The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, October 03, 1895, Image 1

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    “ VOL. IL.—NO. 9s.
——— ———— 2 A ORDA
MINNEAPOLIS, September | felemeney of the Weather.
| : : : ' ment of wheat from the country has’ : : | As had {been previously officially an-| - ; :
{As Reported by Bradstreet’s not been as large as anticipated, as Gleaned Here and There Dy nounced [the Cambria County Agri-| Tampered With a Switch en
Le | Commercial Agency =~ [many farmers are holding, evidently the “Courier” Reporter, [cultural association held its ninth the Wopsy Road.
This time with the largest for Higher rei. - In Sosfsquencs] | jie] SF i grands iy Carel — a
. - i : general busines not felt the activity iia | ‘beginning on Y, 24th | ; ti
line of HOLLIDAY A VOLUME OF BUSINESS that was expected. Movement of OLD TTOSES’ LETTER. inst. The fair was opened under most COACH THROWN OVER
: ever brought to L—— | staples from jobbers’ hands continues! : : | favorable circumstances as the officers, | EO Rm
; atton, and still they have | Rotwithudnies Tain: Dosnand Caused fair in volume, though . seasonable | He Was the Vietim of » Horrible (7) Dream stockholders and citizens worked with | Singulariy Enough Only One of the Seventeen
notall arrived yet. We al-| Bow d Sablembe ‘gy The market | 22°03 Ve quiet. Flour mills are run- Hap the Fire Compusy, : | hearty good will to make it an even | Passengers Beesived Injurten.
wavs strive to get our goods | ON, Seplembey «rd + | ning heavy and sales are large.. Lum- I am not a believer in dreams Or | greater success than any given in Another acciden t occurred : on the
ys siive to ge ou is steady in most departraents of the |p. iy rojply gotive. ‘omens, but I had such a strange dream former years. | Wopsononock mountain railroad on
on: exhibition early in the | merchandise trade, with a fair season- | DULUTH, September 27.— Trade ig one night last week (I hadn’t been | Despite the inclemency of the weather | Monday evening near the scene of Fri- }
Season so you can have lots of | able business in most lines. General steady 2nd in a fairly active condition. | eating pie) that I must tell you about upon the two last days, visitors would | day’s accident. A train of several cars
time to make selection. It is| trade isnot active, but consumers are | pa.tjong ure improving. Local trade it- I dreamed that I saw the following not be deterred from attending the | was descending the mountain when an
always our motto fo be first | 'MoHPE their present wants with a fair p,q more life. Flour is in better de- advertisement in the New York World: | great show and the entire attendance open caron the rear end jumped the
~. amount of freedom. Money is quoted | ong and the mills are running full “For Sale—We are now in a position to during the four days of the fair is|track at a switch and was pulled over
| higher in some instances, but commer- o.oo quiet.
ome : { supply small boroughs with a Board of estimated to exceed 15,000 people. {on its side. Seventeen passengers
cial paper is quiet, the bent borrowers ARLESTON, September 27.—Trade Health. Write for discounts,” signed | Every preparation had been made by | were aboard bat ‘all escaped injory ex-
| not being disposed to pay the. rates opening depends upon cotton coming | ‘ : ‘They Will Work & Co.” | the hospitable people of Carrolltown : cepting John Sellers, who fell partly
pr : : ‘asked. Business paper is quoted at ;. 0 freely. Collections are sea- AndI dreamed further that our council for the accommodation and entertain- | under the car. No bones were broken
Hab per cent., with corporation loans v1. ‘had bought one of them, but it was ment of guests and all were pleased with | however, and his injuries are not con-
at 34@A4 "per cent. and collateral at, y, yoqyiyys September 27.—There all a dream. their corteous treatment. : | sidered very serious. :
\4@b per cent. Trade in boots and oO changv in business circles except The citizens of our town now hive The people of Cambria county show-' It is supposed that mischievous per-
. : : We shoes is guiet, the cut in the price of collections, which ate very poor. an opportunity to assist the Firenen ed much enterprise by the excellence sons tampered with the switch for the
in the season.. All kinds of union sole leather of 2c. by ome house no (pp pans, September 27. Busi- and should embrace it. An opera com: of their displays and the agricultural | purpose of causing an accident as the
. : tending to check the ambition of shoe | ovement has been fairly satis- P8any of good merit is here for a week products tastefully arranged in the cen- | bolt was found to have been removed
presents for young and old. ‘buyers for the present. Leather is po .\ ., (otton receipts are better, | and as the firemen receive a benefit tre isle of the exhibit building excited | from the switch, allowing it to spread.
