Patton Courier. | : PATTON PU BLISHING Co., Proprietors. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1895, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One eopy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00 S¥-Advertising rates made known upon : application. S¥-No papers discontinued until all ar rearages are paid, unless ai the option of the - publisher. Entered at the Postoffice at Patton as second. | class mail matter, COUNTY. .. TIME OF HOLDING COURT 1st Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept. | an Monday of June ist Monday of Dec. OFFICERS, PamstorxT JUpaR—Hon. A. V. Barker. PROTHONOTARY J. C. oy, BEGISTER EAR ean ). A. MeGough. | TREASURER—F, H. Barker, Suerirr—D. W. Coulter. DEruTY. SHERIFFS—Samuel Davis, Elmer | DISTRICT ATTORNEY--R. 8, Mu aS mmioN Ens. J. Dillon, or by: Lioyd, | pits CLERK —John C. Gates, UNTY SUPERINTENDENT—J. W. Leech. COUNTY BRURVEYOR—8, GG. Fetterman. [very minute 1s onded. Tdo pobeup-) | pose you realize for a moment how | ‘dreadful this is. How it is giving an. "| opportunity to an unbeliever to say, | “What can these Christians think of their God when they are so impolite to | Him?” RELIGION IN THE FAMILY. It is a remarkable thing in regard to “little people that it is almost never too | early to approach them with religious suggestions, writes Rev. Charles H. { Parkhurst, D. D., in the October ' Ladies’ Home Journal. [t is not what ‘ we say to them that makes them re- ligiious, it is the religious instinct al- ‘ready in them that makes intelligible ‘ to them whatever of a religious kind ' we say to them. The best that a child ' nan become in this, as in every other respect, accrues from wisely handling ‘and fostering some impulse already | contained in the childs original dowry. if the beginnings of individual religion | were not an implant no method of | treatment, no ingenuity of cultare | : Ww. C. ously AUDITORS-—Wm, J. Jones, could suffice to establish such a begin- | il JURY eg Weakland, | Wm. M Martin. : RECTORS — Moore, James Som- | rn Raphicl Hite. . ppd OFFICERS, Jona ¥. 3 ni. Bel, pron Ni Lincoln 8. y 0 Frank Campbei - Young, Ralph Leisch. : Sei C. Crowell, president; G. H. Curfman, sec nig rato, ‘treas- | urer; Jesse E. Barton, Samuel Edmi “JUSTICE OF THE Pango E. Dale, Jas. CLERK—Harvey Bait on « OoLLECTOR—JAs, Mellon. Asspsson—Jos, H. Ricker. AUDITORS F. H. Kinkead, Hn. 0. Winslow, Caizr or PoLicE—John Pewter Cour ssionER-A. J. { SekaOn. NOT SO VERY HIGH. ; The attention of tax payers who are prone to complain that they are taxed more than they are at other places is called to the following taken from the Huntingdon Local News: Lo the county treasurer on Tuesday Sotaty. He. a 4 per cent. that BY y, viz: 14 mills and county, Jo 6 mills road, and 5 alls the Soon of 1889 swept the Dee | ning. Religion can be imminent in| { the child, and even be nu part of his’ . experience, without his being able yet | to know it as religion, or being able to | comprehend the allusions made to it : | by his elders. * * * It holds in the twi- | light of life what is true in each dawn- ing, that it begins to be morning & good while before there is sunshine enough in the air for the sun-dial to be able to tell us what o'clock it is. * * * The infant's eyes are fall of light wait- ing to be greeted by the light of the | san so soon as its lids are lifted. The heart of the child is tuned! to the things of God, and its strings are ready to, | become musical so soon as they are touched by a hand that knows how to | stir them into resonance. It is a good | while before the child and earth come ‘very close to one another, taut on the | contrary ‘Heaven lies about us in our | infancy. n For pain in the chest a piece of flan- | nel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain | Balm and bound on over the seat of the pain, and another on the back be-' tween the shoulders, will affort prompt | relief. This ie especially valuable in | cases where the pain is cansed by a away. The total tax for the residents of Patton is 26 mills, which, considering | the condition of our streets, fire pro- tection, schools, etc., is quite low. | In many other towns which could be mentioned the rate is much higher, a cold and there is a tendency toward | pneumonia. For sale by Patton Pharm- | | acy, C. W. Hodgkins. : . FARMING NOTES of Interest to the Farmers Who Read the Patton “Courier.” ~~ than it is in Patton. 1 The successful dairymar is an early | BOTH ADOPT SOUND MONEY. | ~~ Hardly anyone expected that there | | ; would be any issue between the two! . great parties in the state of New York | - a8 far a8 Guestions of | finance are con- | cerned, and this proves to be the case. - Beyond a slight difference in the meth- “od of expression, the plank in the - platform adopted by the Democrats in | their convention held this week is practically identical with that adopted by the Republicans in their convention ~~ held a week before. The Democratic plank declares for sound money, recog- ~ nises gold and silver as the only legal tenders, declares against any currency inconvertable with coin, advocates the ‘gradual retirement and extinction of the greenback currency, and declares | against the free and unlimited coinage | | of silver. In truth, no other attitude | than one such as this could be adopted | by any party entertaining into a con- | test for political supremacy in the most | important commercial state in the Union. The results of the conventions | held in New York state go to bear out | the impression that in the next national | campaign the financial question,except | | as to matters of detail, which cut no’ figure just at present, will not be an: seue, and if the indications which have come in such numbers from states in almost all sections of the country are 3 at all significant, a pronouncement in * favor of sound money may be looked | ~ for, wb’ *h will put the silver advocates in the position of the minority which they really constitute, when regard is | had bo the country as a whole. THE GIRL AT CHURCH. You pride yourself on your polite- riser. It is easier and cheaper to prevent than to cure diseases. : Barnyard manure may be. applied to | old orchards with good results. .The goose does not generally prove a good mother until the second year. A “combination” food is better than | the continued use of one or two kinds only. Our export slaughtered beef trade in- creased from 9,512 tons in 1:8i0 1, 638 tons in 1894. Tomatoes ripened on the vine are | firmer and better flavored than those picked green. Armour & Co. are Arnie for a machine with a killing capacity of 12,000 hogs a day. Have you taken advantage of dry roads to save a few barrels of road dust for winter use in the hen house? Exporters of apples should remember | | that shipments to Liverpool should be- | gin about October 1 and to London | { about October 20. There is no money in raanuring or’ cultivating any more ground than can | be made to yield a full erep on every | square rod. Acts at once, never fails, ‘One Minate | Cough Cure. A remedy for asthma, and that feverish condition which ac- companies a severe cold. The only! harmless remedy that produces im- mediate results. C. W. Hodgkins. Coal Land For Sale. Three thousand acres of elegant coal land situated on the Cambria and Clearfield railroad at the headwaters of Chest Creek, Cambria county, Pa. The ‘new line of the Beech Creek railroad branch, known as the Conemaugh and ‘ness. You count yourself a well-man- | Western, will pass directly over the ‘nered girl and would be very indignant | tract. The land contains three veins if you were told that you were lacking | of fine coal, the largest one being over in ord” wy politeness. When you are | | four feet in thickness. For particulars, . uvited out you are careful to not only | etc., write or call on the COURIER, Pat- . be prompt but to be considerate of ton, Cambria county, Pa. . hostess What sonetisiion Jo) Porpoise—You know its the strong- | est, leather made. Always stays soft. house? ‘Too often you come in late, We have it made into shoes for man seat yourself with a little noise and do Woman and obild. : not hesitate to tarn and twist until you fat feel that your skirt is arranged exactly | For Sale or Rent. right and you are quite comfortable. One pool and one billiard table, in Then you give a sigh as you look at | room centrally located in Patton. Ad- ‘the preacher. He is one whose sermons | dress P. O. Box 201, Patton, Pa.-80tf ing to do his Jay you Sooty oud your | | tees a perfect fit.-68tf ” prayer. or ymnal, or look around | 1 Notice of Application for Charter. - the congregation, and catching the eye | Notice is Neréhy given. that Henid i Notice is here ve at un application of a friend give a shrug of disgust. | will be made tot ¢ Governor of Panisslvaiiin, on Frida the 25th day of October, A. D. When the sermon is over you give | PU E. McEifresh, A E. Patton, James Ra vent to a sigh of thankfulness, and AR Good, W; *H. Sandford and E.- C. 1 Brown, under the Act of Assembly, entitled, you never seem to realize that this bad | [ran at to prov ide for the Incorporation and | ulation of certain corporations,” appro behavior on your part is ‘bad behavior | | the Mth Of hy rs aD oe] not only to the clergyman, but to that | | plements thereto, for the charter of an in-| nded corporation to be called “The Patton God whose representative he is. Cla Mra Ing Company,'' the character | and object of which is the minin #, quarrying, | When the collection is taken up you | and dealing in fireclay, and manufacturing | ‘see who is depositing abanknote. Be- | from fireclay, and for these purposes to have ; : : possess, and ¢ all the rights, benefits, an fore the benediction is said you crane privileges of th sald Act of Asserably and the | yourself like a bird with ite plumage supplements thereto. ROLAND D. SWwooPr, Solicitor. : tS | #0 you will be ready to. start out the, Curwensville, Pa., Sept. 20th, (806. Litel in Divorce. Belle McCormick | by her 1 In the Court of Com- next friend William | nvm Pleas of ‘Kimsman | ; Cambris County. No. 137 Mar. Term, : TH, | too: B. McCormick. J 16. To the Respondent above named: The Sab ena and pllas Rabpoena (1 above cps having wen by met retar Max FST INVENTIS youa are notified to be xt the Court « #f Corer Trt Plens of Cambria County on the Fira Mon day | of December, 86, 10 answer the complaint of I Hbelant. PD. W. Cov LTER, mhe Af ‘Kheriff’s Office, Fhe nxt mrg, Re nt LL 18 “14 TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest ‘ne in Patton at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S Restanrant on Magee avemie, near P. R. R. depot. MEALS AT ALL HOU BRS AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahiffey|, Clearfield Co., Pa. Acrommokiations first-class. Best atLinno Wines and Wines at the bar. Stabling attached. GEORGE FERGUSON, nw | . Prop’r. ; ‘Harnes, Pridioy, § Saddles, Collars, ‘Nets | and Whi Blankets, Har- : Oils, Ete. Repairing a Specialty. Ed. SEVERIN, Prop'r, PATTON, PA, J. F. McKENR CK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENEBURG, PA. Ww ill attend to all business with promptoess {and fidelity. Office opposite the Mountain House. | Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, PATTON, PA. - Office in he Goba Building. |W. H. SECHLE Attorney - +5] Noi EBENSBURG, Canititia Connty, Fa. WH DAVIS, Attorney ond Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. | All legal twaiies promptly attended to. Office in Armory Hall. rR L. GEORGE, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, GA nz N, PA. Solicitor for German National B.& L association. | JAMES QUINN, 134 and 136 Clinton St. Johnstown, Pa. . All wool new Fall and Winter dress at 2c. full 50 in. wide. New laids and Boucle goods, chcice pat- terns. . Black wool dress gocds war- ranted. Ladies Jackets and Capes in ‘all sizes. ‘The la t stock between Philadelphia and Pittsburg. Millinery Goods a Specialty. Give us a call. Go To DANTELSON & ENGBLADS SHOE - SHOP: 4th Ave. near R. R. Station. Shoes made to order and repairing of all kinds done promptly. Frices moderate. 13tf CENTRAL - HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Proyp’r. Acc ommodations the best. First class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. er LNT, Dealer in Liq uors, Beer, Etc. | Phoenix BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ete., Hastings, Penn'a. ~ 'A change of Seasons requires a change of NEEDS. This is the season to pre-| | pare for cold weather. The less you worry the more per- fect your happiness, hence get something that will give you, ‘comfort and pleasure and keep | you warm. Cinderella stoves! will do this. Come and ex- So BUILDING, “amine them, both Cook and Heating Stoves Air tight soft coal heater will ‘keep fire 24 hours, fit for a palace, also almost a full line ‘of heavy and shelf hardware, tinware, lamps, lamp globes, glass, doors, sash, paints, oils, and miners’ supplies, bird cages. Come and see and ask A. M. THOMAS, mes PATTON, PA. FISHER & CO. Wholesale. Fine Old Whiskies and Im- ported Liquors. California Wines and Brandies 147 Clinton & 609 Main Sts; Johnstown. Pa. Telephone 175. Bottlers and Prspriosons of OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY'S COMMON: WEAL . Pure Rye Whiskies. tly P.P. Young & i FirstNation’ 1Bank Wile sile Wid Retat] Punlor 4 OF PATTON, TITLE. rrr ay (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. FRESH MEAT | = | CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. OF ALL KINDS. SURPLUS, $10,000.00. pale and Banks received npon the most ie terms consistent with safe and , Bologna, Lard, Ete. Lo lines, Forelgn Drafts yable in the pri | cities of the Od Wao FIFTH AVEX UE. 1 Pores attention. | interest paid on time deponits. 5 | A. E. PATTON ‘Wa. H. SANFORD, Patton, Pa. President. IF YOU MISS ONE TRAIN YOU CAN TAKE THE NEXT... But if You Miss ONE OPPORTU NITY .... To insure for Men Boys and Children the best suits at thie lowest prices, vou may never get the Spportunity again. A Call Will Convince You "That we have the finest stock ings, Boots and Shoes, and everything to fit out the You Wouldn't Think of getting your goods for nothing, yet that is what some people try to do. Such a scheme is not neces- sary, and the low cash prices at which I sell good will enable you to live cheap «HF ~ You wil only take advantage of them You Could Not find a more complete stock of General Merchandise in a day’s travel. Call and examine goods and priees, every- thing you want. | La GEO. S. GOOD. Pauon, Pa. No Superior and Few Equals To. our Cook Stoves and Revpes. All are -Guara iS to be perfect workers. Our shelve es are crowed with many desirable pieces of 'tinware and cooking utensils of all kinds. Come 1 in and see them. THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE 0. Get he Freshest and the Purest ROGERIES, ET Acvontis of Corporations, Firms, Individu- Sar favors- 11 eorrexpondence will haweour promptand : : —AT TH a: ~ PATTON SUPPLY CO. Have are a few Specialties mentioned: White wine and Pure Cider Vinegar, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, | Crocks and Jugs, Flower Pots, Ete. of Clothing, Gents Furpish- . i A full line of Flour and os Wardrobe of a Man or Boy and at the low- est of low prices. opportunity and call on WOLF & THOMPSON look here and there and everywhere to | and selling brick, dreciay building materiale | And See tne Elegant Fall Dis- play and You Will be Sure to Buy. Embrace this OBSERVE: —We will pay one cent a-piece for signatures from Arbuckle’s Coffee wrappers, Save them and ‘bring them to our store. Yours for a Bargain, Patton Supply Co.” en A SR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers