ie 3 a sms iri STORIES OF THE DAY. The Favor Asked of the New Yosk Cen- ‘tral by 8 Resident of Yonkers. A resident of Youkers called at the office of the superintendent of the New York Central, in New York, the other r, and, sending in his card, was | ptly admitted to the private room * of that official. As he ships cousidera- - ble freight over the Central's tracks bis reception by the superintendent Was a eordial one. «1 am about to take my family up to Saratoga Saturday mornings’ he said, “rand have come to ask yon as a favor to have the 5:30 train flagged af Yonkers, 80 we can get to Saratoga early in the afternoon. It would be extremely incon- venient for ‘nus to be co mpelled to £0 | to the Grand Central station in| to board the train, and I think 1 miles, completely bounded by high ean safély ask the favor of having it ~~ stopped for me at Yonkers." ‘The superintendent picked up a time’ table from his desk, glanced it over and said : MEXICO'S VAST WORK Ti HER WONDERFUL. DRAINAGE CANAL NOW NEARING COMPLETION. : A Plan That His Required Nesirly Three Hundred Years For Its Working Out. | Hundreds of Thousands of Lives Sacri- | ficed -- Wiil Attract Our Citizens to Mexico | BAVED: BY His CHEEK. road Depot Agent's Fxperience -# ee — ne General Manager. A dozen cf ne were waiting at a rail road station in Georgia. As nobody | knew bow kpg we minst wait It was ‘only patwral that one after another shonld go to the tigket window and 1u- quire, “Duonno,’” was tne gruff response to { each inquirer. A great work has been practically fin- | fehed, the drainage of the Mexican val ley, which has required for its comple | tion nearly 500 years and many millions of dollars and has cost the lives of han dreds of thousands of men. The valley of Mexico 15 8n immense basin of approximately circular shape, | | with ope extreme dimmeter of about GO mountains, and havipg only two or three | quite high passes out of it. No water | drains out of the basin. The surface of | this valley has. a mean altitude above the sea of 7,418 feet and an area of | “Well, the rules of the road are very | about 2,220 square miles. Mountain | _ giriet on the subject of flagging trains to| ranges rise on every side, making a great | take on passengers at etations not desig- | : nated as stops onthe train schedule. We seldom grant such requests, even to im- portant officials of the road. 1f we were to comply with one-quarter of the re- quests of this sort that we receive, our express trains would be able to make no better time than the ordinary way trains. But we appreciate the fact that receive a good ehare of your ship- business, and for that reason are disposed to accommodate you. You can append upon the 8:30 train stopping at Yonkers next Saturday morning. Have your family ready to get on board, as! the train must not be delayed.” caljer expressed his gratefnl 1 yh tothe soperintendent and depart- "el. At 8:20 the following Batnrday! morning he and his family were driven | to the station in great haste iu two , while an express wagon unload. peveral trunks. parched tickets for the party, the gentleman { partments. The dilies wore ba I* pnder | hustled out npon the platform, and up- proachirtg the station agent with tha’ hanghtiness of a railroad magnate snid: “I suppose you received orders toom the superintendent to flag the 8:30 train | for me?’ The agent looke d at him meekly and replied: aver. , “Why, that's strange,” he said. “Th ef superintendent told me positively that! the train would be stopped here for me.’ | The smile that spread over the station | “agent's face was interpreted by the grn- | tleman to indicate a doubt as to his ve- racity, and he became ‘properly indig- nant. The agent still insisted that he bad received mo orders regarding the ng of the train. “Well, the order must certainly have been sent out and may have miscarried,’ said the gentleman. “‘Can’t you flag] the train, anyhow?” : “Neo, sir; that is ont of the question. | I wouldn't flag that train for Chauncey | ‘Depew himself unless I had orders from | - headquarters to do so. It would cost me | any job if T did.” nl that moment the train was sighted (9 in the distance, and. the gentleman be- | gan to prance around the platform in a’ “state of great excitement. He Dlauind, | “begged and entreated the agent to fia the train, and finally threatened to a port him to the superintendent, bu: ull in vain. As the train drew near the sta. its speed slackened, and it finally The waiting family was final- ly bundled on board in a hurry, and as the gentleman climbed on the car steps: “just as the train started be looked back ‘at the station agent trinmpbantly and . shouted in a voice ‘that was audible to every one on. the station platform: “Didn't 1 tell yon this train was or- dered to stc here for me?" The agent grinned and retorted in stentoriau t nes: : “Why, this trai bas been stopping here every morning for the last 15 years!”—N ow Yor a Sun. Works W hile She Rides, lists who have had ocomsion to be. on fhe South Side boulevards in Chicigo | of late—pedestrians, equestrians ond | g a8 well—have had their carios.ty | what aroused by the frequent ap- Cone of ‘a woman mounted on a tri- Harancs tricycle in itself is a curiosity im Chicago, particularly an up to date ome, but the curiosity in the threo] wheeler is lost in the attachment, which ‘matarally attracts one’s attention. It is ‘mothing more or less than a sewing ma- chine fastened to the handle bars, witha band ranning to the frunt wheel to sup- vB power to operate the machine. seamstross plods ber way through ~ the maze of carriages and bicycles, but keeps at her sewing all the time. Wheth- | er she is a seamstress who is desirous of some mileage medal or whether she is a rolling advertisement for a sew- ing machine house is not known. She didn’t have the appearance of being a talkative individual, and no one has ven- tured to inguire the nature of her mis: sion. t she has occasioned all sorts of commedlt and wonderment. — Referee. Want to Study Horses. ‘Five young men, scions of aristocratic families in Englund, arrived at Wichita, Kan., a few days ago with 30 trunks and took quarters at the best hotel in . Next day they applied for work at three fast horse farms, and offered to work for nothing in order to learn the American way of developing speed . horses. Two of them secured work on the farps, and the other three have pro- - cured Work in livery stables. After their day’s Work is cone they go to their ho- tells, array themselves in fine linen and | live like lords. One of them, said to be a nephew of Sir Charles Palmer, is as- sisting in taking care of Ashland Wilkes, the. gire of John R. (Gentry. They say that they will remain two years, apd that they desire to get ac- § “quainted with the stock in order to se- ! LE the best sires and breeders to take ® Engine with them.—New York | ‘and such fires still live in Pow mammuth i “No, sir; 1 received no crders what- ; : Jakes to the north dominate the city. “trol the entire waters of the valley, af- t fording an outlet, whenever found nec- corral of rock containing dozens of vil- | lages and bamlets, with the ancient capital in the center. In times past the fires of volcanoes licked up the earth, Popocatepet]l, from whose great maw sulphur fumes and smoke with jets of flaine have poured through the centuries. The valley thus hemmed in with solid walls of rock had been an inland sea for many cycles, and daring the eurly exist- ence of man here the salt waters spread over a large extent of the depression. The waters have been gradually lessen- ing by seepage ahd evaporation, and | | the Aztee pilgrims, coming from the: narth in the fourteenth centary, having received a sign that they were to build their queen of the world city on a small | island of the sea, set about building! y; dikes and combatting the overflow of : the waters. Many of their works remain to this doy. and show that the valley was divided by thé into five great de-} the direction of King Netzahnaleovetl, | a relative of the Fnper r Monute- | Zula, Whose seIvivipg to have been an engineer whose concep- ions and aseomplis bents would have given him high standing even among modern engineers. Origivally built in the midst of a Jake, the city has been left on dry ground by | | the receding waters. Lalie. Tezcueo, BOT three miles distant, Chileo and Xochimileo bave: altitufles yearly fou r feet greater than the pavement of the capital. Still more imperiously ‘do the Ban Cristobal and Xaltocan are about five feet, while Zumpango is over 13 feet above it. "The project now completed is a mod- ification of a scheme projected by Simon Mendez in the time of the fHpanish gov- | ernment, which in 1849 was adopted by Captain Smith of the corps vf American engineers which accompanied General Scott's army. The tunnel was ultimate | ly located under the saddle and throngh the ravine of Acatlan, its month being near the village of Tequixaniac. The works have been began several times | and then suspended withcut eflect ng anything of importance. In 1866 the works now nearing completion were commenced. A project proposed by Senor Franciseo de Garay, 8. well knows engineer of the City of Mexico, wos proncunced the most feasible. Bar the resobation: ary. strugale succeeded, and for any years the work was relogated ta the background, 1 2 In 1579 Engineer Don Luis Espinosa, the present director of ihe works, t« 3 charge of the undertaking. In the first period mentioned the eatting of Tequix Quine. Was eIeavite d, and the greater ¥ i 3 part of the shafts was begjon. Duta that point the work was stapped Ly po- | litical agitations. The work was redl iy commenced in 1885, when the eity. eonncil of Mexico submitted a project to! the fedaral government and offered to contribate largely to the cost, President | Porfirio Dis 2 tie n pated a Spectal cou | isburse the funds ‘ todic ate 1 to the work. : The drainage works, now carried out, will receive the surplus waters and sew- | age of the City of Mexico and carry them | outside of the valley, and will also con- | essary, to those which might otherwise | overflow fields and towns, rendering the | goil stagnant and marshy. The sewers of the City of Mexico form a network of coverusd channels, located sometimes in | the middle and sometimes on the sides of the streets, these being almost always | ‘gorges, communicating with a system of | | secondary sewers that empty into a col- lecting sewer discharging into the canal | of San Lazaro, which transport the sew- age to Lake Tezcuco. If the water is high in the lake, water backs up into the sewers and saturates the soil under the houses and streets. The canal and six mile tunnel through | the mountain range have a total length approaching 40 miles. The present works | will take rank with the great achieve- ments of modern times, just as the im- mense ‘‘cut’’ of Nochitongo, their un- | successful predegghsor, was the leader ‘among ancient hworks in all the world. The confleted system will have "post $20,000,000. The benefits of these works to the City | of Mexico cannot be overestimated. In- | * stead of being one of the healthiest cities | in the world, as it should be with its magnificent climate and eituation, Mex- | ico unfortunately has a terribly heavy death rate, due principally to want of drainage and generaHy bad sanitary con- | ditions. When the existing danger of floods is removed and the sanitary evils | are remedied by a proper system of | drainage, the increased security that | will be enjoyed by life and property will | certainly have its effect on the prosperity of the city. Property will rise in value, the population will grow with rapidity, not to mention the tide of tourists that will set in from the United States, and this will mean larger revenues for the city. —Mexipan Herald. : agent looked np and repliod | to tell yoa I dunno?’ Le prove Bimd v F i he drawided “1 guess 111 5 . x L chee kv cuss back and a wicked Yansea la | debate then raging. —~Phiiadeiphia Tel- That was -abont what was expected, | and yet it didn’t please. We got togeth- er on the platform. and discussed the matter, and while we were tall i man drove up to the de town Negri 16 Cr wed, ha Cute ¢ wk and asked what was up. When he i been informed, be replied: “1 will try ny luck with him ang see . how I come ont." He made the same inqoiry, and the “How mapy more times am I going FEMot mors than onde,” paid the gen tleman as hie reached for a telegraph! blank. j Five miputes later he showed ns the dispatch. . It was to a station agent 30 miles away, and it read, ‘Leave assist- | ' ant in chargs and come down and take 3 full possession here.”’ The name at the! end of the dispatch was that of the gen- eral manager of the road. it in to the agent, who was also operator. “This goes d. h.,"” replied the man | after reading it over. He began ticking it off as cool as you | please, and when he had finished he rose up, put on his hat and overcoat and i came into the waiting room.’ “Have you any idéa when that train will be here?’ quietly asked the man who sent the dispatch. ‘“She’s just coming aronnd t now. All aboard! replied the And as the. train drew np be wa first one to board It, leaving the ob i to ran iteell till the other man cond COMe oN IL "Pd We eure om 1 asued ( at Ot seated on the il. nvo-0, 1 4 A thi om tho pext fran raise hig salary $5 a month. '—N Republic, Northern Colony In Georgia, Emigrants from the nortt thwest com- | tinge to airive in Americus in small | parties, hound for Wikeox county, where | 60,000 people from that region will set- tle this winter on land purchased for the Fitzgerald eolomy. Ex-Goversor! Northen is now in Wilcox, where he has Iie on 50,000 acres of land in addi- tion to that alreaqy parcbased through | him for the colony. Many of the colonists are Union gol- diers. Assion ag the charter is granted the land will be surveyed into lots to suit purchasers, and 12,000 acres will be laid off nto town lots. The streets] will be widle, and doabtless it will be (ne of the best Lud off towns in the south. Tha site for the township bas: not been selected, nor has the name been | suggestod, but it is thought that one of | the mast appr priate n: ames that conld be given is Northen City. The ook nists rif will begin ro arrive in full foree about 1 Oct. 1. It is claimed that many : the P colonists are worth from $5,000 1 $50,600. The ron ipa ny has a capital of $500,000. They will expend $2 oid, 0H {in baying the lands, and $i: #1, improvements, vinills and oti ustries will t churches w ni i who h: ive aon | reception from the good props section, and a genuine old Ox PCOLe awaits tn it teas (Ga, "Bimes RK J A New Hesiriction on Marriage. A mot rodiculons discussion arose tho other ever rit A CORU ¥ party. | on flagged sigotly, h Yad on 34 ¢ ¥iiitan inner ia unched Ln ap- * - . > E 1 ry #* pie of discord in the shape of the state- (ment, now well known in London, that a bill was leirg framed in the house of | lords forbulding a man to marry his L widow's ecasin. A French lady cutting remarks about the established church of Eogland and its restrictions A French colonel ponderonsly declar red | that the depopulation of France would | prevent tho French government from putting auy such limitation on mar- riage, which = was already difficult enough in this fair land. Sundry Amer- icaps rejoiced in a Phariseelike manner | over the absolute freedom of our own | beloved country, as this was evidently | not a case of the prohibited degrees, | and finally the discussion bid fair to de- | generate into a serions dispute, when | the author of this turmoil mildly sug- | gested that as yet no man had after his | ‘death taken any interest in any of his widow’s female relatives, which put a | sudden end to the political theological | egraph. ATONE the Heathen. Helen, aged 4, was spending a night away from home. At bedtime she knelt at her hostess’ knees to say her prayers, expecting the usual prompting. Finding Mrs. I unable to belp her i out, she concluded thus: “Please, God, scuse me. I can't | ‘member my prayers, and I'm stayin with a lady that don’t know any. '— | Philadelphia Times. = : His Only Chance. 2 i Goslin—1I think I'l] take a wife, don- | cherknow, Miss Flypp. Miss Flypp—If you want to get ma ried, that will be your proper plan. I don’t suppose that any woman would | ever take you. — Detroit Fre © Press. i Redfield 1 was the first meteorologist to | prove that in all extensive severe storms a system of surface winds is blowing in toward a st rm center r. This country imports from Greece an- tnally many thousand pounds of socall- ed dried currants, which are really small raisins, | erected, By a quick addition the reuder vided for is 168, Ont of that 168 hardly i fore find it in a most nneompleted sata | priate money for monuments. One of ! the three remoriais from this state isto “How much?’ he asked as be handed | ; griaiite, rising to a heigl Fment will be placed on Missiomarys | THE DEAD HONORED. Fr Monuments to Be Erected Upon the Chat.’ tanoogs Battlefield. Out of the 28 par ganizations on the about Chat vet made appropriations for the er of monmments. The following shows the names of theses states number of monoments to be erecte the amount of the appropriation | dier who was monrned as dead, turned | “| up in Atlanta expecting 8 welcome from AFTER MANY YEARS. When He Returned, His Wife Would Have Naught to De With Him. William Powell, a Confederate sol | his family. His wife and childr¢n re- | fused, however, to nix ognize him. He is | now 68 years old. Thirty-five years ago | . Powell enlisted in an Atlanta battery of | | artillery in the Confederate servicn Be- | eving him to have been kills 4 in one | of the last skirmishes of tae war, his family mourned him as dead, and for peveral years his supposed widow bas | . been drawing a pension from the state * | Nothing was knowi to the contrary un 5 | til it was announced the other day that | Powell bad put in an appearance ut the Not all «f these monmmments have Deen | can see that the total namber now pro mare than 100 are on the field. Visitors at the park at its dedication will there The project is but in its infaney. It wild reqnira five years to completa it, and still there will be work to do. Missonr! was the first state having Confederate troops on the field to appro- be erected to Bledsoe’s Confederate bat- tery. Of the other two, one is to be erected to the memory of tha Second and Fifteenth Missouri in Livoldt's bri- gade, and the other is to be a general memorial to all other troops on the field of battie from Missouri The Kansas monoments wii also be in position by the dedieatiom, it is thought, or some of them at lest, ~ The frad only one regiment in the Chat- campaign, bat it covered Ttenlf ch glory as to deserve a Sys; 1 ms. The Fighth Kanes played! : tin the fight id ate the i i verry war kill taere i oh, KigitAR it i TH re BOE ALLIC)] ti ficuaii xis oud for Aired The most imposing Kansas monn} ridge, on the rest road, near Bragg's' headquarters It is to be 20 feet 5 gh, | of varicolored granites and will bo sar. mounted by a massive figure in hivonze of a soldier at attention. Twa pen itic nj wirich this mo to cecuny wi make It % isible Yea r 1nl1e8. Bt i Re public. WHIPPED BY A WOMAN. Rach In Life In rie “at Wicked (ities Like New York. A large crowd tharoughly enjoyed] watching an irate and handscree land- | lady administer a sound thrashing to a delinqueat roomier outside Dennett's Park row restanprant last night. She was young, sprightly, but powerful Aj white dress set off a shapely figue tc advantage. i _ Bhe entered the restaurart aml en-| gaged in conversation with the man-! ager. Ong of the eIPLIO) wees lniked agi | tated. He dropped his apron and tried to leave the plice mncbservid by the | WOTLan. * he reached the door she Spied She darted after him, and don bling fistik in trod pgitistie style gave cri the jaw which knocked | st the window of Jaflrey's joining. Xhe follawei the y andcther beiveen the rowad collectdl and en- “Hit him agai! “Hit him wits ¥ i These were the cries © the throng) that had gathered. The unfortimate victim was stroggling to get away. He’ finally tax refage behind a counter ing the cigar store. i. The woinan did not follow him into the store, but remained. outside and! aired het grievances. ! “This man owes me money for room rent,’ she said in a loud voiee, ‘and he is trying ) away from me. Why! woulda : for him and punch his, | face: i “That's right!" yelled a crowd of men, who didn’t lock as though they i | meant 1. While phe was alking the victim! rushed fram he cigar store, across P ark | OW ink around the front of the post-| office. She darted after him und tok al short ent through the postoffice. Bat he. was the better ruuner and got away. i he attaches of the restaurant refused | to say who the fleeing employee was, axcept that he was ‘“Charlie, the tutter| man.’ He has charge of carving out the butter into htile pieces —Niw York | t Journal Oil In an Indiana Creek Bed. The dremaght of the past 13 weeks, un | precedented in the history of Indiana. | has caused. a creek near Anderson to Re! | dry. It was noticed a few cays since that oil was floating in a tiny sream, down the course. It increased somewhat i in volume daring 24 hours and ha | ! been traced to a series of old gas wells, great ded! of fear has been occasioned! lest the oil would cateh fire. The stream is being gnurded. The discovery : hows | the rapid pr. gress with which tke In-!| _ | diana gas belt is turning into an oil- | field. Oldest Enown Twins. John and Richard McGriff, the oldest | known twins in the United States, natther | of whom ever wore glasses of walked with a cane; celebrated their ninety first birthday ar Geneva, Ind. recently’ Three. { hundred persons were present. They are in excellent health and. as clipper as boys. ~The canyon of the Colorado fs SO miles long, and the cliffs on either side , are from 5,000 to 6,000 feet above the water. he has been hiding the disgrace of de | 'sertion. The first knowledge which any- King recognition. Then the man expliined how, in & skir- that mach, and now that he bas come “5,1 A Double Leaded Scare by the New York again. Commercial bilis are still scarce ;is| do about is? ing to wait until the gold réserve is de- | many millions of | cat went home 2 alone. | : | that each stump shows the annual rings | There’ # a voice across the nation like n mighty 1 Borne up from ont the southward as the I i With roar of gan and hiss of sword and crask i which went dry several years ago. Al ! Yet sailing, sailing on. home of his family. His wife refused to receive him, his son turned his back og him and told the old man to go buck to the mountains of eust Tennessee, where body bad of Powell's presence in the dity was when Captain Talley, ove of Atlanta's most prominent citizens, found a man hanging about his neck amd beg- “Iam Doc Powell,” ne exclaimed, but the captain would not believe it mish between Knoxville and Bristol, he had slipped away from the army and bad gone into the raountains of Tiennes- see. He was afraid to come back be- canse he had plaved the part of 3 cow- ard. But as he grew cider the desire to anee more see his family overcaine his fears, and he came to Atlanta, His wife told him he had better go hack to east Tennessee, His son indorsed the view of the mother. The pension money which she bas been receiving fram the state was only $60 a year, but reither the mother nor sor thought he was worth K to wake them lose that movey his ioompe is a warm one in a way be bad baw # Ps THE TRE -ASUR World. The gold reserve 18 Iu anning There is a prospect that this week's ship- ments of gold may equal or excesd those of last week. The general impression is strong that apother bond issge is prob- able if not inevitable. Tt may be a wrong impression, but suppose it proves ta be right? What is the administration guing tc Is is going to let the treasury bo “‘cor- nered’’ again and’ ‘squeezed’ Is it go- pieted to the point of exhaustion and then place the treasury onoe more in the hands of a bound syndicate as ‘“receiv- ers?’ Is it again going to appeal to the mercy abd cupidity of Wall streel; bank- ers? Is it again going to sell bonds worth 120 at 104)y on condition that the buyers of the bonds shal: ox¢rcise a grandmotherly guardianship ower the treasury for a term of months? Or has the government lenrned its lessons and will it take measures for its ovin pro- tection? : : The treasury no longer has ii Wall gtreet guirdian. The men wi ander- tock fo protect ‘the reserve in return for profit on bonds worth 120 which they got at 104%, will have no interest after Get. 1 except to deplete the reserve as rajidiy as pe ssible and thus compel anciizer deal But the treasary at any rate ought to have learn- ed something in the school of experi: It ought by this time to be plain authorities at Washisgton that -hest nation in the world can take I ot 114 own (rafiRory with mt throw- if helplessie into the protecting | is s of auy syparate. Ek hat does Mr. Carlisle suggest!’ What | is Mr. Cleveland goiug 0 do %—New | York World. ! : : i Ce A A A ARASH 1 3 ES sir John mn Mliats i It is said of Sir John Millis, the | sriist, that given a short brie wood | pipe, a cond rtable chair, and a pack of cards with which to play “‘patience,’ he is serenely satisfled with existence | for the time being. Millais is one of the rare prodigies who attained distinction ‘in later life. He won a medal for draw- ing when oniy 9, and at 11 he was a student of the Royal Academy of Arts. In the fullness of his fanie he is a man of surprisingly simple tastes and habits. A cat belonging to a man in Konkn- kee, 1lls., became 30 troublesome that the owner decided so drown it He waded ou: into the river and plunged | the cat beneath the water. Then he dis-| { povered thut he had stepped into a hole. In a few 1.iutes he was drowned The! i serine -— —— A Peace Hyms. ocean bail, before the gale. Its breath is in the streaming fag ard in the fiving sail : As we go sailing on. "Tis a voice that we remember ere its sammons soothed ns now When it raag in battle challenge, ani we an swered vow with vow, of prow and prow $s we went sariing on. Our hope sank even a8 we saw the sun sink faint and far. : The ship of state went groping through the - Soding smoke of war, | Through biackest midnight Inrching, all un cheered of moon or star | As ome whe spake the dead awake, with hire i ood Jeaping warm, Whe walked the troubled waters all unscathed in mortal form, We felt our pilot's presence, with his land up: on the storm, As we went sailing on. O voice of passion lulled to peace, this dawn: | ing of today, O votes of tvaain now blent as ‘one, ye sing. all : fears away, Since foe and foe are friends, and, lo! the Lord, | as glad as they, : He sends us sailing on, —~James Whitcomb Riley. Poa FOSSI LIZED TREES. IMMENSE FORESTS THAT HAVE TURN ? £D TO 57 ONE. An Insight Into the Mizhty Crperations of Nature Ope of the Many Wonders of the Great Yellowstone National Park Fossil Forest Ridge. The Yellwwstome National park is called the wonderland of America. and | #ince the destruction of the New Zea- land geyser area it is perhaps entitled to be called the wonderland of the world, for within its limits the most * varied of natare’s workings mey be ob served Its hundreds of hot springs and geysers, its precipitous canyons and rash- ing cataracts, its snow capped mountain peaks and mirrored Jakes make it of surpassing interest. The lover of nat- ural scenery may linger long over its beaunties and its wonders. From the geological point of view it is also of great interest, for here may be found rocks that in age from x a ‘have any knowledge to those in process of forma. tion at the present moment. The so- perheated waters of the hot springs and geysers hold a large amount of rock- making material in solution, which is deposited about the openings of the springs on the cooling of the waters, and in this way tmilding up » mass of great magnitude. These springs and geysers are soustasely, breaking ont in new olaces. often cz the orders ¥ in Wee forests of nviog trees. The trees are killed at once by the hot water, and on becoming withered and dry begin ston to take up the rockmaking solution by which they are bathed, and thos to pass into the § asi] state. : Conditions sini lar to these, or ot least favorable to the preservation of fossil forests, appear #0 have existed from a remote time, for there is evidence to show that the fossil forosts were pre- served hefore the most active of the hot vring phenomena were inaugurated « fossil forésts are located in the northeastern corner of the Yellowstone National park, at a place known locally a8 Amethyst mountain, or Fossil Forest idge. This is really a mountain some . ten miles long and rising nealry or quite 2.000 feet above the general level of the valley. If it were possible to cut & see- tion down through this mountain, as a slice is cut from a loaf of bread, there wonlid be fetund a succession of at least 15 fossil forests, one above apnother— that is to say, at soyue remote day, geo- logically speaki ng, there grew a great forest, which was covered np by the ejected material from a great volcano, rivaling in size Mount Ema, that is known to have existed some miles to the north. The trees were entombed in an upright position, and under the ac- tion of silica charged waters were fossil ized. The action of the volcano ceased, and quiet was restored for a sufficient length of time for a second forest fo be developed above the first. Then came & second outburst from the volcano, and - this forest wis buried and {fossilized Like toe nrsr, and so, mm turn, have the doer or mu o forests floarished and been en- x fed. Then came the final qniet, the ram- ng of the voleano ceased, and its fives were extinguished. Put immediately the action of the elements began, and the weariug forces of rain and frost, act~ ing through long ages, have carved ous this monntaiy. in the heurt of which may be read the story of its origin. This denmdation appears to bave been.anac- companied Yr any of the violens move- ments goof ten charaersristic of monntain building, asd consequently when the softer material I= won away from arcund the trunks they stand upright in the exact positions in which they grew b originally : The first forest to be visted is | the vicinity of Yancey's, 5 stage station on the mail route from the Mammoth Hot Springs ta Cooke City, Mon. It is about a mile west of the junetion of the : Lamar river and the Yellowstone, and on the middie slope of alow hill As one approaches the locality, several { trunks are cheerved standing on the hill- side, which ata distance seem quite like | the stumps of Hving trees. and even a nearer approach barely suffices to reveal their true natore. as they are covered with lichens and blackened and discol- ored hy frost and rain. They are, how- ever, veritable fossil trumks, standing upright on the steep hillside, in the ‘same positions in which they grew. The jargest trunk is 131 feet in eircumfer- ence and about 15 feet in height Ris considerably weathered and must have been much larger when Hving, for the bark is in no place preserved. The oth- ers—and there are dosens of them-—are slightly smaller, and have been weath- | ered down until, in most cases, only a | few inches ean be seen above the sur- face. So perfoctly are they preserved as distinetly visible as in a freshly cut living tree, and even each tiny cell, with - its fine and delicate markings, is abso- lntely perfect. . The next forest is some 10 or 12 miles distant, along the Lamar river, on the south side of which faces the Fossil For- est ridge. In some places perpendicular cliffs many feet in height may be seen. These cliffs have worn away, leaving ex- posed huge trees, which may be observed from a distance of a mile or more. from the valley, standing out in bold relief, as it has been aptly said, ‘‘like the pil- lars of some ancient temple.” A closer view shows these trees to be from 4 to | 6 feet in diameter, and often 20 or 30 - | feet high, with their great roots rum- | ning off into the solii rock A great niche in the face of the wall marks the place from which one of these trunks Ra tallon Some of the remaining ones appear just ready to fall, while others | project but little bevond the face—ashow- | ing that the mountain is filled with the . remains of these trees. — Epoch. Boston's Horrible Awakening. : “Table board’ in Commonwealth avenue! Is this the beginning of the end *—Boston Herald = RS apn. No SR WES ¥u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers