~ ment of the fearful best from which thie Sb add a IN OCEAN CNTASTROPHE | Steamer Edam, From New Y ork, i Bunk by a Collision. on " PASSENGERS WER? SAVED. Tarkestan Became Lost in the Fog After the Colliston and Her Fate is Uaknown, Loxpox, Sept. 10.—The si araer Edam Advanee + Coedod After a Three | Months’ Stroggle ONLY LIMITED fakes WiLL BE USED. Assuraness that Sentech Syr<iteate will Try for the America’s Cop Nex! Year. Maggrerre, Mich. Hert 19, —The great strike of iron ora Io DER 12 ended. trom New York, September 7. for Amster dim, foundered off Start Point, on the | southern coast cf Fogland, this morning, after a collision. Her passengers Avo crew were saved. : Lloyd's agent at Brawie Point wired this morping that fia trawler headed for Start bay, having three large ship boats in tow, and that the steamer peresford, of West Hartiepool took the trawler in tow aid hesded for Plymoath. A lerge sambet of people were seen in the boats and ou the deck: of the trawler. The weather wae [og Start Point, off which the Eden sax k, joa headland in the couoty of Devor, abont nine miles southwest of Dartmonth. Prawle Point is 8 few miles westward of - Start Point in the same county. The Edam was 8 bark-rigged screw steamer of 3,050 tons, 311 feet 6 inches | Jong, 89 fest 4 inches besm and 80 feet 3 inches depth of bold, aod was supplied with two compound engines ot 1,800 : borse-power. She was built at Fie jsoord, in 1833, and was owned by the Nether: ae A Steam Navigation com: of Rotterdam, : I out, Sept. 19. —The steamer Beresford has arrived here towing the Seawler Vatare and three bosts contain ing the eaptain, crew and passengers of ‘the Netherlands line steamship Edum, which came into collision at 1 o'clock this morning 50 miles southeast of Start Point . with the steamer Tarkestsn during 8 Shijek tog. - The Edam foundered. The Tarkestan wss lost in the fog and nok seen afterward. Everyone on board | ‘the Edam took to the boats and sll were | picked up by the trawler Valtare. mon ar Tae. . 81. Louis, Bept. 19.—There is no abate ¢ity hae suffered daring the pest ten daye. Yesterday the mercury passed thie 100 mark at 2p. m. and remained stationary ~ until evening. All the schools were dis- missed st noon and the streets in the bas- * inees portion were almost deserted. Over a dozen cases of beat prostratiou were treated at the mity dispensary. Thermom- eters at miduight marked 87 degrees and sleep was out of the question until early this morning, when a light ‘breeze cooled | the atmosphere several degrees. To-day, however, the sun 'e rays are a8 fierce as ever, and at 10 o’clock thie fore- poon had forced the mercury past the 90 ‘mark. Orders were issued to dismise scholars at noon again to-day from all the schools. aoberved a stern} a pianger at the races, snd sleo specola- The strike wae decis red of MA at un meating te my of tae striBets {here 18 great re- [joining after # basiness para lyzation last. | tu g vearly three onthe, It 18 co longer Ws THROWING STONES, Boy Killed by a Quick- Tempered | Railroad “Spotter.” ! SHOOTER IMMEDIATELY MSAPEARE. One of the Missties Strack the Man, apd He Immedmiely Opened Fire. NN. mpisrows, Pa, Sept. 20..-Harry | Be hofield, 16 years of age, wes shot ths afternoon asd died in a few minutes. An unkpown roan, enpposed to be 8 travel ing salesmen, 0rd the shooting. Ha dis appesred ard hes not heen arrested. The pe waible even with the mivanee In WARE gran’ ad to gain what has been | lest finath- cially by the atria snd (wir tao e late- | ness of the sensco the ALES will resume n'y wt [shipeniing ore not bhely to be withirdwn before the end o of the week. Challovge Coming Fret me Se New Yo-g, Sept. 19.—1T¢ nil Telegram #ny8 to day that the Noo York 4 Seotehmen will challenge next year for the America’s cop. It is said the chai: lenge will soon be issued. PLUNGER, SPECULATON, THIEF. Telier van Bokkelen Skipped te Mexico With $50,000 “in Cash. Rpec fal to the CHU RIFR. CHicAGY, Sept. 19 —Ross C. van Bok- kelen, receiving teller cf the Merchants’ Losn snd Trost company, is missing, with about $50,000 io money belonging to the institation, He is supposed to be in Mexico. The shortage was discovered ate Monday night when examination of the books was begun. Moet of the steal- ings was in small sums, last Batarday’s being the largest. Itis supposed be took then $15,000. When he came back to the bank Saturday morning be eomplain- ed of feeling ill, and asked for bis annual vacation, which was granted him. The Gusrranty company, of North Amerios, is on the fagitive’s bond for $5,000, and a local detective agency is try- og to discover his wheresboate. The loss ie an insignificant ove to the bank, which has a psid-up capital of $2,000,000 and $3,000,000 surplus. Van Eokkelen's lather ‘was rector of & eharch at BaZalo, and he has a brother who is rector of 8 church near New York city. He was prominent in the South Side social cir- cles and formerly treasurer 6f the Ker- wood clab. He played heavily at carde, ted in stocks and grain. : : Charged With Emberziement. Prrrssura, Sept. 20,—Joho Shbickes, president of the Sammorville Crasmery company, of Summerville, Jefferson cous- ty, appeared before Aldermsn McMust- ers this morning and made an information work with limited forces. The stata | troops which have been three weeks on 3 yacht elnb ie assured thst a €) dicate’ ort shooting took place at Rose (ilen rear | bere. Hohofiel] was throwing stones aC Hew struck the men. one of the om i Pt ttied Bev ver aod Hered at tl killed him. ; It wes i-arned later tha was dois by Charles Henderson {ter for the Rendiog railroad § + i that the boys who bave been | r des on freighits have besusgtoning bores a’ pg the roed. Hen Jerson occopted & room in # house at Bose Giles sri his was in it to-day when a coal tran passed, Henderson ras to the window and pont. ing & revolver at the boye, fired. with the | timony of eye- witneseee, tha boys ware ble Heriderson did not intend to shoot avy ‘of the boys, but fired to frighten them. Henderson bas disappeared. WE'LL suo FOUR WAR SHIPS. That Seems to be the Understanding of OWicials in : Jagan. fax Fraxcisco, Sept. 22 — Witlism E. Cartie, well-known se so officer of the Pan-American covgrees and of the burean of American republics, arrived from the Orient on the steamship Gaelic. He came directly from Obins, tarryiog but three days in Jepan. In Japan Mr. Cartis saw Irving N. Beott, of the Union Iron works, and also the representatives of tha Cramps, the Bethlehem works and of the Carneg- jee and Hotchkiss. i “The Japanese cabinet bas practically PE Hus cha r in f MT IE resuit of killing Schofi<ld. From tes. | lofi Anguet, Peary, Hugh J. Lee and their | not throwing coal at the time. It is probs-| WITHA GP CHLENER | Cha! les Rose is Wi ling to Try. For It. ee IS T0 Be SAILED NEXT YEAR, (Her Not Yet Made iz Proper Form to be! Aried Oo, New Yorx. Sept. 2. The Evening telegram $o- ght pu! ishes the follow- | ing: ; Arother challsn g# has een 1 ned for the Amwerca’s enp James D. Smnth, chaimas of the cap committe: of to Naw York Yaelt ¢lab, this altersoon re- | | cai ived a aahla megaagn m Chea. Rose, | gona of Har John Bose. ¢f London, or ai- lengrng the cin tod ra, to Pe gailed in aN longa sanant ba formal'y asa it wis pot made jo lf i2 thought, bowser, Mr. Rose will probably put bs «fer | i ks shape Explorer Peary Safe, St. Jouxs, Sept. 22.--The Perry re. lief stapmer, Kite, arrival here yesterday | afternoon, briceing Peary, Lee und Hen | ant, eafe Sots. Vien the Kita rasched While sonod | eolored servant, Matt Henson, were wait- | ing for it. ‘fhe party had only ten days previonsly ret iroed from their grest over- { land ¢xpedition, which bad proved Aj comparative failures, ss there were not enongh meu io the psrty to ascompheh asy bold vectare. They were farther. de- tarred from soy great andertukings by the insufficiency of food supply. In this respect this year's work was bu? a repeti- tion of last year's failare, aittoogh the westher experienced was much more fa- vorable thie year than last. The party bacl been without fcod for 36 boars wien the Kite arrived. Under the Horses” Fee, : : : ‘prom, Pa; Sept. 22—M. P. Mer vine, a lesdicg member of the Blair coun- ty har, met with an socident this evening which may cost bim bis life. He was ont decided to have four ships for the Japan- | ese navy constructed in the United States” said Mr. Curtis. “Itis noderstocd that! | the Union Iron works will get an on ler | tor ope battleship and ome cruiser ac al that Cramp will receive 8 like comm: fee | sion. “Some of the ander ¢ officials, swloenced perhaps by the Ecglish, sre endesvoring | to prevent an award to American baild- ere. Mr. Scott was expecting the Olym- pia every day and hoping that the pres. enca of this cruiser in Japanese waters would strengthen the sentiment in favor of American ships. I! Cramp and Scott succeed in gett pg contrects for building | © warshi e, Carnegie snd the Bethlehem against Z. Z. Newcomb and Ches. E. Gowen, of the Atlantic Produce sud Bat fer compsvy, charging them with embez- z'ement, : A Saw Mill Lets Loose. CENTRAL Crry, W. Va, Sept, 10. The large sawmill of Fravk Weekly, four miles pack of Proctorville, in Lawrence county, Ohio, was blowu to atoms Inst evening by the bciler exploding. ; Weskly, the proprietor, was blown fo pieces, some parts of bis body being found 100 yards away. (leorze Matthews, an “employe, was found 50 yards away, and ‘ba maogled remains lodged on top of & rail fence. Wm. Turner, the éngiveer was badly eat sbout the bead and rend ered unconscious. He cunnot live. Sev- eral others were slightly injared. The @ause of the explosion 18 uiknown. . Weekly and Matthews were both prom: foent and wealthy men aod leave large families. Turner is single. snr WAS IT A PLOT TO MURDER. Alarm in Greene County Over a Deep, Unoceupied Grave. 'WasHINGTON, Pa., Bept. 20—The com- munity of Jacktown, Green county, is ‘greatly stirred up over what pearly all the residents believe fo have been a re- fcr a hearing. Gowen could not be found. The information charges thet. Newcomb and Gowen got 40 tabs of bat- | ter from the creamery company ander the fica nome of Z. Z. Newcomb & Co. They disposad of the goods, which were valned at 8272.50 und failed to make a return. Lately they announced a dissolution of the firm aod refused to settle with the proseeator. : Twelve Soldier Killed, BeriiN, Sept. 20.—-A sailway train; with 1,200 soldiers on board came 1nto 8 collision with a freight train standing st the station at Oaderan, Saxony, last even- ing, demolishing a namber of cars of both trains. Twelve soldiers were instantly killed and 6) were ivjared. Many others are missing and the debris is being esprehed for their bocies. The soldiers were retr: iow from Stet tin, where they hs tukeu past in the military maneuver. Five cars of tbe soldiers train and two of the freight tes in works will probably farnish the armor plats.” — RE "Whitecaps at Danbar, Drussar, Sept. 22.—An attempt was | Newcomb was arrested and gave bsil, made to fire the houss of Michael Mad- ‘youd compntatica. ! den, a* th « Dasbar Fire Brick company’s : works, early yesterday mornirg, bat the fire wus discovered by 8 we wen going to work nnd wera extinguished. Madden bas been threatened by white cape fur somes time that bis Life woald Le taken and hia property destrosed Loot week his stables was bared to the groom aod Satarday bight several bricks were removed from the bouse and kindling | shavings apd other matericl iusertad in | pat ont before mach damages was doze. There i is no cine to the perpetrat ors. —————— i Goa Mulineers Weakened. Bousay, Rept. 22 —The latest sdvicer Gos, on the w <t coast of India, the «oo of the recent rintiny of Partug dian troop: state that no Ti: part 1u toe revolt. Toe go o meuersl | of the territory bas arrived ut tue city of | Goa, rnd the prineipal ¢ streets are gnard- od with canoon, The mntioeers, who are occupying the | carriage, Ope of the horses fell and the the bole and set on fire. The bisze was |driviog with bis family sod when de- |goen ling a = teep bill tb neck yoke which he!d the horses to the tongue, hroke. He was drawn over the dester a~d trampled uwler the horses feet, sustsining 8 ‘cog ‘and deep wound on top of the head, sev | eral deep lacerations about the face, 8 { lar;ze srash across the throat apd all his front teeth knocked down his throat. Tre horses freed from tha driver, ran baif a mi/e with the other cecupants still in the otber one broke loose. The hinggy was thus stopped and Mrs. Mervios ran back to where ber husband lay snecoecions, in which soadition he yet remains. Heavy Snow in Colorado. REMOVED A HATPIN. 1A Young Man Undergoes an Operstion : Caased by Flirtation. An unusual surgical operation was performed recently om young Borace White of 64 Myrtle street, northeast, in removing from his body about thres- inches of hatpin, stock there acciden- | tally by Miss Annie Dawes the evening before, when the two were playfully teasing each other. There had been a great. deal of apprehension over the re- suit of the operation, lest: the youthfnl - amonrs might ea ally end in the death i ' of the boy. The bro ken pin was ent ire} | poncealéd under the Jeft armpir, an a al Dr. Lomis Kaolipinski, wh o extineted t o | S10, Bad frst in rece} ang enlarie | the tiny wound which Ji.s Dawes lov ing weapon m ade. x The hatpin, which ne younz lady | ‘had drawn fram ber a hat OF the fracas, vas about five inches Jong, and ‘the | ¥ $0 , " @..a 3 a belt was a considerable distaics under : skin, so that the physician had te rrobe fob pearly an hour before he ¢ lecate it. The wire was snocessfall | tracted a 5 o'clock without can | any internal. injuriee. This was much : | to. the gratification of the young lady. | | who awaited the result of the operatizn | with a rapidly beating hear. She has i | TRAIN 11 eaves Philadel | resolved that when she teases the boys again on an autumn evening it will be l.with some different weapon. Since the punctures was in the neigh- ! borhood of the heart and the args anx- iliary artery, it was thought the remov- al of the pin might cause internal hem- orrhages. Now that it is out nothing se- | rious is expected, and as soon as the wound heals up the young man will probably be zs well as ever. Young White is 17 years old, and the son of John C. White, a contractor and bhilder. He was speaking %0 Miss Dawes, who is 13 years old, at the time of the accident. She drew her hatpin and playfully attempted to'stab him. In dcdging be fell directly against the pin. In recovering himself the pin broke. He immediately went to Mullan's drug | store, corner of