The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 29, 1895, Image 4

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: ¥ {gg¥™ © Palion Friday.
ud nd A
Patton Courier.
| PATTON PUBLISHING co, Proprietor.
“7 THURSDAY, 4 AUGUST 29, 1895.
1. Bubscribers who do - not give express
notice to the cont are considered as wish-
to renew their subscriptions.
If subscribers order the discontinuance |
of their periodicals, the P
Hae to send them until all arrearages are’
bscribers neglect or refuse to take |
fcals from the postoffice to which
settled ‘their bills and ordered them |
OE Tf subecitvers move to other places with-
out informing the pu publishers, and the papers
are sent to the dress, they are id
Courts have decided that refusing to |
, periodicals from: the office or removing
Eo them unenlled for, is prima facia
ntentional fra
BE y are Dee rented. the ey are D aonatble until
be 1 vance the, re |
1f subscribers n advance they » advertisement this week. Don’t miss it. |
bound to give notice at the end of the time If
wish to continue taking it; other
pad ho ix authoriized to send it
- and the subscriber will be responsible antil an |
express notice, with fer of all arrear-
ages. is sent to the pub. :
CaTHoLIC—Father Marcellius, Mass
every other Sunday at 8 and 10a, oh Sun-
eho nt 2 pon and vesperaat 3 p. m.
yo gy EriscoPAL—Rev. C, W. Wasson,
Rervices at 1030 a. m. and 7:30 p. 1m).
school at 2p. m. Ep League
. m. Prayer necting every Wednes-
evening at Ti
Loeal Time Table.
The hours of arrival and departure |
of trains at the Patton Station are as
Mail Closes.
08 AM
Has never procrast Tesngln’ how."
ne fe Sep Pi ons
He jest goes and does it now,
EX the cordwood calls fer a tussle
© ‘Phet'll bring the sweat to his brow,
H RES with s hula,
An takies the Job right now.
cha thet talks of ter-morrer :
heres, I ‘low;
pina hh
- Eft raing he aint workin: out it,
‘Cause he gits his hay in now.
lookin’ fer what'll suit
kin take oft yer hat an
- Ter the chap thet's short on the future
Asher) loug ou now. : Life
Drink Ambrosia.
- Boda
. Sods water
At Hodgkin's
‘Go to Mellon for a good cigar...
. Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa.
~ Drink the new summer drink, Am-
brosia. :
For first-class cigars and tobles go
‘to E. A. Mellon.
__F. 8. Bennett,/ of
Friday in
~ H. B. McMasters, of
ton, spent Monday in
~ F. P. Gardner of Lock Laven, was a
. Visitor to town Saturday :
Thos. Shoemaker, of Cleared, had
‘business in Patton Saturday.
. See the elegant black cheviot suits for
Spangler, spent
only $5.00 at Mirkin & Kusner’s.
'W. J. Phalen, of Philadelphia, stop-
; ped at the Commercial hotel Friday.
W. J. Spencer, of Williamsport,
registered at the Central hotel Thurs-
~ Wm. H. Colton, of Harrisburg, reg-
istered at the Commercial hotel
- If you wish to get cooled off stop in
to Hodgkins drug store and get a
drink of soda.
Charles A. Bogers, a Gaveliiig silos:
man of Altoona, stopped at the Central
Best of order and best of music at
~ the dance in Firemen’s hall Saturday
evening, August 31st. :
Before leaving your order for a
spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the
tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-68tf
Policeman John BSyoe has just com-
pleted a neat porch in front of his
property on Fifth avenae.
Mrs. Carrie Hunter, of Punxsutaw-
ney, visited ber brother, Dr. A. V.
Murs: of this place, one day last
Re Malai" Linton, of
'~ Johnstown, were guests of Major
. Wolfe and family at the Palmer house
over Sunday,
Harvey Patterson “and W. J. Don-
nelly were elected as delegates to the
‘Democratic county convention held at
_ Ebensburg Monday,
Oscar Bigham, of Altoona, accom-
panied by Misses Hattie and Mary
Sharbaugh, of Carrolitown, drove
Mrs. M. J. Ryan, who has been lying
seriously ill at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Anslem Weakland, west
of town, is reported to be improving.
ublisher may con- |
Drink Ambrosia.
Try Truman’s coal. -67tf
Best tobies in town at Mellon's.
' Say, have you tried Hodgkin's soda |
Go and see Mellon's new brand of |
tobies. They are fine.
It is reported that the Cherrytree
Record will come to light again.
C. T. Grum, of Springboro, Pa., was
| a guest at the Central hotel Friday.
| di Mitchell, of Clearfield, was a!
milier visitor to Patton Thursday.
| R. J. Yothers, of Hastings, has 8
| new “ad” in the COURIER this week.
For binder twine go to The Cambria |
I The advance in leather has wad obliged] ™
manufacturers to make a correspond- |
jing advance in the price of shoes, with
| probably, the only excption of W. L.
Douglas, who, notwithstanding the |
| high price of leather, will continue at |
| the old prices, and give a better shoe |
than ever before. The recent addi-
| ons to his already large factory,
‘makes his plant the largest in the
‘world devoted to manufacturing an!
exclusive line of shoes.
EBENSBURG, Pa., August 26, 1895.
Ebensburg fair opened to-day; it is | &=
| expected that the exhibits will surpass |
those of former years. With the bal- |
| Hardware company’s store, Patton. Att] loon ascensions and an alligator on
Mirkin & Kusner have changed their
The Courrier and the New York
Thrice-a-week World for only $1.50 a
ust 31st.
“ Dancing will begin at 7:30 sharp at
“| the Firemen’s hall Saturday evening,
August 31st.
Get the New York World three times
‘as week and the Patton CoUBIER for
only $1.50 a year. :
yMisses Myrtle and Anna Moore, © of
{ H. Moore, of this place, for a few |
‘weeks. Jain
Jas. V. Scanlan and H. W. Story,
two traveling salesmen of Johnstown,
were guests at the Commercial hotel
on Monday.
You all want a good smoke. Well
ply you with the best cigars and tobies
to be found. :
Be sure to attend the picnic on Labor
day for the benefit of 8t. Mary's Cath-
olic church. Will be held in Anna’s
grove, west of Patton.
Mr. Watt, of South Mellon avenue,
says he has the largest cucumber in
Patton. The COURIER has not ascer-
tained its size and weight yet.
When you take a trip to Ebensburg
| stop at the Blair house and yon will be
used all right. Accommodations ex-
cellent and rates moderate.-69-tf.
Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain,
nothing to fear. DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers. Best for sick headache, bil-
liousness, sour stomach and eonauips-
Blanche Minnick, of Clearfield,
id Miss Mabel Robinson, of DuBois,
Patton for the past month, returned to
their homes Thursday.
Think what a ‘‘bore”’ you are apt to
make of yourself. Pull out a dollar or
fifty cents and get the paper sent to
you for a year orsix months.
Stomach and bowel complaints are
best relieved by the timely use of De-
Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist
on having this preparation. Don’t
take any other. C. W. Hodgkins.
Oomptroller Eekels last Thursday
authorized the Elk County National
bank, of Ridgway, Pa., to begin busi-
ness, with a capital of $100,000; presi-
dent, Jerome Powell; “oashier, ‘M. 8.
ii house of Mr. Wm. Makin in
ambria township was completely de-
stroyed by fire Sunday night last, al-
did not learn the origin of the fire.—
Ebeensburg Mountaineer.
wi Fin E. Dale, state delegate, in
mpany with 8. M. Wilson, L. 8S. Bell,
| Reuel Somerville, Dr. I. J. Weida,
Adam Woleslagle, John Boyce and E.
Will Greene, attended the Republican
convention at Harrisburg Wednesday.
trip on his bicycle to Millport, N. Y.,
pected to return home this week. He |
rode from this place to Millport, a dis- |
tance of over 250 miles, in thirty-six
{ hours. :
/ Matt. Savage, editor of the Clearfield
Public Spirit, accompanied by his little
daughter Sue, spent a few houng in
Patton Saturday. Mr. Savage was
since its “birth” about two and one- |
half years ago.
/ All the talk about Grover Cleveland |
having aspirations for a third term is
simply nonsense. Mr. Cleveland is too
much of a Democrat to want a third
term, and if he were not he knows the |
opinion of his party and the people on
the third term question too well to
even dream of such a thing. -Hastings |
publican issued a ten-page illustraved |
edition last week which shows energy
and ‘get up” by the management. |
The paper is published by Roy E. |
Decker, an old time friend of the edi- |
tor of the COURIER, who is one of the
most able editors and newspaper men
in that section. ‘Mr, Al. Eearhart, the
‘gentleman who has charge of the me- |
chanical department, is also an old |
friend, and understands his work |
Don’t fail to attend the dance at the
! Firemen’s hall Saturday evening, Aug-
Maryland, are visiting their father, W.!
now just go to Mellon and he will sup-'
| effective, safe and certain. Hundreds |
who have been visiting relatives in
Don’t borrow your neighbor's paper. |
though the contents were saved. We.
AClarence C. Edmiston, who took a
and other points north, which will |
cover a distance of 700 miles, is ex-
' exhibition it will be away ahead.
Burgess W. J. Donnelly, and Harvey |
Patterson, of Patton, were delegates to |
{the Democratic county convention | |
which was held here yesterday.
~ C. J. Trexler, of St. Augustine, |
called on his many friends here on |
Will Bender and Miss Mattie Dumm, |
JAM Thomas, of Lock Haven, is in of Carrolltown, were among the many
town this week looking after business |
strangers who were in town Sunday. |
#¥ohn F. Thomas, of Patton, visited
Kbensburg on Thursday last. !
Messrs G. W. Porchand L E. Har-
man, of Johnstown, are registered at
the Blair house and will remain here -
during the fair as the Porch Bros. will |
| have a number of musical instruments
{ on exhibition.
Ebensburg was well represented at|
| the Emerald’s picnic which was held at |
'('resson on Wednesday last. |
Joseph A. Gray and A. Eckenrode, of
Carrolltown represented that borough |
at the convention held here on Mon- |
Grass seed for sale at Bam’l | Bayo
food store. -86tf i
ion : |
f : At the Yaimer Howse, |
people who registered at the Palmer
house since last Wednesday morning:
0 if you buy your goods
J) |from us
0 our
Following is a list of some of the |
Give you any present
10 4
| will give you the bene
fit of low prices in-
Y stead.
Are getting in new
goods every day for
all trade.
0 br
b= Come and examine
Black Cheviot Suits,
‘Mirkin & Kusner.
Excelled vy None |=
Equalled by few,
John H. Bolen, Jr, Chas. R. Lang, Pittsbuig; |
C. 8. Pratt, Phila; 8. W. Coffey, Altonna; Geo.
| W. Black, Pittsburg; Jno. W. Lisa, Wmsp'L.;
| €. L. Roop, Altoona; 1. Dod Israel, Phila; F. |
| K. Boley, DuBois; W. J. McDonnell, O'Shanter, |
grove and boy, Gallitzin; C. H. Adams, Pgh;
D. A. 8terict, W. M. Cromster, Phila; F. H. |
Martin, Pgh; T. I. Long, DuBois; H.C. inl
Pgh.; Daniel H. Reeder, Washington, D. C;
L. R. Anderson, Phila.; D. DD. Henderson, Pgh; |
Davis, Altoona; Frank Marble, Altoona; Frank |
8. Jones, Philipsburg; B. A. Gibson, Louis |
Diarrhea should be stopped prompt- |
ly. It soon becomes chronic. De-|
Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure is
of testimonials bear witness to the |
virtue of this great medicine. It can |
always be depended upon, ite use saves
e and money. C. W. Hodgkins.
. How to Make a Mustard Plaster,
. A mustard plaster made according to
the following directions will not blister
the most sensitive skin: Two teaspoon-
fuls mustard, two teaspoonfuls flour,
two teaspoonfuls ground ginger. Do
not mix too dry. Place between two
pieces of old muslin and apply. If it
burns too much at first lay an extra
piece of muslin between it and the
skin; as the skin becomes accustomed
to the heat take the extra piece of
muslin away. — September Ladies’
Home Journal. i
Best cigars at Mellon's.
List of Unclatmed Letters. |
The following letters remain in the |
postoffice at Patton for the week end-|
‘ing Saturday, August 24, 1805:
Gust Martin Anderson, P. P.
.{ Ang. Gobert, Jos. Lanoi, }
| Martin, John Olsen (2), Augustine
Olsen, William Platt (2), August Pal- |
mer, W. S. Smathers (2). |
Persons calling for the above |
letters will please say they are adver- |
tised. - E. A. MELLON, P.M
Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey,
tees a perfect fit. -88tf
Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. poor farm, |
Winnisheik county., Ia., says: Last |
. winter Mr. Robert Leach used two |
| boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve |
‘and cured a large running sore on his |
| leg. Had been under care of physi. |
cians for months without obtaining re- | }
relief sure cure for Piles, C Ww |
| Hodgkins.
Bark For Sale.
| formation regarding the same write to
{or inquire of Patton Publishing Co.,
Patton, Pa.-86tf
| : A Bargain.
A high grade second hand bicycle, |
| good as new, can be bought at a bar.
| gain. Inquire at this office. -86tf
Children, eopecially infants, are soon | {
run down with cholera infantum or |
| “summer complaint.’ Don’t wait to |
and Cholera Cure promptly, you can
| rely on it. Use no other. C. W, |
| Hodgkins. : i
.For Sale or Rent.
One pool and one billiard table, in’
room centrally located in Patton. Ad- |
[dress P. O. Box 291, Patton, Pa. -90tf
| There is no doubt, no failure, when
| you take DeWitt's Colic and Cholera
Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, |
| no bad after effecta. C. Ww. Hodgiina. |
ville, Ky. |
Pa.; Chas. W. Hill, Lock Haven; P. B. Cos |
(J. E. Starrect and wife, Philipsburg. John |
|at prices. that defy compet.
ition. Wholesale or retail.
And be Convinced.
| 90t4 HASTINGS, PA.
Going out of
When I make enough to re-
But not having made any
‘money on account of the de-
| pression, which is about over,
and the close margin I have
on Hardware, Tinware,
Stoves &c., I will have to
| continue serving you by giv-
ling V alue for your
‘and from the increased patron-
| before
fat 1 : PATTON, PA.
‘Racket Store
1s the place to buy |
ory Sach a : r 2 =i $e sihetantisl About 800 cords of hemlock bark is) every thing in the household |
growth an ty of our town | offered for sale at Patton, Pa. For in- | line. oe
e of
at your own price. If you don’t be- | |
‘lieve come and see. Ev sighing is wold |
| at a bargain.
The Tucker County (W. Va.) Re- | determine, but give DeWitt's “oan | Reel Somerville,
Office in the Good Building.
Attorney .-at - Law,
Cambria County, Pa.
Boros 2U| 4
A misstep would be disastrous to to this fair creature. Let us hope that
| she may not mise a secure feoting and that she may escape the
| surround her. Above all she should not miss
| Where the freshest and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17¢c. per pound.
| Neither should she miss )|msted’s Ice Cream Parlors,
Send $1 .00 and get 6 pounds of Butter |
by Express.
| Olmsted’ ® Butter Store,
ism 507 Main St JOHNSTOWN, PA.
Having purchased $2,000 worth of Ladies and Gents Foot-
wear at the Sheriff Sale of Fox & Curtis, wholesale shoe.
dealers, we are giving our customers the grand benefit. Dimes
(and Dollars in pockets of wide-awake buyers.
Men’ Ss $5 .00 French Patent Calf Shoe, -- . 50
“ 3.00 Caseo Calf, lace and congress, 1.73
he 2.50 Calf Dress Shoes, - 1.45
Ladies’ 2.00 Button and Lace, = - - - - 1.2§
500 pairs Hand turn and welt Shoes, sizes 2 to 3, , width, A
to 6, were 3.00, to 4.00, our price $1.50.
350 pairs Boys’ Congress shoes, sizes, 3, 3}4 and 4, worth
11.50 to 3. on, our price
99 Cents.
Gus Simons,
Leading Shoe Store,
- 1400 Eleventh ave.
Pumps, Lamps, Cinderalla|
In Light Colors.
‘Men’ s or Boys’
guaran. lage I expect to receive, I can|
RE Sih IS No Fake.
| $10 Suits $5
1 8 a
6 3
‘And so on down or up,
Fall goods arriviig dally.
In Patton is this: we keep what the people
Come and See
‘want and a big assortment.
| :
ar ~The Clothier, Tailor & Hatter.
perils which
200 pairs boys Button Shoes, 4 to 54, were 1.50 to 3.00,
| your choice for gge.
rm wwiks JE SEH, Sh RAH WR
A i lg WT