The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 26, 1895, Image 5

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    I NO A WO 5 To il WSS
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+ Hoaltht
Patton Courier.
— —g
Dr. J B. Noousn made a professional
trip to Altoona on Wednesday.
5 Before leaving your order for a,
PATTON PUBLISHING co,, Proprietors.
1. Subscribers who do not give express |
‘notice to the contrary are considered as wish-
to renew their subscriptions.
If subscribers order. the discontinuance |
of their periodicals, the publisher may con-
tinue to send them antil all arrearages are |
“If subscribers pegieet or refuse to take |
thétr periodicals from the postoffice to which |
are directed, they are responsible until |
‘ they have settled ‘their bills and ordered them
4. If subscribers move to other places with-
' out informing the publishers, and the pa wrs |
hh Ad former address, they are held |
> TPO he. arts have decided that refusing to |
periodicals from the office or removing |
and ieaving them uncalled for, is prima facia
evidence of intentional fraud.
spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the |
tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-68tf
il Dr. W. F. Sloan, of C arrolltown, and |
| Frank Donahue, of Hastings, were
| visitors to Patton Sunday.
! . A Bran new boy arrived at the home |
lof Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Flynn, of
| Lang avenue on Monday.
Particular attention is called to the
advertisement of Welf & Thompson
| this week. Don’t miss reading it.
Wm. Loeb, formerly of DuBois, but |
| now of Denver, Col., made the Cov-
| RIER a pleasant visit on Tuesday.
| A. J. Carter, of McKeesport, and W. |
i At ihe Palmer House,
Following is a list of some of the
| people who registered at the Palmer
house since last Wednesday morning:
J. F. Drury, Johnstown; W. H. Phil-
lis, Pgh.; John W. Lias, W'msp’t; W.
' HM. Bollen, Jr., and Thomas R. Tor-
Burglars at Ebensburg. i
On Friday night burglars made a’
‘raid on the Pennsylvania Railroad
station at Ebensburg. Entrance to the |
office was obtained by prying open. a
rear door; and, once inside, a hole was |
rence, Pgh.; F. E. McElfresh, wife and |
' child, Penrith, W. Va.; Geo. W. Black,
i Pgh.; W. H. Woomer, Osceola; H. W.
Condron, Cresson; Jos. A. Delong,
Chicago; M. Morris and J. N. Thomas, |
Plymouth; H. C. Yambert, Spangler;
. E. Barr, N. Y.; E. Ruth Clark, Hast-
ings; 8. B. King and family, Spangler;
Hanna, Altoona; Ww. C. Lingle, Philips-
| Witt’s Colic.and Cholera Cure. Tasist
» ¥ 7 { . }
E. D. Welwood, Johnstown; R. W. ‘on having this preparation. Don’t
| burg; H. i, Weaver, Freeport; E. J.
Joyes, Baltimore; E. E. Batchelder,
8. If subscribers pay in advance they are | | P. Earnhart, of Pittsburg, were guests Phila.; L. M.. Patterson, Lock Haven;
bound to give notice at the end of the time if}
they do not wish to continue taking it; other-
wise the publishers. is authorized to send it |
‘and the subscriber will be responsible until an
express notice, with payment of all arpear-
* ages. Is sent to the publ isher. ;
—————————— wre
CATHOLIC—Father Marcelling, pastor. Mass
or S - T i
other Sunday at §and 10a. m. Sun | caller at the COURIER office Monday. Lantzy, of Garmantown, and Ex-Sher- rea dit. Order from your newsdsaler
day school at 2 p. m. and vespers atip. m
Mergovist EpiscoPAl—Rev. C. W. Wataon,
r. Services at 1:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.
day school at 2 p. m. . Epworth League
at 6:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Wednes-
day evening at 7:45. ;
Leal Time Table.
The hours © arrival and departure |
‘at the Commercial hotel Saturday.
Miss Della Addleman, formerly of |
| this place, but now of Curwensville, is |
| visiting friends in town this week.
‘J. A. Smith, Gallitzin.
Might Have Been Worse.
The Spangler Sentinel says tha: what
might have been a serious accident oc-
| tests before the presidential campaign
of 1896. “The Pittsburg Post” will |
continue to give full and accurate po-
' the latest news of the world, in an Where the
C. H. Perry, one of Chest Springs’ | curred at the crossing near the Walnut |
| leading business men, was a pleasant
| Note the advertisement of Miss H.
(town, in another golamn of the Cou- |
The editor of the COURIER is under
| to Mrs. Kate O'Hara, of,
the Palmer house, for courtesies ex- |
of trains at Patton Station are 88 | con ded.
; |
Mall C Hoses,
ar Ty
310 PM}
541 PM
Postoffios hours from 7 A. M. to 8
P.M. 2
Roréhbound and “8” southbound.
The Bicycle Girl.
“Mother, may I go out to wheel?”
fai ny d darling daaghter;
poss, of ree, you, won 3 wear skirts,
"RR gh 1 Cehink’ you n ouginer ry
nd. Journal.
offspring now to have a wheel
ll beg OF borrow, buy or steal. %
in bleye me nts,
ts nisters, his cousins and his
—Min. Journal. .
Grime 1s dead, that good old man,
e never had a chance
To see a woman ride her Wheel
Dressed in her bloomer pant
and Press,
One sex alone did used fo smoke, ¥
Bat now look out for t'other; :
. Since a bicyele girl can scratch a mateh,
Just like her elder brother.
: —Brooklyn Times.
Soda water
At Hodgkin's
Try Truman's coal. -87tf
Send your news to the COURIER,
“Are you going to the fair to-day?
‘Has Patton got a Board of Health?
Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. |
Say, have you tried Hodgkin's soda
What has become of the Board o of |
The word Eskimo means ‘raw fish
eaters.” ;
The population of Patton is steadily ,
Grass seed for sale at Sam’l Boyce’s
- feed store.-86tf
Wm. F. Gable & Co's ‘ad’ is
changed this week.
Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey, guaran-
tees a perfect fit.-68t
Sam’l Kelly and wife drove down
‘from Chest Springs Monday.
Harry Baaman, of Irvona, was a
‘visitor to our town Monday.
The enrollment at the Patton public
schools is steadily increasing.
" D. M. Trout, of Altoona, registered
at the Central hotel on Friday.
Enoch Short had business at Spang- |
ler the latter part of last week.
Who said there was no Board of
Health in Patton? All wrong (?).
At present writing 815 pupils are en-
rolled at the Patton public schools. :
Order your coal from Truman. It
gives the best satisfaction of any. -B7t1.
~ Solomon B. Jones, of Altoona, regis- |
tered at the Commercial hotel Sunday.
For hinder twine go to The Cambria |
Hardware company’s store, . atton.-4tf
SP. Lantzy, of Garman’s Mills, was
a guest at the Central hotel Saturday.
~The Courier and the New York |
. Thrice-a-week World for only $1.50 a
The storm on last Thursday caused
considerable damage in Clearfield
; county.
Narmon Stattler, of Johnstown, |
stopped at the Central hotel one day |
last week.
H. L. Spottswood and wit, of Al-
‘toona, visited Miss Minnie Spottewood
on Saturday.
Wm. Jahn, a traveling salesman of
Pittsburg, stopped at the Commercial |
‘hotel Saturday.
. Reuel Somerville and Adam Woles-
lagle spent a few days at Clearfield last .
week on business.
Some of the new Beech Creek gon-
dolas are finished and on the road.
They are beauties. ]
Miss Mabel Shumway, of Janesville, |
Wis., was the guest of Miss Bessie
Wolfe over Sunday.
ma, of Houtzdale, are visiting relatives
» in Patton this week.
Every stranger is very much Pledees
with the appearance of Patton, as
“a8 he steps off the cars.
“Prain numbers marked “N’’ are
J. H. Somerville, who is spending a
few weeks at his farm in Susquehanna
township, was seen on our " streets
Sam’l Addleman, who lived on Kerr
avenue, has removed his family from |
John Baum and his ater; Mrs. John |
Scheid, are visiting relatives in Jeffer-
son county and attending the Brook-'
ville county fair this week.
L. L. Brown and wife, of Hastings, |
the Official Gazette. A good idea.—
true gentleman.
and W. P. Duncan, of Philipsburg, |
were the guests of E. C. Brown and
i wife, cf Beech avenue, Sunday.
Jas. Perry, of Chest Springs, has on
exhibition at the Carrolltown fair a
pumpkin which weighs eighty-foar
' pounds, and measurs six feet and two
inched i in circumference.
‘end, little damage resulted. — Cam-
| bria Freeman.
The mayor of St. Petersburg has
ordered the name of every individual
'who is found drunk to be posted in
specific public places and printed in
| Scientific American.
Dr. V. A. Murray, of Patton, arrived
in the city Monday from Oil City,
where he had been visiting a sick
brother. He spent a few hours with
friends here and left last evening for |
home. —Johnstown Democrat.
W. J. Donnelly’s saw mill is running
quite steady of late. The hum of the
saws and the sound of the steam
whistle adds vim to the other indus-
tries which help to supply the bread
and butter to our workmen. Let us
“have lots of noise of this kind.
On Monday Undertaker J. R. Cor-
nelius conducted the funeral of Helen
Barker, the niné-month-old daughter
‘of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Shiffler, of Hast-
ings, who died on Sunday of cholera
‘infantum. Interment took place in
the Hastings Protestant cemetary.
Moses Perkins Gives the Readers Something
: "to Think About.
“Oh! I don’t care what she thinks.”
I overheard the above remark one
evening last week while crossing the
street near the postoffice. It was made
‘by a young man who had sworn in the
‘presence of a lady and was ripri-
manded by a companion for doing so.
This is a common remark among boys
‘and young men, and, while I am sorry
{to admit it, it is too common among!
' older men.
Some men seem to think that a
woman is only to wait on man; she’
must bear the rough usage as well as!
the man and make no complaint. In
‘ fact they must be the stronger of the
sexes instead of the weaker. I differ!
| with that style of man. God made
' woman to be companion to man and!
the highest civilization is found in
those countries when this thought is!
, put in practical use. ~ I wish that men
would respect their wives as they do
a wife of another man, but as a rule
‘they do not do so. They forget that
“when they first became acquainted with |
the woman they promised to love,
‘honor and protect, they thought they
‘never could or would ‘speak a harsh
Remember, my masuculine venders;
‘that- A woman is human and needs
: comfort, protection and care, together
| with kind words and love, and she will |
| ' then be the happiest woman on earth,
Mrs. Mary Lilley and daoghter Em- | ang you should be the happiest man
| when you are in her company.
Learn to respect woman. Men will
not think the less of you for it, rather |
n | you will then merit the respect of every |
Run Supply store Monday. Simon
iff Gray, of Carrolitown, were driving |
freight train approached the crossing.
: They attempted to cross the track, but
' Lantzy’s horse stopped just after get-
ting over when Mr. Gray's horse
frightened by the approaching train
{ M. Sharbaugh, the milliner at Carroll- ‘along, each in his own buggy, when a
plunged forward into Lantzy’s buggy, |
demolishing it completely. Mr. Gray’s
| horse was also injured, but the occu-!
pants of the buggies. escaped un- | Grape Juice and Port Wine. His
drilled in the safe and the door blown | Se
open, probably with dynamite. All
that was taken was two or three dol- |
lars in small change. Some of the!
burglars’ tools were left at the scene!
of the robbery.
Stomach and bowel complaints are |
best relieved by the timely use of De- |
he” Sl ~
take any other. C. W, Hodgkins. DON'T MISS IT. :
The State Elections A misstep would be disastrous to to this fair creature. Let us hope that
This fall ‘will be the last goers) + con- She may not|miss a secure feoting and that she may escape the perils which
surround her. Above all she should not miss
est and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17e. per pound.
litical information, together with all
| eight, ten, and twelve page paper, for Neither should she miss Olmsted’ Ss Ice Cream Pa rlors,
one cent a copy. All Democrats stould | THE FINEST IN THE CITY.
or write ‘The Post.” Pittsburg, Pa
There is no doubt, no failure, when |
you take DeWitt's Colic and Cholera | by Express.
Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, |
‘no bad after effects. C. W. Hodgkins.
New Jersy Grape Jualce Sent to Europe.
Olmsted’ S Butter Store,
i 507 Main St. JOHNSTOWN, | PA.
utation extending over the world as
{being a reliable producer of Oporto IF YOU MISS ONE TRAIN
harm ed. It is said the train gave no , Oporto Juice and Port Wine are ord- YOU CAN TAKE THE NEXT. vv
| warning of its approach. |
Birthday Party.
| virtn d blood maki
Euston to Cormenvill wher ho 1A very enjoyable party was bold as Tr S20, 00, tot
! employed.
ered by families in Dresden, London
| and Paris for their superior medicinal
But if You Miss
| the home of Dr. and Mra. J. B. Noonan in which the vines grow. | ONE
on last Wednesday evening in honor |
| of their daughter Gertie, it being her fif-
' teenth birthday. Music and singing was |
: "Money to Loan. !
In sums of $200 to $10,000 on ap |
indulged in, after which refreshments Proved real estate security. For par-| al
of all kinds were served. Gertio was the | ticulars address J. C. Patrick, Patton, |/7.; insure for Men Boys and Children the best suits at the
| recipient of many handsome presents. | 3: -94tf
mong the number present were |
| Misses Virgie Dale, Eula Patrick, May
' Burk, Nettie Wallace, Annie Kinkead, |
Celie Mellon, Jennie Crain, Ada Mel- |
lon,. Fannie Mellon, Emma Mellon, od have just returned from the cities |
Mrs. M. M. Crain, Messrs. James She- |
‘han, W. A. Mellon, Garfield Wilkins, |
' Jack Scheid, Dave Barr, Walter Mel-
The game of base ball which was to |
have been played at Philipsburg be-
tween a picked nine and the Pittsburg |
i National League club on the 1st of
! October has been declared off.
| Lightning struck the barn of Michael
L. Murphy, of Cambria township, on
{ Wednesday morning, but’ with the ex-
ception of splintering up the®gable
P P 2 “p EA ‘the advertisement of some firm that
Think They are Dead.
One reason why people never pay
any particular attention to signs. and
advertisements danbed on old fences,
stables and bridges is because they do ment is broken.
not know whether they are reading
is still in business or one that has been
| dead for years. What ought to be the
obituaries of many a has-been firm
that tried to do a sign-board business,
are painted all over the bridges and
old stables of this country. When
. people read advertisements in a news-
paper that is up to date they know
the advertiser is alive and doing busi- requires a change of
ness, — —Ex.
struck by L ightning.
About # o'clock last Wednesday pare for cold weather. The |
evening the barn of Edward Nagle, on less vou worry the more per- |
the Nagle farm, two miles from Ash- fect your happiness; hence get
ville, was struck by lightning during
the electrical storm which passed over
that vicinity and was totally consamed. | comfort and pleasure and keep
Mr. Nagle succeeded in getting his two vou warm. - Cinderella stoves
horses, their harness and a wagon will do this. Come and ex-
out of thie building, but all else was ,..ine them, bath :
harned, including about one hundred
and twenty bushels of wheat, seven
tons of hay, some straw, and various
farming utensils. Mr. Nagle’s loss is
about $1,000, with no insurance.
Fire at Hastings.
‘Jon, Harry Mellon and Frank Kinkead. * Mi i | | | i
Te nery
lowest prices, you fay never get the opportunity again.
Announcement! A Call Will Convince You
th a beautiful line of pul
FALL and WINTER | ings, Boots and Shoes, and everything to fit out the
‘Wardrobe of a Man or Boy and at the low-
est of low prices. Embrace this
opportunity and call
~ Full line of ladies’ novelties |
and gloves, babies’ outfit, etc. |
Come early before the assort-|
Prices low. 4
~ Sharbaugh oltown.
Carrolltown, Pa.
play and You Will be
A change of Sure to Buy.
We are Ready
This is the season to pre-|
something that will give you
Cook and on | |
cating Stoves ‘ : : : |
Air tight soft coal heater will Latest Novelties in Hats, Neckwear,
keep fire 24 hours, fit for a ‘Underwear, Gloves, Collars, Cufts, Suits,
palace, also almost a full line : | i
On Sunday evening Hastings was Of heavy and shelf hardware! Pants, Etc. Ete,
dwelling belonging to H. C. Woodby, |
which stood on Coleman street, and.
was occupied by Wm. Gun and Ashley
Lloyd was destroyed including all its cages.
contents. Nothing of any account
' way saved. Both families lost nearly
all their household goods. The origin
of the fire is unknown. Timely ar-
rival of assistance saved other build-
ings in that vicinity.” The loss and
insurance was not learned.
Firemen's Ball.
The Carrolitown Fire company will
! hold a grand ball in Sharbaugh’s hall |
on Thursday and. Friday evenings of |
‘by Herron’s orchestra. The company
is determined to make this event sur-
- pass all former entertainments. While |
taking in the fair take in the ball, and
bright recollections. Go in and they
will insure a pleasant evening. Best
of order will be maintained.
Will Make Her Mark.
Ed. A. Mellon has displayed in the
show window of the postoffice a
deceased, whose home was near St.
Augustine, which is the handi-work of =
Miss Anna Wilt, of that place. It is
an elegant likeness and Miss Wilt will |
surely make her mark as a crayon!
‘artist. It compares favorably with
(some of the finest portraits in the |
| market.
Bark For Sale.
About 800 cords of hemlock bark isl
this week. The music will be furnished’
you will carry home with you some | \
0 our
“offered for sale at Patton, Pa. For in- |
formation regarding the same write to
lor inquire of Patton Publishing Co. |
| Patton, Pa.-86tf
crayon portrait of Chas. D. Wharton, |
visited by a fire. The double frame tinware, lamps, lamp globes,
glass, doors, sash, Cg oils, | : : oo OUR
Come and see and ask
ite PATTON, PA. | For boys 1s the best thing ever offered. Prices are cheap,
2.00 to £4. 00.
WE IN OUR Suits to order at 12.00, 14.00, $15.00 we show
WILL NOT ; some fine patterns.
Give you any present
0 if you buy your gonds
f rom us
will give you the betie:
Z fit of low prices in.
== | stead.
It i 1s to your interest to see us first.
DON’ T Forget that our shoes for Men, Women and
Big Assortment,
Low Prices,
Are g getting in new
goods every day for
fall trade.
BUIIoID | Sula
Come and See
The Clothier, Tailor & 3
Come and examine
Black Cheviot Suits.
Mirkin & Rusner,)
a———————————— er
Send $1.00 and get 6 pounds of Butter
rT hat we have the finest stock of Clothing, Gents Furnish- ;
And See tne Elegant Fall Dis-
Children beat other stores for price and quality in
i or OR AR NE
A EM ym