and leaving them uncalled for, is prima facia ‘evidence of Intentional fraud. ‘ages, is sent to the pub Blackberries are plentiful in this ch ame A er - drink of soda. i Miss 8. H. Herrick, of Peale, and want in Patton. 7 Aptis Sentra pt. ii Patton Courier. Di ash i PATTON PUBLISHING €O,, Figo business is picking up in Pat- THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 18985. Drink the new sammer drink, Am- { brosia. | NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. | Potatoes are selling at 30 cents per ‘Subscribers who do not give express | pkios to the contrary are const idered as hi fabi- | bushel in Patton. Ing to renew their subscriptions. $ If subscribers order the discontinuance | Jas. W. Hoy vigited friends in ( larion | of their periodicals, the jobimber may oon- county this week. tinue to send them nti all arrearages are | paid. jeo, Wilson is confined to his he sme "8. If subscribers ne loot or refuse to take thelr periodicals from the postaffice lo Sake | ith ty phoid fever. : they are directed, they are responsible oatil | they have settled their bills and ordered tiem | Lere h, the tailor, Mahaffey, guaran- discontinued. pr y - 4. If subscribers move to other Jiaces with : tees a perfect fit. 88tf out informing the publishers, and the pipers ind alvin Sabss are sent 1g the forther address, they are held | D. Pratt, of Philadelphia, registered at the Palmer house Tuesday. 5. The Courts have decided that refusing to take periodicals from the office or removing |W. C. Lingle, of Philipsbnrg, is ¥; stopping in town for a few days. 8. If subscribers pay In advapee they are NE ] bound to give ert the end of the ow ir Joseph Lantzy and Henry Wootly, of they do not wish to continoe taking it; . other £ : : wise the publishers ‘is authorfized to wend it Ider, were In town on Monday. and the subscriber will be responsible until an Hg Barton is visiting his family at express notice, with Jay ment of all arrear- f : isher. Benezctte, Elk county, this week. GER : H. E. Breth, of Cherrytree, wis a © : mow worices. guest at the Central hotel Monday. CargoLic—Father Marcellios, fast for. Mass | LL every other Sunday at Sand la, m. Sun. - Peter Campbell, of Carrolitown, da ool 13 m. 1 . yedhonhat 2p. m. and nk syn cplled at the CoURIER office Tuesday. Mernopist Erizcorarn—Rev. W. Wasson, r.. Services at 10:9 a. I and 7:50 p.m. IJ. F. Bonner and H. H. Stewart, of for a period of five years. /T. N. Nagle, H. S. Buck, Walter ‘Weakland, John Kelley, Ed. 8tephens, ‘David Wilson, Harry Cooney, Chas. tunday school at 2 p.m. Epworth League J : at 6:30 p. m. Prayer necting ev rery Wednes- Altoona, spent last Thursday in town. dy evening af 1:45. /E. L. McNeelig, Esq., of Johnstown, Local Time Table. was in Patton on business last Wednes- The hours of arrival and departure day. of trains at the Patton Station are as The Cormier and the New York follows: ! Thrice-a-week World for only $1.50 a * Arrives. Mail (loses, | YEAr, Ey Lm Aina and Sam’l Addleman came up 309 Xcite FH 2 fo Curwensville to visit friends Postoffice hours from 7 A. M. to 8 Friday. = PME Hon. J. J. Thomas, of Carroll town- Train numbers marked ‘N’’ are ship, made the COURIER a pleasant call sorthhonnd and *‘8" southbogrd. ‘Tuesday. — — Mary » Little e Ring. J. H. Apple, of Philadelphia, regis- Mary had a litle ring, tered at the Commercial hotel one day "Fwas given her by her bean, "last week. And everywhere that mary went : Su That ring was sure to go. J. Aarons and Joseph G. Shields, of She took the rug with her one day Pittsburg, stopped at the Commercial Off to the seashore, where , She might Sispiay it to the girls, hotel Friday. Who were all clustered there. Get the New York Ww orld three times And when the girls ull saw that ring a week and the Patton COURIER for Exciaiming wit TE RO “Has it only $1.50 a year. J ER AE I yo = From Life. The Beech Creek trains will stop oh each way at the Bigler Camp grounds Soda : during the campmeeting. Soda water ~ Before leaving your order for a At Hodgkin's spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-6Stf Say, have you tried Hodgkin'ssoda H. M. Strouse, a traveling salesman water? : of Philadelphia, was a guest at the Commercial hotel Friday. section. "Mrs. David Bryan, of Clearfield, is Grass seed for sale at S8am’l Boyce’s visiting Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Woomer, food store.-86t1 of Mellon avenue, this Wook. Mrs. 8. M. Wilson ~isited friends at] 8i. Richards, a prominent lumber- DuBois this week. ' man of Bower, Clearfield county, was ‘John Flick came down from Car in town on business Tuesday. rolitown on Sunday. he “apt. Notley, John Westover and A. ne : tzy, three of Hasting’s good fel- *atto oy Work on the I § pumping station lows, had business in Patton Tuesday. is progressing finely. /The familiar face of W. C. Baum, Ed. Lyon, of Altoona, stop ped at formerly of this place, but now of Du- the Palmer house Monday. Bois, was seen on our streets Tuesday. The Pennsylvania railroad wajer lL. A. Gearhart and sister, Ada, of. station above town is eompleted. : | Clearfield, were the guests of Miss E. W. Gray, of the DuBois Morning Grace Jackson on Palmer avenue over Courier, spent Monday in Patton. . Sunday. For binder twine go to The Cambria | ( Mrs. J. T. Culp is lying seriously ill Hardware company’s store, Patton. 44 gt her home with typhoid fever. At -F. J. Molloy, of Altoona, registered present writing she is epoTled to te at the Central hotel one day last week. ' ‘improving. + - Wm. Meehan, the east end merchant, Miss Alice A. Ashcroft, the milliner, took a trip to Altoona Friday of last has moved her store from the Solomon week. building to the Patton block on Ma- Notwithstanding tbe frosts the apple] gee avenue. crop will be Yory. good in Cambria 13. W. Wolfe, of Philipsburg, ¢ son of county. J. A. Wolfe, of the Palmer house, ar- Architect C. M. Robinson, of Al-| rived in town Tuesday. He expects to toona, was in/Patton on business | remain here. ‘Tuesday. i 1 i ! J. 8. Mardis, of Johnstown, general Jas. V. Scant and M. Eckenrod, of agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Johnstown, were in Patton on business company of New York, spent one day H. Pifer, R. W. Johnson and H. D. | Quite a number from this plice, at- : Miller stopped at the Central hotel | tended the picnic at St. Lawrence on Saturday. ' the 9th and 10th. Everybody seemed Mrs. W. H. Sandford and son Jay to enjoy themselves there. are visiting relatives at Philipsburg | Fisher & Co., the extensive liquor. this week. ‘dealers of Johnstown, are represented If you wish to get cooled off stop in in another column of the CoURIER by 4 rats. a an advertisement. Look it up. to Hodgkins drng store and get a ; Contractor W. C. Hubbard had tmsi.| 1% M. B, Perkins, of Syracuse, N. Y., ness in Johnstown and Altoona one | BPent a few hours in Patton Tuesday. day last week . They are much pleased with our town. Why go out of town for your job. A. A. Barker, of Ebensburg, who printing when you can get what you is a well-known and highly respected a welcome visitor to Patton last Thurs- day. / Senator R. R. Peale’s concerns in the - H. Logan Weaver, a traveling sales- man of Freeport, was a guest at the P T Bouse Monday, ‘soft coal districts of Pennsylvania You can get the Patton COURIER and capture 400,000 tons of the N. Y. ( the New York Thrice-a-week World | ,,,3 5. R. R. R. contract.—Coal Trade for only $1.50 per year. ; Special attention is called to the 'ex- tensive ‘‘ad’’ of Comer Bros., furniture dealers of Johnstown, on the first page of the COURIER. Mrs. Harry Martin nd two children, of Johnstown, and Miss Macia Harden- | : berger, of Curwensville, are visiting C. Y. McCreight, of Philadelphia, E friends in town this week. E. Warner, of Reading, John K. Mil- When you take a trip to Ebensburg ler, of Tyrone, and C. W. Datesman, stop at the Blair house and yon will be Journal. According to an order of the priests who were recently in retreat at Lo- retto, round dancing is prohibited by the Catholic denomination of the Pitts- “burg diocese. used all right. Accommodations ex- % Patton on Saturday. cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf. | Easy to take, sure to cure, no pain, Editor Willi of ‘the Glen Camp- nothing to fear. DeWitt’s Little Early bell Comet, spent a few hours in Patton Risers. Best for sick headache, bil- Tuesday. He says Glen Campbell is Hotenes sour stomach and constips. on the boom. Glad to hear it Bro. W. tion. C. W. Hodgkins, Spangler was visited by another fire Men are at work slashing on the at an early hour Tuesday morning, and new township road between Patton 4githe residence and store-room of J. | and the old St. Lawrence road and also Mogolis & Co., disappeared in smoke. | & crew of men are working on the new Sentinel. road from Patton to Thomas’ Mill citizen of Cambria county, was of Columbia, were among the visitors. | Stomach and bowel complaints are best relieved by the timely ise of De- | Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist ‘on having this preparation. Don’t take any other. C. W. Hodgkins. | Miss Bessie Wolfe, of Patton, was in (town this week. She is delighted with Patton, and we are sure the patrons of the Palmer house will find in her a most charming hostess Philipsburg Ledger. : : L. W. Weakland, a promirent lom- berman of Comberland, Md. is visit- ing his host of friends and relatives in this section this week. Mr. Weakland was formerly an old settler »f North. Cambria The Pennsylvania Railroad company has arranged for one more secial ex- cursion to the sea shore August 15th, taking in all the popular resoits on the South Atlantic coast. The trip is an enjoyable one. The Coal Trade Journal Hays that the Philadelphia and Read ng Rail- road company is buying coal cars on the instaliment plan. A recent con- tract with the Pnllman company shows that payment will be made monthly Wolf -and ' wife, Mrs. E. E. Cooney, Mrs. Wm. Stratiff, Mrs. A. C. Bennett, Mrs. P. P. Young, and Miss Minnie Collier were among the m:ny from this place who went to Idlewild on the excursion on Wednesday morning. We are reliably informed that H. E. Clark will let the contract for the erection of ten neat houses for renting purposes; also Wateon & Clark will build six for the same purpose. This is certainly a wise move ‘for these gentlemen as dozens of families have been turned away on accouat of the scarcety of houses. —Glen Campbell Comet. The Jersey Shore Herald says that the Beech Creek railroad has placed an order for 1,000 coal cars with the fol lowing firms: Union Car Works, Depew, N. Y., 500; Murray, Doagal & Co., Milton, 250; Berwick Car Works, Berwick, 250. The new cars will have a capacity of thirty tons each and be equipped with steel trucks, Westing- house air brakes, and patent couplers. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McGough and family, of Altoona, Pa., and their son, Edwin, and Miss Belle Hagerty, of Bay City, Mich., were visitors at the residence of Mr, Thos. Wilt, in Clear- field township, near St. Angusine, dur- ing the week. Mrs. McGough is a danghter of Mrs. Wiit. They all de- parted for Altoona on Tuoeiday, ac- companied by Miss Lou Wilt, who expects to remain a week or more. EBENSBURG. EBENSBURG, Pa., August 13, 1895, 7 Chas. Anna, a prominent citizen of Patton, was in our town Tuesday. T. A. Delozier, of Hastings, spent a few hours here on Friday. ‘Banford Cambell, of Belsano, shook hands with his many friends here on Tuesaday. There are 90 guests being accommo- dated now in the couty jail at this ‘ place. - Judge Bell, of Blair county, was in our town on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week. : Philip Zimmerman, of Jchnstown, accompanied by Miss Emma Wolfe, drove to Ebensburg on Thursday. R. H. McGarvey and W. El Biddle, of Spangler, were among the visitors here on Tuesday. ~ Thos. Kerin, of 8t. Louis, Mo., and John Connor, of Girard, Ill., stopped over night in Ebensburg on their way to Twin Rocks, where they have se- cured employment. Mrs. J. T. Kebler, of Kane, who with two children is visiting her many friends in this place, will leave this morning for Vintondale wher she will be the guest of Mrs. J. A. Bore. J. B. Wilber is remodeling the store room: he lately rchased from Carl i Riva: us an : Hig In street, snd will. shortly remove his goods where those eding anything in the line of men's ) can be accommodated. he Ten-Acre Camping party broke camp oli Wednesday morning’ and the families of Judge Barker, Mr Plank, Mrs. H. P. Lloyd and others took pos- sessica and held the forte until dey. when a number of our best young men took charge and expect to remain during the week. The E Sonehers fair book ‘mas re- ceived on Thursday and is being dis- tribnted as rapidly as possible, ~atar- County Commissioner P. Ek. Dillon, of Hastingw, is in town this week look- ing after his official business. : Men are busily engaged removing the stumps from Shenkle’s dam, which will make a very pleasant resort, both for our home people and visitors. A party of Johnstown people are camping about 8 miles fron Ebens- burg. "Among the number are Miss Elsie Weimer, Miss Lucy Turner, Miss Naomi Shallenberger and Mr. Vickroy West. The above named parties drove to Ebensburg yesterday and visited the many interesting places in our little town, and after partaking of supper . they ret nroed to camp. We are again called upon to make ‘the statement of the death of Mrs | Joseph Mosley who died of consump- tion, on Saturday sbout 5 o'clock, aged about 39 years. Besides her hus- band she leaves four children, namely, ‘ Mrs. Harry Raab, of Lorain, O., Misses Bessie and Carrie, and Edward, all of whom are at home. The ber:aved family have the sympathy of the en- tire community in their sad afflistion. | L’Art de 1a Mode. What changes in styles will dame fashion demand for the Fall season? is a question which now presents itself tc the fair sex. Pablishers of so called fashion journals are preparing 0 reap a rich harvest from all who are foolish enough to be guided by a book simply becanse jt is titled fashions. = When buying fashion books, ‘one should be as careful as the merchant, who will al- ways study the character and qoality surround her. Above all she should not miss of an article before he purchases it. DON'T MISS IT. testing rompers tae ox ye OO] MSTED'S BUTTER STORE, the best fashion book published in this country, they know that all the Where the freshest and best Butter in the Market is sold for 17c. per pound. designs it presents are original, and Neither ghould she miss Olmsted’ S Ice Cream Parlors, farther they are all practical. The, THE FINEST IN THE CITY. current number containg a choice va- riety of designs for early fall, all of Sénd which have been imported exclusively by E XPress. for this number. For sale by all news dealers, ce 35¢. per copy. BS rive Rok. et ob) Olmsted's Butter Store, SS Se a 507 Main St. JOHNSTOWN, PA University, to preach for them in (Good’s hall every Sunday morning and | evening until farther notice. Iivery- one welcome at all these se rvioes.-S6tf Bark For Sale. About 900 cords of hemlock hark is Having pur chased $2, 000 worth of Ladies and Gents Foot- offered for sale at Patton, Pa. Mor in- | wear at the She riff Sale of Fox & Curtis. wholesale shoe $1. OC Wii Preach Here. The Baptist congregation have se go... formation regarding the same write to dealers, we are giving or customers the grand benefit: Dimes Pax or inquire of Patton Publishing Co.. Joe . H and Dollars in pockets of wide-awake buyers. Patton, Pa.-86tf : Drink Ambrosia. Me ns 3.00 Frencl Patent Calf & PATTON CLOTHING STORE. , 3° i $3 ni am a welt Shoes, sizes 2 to 5. width, A a : Bday tay wn Ln a and 4. worth August Bargains Now pr vail all over th le store. 99 [ en t S. Stock sim or ® + : bovs Button Shoes, 1to% i 4 4 3 £ He Gus Siero, Prices cut right and left to’ Leading Shoe Store. make room for fall goods. SxS room 1 go 1400 Eleventh ave. - Men's sis Boy's Clothiag, ALTOONA, PA. Children’s Ww ear, =a HL SIMPLE OF SUITS T0 ORDER come under the price shnied Y : above. 7 gi . it : Now ready for inspection. Suits made to order, fit Come and see us. guaranteed, in nice goods at 12, 14, 16, 18 and $20. I can refer vou to fifty men in Patton whom I Mirkin & Kusner. have made sm is for last season. Anyone of them can recommend me. I can save you ten or fifteen dollars. Come and look our samples over. It costs you Nothing. Headquarters For all kinds of light i | and heavy shelf : Hardware, ~~ Our Stock of SHOES Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Farming ) : [mplements. . It will soon be time to For fall wear arriving every day. get a stove and the Celebrated : % i Leather has advaned 43 per cent. in the past four onths, but W Eh have not advanced our price any. Ww e bought early and saved money for vou and ourselves, ; SEE OUR Ladies’ Dress SHOES At 1.z0, W ell worth 22. “Me »n's shoes, good ones, real dressv, for 1.23 and $1.30. We have a genuine porpor se shoe in Men's » Boys, 3 0 Misses’ and Children's in low and high cut which A. M. THOM AS, we want to call vour Bi tiem to. It is something PATTON, PA new here in Patton, and a shoe we guarantee to give good wear. Racket Store ee : We have a full stock of Dress or Working Shoes, 13 . 1% i > fa . . oo ~ all stvles, all prices tor vou to mspect. Qryacinliv .~ poeCiaaty, : 1 1s the place evervthing in the household Agent for the onlv genuine Wi 1sconsin Driving line. A fine line of LE Shoe in Patton. HATS Po © Look at others, but don't buy till vou see ns, We at your own price. If you don’t be- Ie money savers, lieve come and see. Everthing is sold Fe... BE L L., MGKCT STORE, The Clothier, Tailor & Hatte “ue FIFTH AVENUE. A misstep would be disastrous to to this fair creature. Let os hope that she may not mise a secure feoting and that she may escape the perils which 1 ; ! o and get 6 pounds of Butter @ a Ac " RE RE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers