iit i A RR 5 temqer, W. R. Thom re Ap An: PATTON PUBLISHING co., — i i mm ee pin rr et THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1605. ce eT S—— «0100 Advertising rates ‘made known upon Com sa No papery dq ncontinued antl all ar : option of the are paid, uniess at the Pater at the Postftice a Patton as second- inst wf] matier. cowry. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. of March. 1st Manda y of 1st Monday : 1st Monday of June . onday of eet , PresipExT JUpGE-—Hon. A. V. Barker. Ene Avy ono A Sr BW. Ther: r SmERTrrs—Samoel Davis, Eimer Bes ATOR TN, ae, COMMISSIONER'S —Joh § Ge k ) CLERK n EE. Davis. Geo, M. Wertz. ¥rexpext_J W tterman. J. Jones, W. C. do. It is hard to put a ng dows: and the Mountaineer of those very kind of things. 8 ows a statement made by Mr. Thompson, tsken out of his paper, _ which no doubt ‘will disprove the fabri- | ~ cations of the would-be conspirators: . EBENSBURG, Pa, Sept. 4 1365. Cambria Coun es nye State of Pennsylvania. re it rponiig ury by the bond syndicate, which if August supplied some $8,500, 000 in gold, taking greenbacks in ex- —— | J. H. Ricker, of Palion, as AONE | 1 the visitors to Ebensburg on Thursday { last. | DH Kinkead, of Johnstown, at- tended court as a juror last week. M. C. Westover and Mr. McGarvy, of Spangler, Were Sueits a1, the Hay | house on Saturday. Dan. Barret, ‘of Hastings, Was an | .| church on Saturday and Sunday. number of people from Ebensburg were in attendance. J. B. Wilber, Ebensburg’s popular! clothier, will have his store room heated with hot air. The heater was put in on Thursdsy lst by H. A. Tuesday last for St. Xavier's academy Mrs. F. A. Shoemaker and daughter Miss Eva, spent Sunday and Monday in Altoona with friends, returning °! home last evening. Phil. Schettig, of this place, Ebensburg on Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilber, of this | place, spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilber’s | * | parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Perry, of | Chest Springs. on Wednesday. Our people are look- ing forward for a big day in Ebens-' departed on Wednesday last for St. Vincent's Springs, was among the visitorw to | and Cholera Cure promptly, you {rely om it Use no other. C. The ‘Twicea-week edition of the ? New York World has been converted into the Thrice-a-week. It furnishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen "pages every week, at the old price of | Ome Dollar a year. This gives 156 a year for One Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns in all. The Thrice-a-week | World 18 not only much larger than any weekly or semi-weekly Bewspaper, | but it farnishes the news with m greater frequency and promptness. EN a rimp as gin. | ities of a daily with the attractive ? | specia special features of a weekly. And, | $1.50 will get the tires a weer World | 'and the PATTON COURIER for one year. {Think of it. Call at the ‘COURIER of- | | fice and leave your name. Easy to take, sare to cure, no pain; | | nothing to fear. DeWitt’s Little Early | On September 10th, 11th and 12th | the Beech Creek railroad will sell round | [trip tickets to Williamsport, good io, retarn until September 12th, at way fare for the round trip. These | time and money. C Ww. Hodgkins, Before leaving your order for a J Syting suit of eloghes coll on Loreh, Toe tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-68tf i Get the New York World three times only $1.50 a year. You can gob the PaloHOoTRIER aud of! that commencing with the November | barg. | the New York Thrice-a-week World oT plays produced here lak week: for only $1.80 pr year. ower of Money on Monday night and the Rock Band Family on Friday | There is no doubt, no failure, ‘when Bight, were well attended, ‘you take DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera : Sigas of the Times. iCure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, A welcome indication of bette er times mo bad after effects. CW. Bulgxim | coming may be found in the pu etre obese, bo int (G01 out of American fashion journal, which states | ‘number, issued in- SE BUSIN ESS! Oruber | annum on yearly subscriptions. This | is, to our knowledge, the only case in | i or | which a magazine has lately dared so, When I make enough to re- ouitaitees subscribed this. 4th day of Rep- RICHARD JoNes, J: P. THE COMPANY STORE QUESTION. In speaking of company stores the Chronicle : pub- et “Coal miners are largely at present | . engaged in inquiring as to the best modes of availing themselves of the ~ recent agreements as regards the abol- ition of the company stores. Some - mine operators have offered to turn over their stores to their employes, to ‘be ran on the co-operative principle. Before so doing miners should inquire | into the experiences had a number of ~ became all at once quite popular. The | ly against this form of co-operation. It is quite successful in England and on the continent of Europe, and quite the ‘reverse so on this side of the water. Thousands of co-operative stores were started, but very few survive now. “An altogether better method, and one that is more adapted to our condi- | * ’ tions, is that miners should associate | themselves, wherever stores by reason of isolation, etc., are matters of mo- nopoly, into consumegs’ clubs, and order their goods from town or city. This system is strictly upon the _ prime consideration of cash dealing, the only one through which domestic ; supplies can be secured at lowest cost. - - Debt or even credit are expensive, and . trae independence, ‘secured by living within their means, isa good thing, not - for miners only, but for pretty. nearly everybody el else.” FINANCIAL STATEMENT. = An unavoidable delay of a few days ~ accnrred in the publication of the usual statement of the government's finan- ~ cial operations for the month of Aug- ust. The figures, when appeared, in- * diested unfavorable conditions, though "less so than for July. Receipts were $28,952,606, a decrease as compared oy with Angust, 1804, of about $11,500,000, ‘though they were only $144,000 less in ~ July. The expenditures were $32,- 588,184, an increase of $081,548 over agy | Tike) & conage. Bat, on glancing over tire. pages of October number, now | . to be seen on all news stands, we can- But not having made a ny | not ‘suppress our admiration for so | MOTIEY on account of the de-| rich a profusion of illustrated designs pression, which is about over, ariiste, $34 offre for wo small a o8- on - Hardware, Tinware, | gives page after a erate ons Bamps. Lamps, Cinderalla’ original designs, not only of costumes, | Stoves &c., I will have to. but of millinery, lingerie, coiffures and | continue serving you by giv- the thousand and one things needed to ing V alue for your complete my lady’s toilette. Nor are the little ones forgotten. Children’s ‘and babies’ wear is an important MONEY, feature of this magazine, and 3 evay: thing illustrated has a finish and . gance not to be found in an ind magazine of fashion. 1d and from the increased patron- Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. poor farm, 38¢ I expect to receive, I can | Winnisheik county., Ia., says: Last Sell good goods. as. cheap as winter Mr. Robert Leach used two before. boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve and cured a running sore on his leg. on ee of physi- A M. THOMAS, cians for months without obtaining re-. xelisf sure curs for ples. C."'W.lms PATTON, PA. Hodgkins. . in WL7Art de In Mode.” J. F. MCKENRICR,-- With the coming of autumn, woman's Attorney and Counselor at Law, thought naturally turns toward fall | 'EBENSBURG, PA. | costumes; she is eager to know what yj 4uend to all business. with promptress | changes and innovations will be o Sdletity, to thc Mountatn H brought about by the dictates Log ve opposite the Mountain House. | fashion. Dressmakers are visited i at afternoon teas and calls, style pd) CENTRAL - HOTEL, dress will be the leading topic. Nowa- ~ oun R CORDELL, Prop'r. days a woman might as well be out of the world, as be out of the style, daily | Accommodations the best. First-class papers, periodicals and so-called fash- | Bar in connection. : jon journals will present to their > I nore of digs daiming| RATES $1.25 PER DAY. wu] that they are the leading styles, but, ; : the American woman is beginning to | Reuel Someiville, learn that if *she wants authoritive styles she must look to such publica- Attorney-at-Law, tions as “L’Art de 1a Mode,” which is : : P . P the only fashion journal published in ATTON, A this country that publishes none but Office in the Good Building. original designs, all of which are made | pik Sagem for them in Paris. = “L’Art de laa Mode,” is for sale by all newe- W. H. SECHLER, fodiemn.. Price, Ste. pat spy. | Attorney - at - Law, lished monthly by orse-Brough- | ERY ton Co., No. 3 East. 18th fires, | New |. EBENSBURG, by the best Parisian and Viennese and the close margin I have |: York City. | | Cambria County, Pa. i + Dealer i m. Beer, Etc. Phoenis BrewinG Co.'s Beer. Flasks, Corks, Jugs. Ele., Hastings, Penn’ a. | ASSETS of Fire Be < Companies Represented PATTON NSURMMGERGENGY . Amount to over $25,000,(100.60. Best Kind of Prctection. ALSO THE PREFERRED : "ACCIDENT INSURANCE! CO. or NEW YORK, | The best in the world for business or professional men. Harvey Patterson, it = Agent, JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY.ETC.. ! ost 4 8 | resi (5008 {»00C \ and Terr mai Oar stock of dry goods an mings for the late | SUMMer season is not eq dress goods never were Rio EE Now is the Wachburne's circus will be with | a week aod the Patton COURIER for | tim to buy. Come down <r send to JAS. | VIN: 5 P. P. Young & Bro, | : Wholesale and Petal Denler in - FRESH MEAT OF ALL KINDS. cy Bologna, ‘Lard, Etc | FIFTH AVENUE, “You Wouldn't Think of getting your goods for nothing, yor that is what some people try to do. Such a scheme is not neces- | sary Jand the low cash prices at which T sell good will ! ‘enable you to live cheap i - You w ill only take advantage ok them You Could Not find a more complete stock of do ‘Merchandise ; in a day's travel. Call and examine goods and priees, every- : 7 |ahing you want. GEO. S. GOOD. Patton, Pa. No Superior and Few Equals i 5 Johnstown, Pa. New York Worl TARICE-A-WEEK EDITION. i he Twice-a-week edition of the New York World has been 'converted into the Thrice-a- ‘week. It furnishes ; papers. ‘of 6 pages apiece, or eighteen pages every week, at the old price of ONE DOLLAR a! year. ‘This gives 156 papers 't a year for One Dollar and every paper has 6 pages eight "To our Cook Stoves and Ranges. All are &ldvaiced to be perfect workers. | Our shelves are crowded with many desirable pieces of jaw are and cooking utensils of all mds. Come in and see "THE CAMBRIA HARDWARE C0. columns wide or 48 columns | =¥ all. The Thrice-a-week ‘World is not only much larg-' ‘er than any ‘weekly or semi weekly newspaper but it furn-, ishes the news with ‘much | greater frequency and prompt- | ness. In fact it combines all! the crisp, fresh qualities of a daily with the attractive special features of a weekly. " 51.0 Will get the Thrice- a- week w orld and the PATTON COURIER For one year. Think of it. Call at the Cou-| RIER office and leave your name. | Ger the Freshest and the Purest ee AT TH yo PATTON SUPPLY co. Here are a few Specialties mentioned: iw hite wine and Pure C ider Vi inegar, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, | Crocks and Jugs, Flower Potty Etc. A full line of Flour and Feed. OBSERVE: LW e will pay one cent a-piece : for sighatures from Arbuckle’s Coffee wrappers, Save them and : bring them to our store. Yours for 2 Bargain, Patton Supply Cor i Som — an ns RL ny
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers