RA RRA AE Ain ps B55 WoosteR, 0. Ang. 15. Temperance | Kyinting, Netting, Tsatting and Crochet- exeiloment at Copgress, this county. is ing new designs are illus strated, with ds very high over attempts to condnet a 8a- | seriptions for making. loon contrary to the local option ordin-’ ance, Robert Miller, who hss been ron- | ping the place, was jailed yesterday, and | > i Btruck by Lighining While Sesking Sheltap {inde Riley Howey took possession of the place. Early ths morning the entire front of the saloon was smashed in, The women of the town are charged with the offence and it 18 stated they do not deny it. Brought a {ase : of small Pox Quanaxring, 8. L,Aug. 15.— There was a cace of smallpox on the stearder Have- BAN axD HORSES KILLED 2 Trae i Hoexrisepoy, Pac Ang, 1 to Dinricg {the prevalence of a ternilic eiectnio aheipw Ain the dros tio. ilny Meld IB. Cram, 1 | struck lina which mrrived last evening from IU ~Janeira. The ehiel engineer, . , Phen En : 1, ¥ AG ng, aged 34, of Berkinhead, Log taken siok Angst &. aud, by order of the ship's a2 31 31 NY hie was imnoe : Boer Tloty praersd veins pp ann For : by Lwrheslers of the Pall Rise ant ital, Arto E Ze 8 Bidder des of 413 fhe mrrivad at. when it 12 Know trgip hit vay TOR 10k § + y oy 5 - > - * 1 d% & . hd * § 3.3 4 {gs i = v 3: 1 ¢ The. Amn pn of Queen YORK ( BASKS We AMT For Matt vw. Ransoii, Af inister to Orvercrowdan [oa 2 Victoria R ead. po HY pam 2d Meice. A cane : y ow Not Prey art Ferien Flatals : ! : ished Party Rules | Ere EOCDYRANTS Wik wn malGAL LS. NEEDED OW. lished Party 1 REIS ELLISBLE. FOR Ti: pas TO SEVEN [i TRE QCCUPAATS W142 ah mi tres i | atimates Verifien ana Five Delegates Gi i ie Pi ; 2. 1 The Cra % ; : I $lin Hern ¥O Decided 3 Solvitor Gen ea aia ES - ; The Mangora ana Who Stanghered Misono: : to Gil a eral Cunren; Bere Rnel ; : mries Will be Broughs to Justices, PRITADEL! pA, Ang 15 £3 oii = ee To Tata Bt Grit - firpan LONDON, An ry. 15, Tha hans of eon Hsatings gama fn Prabetetin ; ne : ) 3 SN oh Tost G5 17% 4 mons met at foie o'pluok thm alternom iad n oen rn : i of os that HR antes ai vi and were BE SneR ERIGIGUS thy the noler fre ind : 3 Ita / SR ’ HEE ats dh a of the bisck rod to the bo pes of lords to en AnIY PREY ! ; i = iw - pear the reading » of the queen's perch, wii ter 4) : : i a : which waz as foliows: 3 Le et oh os : - Ge “My Lords and (Gintlemen: : 2 Yi po £43 : . f : ¥ The on nranni sation which | yeckive gyi x i from forei; Bpowers gigara we of the : = X ; contin uun oe of their good will, 1 amg Hoh. NM : o ~ bappy to any that no internshionsl com r Burl her : A ¥ + plieation h boos urine 1 ALY G8 ¥ i £3 : = nit ealenlated to endubiger the pears pe : : : : fix 34 rope. Ti te war bat ween ( {hina dud i : whih wus in progress af the opening of : the last seesios, has Leed fo Bi VFR avn . conclusion hy a pen soir Wh twill In : - be endoring I have he vad strict dary of neutrality durin g the war, ave not 3 taken any sotion in respec! spd [ants : eept such 88 appear #3 Like vain! : i : : able to a termination ol b it : “I deeply regret to say rh : : atrocious outrages apon a bidy of Eo A stile 5 ; ish migsionaries have peer reports reil. only a iif . 4 ths provines of Rasien, Chine. Tu rei } hy regidlar : tarde Bia i plytoen aurpeet pep tative ackdrens. Fhe wari 8d to the Chinese gf er soment by my dito the state convention t £4 & rections, sot iva moeasqres, x ! trast ting ofr of : 4 I - will prove ffective, ara rein i i ; ~ punieh the murderers and al : in soy degree zespo oni crimes. ol : “Internal bronbles, wh ¢ . iit : - out in the Armevisn Fa Asiatic | 3 * Turkey have been attendad with borrors | ¥ ars ‘ : which have moved the indignation of ; Christian nations of Ei LEG RT nat fia my peopla especially. My er rl en u ‘and the embassadors of the of iy ia, a i ] Bassin and the president of Ble es ok republic, noting together, Lav er rd : HE the govern git of tha mnit $ ? ; forms which, in their opinion, sea : fa Ceary to prevent the rin : atant disorder. Rhine propoal i being cof } Ivy ihe Bu 3 ¥ anxiously i “A res by honses of parhar ! Hope, proposing tints : : goloay of: Buolons! porated with & . I was willing too ef ies ? for that purpose, provi Ted: it containad | ys 0 ; 4 : © proper safegnatds to my. interests and; lent) pou this forces of 4 ‘ 25 fis those of my native subjects, es areeialy 08 with the view 10 prevent -Lis “meelilg boa ihe boilers 8 4 : regards their {ands the liquor traflo and | pith Gen. Alfaro. The lair Lelng wis vss " : St Bo reed on aks the mainteriance of their own “systems of informed of Sarasti's intention, tinstipd roa olan the lake , fouth 2 x yi ; ~ justice. I received satisfactory fri the divisions commanded by : cad £2 Test litals it . 