North Capitol and L stroets, where Drs. Kilgore and Mackay were summoned. They realized the gravity of the situation and had him removed to his home, where he was placed under the influence of ether and fruitless aftempts were made to extract the steel. Miss Dawes was greatly wor- ried when she understood what she had unwittingly done, but was clearad from all blame by the statement of the young man that it was entirely his own fault. — Washi ugton Post. The Pretty Steerage rage Belle Soon Tired of 5 Corsets. When the North Geriman liner Saale arrived recently from Bremen, she brorght among her passengers a stéer- age bells known only as Marie to her fellow voyagers. Marie's cheeks were » smooth as velvet, and her full, red ps parted in pempetnal smiles over Ne teeth. Her blond hair, short and curly, was worn in a sort of sou- brette tcusle. She was the leading spir- tina bevy of Germap maideps. Car] Paur lives with his family at Dexvas, Col, Sept. 22.— The damsje done to the fruit interests of tlie state by | | the heavy soow fall of ;ast night is be | In the wictaity of | | Denver trait and shade trees were broken by the heavy snow freezing to the hubs, | : : F Marie. who was in need of assistance. i coaxed the | i 1 . $B a ge £ foe § i | gentle sIranger, ‘Keep ne OT 3 night | jaole eageeliy a tee for roiles around es caped infary. Reporta!? at. eh yw the sam: deplorable cou ditiope, Tee | arise olewmy wa. gna sl al over the) tide the amonst varying from foar tol rota interior Ctwelve inohes. Indicaticus ars favorable tar a killing frost to-night. Worthisry duiatse Troops. Pamre, Bept. 22 ~-1t 12 learned that the | cab sonnel], which. was held at the | | peace of the Elves Tharsday, adjourned | 'nutil Tneedoy to aais the rapes of tle war cifice, on the enor . sz. kors3 and mortality among the + + troops in Madsjasear. it 18 nieged that the ministers dread | the diselosure of the whole trrth. Garibaldi’ 8 Sim Sikes Roum, Bept. 21.—Menotti Ganbalds, | {80D of the Italian patriot, Gen. Guiseppe | | Garibaldi, and 8 member of the chamber | the ‘submission of | | 308 East Fifth street, where prepara- tions were recently made to receive Mrs. Paur’s sister, hither bound cn board the Saale. When the ship arrived on Ang. 28, Mrs. Paur went to Ellis island, wel- | comed her sister and was introduced t “Take me to the city,” 3 or two at year house and he ip me find m my ends. | mestogd In} 4 'z FF Tac Note hy wtp : \ ; é +} East Fifth street, Marie drew the head of the he oe , ihavost some g 13ed- | pieces in to s hand and in a veice from which al f toad ininiry had vanished said: “Kindly buy me a go wl suit of clothes, coat, vest and frousers. Bring {along a shirt and collar and a pairof | i No. @ shoes. Now dom't have a fit when you hear the truth. - I am a man, and 3 IB dead tired of corsets aod skirts JF: *‘I am not a fu iy a from ns ice,’ | he said. “I am only 19 years old and | 1 a German of good family. My disguise was forced upcn me. In carder to aveid military service I had to steal ont of Germany dressed as a woman. "New York Telegram. ON i i es OO 8 Tl orrAwaARD. Sanne i {Bo ya a 'M. PREVOST, 5:39 P. Train 6. dally except Sunday, or Harrishiirg and intermediate st ing = r ing at Phiindelphis at TS, Fatman Ane car from fEsarg 0 Phisdel Pot Adeiphia rat re rvisturoed nat 7 » ‘ssurg and internedintedtntior md Pirvadieipbse © a. m.; New YOrsa, ek sya ana Wa. mons tore, 0 a. mm. Waslinrae Fas fat care and pasenze Ere a3 Wil smear 6 Ph in phi - . #engecs in sleeper 1 smi timond and 74s Bs will be traass red into Waahingtos Pog a3 5 Pas 7 O0A0 ride to P sielpiia William ; Or I Bal Hitnore, WESTWARD 36a M. Train 1. dally except Susasy r Flidg TAY, Bois, Cormont and intel Ainte 7 latins, Lewves Buy nm », for Ka i vor A = a hia AREF Brie sa 00 mad ate oints 3.27 P.M Tain 11, dally sToep! Sunduy, for : ried inte station. Rave gna inte IBROYGW TRAINS FUR DRIFTWOO FROM THE KAST AND HOUTH, Washington 7:30 a. ni; Balt a Wilkesbarre, i013 a. m.; Tofpl day, arriving at Driftwood Sata p.m. from Philadel Pailman rior ear Williamsport = aux 3 loaves Now York st 80 p. 11:30 p.m; Washi Th pen TNERAE, I at $50 a. m. Puliman an sleeping cary yoo Philadel ah ingion and through pon lms oe io Er, falimdre io Williamsport : 1 leaves Renovo at 635 a m., oh a » arriving ; JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD (Dally except Sunday.) maT 19 leaves Ridgway at 8a. m. sony Clermont sonburg at ia. arriving 10:40 a, ma. m, . TRAIN 20 ieaves Clermont at 1280s. m., ae riving at Johnsonburg at 1:4 a m, -t Ridgway at 1300 noon 1 rey a bes deri SUFFALD, ROSHESTER & TTS sursaR Cm On and after June i0th, will arrive and devust fom feenger trai sept Sunday, a8 : ey DEPART, : 55 a.m. Falls ue % + Corwensvilie and Clearfield bs Bradiord, Buffilo and Rochester, Ji Pun ssatawney and Big Ban. : a.m. Falls Creek. : od Pun xsutawney and Rig Ron. “+ Cleasfield and Will JR Spars. “ Ridgway and Bradfor « panxsutawney and Bi TRAINS ARRIVE. ‘a.m. Punxsutawney and Jig Ran. “Fails Cres, * Panyst oy and iMNg Rup. = SH et i cmon Bal ew ~4 TE EERSEHE oY mrfield. ; ; Pullin Sutiets sleeping car for Philadel hia on train leaving DuBois at. 530 p. m. miletickets good for all stations ai J cents per & For lickets, time tables and sallon ol - Landergan, A ty DuBois. EC Lapey, Gen Piss Agent. oehester, Tia mturmation 3. G Matthews, Gen. Supt, Eochester, N, Y. - dais pe 5 enn. A —— I A i SE IDGWAY AND CLEARFLELD BRR ) XN - DAILY EXC —- SUNDAY. NORTHWARD STATIONS, ; = Ws P. 1 Ridgway tgjand Ran Haven - oyiand Shors Mills “Plue Rock x as An AELEYY Wott a Yok ah iw pgp pt by LORD RE RS YG LG Bro tettiis. McoMinn Samal Falls Creek DuBois i SPiRana an R-tree he 8 NB A nh Gn OO BRINESRLBETY TRAINS LEAVE RIDGWAY. Train 8, 217 a. m, Tain 3, 12548. = Train 8 1:45 pe BE Train 1, =8p, Tain 4, 755p.m Train % 5pm : J. R. WOOD, Manager. Gen" Agt Pane, Beech (Creek Railroad. N.Y. C &H R R E Ce. Losses. CONDENSED TIME TABLE. Read Up : Exp “Mail y. 12, 12 TA, No sf No. & SS more S48 3. M., | : _* Punxsutawner sud Big Bea, : “ ClearSeld and Phila. bt Be ned. N p oe ee oni A gn PR AAP were emashed into small pieces Maruz fortrese, bave appealed to the gov- fot deputies, has snnouaced that he will | | rma WF The Smuggling Weaknom. : markably cold-blooded plan of murder. - On Tuesday, in a deep ravine, close to | the road, an excavation five feet deep and | over #ix feet long was discovered. It had "every appearance of a grave freshly pre- pared for a victim, and as the road is ‘traveled by several Pittsbarg drovers * with money, it is generally believed that a plot to marder one of them in the marner that Drover ‘McCansland and . Huckster McCoy met their fate, had been House of Correction Scorched. Mirwavukee, Wis. Sept. 19—The chair . factory, paint shop and boiler bouse of the Miiwaukee house of correction were completzly dastroyed by fire last night. Ernest Olsen, a fireman, was buried ub- der a falling wa'l. He was rescued alive after half an hour's. work, but he may die. Th: loss will not exceed $30,000. 3 ‘Bottle Works Resumed. Beriaire, O., Sept. 19—'Lhe Bellaire bottle works, shat down the past two months, resumed in fall to-day with 200 men employed. The smallpox quarantine was lifted last night. Traffic between here and Wheel- ing was resumed to-day. All steam fer- ries are allowed to ran. : Wathington's New School. Wasnmsaron, Pa., £ept. 19. —The cor- ner stone of the new West Side school wae laid this afternocn. The ew build. ing will cost the borragh 855.000 end will be one of the finest in western Penn sylvania, It is for the acco mmodation of | pupils ip dion west of Maio street, Jersey's Big Republicss Conver jan. TrextoN, N. J, Sept. 19. — Lue Repub- lican state converticn held here to-day was the largest in the party's history. The successful candidate for nomination, Jobn W. Griggs, is an eminent lawyer of Patterson. He sat for S years in the state senate as Passaic’s representative and hie career in that body waa brilliant. Griggs was nominated on the third ballot. The platform adopted declares for sound money and reform in the administration ‘of state affairs. Cold Wave ABDrOAEhInL. WAsHINGTON, Sept. 22.—A cold wave of great magnitude is approaching east- ward and the thermometer is falling in its wake from 20 to 40 degrees. In some sections of the West the wave is accom- panied by heavy snow and killing frosts. The wave reached Chicago to might and will probably spread over Penneylvania by to-morrow night. Nearly Equals the Fairy Beanstalk. SmaroxN, Pa. Bept. 19.—A cornstalk | was grown on the farm of Andrew S8hil- ling, in Wheatland, which measured 16 feet 4 inches in height. This is probably the tallest stalk ever grown in Pennsylva- pia. It required tke s:mbined efforts of five men to pull it op. : Convicted of Riot. Ere, Pa., Sept. 19.—Michael Kane and Charles McLaogh'in, the two Corry men who led in the mobbing of ex-Priest { Rathver, who was badly injared aftera | lectare last spring, were convicted of rioting to day in oyer snd terminer court, ernor, offering to return their arms and po longer support the goverrment in the | smmanition &s the. price o! immanity chamber, ‘insamach ae it has refased to | from punishment, bay the cffer has been | grant complete amnesty to political prie- | i 4 renin estover.... A— + J MAT... rrre SEMIS on IR ® rE | eM 12 OLY... issn) 305 As the ocean steamer approaches her { wharf the passengers appear, one by one, before - the officers of the United refused. Chicago's Lig Deatn Roll. CHicaco, Sept. 22.—The intense beat | yesterday's record eclipsed all others. For the 24 hoars ending at § o'clock last night the death roll pambered 31. Forty-seven of the namber, however, were children under an average cf five years of give humidity made the Beat all the more | unbearable. Amaricana W, Every Event. Nw York, Sept. 22.—In the inter- patiooal field sports yesterday batween | teams of the New York Athletic club snd | London Athlete club, the American won every event. “Bweeney broke the world’s record by jampiog 6 feet, 51; and | Kilpatric broke“tha world’s half-mile | record by 8 second by. rapping the dte- | tance in 1525. Wefers made a new | record for 220 yards by running in 2135-5! ‘and ‘he also equaled the world's record at | 100 yards by runuiog it in 94- 5. Caused by J. mson Cignretles, MassicroN, O, Sept. 21.— Indulgence | in jimson cigarettes laid Harry Her out | with a case of poisoning, whose symptoms closely resemble those of hydrophia. He frothed at the mouth and bled at the nose tnd it required two men to bold him. i of the past week Las cansed one or more deaths and many prostrations daily, but bona Palachio, the attache at the Ven. ‘eznelan legation, who was arrested iv ‘Naw York on Saturday night and fired: age. The thermometer hss hovered around the 91 mark for 8 week and exces- | | vatican. It is regarded as a tig joke. ‘oners on the occasion of the celebrations | | commemorative of the completion of Ttal- | ian nuhy. ; Atteche Mashing Resigns. WasHINGTON, Sept. 20.—Aibert Foo- by a police magistrate for wsniting wom an on the street, Las resigned by request of the Veneznlean minister, and starts immediately for home. Down With All Hands. Mrrwacsee, Wis, Sept. 10. —It is re-| { ported here that the schoover Penokee hia gooe down withall hands The Peo- olee left buffalo for Miiwaukse with 564° tons of eoal 28 days ego. Sicce she left! s | that port nothing has been heard of her. She caged a crew of about seven men. Now Take It asa Joke, i Loxpox, Sept. 20.--The Chronicle’ 5 Rome correspondent snys that the an- { noun~ement of subseriptions for the ran- ‘som of Rome, and its restoration to the | pope, ie received with the greatest ridi- | { eule, both by Italian officials and by the Snowfall ani Heat Prostriitions, CHICAS, Sapt. 22 — Snow fell to the : depth of two inches in Hontd Dakota Fri | dey night. Three peop'a diad and one! wia prostrated by the heat in this city. i for it either. ’’ States government to ask and answer | | questions concerning the - conteénts of ! { their cranks. The questions are simple, | | the amount of goods allowed by law | | not altogether niggardly, yet hundreds | { and thousands of people lie with tha greatest facility, conceal costly dutiable | purchases and openly bribe the customs | officers. “None of the biz people who come he ae Jet t those horrid officers go through | and tumble up their things. | Song give any one of them 10, and you | can have voar trunk sent up to your ho- { tel antonched, and you need not was This frank statement on | | the part of a traveler is an example of |. ten taken. But there are | the attitude oft : \ still some people who recognize the old fashioned poineciple that a law 1s a law; thar to evade it iscriminal, and to *'slip j a bill into a customs offider’s hand” is | | corruption of oneself and bribery of the | | man. — Boston Transcript. : | A Gigantic Task. Emperor William of Germany is said | ! to be absclntely unable to comprehend | il; ai 0 comprehend "tween Clearfield and Philade phia, daily ex the fact tht all khowledge is beyond | the grasp of cone human mind. He en- deavors to keep up with current events | in every part of the globe, to skim | : through the important new bocks in all ' languages, to keep in touch with the ! progress of invention and to refresh i daily his knowledge of history. He has a fine memory, but his task is so gigan- | tic that his education is really saper- ficial. — Exchange. gaia T50 IT Bccarns me to) a 3 143 11 3 38 11 Be #3 11 ans tA] Hu Eat cnn Mitchinlin.. nna 1 i “Clearfield. June. AMS Llearfield June... 1x4 / Woodland ......... ¥¥ Bigler_.. 23 10 £.... ~Wailaceton 0 33.. Morrisdaie Mins, } =v. Manson... ¥ abv | § T 2310 40Ar) Pilipsbarg 2 bE ITAr ‘85 etl i i i } wEBvwveram andl 3 iH 3 4 : Youngdale Warne)... 3B 7 45. Jersey =bore Junot 0 7 Ble. Williamsport... BWP 4g GOW nF EaNEEghss i HH 8, | i BG 3 am Kise i: - 8 ns sDally. tWeekdars. $10.55 A ¥. San Through Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car be 0 OP ¥ Sundays, cept Sunday, on trains Band 34 Through ¢ oach t» New Yorlt, and th ; Pullman Batfett Parior var to Philadelphia on train leaving Williamsport 1060 a. m. " Connections—At Vi kaye ih Philaqel ph ia and Reading Railroad. At J Tunction with the Fall Brook Eiy. At Mill Pen Anis. | aith Central Railroad of ay hv Phtlipsborg with Penn's. R. BL At Clea 5 ! with the Buftalo. Rochester and Pittsharg rail. way. AtMabafley and Patton with Cambria and Clearfield division of thie id ‘maliroad. At Mahaflev with the Pen VAD and Northwestern Teiiwar yl » FEHERRIMAN, rer, RE wala 8% “Elen uslagy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers