The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 12, 1895, Image 8

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    me AoE ow am emiiaue |’
£54 Somintion Produced by su Eirphant
: g Away. :
Nothing bit a ride on an earthgnoke
e0uld becurapired to the sensation of be. |
ing ron away with by an elephart. |
‘Nothing stops his wild rush, and he does |
branch he will cling to or if he will risk
. throwing himself off. A broken veck
would be the certain consequence of ro-
- body bas well said that you might as
~ phant at such a moracnt with the goad
tail mannér yop car make it pur like
mfles you imagine for a moment that
the ultimate terrestrial eateciyem hus
miles. During the midday halt I nsed
A , When she tried to kill the
ee ln 8 driver
: SX yoa will,” said both mother
5 Be opened his mouth’ he would re-|
oeiye something that would keep him
oh began.
: “Keep still,’ said is mother, shak-
: “Mis south.
$0 silence.
mt in place, and the boy yras tucked
clothes :
z “You've got it on the wrong foot.’ ’
“Hollandaise, ’’ and all the world knows
pole Irish customs. Still the merely
__bhan astorred’’ when he comes atross
poem plentifully sprinkled with Iris
_ expressions, with. the excepticm, of
* gomrse, of such a universally understoo
Baw sedleutuient, “Faugh a bal
= I
= not swerye for an obstacld, but goes!
“straight at it. A few shakes fling off |
‘everything on his back, and the rider |
has but a second or two in which to
make up his rind which overhanging
maining. - As for stopping him, some-
well try to stop a runaway locomotive
pulling with your walking stick on,
funnel as to seek to check an ele |
By stroking an elepbant’s lip in acer-
a huge grimalkiN'till the earth shukos|
beneath your feet. When it is afraid or
angry, it squeaks like an ynoiled hings.
But when it suddenly jumps aside like
The Malays never wholly trost their
ants and were,nervous at my fa-
mfHaritics with mine, a sweet tempered
oid female on which I rode hundreds of
$0 call her up, and she would come and
Sind with th one foot on each side of my
I lay on my back and fed her
ane I was never angry with
one eccasion a little elephant of
, ranning behind its mother,
beyond endurance, and she
gave him a shove that land-
ot uppermost at the bottora of
For two hours he scream-
whistle while we were
‘in tin him out.
when we reached cawp
hobble his beast by tying its front.
s together with rattan so that it could
ly hop with both together. Then a
‘wooden bell was hung around its
, and it was turned Joose to wander
All night long the faint
y of these bells made a mourn:
ime around the camp. At daybreak
- “ench driver tracked his elephant by the
sound, often pany miles for him.
= Atlanta ntion. 9
After They Got It on the Boy Had Sqme
thing to Say.
' Paimily disciplipe is still maintained
py dacipipe io WHT) muryiee
_ ib ought to be in all. The Rehchoth
Herald farnishes an instance. A small
* boy got a sliver in his foot, according to
The Herald, and His mother expressed
© her intention of putting a poultice on
' the wound. The boy, with the natural
: foolishness which is bound up in the
of achild, objected to the proposed
a won't have any poultice,” ho de-
and grandmother firmly. The majority
nah two 10 ane against him, and at bed-
_ time the poultice was ready.
The patient was not ready. On the
contrary, he resisted so stoutly that s
Wien was brought into requisition. It
that the grandmother
howd apply the poultice, while the
mother, with uplifted stick, was to stand
ab the bedside. The boy was told that if
. The hot poultice touched his foct, and
his month. :
ae on ‘he
her stick, whilé the grandmother zp-
Once more the Little fellow opened
But the uplifted switch awed him in-
In.» minute more the poultice was
op - pow," said his mother. “The
old sliver will be drawn out, and Ed-
a Bp foot will be all well”
mether and grandmother were
moving triumphantly away when a
_ shrill voice piped from under the bed-
ong Stevenson's Pity For Beggars. :
' Btevenson’d pity was a very marked
‘quality, and it extended to beggars,
which is, I think, to go too far. His op
. timism, however, suffered a rude shock
iw Sons Audley sire cus ser aft
‘ermmoon. We met a stalwart beggar,
whem 1 refused to aid. Louis, however,
wavered and finally handed him six
pence. The man the coin, for-
bore to thank his benefaetor, hut fixing
Ex on me said in a loud voice,
And what is the other little gentleman
_ going to give me?’ ‘In future,’’ said
Louis as we strode coldly on, ‘I shall
be the other ‘little gentleman.’ ''—
“Personal Memories of Stevenson,” by
> Eamung Gloss, in entry:
: The Color In Irish Verse
Of course there ‘is no deficiency of lo-
‘eal oolor in ch a book. We hear much
of the = aroon,’’ the ‘‘Tubber-
,?* the ‘*Cushla Macree’” and
other things pre-eminently Irish. Now,
the ‘‘Suggarh arcon” is a capital fish,
when served with ‘‘sance
that the “Trhber- -na-Scorney’’ is one of
themost 1 e of ancient sym-
Saxon reader, who is not familiar with
the Irish lan uage, is sometimes ‘‘mair
remark as ‘‘ Begorrah,'” or that touchin;
Alden iy 1300
The Spanish fave Been Partiouturly Un-
” fortunate With Their Shipu
The los of t7:c Reina Regonto recall.
ed the facs that pain, once the greatest
paval of the world, has lost not
lets than 600 men-of war in shipwreck
* gince the beginning of the sixteenth cen-
tary. There is ample documentary evi-
{ dence to this effect, and the greatest dis-
| asters to the Spanish fleets are here re-
gounted in their chronologic order.
Of the fidet sent against Algiers in
1818, under Admiral Dor Hogo de Mon-
cada, 30 vessels foundered in a storm,
with 4,000 psen en board.
Another expedition against Algiers,
sent by Em Charles Vin 1541, Jost
140 vessels on the rocks of Marocco,
8,800 men loging their lived
Of the fleet that sailed in 1562, ander
General Mendoza, to deliver Oran from
the Mussnlmans, 20 ships, including
the flagship, with the above naned gon
‘eral on board, never returned. ;
A year latem in the fall of 1563
evclone in the bar <f Cadiz sent 15 of |
the government's jot caravely to the
bottom. ;
In 1558 the famous srmads, believed
to be invincible, met ier doom in the
EnglislvcBanncl; 81 cut of 130 vessels
sinking with most of tbeir crews. The
Joss of men is estim: ‘cd at 14,000.
Fourteen of Admiral Don Antonio
Navarro's vessels foundered in a storm
off the Méxican coast near San Juan de
Ulloa in 1590
- Six years later a fearful storm in the
Biscayan bay caused the loss of 41 ves
sels belonging to the fleet of Admiral
Martin de Padilla. :
Not long after this Admiral Marquis
dé Banta Croe lost 10 vessels, with 2,300
men, on skis Qorsican coast.
After a long pause General Jose Pi-
zarro lost five men-of-war in an engage-
ment with she English in 1741.
Within the Jast 125 years the records
ars much coster of access, and the fig-
ures can bo ghven absolutely correct. In
this time the Spaniards lost 12 large
battleships nnder steam and 21 first
class sailers, with 1,570 guns; 23 frig-
ates, with 890 guns, and more than
100 gunboats Erode boats, brigs,
galeotes, ete. The Joss of life in this
iod is conservatively estimated at 26,-
Thus the worst enemy of Spanish fa-
premacy on - #e seas seems to be other
than man. Mere than double the nun
1 ber of ships have been lost by the in-
elemeney of the elements than were lost
in battlo.— Philadelphia Record.
The Explanation of It.
A 1%re Japwas on trial in the police
oonrt for defending an innkeeper. He
bad testified $n his own behalf that be
hod paid his ydom rent for a month.
“How mucl 8id you pay?’ asked the
prosecuting atorney. i
The little Jap sat and stared at Ris
The gnery was repeated.
of Haven ry
EE , glanced =2t the clock and
observed that the time was correctly
“4Yes, it’s 8 quarter to 11, but I want
to know how mnch room rent you paid.’
“Quarter of ‘leven,’ repeated the
| Jap. 4
“Yon don"t understand. Eow mu n
money did par
‘1 tell 48 pon, miter of leven.”
The a was repeated in varions
| forms, bh thet was the only answer the
Jap wonld give, and he grew more ve-
hement with every repetition.
{tal and examined before
pers of insanity when it
t he paid $10.75 for bis
Stu "Peanci i2¢0 Post.
© Mea “Oarists « on Finance.
Apropos df woman's editions, hers is
a pretty litkde story of Mrs. Jom G.
Carlisfe wired is now going the rounds
of the Washisdrton press: It seems she
was asked to contribute to one of the re-
cent nurabers of woman'seditions issned
for the benefit of charity. When the re-
quest was temdered the secretary's wife,
it was asked hat she should write upon
finance. & Carlisle replied, with
charming frankness and the soul of wit,
““The only thing I know upon the sub-
ject of finange with sufficient clearness
to write authueitatively is that $2 wil
go farther than $1.”
: Fla de Siecle Logie.
Grandma—My dears, I should like to
reward yom for all your kindness, bat
you must take the will for the deed.
Mazic—Well, #f that's all the same
lo you, grandma, we prefer the deed.
‘Wills are so easily broken nowadays,
you know. —R., K. & Co.'s Tiiastrated
Cause For Surprise.
Mrs. Greene—It is so discouraging!
My husband finds fault with almost ev-
erything 1 set before him.
‘Mrs. Stalemnate—Yon don’t mean to
say. your Isgsband takes his meals at |
home! Welk I never!—Boston Tran-
When a man says, ‘Of course it's no
business of mine,’’ it is a suro sign that
.he is going to do the best hecanto |
make it his business.
A Difference.
“You say yeu mads money in busi-
“Certainly,” seplied the New York
“What was your stock | in trade?”
“It wasn’t a stock in trade. It was a
trade in stock. ’'— Washingten Star.
During thq reign of the second Ed.
ward an ox brought 13 shillings, a sheep
1 shilling, a pig 2 shillings, a rabbit §
shillings, and pigeons were 6 cents a
Some sort of drink from barley has
peen made in Germany ever gince the
oountry wn mown.
You can get. a very good iden of
‘natural selection’ in its practical
workings by viewing a celery glass aft
er it has been once round the table.
Webster as *‘the
schools, who gave «0 following wnsw ers
t your paper I find mention of a rich find
| at Dashiir, where relics embellished |
‘being genuine antiques. I have in my
! accross. [can prove that the most ancient
: I Jon have the cross as the most ancient
He was Joel in a padded cell in the |
They Cusme From Children of the ony of
Since wit has bean defined by Noah
toms association of
unected 20 as to
rprise,’’ may not
f Boston's public
objects not. us
produce a ples
the pupils of +»
to their exumination questions, lay claim
to it? The record as here given is bona
fide. having been read during tbe grad-
aation exercises of one of the leading
grammar schools of this city:
First. — Who were the pilgrims? A |
dirty, filthy set who lived under the |
Second. .—Name a domestic animal |
useful for clothing and describe its hab- |
its? The ox He don’t have any habits |
bernnse he lives in a stable
Third —1f yon were traveling across
the desert, where would you choose fa |
rest? 1 wonld rest on a stool i
Fourth. —Mention five races of men.
Men, women, children and babies.
Fifth. — Describe the white race and |
shew that it iy superior to the other |
races. A white man will mod at you
when he meets you on the street.
* Sixth. —Of what is the surface of the |
earth composed? Dirt and people.
Seventh, —Name a fruit that bas its
goods on the outside. A seed cake.
Eighth..—Name five forms of water.
Hot water, cold water, fancet water,
well water and ice water.
. Ninth.~-Nagme and locate the five
sepses. The eyes are in the northern
fhirt of the face and the month in the
Tenth. —-Who were the mound buiid-
ers? History cannot answer these ques-
tions. Science only can.
Eleventh. — Define flinch and nso it
in a sentence. Flinch, to shrink. Flan-
pel flinches when it is washed.
Twelfth. — By what is the earth sor-
rounded, and by what is it lighted? Is!
is surrounded by water and ° lighted by
gas and electricity.
Thirteenth. —Name six animals of
the FIA zone. Three polar bears and
Fourtecuth.— What is yeast? Yeast is
a vegetable flying about in the air and
hitching itaelf on to anything.
Fifteenth. —Why do you open the |
dampers in a stove when lighting afire? |
To let the oxygen in and the nitrogen
Sixteenth —What did the constit
tion do for the country? It gave pil
president a bead
Seventpenth, — What are the last teeth
that como to man? False teeth B08
ton Budget. :
The Cross.
A letter from W. F. Carman says: In
with the cross were found. - Some doubt |
his existed as to relics bearing the cross
possession a relic from Nineveh clutched
from destruction by my own hand while
excavating a chamber in the southwest |
angle of northwest palace of Nimrod.
one of the most ancient or Nineveh.
This relic cannot be less than 8,000
years old. It has upon the upper surface
tire Maltese cross and is surrennded by |
1 buds of somo flower. It is a lmnyp of |
hard baked clay similar in material 10
the cylinders wherpon is recorded the
history of the time. Its antignity, how-
ever, has been doubted because it boars
relics found botk at Nineveh and Baby-
emblem of the san. It is seen on the
necklace of the king and on the rock
sculperes of Bavian and elsewhere in|
the rains of Nineveh and vicinity. —
Philadelphia Record.
My friend Mrs. B. is cane of those
good natured women who are always!
wanting to make other people comfort-
able. She happened to be in the railway
station the other day; a man she knew
came in. He said he was going to Pitts:
burg. . Now, it happened that Mrs. B.,
whose husband is a director, knew the :
conductor of the Pittsburg train. He
passed through the waiting room just
then, and Mrs. B. called t» him.
“Goniductor,”” said she, “‘this is my
ial friend, Mr. Smith. He is going
on your train, and I wans you to show
him every attention possible.’
The conductor, of course, said he
would, but when he went away Mr.
Smith tarned to Mrs: B., with a sickly
“I did intend to go to Pittsburg to-
day. and I was in an awful hurry: bot
on the whole, T. think I'H ‘wait for the
next train.”
- And he banded that kind henrted
woman a slip of paper. It was a pass,
‘but it was made out to one Jones. —Ex-
Announcing a Baby.
The following quaint advertisement
is from a South Africa paper:
“It was én Thursday, gt 9:20 a. m.,
the 4th of April, that in the passive re-
tirement of C. M. de Tarnowsky family,
at Bonne Terre Poenix, a lovely babe
named Eliacin Milton Lubomir has
drawn his first breath of life on this
earthly world. All generous, Christian
friends, kindly to pray our heavenly
Father to protect this puny, living spring
through time and for eternity.’
Pleasure In His Work,
**That sour old fellow, Grumpus, has
a job that just snits him." ° :
“What's that?’
‘He's station master Wwhers 50 trains
go out every day, and he sees somebody
miss every one of them. "—Chicago Ree-
The Conservative Elephant. :
“Novwadays,’' said Mr. Bugleby
‘‘pretty much everybody carries a dress
suit case, but I notice that the elephant
sticks to his trunk. No dres: sait Case
for him, eh?’ — Naw Yor k Sun.
The ¢ 14 =e ythi
tane’s pwerful : with 2
shot hex Bites evine oor add sndden
Ivy —Chapjuan
How He Munaged to Advertise om the:
“Walls of Fort Bumter— When. the Pees
Olhjected — a Farmer Blow Hiv Steam
Off —The' Obliging Steamboatman.
“The experience of a sign painter ut
Fort Sumter makes a diverting story:
" “Youn see, I got a darky to take nme
over from Charleston in one of those lit-
tle bonts that they sail down therv elo =r
| to tho wind than anything I ever saw
before. The {ort was nnoscupied exoet
by an old soldier, who showed me all
over the place. ‘Haveadrink, corporal?
said I to hira after awhile. ‘No objec
| tions,’ eaid he, and we walked ard talz-
od a littla further. ‘Pretty lonesome
| here, eh, sergeant? ‘Very, indecd,” an
| gwoered the old duck. warming to me as
{1 brevetted him a grade higher every
two or thre mminntes
sec ah *aid I, ‘it's a tough old hig,
| the army, am't it, lientenant? ‘Faith,
i and it is, upen me life,’ said he
“Well, I brought my flask out aga
and pressed it vpon him ‘Now, lok
‘here, captiin,’ said I, ‘yon don’t mind
me painting: a sign aroand the old fort,
do you? ‘Not a bit, my son. Faint as
much as ye plaze,’ be answered quite
willinglr, and away I went to work,
finirhing the 'ettering before surdowin
“That litle bansiness pearly got 108.
into trouble. and J 10ft Charleston in
hurry. Nearly as bad wasthet nol was
painting on a beehive. I was walk! 3g
alcng the railway track with ny pits
and brushes and saw the hive, which
was in Al position, bound to be seen by
everybody in the trains. I stole op to}
and slathed on the paint, taking cure
{ not to mak» much noise. Baz-2- -z! One
little fellow came to lock at me, then
another, then another and then a score
or more. all at once, They didn’t seem
to object—in fact, seemed to adinire the
richness of the coloring—but in slinging
my leg over the top of tie hive I npset
my can of turpentine, and not one hee
in the crovid would listen to a word of
reason. I vras laid up for a week or two
! after that, but I can’t be quiet ‘ong. Iv
| ain't in ma to be still Fm an out ind
out Yankes, and it warms my heart to
be off with the paints, and it ain't in-
cumbent upon me now."
He added this with a complacent 1nd
pregnant glance at his massive watch
chain and jeweled sleeve buitors, which
indicated ao little prosperity.
“When anybody gets his back np at
me, I just let him blow his steam off,
and then J talk to him,’ he cimtinved.
“Down in Maryland one day I ‘was
‘painting a fence, and a fellow working
in a field near by hollered ont: ‘Hi! Git
away frovi that yar fence!’ Ilet on not
to hear him. ‘Yom git now!’ the old
man shouted once more, but [ datbed
and dabbed away as industriously ss
ever. ‘Yon won't, won't yer?' said he,
and then he came for me with a pitch-
fork in his hands. Folks in Maryland
are generally pretty much in earnest
when ther are mad. but I didn’t nove
an inch. He'd have lifted me like a
piece of toast if I had, and instead of a
tcast it would have been a wait for me
“I looked as mild apd innocent as I
could, shuped out the letters and held
wy head back pow and then as if to
study the effect. ‘Don’t you like it?
suid I as he got up to me. Well, he met
me with some high seasoned expostu-
lations; tut, as Ptold yon, I never in-
terfere with a man when he’s blowing
off steam ; it isn't safe. The piwelfork
did pot look salubricps, but I beld to
my work, and as I was finishing it he}
began to cool off and at the same time
to take an interest in the sign. ‘Got a
family?’ said I. ‘Yes,’ said hee. *Yonng
uns, too, wy we.’ ‘Yes, said he arin
‘Well, now,’ said I, ‘ain't yon ashi
of yourself to let your temper get t th
better of you in this way? Think of he
bad effect on your children. But I'll w
int it. out.” ‘No, leave it on, stranger;
like it,’ he answered, and we went |
over. to the house together, which prove:
that when a man’s blowing off it's best
not to sit on the safety valve
“1 wont op the Misstasippd with of A
Qeptain Leathers in the Natchez, with
her smokesticks painted crimson =
signify that they would be burned red
hot befare she would be pasied: asd at
the first landing I set to work on al the
rocks. The old captain was immensely
tickled with the idea, ‘Lock at the |
with a party of friends on the Talls-
darned Tank! he cried to the passen-
gers. ‘How long before you start, cap?
shouted I ‘We'll wait till yon get
throangh,’ he answered, and he did the
same thing at every other landing. But
the newspapers have made suc h ar ont.
ry against ¢ tha An co ea dd ax 4 nn -~
they call it, that a law forbi adi ig it
‘has been passed in some of the sates,
and, on the whole, roek painting is dis
courag +d by our patrons, wie thizk it
spoils the vale of their articles. "—<( “hi-
cago Times-Hernld. :
A Woman of Nerve.
Mrs. Louis Kirshoffer of Orange, N.
J.. is a woman of nerve. The other day
a hound belonging to her husband went
mad, broke his chain and made a dash
at one of Mrx. Kirshoffer’s sans. Hi tore
the boy's clothes, but fortunately dd not
bite hard enough to break the skin
Mrs. Kirshoffer rushed to her son’ aid,
snd the dog turned on her aad bit; her,
but ker clothes were too thick for him
to break the skin. = She then picked the
dog up by the collar, carried him {o the
cellarway, threw him down the steps
and clised the door. Mr. Kirshoffer
came home later and shot him.
Tennyson's Gruffners.
Ther: are many stories of Lord Ten-
nyson's peculiar gruffness of manner
On one cocasion he was as a garden
party, and somebody offered bim a
sandwich. He was lahorioesly munch-
ing this w hone the hostess rashed up to
him with aaxicus inguiries abogt his
i FUR,
‘When Maria Jame is mayor, none but Indlies
Thonsands of Prisoners Were Shot Down
‘the victorious troops practiced at Yufa
| 8,000, the other at 4,000. :
**1 bave been severe with those of your y
| the game ocondnet. Thecode | (=
dd | ping yarns ‘which wonld have made the
with gray whiskers, who had been an
ed for the shore. Just as I was stepping
cn the bank what I had all along taken |
trial convey kim to the court prison Ee
When Maria Jane's
swept thrice s day,
"The alicys be "“ y
mown hay.
city hall.
And So ward inthe at will’ i rephesinted
1 .
By lovely aMeryomen and not. borrid alder
will, of course,
Be appointed members of the efty polier foree,
And in their bloomer uniforms they il ook so
VOY swoot
The garg to be arrested will consider if o treat.
The stores will be compellad to have a bar pain
: - enle esech day,
And for chewing pom and sods you will not
be asked to pay
Oh, great reforms will be projecied, all the
wrongs will be corrected
When Maris Jane's ele ed to the Haystany
~- William West in Chicago p a
=X After the Surrender. Li
No French victory was ever marked
by such unbridled license as that which
But what followed was worse, for the
prisoners of war veere too numerous for
she ordinary usage. For some days they
were treated according to the terms of
quarter they had exacted. On the 17th
a council of war unanimously voted that |
the old rule under which no quarter is
Given 15 defenders in an assault shoold
applied to them: For three days Bo-
naparte hesitated, but on the 20th his
decision was taken. A few Egyptians
were sent home and the remainder of
the prisoners, together with the 800
militia from El Arish, wera marched to
4 ach and shot. In the repost to the
directory the number was put at 1,200.
ee ma estimated it—ane at
troops who violated the laws of war,’
wrote the author of the deed to Jener
No mention of the fact or excase for i
was made in any of his other one
spondence at the time. All winter 4
be had been dealing a8 an o'cutal &
orientale, and this was but a pic
morality was far from: his min.
nary, for instance, he had ord
rat to kill all eprom of al
tribe in the desert whom He con
bring away, and in the same on
identical orders were issned to Bertier
concerning another existing horde.
The ples which is. made by the enlo:
gists of Napoleon and by some recent
military writers for this wholesale exe
cution is that among these slaughtered
men the parrison of El Arish, which
had surrendered, had been found again
with arms in their hands; that they
were deserving of death according to all
the laws of war, and that, as to the reat,
were no French for whom
to exchange them no provisions to
‘su them, consequently their pres
ence with the army would jeopardize its |
success, and it was therefore justifiable
to diminish the enemy's resisting pow. =
by their execution. Those who believe
that war, whether just or unjust, jneti.
**Life of Napoleon’ in Century.
a NOAA oo YT
It Reminded the Little Man of an Adven-
ture lie Once Had
The ow! car was bowling merrily te
ward Carcndelst at an early hour
other mwrning. A party of belated eit
zens was gathered In one corner Swap
pale cheek of Baron Munehausen mantle
with the blu:h of envy. A portly man
with rabicar 1 face had just finished tell-
ing a thrilling story of an adventure
with alligators in the everglaudes of
Fiorida Aa unassuming little man
interested listener, moved over toward
the group. and after apologizing for the
intrusion marked that be bad. ba 4
some little experience with alligators
himself. Le was hailed with delight by
the little coterie, and being pressed for
a story stroked his whiskers thoughtfnl-
ly for a moment and then began:
“Ia the summer of 1389 I was fishing
hassee river, in the northern part of
Florida. All mornin we tramped up
and down the banks in a vain attempt
to entice the illusive hlack bass from
his lair. About noon I separated from
the party and went .about a mile and a
half farther dewn stream to a point
‘where I thought fishing wonkl ba beticr.
I selected a favorable spot and stepwesd |
out upon what I took to be a log whic
floated near ihe bark, For two moro
hours I stoed upon that sappoted og
and never got as much as a nibble
Along about $8 o'clock I gave ir up in
disgmst, packed np my tackle and start-
for a log moved under me, and, gentle
men, what do you think I had been.
st: andi ng én for more than two hours?”
‘An alligator! I kuew it! An alliga-
for! fairly shricked the mam with tha
rabicosd face. “An alligator,” re-
echowd the three congenial spirits
“* No, gentiemen, said the little man
as he made for the door. “It was a log. z
He vanished in the & wkness, and 1
owl car bow ack merrily on —sh Low ik
Glo share Dens
Knew His Way.
A young gendarme had to take a pris
oner be 2h re 1 we magistrate and after ti
Imad Dever been Im the building before
and stood in the corridor with his
charge, not kuowing which way &
tarn. At List the old offender hod ps
an. him and said: on
“Come along, I'll show FU eRan-
driving that is ss inexorable
they should not eat with«their kiifves
put sugar on oysters, Soviety insisteon
an upright position, with of codrse no
attempt at racing pace. It also frowns
upon constant ringing of the bell—that
will do for the vulgar heart who delfght =
in noise. The well informed wheelwom-
an keeps eve and ear alert snd tooeches
| ber bell rarely. She dressss daintily and
inconspicuqusly—oifaces herself, in fact,
as much i
all public placed —New ‘Tork Times.
Wore English Agony.
In the United States, which dodo. =:
be called the paradise of women, they
tail hts in theaters wis
posed. in the legislature, while En
fo be cut off at one end ol th OS
to have it lengthened at thoother, What
would the fair fushionables who disp
themselves in Battersea perk on thei
two wheeled stecds say 10 such sartosiel
edicts? The new womin boasts of the
freedom permitted to bir sex in Amer
joa, but even there, it seoms, they want
to trample ou her, or ot least apon Ber
skirts Illustrated Leniiun News,
A Slander,
: & lover women. in tee Now Olen.
Picayune, says thet it luis been whiliper-
ed to her that this will bes room in
the Woman's hiildine 21 the Atha
fair, where any of
may steal Lway EEG
and she follow rsun the wih amik
against the evils of die vocd for tee
feminine grid ed ae
wx Si minded
i agsrottls,
That sach a =tCry of S001 esiit a yall
iis probably due 10 the SigeinaRh vin uf
SOT DEWSTELHOY Fon Wier, set | Tuas
never occmrred 10 te Vion jutercaked
in ‘the Woman's beilluy thar (ere
were women who migdt be addicted to
the noxious wood From ths vary in.
| ception of ths To% + the none
trend of ideus for over denartiuest haw
been to make it the Tonghly refined snd
womanly, and indecd the mere gees.
tion of cigarette spokiyy among worsen
would ey most of the members of .
the board beyond expression. — Atta
Mise Burts Gt Dopd: *
The Eastport (Me. ) Seastinel noton; a8
an honored visitor to that place, a young
lady of brave {mmue—23Liss Burta Cwsce
‘Boyd, knowdh 3s the Grace Durling of
| the St. Croix, who his charge of the
Ledge light, lodated alimt six miles be-
| Jow St. Stephen, and who won her
fies any bafbarity which will dead to]
er ills waren With, thar! uy ttle 13 Jeat) apn by saxieq,
opinion. —Professor W. M. Sloane’:
alone and unaitied, tivo young
¢ from certain death, a deed of bravery
| recognized by the Dominion guwern.
ment, which presented her with a bad
"| some, well equipped lifeboat and a feu:
tiful gold watch. iss Boyd is the
daughter of Captain John Boyd, fr
years keeper of ths light Since ais
death Miss Boyd has § siihifully porfomsa-.
ed the keeper's datics. She is desouleed
28 a petita body, whos onewonld sever
credit with suificient physical prowess
for the deeds she has dose, but the geess
things are achieved t¥ the groat sprit
so often found small frames. ©
THe Wrong Boy. :
An amusing table of a phresoligier 8
mistake is credited 6) John Burroughs,
the author and horticultarist. Heme
a boy,” said the predfessor in examine.
ing the head of the youthful Borne.
“whoowill amass great wealth. Allis
ideas will be of money and money mak-
| ing. He will be immensely rich and a
power in that line.” “The trouble was,”
says Mr. Burroughs, ‘that he strmeck
the wrong bor. It's a pity “he hadlh's
gone in the next door and got bold of
the boy there, for that boy was Jay
Gould We used to go tg school togsth-
er. '—Philadelphia Press anf
A Weir Perel. Perel.
- Farmer Dunn, thi weather pronRak:
a plac during. the wisrm>
season, his office leing 365 feet above
thesidewalk. At vachaheight the baisk
bmezes from the ocean render sam
very tolérable, but dyring? the Jigs
of winter this slevaiion 15 far | E frome
viable. Farmer Daum wos for 34 We
at the summit of the [Equitable a
which he only left {or the lofier
hattan. We used to think Trinity
very tall, but Farmer Dunn is
70 feet above the gilt erase w
the sphere. —XNew Yiurk Letter.
The confidence of musicians dn
own accomplishments is often
of memrineix fn ocher Topi
painist had performed several
to the not too greet delight of
company, wien the hostess
| proper to eowpliment hing 29
“Your play Tg is pm ;
Keys, she said =
The pianist waved) his band
on }
Really, m aden
eredit does pit Be
endowed w
c Prewea tae §
Colonial Vong
are makin vo
this exercise ss she dossin
i EF 5 EB: $9