3 on thess matters, and an ect hes been Fishio arid Meudordo Altardo, who made gp, per cet t, more power tian ; passed by the cape pasliaments which I 84 nick charge so skillfully’ tha ‘ : > ; par : ~ bave every reason to expect will f i several hours of ¢icee battle tha enemy yy taking aravoly requirements. oe Wag TO! te in mh » i ; . SQGentlemen of ‘the hoes of comInons: - ite RIGA th hate ton ; i a _ The estimates for the Bervice yenr which prisoners, iY pitistor : sD is sale le ‘were not void by the Is 1110 Lists ordors’a i Wt : : . ; 14 2 ul be mid before 3 of : ri) # i 1 to Me 1 HY v : i men—At this season of the year it for £0 4 tern ¢ es probably be foiind more convenient i ¢ H ; will : it tor until another geasion the considers! on sequently, redaried preah) i 4 fi : - of any moportant legislative walters, ex Gan, Barely inet t 3 a : : cept those necessury to provide for the Bambe; with about 4 he ais Wi X adminmtrative chnrges of the year.” yat bs i eegeddad plraiat cotppiately a ; : . The commission to fend tha. guess chise nin we nour 1 a Fyn gard Fi, ; : _ speech ponsisted of Lord Halshary, the Gis y. gnd three frome oy : ig ih is Sk Jord ehaboellor; the duke of Porslaud, the Guamo ; | : . Lng ticuiare Bre J earl of Liathom, Viscoant Gross 8 sid Lord © Septem bir Number of th * Balfour of Burleigh. All were attired in : Tha display of fashions fur t thins their scarlet snd ermine robes, Lord season is excepbonaily arge, at muetal Ta ~ Halsbury read the speech whiis Bpesker | ‘styles eré handsome ezough to. anil The ig silted Gully and the members of the honse of most exacting taste. The is also . commons stood at the bar. When the potable for the vanety asd gamnty of its "reading was conclnded the speaker sod reading matter, . Miz. Pryot’s arti 0 gn Keeping the other members of the house of cow: The Homal Code continue, sod this purser ata : St mons retired to their own ehamber, ‘mouth The Debatante 1s copsidersd in a venieotly 1 bed Ii ; shikl 7 : Child Burned beth. : most Interesting % ay, Amy #hyson, BR To) Tue af ia TO ae main deck; 1” : mons gradaste of Girton college; writes | oll bo faisbad in hord wood sod deporak- L : McKgrsroxr, Aug. 15. At 4 o'clock of 4 girl's life thers and #* Noduuam, the Lj oy Lioh act und wii be segdbad bY A be i thie morn:ng 8 fatal accident occurred at two best known Eogliel, otigsalor Vous ok et: i ae ne a ; . y tof & er ren iaent stat wes # om the Social Hall 2 : ry, A ‘eval miniug village on the men; Edith M. Thomas, 1a ote arn Te kiteban an 1 nantes will sennpy a nom. Yough river, above McKeesport. George with Dr. B.R Eilett, taiee rf nah LE sme ¢ aq { . at py en ugk sar LUI An ~ Allen, a miner, had arisen at an early a Writer. snd hiare She. zs Weolminl | pir any 3 a, wa Bt he Bin 1 O08: | FOR MDYInsL PERS hour, sud with bis family were purtakiog | practically treats of Pisin Needlework as oii © with eF6ry di¥ics to susie J09 [Tow New ¥uracin Ie Iopany to maintain 1*g excellent repa- of the Best Madara Coup ul ot an early meal. Suddenly slsmp onlay Employment. Mrs Sara Miller Kirby tution for the service of high-class att) and Sold for Fiily Cen the breakfest table exploded, and little | eontinnes ber valuable serie on Kioder- onthe Faropesn pian Ey : slips 5 3 oti Beatrice, eged 5 years, was covered with | gurten Work, und Harriet Keith Foues: (na electric light Jait will bi of thailectis : 8 the burning fluid. ‘The father eprang to gines further instructions in Burt Decor- ost yu proved character with & capacity 8 ! ~ eave his child, but the flames were too | ation, The Household Depsriments are i 1500 Jemos, together with = ie or awit for him. The child was burned to are well represented in The Choosing and jj ht of immense power, Great care will eos mest sustdustnily Gina minutes, Preparation of Meats, Seasonable Cook. he taken it the fnmiveting feature of | Oliver Ditson noms Mr. Allen's arms, in his efforts to save | ery, Tha Housekeeper and Preservation |g. shin and 18 is safe to say, that che | Vorite Series’ hia chi id, was so badly burned that they and Reservation. 1ostroction and enter: | will favorsbly compare with any Beit lags! The series isola ‘may bave to be smputated. taioment are provided in Aroand the Tea poral ju this ast There will also be | Wi eit © he Saioon Smashed In. | Table and Somes Novel Amusements, sud 5 system ok Be fi. sd fol" Favorita Cate! asc : {The Newest Books are rev viewed. In. gmanciato sof Vods is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers