The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, September 12, 1895, Image 2

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    isk and pence seems
Getting Ready Ip for x Action in the
Coke Region.
wu un " AVANCE A ORGE,
Sanday Next Moetings 10 be Held Th rough:
out the Region aud Committees Ap-
‘Boorrpare, Ps, Sept. 2 With the
close of the great strike in the coke re
gions last year, cparators thomght thet
labor organizations had been crushed ont
of existence, and last epring wher the
workmen were advacced the employers
$honght peace bud been established for a
year at least. The organseations stid ex-
tobe at an end. La-
Bor leaders bave Leen actively at work
snd now say they sre prepared to de-
* mand the restoration of the $1 per 100
bushels rate. :
Yesterday a secreat delegate conven
¥ion was beld ss Oonpelleville. All of the
ooke workers in the Connelleville region
Were re ted in filty-one delegates.
re passed demsnding 8p
advance to §1 per 100 bushels of coal
mined snd sn advance of 11 per cent. ov
all other kinds of labor to tuke effect
Monday, September Oth. Sunday peéxt
meetings are to be held throughout the
_ 'zeglon and committees appointed to pre-
demands. In the event of a re
a general conven-
“wenj the
fussl by the operstors 8
tion will be held to take astion on
etrike question.
ad Fate of Four Japances spancse Youths in San Fran
Ban Passion ork, 6.—~Lest Wed-
mesday evening four young Japsneee be.
longing to the Japanese Christion mission
of this city. went to a Chinese restaurant,
ok Waverly place, in the Ohinese quarter.
They received good attention, and what
was presuméd to be 8 good meal was
served. Shortly sffer they lett the place
they were all taken seriously ill, snd a
. doetor was hastily
It was soon discovered thst they. had
been poisentd, and antidotes were admin-
istered, but with little effect, and after
a few hours of sgony, ove of the vioctivos
died. The doctors have deepsired of the
. lives of the other three, ss the poison
+wetd is of a very virulent natare, the dead
4 man turning black aud swelling to twice
hie normal size shortly after death.
If is presnined that the enmity which
exists between the two nations st the
present tie was the cause of the erime
on the part of the Chinese.
| Sides With the Catholics.
.Nuw Yong, Sept. 6.—A Times special
| ; * from Winnipeg, Man., says that the Rev.
Principal Grant, of Queen's college,
_ Kingston, perhaps the foremost presby-
Serian divine of Canada, was invited to
Manitoba by the opponents of Ostholie
parochial schools to make sa report for the |
information of Canadians geverslly on
the Manitoba school system.
+Those who invited bim were quite cers
tain that the principal would endorse the
present system, but his report has given
them a surprise and 4 shook.
‘He says that the Manitoba government
made a mistake when, without doe econ-
‘sideration, it abolished Ostholic schools. |
‘What 1t should bave done wss to reform
~ Shem.
He declares that the religions convie-
* tions of Oatholicsare entitled to cousid-
eration, and be believes that the prescnt
~~ waz of the creeds will never: end nutil
Cattation are grasted resscmable conoes-
. olons.
bo One Soldier Was Killed.
Ismpmaivo, Mich., Bept. 6.—A wind
storm oame up here last night at 10 o'clock
"snd several trees were blown down at
~~ Osmp Ishpeming, cavsing a panic among
the soldiers,
- Joseph Heines, of the Oulumet com-
padly, wae struck by a falling tree and
instantly killed. Richard Oroese, also of
"the Oalumet company, was slightly in-
jured and bad a narrow escape from
‘Sentenced tos Term of Three Years for
. Shooting Robert Clark.
Exroriom, Sept. 6.—Another chapter
in the Olark-Mix feud, of the Bennetts
- Branch valley has been closed by the sen-
- famoing of Newton Mix to-dsy to a term
of three years in the penitentiary.
Robert Clark shot and killed Warren
Mix and was acquitted. Newton Mix, a
brother of Warren, shot and seriously
wounded Clark, for which the Penalty
; ‘wasannounced to-day. F
Another Armenian Tale Denivd.
BurIN, Sept. 6.—A special dispatch
to the Voesische Zeitung from Oonstan-
tinople says that the Tarkish authorities
officially deny the statement that the
economic situation of the Armenians is
| ~ growing worse, Inquiries made in parts
of Armenia alleged tobe in the worst
' oondition in the respect mentioned, show,
» ;
aocording to the assertions of the Turkish
- officials, that the barvest has been fair
and that there is no possibility of a fam-
* Killed on a Crossing.
PrrrsBora, Sept. 6.—Mre. Nicholas |
* Obm, Jr., was instantly killed and her
father-ip-law, Nicholas Ohm, Sr., was
fatally. injured by being ran down on a
.erossing by a train near Reilly station
this morning. Ohm and bis daughter
wers en route to the faperal of a neigh-
Was Aboard w hen Alhanca was
“Fired Upon.
Captain Crossman, He Says. Had Arms to
Deliver to the Rebels,
Mapp, Sept. 6.—Count Hobkirk, 8
Freschmao who was aboard the Ameri-
ean steamer Alhanca when che was fired
aon by toe Spavish warship, Conde de
Venadito off Cape Maysi, Cuba, is pow in
this eity. In an interview to-day he said
the Allianca was so close to the coast thst
ha ould see inhabitants clearly. When
Oeptain Crossman of the Allianca saw the
warship he was enraged becanse he knew
he would not be able to land arms be had
aboard the steamer... He exclaimed: “I
will kick up a bice row when I reach the
United States.”
Benor Muaruags, formerly miuis'er to
the United States from Spair, tux written |
to the papers stating be resigaed becanse
be had proof that he Conde de Venadito
was right io firing on the Allianca.
Itis known in the United States, he
adds, that Osptain Croseman smoggled
ervil war and that he now carries on a
brisk trade emuggliog arms to fuurpeate
» Cuba.
Leaders of the Boy Sugars Convicted at Union.
Ustomtows, Sept. The coke trade
shows an’ increased demand last week and
are 15,413 ovens in blest end 2.622 idle.
Production for last week was 146,181
tone, an inarease of 1,658 tons. A large
production is looked for this week.
Charlee, alias “Son” Zimmerman, Har-
ry Wilson and Charles Malone, the lead-
ers of the band of boy burglars at Oon-
pellsville, were tried and convicted in
short order yesterday. They are sil on-
der 16, but were experts snd traveled
from Pittsburg to Cumberland, breaking
in wherever the plunder appeared to war-
rant it. They were captared in Temple
ton’s stable in OConpellsville, where they
bad a large amount of stolen property
secreted. Malone's parents sat with him |
during the trial and were broken down
when they heard the verdiet of goilty.
Iehpoming Soll Quiet,
IsareMina, Mich., Sept. 5.—Liast night
was quiet in camp and about the mines.
This morning the Wintbrop mine resom-
od with a fdll somplement of men. They
have been promised a raise of 10 per cent.
on December 15 next. The Winthrop
bias its own stores, and the bulk of the
labor is paid in store orders,
The steam shovels are all working st
the Ishpeming mives and at the Buffalo
mine, Negsunee. The Cambri mive peo-
ple espect to start a shovel to-morrow.
Attempts made m the city council here
Marquette yesterday to censure the ac-
tion of calling for troops were killed.
Three of the men imported yestarday de-
gserted to the strikers last night.
i 1 ss Ar A
Their Ipnocence Proved.
WissuizaroN, Sept. 5.—A telegram was
received at the state depart~ent tonight
from D. Lynch Pringle, vharge d'affaires
in (Guatemala stating that there is no
doubt that Robert P. Breckinridge acd
0. 0. Guff, Americans citizens charged
with murder, will be cleared. The mur-
der was committed July 9 at Livingston,
ioans were quartered. There was no evi-
dence against Goff, but the pistol with
which the murder was committed belong-
ed to Breckinridge who proved it had
been stolen from him. Breckenridge is a
pephew of the. Kentucky » #I-"00LrSASIDAD,
A Gredt Gathering.
McKzespohr, Bept. 5.—Last, week
state council ‘parade of tha Jr. O. U. A
M., which will be held in tas city Tues-
day afternoon, September 7, sent out pos-
tal oards to every council in the state, ask-
and how many members would tard ont.
Bo far one-seventh of the postal cards
have been returned filled in with the re- |
quired information, and the chief marshall
says that from present indications there |
will be at least 20,000 men in line. It will
be the largest parade ever held in this vi-
been competed for the demonstration.
believed that at least eight trampe met
tion. Bix bodies have already been dis-
covered and the debris bave pot all been
cleared away. The barn had been a ren-
dezvous for tramps for tramps for years
andjas many as seventy-five have slept
there at one time. Whether or not the
barn was set on fire by soccident is not
known. ra
The Cougo vase - Serious.
Loxpox, Sept: 5.—In the house of com-
mons to-day George N. Curzon, under
foreign ‘secretary, stated that while the
documents received from the Congo coun-
try in regard to the execution of the Brit-
ish trader;Stokee, by the Belgian author-
ities, does not contain all the information
desired, they will contain enough to chow
arme to the rebels in Brezil daring the |
shipments increased 4,716 tone. There
and the county bostd of supervisors sat |
Guatemala, in a house where the Amer- |
| Pittsburg...
Chief Marshall George Hartm:n, of the
ing it it it wouid participate in the parade |
NORRISTOWN, Pa., Sept. 5.—It is now
their death this moruing by the burning |
of a large barn belonging to the Pennsyl- |
vania railroad company near Earnest sta- |
the Rothschilds.
Would-be Thrower Acrested —Supposed to
be the Work of Anarchistic Element. -
Loxpox, Sept. 5.—A Pari despatch
says a bold attempt was made to'duy to
explode a bomb in the Rothschild bauvk
m the rue Lafitte. While the business, of
the day was at ite height a msn walked
into the bank carrying ander bis arm 8
bomb to which was attached a lighted
fase. A detective employed in the bank
Another Outrage Attempted on |
sprang npen the map, gaized tha bomb
vent an explosion. Tbe would-be bomb!
thrower was arrested.
This attempt 10 ocoppection with the
recent sending of infernal mechive
through the mails to the office of Baron
Alphonse de Rothschild, ‘sigoifies the
persistent purpose on the part of the an:
uechistic element to inflict ipjuney apon
the heads and empisyees of the Roths-
child house.
Two Mexican Towns s Destroyed.
Mexico, Sept. 5.—Advices have reach-
‘tion of the towns of Roderigoez ard
Abastor by a cloundburst, which occor-
ved in the San Blez mountaine, back of |.
the towns. The water rushed down the
valley in tremendous torrent. It covered
the gronud to a depth of six feet and wae
from six to nine miles wide. ‘Abastor bad
s population of 1,500. The inhabitants
sscaped fo the hills. Roderiguez bad a
population of 700, but no lives were lost.
ww i ps SO
- Comstable Convicted of Manslaughter.
Jomssrows, Pa, Sept. 5.—Cbrist BH.
Block, a special offiser of Daleborougk,
adjoining this city, who fatally shot Wm.
Strayer, July last, while attempting to
werve a warrant for the latter's arrest, wae
to-night found guilty of manslaughter by
the jary in the oconnty court, Ebensbarg.
Ashore re OFF Rio Javeird, .
Rio Janeiro, Sept. 6. —The British
mail stesmship Brittannis, from Liver
pool, August 15, via. Lisbon, Aagust 2]
for Valparaiso, is ashore on a reef off this
harbor. Her presengershave been land-
od and her mails and eargo are being dis-
Earthqonke Shock at Helens,
- Hermxa, Moot, Sept. 6.—An earth:
ijaake chook was ¢ here at 12:25
this morning. "It lasted about three sec-
onds #nd was dictinotly felt all over the
sity. No reports of damage have so fer
been received.
| Fastest Mile This Year.
Gavrzssona, Iils., Beps. 5. —Azotte this
afternoon trotted a mile in 2:08%{, bresk-
ing vis record of 2.0614. This is the fast.
est mile ever trotted by s gelding and
is the fastest mile trotted this year.
_ Carreliton Bursed Oat.
Mapison, Ind., Bept. 6.—Fire in Cer
eoliton, Ky., across the river early thie
morning, destroyed pearly ail the busi
ness portion of the town. The Jose ies
| $100,000, with $60, 000 u IN8Urance
New York, Sept. 7.~The foliowing/
sre the resulta of the National Leagoe
games played to-day:
At 4 Philadel hie
H ©
Philadelphia. ..
Batteries— Orth and ¢ Tements; Cunninghans
‘and Warner.
At Puflafel pila Second Game.
Philadelphia... wus
Louisville... 3
BatteriesKx Lic cid and € Seraents:
Gettinger, Holmes and Spies.
At Pittsburg.
2 ¥.5
SansreTeRE Ly
sama es awases
‘Mel ’
Pittsburg... .
Washington 3
Baiteries~ Foreman and Merritt; Mercer
At Pittsbu: .x-Second Game,
Washiogtou .. 4
Batterles-.Gurdner, Hart and ‘Merritt;
roy and McGuire,
At Brooklyn.
Batteries—Abbey, “Ke nnedy and Grim; Par
rot and Vaughn,
At Boston.
St. Louis... 4 3
Battertes—Sallivan and “Ter nny; MeDougal
and Peltz, :
At Baltimore. :
BAISHVGEG. i vines smb renins ~~ 393
Cleveland... 411 2
‘Batteries—McMahon and Rohinson: Cuppy
and Zimmer,
cinity and the arran ts sicsngo
ty : gemen have ubout i It Will Be a Good Thing to Increase
Town's Banking Capital,
A charter waa granted Thaorsday for
the incorporation of the Deposit National
bank of DuBois.
that this means the DuBois Deposit bark
is about to be converted into a national
bank, with capital stock increased from
$75,000 to $100,000 or perbaps $125,000.
| The old institation is in most excellent
standing, but the people who own it real-
ize that one of the town’s needs is an in-
crease of banking capital and they are
going to supply it. This need was pre-
‘sented to the people by the Courier di-
rectly after the failure of the Bank of
DuBois and the change has been in econ-
tamplation nearly ever since.
The town of DuBois alone needs the
larger bank and the banking‘ basitess
here is not confined to the town by any
means. There is a large country about
which finde DaBois the center at which
they wart to transact the bulk of their
the very serions obtaracter of the case,
business, inclnding banking, discount-
icp, ete. :
sod extioguished the fuse in time to pre-|
od bere of the almost complete deetrac-
It is generally known
New Yors,
¢r! The alumininm and bronzs boat de- :
tented Valkyrie III 8 minutes, 49 sec!
.onds in the first of the races for the Amer-;
ion's cup Saturdsy.
people on the greatest fictilla that ever
assembled off Sandy Hook, witnessed the
race, and there was a ecer® of Lilarious
joy when the Defender crossed the lis
tally two miles ahead of Lord Duoraven’s
boat. The joy of the multitade was un-
boundediy increased by tha fact that Val-)
ksrie Jed the Yankee boat for three
fonrths of the way from the first. She
walked away from the Defsnder in 8 way
tbat lsd Englishmen so foridly hope that
their day had come at last, Bright vis.
"os of the America’s cup flosted before
their eyes, while the patrictio Amerioang
who were packed tier abyve tier on the
many decked excarsion steamers Ww
vary glam. A bash fell over the marin
amphitheatre when the botits started, en
all the joys of winning seeined gone when
the Valkyrie easily moved tothe frou
and showed her heels to the Denfender.
There was only a five knot breeze at the
start, and as predicted in theee diepatoh-
es, Valkyrie was going throngh the water
faster than the Defender could in the light
air. There wae a lurapy ses on, and quite
u swell came mn from the ocean, but the
baffeting of the waves ‘against the Brit-
ieher’s bow did pot keep her back. She
outpoiuted and outfooted the Herreshoff |
boat, but safer establishing a lead of a
good quarter of a mile, the wind freshen-
ad, and the cup challenger failed to hold
her own. When the Yaokee yacht began
to gain, and the crow] saw it there
was a general bracing up sud as it
became plain that the product of Ameri:
can hraing was picking op her rival, s
cheer went up aod tugboat whistles
screeched. As both yachts were beating
to windward it was impossible to say just
when the Defender overhnunlad the Brit-
ish boat, but it was sbout 1:25 p. m.
when the boats had covered nearly half
of the 15 miles of windward work. Once
the Defender got ber gait there was po
catohing ber, and as the wind continued
to freshen she opened up 4 very large gasp
between her stern and thi bow of Lord
Duuraven’s boat. Wher the Defender
reached the outer mark ¢be had an ad-
‘vantage of 3 minutes and 27 seconde
Yankes boat made the tarn, The wind
having shifted, the ran Lome became a
broad reach, and it was of constant gsin
far the gsilant American boat. Going
| home the gain was 4 minntes 53 eeocnde.
| With the time allowance of 29 seconde
the Deferdec’s victery was 8 minutes, 49
seconds. The wind was [0 knots at the
The day’ s race showed thas Valkyrie
IIT moved itke a ghost iv a wind of less
than 6 uote, and that she seemed speed-
jer than the Defend.- io that wind. It
alec showed that with a wind of from 8
» 19% ota in both windward work and
! reaching the English boat could
ui keep the pace net by the Defender.
Both yachts were somewhat ioterfered
‘with by the attending flast, but the pat-
riota kept a generally clear coast exoept
at the start and finish.
The outlook early in the morning for
3 ideal raclog weather was not encourwging
1. | to the many thousands of spectators who
had made up their minds: to witness the
5 first of the great races.
Despite ar ominous sky wil an enslerly
breeze, the dread of the landlubber, the
many hundreds of crafts left New York
2 | erowded so their utmost capacity. There
was pot a bit of blue to giadden the en-
thusiast’s heart bot an occasional bright
streak at least gave them bope. As early
as 7:30 in the moruing the karbor began
to show signs of activity. Gaily bedeck-
od steamers were uccbored at nearly ev-
ery pier taking ou their load of human
freight. The starting live of the race
was over 30 milles frora the city, and
those wishing to be on hand when the
racers were sent cff on their struggle fcr
the cup, had to get under way by 9:30.
All the excursion boats had left their
Cocks at that hour. Steam sailing yachts
with owners and guests aboard got ander
way early, too, and wers among the first
to reach the scene, Tuy boats chartered
forthe day by people not opulent enough
to own steam yachts, but too exclusive to
mingle with the promiscuous throng on
excursion steamers, were out in great
'npambers. The proceesion down the bay,
though somewhst obscured by the haze
which hung over the water, was one of
the sights of the day. The line of the
vessels was one of kaleidoscopis changes.
The fleet of launches anchored cff Bay
Ridge anfl Staten Island shore of the bay
moved out one by one and joined the
passenger steamers in the channel out.
ward bound. The patrol division, with
! the steam yacht Alicia, Capt. H. M. Flag-
Sept, §.—A!l bail, Defend- |
Twenty thousand:
There was a biz demonstration as the| We
Uncle Sam “Again foi bles
the British Lion.
The New York Yacht
Bests Dunraven’s “Valkyrie.”
Club’s “Defender”
‘Hurrah! !
lor, for flegehip, was quite a formidable
float, It consisted of twelve hepdsome
: ston yachts and it is said to bave boen
: more ornamental than useful. If blow-
ing of whistles coustitated the duty of
patrols, then they did their doty nobly.
The patrol were the first to come down
the bay. They made their rendezvous
first pear the Sandy look. lightship,
bslf a mile from the starting line, bus fi-
) pally gave it up. The boats formed ina
cluster 80 close to the live that for a mo-
ment seemed imposaible for the racers to
reach the start without running afoul of
a dogen or more crafc. When the ao.
pouncement was meade of & change of
coarse the great fleet of sttending craft
took up anchor and sailed for the new
course. The patrol got lost in the meze
of boats end little was seen of them for
the rect of the day.
The Defender waa the first of hate
racers to make sail. Both yachts anchor
shoe over night and were near at hand
this morning. Defender sent up bek sail |
st 8:50 snd took a line from the tug Wal-
lsce. Ob the way out to the lightship
her olab topsail was sent aloft snd ber jib
broken out. Bhe nsed a suit of ramie
cloth sails of a yellowish tinge, excepting
the clad topesil, whiszh was snow white,
Defender's sides ars a pale bine since her
more beantifal than in the trial races,when
sails and bull were pure white, Hor ssils
eat better, too, than in spy race with the
Vigilant and that they did good work is
shown by the result of the race.
bas practically lived on board for the last
two months. There was Mr. OO. Oliver
Iselin, Wosdbary Kasoe, Herbert C. Leeds
snd Newberry Thorne. David Hender
son, of the Anchor line, was on board as
the representative of Lord Dunraven.
Designer Nat Herreshoff was also there.
Capt. Hank Haff was at the wheel, and
the sea dog Sandy played mascot.
The Valkyrie left her anchorsge st 9:10
in tow of the White Star tug Palitger.
the Hook ber jib topeail was sent aloft.
It was a trifie larger than the similar sail
carried by the Defender. On her decks
re, Lord Dunraven, his daughters, La-
dy Rachel Quin and Lady Wyndham
Quin, Archie Goodwin, Designer Wateon,
Sailmaker Ratzy and M. Maitland Kerry.
Capte. Craufield and Sycamore were at
the tiller. Her ssile were well filing and
got without 8 wrinkle. Both yachts kept |
their tows to Saudy Hook lightships
They arrived there st 10:40. Their tend-
‘ers followed them out in care any chang-
es in sails or spars stould be decided
The wind st 10:55 wha om the orth:
east, and the regatta committes decided
to change the starting point sea mile
course to windward would strike the Long
Island shore about Long Beach, Signals
were sent up and the committee boast
started south toward the Jersey ihore.
The ysebts followed in tow of their tags.
The fleet of steam yachts made a race
| tor the new starting point and the excur-
sion fleet followed. The gathering of the
was ove of the moet animated and mag-
pificent marine spectacles of its kind
ever witnessed in
When the tiotilla first approached the
oat over a distance of two miles. The
delay at the start aliowed time for all the
belatad craft to come up and they elus-
tered close to each other, now and then
narrowly escaping serious ctilieion. The
action of some of the flotilla was shame-
ful to say the less’. Their selfish en.
deavors to hug the atarting line to the
detriment of both yachts was deplorable
judges’ boat picked up ber anchor and
headed, with the racers, toward the Jer
sey shore. In a few minutes the fleet
was headed in the seme direction, and
as it moved along stretched out in a long
live, calculated as over two miles in
gave chase and owing to the light wind
of the racing sloops.
It was an interesting journey down to
thé stakeboat. Bands played, bappy ex
‘cursionists sang and rent the sir with
yells for Defender. At the turn the fleet
{steamed ahead and stood by for the
yachts to round. As Defender went
sround with ber big sails flying to the
wind, a mighty salute was sent forth and
kept up for many minutes. Then the
tween the, racers and were spread over
three miles, Ihey were to the leeward of
the yachts and consequently did not
where they uttempted to keep the boste
‘od inside of Sandy Hook in the Horee.
lest painting, and har appearsnos is much
“Or her were the huppy family which
‘She had ber mainsail op and her jib and |
stay ssil in stops. When off the pomt of |
immense flotilla about the starting line| Heb
very hot fire until ee a
these waters. |
Sandy Hook lightship they were spread |
pod un-American. The first known of}
the change of the course was when the
length. After the yachts started the fleet |
the slowest craft was able to keep sbreast
fleet joined the sloop vn the reach for.
jhome. The fleet divided sttention be-
ovar the Snish line she was given
menhdoae svating, :
sud cannon wee boomed snd
thoneands of ¢ Xyursioniste s
tlemen all sbork bands with )
who stood on the osm panion way |
beaming comstenance. Eight
ister whep the Valkyrie finished abe
«lso given a nplendid reception,
wes acknowleged by Lord Duvraves
party. Immediately after the nie vey
the race the fet +
sud ali the way up the bay the bappy
spectators of the day's race sung the prais-
«8 of the great Ameridan single sticker:
Alter crossing the line the Defendertook
a line from the tag sud was towed foto’
the hones She was saluted on the way
by ail the sted mers that passed pesr sod
steam yesbts went oat of ibeir way to five
8 gun at her. iofy
The Valkyrie started for the Hook ans. ©
der sail. A five rain whioh sel in jast ber
fore the finish was followed by & mist
which hid the: ysobte from view. Af § =
o'slock she bed not reached the Berres a
considerable serch found ber sod weed £0
Mie Exact Figures.
ber in. nd
Start, Defender 12:20, 50. ll
12:20, 48. Tors, Detchdet B38, 10. Val :
kyrie 3, 19, 50. Finish, Defender 5. 21,
14. Valkyrie 5 29, 30. Elspeed tine,
Detender 5, 00, 24. Valkyria 5, 08, -“
kyrie 5, (8, 44 Defender wou by § min: Sw
utes 49 seconds. ™ po
Kievitin g the Profession. a
Coney Islstid, N. ¥. Sept. 6.—+Shadow”
Ove of the Oidest and Most Interesting
Ch heen ae the oldest beadmakers 1
the: wold. Toy have made beads
pert as the Venetians. omen
are more them 1, 000 workmen in the
in beadmaking. The few m
in other pare | of the world ees a
rope wall is a narrow, straight
— 150 fert long and so situated
the middle is nos far from the farne
in which the glass is melted. The
process is the muking of ordinary ¢
like those used in almost. every
store. Two brawny workmen with bi
brown arms scize a huge wedge of
“metal,” as the molten glass is calles
between their blowpipes, and after
has been blown hollew they gradually
stretch it ont intoa Jong, swinging »
When it ins been reduced to the prop-
“er size for the beads about to be made.
it is laid away to cool, after which »
workman comes along and in a wonder
fully deft manner chips it into feage
ments of uniform sie. Often for snall
beads these are not much larger than &
grain of wheat, but so cavefully is the
work done that the little cylinders
and placed in a tub with sand 1 and ashes:
and stirred np carefully. In this wag
‘the holes ir the embryo beads are stuffed
full, thus preventing the danger of the
sides flatteming together when heut is
where the pieces were broken fiom the
tube are rounded, giving the bend a
globular form.
‘As scon as they are cool the ashes ;
sand ure shaken out of them in & si re,
to size by other sieves.
next to a long table around w
whols flock of boys and girlsare sittis
If the glass is colored, aa it often in, the
piles of beads on the table
rainbow, with every hue, from jet black,
through rd. green, yellow and blue, wp
to white.
- Each ¢2ild has a needle and thread,
and by long practice the beatls wm
placed on strings with almost incon
_ceivable ywiftness. And the children
keep an exact count, $00, 80 that
manufactarer knows just how many
beads he is sending out. The threads
are tied into bundles and shipped to al
prost every port where a vem sonst
«~Ckicag) Record. s
‘ble alderman from the S’teenth ward
lost his temper.
“I can lick you,” he roared, “with
one hand tied behind me!**
“Youn ¢an fight better with one
behind you,’ vociferated tk ahight
ed aldemnan from the Un
ward, ‘‘than you can any other
it’s your zastomary position, b' :
Chicago ‘Cribune. i
—— ah ap
The total acrefige of all
the United States is 638,
which 351,818,730 are
der cultivation, and 265,601
remain uncultivated,