generally held firm, however, and it| ii bioher prices. Sugar quiet but from the receipts liberal patromige much favorable comment. The dis-| yried 10 Wreck » Passenger Trak.
Anything you want from a looks as though shoe jobbers would go = pio." tte: demand. Fair should be shown them. The boys plays of the merchants were artistic | The Philipebang ne ¥
Elephant. (begin to place orders for foot-!., oment in corn for export. want to fix up and improve their build-| and varied and would bave done credit | EME Jagwye oy
Monkey to an Elepl id fro. bat amiet . : Ty for the following: “An attempt was
wear soon. Hides are firm but quiet. g,¢ pryncmco, September 27. — ing and need help to do it. Turn out to any town of twice the size. made on Saturday ni wreck th
HI d lis fi itl ood ! ; : : sd | on rday night to the
fn | ena Iron an stee Is firm, with some good | yferohandise markets are quiet, pro- then and give your mite with the mst. | The track had been putin good con- | pooh Creek passenger train between
+h : orders yet being placed. Lamber 18 duce markets dull. Few changes in| Moses PERKINS. | dition for the races and the speed of | Kerrmoor and Gazzam, but fortunately
ATTON BE | quiet, but a fair seasonuble. trade is prices, but grapes are slightly im-. A Goud Company. the horses entered was swifter than in | 0 accident. was averted by the gk: :
io A et joes, The coal trade is looking | proved. Exports of canned fruits for On Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- Previous years.. The fair was voted 8 |)..00 of the brakemen. . A switeh lock
’ . | the past five days exceed 150,000 cases. day evenings the Southers-Price Success in every particular and the w., broken open and . the switch
oe se Baby PHILADELPHIA, September 27.—Wool | The season's pack will about equal dramatic com roduced s series of Managers deserve the hearty ocom- co, ,.0q4 and a bridge was blown ;
My Stock. ELEPHANT. | : ri | : : pany p po acu : oT | ge own up
cn continues dull and the merket is with- | that for 1894. ae | playsin the Firemen’s hall and will - mendation of all for their endeavor to | wie dynamite. About a year ago
‘out snap. Cotton yarns are advancing | Tacoma, September 27.—Jobbers in | continue the same on Thursday even- make it the success it certainly was. |g, attempt was made to wreck the
ei in price, and manufacturers are buying | groceries report sales largely in excess | ing playing “Ingomar,” Friday evening Cupid's Capers. | train at the same place.”
‘Medicines only for immediate wants, believing of September, 1894. Collections are Faust” and Saturday evening “Rob-| On Wednesday evening, September! Not Bult That Way.
| that there will be a decline. Spinners satisfactory. Orders from Alaska fair. ingon Cruso.” The company is a first- | 25th, Joseph H. Hubbard, of Patton, gn cans diodh unt Bik
reluctant to book orders for future To ber 27.— Wholesale | o in ow : : ; io M : |. Bus cil went out shoes and Jackew,
are By | RONTO, Septem , : i class one in every particular und all and Miss Jennie M. Spangie, of Coal- gL collars and savas
delivery ae itis believed it cotton | trade is quiet, with a fair number of who attended were well pleased. The port, were married at the M. E. par-| And the latest styles of hats.
eso i | will go higher. Dry goods are fairly sorting-up orders coming in. Prices company consists of the following sonage in Patton by the pastor, Rev. Buch mannish Sul snd Miley
; : oT . pany g age y She copies, if she can.
Stationery Confectionery active, the demand coming largely rule very firm and prospects continue well-known people: Edwin Southers, Charles W. Wasson. The young But she cannot raise a mustache.
; Tohacco Snuff | from out-of-town buyers. Leather is most satisfictory. The movement of Madalaine Price, Ray Bankson, Rich- couple, after receiving a lively sere- | Or pow whiskey lee %
and Smoker's | strong and the demand is good; prices wheat is limited and prices are ard Lambert, Fred Dilger, Marie nading, left early the next morning ~ or
Lae ,jae sill advancing. - Increased sales; stronger. = 'Southers and Ione Tuller. Everyone for a short visit among relatives and WE WANT
: are noted in drugs. An advance oh A Grand Opening. should turn out the remaining dites friends. On their return they at once | :
1-16 has been made by the sugar refin- | Saturday of last week during a here as they are playing for the berefit proceeded to housekeeping in Pat-| EE.
eres. - There is a very. active demand | _.. o.oo oon or resentative to Of the Patton Fire company. iton. Mr. Hubbard and his wife are.
| for Hav: leaf tok d ori | visit representative to i
lor davans 0, 2h0 Are | Johnstown, Pa., attention was at- quite well known bere and many : :
a : : : . 7 . $ : : : y ; : i : : : ,
Knives Razors Scissors Shears : advancing; manufacturers ave realiz- tracted. to the store of James Quinn by | A very enjoyable surprise party was | friends wish them a prosperous and
May Be 7 jing th a he War 18 cate he likely 0 the announcement of a grand Harvest | held at the home of Mr. and Mis. J. A. /DAPPY life. By way of brotherly “Op | Postal Card
| allec ule Crops; and are making... ovening snd as ladi APE RE : Sa a3 ___ monition, Joseph, let us add, be faith- Ne
fort to iv before! pening as es only are Myers on last Friday evening in honor i
| every effort to secure a suppiy before bei 008 I IOBREEY. | of thaim vias Wiss sic. ful to your spouse and may she prove : Lia es
| prices go higher. Buyers who go to supposed fo be interested in millinery, | of their niece, Miss May Burk. Games
| Cuba find that the desirable grades | 3 goods, etc., a sense of temerity and singing were indulged in, after :
Come and ‘And also see
| Chemicals
-- BX.
Re ia
urprise Party. :
*.. C. W. HODGKINS, as Lad
Eo i - : ' ; g : . BOW « he storm of fe, FITOM1 every F 3 at Sees or
Co | | have all been taken; this has stimulated | W® €Xperienced by the writer lest he | which refreshments of all kinds were “An anchor on it sew. hers shod this ak whale
bth & Beech Aves., - - Patton, Pa. : ; EL should be thought an unwelcome vis- served. May was the recipient of sme | bias 5 Al, m=.
i the market and trade has been good Her. This fodding howev ¢ Hay Edmiston the Winn ‘thinking of buying Dry
~~~ through the month. A slight advance : daration ve — e = he a8 Of many handsome presenta. Among the On Friday afternoon an exhibition s this Fall We wait in
; We Lead ot ‘in anthracite coal, and trade some- oli SC others of Whe mas- | guests present were Misses Esther (Cos- vieyele race was given ab the. C 1. Good is Fall. e Ww =
aT soni | what improved. | culine persuasion were there in large low, Mary Campbell, Eula Patrick, eo wn fair for this year's riders and Send her samples; ‘and quote
: PrrTsBURG, September. 27. —General TOO This Stone OF Jumes Quinn + Emma Shechan, Annie Mellon, Anna clarence Edmiston, of Patton, came Prices on anything she may
the trade conditions have no marked JCC oo on Y street, 18 30x95, Kinkead, Gertrude Noonan, Ollie ue victorious by taking first honors. need. Fo
gi A AR J, SS
| has a tendency to delay sales of fall | height with basement, : The outing | Harry and Walter Mellon, James Shee- paniston, Mr. Musser, of Barnesboro
| y i. | space of this handsome brick building | han, Ruddy Mellon, Garfield Wilkins, | Wy. ’ »
Bernett rode under the wire second
a : | goods. Whelesalers have a larger stock TH oat iy reid he Ira] on, INS, nd Mr. Bernett, of Hastings. Mr.
: 0 [ | ; G | | | on hand than for the past three years, | = utilized in caring for the immense James and John Campbell.
: oy © in fine
"125 Market St. Telephone No. 140.
s8-6mo : :
{but no increased purchases have yet
| been made by retailers, they preferring
ito confine purchases to immediate
{ wants. Some advances in prices in
ibonts and shoes. The demand for
builder's - material continues good.
| The iron and steel market shows great
{ firmness, and the attempt to break the
| market has had little effect. Demand
continues strong, with furnaces sold
BUFFALO, September 27.--The in-
creased activity in trade following the
few days of cooler weather has again
relapsed into a normal condition, and
merchants generally repcrt trade only
fair and collections poor. Little activ-
ity is noted in the boot and shoe trade
lowing to the advance in the price
tof leather, which caused early
stocking up and the placing of large
CLEVELAND, September 27. — The
able, without noteworthy recent
i change.
| CINCINNATI, September 27. — Busi-
ness shows improvement in all lines.
- CHICAGO, September 27. — Colder
| weather has benefited the trade in all
| lines this week, and there is a good in-
| crease noted, especially in dry goods,
| millinery, clothing and shoes. Orders,
{| however are not large sized, but cover
a wider territory than usanal. The de-
mand for iron and steel dces not abate,
and the feeling continues strong. Man-
{ ufacturers say they do not want a
further advance at present, as prices
{are at a point where any further ap-
-preciation will encourage importations
from England. Sales of pig iron are
lighter and mainly in small lots at
good. Produce trade is fiir, with sup-
| plies of potatoes large and prices very
‘low. Wool receipts, 170,418 pounds.
| quiet tone characterizes business in |
general. Leaf tobacco offerings are
‘heavy and prices only fair. The new
aliead for the balance of 1565 ~~, wonderful display of fall millinery was
| former prices. Light hardware is be-
ing ordered more freely. Groceries
4 vil, 1 a.
stock which he always carries and’
| which upon this occasion was displayed |
to such an advantage that the entire
interior looked quite like a glimpse of |
fairyland. On the first floor, whichis |
| devoted exclusively to dry goods, was
| depicted a realistic harvest scene and |
' the unique display of agricultural pro- |
ducts elicited the surprise and admira-
‘tion of all. On the second floor a
‘the attraction and such an extensive
collection of beantiful and exclusive
‘styles would be difficult to describe.
| Suffice it to say, however, that the
‘scene with its artistic drapings of
i multi colored ribbons, gracefully fes-
tooned, the colors as beautifully blended |
i and shadecl as if done by the artist's
' brush was indeed a charming one. The
third floor is adapted entirely to the
| display of carpets, curtains, draperies,
etc., and complete lines of every grade
‘to the finest produced are kept con-
stantly in stock. The. visit through
‘this large emporium was a pleasure-
‘able one and Mr. Quinn is certainly an odd looking vegetable.
imbued with the most essential qualifi-
cations of a progressive business man
as evinced by the ever increasing pop-
ularity of his house. :
A Hint to Housckeepers.
Nothing adds so much to the comfort
of housewives as a good range, one,
that is a reliable baker at all times. If
vou want such a range buy the Cinder-
‘ella. Tt is certain in its results and:
lasts well, and looks well. Sold by A.
M. Thomas.
bo Ladies’ and men’s picadilly toe rub-
bers here only. BELL.
: Millinery.
I have just arrived from the eastern
ladies’ and children’s wear. Come
early and see my stock.
: ~ Patton, Pa.
Twenty-five cents buys a pair of 50c.
working gloves. See in window.
insulted Our Flag. -and Mr. Musser third. The race was a
_ The Hastings Tribune says fhat half-mile and Mr. Edmiston’s time was
quite a bit of excitement was raised in one minute and twenty-eight seconds.
town Monday night when two Zng- a
lishmen, who evidently have not been
Coal Shipment Increasing.
The coal and coke shi nts over CTE XY CORY ‘
in this vountry very long, took an, or pme Because we want your trade
: . the lines of the Pennsylvania railroad | : : Te
American flag from the porch of the east of Pittsburg and Erie for the week | and will take pans to serve
P Bek Rove; trey it on the Boce. o ending September 14th aggregated YOU promptly and to your
the bar-rocm, and tramped upon it, ab qi tong Of this amount 301,813 perfect satisfaction,
the same time cursing the country it 3
"a 114.332 tons coke.
represented. Several parties from tons was coal an 4
town were looking for them scon after | ) :
the occurrence, and had they food 0. he oa 3 he a "e Sate ost and best stock of Dry
them, it is likely they would bave ccs 448 tons over the cor. (00ds in Central Pennsylva-
treated the “Hinglismen” as they ,...,;ding period of 1894. ‘nia, all marked at the lowest
freten he flag nim Exteasive Tnaprovements, prices. :
Queer pd of Twins, L The improvements and ‘changes at
: On Tuesday evening a curiosity Was he Cambria Iron company’s works at. Because we have the facili-:
brought into this office by J. J. Deith- | yopnyiown, Pa, which have been in {jeg provided to fill your Mail
rick, who lives west of town. It was :
? a Gi ; progress for several months are almost Ey
the root of a cabbage plant which at mpleted, and within a few weeks the | OTAET the same hour as re-
both ends was growing a head of cab-| oyu poture of steel by what is known | ceived. pn
ruling trade conditions continue favor- | from the lowest priced reliable goods bage. One head had, naturally enough, as the direct process. will be com-
other head, which was well formed, built to the Bessemer steel plant and
grown above the surface, but the menced. A large addition has been You are
grew under ground. It was certainly expensive machinery erected. n
Want a New Seale of Wages.
Men at Bell, Lewis & Yates com-:
pany’s mines request the adoption of
a new scale of wages by the company. |
Coal Business to be Extended.
The Coal Trade Journal says that
there seems to be no doubt that the
Fennsylvania Railroad company in-
tends to develop the coal lands adjacent
return ge ~—if in anyway unsatis-
to the South Fork branch, and that
asked up to Octcber 1st, and from factory.
thence on 40 cents per ton is asked;
the company intends to begin the work rinceained coal to Ph i : a
the scale for machine-mined ¢ re- YOOR CONFIDENCE in Jeaving
of development soon. Agents of the main anchanged’ aatil. October 18,
fOmpany have Y ODIAMEC when a new scale is to go into effect.
options on several thousand acres of
land. ~
an order to our judgement to fill (in
& case where samples cannot be sent)
: commands the best judgement and
woe Die D1 he Epworth League will hold a|iste nour Lwin to give—and money
Look at our windows, then Chua I: birthday social in the Methodist Epis-
: * copal church Thursday evening, Oc- , NTT
The Oldest Odd Feilow. ot tober 3. Proceeds will be weed to WwW ILL YOU WwW RITE?
Birthday Secial.
Odd fellows in Patton will be inter- secure a furnace for heating purposes
are active and firm. Lumber is not | Cities with an immense line of fall and Fellow in the United States is said to courage the League in this work.
selling as fast as expected, but trade is Winter millinery, fancy novelties,
be Captain Thomas C. Williams, of: ‘Big Radishes.
Oakland, Cal, Who wae initiated into The COURIER is in receipt of two
the order in 1824 at Detroit. He is now hes, which are certainly record
more than ninety years old and is in breakers, the larger of the two weigh- NOTE Just us. much Plediurete.
fel) POneossion of Jiihis Sutities. ing eleven pounds. They were raised qt fl] your small orders carefully
Rubber boots, spading, mining and on the farm of John Wertner, east of ,, your large ones.
light wear all sizes and prices. town. They are the largest ever seen ; Hi
Si BeLL. | ip this section. or] W.F 6 & CO,
The total shipment of coal and coke Because we have the larg-
Always Safe
For pick-mined coai 35 cents per ton is For money goes back as soon as you
ested in the following: The cldest Odd for the church. Let everybody en- WW b GABLE h il : :
j ala ; "Wo a