4 . * - ig the . captured fish, released, goes back ‘mess at 10 or so, and returns to his din- wager many of the occasions much more | Ay New York World. Sa CLEARFIELD. : The Twice-a-week edition of the CLEARPTELD, Pa, August 23, 1895. New York World has been converted wi : into the Thrice-a-week. It furnishes 3 | The bicycle races at the Clearfield papers of © pages apiece, or eighteen | pages every week, at the old price of | One Dollar a year. This gives 156 a year for One Dollar and every paper! has 6 pages eight columns wide or 48 columns in all. The Thrice-a-week World is not only much larger than | any weekly or semi-weekly newspaper, bui i* furnishes the news with much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines all the crisp, fresh gqual- | Driving park last Wednesday, under | the management of D. P. Wisotzkey {and Thomas Savage, were a grand suc- cess. The citizens subscribed liberally towards the expenses and the gate re- | ceipts made up the balance, so that the j enterprise about let the management | pull through without debt. The parade last Tuesday night of: nearly one hundred bicycles gaily dec- rated with Chinese lanterns, ribbons i and bunting, ‘headed by the cornet ities of a daily yi the attractive | band, was a spectacle long to be re- specisl {vatures of a weekly. And, membered by the thousands that $1.50 wiil get the Thrice. a-week World | thronged the sidewalks. : and the PArroN COURIER for one year. ‘Think of it. Call at the COURIER of- fice and leave your name. DO FISHES TALK ? An effort is being made to get ona | bicycle race between Jas. Patterson, of ' Williamsburg, and “Petey’’ Gstalder, of Williamsport, for a $50 diamond. Here 1s Testimony Fronk a Man who | Patterson was seen on Saturday at the Thinks They Do. {Tyrone races and is willing to race We have heard of the language of Gstalder. : monkeys, and of the language of hens, | The Village Improvement society is and of the language of crows, and even | gating gigns to: nail up at all street of ants, but it will bea new idea to = T. te will k oH most people, probably, that fishes have th Lp im where | a language of their own. An English ey are at. Good idea ladies. fisherman, Mr. Basil Field, has been A syndicate bought up the space in making some investigations that lead | the Public Spirit this week and has him to suppose that fishes have some ‘added a supplement for the accommo- way of communicating a notion of their dation of the large ads. The issue is experiénces to other fishes. to be ten thousand. : ‘Mr. Field carried on his experiments lars (3 , : . in the fishponds of Mr. Andrew, at Harter Gun Works me kept busy Guilford, England. Those pond= are full p gon Fis ADO new pren of trout, which, at the time when Mr. matic tires on old bicycles. Their shop Field first visited them, were so little Will be turned into a bicycle factory accustomed to being troubled that when this w inter as soon as their repair busi- | “he threw a baited hook into the water ness siackens. all the trout in sight—a great number —rushed eagerly upon it. He canght one, and removing it from the hook, threw it back into the pond. Then he put in a freshly baited hook, 2 WEF and only two or three trout came after on W. Sy Bot us. ow w: w. Ams. jt. One of these he caught and threw | itzin townsh 'P3 considera- back into the water. Again he resumed 0D $1. : | ‘his fishing with a newly baited hook, W- W. Amsbry et ux. to cambria and this time, although the poud was Iron company, Gallitzin township; $1. | swarming with fish, it was only after a. Administratrix of P. A. cobaugh to! long time that he lured another trout to Paul J. cobangh et al, Johnstown, his bait. And after a little further g;5 ooo. time it was entirely impossible to catch gii4i0 cobangh to. Panl J. cobaugh a trout in this pond. i al. Johnst However, by experimenting in anoth- et al, Johnstown, $1. er pond equally well stocked and not | Cambria Iron company to Herman throwing back any fish Mr. Field found Ingiert, Johnstown, $900. : that he could catch trout as long as he Thomas Bradley et ux. to Anthony chose. The fish did not seem to under- Sanker, Gallitzin, $1. stand that the removal of one of their 8. W. Mccollum et ux. to Henry M. number by this strange means meant ' Heinze, Johnstown, $550. Sanger JS Vom, but came continually ' pF pjifon et ux. to D. S. Rice, Eider, $200. MM; Field £, it 16 only Whe Elizabeth Radcliffe et vir. to Marion and Singles with his fellows that the Foust, Spangler, $1,650. danger is learned, and then is learned Nicholas J. Boyer et ux. to Patrick instantly, it must follow that the re- F. Kirby, Wilmore, $3,200. leased fish has some means of making F. S. Maloy et ux. to John Hughes, the others understand the perils of the | coopersdale, $175. mld oo re Oo 2 David M. Lewis et ux. to George H. langu Haine, trustee, Johnstown, $400. view. eee A. B. cooper et ux. to J. c. Hess, | NO HURRY IN NORWAY. Coopersdale, $1. People “Take Thelt Time There and Won. - 98¢0b Yepley et ux. to the Harbison der at Yankee Visitors. & Walker company, Reade, $100. These Norwegians are a wonderfully John G. c. Bearer to ‘John A. Blair, patient people, says a correspondent. 'C arrolitown, £330. They never hurry. Why should they? There is always time enough. We break- fast at 9 o'clock. Monsieur goes to busi- PICKERS IN DIRT. Record of Property ty Rought and Sold. in Cambria County. Marriage Licenses, The following marriage licenses were mer, like all the rest of the Scandina. issued by the Clerk of the Orphans’: vian warld, at 2:30. Wo h coffes Court for the week ending Phrsday | f and cigarettes at about 4, and then mon. AURUS 22, 1385: | _ sienr goes back to his office, if he likes, Oscar H. Malhorn, Gallitzin, and _ for two or three hours. ‘We sometimes . Annie May Wilt, Tunnelhill. see him again at supper at 8:80, but John F. Bradley and Catharine | usually there is a game of whist, or a Blatt, Gallitzin. : geographical society lecture, or a con- John M. Cush and Emm C wert, or a friend's birthday fete (an oc- Hs celia, McCoy, Johnstown. : - soasion never overlooked by your true Lab . ‘Nearwegian), or some one has received a John Darney, Jr., and Johanna Col- ‘barrel of oysters, and would not, could 1in%, Johnstown. on ‘not, dream of opening them without Edward Kern and Julia Effline, .champagne and company—masculine Johnstown. company only. It seems to me that Robert C. Dawson and Lizzie Moors, Were are ehiirely feo Hany purely nile Barnesboro. estivities here n fact, the men say 80’ James D. Kirkpatrick, Spangler, and - themselves and that they would really Eliza E. Edmiston, Indiana, Pa. Af ladies were present. But ‘‘it is pot | Henry Lentz and Amelia Franke, the cnstom of the country’’ (a rock on | Jonnstown, : which I am always foundering) to omit | Jobn C. Marks, Morreliville, and or to change in such matters. M nsienr Jennie Grace Long, ‘Johnstown. only: does as do all the other men of his | John Callas and Mary Fornadley, | age, which is elderly, and condition, Patton. which is sclid. William M. Keifer and Susie B. p Tze {as cosious fecing. eamcerwing | Suber, Foetal. m .) other, Morgenbladet, the chief conserv- 31 ose Conrad, Loretto, 1 and Car- ative paper, an organ locally of the ol ne Stevens, Allegheny township. first importance, keeps a sort of horror John Arickson and Elsie M. Kem- chamber of Americana. The reason is, | erer, Mineral Point. 1 suppose, that in these very dark and | John Gorman and E. E. Evans, Al- troublous political times, when not only toona. - the union but the monarchy itself is J B. Rager, Vintondale, and Jennie | threatened and tottering, the conserva- : ginger Vinco. tive interest thinks it dangerous to al- low any virtue to appear in a republic, d especially in ours, the most flour- : : ; — and Yet the most perni- The COURIER is pleased to announce “The Only” for 18935. cious, examplé of that invention of evil its clubbing arrangements with The | Pittsburg Post, the great home news- | | paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons | bred. — San Francisco Examiner. . Animals In Laibach’s Ensthgusko.. an chserver of animal life has col- | lected (our Vienna correspondent says) | a number of notes upon the behavior of | . mend The Post. . animals during the earthquake at Lai-| The Daily Post, a large eight-page. | who want the best daily or semi-weekly | bach. A railway guard observed that | paper, and The CoURIER one year each | ‘some minutes before the first shock was | | for $3.00. The price of The Post alone | felt his owl, chained to a toolhouse, | is $3.00. Send us your order at once cried as if for help, and he was with it 5,4 get seven papers a week for the | when the earthquake began. Some for- | est guards observed hares running, as if | for their lives, up a hill before the first | { | price you formerly paid for one. | paper published in the city, we recom- | The Sunday Post, twenty pages BOROUGH ROINMLE An Ordinance Relating to Ty Running at Large, requiring same to ‘have Collar and Number, and imposing Tax on Owners of the same, requiring Bitches while in Season to be shut up, &e. Be it enacted and ordained by the Burgess and Town Council of the Bor: ough of Patton and it is hereby enacted by anthority of the same: SECTION 1. That from and after the first Monday of September, 1895, all dogs running at large in the Borough of Patton shall be required to be reg- istered and to wear a collar and tag with the number of the dog engraved on the tag, the collar to be furnished by the owner of the dog and the tag and num- ber to be farnighed by the TownCouncil, which number and tag to be tarnished to the owner of the dog bv the Secre- tary of the Town Council on payment of the tax herein after mention SEC. 2. Any dog found running at large in the Borough without being wed and having collar and num- ber shall be captured by the Chief of Police or High Constable and im- unded, of which notice shall be given y at least six written or printed notices describing said dog posted in as many conspicions places in said Borougk, for at least thirty-six hours after im unding said dog; if the owner of said dog impounded shall come within said time and redeem said dog by paying the tax imposed and a fine of not less than fifty cents nor more than two dollars with costs of arrest he shall be released, if said dog or bitch shall not be redeemed, it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or ¢ Shoes made to order and repuiring ‘of all: kinds done promptly. “Prices 39 moderate. : 18tf. High Constable to forthwith kill th same. Sec. 3. It shall be. the duty of the owner of all dogs and bitches in the Borough of Patton on or before the 1st Monday of September, 1885, and &n- ‘nnally thereafter to have such dog or bitch r ered by the Secretary of the Town Council to a tax of fifty cents for each dog M1 one dollar for nach bitch so owned and registered, i the same to be paid to the Secretary. for the use of the Borough; it shall be ‘the duty of the Secretary to give the dog so registered a number and the ‘name of the owner of the same in a book to be api t for that parpose which number shall be worn by the dog and which shall be evidence of such reg- istration. Sec. 4. That no female dog or biteh, while in season, shall be permitted to run at large in the Borough; it shall be ' the duty of the owner or owners of the same to keep such female dogs shut un in some secure place while in this condition. : SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the | Chief of Police to sieze and shut up in some secure place each and every fe- ‘ male dog running at large while in season in said Borough, and shall be his duty to notify the owner of the same, who may if they pay a fine of two dollars and costs of arrest, to the Bur- gess for the use of the Borough, within six hours from the time of receivin ‘said notice duly given, redeem saic female dog or bitch, otherwise the Chief of Police or High Constable shall forthwith kill and bury the same. Sec. 6. The Chief of Police or High " | Constable shall receive the sum of . ‘twenty-five cents for each dog or bitch . | slezed and shut np under the provis- {ions of this ordinance and twenty-five cents additional if he has to kill and ' the same. LINCOLN S. BELL, W. J. DONNELLY, Attest: HARVEY PATTERSON, Secretary of Council. i Pattori, Pa., Aug. 13, 1895. Cholera morbus is a dangerous com- plaint, and often fatal in its results. To avoid this you should nse DeWitt's ' Colic and Cholera Cure as soon as the first symptoms appear. C. W. Hodg- ‘kins. : » ] is Kentucky a Doubtful State? The peculiar political conditions that exist in Kentucky have led many people to believe that the state is a doubtful one and that the Republicans have a chance to carry it this fall For this reason there is great interest, both at home and abroad, in accurate (and reliable political news from all | parts of the state. The Weekly Cou- | rier-Journal is now covering this per- fectly, and is publishing the news without bias or prejudice. A close reader of the Weekly Courier-Journal should be able to forecast in advance what will be the outcome of the state election next November. In addition. to giving all the political news and all the news of every kind, the Weekly Courier-Journal is offering to its sub- |scribers $6,000 in cash presents for guesses as to the exact vote and clos | est to the exact vote that will be re- ceived by the Democratic, Republican and Populist candidates for governor of Kentucky. The price of the paper is only one dollar a year. Sample copies containing full details of the | cash present plan will be sent free to any address. Write to Courier-Jour- nal Company, Louisville, Ky. Severe griping pains of the stomach and bowels instaatly and effectually stopped by DeWitt’'s Colic and Cholera Cure. CC. W. Hodgkins. Local Market Report. ’ - ‘shock. Partridges flew a long distance. every Sunday, containing as much | For the special benefit of the farmers A gentleman who spent the night of | reading as any of the monthly maga- Easter Sunday in a carriage saw the | zines, and The COURIER one year each | pigeons and -hawks on a tower flying for only $2.25. round it every time that a shock was! The Semi-weekly Post and The Cou- near. Sparrows and redbreasts also flut- | pypp one year each for only $1.50. Just | tered about and seemed to overcome think of it, The Post twice a week, and | Sher ne. x your county paper for the price of one. | before a shock oocurred, and some fell Wie us for Feample Sopiee. on their knees and sides. The dogs in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER | publishes the following local market {ois revised each week: Butter, chee searnrs 13 cents per pound. Cabbage. : i . : Eges,..............ci. : a3." * dogen., | Potatoes, Si re Hy * hushel . Jujent. Sensei ious 5 are as yi | Co ne i ig shelled, : &) Ww heat, .. . . 0 | Buckwheat, : . 83 * as fos, Hoje cries pi "no the New York Thrico.s-week World | ey struc ¢ ear as SOme herad before, —Tan Hn Nowe ; for only $1.50 per year. | Hay, “pressed, a tinganaenad $14 to $6 per ton. { Drink Ambrosia. ed ra BE wm DAVIS, — President of ("ouncil. Burgess. Attorney and Counselor at fav, EBENSBURC, Pa.’ All legal basiness promptly attendot ta, GUN WO RKS. ; We sell almost any §1%0 1885 Jet ‘at $50, 880 $70, $30 an 235. depends . L. GEORGE, the make. We give you the big ag ATTORNEY - - AT - LAW, G ALLITZIN. PA. Solicitor for German National B. & I. associat ton. fice in A=inory Hall Boarding By the week, day or mel, Cream, Cigars, Confectionery and; Drinks at (Glass’ Restaurant, Opposite Central Hotel Bicycle Repairing - Difficult repairing done promptly. | Frame brazing done hy the new pro- ‘cess, no burnt tuobing.. Wood and steel rims, tires, covers, inner tubes, patches, pumps valves, cement, lacing, wd ey nipples, sadd les, posts, TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest Hine in Pation at G. J. FITZPATRICK'S J tape Restaurant on Magee avenue, near nipples handle bars, grips, coasters, P. J R. R. depot. : foot brakes, beels, ete. MEALS AT ALL HOURS, “Standard” MAHA FFEY HOUSE : Cyeclometers $1.56, by Mail - $1.80; Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Fa. usnal price £2. > : Acenmmodntions firstelass, Best of Liquors Ship bicveles for repairs bv express and Wines at the bar. Stabling attac ind, i . . . prepaid. GEORGE FERGUSON, i Hardc i's Gun Works otf " Prop'r. : RE “Go To LEARY IEL D. PA. DANIELSON & ENGBLAD'S SHOE - SHOP 4th Ave., near R. R. Stati TW pavers For AUGUST K. HUBER, . THE COURIER is pleased to announce its clubbing arange- ONE GIVES RELIEF. Yy ry ~y - v STONE M AS ON, mentawith Mellon Avenue, PATTON, fam gr Sl thin ail kinds of WOK in ou ‘The : Pittsburg Post Hine at Feast prices. Contriets taken and the great home newspaper of i hed when desired. atistuetion Pennsylvania, and to persons who ‘want the best ly or -semi-weekiy paper published ; - in the city, we recommend The R'I'P-A-N-S Post. : : : — The DAILY POST, : ! : : A large ei it ge paper, and The modern stand- THE COUF one year esch : . , for $3.90. The price of The ard Family Med:- Post alore is $3.00. Send us gi - your order at once and get sev- cine: Cures tae en papers a week for the price : s— you formerly paid for one. . common everyday | The SUNDAY POST, ills of humanity. twenty pages every Sunday, : : of containing as much reading renew . as any of the monthly maga- : zine, and THE COURIER one year each for only $2.25. and Ti THE COURIER one year each for only $1.50. Just think of it, The Post twice a week, and your county paper for the price of one. Write us for sample copies B.R.& P. Time Table. The Short line between DuBois, Ridgway, Bradford, Salamanca, Bufilo, Rochester Ni- NEw YORK. we 361 BRo4 DWAT. agara Falls, and points in the upper Oil . Region, Om and after Nov, 25, IN, Pas: sr trains will arrive and de part from Falls Creek Station, daily, except Sunday, as follows: rock wavvidle, Ridgway, Johnsonburg, Mu Jewett, Bradford, Salamanca, Dukic, and Bochiester; connecting at Johnsonburg with | P. & E tmin 3 for Wilcox, Kane, Warren, Corry, and rie, x } 753 a. m.— Assonunodation—For DuBois, Sky- | I : Orre oR, Rig Run, and Panssutawiey, i: * * ’ § Za’ m-Aee wmmadation from Bradford, | Jouhscuburg, Ridgway, Brockway ville, 4 - intermediate stations, for DuBois and > TON > Phnxsutawnpey. Sa PATTON, PA. 2% p. om—Bradford Accommodation For * "~ ; Boece htree, Broek wavvillie, Fimont, Carmon, ( CN eral ~N MTUC ry ” Ridgway. Johnsonbung, Mi, Jewett, amd : - de / Bradford, 210 po me Mail For DuBols, Skyes, Big Run, } AND — Punxsutawney, and Walston. Trains Arrive--T00 a, m. accommodation from ” Paaxs carey. RAS me mk, Mail from Wai THE F Y E A SPE C1. Al ry. : A, 0 po ot] $ madntion from Punxsatawney: 210 p. m., Mail from Enffalo and Rochester. CaM Divis . - a = = = = - Room No. 3, GOOD BUILDING. 4 ne [1] 0 - Adamant Pinsier. (iives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. : Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for use in any season. _ Does not hold gases or discase gernu Is the par excellence for patch ng. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommended by all the leading Architects who have used it in this country and England. Will give vou a solid wall. | Of itself will not crack, swell or shrink. i Will not cleave off when used as di. ee rected, even in case of leakage. mm Will give you a warm house. ®as Does not ruin woodwork by loading ; ymin it with moisture. * Flug. Daily, except Sunday. Admits of carpenters following ol as. terers in a few days. 5 nA 4 i ¥ 25 Li Rigs Market Bt 5 50 Hench Creek $0 {0 I; ArAM PM P ug Depot Ms AND CLEARFIELD Hridg port t RIESE tile Blooius ‘Wri “0 Clenrfield Tai Bois Jet. Riis roek a FALLS CREEK Anderson Vinduat 10 AM Lv ford, Buffalo, and Rochester Ise apable of every variety of finish, roe, Altoona, Huntingdon and Harrisburg. Train No. Ti eonnectys at DuBois for Bradford p= Used on the Palmer House, Good and Pittsbury and has Pullman lee ping Car! Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, vm Philade phia to DuBeis. i p a Trin "No. 74 connvets at Clearfield with C. C. L&I Co. office. Patton Opera, | Beech Creek KR. R. for Phijipshurg, Lock [HARDER'S | | of the margin usually taken by agents. 9¢ STOW IT Ar Muoson,. rns 1% AM. PX Train No. 32 connects att Cleardeld for Ty- Beech Creek New York Central & Hudson River R. ®t Lessoe. € 'ONDENSED TIM E-TABLE. In Effect May 12,1895. ‘Ro : pap = a PATTON ...... erin vines VOTO, oii 8; iran Mahaiey. - LRETTINGOr vee E88 © & HF | New Mi ilpeart. ADR Mitchells | ‘ Lv. Clearfield Junction’ Ar. ~CLEARFIELD...... .. ol addr “in 1 anes il | . Arg learfiol Junetion Ly. 3 ve. Wondiand | . “nina Big Ti 4s vada Te ~Morrisdale Mines. “dan B Sakanl ainl ~in $ HE 8x -t # 85 iv. PHIL IPSBURG 2210 © Ar. PHILIPSBU RG Lv. SE | a wd LW sare. 8 © 9 5 BERS BEE ~ Creek. Lip Hall... nn JOCK HAVEN. ink You ie (Wayne)... - rOWHS, 7 Jersey Shon Janetion + 7 05 L v GWOMBPT P. Te ae 8. NER P- ti — — by Gk 49 *® pa) ax AT - H "35 11 0 Ly PHILADEL PHIA Ar HD Ly. New Yorkvia Tam. 7 3 Ly. New Yorkvin Phila = aon > ¥ WEPTEE cwewmmm = * EE GREER KRHREER 8 ol KRES | Set *Dmily. tWoeek-days ue p. m. Sunday. 110.10 a. my. Sunday. - Through Pullman Sleeping Car between Du- Bois, Clearfield, all intermediate points, and : Philade iphia in both dinwtions daily, except sunday, on trains Nos. 38 and 38, CONNECTIONS. — At Willlamsport with Philadelphia and Readin RBailmiad. At Jersey shore Junction with Fall Brook Railway for ints in New York State and the W At ill Hail with Central Railroad of Pennsyl- vanis. At Philipsburg with Pennslvania Railroad. At Clearfield with Butthio Roe ster and Pitisbury Railway. At Mahaffey Patton with Cambria and Clearfield na of Pennsevivania milroad. At Mataffey with Pe Penisyly ania and North Western milroad ALMER, © F. E HERRIMAN, A Eh, Gen’ Passenger Philmderphia, | Pa. P, R. R. Time Tables. In effect May 20t May 20th, 1895. Main Line, eave Croquee Samii Sea Shore Express, week days... >, Week Altoona Aceo Main Line Express. da Altoona Accomodation, « Mail Express, daily Philadelphia’ a daily. vi Main Line, Ss ia} Johnadown Accom, weex days........ 8S Ham Pacific Express, daily Way Passenger, daily... © Mail Train, ly... Fast Line, daily... * Johnstown Aceom.. CAMBRIA snd CLEARFIELD. Southward. ‘Moming train for Patton and Seen jeaves Mahaffey at 5 am; la pag i Nouoyer, - % 8:27, Garway, | {or He Hasti Garway, for ( ms of Patton TIER i er at jey Junction, Tw; Kaylor, { ison atx + am. Ar i and Cresson leaves at RE Jose, 213; Westover, Ho a ings) 237: Hastings, 27: Garws Le La $10; Patton, 3:20: Rad radley J 3085; or an) lor, 238, arriving at Cresson at £15 Northward. Morning train leaves Cresson for Maha at i #55: Kayior, #351; Bradley Junetion . ton, 1025 Ga rway (for Hasti ngs) 10cm Hasungs, {for Mahattey) 10:58; ree ih 11:35: Westover, 11:19: La Jose, na IE, arriving at | Mahaffey at 11:50, Rernoon and Mahatfey leaves Cresson at at 3225; Kaylor al: ‘Bradley Junction, 5:56; Jatt #12 Gar ray, (for Hastings: BRE toy dh; Garway, for Mahates) 7 ant Lover, 708; La Jose, a, arriving at ey at 7: pm. SUSQUEHANA EXTENSION Eastward, Moming train: leaves Cherrytree 5 Barneshoro, &5% Spangler 60% rr Road, 7:18, and connects with train for Cresson at Bradley Junction at 7388, Afteracon tin leaves Cherrytree at 200: Rarnesboro, 22% Spangler, 235; Carrolitown Road, 255 and connects with train for Cresson ‘at Bradley Junction at 3:43, Westward. Morning tmin lenves Bradley Junction for ¢ Cherrytive at 10:1 Carrolitown Road, nyler, 10:55; Baresbor, 11902, arriving at CTTVIre: at 11:30 3 A TOrTNON tin waves Bradley Junction for < ‘hefrytree at 80), Carrolitown "rs angler, a2 Rarnesboro, &37, RI tree at 6:55, n the Ebensbarg Branch trains leave Ebsnsburg for Cresson at 7:30 a m, and BLD leaves - Cresson for > ntermedinte points on the arrival of reins from East and West, both moming and evening. 55 a, m.—Baffale and Roe voster mafl—For | R For mates, ma PR to Helet or address Thos, PWati A.W, 110 Eifth Ave NE Pa. : PREVOST, R. WOOD, ST Manager. ( Sener) Pas. Ast. P & NW Railroad. Ror STATIONS No8 N am ooam 11 88 ar Punxsatawn’yl Iv 8 17 0» MeGees i 15 Mahaffey? we La Jose3 9% - Berwindale +R Jrvana 94 Coal 83 Lio ville w_ mW Iv Bellwoodb ar € Sonnections—i With Buffilo Rochas any and Plushurg R. R. 2With Beech Creek mailroad 3With Cambria and Clesi field milroad. {With Cresson and Clearfield railroad. 5With Penn. ~ “ eof wt - v - , CoB C2 ay in on CA Gs G1 Ry REBUEINY fpoveesansedy Bg Ce | E8SnsnBe : sylvania railroad. cush Creek Branch —Trains leaves MoGees for Glen ( ‘ampbell at 1:3 am pa Arrive at McGees from Glen Campbell at 79 am and 3:35 pm. Pennsvivania milroad tmins arrive and leave Rellwosds as follows: Ratu, 3 and 1:47 am, 1208 ZS, a2 and 30 p m. i CWestw ard, 7 TIS a mm, 124 F233, TOT and 0 m, ki) A. FORD, Supt. Bellwood, war esa GET THE BEST alto ural lowing Machine PA ? ag my IOS Ovi: Ll for a mare si feo to it that vou buy fr Sad “ro tadle rant - facturers that have gad ned a repriarion by hone ranisjuars i dealing, you will then get a Sewing Machine that is noted the world over for its dura- buity. You wart the ys that is cusiost to menage aad is Train No. 7) connects at DuBois for Big Run © Punxsutawnoy, Ridgway, Johnsonburg, Arad- house, M. E. church, and on more than - Haven, Jerse; Shore, Williamsport, Philadel- ~ one-half of the plastered houses and phia and New York, and bas Pullman Sleep ing Car from DuBois to Philadelphia, store rooms of Patton. Thousand paile tickers at two ¢ents per nile, Yatholie C ‘h St. A gt. good for passige between all stations, i Also the Catholie Church St. Augus & Gi. MaTTHEWS, Epwakp C. LAPEY, ine. : ’ Gen. Supt, Gen. Pas. AgL. Roe hester, N.Y. Rochester, N, Y. | So Passengers are requested tw purchase For prices and information, write : . A tickets befor enteribg the cars, An excess ADAMANT PLASTER €CO., harge of Ten Cents will be eo collected by pon. + ductors when fires are paid on trains, m a Patton, Pa., Lock Box 345. stations where a Tie ket Office is maintained. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO. CEESEREE . roe SALE ey aml rin 88 | spay = x or seu rac
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers