| but sendy, good cooking doen it. I Patton Courier. | | ment to lag, and never miss an issue in | my chosen publications. Advertising has made my store one of the largest | in the country.” P ATTON PUBL ISHING CO., Proprictos, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1895. AVSTRALIAN TIN. The staniferous or tin-bearing area TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. | One copy, one year, in advance, . $1.00 Advertising rates made known upon : : ar Raton 2 in New South Wales is estimated at £9 No papers discontinued until all ar '85, 500,000 acres or R500 square miles. rearranges are paid, unless at the option of the . publisher “in, : Up to the present, most of the tin has Entered at the PostoiMce at Patton as second- been obtained in the New England dis- | class mail matter. ‘trict. The value of the tin and tin ore COUNTY. ‘raised in the colony and exported, from TIME OF HOLDING COURT. the beginning of 1875 to the end of 1st Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept | i 1894, was $51,289,250. . Ist X nday of June Ist Monday of Dec. OFFICERS, PresSIpDENT JUDGE—~HONn."A. V. Barker. ProTHONXOTARY--]J, C. Darby. REGISTER AND RECORDER—D. A. MeGough. TrEasURER—F. H. Barker. SHERIYF-—1), W. Coulter. EBENSBURG. - EpENsRURG, Pa. Sept. 17, 1895. The jary commissioners were in town | bo day filling the jury wheel and draw- DereTY SHERIFFS—Samuel Davis, Elmer ing the list of jurors for the December | - | the New York Thrice-a-week World term of court. Lioyd,| . E. P. Baker, one of Susquehanna | few years? One can hardly think they | are trying stock raising for profit, and Lit is not possible for such to keep long out of debt. Let the follies we see be our lessons. The orchard is an exiulient location CoMMIs€10XERS—P. J. Dillon, phy. COUNTY SURVEYORS, (5. Eetterman. hy » Martin | Hastings, ‘drove to Phair on | BOROUGH OFFICERS. %}: hours in town Monday. Young, Ralph Letsch, | es Porter Kimports, one of Cherry- © TREASURER—W. H. Sandford. F. H. Ki Rend, H. 0. Winslow Avorrons.- n ' low & Hite, liquor dealers of Johns- | SIREES CONMIMIONER=A. 4 Jackson. i “W. A. Payd. of Lo mpa- | ties is taken from the New York | who has been visiting her parents, Mr. | to women is likely to puzzle those who | | days. left to-day for Johnstown where | ‘Whatever the immediate cause it is | ‘rode their wheels from that place on attributable to the increasing desire of Spent a few hours and then returned It has been said that the question of burg. Washbarne’ ‘that was merely a question of time. €Vening, both of which were very well of sex, but are anxious that both their Patton “Courier.” AN UNSATISFACTORY RACE. {or other