The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 19, 1895, Image 6

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Afig Thirty-three Years a Yankees Soldier i
Learns the Name of the Confederate Sol- |
dier Who Saved His Life at the Risk of |
His Own.
An interesting war story comes to
light from an incident that occurred at |
tht battle of Antietam, which demon-
stress that even the roar of cannon, the |
shiog and chell, the crash of musketry |
andl te cold touch of the bavonet ean-
the sirit of kindness and humanity.
This incident tells of the heroism
Linfloess of a Confederate picket
Yadkee :
The battle of Antietam had been fin-
jsf for ahont 80 hours. The soldiers
cf fwe and McClellan were resting on |
tl arms. after a direful eonfliet in.
wish both sides had suffered terribly,
arf] om the battlefield the dead and |
womnd od were stretched out by the!
oh omea ds.
shaehing «long his beat keeping vigil
dvér the s'~eping Army of Northern
Virgipia. Jost ort thers were many of
the Federal ¢ ad and wounded.
A faint ery « me to the ears of the
boy in gray. li was a gasping, despair-
ing ery. ‘Water! Water!" that was all
that oould be heard The man who
gegped out those words was dying
Slag of thirst. :
‘he picket resolved to carry water 19
the wormded Yankoe. Near by was a
sprig and quickly the picket filled his
canfedn and returned to his post.. The
‘wounuled soldier was still begging fiz |
water, but the question was how to got |
it to him. - The picket knew he to k his |
1ifé in Lis hands, but dropping wp.n his
km he began crawling toward the
3 Two shots were dis- |
chazged at him {rom the Federal sharp- |
- shedters, but he kept steadily on until
dving Federal
he reached the side of the wounded sol-
diese. A wound iu the thigh was letting
the life blood slowly out, and the sol-
‘dies, quenching his thirst, thanked the
‘bug in gray for his kindness. The war
was over right there and then between
those two fellows. The picket then re-
turned to his post, and the incident
passed into the realm of memory. :
Thirty-three years bave passed since
that night, but the wounded Yankee
and the boy in gray are stillin the land
of the living. That drink of water saved
the life of the wonnded eoldier, and be
had always been grateful to the memory
of the ‘‘Johnny reb’’ who gave him the
cooling beverage on the field at Ap-
- tiotam. :
The Federal soldier was Mr. B. L.
Burr, who is now editor of the Tolland
County Leader of Rockford, Conn. For
years be has been trying to find the
game of the man who risked his life to
‘bring him n drink of water and has at
last succeeded. Through some chance he |
happeved to write to Major Ww. B.
Pruitt of Athens, Ga., concerning the |
incident, and a few days since Major
Pruitt in talking with a friend learned
that the Confederate picket was Mr.
- Matt Norton of Winterville, Ga.
Mr. Burr was notified, and he and
Mr. Norton bave entered into regular
cowaspondence; giving each other maps
describing their ideas of how the lines
. wee that day, and everything goes to
prove that Mr. Norton was the soldier
who darried the water to Mr. Burr. Mr,
Notton bad long since forgotten the in-
cident, but now remembers it perfectly.
~#Asdanta Constitution.
es rn an
Tormented by Bpirits.
Spiritualists and students of psychol-
ogy are excited over a statement sworn
to hy Miss Rena Leonard, a young
- woman of Hamilton, O. She declares
that Jim Holly, a farm hand who works |
for er father, is tormented by spirits. |
She and nine of ber young men and
ywopyen companions say that a night or
80 ago they were in Holly's bedroom
ont of curiosity and saw a mattress with
Eolty lying on it rise from the bed,
Hfted by an vngeen power, and rest in
oidedr, Sn
The alleged spirit throws Holly from
his bed and will not allow him to slop.
He is 20 years old and has vo ied wo
much about it that he is almc.t a liv-
ing skelefon.
All through . the hot season he has
slepé under blankets, tightly wrapped
about him, throngh fear of the ghost. —
1'aw York Recorder.
Art Not Forgotten.
The recent trcubles through which
tha republic of Colombia has just passed
did not prevent the government from
continuing to foster the intellectual in-
_terests of the country. It has published
a decree ordering a competition, at
which are to be examined works upon
artistic, industrial and literary subjects
relative to the United States of Colom-
bin, and prizes are to be granted to the
- works which an examining committee
declares the best, according to the pro-
gramme determined by the government
decree. ~New York Tribune.
Imitate the Juggernaut,
Philadelphia children have a new and
jelightful game called ‘‘trolley car. »
It is played by from two to twenty ju-
yeniles, all but one of whom sprawl on
the pavement, while the other pushes a
baby carriage over their prostrate forms.
—New York Advertiser.
Scared In Time. hy
‘woman who proposed to jump from
Brooklyn bridge was scared out of her |
was well,
purpose by the police. This
scare will
It is to be trusted that the
last long enough to prevent any later:
effort to carry ont the woman's plan. —
New York World.
And No Farther.
From her waist up almost any woman
looks as well in knickerbockers as she
would in rkirts — Washington Times.
grateful remembrance of a wonnded
soung Confederate picket was
An Alleged Falling That Has Deferred
‘Woman's Emancipation. :
The. bond of fellowship which exists
between man and man simply by virtue
of a common sex is entirely absent be-
tween woman and woman. It is, m
fact, replaced by a fundamental antago-
the general attitude of a feminine crea
| ture toward her kind essentially differ.
ent from that of the male creature in
jdentical relations. Ip individual casos
| this fecling is counteracted hy affectio
al sentiment it remains, severing ever;
To a great extent this arises from wom-
abstract emotion. In life's fray she
often, for some one man or VWoms
. wham she loves, but rarely for the wel
fare of her sex at large. 0
Were it not for this strange lagk of ho
manity in ber nature, the emancipation
‘of woman wonld not have been so griev
| ously retarded. If the few women sha
suffered aforetime under the restrictions
which hedged in their liberty had beer
able to count on the sympathy and co-
operation of all women, the time of
their subjugation would have been enor-
mously abbreviated. As it was, the first
geckers after freedom met with more
‘opposition from their own sex than they
did from the other; nor, indeed, do they
fare better today. . Enormoms changes
in their social status were effected by
an incomsiderable minority of women
brave enough and logical enomgh to im-
press the male powers that be with the
justice of their demands. But for their
courage they received no s¥mpathy and
for their success not one word of thanks
—nathing, in fact, but execration from
the huge inert feminine mass in whose
gervice their strength was spent. —>Sat-
urday Review.
Union Between the Poel
His Wife.
| Allusion has already been made to
| William Cullen Bryant's marriage.
{ None could have been happier, no un-
jon more nearly an ideal one. Miss Fan-
ny Fairchild was a young lady whose
parents had lived on the Seekonk, a
stream tributary to the Green river, not
far from Great Barrington. Early left
an orphan, she made her home alter
nately with her married sisters in that
- place, and there it was that Bryant met
her. Charming in person, sweet in dis-
ition, lovely in character, she drew
im to her through his sympathy with
her orphanage, his admiration of her
beauty and his msppreciation of her
worth. For 45 years she was the stay
and blessing of his life. What that mar-
riage was to him they knew best who
| knew him best. Reserved on the subject
to the world at large, he allowed only
those who were nearest him to know
i the wonderful depth and tenderness of
| his affection. Their sympathy was per-
| fect, their dependence mutual
It Was sn Ideal
| He said at her death: *‘I never wrote
| a poem that I did not repeat it to her
| and take her judgraent upon it. Ifound
its success with the public to be pre-
cisely in proportion to the impression it
made upon her.”” A dear friend of them
| both har said: ‘‘The union between Mr.
| and Mrs. Bryant was a poem of the
| tenderest rhythm. Any of us who re-
{| member Mr. Bryant's voice when he
| said Frances’ will join in his hope that
[| she kept the same beloved name in
| heaven. I remember alluding to those
exquisite lines, ‘The Future Life,’ to
{ Mrs. Bryant, and her replying, ‘Oh, my
| dear, I am always sorry for any one
| who sees ie after reading those line.
- | they must be go disappointed.” Beatrice
i and Laura bave not received such trib-
; utes from their poets, for Mrs. Bryant's
{ husband was her poet and lover at 70 as
{at 17.—Arthur Lawrence in Century.
A Case or Fourteen to One.
Queen Victoria, during her reign, has
bad 34 parliaments on her hands, and
| all her speeches to them eombingd are
not as long as one president’s message.
| A president who keeps his messages
' down to u column and a half will re-
| ceive general commendation and get in
| his work far more effectively. —St.
| Louis Globe-Demcerat.
We're Getting There.
The snake and sea serpent stories that
sre now doing such.a rushing business
| suggest that the imagination of the
| American people was never in better
| condition. Each new story beggars all
| the others. Evidently the great Ameri:
| can n@vel is soon to be born. —Philadel-
| phia Press.
For Fun or For Keeps?
A certain young man in our commu-
nity entertained his best girl last Sniiday
evening by playing her a game of mar-
bles, — Roberta (Ga. ) Correspondent.
- 3 -
Behind the scythes a trodden path,
Bind, bind the sheaves.
Wide and wider grows the swath.
‘Either side the bright corn heaves
: Billows of gould.
Trees a glory of bronze and red,
Bind, bind the sheaves.
Misty sunshine overhead.
Through the chequer of thinning leaves
The air is cold. :
Breath of the coming frost is thers,
Bind, bind the sheaves. =
Vines that cling to the house grow bare.
Swallows leave their nests in the eaves
Empty and old.
Apple globes, crimson and white, .
Bind, bind the sheaves.
Winnowed grain, sunnily bright
(Glittering gold that want relieves),
The wide bins hold
Fill the flagon up to the brim,
Bind, bind the sheaves,
Until the foam runs over the rim.
(It mellowed long where the spider
"In dusk and mold.)
Fill and drink the cider clear,
Bind, bind the sheaves.
Bid farewell to the passing year,
Close th» book with blotted leaves.
Their tale is told.
~Neith Boyoe in Outing.
nism, a vague enmity which renders;
or by sympathy, but apart from perscn- |
on ¥ 1 Children
{ vite Wome ( 1 Yes OF 80%, . .
\ living woman from the rest of h Lages of 6 and 10, attend the former.
not dive from the breast of the soldier 14521 :
: { 2 Tari tv for fpersonnt fooll F Children betwesn (la
: 8 ineapacity for impersonal fooling o 1 3
an oat Yl ey Lng orf ra eligiblis to the higher grads
Fechoolhouse or sol
| iar with the highest forms of discipline.
| are scared by the bloomer apparitions.
, 80
{| Mast Attend School Up to the Age of
Fourteen -The Suljects Taught -Teach-
{ ers’ Qualifications.
The commen school system of Japan
ix in my opinion the chief support. of
the empire and the promise of the fn
fuse. are only two
schools—tho ordinary and the higher
of both betwonn
rT 4 1 ~
thera grades « 1
% XP ti
SOX, ti
wy a ii
Bard OF 11 AQ i +4
i Qf his
i * ; ‘| Every municipality, township, vii
fights either for ber own hand or. rin 13 YOrY mummy PY
{tawn and city is uired to build a
irothouses, according |
to the eensus returns of children of
school age.
weoording tio the capacity amd require |
menfs of the school divisicn. In the |
cities the school buildings ere quite
are seemingly overcrowded. In ne
country many of them are poor wodrien
structures, It is obligatory for a'! old 1
dren between 6 and 14 years to
attend a common schooluntil (Lc vo Lise
is finished. The law is not rigidly en-
forced becanse of the poverty of the |
ccuntry and the absolute necessity for
children to aid their parents by some
kind of labor. But where children are
permitted to attend scheol there is no
trouble shout the attendance. There is
no snch thing ig Japan as a schoolboy
“creeping like a snatl anwillingly to
school.”’ They gp trotting to scheol |
with happy faces. They all wear a black
ho shows the littleness of New York as
The horses are constracted |
cornmodions and pretentious, though all |
| man said rec: tly that he would never |
or white cap with a Jeather visor, and
they carry their books in a leather |
satchel. The majority of thom are sta- |
notoriously bad character or who are |
comstitationally disqualified for regeiv-
ing instruction are not admitted to the
schools. :
In the crdinary or lower grade school
‘the subjects tanght are readigg, com-
position, caligraphy, arithmetic anc
gymnastics. The latter is optional, ac
cording to the character of the locality.
One or more of the following subjects
are also taught in addition to the above:
Japanese geography, Japanese history,
drawing, singing and handiwork. For
girls sewing may be added. Iu the high-
er grade school the curriculum embraces
moral lessons, reading, composition,
caligraphy, arithmetic, Japanese geog-
raphy, Japanese history, foreign geog-
raphy, science, drawing, singing and
gymnastics. For girls sewing may be
added. Foreign geography and singing
may be eliminated. One or more of the
following subjects may be added, ac-
cording to requirement: Elements of
geometry. a foreign language, lessons in
agriculture, commerce and manual
training. In all the schools great stress
is Inid on essay writing. Every class is
trained in calistheniewa Where singing
is taught, the children enter into it with
great zeal, and they make thomselves
heard for a considerable distance. In
the common schools the summer vaca-
sion lasts from two to six weeks and
the winter vacation from ome to five
weeks. The number of holidays shall
not exceed 90 in any one year. In
schools of the ordinary grade military
drill is left optional. In the higher
grade the military training of the male
pupils is obligatory. To this branch
great attention is given and every boy
who leaves school at the age of 16 has
in him all the elements of the =oldier,
gave perhaps efficiency in the manual
and use of arms. They are made famil-
Teachers in the schools must have due
qualifications. They are selected and ap-
pointed by the governor of the prefec-
ture or the city in which they are to
teach. These teachers are regarded as
government officials, and a small pen :
sion is provided for them when they are
incapacitated by age or permanent ll.
ness. Their salaries are small, ranging
from 10 yen $c 25 yen per month. Text
DOORS are CnOrerx Irom nose auwnarizen .
by the minister of education, and are
selected by the governor of the district
upon the report of a committee selected
by him. Last year Japan expended on
common schools the sum of 8,055,980
yen. The government maintains a num-
ber of high grade schools, and the coun-
try is well sapplied with excellent pri-
vate schools and colleges, which are
maintained by tuition fees, and in some
cases by government contributions to
cover deficits. Last year the number of
children educated in Japan at public
expense was 3, 30,452, and the average
daily attendance was 2,489,657 pupils.
—John A. Cockerill in New York Her-
ald ‘
Bloomers Scare. the Horses.
The eity council of White Pigeon,
Mich., has be petitioned by a consid-
erable body of the citizens of that place |
to prohibit women from wearing bloom-
ers on the stre:. An ungallant ‘‘where-.
as’’ in the petition alleges that horses
At Coldwater, in the same state, some
of the women bicyclists recently passed
dious and fond of books. Children of i
+ ‘nts gets into the city directory. As
seen New York, his enthusiasm for his
' Cal, recently, to Miss Grace Pitney,
out of the bloomer stage and took to
men’s knickerbockers and goli stock- |
For Red Armas.
Rough, red arms are a source of much
annoysuce to many women, especially
to those who are given to wearing short
sleeves. They should be washed every
night in very hot water and scrubbed
vigorously until quite red with a coarse
turkish towel. Before drying rub in a
little lomon juice mixed with an equal
amount; of lime water.
nse —————————r——
A. Woman Customs Inspector.
The best inspector in the French cus-
tom house is a woman, She is in the
Havre office, and she has a nose that can’
detect dutiable goods without opening a
lock. $he is naturally amiable and slow
to anger, but woe to the foreigner or
countryman who provokes her ire.—
New York Press. : :
‘the boat, waving her handkerchief to
air. In striking the mountain side again
. burg Dispatch.
Bome Confessions as to Chicago by a Na-
The sidswalks of Chicago are chiefly.
| board planks. Miles of this baard walk
4 i } laos . ¥ : 1 :
| Coedneation 8 Feature of the System — All | is elevated ‘much above the lot level
Sundry beards are missing, and there.
fore Chicagoans are getting to be greas
* The streets of Chicago are paved with
cobhlectenos and blocks of wood. Many
of the inhabitants say that the blocks o7
wood onght to be dumped into their
Wn «1 bins, 2 puts them to a grea:
deal of inconvenience and labor to dig
them ont of the street. :
The postmaster of Chicagl has re- |
mariah He without
Aanbt thy greatest statistician in tho |
city. Tw ie a wick reralarly he quotes
statistics to the Chicago papers in which
whiskers. 18
wmpared with the city by tho lake.
i a |
The wearin: of dress suits in the day. |
time in Chic "gradually going nb
of style. A co spicunous Chicago society |
think of wear ng a dress suit before 4 |
o'clock ir the afternoon.
From 13 to 1 o'clock the business
men of Chicago seek the dairy lunch
counters. They eat as a rule 15 cents’ |
worth and then go back to their work |
thoroughly contented.
Thera is a railroad that owns the
whola of the like front, and nobody is
allowed {0 fich in the lake. Ho far th
railroad company has not refosed th
lake breezes admittance over its tracks
Chicago is so flat that tho city has
built in some of the parks small hills,
People regard these hills with great
"The Chicago river continues to emit |
nnspeakabla oders, yet Chicagoans ap- 4
near to like it, for they stand on the
bridges ever. the river for hours at a!
time watching the busy scencs below. |
Occasionally one of them shufles off his |
jortal coil by jumping into the river.
The atmosphere of Chicago when an- |
lyzed yields 40 per cent of suft coal |
<noke, 10 per cent of street dust, 15 |
or sent of stockyards, 15 per cent of
hinago river and some oxygen.
The average citizen of Chicago reprs-
< nts at least five outside concerns. Fle
1 .kes good care that each firm he reprs-
¢ ich name is counted for four or five
1 ople in estimating the population the
1iillions roll up very handily.
The Chicago man who has never berm
to New York is rabid in his declaration
of Chicago’s superiority. When he has
own city is utterly quenched unless he
makes a living selling lots. — New York
His Tongue Paralyzed. :
: William Hague Wood, once a Metho-
dist lay preacher, recently tarned infi-
del. He attended a revival meeting sev-
eral nights at High Shoals, Ga. , recently
and ran an opposition meeting outside
the church. He made nightly addresses
declaring that the preachers were talk-
ing nonsense ; that they were frauds aad
deceiving the people. Sunday his tongré
was paralyzed while he was making a
speech ridiculing the church. his
frightened his hearers. :
Next evening Wood attended the
meeting and handed up thé following
note to the preacher in charga: “I now
believe there is a hell, and that I wm
doomed for it. Pray for me.'” The sen-
gation in the congregation was such
that in less than five minutes the altar
would not accommadate half the moam-~
ers. — Now York World.
en esto
Yoo Fisndy With Weapons.
Last inouth saw 31 homicides in Kan-
tucky—a homicide a day. The first 16
dass of his month saw 17 bomicides |
there. If the state of Kentucky hanged |
anybody between July 1 and Aug. 16
this year for the crime of 1aurder, we |
have forgotten the instance. Of the 48 |
July and August man slayer: four gave |
themselves up and 23 were arrested by |
officers ¢f the law. The others, as far as |
appears, are still at large. The Ken- |
tuckians are a people of many engaging
qualities—none more admifable tnd |
lovable snywhere. But they are far too
handy, some of them, with their weap-
ons, and the administration of justice |
in their courts is not yet all that it |
should be. —Hartford Courant. |
Remarknble Escape of a Girl Who Fell
Down a Mountain.
A singular accident and remarkable
escape from death happened at Catalina,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Pit-
ney of Los Angeles. She climbed to the
top of Sugar Loaf monntain, which
overlooks the bay of Catalina, and saw |
some friends starting out for a sail
The ventnresome girl stood on the apex
of the peak and called to her friends in
tham. :
Suddenly ber friends, who vere
nearly 800 feet below, saw her step
gideways off the peak and roll down the
mountain. Her descent was plainly vis-
ible tc those on the water. She had}
rolled 50 feet or so when she stiuck
some brush and was thrown into the
she fell upon some more brush and
rolled down the mountain into the
waters of the bay. She did not sink, but |
remained motionless on the surface of
the bay. She had landed on a bed of |
kelp of sufficient thickness to sustain
her weight. Though rendered uncon-|
scious by her fall, the sustaining power |
of the seaweed kept her from drowaing
until she was rescued. The girl was |
little injured, except that her left leg,
was fractured near the ankle. —Fitts-|
Re 3
apon freedom of speech and of acl
i They think she
| regarding won.en, but this failed,
tion and cannot return #8 to her with
i visions of the constitution will prevent
! their eonsidering it.
| A Plan Which Many a Pewn Might Copy
| cently closed the first year of its expori-
i - 2 . =
| merit as the owner and manager of irs
own system of electric Kghting.
| lights, and turned on theeurrent for the
| brought the total outlay for the year up
| to $6,050.57. But even this was nearly
' Millions of dollars ame being drawn
high prices for inferior Mghting service.
| The bugbear of socialism is all that
| gurfaoe and make 5
i this city a short time ago :
derstood that a company
‘the speed of the boats being pronounced
Oakland Lawyers Want No Women Ia
Their Law Association, :
Mjss Frances Lane is 8 young wonsin
of Oakland, Cal, who isWaunsing con-
gternation in the hearts of the members |
of the Alameda Law asssointion. Miss!
Lane is a lawyer and she has applied |
. for admission to the organization, which |
is at present composed of young lawyirs |
and students of the rssculine gender. |
They are nDatmraily overcome. with fear
at the thought of huving amenyg them
one whose presence woud be a restraint
might mterfere with
their smoking. s
Their Bowever, being
prepared before “the day of the new |
woman, does not provide against her. |
As soon ag Miss Lane's spplication wis |
received, there was an ofidrt to insert a |
prehibitory clause in the constitution |
two-thirds vote was reqaised to change
the constitution, and tha was Jacking. |
Now the young lawyers and students
Ip . i
will have to act en Miss Bane’s applioa-
; : |
the polite arnouncemend that the pro- |
They will have
either to blackball her unchivalrously
or to accept her, Miss Lane expects the
blackballing and does wot particularly |
concern herself over the whele matter.
. With Advantage.
The village of Batavia, N. Y., re-
It put
in ifs plant, which imcinded 88 are
first time on Aug. 1, 1884. :
The actual cost of romning these 56
lights for a year was $41.62 per light
per year, or a little ove? 11 cents per|
night for each light. The first year's
operation of a new town plant nude
many extraordinary expesmes, and these
$1,200 less than the tows paid a private
corporation to furpish i$ with caly 72
arc lights daring the prepeding year.
This is a small but stsiking illustra
tion of what it is in the power of every
city and sown in the eountry to do.
from the American people for unneces-
sary taxation to pay priveses corporations
stands in the way of pussing an end to
private lighting companies and making
the supply of gas and electricity a part
of the public business of all cities and
is being demolished. —New York Re-
corder. :
— a —.
A Tire That Cyclists Desire.
John Mariani of Boston, a mechanical
engineer, is the author of an invention
which, if it iz all that is elaimed for it,
will fill a long felt want in the cycling
world. It is a tire which cannot be
punctured by ordinary means. In a
woven tube or jacket lies the merit of
the invention, and according to a recent
severe test a journey over a yoad strewn
with tacks would not result in serious
injury. The tube is covered with a light
coating of rubber W give it a smooth
t waterproof. The
very convincing tess by which Mr.
Mariani's invention was adjudged of |
great benefit to cycling was made in |
In a large loft the inventor had pre-
pared a bend of broken glass and sharp
edged. stones, to which was added - a |
piece of canvas six feet in length in
which nails and tacks were inserted,
points upward. The canvas was nailed
to the floor. Over all these obstacles the |
tires were nsed a dozen times without i
sustaining a puncture. The outer cover- |
ing of rabber was badly cut. Ie is un- 1
has heen |
formed for the manufactuge of the Ma- |
riani tire, nod that it willsoen be placed
on the market. —New York Times.
: A Long Trolley Line.
Among the eastern electrical enter- |
prisés likely to be suceessfully carried |
out is one to build a tpolléy railway
from the national capital to Gettysburg,
Pa. There is a great deal of travel be-
tween this city and the historic battle-
ficld, and the existing ratlways afford
only a roundabout and awkward route,
Thelnew electric line will be 70 miles
long, will tap a rich cosafyy now. pos-
sessing but scant means of gommunica- |
tion|with the cuter world, and it will
be operated as a freight as well as pas-
senger line. ~ The cost of the road com-
pletely equipped will be $13,000 a mile.
—Chicago Times-Herald
Colorado Colony on Bellamy Plano.
Mrs. Anna L. Diggs, the socialist
agitator, and Dr. S. McLallin, editor of
The Advoeate, the official paper of the
Populist party in Kansas, have returned
Colorado, where they went to help
establish the Montrose county co-opera-
tive colony on the Bellamy plan. It is
to be located on government land which
will be taken up under the homestead
and desert land act laws. Ten men bave
located there and begun preparations
for the reception of the colonists and
their families. —New York World.
Bicyclists and Goggles
Here is a pointer for bicycle riders:
The officers and sailors on British tor-
pedo boats are provided with goggles,
injurious to the eyes. If wheelmen keep
on breaking records, they may be obliged
to add these picturesque articles to their
makeup. —S#& Paul Pioneer Press.
We May Come to This
Slowly but surely this bughesc |
| the most eminent
Mary E. Lease told the Dallas News
that Cleveland, Harrison and a Populist,
as yet unmentioned, would be the can-
didates next year. Mrs. Lease was too
modest to name herself, but: we know
whom ahe means, —Chicago Times-Her-
a —
pad bo
An Incident of the Labors of & Municipal
Reform is not absolution from at-
tempts to work the political pull. OCom-
missioner Roosevelt of New York has
found this out. Not Jong ago half =
dozen friends of his called on him.
Among the number were three Wall
street men, a well known lawyer and a
down town business man. The lawyer,
who acted as spokesman, opened np.
“Look here, Roosevelt,’’ he said, *'n3
man to man we want to know if yoii're
going to keep an pulling the poolrong,
even if they are respectable :
“Certainly, if you'll tell me vhore
there are any,’ said the commissic her,
“That isn’t what we came here © 2,7
was the reply. “Now, Roosevelt, you
play the horses now and then, eb?"
The lawyer winked. Mr. Roosurelt
winked. There is nothing more novom-
mittal than a wink. Er
““Well,”’ eontinned the lawye?, ‘‘you
understand. It's a quiet little place, vou
know. No disorder or anything o (hat
kind. If a man wants to place a (uiet
Kittle bet, you know, on Saturday sfeer-
noon when he can’t gef to the hoach,
there’s mo harm, eh?’ The liwyer
winked again. Mr. Roosevelt winked
again. The lawyer said he suppoied it
would be all right. Mr. Roosevell pro-
duced a notebook and wrote some hing
| in it. ; ;
“‘T think I know that place,’’ he said
genially. '‘Let’s see, tomorrow's Satur-
day, ain't it? I'll pull it ‘tomorrow.
Hope none of yen fellows'll be there.
Delighted to have seen you. Drop in
any time.” :
Mr. Roosevelt grinned. There wam’t
| an answering grin ou the faces ofl any
| of his friends. The spokestnan reflected
i andibly on his future fate. Thin he
‘turned and led the way out.—-New
York Sun. :
Nuclein Expected : to Prove » Wonderful
Remedy, ; er
The newly discovered medicinal
agent nuclein, known as nature’s rem-
edy, which is the property in the ha-
man being which cures and repels dis-
esse without any artificial aid, is about
to be tried in an entirely new field, and
scientists and medical men will ‘watch
the result with the deepest interest. :
Dr. J. Mount Bleyer of New York,
who was the first physician in the world
to demonstrate the value of nuclein and
give an account of its elinical operation
in a large number of cases, has pirfect-
od a process of obtaining this ramedy
in the purest state from the eggs of fish,
and with the nuclein so obtained marvel-
treated disease under his direction with
the fish egg nuclein have cured several
hundred cases of diphtheria, scarlet
fever, measles, consumption and canoer,
and in all instances where in chronic
cases there have not been speedy’ sures
In making some recent experimies
with nuclein, Dr. Bleyer became con-
vinced iv would operate as a speuific in
the cure of yellow fever, and his werk
in that direction attracted the nctice of
the directors of the Laboratorio. Histo-
Bacteriologico of Chroniea Medico-Qmi-
rurgica of Havana. They were 80 im-
pressed with the possible value of this
natural remedy that Dr. A. H. Maseors,
: of Cuban scientists,
was deputized to come to this country,
make a study of the subject and inci-
| dentally to gather information coneern-
ing the practical work of the bard of
health in New York and its methods
of maintaining a perpetual quarantine
against infectious diseases. —New York
: And We Are Mad Players.
The cult of degeneracy is actiog as a
boomerang. Dr. Spitzka, an eminent
alienist, says that Nordan writes with
violet ink and in acramped hand, using
a fine pen and crowding his Lines for
the purpose of emphasizing his concen-
tration of thought. These affectations
belong to the same arder with those
characterized in ‘‘ Degeneration’ as pe-
culiar to the victims of egomanin. Dr.
Spitzka declares that Nordaa is generally
regarded by alienists as of unsound
mind. And if the alienists begin to
challenge each other’s sanity, who shall
‘decide for the rest of us? Verily, it's
a mad world. —St. Paul Pioneer Press.
A Valuable Find.
The report of the director of the geo-
logical survey for the months of June
and July shows that in addition to the
purely technjcal work of that burven sn
extended report is beivg prepared om
the phosphate industry of Florida Duar-
ing this period the survey has tested
samples of fire clay and other refractory
materials discovered in Colorado sap-
posed to be valuable for lining furnaces.
This pew clay has been found to be
suitable for this purpose and will prove
a valuable find to the miners of Colors-
do, who have been compelled hervtofore
to import it. —Philadelphia Ledger.
Literature For Sensation Lovers.
The Holt will mystery promises to
result in a great variety of legal com-
plications and is likely to have its prin-
cipal habitat in the courts for many
years to come, but its special immediate
influence will be to give powerful im-
petus to the concoction of detective sto-
ries and tales of mystery and such like
eontributions to modern literatigre.—
Washington Star.
A Discerning Leader, in
Keir Hardie says he has already been
in this country long enough to find out
that there is cne point on which all face
tions of the labor party agree. That is
that they cordialls and ntically
despise each other.—Boston Herald. =
: A Beer Trust. 3 6
Nearly all the old topers are
‘that a beer trust would bea g
provided they can get &
enough, —Ch Hl