The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 03, 1895, Image 5

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    : at ot
———— pL
2 Patton @onrier. : Tobies, Tobies a safe? Of course not. - You can if The COURIER is pleased to announce |
At Ed. A Mellon's : ‘you go over to the Hastings opera its clubbing arrangements with The |
ee , house on Saturday evening, October A Pittsburg Post, the great home news- |
mp oi
is PATTON PUBLISHING CO, Proprietors. |
or THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1895...
Tobies, i i Did you ever see a res) burglar erick “The Oniy” for 1895.
| Good 08 hunting weather. 5th. The finest; company on the road paper of Pennsylvania, and to persors
Wall paper at Fisher’s.-05t2 without an exception. who want the best daily or sémi-weekly
November 5th is election dajy. | On account of Major John A. Wolfe's | paper published in the city, we recom.
1. Subscribers who do not give ex pri | Have you had any chestnuts vet? horse not being in any race at the Car- m¢ ‘nd The Post
to the contrary are considered as wish. | Potatoes are down to thirty cents. 'rolltown fair a large number from Pat- The Daily Post, a large eight-page
thelr subscriptions.
“subscribers order the discontinuance |
2 EE r periodicals, the Foster may con- |
4 t
% send theni un
all arrearages are | night.
! ton and vicinity failed to attend who paper, and The COURIER one year each
‘would have ben there otherwise. It for $3.00. The price of The Post alone
‘was the drawing card for a large is $3.00. Send as your order at once
The ‘“Burglar’’ at Hastings Saturday
LA gir negleet or refuse to take | Golf Caps! Golf Caps! 250; 50¢, at | number. and get seven papers 2 wk for the
fieals from t
we postoffice to which |
directed, they are responsible until | Beéll’s.
E. 1 "thet? bills and ordered them
SD, bers move to other places with- |
. J. H. Ricker, a machinist and founder Price yon formerly paid for one.
Say, have you tried Hogg ssoda! . Lock Haven, and W. F. Patterson, The Sunday Post, twenty pages
bof Pittsburg, representing the Erie every Sunday, containing as much
ans ag 0. the or publishers, and the Lo 951 water?
the former address, they are held Jack Frost visited Patton a few days | City Iron Works, were in Patton on | reading as any of the monthly mags
from the office or removing |
: BRETT uncalled 3 for, is prima facia |
rs pay sp Be A anch they are | just in at Bells.
The rts have decided that refusing to | this week.
: bound to give barbers py the end of the time if
not wish to continue taking it; other
EE rs is authorized to send it
rv will be responsible until an |
notice, with ment of all arrear-:
sete is sent 0 the publi
CATHOLIC—Father Marcellins, pastor. Mass
every other Sunday at Sand 10a. m. Sun-
ay school at 2 p. m. and vespers at 3 p, m.
MeTHODISY Eriscoral—Rev. C. W. Wasson, |
. . Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
school at 2 p. m. Epworth Léague
at p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednes-
day evening at I: $.
Local Time , Table.
The hours of arrival and dep: “ture
of trains at ‘the Patton Station are as
Mail Closes. |
70 A
1022 A Mt!
310 PM;
. 54T ru
#Postoffice Rours from 7 A. M. to 8!
MM ;
Train numbers marked “N” are!
i and “8” southbound.
When ‘ve n Srivig to say.
ype: ke half a day.
oe 's little 4 it
w in a minute.
a! ?
| Monday in view of obtaining the con- zines, and The C 'OURIER one year each
for only $2.25.
‘Black four-in-hand, tecks and bows tract of furnishing the engine and 3 Pe :
boiler for the Patton Clay Manufactur- Tye Semi-weekly Post a Tie Cop =
| Corn huskings will be the next thing ing company. . thipk of it "The Post twice a Ni dort
sh program, | erro Salmond 8 Cawiers Py | your county paper for the price of one.
id you see the big pumpkin at the Write us for sample copies. ;
| Qarsalicown fui) Cr pars List of Unclaimed Letters.
| you w Te e st of Unclaira
Bein i hii] 3 pstown. Yaa soeh | | - where you are asked to make your The following letters remain in the
headquarters when in that city, are postoffice at Patton. for the week end-
Overcoats to your eater guaran- | represented on the last page of the ing Saturday, September 30 1895:
teed, $14 up to $25 at Bell's. | COURIER this week. | M. B. Carrigsn-2, C. C. Eberson, O.
ba Frank James, of Ebensburg, was| my, vinege of Glen Campbell, Indi- E. Lafferty, Miss Laura Patchin, W.
visitor to Patton on Tuesday. ana county, had its first robbery one S. Smothers, Miss Annie Wilson.
The “Burglar’’ company at Hastings | | night last week, when thieves broke Persons calling for the above
opera house on Saturday night. | open the drug store of William T. letters will please say they are adver. |
W. M. R. Lytle, of Altoons, regis- Spangler. Their piunder amounted to tised. | E. A. MELLON, P. M.
| tered at the Central hotel Tuesday. $100, which was in a cash box Mr. | have just received a fine lot of :
Attend the Epworth League nogial at | Spangler had forgotten to take home | ' wall paper which I can sell very cheap. |
| M. E. church on Thursday evening. along in the evening —Cambria Her- | Good white back 5 cts. per roll. Gils |
| For binder twine go to The Cambria 2I¢- So: papers at 6 and 10 cents per roll. Call |
| Hardware company’s store, Patton.-4tf | 'EBENSBURG. ‘and get a bargain. |
| D. W. Morgan, of Greensburg, stop- | Enxasuao, Pa, Oct. 1, 1895. | rs ba A oo. Bum,
A misstep would be disastrous t« to this fair creature. Let us hope that
she may not miss a secure feoting and that she may escape the perils which
surround her. Above all she should not miss
Where the freshest and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17c. per pound.
Neither should she mies | msted’s |ce Cream Parlors,
Send 1.oo and get 6 pounds of Butter
by E Es
Olmsted’s Butter Store;
{ ped at the Central hotel on Saturday. g.. © fell in Ebensburg yesterday gs¢o Beech aveune. |
| xJoe Scott and 8. M. Graham, both of | afternoon.
Philipsburg, spent Sunday in Patton. | Many of our people attended the | The Covrizn and the New York |
8. N. Christie, of Poughkeepsie, N. Carrolitown fair on Tharedsy and, Thrice-a-week World for only $1.50 a
Y., registered at the Commercial hotel | Friday last. | year.
i .
on Monday. | ‘Mrs. L. A. Craver, of this place, is; For a Song.
Have you seen the new millinery ad- | visiting her father, A. W. Hott, of A suitable store room, 20x36 foot, |
vertisement of Alice A. Ashcroft in | | Carroll township, this week. ‘and the fixtures for a grocery and
"| another column. The sacrament of Confirmation will | | restaurant, for sale very cheap. A
e half a
ot Springs ye Thomas Cat.
This is foot ball season.
Try Truman's coal. -87¢f
- Pay your postoffice box rent.
2 _ Quite a snow storm on Monday.
1 ey Yonah tho tallor, Mahaffey. Pa. |
i oir tobies and cigars at Ed
Melon ;
Apples are forty conta por bushel in
this section.
| Grass seed for sale at Sam’l Boyce's |
feed store. -86L1
to the Hastings opera house Sa.
Bee Alice A. AsherofV's new Sill and
233 Say, smoke one of Ed. A. ‘Mellon’s
© New neckwear—All latest shades, |
Faikers till you “couldn’t rest’ at
+ The show at Firemen’s hall this week |
2 Is good, be sure and attend.
| ! work and returned to Patton.
ve bestowed on iu number of the youth- | 'splended cnance to go into business |
Howard Austin and F. M. Evans, of ful members of the Catholic church in with very little capital. On principal |
| Pittsburg, were guests at the Commer- |
this place on October 15th. street in Patton. Call or write to the
cial hotel Monday.
Bernard Wills, a prominent young ! COURIER office or you will be too late. |
Buits to order—fit guaranteed—12t0 ,,;n005 man of Loretto, visited Eb-'92-tf
vr pants 4 to $8. Where? Why at! :
| Bell's tailoring Dept. J eneburg on Monasy, The healing properties of De Witt’s |
Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It!
: | V. E. Gill, ove of Latrobe's pro’
typhoid fever is almost an ‘epidemic’ through Ebensburg on his wheel en-
at Mahaffey at present. ronte for Patton Tuesday last. Simply Hd Tht ely for. phen,
P. J. Little, of Ebensburg, and Miss | - Cambria township schools will open
Hattie Sharbaugh, of Carrclitown, on Monday next for a term of six Te Sieg ie Yovoord Again.
| drove to Patton on Sunday. months. he New ork Central railroad has
W. L Stineman, and J. H. Diothrick, | A lady preached in the Baptist 26300 DIOkeis the sop foe fast Sime.
[two prominent citizens of South Fork, church on Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Special of Wren cars and sngive No,
| were welcome visitors to our town on Messrs. Walter and Donald Shoe- 999 left Albany at 6 p. m. Monday and
| Sunday. : ‘maker and Butler Roberts, of this Srtived at Syracuse at 8:12, making
| Dons forget that your age wil not | Place, departed yesterday morning for 149 miles in 132 minates. |
| be given away at the Epworth I o | Philadelphia where they will enter the. Nothing so distressing as a hacking
| social on Thu raday evening. Be ® Pennsylvania University. Donald and cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer |
re 1 "T° Butler will enter the dental depart- from it. Nothing so dangerous if al- |
i men: and Walter will resume his lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
C. Ro land,
Ir a of Puttin, mi studies in the medical department. | Cure gives immediate relief. C. W.
Cambria board |
Pa, two lively traveling salesmen, re CS hy or norD- [Hodes ne
| spent Sunday in Patton. ing. Ho Money wr Loan, :
M. M. Crain, the contractor, who' W. A. Stephenson, a salestiap who! In sums of $200 to $10,000 on ap-
| has been doing some work at Spangler | resides in Detroit, Mich., was a. guest Proved real estate security. For par-
(the past month, has completed his at the Blair house over Sunday. ticulars address J. C. Patrick, Patton,
A verry pretty wedding took place | Pa.-4tf
Several towns in Western Pennsyl- at Mr. Thos. McNamar's on Wednes- | It is a truth in wediciive that the
| vania are suffering a water famine, day at 12:20 when Mr.C.W. Jones and | gaiieat dose that performs a cure is
| The people of Patton should count | Miss Hattie Fish, of this place, were the best. De Witt’s Little Early Risers
| themselves lucky in that respect. joined in matrimony by Rev. E. M. | are the smallest pills, will perform a
-T. V. Perry and wife, ohCoalport, - s«Joseph Hubbard has leased rooms in . Bowman. Only the immediate friends cure, and are the best. C. W. Hodg-
visited in Patton last Thursday.
Freeman B. Williams’ building on Ma- ©f the family were present and the yin,
| John A. Hellman, of Gallitzin, was a | gee avenue where he and his bride will happy couple departed on the 3: 30 |
guest at the Central hotel Tuesday. take up the duties of housekeeping. | train for an extended trip through the | FALL
Come to Patton Thursday, Fridey
_ and Saturday nights to see the show.
. Order your coal from Truman. It
gives the best satisfaction of any.-87tf. |
Don’t fail to attend the theatre in|
Firemen's hall every night this week.
Work will soon commence on the |
erection of the new clay plant in
Editor Gill, of the Hastings Tribune, |
made this. office a pleasant call on,
Help the firemen out by attending |
the theatre at Firemen’s hall every |
“Uscar H. Braughler, of Santa Rosa,
Oal.; was the guest of his cousin E. 0. |
- Hartshorn over Sunday.
Before leaving your order for a
x spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the |
tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-68tf
Dr. Swartz, the dentist, calls special |
_ attention in another colum of this
3 paper this week. Look it up.
R. E. Davis, a traveling salesman of
Altoona, at the Commercial |
- hotel on Monday and Taesday. =
Ome of the finest lines of fancy
. writing tablets and stationery at Ed.
A. Mellon’s ever bronght to Patton.
; M. Fitzharris and wife, and W. R.
* Conrod and wife, of Gallitzin, were in |
Patton on n visit Wednesday of last
© Mm. D. D. Gingery, of Clearfield,
: Spent Sunday in Patton the guest of
. Mr. and Mrs. R. McPherson and
Mrs. Belle Broadhead, of Rathmel,
Jefferson county, Pa., visited Mr. and
o Mm Wm. Mitchell, of Beech avenue, |
‘Thi Bell, Siu Mages avonn sloth:
jer and gents furnisher calls special
~ sttention in another columm. Note |
His changs in bis “20.”
lah elegant play produced by a first-| Following is & list of some of the |
made the COURIER a friendly visit. I have just arrived from the eastern ' goods every day for
The Burglar is to be at Hastings ™°*"
| opera house Saturday night. This is | At the i Hone. - Annou ncement!
{ class company. Don’t fail to attend. | people who registered at the Palmer 1 have Jugt returned from ihe tities
Burnside, Patchinville, Cherrytree, | | house since last Wednesday morning: | : ;
| Saltwell, Pleasant Hill and Spangler Tony Wood, Philipsburg; F. K. Pat-| FALL and WINTER
‘will be the stations on the proposed terson, Pgh.; Jas. Walters, A
railroad up the river.—-Mahaffey Val- C. E. Timbaugh, Philipsburg; Mi | | | | N e ry
| ley Wave. + Dunbar, John Houser, A. W. EE
: : | Warren; T. H. Adams, Pgh.; T. B.!
County Commissioner Geo. M.| : g Full line of ladies’ novelties
Wertz, of Johnstown, and Deputy | or Hara, Victorian Brown, Ebensbarg; |
Sheriff Elmer E. Davis were ph t] Cora Minich, Columbia; Grace Fen- and glov es, babies’ outfit, etc.
callers at the COURIER office last 13D Phila; Annie Shields, Pgh.; Maud | Come early before the assort-
several months in some of the Western Jerkine, Phila.; Mise MeN Sid Sharbaugh Belling.
- Carrollto town, Pa.
'A. Stephens, Detroit, Mich.; C. M. | Spm
son county, who has been visiting at op w Robinson, Pgh.: L. R. Ander-[[
's Robert 8. Murphy, F. B. Jones, and 'Negley, Pgh.; C. W, Goud, Somerset] Give you any |
‘ticket, were in Patton one day last | Little Early Riscrs? These little pills}
Thursday. | Zahn, Flosie Mills, Maude Shoemaker, | ment is broken. Prices low.
» Walter Dale, who has been spending | \1™ W- K. Martin, Ebensburg; Miss MISS H. M. SHARBAUGH,
McNamara, Ebensburg; C. L. Roop,
| Altoona; S. C. Linton, Johnstown; W. |
ton this winter. Bobinson, Altoona; C. F. Walker, a
MJoseph Bateson, of Rathmel, Jeffer- | Youngstown, O.; Geo. W. Buckmill, WE
the home of H. E. Barton on Palmer | gop, Phila.; F. E. Thomas, Niles, O.; |y. WILL NOT
avenue the past few days, returned to |, pg Drake, Elmira, N. Y.; S. x1
his home this week. | Christie, Poughkeepsie, N oy , Fill C. | :
8. W. Davis, of Ebensburg, three | hee : if you buy your goods
candidates on the Republican county | Say, why don't you try De Wit's| from us
week looking after their interests. cure headache, indigestion and consti- X | ;
You can attend a theatre in Patton! | pation. They're small, but do the
‘on Thursday, Friday and Saturday Work C.W.Hodgkina.
| evenings of this week. A good com-
‘pany is here who played on Monday, Fall and Winter | fit of low prices in-
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. gi ae stead P
~ Bion H. Butler, special corrispond- Ir YX :
ent and member of the editorial staff = ¥ oY te
of the Pittsburg Times, had business | + Are getting in tiew
in Patton Tuesday, and while here
will give you the bene-
EEE ould
Joseph Snyder, of Fourth avenue, al inde of Millinery Som ete line of fall trade.
has sold his house and lot to Engineer ge 3 =. HY)
Taylor and has purchased a farm in ( E | ud : : ;
Clearfield county, about two miles Ome ar vy | Come and examine
south of DuBois. He expects to re-! our
' move in a few days. and see for yourself. Also all 0 00
At the session of the Sovereign kinds of fancy movelties and (9 : 35.
Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows held at']adies’ and children’s wear. | Black Cheviot Suits,
| Atlantic City last week, it was decided | 2
that no saloon-k bartend ALICE A. ASHCROFT, | M:. Lb: & K
Re be eligible. ALICE A. ASHCRO Mirkin usner.|
is membership in the order. 4 PATTON, PA. | ote
cures eczema, skin affections and is!
in our immense Stock can be bought at. half, ust half what
'you pay in other stores.
men’s wool fined gloves at 2 5¢ the pair, same as all the stores
sell at soc.
They wont last long, come quick if you want them.
Our half wool underwear at 45¢ is same as lots of stores
sell at 75c.
Talking of anderw ear, you want to see our immense stock
—we have got it from the cheapest, 25¢, to the finest, $4.50.
We have got them. Men's, Boy’s and Children’s—all
Our stock of Suits is twice as large as any other store in
town. If our price wont sell you a suit then we are satisfied.
We started out to say only a word or so as our space is
small, but if you want any Shirts, Hats, Neckwear, Shoes,
Men's, Women’s, Boy's, Children’s Rubbers, Rubber Boots,
Leather Boots or anything you can wéar in our line
“DEW DROP IN,” we will treat
you white. 5
We do give presents. too—but we sell for
cash and one price.
Patton, Pa.
Can be found at all times w here he 1s prepared to do all
kinds of work in
Artificial plates repaired while you wait.
Teeth extracted painlessly and plates put in mouth on the :
| same day teeth are extracted.
Fine Gold Fillings, Crown and Bridge w otk a Speciuliy.
Artificial teeth from $8 to $12, no better made. Perfect
fit guaranteed in all cases. Meme
All work warranted.
Dn. Swartz, D. D. Sis
507 Main St. JOHNSTOWN, PA.
or A AN Ahh