The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 29, 1895, Image 1
RRSP re elise nse ne i Sn FA ia ‘TOL. IL—NO. 90, PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1 9% : To $1.00PER YEAR. _ VISIT COOK. SALMOND & COWDEN'S STORE, ALTOONA, P, Anything you ‘want Monkey to an Elephant. In Come and My we mtock, Drugs Stationery Cigars and Holiday Goods Always Knives Tohauoe Smoker's Toilet Art from a HAALY And alsd se thie Hit FLRPHAST Medicines ~ Chemicals Confectionery Snaff OF Articles, icles Fishing Tackle Sporting ( ‘Razors Ball yOOAR Grex Wis Soisgors Strops Mugs Etc. FINEST SODA WHTER. ~= Manuf Magic - Drops aur wid Guaranteed to give FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. for if § satisfaction ‘money cheerfully refunded. Shears 8 Prescriptions a Specialty 0 GIVEN AWAY Magic Cough Cure. i ~ With each Dollars worth of goods bought at this store we will give Five Qent Money Orders, and when Twenty are presented to us at one time, we will redeem them, giving : ONE DOLLAR in cash or merchandise for them; or we purchased at store more. amounting to C.W. any one : Hi DG tine at tl Atv ents “ Tr AT X he INE DN OY, 1 ¥ I 1 +i i will accept them one or more at a time towards paying for a bill of goods movement of grain, lumber pi CONDITION OF TRACE = : 1 Pendcsy ¢’ or THOT PHTaas CET Q } 2 i 4 TEL PY vr i pn A “Y x Commercial Agency INCREASED DET AND, West and Northwest Based on Favorable Corn und Wheat Crop ir wpeots, BosToN, August 23.—- The market for most kinds of merchandise is yet quiet, although the tone of values con- | tinues steady and the general out look is considered favorable - The money market is quiet, with the supply. large and the demand dull Rates are quoted al 4 per cent for business paper, with corporation loans at per cent., and collateral lonns at 3004 per cent. In the boot and shot marke trade still rules quiet; aithough the tone is firm. Leather is (uote steady for ali. kinds, but trade) Considerable supplies are ¥ eXport. Hides are Ck] ii ida atonddv fron MArgel GOIGs Beaay. ron are meeting with a more quis emamd, buf the tone 07 Lhe RAarsst as yet very strong. Copper 3 quiet bul hrm. ” in - 3 + : x 2 & Pure oo tip The lumber trade is quiet bul stead Coal yet dull and featurciess, BurraLo, Aagust 23 .-The condi- tions of lake commerce have maleriadiy improved; rates are firmer. and there is more demand for tonnage for the ore, - Anthracite coal 18 moving very moderately and extremely low prices Some increase in demand for money is noted. Most industrial establish ments are fairly active, and trade in general shows an advance over just season, with a hopeful outlook for the fall Wo iB PHILADELPHIA, Auy rust 2° 3 ‘steady and trade fair. The carpet ‘strize is apparently al an end; and while concessions were made on both “gides, yet the results 13 practiondy ¥ jooked upon as a victory for the strigers. downward tendency in prices. Leather alii mMoroceo continae aciive kha prices firm. A steady mc rease in OTT r boots and. shoes, and 4 : i regarded as asstred y 4 : [# £3627) 1 iil Pritam Petroleum is quiet and a xe SVILLE August 23 There is wholesale City and CORNTEY ol ieelians Are poor, vs August 23. Trade is although the vol- 5 Yaw - & 7 fairy SC Batisiac V: ot eountey orders have the expectations. Cotton has and there is better trading 113 Tr sted 1,500,000 (as of narvesting bags. Maw a Fer) ns better ; heise he "Tis 2 a pretty note thal a fellow ean- not get into a store at this time of night.” 1 overheard the above re- mark about $15 one evening last week while standing near one of the larger Wusineass homes of town WhO mace Uwe reinar on a step for a solid about Hastings thonght Ihe s1OTe Zo to the store ar meat market. The business man Ale Morne ever stop to vink, dear reader, of the trials a man meet behind the coun- ter. I don’t blame them for getting out pon they workoin all day if he average man Kicks has to work ten hours daily, yet the clerk and his employer usually work twelve or fourteen hours, and on netead of an esrly quitting, it in longer and harder than at apy other time. Then when a big time is on hand, a pienie, or an excursion, or : Saturday a holiday, w ing a good time, the clerk has 10 stay hard at it. and work harder probably than at any other time. As this world i¥ what we make it, let us do what we others along, if a kind lo as weil as a growl, speak it be any poarer {or , bat yo spoken a word that will help another ovér a rough place. MOSER PERKINS, Fs Always Thal Was A contribntor to. the Patton Cot- t ry y 3 PE 3 i ) SNR Yi Asetin re =x wR 43 us. aries AR IK il sig Hw - » £ * ¥ ¥ i ir i 1 RTT $ ik v ri & n [pe A LE # BRET Fring = A 1 1 y : ~ ~ i AIH i ¥ = ¢ not been The nan’ yen all others are out hav- WILL COME HERE : A Giga ntic Clay Man- ufacturing Industry. | West Virginia plant from 500 to 600 mitted by District Attorney Murphy for cars of sewer pipe and fire proofing the trial of cases in the criminal court, ion of the Plo pki Erect ion of the Plant to Com- FUTURE For Parton Assured Mr. F. E. MeEifresi, of Penrith, W. ¥a , the Main Prolectar - Other Frominent and Well-Raown Maen’ Fntirastoed. an T BrsGas ¥, Al agust 224, a moe ding was hela in the office of the Chest Creek Land and Improvement company at which were present many prominent men who are actively interested in the ‘fatare prosperity of Patton, and as a - result of this meeting all preliminary arrangements bave been consummated for the establishing of a large clay plant, fhe erection of which will begin almost immediately. 4 The establishing of this plant hus been seriously contemplated from time to time and an extensive corres pondende was carried on between Mr. F. E. McElfresh, the projector, and prominent citizens of this place, also: by the, Commercial Board of Trads, but the movement net with little sucoess and definite conclusions were never shiccessfully determined. MeEifresh, who is the owner of a similar plant in Penrith, W. Va. has for mare than a year recognized the | value of Patton as an upexcelled locs- tion andi has personally endeavored 0 interest the members of the corpora o iy : tion whic have such large interests here. Hon. James Kerr, of Washington, 12. C., andMr. A. E. Pattan, of Curwens- ville, men whose extensive interests in Patton have alwas led them to hesitate about indorsing any new industry tha posed to locate here unless they Witive that it would be an us- sired a ficeess and a permanent henefit extended ww Mr. McElfresh y i Vo We TO at firs: but little encour agement antu Le herame Conving wer] bey ond a nig # $ wampdvyenil Ay " i Lid DATUTAL AGW? ntages and rescurees were here and that ~ ! IrOWR, accompa =, . yr wm WOW { ‘ } i nt ZF 1h { Patton ‘stroyed. Word was sent to Altoona, ‘Dr. Wm. Rowe. The delegates elected ewentations were correct. Hav- which now 80 Inrgely governs the pros- rez CAMNAL COURT I Mr ME Mrech's object in seeking Patton as a location for the erection of this manufactory is to obtain the ad- A Jarge Numbes of Yusport. vantages in addition to the superior ant Cases Come Up. quality of clay, of lower freight rates and cheaper fuel as the market for : the articles manufactured is Eastern ARE YOU oN THE LIST? and Northern Pennsylvania, New bs York, New Jersey and the New The Regular Term Commencing at Evens England States : burg. Monday, September 2. Mr. McEifresh is shipping from his. The criminal court calender, as sub- per anium and he comes to Patton commencing Monday, September 2, with a large business assured, and not 1395, will be found below. The follow- ‘as a new industry for whose products ing innouncement is made: PROSPERITY! a market is sought. He will as soon Prosecutors and witnesses for the as the Patton plant is in operation en- Commonwealth must be present on the tirely abandon the one in West Vir- ‘days named below, when cases will be ‘ginia and become a permanent resident . presanted to the grand jury. Defend- of this place. ants and their witnesses need not be The decided advantage: which the present until day named for trial of establishing of this new industry gives cased in which they are concerned. to Patton cannot be over estimatsd as Cassy for Grand Jury, Momdsy, September 2, the prosperity of any town is more Commonwealth vs. Mary ' Ratki, certainly assused through a Siversity of fornication; prosecutor, Stephen Bar- manufacturing interests. ney. IRVOXA'S TANNERY DESTROYED : Mike Sabo, adultery; ; Stephen Barer. Hou: Two Hundred Men Will Be Thrown Ambrose Conrad, fornication and Oul of Employment. bast ardy; Car line Stevens. Se in extensive fire occurred in the George W. Lovell, fornication and : bastardy; Mary M. Hogue. town of Irvona, Clearfield county, near thie Cambria county line, Friday night. Robert Lloyd, fornication and bas- ‘The principal industry there was a. tarcly; Annie Berkey. large tannery, and it was nearly de- Charles Grumbling, fornication. and banitardy; Mary V. Billick. asking for aid, and a company was - Jucob Meier, letting and demising dispatched to the place, which soon house for immoral | purposes; John had the flames under control. = There Rosenbaum. : was $100,000 worth of bark close at Edward McCue, assault and battery: ; hand, and, if wind bad risen, it would Ellin McCue. : have been greatly endangered, It is supposed that pearly two hun- dred men will be thrown out of em- ployment, and the loss will aggregate about $14,000, fully insured. : | Isidore Kingston, an employe of the tannery, was seriously injured. He: had tried to put out the fire in its in- cipiency, when a dust explosion oc- g¢arred, by which his face and hands were burned. ] andi battery; Ellen McCue. William Cook, assault: and battery; . Emma Raossell. Nicholas Boyer and W. H H. Rob- Plummer. John Bradley. : Cieorge N. Brown, assault and bat tery; Alice Brown. Democratic County Delegates battery; Ellen Drass. Following is the list of county candi- Alfred Slater, assault and battery; dates nominated at the Demoeratic John Jordon county convention held at Ebensburg Robert McGown, croity to animals; Monday: Register and recorder, Daniel Joseph Fox. AM eGough; prothonotory, Wm. 8. Albert Zelinski, open lewdness; Le- ¥ Brien; district-attorpey, Jas. L. ving Clem. Walters: surveyor, S. W. Miller; poor house director, John O'Hara; coroner, bailee: W. L. Leitzell Ann Luther, larceny; David L. Rod- for state convention were E. A. Ecken- gers. rode, John O'Toole, Blair Short, J. C.. Blair Mackell and Angeline Mackell, Darby, C. IL. Goodman and Jas. Mc assault and battery; Stephen James. - Eo John C. Ryan, larceny; Susie Makin. Their First Commanion. tai'dy; Ella McGonagle. John Darby, fornication and bas- tary; Emma Henger. Um Sunday morning special services were eid in. the St. Mary’s Catholic t which the Catholic children ¢ Pattan received their first com- on. Fourteen little girls hand- smelly dressed in white with wreaths ‘cation and bastardy; Mary A. Hecker. | .Fohn Cobaugh. seduction, fornication da. mad - gight. litle ard bastardy; Lillie Johns, : wii : : ea rast. | Ram Given, assault aq bataey; Elias nM . and marched to Silverman, ianisd 5 Santis Thomas McClarren, fornication and oy Ha bastardy: Lizzie Gormley. i: iy LHIEEE Ae SeTTICES povlor Bracken, fornication and baie Preaehed 8 VEIT tardy: Rose Ella Miller. William Champeno, alias Swinebart, Edmis- mond. Kerr avenoe, sent a Peter Baker, fornication and bas ¢s, twelve in num- tardy: Ellen Higgina, r of the COURIER, (“land F. Miles, seduction, fornica- « pounds and tion and bastardy; Etta J. Merritt. eraging over - [saac Sutter, fornication and bas- Mr Edmiston tardy; Teresia Kirk. of Citses for Grand Jory Tuesday. September 3. Commonweaith vs... John Secura, Yiini dan #hhia YesiieR toe wel some very a wel sive et} garaen H. Smith. Sherman McDermott, mialieious mis- er butcher, chief, Adam Schelarith. : krist Block, murder; Isaac Harris ERD, . eny; John Dur- mer, - libel; \hner Lloyd nui- evance: by bailee: tenses: A. Ma Ty Con- Edward McCue, aggravated assault ertson, assault and battery; Mary E John Maxwell, cruelty to animale; Catharine McCloskey, assault and Annie Hull, larceny and larceny by Harry Makin, fornication and bas- John C. Herdman, seduction, for) fornication and bastardy; Carrie Ray- Mike Fuller, alias Martin Fuller, ‘an ssialt and battery; prosecaioe, William Rose, larceny; George A. chael, larceny by bailee; UY Grady, perjury; William - erjury and Slack: Amelia 7 15 da ce