————————————— a ~ : HORSE BLOCKS. These Were Made Out of Safes That Fad Been Robbed. Not long ago a Star writer had ooca- | Just | miles | gion to be in western Missouri. porth of Kansas City about 12 fs the ttle timnof Parkville. It is built ap on the two sides je Bonuses. Among other matters, however, ft shelters a seminary of considerable | Jocal fame which teaches bath boys and girls the higher branches of an educa- ! Gon, but with which just now we have | The main street of - the | nothing to do. village runs along the bottom of the valley at right angles with the Missoori river. .- The Star writer was sitting in front | of one of the stores smoking a very bad | cigar of local origin and conversing with the merchant who had sold it. ghont 3 o'clock ing into town. It was nothing more or less than an fd rusty safe of considerable size. It fad apparently lain there for years and when examined disclosed a suspicions | Tooking holeé in ons side, clearly the tion of the investigator from the was called to two other safes, sim- rly exploded und also lying on their in the street and doing duty as orse blocks. - “How about these safes?" asked 71: ar man of the rnin Mmm dng What story goes with them?’ “Nuthin meth of a story,” the Parkville merchant, helping him- if to a thonghtful chew of tohacco. Tliem safés have luid right thar v here | om nll see em 3 The; WZ wl ont there and basi cd by Quan trell and Jess and Frank Tat sand the | Younger brother, along with the rest of Quantrell’s gang. They eomne chargin ’ gown the street one day in June and! fuk tha town in aboot a minate and a “half and tien went far them safes | Money wuz mighty pipolar with Qu: an- | trell and the James boys, and they usu- | elly went arter dll they heard of.” “How muir did they get froin eafest'’ “1 ‘danro how much they got from them on othr pide of the street,’’ said the Parkville man. “They hunted §3,- £00 out'n frit, and here he pointed! gadly at the safe nearest to him, the one | ¢n which the young rustie bad Jos st alighted. I “Was that safe yours?!’ was asked. “Yer,” ho answered. ''1 kep’ store then right whar I do now and jest as | { do now. : jv Why haven’ t yom removed the | rales?’ | “What's thonse?'’ observed the Park. ville man. “They ain't in nobody's way, and they do first rate fur hoss ‘blocks. Nuiher thing, we ain't got no ta nor too lle strong enough to move ‘em nohow rave jest let Tem go as | they lox. is tiny kay in fare.” —Wush- ington +t Ss J £006. tha | i | { : Indian Territory Town Sites. .Ex-Senator Henry Dawes, the! chairman of the Indian commission, says | at the tov vite question in the Indian itory bas become one of great im: | portance. Ther is now about 300,060 kite paople in the Indian Territory, bey have built up towns, but are mera | tenants at snflerauce, withont a particle § title to the lads onwhich they built, he Indian conris are elised againet them, as ars the Indian schools to their © @ildren, 20.0¢ 1 of whom have no other & portunity [or schooling, excopting these whose parents are able to hire pri- | vate teaches They ¥ be ve no voice in the governments of these five paticms, nor a police oflicor to i fot them or their groperty against violence, : It will be the ect of the commis sdon, first, to obtain such a sclution of : #he town site question that theso whe “Pave built up these towns and invested Yaron suing in costly buildings and ex yensive sto i trading places may | Lave ¥ title to the ground upon which the structures stand and somo voice in their government, and, scecn lly, .#p eee that the wast and valae' Le tersi- €ory shall bo held either # siding to * the original title, for all Indians equal- fy, or shall be alloted in severalty to m, 80 that euc h may hold his own, chitre in foe, : i The Alexandrite, ; : | | | tr dd, vy Yi ol nie a Don’t think that your knowledge of wogller gems is complete til] you have sdf an ‘‘alexandrite,’”’ green by day and red by night. And such a green— olive bronze, with a potent suggestion that red is there. Green when held in ~ thesunlight. In a darkened room with urtificial light a ruby where the emerald ayas a moment before—a tuWwny wine red of exquisite tone. —Edmund Rus- sell Luck Money. Lack money in Great Britain is the gratuitous return of 1 shilling per head wri cattle sold at auction marts, 2 «hillings per score upon sheep, onepence a S————————- TT — | ——n of a valiey which gpens against the broad Missonri, and | the hamlet might contain perhaps 50 | It was | in the afternoon, and | ymany of the country people were com- A country girl of the re- | on came cantering up on a bareback se and slid off «n what, now that | @ Sitar man’s attention was called to | il, ho 1 uoticed was a queer sort of horse | | ed the Sheep mountaineer. voters, WHY Bs me [THOSE SPEED TRIALS] Some find work whine some find 2008, | And 60 the weary world goes on. I sometimes wonder wlich is host, ‘Fhe answer comes When life is gone. Some eyes sleep whim nome eyes wake, And so the dreary night hours go. Bryne hearts heat where some hearts break often wonder wliy ‘tis wo. Some will faint where some will fight; Some Jove the tent and some the Sebd I 6ften wonder ‘who are right— : The ones who strive or those who ¥ie 1d. Some hand Are lifted bravely J | Ang sb thro Move on thi Bimre fret hal I tiv ode # tid where other hands in the strife, xh agos anil throug h anda twa oxtremes of Hife : Z where some feet tread arch dle om wile tyr fe 8 av hay ¢thers shun the fray. $ £54 PRY WRT afin; YS gd clash; oon; her flash won. ri whet atiers inittle has lon Bore e sleep on while others keep I he virild of the tene nnd brave, Tiv ¥ will not rest ti roses creep A round their names above a grave. =Fater Eyan. HOW. HE WORKED A MINE. The Sheep Mountelnase Enlightens the | College Bred Inquirer. ‘‘ How do we work a mine?'’ “Well, you unsophisticated, undeveloped ounterop- | ping of the land of the rising sun, I'll Youu | proceed to enlighten your beclonded col-|. work of expl ives. At this point’the | Don bred undecstanding.” | The college bred young man from the © Inte statement that the i i exclaim- { i t i LOCOMOTIVE RACING QUITE A FAD AMONG RAILROAD OF FICIALS. i | Yankees Won't Give Up to the Britons, Reading and Pennsylvania Likely to Have a Brash Like Yachting Rivals Have Come Down to Letter Writing Contests. The public has been regaled daring the ast few weeks by what bids fair to be a never “ending disenssion as to the relative speed merits of the American and English railroads. First the Yankee . declares that he is supreme, and then coms his British consin with an abso reg lar Average on some cne of the lines ronning from! * London to a Scotti=h city has never Loc. equuled, let alone excelled. : Not one of these claimants, however, has tried to argue for an average speed of more than 65 miles an hour, and they have all shown extreme modesty as | compared with the boomers for project- | | | ed electric railways. | heligved, the time is not now far distant | . b when Americans will be whirled across "If these are to be | the sontinent at a speed of not less thyn 100 miles an hour, which will rasliy and forever put to rout thie j.oglishl claimants for speed honors. ; Only a few weeks ago articles of in- corporation were filed for another elec- tric elevated railroad to run between New York and Chicago. According to the prospectus, the capital is to be | prog 3 Bea 1 VEO I : bere of o i of raaking wok : of the world land of the rising sun sat down on al $200,000,000, and the time limit be- $300 to the ton chunk of ore and turned | tween the two cities is to be so far re- remarked | : . . : | other feller ain't looking we jump. Then | “1 mineralogical science in go doing. | every seloon i poses ig hay | ject who is greatly wrinkled nas to pay $100. t numb tha sur removed before | tho | grin. per head on pigs up to 80 shillings in vajue, twopence per head over 30 shil- lings and up to 60 shillings and three- pence per head over 80 shillings. What applies to pigs also. applies tc to calves. . Taking Desperate Chances. Mr. Billus—It's very kind of you, Maria, but I'd rather ‘buy my cigars myself. Seven ‘for 10 cents is rather too heap. Billus—I iow. that’s cheap, fat I thought there might be one good dhe in she seven. —Chicago Tribune. Missouri ranks first in mules, having | : the country was #43,642,000,000, in. the last census year 251,714; the! next being Texas, with 227,432, and the gird Tennessee, with 203, 639. . his undivided attention to listening to a! | discourse on mineralogy. | “We first prospect around until we | find a tonnel in on the jugular vein and | a pile of ore on the dump. Then if the we proceed to sink a shaft on the float, gather all the gangne and k it, being sar { careful to preserve technical phrases in Then we prospect the stockholders with an as SE and if they don'v come down | put in a blast. At this point wecall the i roll, grab a No. 4 warranted not to rip, wear, tear, ravel, ‘ext or ran wn at the heel ragical, tragical, irrasive sinelt- er aud rnp np our stack. If the other | feller holds the best hand, the stack | will diminish, ani we consequently | drift for a pay streak. Hf we don't get through drifting by fall, it's the fust| | | i i thing we go at in the gpring. We now | concentrate our efforts, and if tho silver | panped out don’t have the eagle tamp | i i od on it we sample the omtcropping nj within a radins of miles and take a fresh chew of ine] co. Then we get to work in earnes:, | salt the dump and go east and sell all | the stock we can. We return, renew our | grub pile, pack it into the eabin and! wait for spring to open and the snow to] go off. During this period we amuse; ourselves playing « seven up for the drinks. We then import a mining and! i ent for another assessment, get it, cave in the shaft and atandon the property. | Then''= The Sheep mountaineer paused | for a moment to catch his breath . but | the moment was fatal to his les arned die | ' pourse, for the college bred young ma from the land of the rising sun Ri reached for his pick, staggered slowl v | to his feet, looked wildly throngh the | limpid atmosphere toward the summit | of Sheep mountain and disapeared he- | hind the giant onteroppings of the Bi - Eliza lode. —Ln mp C ity Miner. a ! How to Make nn New Face, ir a for bewiry} 2 Skin removing Ing it Yi INE a gr women who can afford at the price for making over woman ander 50 is #50, ANON At pr the faco of a An older gub- | ‘The operation confines one to her room for days and is somewhat t painful, bot. not anbearably as the! gkin removing paste contains cocaine 10 | face it rests upon. An odd | if yon have your wrin yon are really an woman they will come again as you ad- vances to the wrinkled but if you! have them removed after yon are as wrinkled as yon are ever likely to bel they do not return. And a danger of | operation, so far as its complete | success goes, is that vou will move your | face while the paste is getting in ite deadly work. If yon do, a wrinkle | forms and eannot be got rid of. Ls? ally you must bear the pain with an ab- | solutely placid conntenance. Even a is detrimental. — Philadelphia | five [8] thing is thot kles ! old | « i Lr age, hr. Times. Anciert Ropes. While conducting a series of tests with a 100 ton testing machine at the Yorkshire college in England, which ie cluded the testing of a steel wire rope, Professor (Goodman stated that such ropes were not a modern invention, and that he had recently seen a bronze wire rope one-half inch in diameter and from 20 to 80 feet long, which had been found buried in the ruins of Pompeii, and | which must have been at least 1.400 yours old —Philadelphia Ledger. Women who have a fancy for heavier perfumes than delicate toilet waters and clean smelling eolognes, and who affect some special essence, are not always aware, perhaps, that few of the flowers after. which their favorite odors are named play any part in contributing to the rich fragrance. In the ‘‘great fire of London, ' 1668, 18,200 houses, churches, halls, libraries, hospitals, etc. were destroyed and only six lives lost. { This locomotive, i starting then in great duced by the gw scheme that travelers will never ti.ak of patronizing the old fashioned steam roads again. j The incrednlous public, however, is! inclined to look vwpon these propositions’ as visionary, and no one has any ides that the present raethods of travel will be superseded for many yeurs to come. The international letter writing con- test between Lord Dunraven and C Oliver Iselin was a commonplace even! as compared with the competitive efforts of (General Passenger Agent Daniels © . the New York Central and those wh ‘werd interested in keeping the speed of forts of the British railroads befora th public. The Yankes again seems to have had the best of it too, for there has been no #ugwer to Mr. Daniels’ latest open lettor. ' The date has not -yet been set for the speed trial on the Philadelphia and Reading, but it is gnite likely that this roddl’s distance destroyer, No. 855, will be put through its paces very shortly. which comes from the Baldwin shops at Philadelphia, has never | been tried at top speed, but in its regu-| lar work it has shown so great a capacity | : for spinning over the rails that its de- signer has high hopes for it. If it fails to show a higher rate of speed than its rivals on the New York Central, it will be Lecause figures cannot be so ad justed | as to show results. Engineers aud sua- { civil engineer, ran a few levels, Cross- | perintendents of motive power have an | inccmparable | these things. As soon as the Philad € Iphia and Read- ing has set np a record between Ne York and Philadelphia it is quite oor ! tain that a =et will be made against it! | by the Pennsylvania railroad, which is the Feading's deadly rival, apd from. ‘that time on there will be so mach to occupy the public's attention that the British roads will be entirely forgotten for the time bein | Just as the trainers of race horses’ giviy their charges trial gallops before’ way of accomplishing Ww Hex 3 if pi on 3 wr Taos, Loe Venn=syi- dy g fives & proapara- vania ofiicials have aiready given one of their pew express locomo tory whiri fra York to Phaladel- rhin It with mark tinatness that Lhe oh je tof the ron was Hm New ed das- & ad given out | simply to test the engine and fuel, and not tu make or break a record. After the trip it was annenneed that! the G0 piles between the two cities was covered in minutes, it many of the miles were traversed in bos a mirute each. On the next attorn; officaais sav they wiil ent thist Chm a¥rrd ti “45 ana is | considerably -—New York \ We ric pc mi he Majority Left Out, Professor Warland, dean of the Yale Law school, says thats there are 300,000 . habitoal criminals in the United Sta { This estimate locks small, but perhaps the professor does nos inclode the wom- en who habitually go through their has- | Yards pockets while they are ‘asleep. —_ i Rochester Union and Advertiser The Beat Assets. : A lock at the cornfields of this coan- try is what makes the long headed men | of finance nod approvingly and give. out | the assurance that there is mot the! slightest cause for slarm. Tha assets {ex | could not be more substantial, and they | are in the hands of the farmer. —Detroit | Free Press. | OUR ATHLETIC SUPREMACY. | The English ath Jones tok ther defeat. on Manhattan field like scholars and gen- | tlemen. —New York Recorder. i ponrepresentative character of the Lon-, don team. The London A. C. entered the | contest and must cheerfully abide by the | results, only hoping for a speedy re- | versal of the fortune of war. Tondo | Graphic. It would have been infinitely better if | the London A. C. had stood by its old | members, but it preferred to elect a number of outside athletes members, | thereby giving an’ international charae- | ter to the contest. We are badly beaten | and must abide by the result. The ° The average rainfall of Great Britain is estimated to equal 636,000 gallons per acre every yeur-wiilmost 3 000 tons. an average o of 2510 to each individual The Arostock, in Mine, was ngmed | The Acquia crock, in Virginia, has an i trom an Indian ‘word meaning ‘good | - Indian name signifying. muddy water. i men.’ i In 1880 the approximate wealth of | | American athletes visit London, as they | dctabtless will da —London Daily News. | —— : Americans are probab iy the finest team | | of athletes the Dd has éver seen. — | | Lxmdon Standard. ! : in | If England has any reserve forces, they can be brought out when the Tke American athletes would: have ! broken more records if they had only been pushed. —New York Tribune. | went by the engine house CR It would be idle now to talk of the 3 MR. SULLIVAN'S IDEA, Ile Wouid ilave Congressmen Made Char. ity Students. J. 8. Sullivan of Je@zeson City, Mo., victor and manager ree Ragin | in the world, 1¢ just reterned from his anual j trip to Ent gestion in the line of cducating mem- f congress {or the important work laws for the people of the gaddl] Pe country Myr shin ’ is that thive by thea national government the sum of $2,000 for each maa elected to congress, to he used in making a tour of the varions countries of Europe before the member takes his seat in house, This, he claims, '1 give him an insight into the { tlie principal governments Sulli van's idea d be appro spriated the th | He says that his idea would only re- quire an outlay of $600,000 or $700,000 of the iargest advances a novel seg- | om irs on Sti i oo. ae ¥ BUSINESS. Pwo Things Which Stand Tn the Way of Progress. The improvement in business which has been #0 noticeable during the past few months has been in. spite of two things which stand in the way of prog- ress. One of these is the new tariff law, the result of which has been to inflate greatly the volume of imports without correspondingly increasing the exports The effect has been, first, a continued deficit in the government revenues. The. deficit for the corrent fiscal vivar to date, a period of 2°, months, 4 amounts. 1o more than $14.0600,000. The effect, sec- ond, has been to create an trade balance against this covntry. Dur. ing the eight months ending Ang. 31 the exports were $65,000,000 Jess than . in the corresponding period in the pre- and would better fit him . for the important work of legislation. evary two year ;, and that it would be money well sent by the couatry, and | that many tims that amount of money | is expended in making army and naval | | stock of cotton held abroad, and hence ' a retarded demand for our pew crop. observations in other countries. It may be that his idea will be em- coming cong:ess. —Sh D:=mocrat. An Old Fire Horse's Good Memory. Eleven years ago a horsé was pur- | bedied in a bill to be presented to the Louis Globe: | chased for the fire engine Portland No. | gine for six years, and was then dis- posed of. cirt of late years, and the other day Engineer Loring, who knew the ho rse well, since they came to that engine year and were there together for six yours, fell no conversation. with Irive Bim thor hie hadn't a 15001 ; that he old horse was put in as sanded in front of 81 the +a wonld rash Io he engine ust A weed oan, axieed to * big enr defective currete ‘ropean | of the absence of foreign participat | in cur markets is distrust of | cial # | standing all that | may do we i basis { have a mrnch : Electricity In | One of the Ja es a figmre of it. : wrt abont the KEXget « i ‘ ¢ ‘othing dealer has two wie ; models. ¢ 1 for the store t # i oare gsesd dour aud set going, v;ith the result that the suits have no | | partisan. sparring preliminary to time to shrink. The firm which matralactures them ' falls, and éxpects to make one which will run by storag The * ‘2, on ‘Munjoy Hill. This horse was call- e Old Tom, ard it helped daw the en- | exports and thus make it more difficult | to overcome the sum of merchandise thas i i sh | Jt; 0us deer: deaving an deh imports. Thus the pew tariff, regardless ceding year. The excess of imports over exports was $36,505,000, while in. the corresponding period in the preceding year the excess of exports was pearly $65,000,000. There have been a disap- pointing delay in the moveraent of the erops and a disappointing foreign de mand for car products. There is a large Europe doss not seam to be eager to buy our wheat. Russia and other competi- tors of our grainfields appenr to be un- derbidding us, notwithstanding the low prices ruling here. - When we do begin to export our agricultural products in Jarge amoants, the low prices obtained will diminish the money total of our | of the reall or alleged benefits it may be- stow, is working an actual injury by {he same | increasing the adverse trade balanese, and thus compelling gold exports at a ' time when the whele energies of the’ government have been employed, even at the expense of ropes ad bond isdnnes, to maintain the ghd reserye in order to insare the mainterancey of the gold standard in this e sntry The other thing again gt whi ch the improvement in basirees has to contend vr sytem capital is hoding aloof investments, linden nige in a wild spe Scnth Africa gold nines, and the #00) American ring to ind Tet Hn aur finan- It is feared that ue the siration ill yet drifs npen ¢ ¥ stem. rurithe Pr | ax WRI at wo & ik AWN the wate + WW Om thi ig side of nore hope ful nia y {ing of the subject, but oer | coming congress has WV hen it rains, they are point - | portunity to clear away these adverse " i econditions. ' it will waste its energies in the usual a a The fear 1s, hatwever, that | presidential campaign. —~ Philadelphia a ga batteries and carry | a phonograph stored away in its internal | economy. this sort will be readily 20% The advantages of a figore of | The only thing needed 10 make the | now man perfect is the attachment of a | penny in the slot arrangement and phonogra ph loaded with Li 4 stories or tips on the races or weather predictions. Now York Tribune Jeferson’s Uniqae Fxperience. Joseph Jefferson is 10 have Stas upon him the extrac raindTy honor of an antemortem bronze tablet aff oe] to the hivase in which at Sixth and = ; At the » will ba esr Oe RIree! a i ti deity 18131} 5 1 yevital le en lo- swraes and speen res It 1s proba- Je flerson on (hat ocoasicn wiile Rotate the novel sensation of hari: : hinge =mid silovw wher: a follows dead rminful neces- A al | attendance 18 nnable to restore | COnsCIonshe | Ledger. utes the power genernted by Niagara | WENT IN A TRANCE. Girl Was Prostrated at a Wake, " Bernadette Demarais, n pretty bru pette of 17 years, is still in a trapee at the home of Mr. and Mrs Louis Demarats, physician in her to the gird ens : wg Ya a Shad eis, Mase How a Lowell ber parents, 3 anda too t ry rat ; r It appears that : 10 + age He Gu ae went with Wiad >t. tis terres- | » ig 210 : £3 ahd Where Kentucky Etiguette Draws the Line. BE recepiion and Lane Hart- John and lnR a Weddin ¢ Jacob county, Kr. Te IN While are the hom field in Green Simon Hapeock we by the Hari Seld brothers brothers are sal i to have Jun dipner tables with their be oO 4 #151 nped on the aliies OL, en will die. —Lo misviile Post We're Comin ti» Yr Show: > Frank I.. Stanton of the tation. | Wa're awnmin— We're acominl An I write to let you know . That we've saved a few spondaticks, An we're comin te y'r show, . Not with musketeers an drummers, As we done in sixty-four, Wen Bill Sherman's Yankee bummers Marched from Georgy to the shore (¥ the big an broad Atlantie, But we're comin by an by With a hanshake an God bless you An a teardrop in the eye, . Fer we hail you all as brothers, An I write to let you know, With our sweethearts an our mothers, We're comin to y'r abow! We're a-comin— We're a-comin! With our cailiren an our wives, Per we forged our guns to plowshares An cur swords to prunin knives. We're a-comin with, the 'nem’ry Of our herves in our minds Growin greener than the greenest oOy'r watermele wn vines, But we'll meet you an we'll greet you With no hatred barn 6’ war, ‘Fer our souls "re pink aa innocent An jeicy to the core. So, we hail you all as brothers, An | write to let you know, With our habiesan th'r ‘nothers, We're a-comin to y'r show! We're a-comin We're a comin! Anl write tn you to say That we'll twine the conmaon murels OO the bluecoats an the gay Round our hearts in Union garlands, An we'll teach the world to know : That w'en Georgy bas a eireus— W'y. the n: arth'll see the show! Fer we're Jost one cominon comntey An the hanner of the free Shakes its starry folds ubove us “From Atlanta to the sea.’ 80, we're comin—y es, We're comin, An I write to let you know * That from Maine to Californy We're comin to ¥y'r show! ~8, (}. Lapius tn Chicago. Inter Ocean. ly wounded | The Hancock | i Ir rela sed. | and utter wild exclamations. Atlanta Consti- | dred a Brave wi h : % sivp lg vs for buildin Cronid. YAlG WIL s a 30T and rman BO Sel IG Oo eataepe 2 $0 Telease QI state, the gl and her: FAR oar- i and hnt evon the little fingers “he straightened, and eyes were usual, bat the For an hour this ; was ions. Her arms and limbs sudden- and she began to toss about She said calling to her from the eyeballs never moved. Sfternoon the girl i MSE that her uncle was | purgatory and kept repeating the state- | ment until she went inte another trance. | did pot swallow any food for three days. | Her pulc> was strong, though the girl | | Mrs. Demarais is in a terrible - state of° | fright. ~ She says that before St. Denis died he warned her that something ter- rible would happen to the family. The girl is said to have gone into a trance once when much younger and | so for three days. Nine Hundred Million For Drink. The expenditure of England | drinks is estimated as $500,000,000 a: . year. The consumption is undoubtedly enormous, but not really so enormous | as this, for a good deal of the liquo. | which appears in oficial statistics is i ! immense NARROW ESCAPE. = A Plcasuve Party Spends 8 Night In the Water. Miss Askew’s narrative of how she ‘and her companion narrowly escaped death on the rock bound coast of the is- land of Jersey will recall to the ) ‘of many readers a stirring epi A ‘Scott's “Gay. Mannering. a treacherous calm, under a ht bine sky, the party, consisting of Miss Askew snd Miss Marson—both Birmingham lsdies—and their friend, Mr. Everall, put forth from St. Helies’ for a row, but, according to Miss Askew's stato 3 ments, communicated to a contributor to the Birmingham Duily Gazette, they were scarcely on the open sea befere the breezs suddenly freshened and the wis ter became ‘‘choppy.’’ A comjxnion boat, with some friends aboard, rinde at once for the point of starting, and contrived to get back safely, but Mr. Everall unfortonately snapped im our, and found it impossible with tie ro- maining blade to scu!l the boat home ‘ward or prevent her drifting towrrd ® dangerous reef of rocks only abent & mile and a half from the land. Luckily, he was enabled to steer for a “comb” that stood higher above the waves than its neighbors, and here with diflienlty and they could discern the peoyle on the shore. No one, however, appeared "to observe these specks upon the black rock, and even sailing bogts passed as no great distance without Botieing their ra, TT dgignals. Rain now began to fall Beavily, awd gaiehe ~~ 5 1 ee 'y Nr gOMm iY LY cpen wider than | for "lightning flashed with peals of thander. To their horror they found the tide steadily rising, till they were driven to a crest of rock little more than foar feet square, to which they clung with diff culty in the strong wind, In this § perate position the lower part of = bodies was already immersed, hen happ! ty he waters ceased to vise. About 9 in the even ug the moon broke forth from the clouds, and by degrees the wind = ‘heided. Not yet, however, were their « Terings epded. One by one they gw tho lights in the little town extin- and ent, bruised and torment- ed wi irst from the sajt spray, they waited thre ugh the weary bkours for és ¥hrs ak The Sonthampton boat passed them in the morning, but still their sig- pals were unperceived, and again the tide began to rise, threatening them in their exhausted condition with u reps: tition of their miseries, but at Just the boat of some Jersey fishermen wis seen putting off from shore, and after 18 hours of suffering and peril the cast- : aways were safely landed cn the island | amid the cheers of a vast gathering of the Jersey} folk ~London Daily News. YOUNG JAY GOULD. inom ma The Late Wisnrd's Son Begine fils Career Worthily. e Frank Jay Gould, youngest fon of the late wizard of Wall street, has sig- nalized his advent into business life by an wp of generosity toward the people ‘of Roxbury, N. Y., his father’s birth The village schoolhouse had be- come dilapidated, and as is required all “the available money for running ex- _penses the 10 waspeople did not sve J way clear to bettering the conditions their only house of learning. Is was with some surprise, considering the Bamber 2 and extent of gifts already be- stowed npon the town by the Gosld childs n, that overtures looking toward the croention of practically a nevi school were received from Frank proposal was gratefally re- ceived, asd the youngster became very, tic aver his first philanthropie veut The | uling was so thovrongh- ly repaired that it had but little of the »ial rel maining in if, a big tow- raised and a 40 foot addition e¢ place. - ae ha Taam BT Glas old nat er was buiit : : When all was compluted, young . Gould dete rained to dostill mors hand- (he building. There must be a clock A nil Bell fur the tower. A repre- sentative ¢f the Seth Thomas Clock company was sent to Lyndhurst, where F¥ TANK Loves with has sister, Miss ilelon, and a day and part of a night were spent in going over the plans, Miss Alios Naorthrap, a cousin, aud other members of the family participating im the com- sultation. The clock and bell were be- ing placed in position yesterday ad : will be ready for duty within a few days. The Roxbury pecple ave very proud of the whole gift, since no other village in. the state can make a like | showing. Frank Gould made the giftso quietly that the fa~* has only now become gem- erally known. He is too modest to tell how much he spens, but it was a goad © , many thonsand dellars, and is was all | . saved from his income. Inquiry | cerning the beneficence . developed | fact that the young man has joined | brothers George, Edwin and Howard in | managing their great joint interasts snd | is now a member of a busy quartet a | 195 Broadway in the office where his | father won so many millions. ¥rank is about 19 years old. He is tall, lanky | and smooth faced and is quiet and a —New York World. : A - i | Edward Atkinson's Latest, Mr. Edward Atkinson says that in the heart of this country, in the moun- - If you hae a friend worth Yoving, Love hom. Yes, and let him know That vou love him ere life's evening inge Lis brow with sunset glow. Why should good words ne'er be said Of a frivnd till he is dead? If you see the hot tears falling Froin a brother's weeping eyes, Share them and by kindly sharing Own your kinship with the skies. Why should any one be glad When a brother's heart is sad® I? your work is made more easy Ry a friendly, helping hard, Say so. Speak out hravely and truly Ere the darkness veil the land. Shoull a brother workman dear Falter for a word of cheer? Scatter thus your seals of kindness, All enmehing, as you go. Leave th m. Trust the Harvest Giver, He viill make sach seed to grow Sa until its happy end Your life shall never lack a friend. —Jewish Voice. tains of Vicginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and the Carolinas, there is a population of over 2,000,000 people who to this day are chiefly clad in homespun fab | rics, in making which, at the market | price of labor in the factory towns, an | industrious person working a handloom | might earn as high as $3 a year. So that | instead of economizing by making their ! own clothing the mountaineers are in . the highest degree wasteful. Hark, From the Tombal On a tombstone in Landaff Center, 'N. H., is the following: “Widow 4 | Susanna Brownson was born Ang. 81, | 1699, and died Juve 13, 1802, aged 108 ‘years.’ The remarkable part of this | record is that Mrs. Brownson live | the seventeenth, eighteenth - and ! ' teenth centuries,