaded during the continuance of the water fam- | cars down the hill when another loaded ‘ime there. General Baperintendent Shep- | car got away from the men at the top and * herd made a request for aid in order tbat | ran into those in front, breaking the - the company need not cease operations young man’s neck «xd one of his legs, during the drought. killing him instantly. The company will daily receive 350,000 og i ————— gallons of waters aud eleven trains will "ram every day between here sud Altoons te convey the water. ; Hollidaysburg is the only town in the Juniata valley tbat has a superabundant water supply and six communities are de- pendent upon the local reservoir. —— : ‘Coon Hunter Shot. : Dreirrwoop, Oct. 6. —George Brown, a woodsman from Rathbun, was accident- aliy shot in the leit log whiie coon hunt- 10g about six miles from Blerling Ran this forenoon. The gun was two feet from Brown when it went off and be re- = | ceived the fall load in the leg. The leg She Married the Priest. | was badly shatterad und may have to be Sr. JoszpH, Mo., Oct. 4.—Mand Steid- | amputated. ol, the 18-year-old girl arrested in Chi-| Shot From bust: cago, snd Father Dominick Wagner, un-| g,,, ),,xg City, Utab, Oct. 6,—J. A. der arrest for her abduction, were mar- Wilson who lives nenr Jackson Hole ried here to-day, and legal prooeedings reported yosterday tbat Usptain Smith, : - ? on the part of the mother of the girl will who precipitated tne indian troubles in be dropped. the Jackson Hole country last July, and Father Wagner agrees to give the girl |, har white men were killed by Io- | $6,000 in cash and $4,000 in r:a! estate io Jispa Oct. 4. ori to proaseution, The men were shot from smbusb. " Shot His Wife and Suicided. Temols Op Series, BerinermLD, IUl., Oct. 4.—Lest night, New York, Oct. 6. —Following is the - a8 a result of a six weeks’ spree, Wm. OC. ‘Henry, an engineer employed on the Wa- bash railroad, shot his wife three times score of Saturday’s game in the series for the Temple cap between first and second | mained as abova until June, 1888, jist be- b roatits to the steer of the De posit Bank, {the Firs: Nst.onul Bank, svotber private ‘month, a8 above, but owing to the work be to admit the patrons of the Deposit National Bank, of DuBois, Pa, whict wae authorized by the controller of the currency on Sept. 30th to commence bas- iness as a National bank nnder the Na- sional Banking lawe, but which bas not been dove until to-day. The DuBois Deposit Baok, at ficet a private backing iostitation, and the first to be established in thie pluce. was or- ganized in September, of 1580, uy W. C. Bovard and present Btate Treasurer Jack- sop, the former acting ae cashier. Io 1883 another bank, the First Nation ‘al, was organized with F. K. Aruold ae President and Jus. E. Ling as Cashier. Of this benk Mr. Long soon becsme Pres ident snd M. W. Wise Cashier. The control of she Deposit Bank re- fore the great fire, when the stockholders of the First National bought it out and for a time the two wera conducted io the same uterest, HB, H. Moors ard M | McCreight being re:pectively President and Cesbior of the inst mentioved 1a tution. In 1589 the Fun National Bank went inte lignidatior A: that time a larye portion of toe to ‘kim'ders of that con- cern ‘trapsf rred their backing invest and hava ever sir oe baen identifad there | Himultanson:'y wil the [igmdation. of bavk, knowo us the Bank of DaBor, was organized with Jus. E. Loog se President and M. W. Wise as Cashier. This back coutinned business notil March of the present year, when ite doors were closed and its affairs are pow io the bands of a FeCl VOT. In 1892 tbe capital shiek of the Deposit Bank was increased from $50,000 to $75,- 000 and it was incorporated asa State bark under the new law establishing » State Banking department under the con- trol and direction of a State Saperiotend ent of Basking. : Recently the desirability of ineressiog the banking cspital of this community and s desire to take advantage of the pro- visions of the National tanking laws, led the stockholders and directors of the De posit Bank to make application for per- miseion to transform tbat coneeru into a National Bank with a capital of $100 000. Thie permission was granted by the con- troller of the carrency on the 30th of last incident to the opening of new books, wud otker details, tbe chavgs did vit te Peatz, Vice-Presadent; XM. I. McCrerght, Cashier, and D. L. Corbett, R. H. More, Geo. J. Weber, Ii. F. Hind, J. H. Pectz and H. H. Radaker, (ireclors, remains ad beretofore. The unmber of directors will) however, probably be iucie¢se.d is nine ie { on: place notil to-day. The organzation f| the bank, R. H. Moore, President: J, It. | io the pear fntare. ed into ite «,. ous pew building, u oir tare of whl Nd sppears belo»: In April «f 1-03 the Deposit Back mov- | fiers: H. Moore, President, and M. L a. Cashier. * * * Presi. dent Mcore ia a man of keen jusighbt io fnaveial and bumuess affuirt, aud bas gained a wide sud most bouorsbie repn tution ua a relisble and conservative bank er. Castier MeCrewght 18 uso kvown most favorably r banking cuc'es, being noted for the ssnndpess of Bie jodgmen: an the probity of hie character. * * * The DaBote Daposit Bank attends to all the depariments of a regular banking | tneines<, paying special aftestion, bow- AVE! Ha ‘ta title wonid jodiexte, to the in: tera-s of depositors, As to the valine of ‘he work that it is doing, we may esy that it- wold tax the powers of our wisest fi- nwom=rs and econLomiste to set 8 sorrect atnpate upon the icflaence of euch an in %E3 nN j ni be Benesette Tylers DU BOIS Falls Creek @r=ond patches after night and doing the work, | but finally one night while nailing some | me or Exp SMall May. 12, 1885, Exp May . iF hi YW CBLON RE irirssivenn’ stone 415 ; es Mah wey Lv lation to regulate such charges under! 3 ® i WA 1a Bw 1 measiae't -and fled. This morning the police found his body in a eorn shock 10 a field just east of the city with a knife wound pear | ‘the heart and a ballet bole in his hed. He had committed snicide. Mrs. Henry | lies at the hospital i in a dying eondition, } . St. Paul Shows Fine Speed. Grovcester, Mass, Oct. 4.—In her of- | - feral trial ran to-day between Cepe Ann, | - Mass., and Oepe Porpoise, a distance ol . 44 96 knote, the steamer St. Paul averag- | ~ ed 20.50 knots an hour for four consecn: | tive hours and established the right of | being numbered among the auxiliary eruisers of the United States and carrying 1 the United Btates mails. : May Ha Have Foundered. Loxpox, Oct, 4.—A large two masted .. steamer, with one white banded fuonel, making heavy weather, was s:en this morning four miles off Graystone, Lead: ing for Plymouth. . The steamer suddenly vanished and it is 6 supposad that she foundered. Eoglish Athletes Outpointed. Naw York, Oot, 6.—In the interna. tional inter-collegiata sports yesterday on Manhattan Field between Yale and Oam- ; bridge the Englishmen won only three out of the eleven events. They won the half mile, one mile and place teams in the National League: At ¢ leveland. leveland.. ; { Baltimore II Bat tories yout ng aa Zimmer: Me Mahon | wd Rob inson. Milljon Do nr Fire Losa. ! or shy, R. I. ct. 3—The mills of © Warren Manaofactoring company | were burned to-night, eutmling gieat finencial Togs. Tne lumbar yards in the | vicinity were barped. The loses will he | 81, ,000,000. fr Took Yoison. Reapixg, Pa., Oct, 5.—Frank Anthony attributed as the chuse. Messing ‘of Log Owaers. Williamsport this afternoon for the pur pose of deciding what action will be taken in reference to the logs whioh are strand: ed in the river west of this city. With the close of the month of September the chances of a flood coourring were consid- erably lessened and it is quite probable that at the meeting to-day the !unmber- men will decide to erect splash dams and | float the logs on artificial floods. —Lock Haven Express. 440 yards rans, No records were broken. aged 28, a well known young Ioan em- ployed in the general office of Carpenter | steel works, this city, committed suicide | to-day by taking poison. Ill health 1s) 1 A meeting of lumbermen was held at | 1 = 3 The Deposit Naticual Bask Bailding. 4 : ita of the institution under cous leration far six cons=cutive months respectively of | the yea. 1801-3-4 aud of the six’ woutks | of th= present year ending Jaly 11th, 8 pa portion of the time covered bs which hes | i been ote of wide-spread sud far-reschirg | ‘depression, mey be of interest as indicat- | ing the growth 1n volome, of local basi. | pess std the development of backing m- terests, vod is brietly as follows: 1801, 81,243 471. 88.146, 1833, 1,380,394. TB SaY 1804, 1538520, 10,055. 1895, 1,881,188. 12,541. This 18 assaredly a gratifying incraase | when tha period during which it bas been {achieved 18 considered, as:18 also the fact fof the ease with which the subscriptions for the increase in the capital stock were | seemed, The DaBois Daposit Bank has obit been a popular institation locally and | possessed the entire confidence of the community, bat tha following, from 80 J tisey an authority as the Mercantile sud Financial Times, of New York, shows at once hastened to the rescus and in Among other things thi at he has done : {an authoritative voice deraanded os { meaning of such less cond at the to lay a worm fare four a ee of A comparative state nent of the depcs- | weaning of suc pabk less condnet, the : Y gclais DEPOSITS. AVERAGE PER DAY. | tock up the fieldghass to see if all was | boards on his back yard fence he struck | re ady, when to his horror he saw the . his thamb with a hatchet and awoke, marker standing fg front of the target. | thus realizing for the first-time that he Thinking the man insane, tha sergeant - had been working in his sleep. the while in the somnambulistic stata was ht he 1 sanie time deveriBnog the marker asa =00 yards. us nig Lh. dee, fool. “'1'm na sie a fool as yaL, thing, 2 thinki og ¢ hawonld rise early «m this ort. **1 ken the safest Ln lace following pis and eat a small diteh to I've nrurk qd f is your com drain a pond, Lut great was his surprise — rms “i i when tho. nest morning bo’ fougd that mm the popd harl Been dirched during the + Thirst Yor ERowWietEs. wha day is this? : On One Oo: Asi +n he gn t up sh rely afrer Friday, dear.” he had fallen agleep an 4 putting sev ~unday:’’ : + eral pounds f botter in a basket took i 3 . » 3 : = Ya ars » ny 3 36 fF «jl in the farare It tO a Lear hy: grocery and traded it for vs For a long time he r a Fa Fo fre ’ ’ s EF ¢ i i at td t 1 COICe Ana sage y mys # to qecutnt I tr hast't come vet.) was at a las what’ s keeping it? butter. Ne:ther lid he know whence ih : cama the cee and tha sauar, How- evef, since realizing that he is acontirn ed somnambalist, he has questioned the | : grocer, who recollected the occurrence ther we, Katie = _.| beeause of Mr. ( lar ke's strange conduct mim, what's Snnds y. dommg any- | at the time. Gicago Fribune . 1 Mr Clarks lived alone, bos. since he | : "has discovernd bis condition has engaged | | the services of a young negro, who takes care that his employer does not get out | of the house during his sleep. —Cincin- | nati Enquirer. + YER , tLe massing Doesn't Cost Much. Sweet Girl-—Puapa says you con’ ford to marry Ardent Yonth—Nonsenso!t Ioan got | —_—— a preacher to perform the oiremony for £ : a apy $2 : | The alb, so often mentioned as Sweet Girl—Can you? How foolish | priestly garment, was a long gown, f; papa is l—=Giladbrook (Ia ) Republican. | tened with a belt : : £9 Gn 1 1 Gn Gh dd 0 Reyooldsvilie Fuilers Brookville SurnaueTviue Maysville Hawihom Fai aon New bat teem S|higo junctien if Red Bank No 2 leaves Driftwood at rl) - - and arrives at Pittsbune ot 6.30 pom, No. § lsaves oe fwocd at 5.00% Mm. srriving st Pitwoung at i BJ Mail No, 1 lea Piitsburgat 5.40 a.m. and Arrives ai Drift y ood a 2M poo NLS leaves Pl ung at 1:30 p.m and arrives at Deift wood 9:33 I. IL. Hee: Q [RENEE SHA BREE ~~ ERE FRGEBUERGEE « 3 bi de ow pi i i 3.4 ee LLL He z Savsaissagueanre: TROD EEPAAN BBB ir FEES sasseuanah $b i. E + sown BEE SSUERV EGER EREEES § suas reasen amt a = a ph on DAVID MoCARGE, Gen’! Supt. LP ANDERSON, Gen'l Pass, Agent. J (DGWAY AND CLEARFIELD BR. R | EA : DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY OUTHWARD, i TAT INS, . Ric igwny linn Run . Haven y or Shorts Mills Blu¢ Rock. Vineyard Run Lairier Brock wayville McMinn Summit Harveys Run Falls Creek DuBois mei i BS Bp Jot i pt & BEWBEK ZUR ENE HN ON RRR GS REERER oh Hh Ss3ussazasansl TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Westward | M. PREVOST, Manager. Gen'l'Agt Paar, ini RA