© rs ah Sn Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co. Proprietors. THU RSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1895. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, - - . $1.00 SF Advertising rates made known upon | application. 89-No papers discontinued until all ar rearages are paid, nnjess at the option of the publisteer. : Enterat at the Postoffice at Paiton as second- | cluss mail matter, COUNTY. re TIME OF HOLDING COURT. ist Monday of March | 1st Monday of Sept. ist Monday of June i ist Monday of Dee. OFFICERS, PrESIDENT JUDGE Hon. A.V. Barker. PROTHONOTARY J. Dartiy, REGISTER AND ao A. McGough. Treasvier--F. H. Barker, SHERIFF. W. Coulter. bl TY BHERIFFS-—Ramuel Davis, F. Drea Arrorxey—R. 8B, Marphy. CosMaissioners—P, J. Dillon, J. G. Geo, M. Wertz, CoMMIssIoNPR's CLERK John (. Gates. COUNTY BUPERINTENDENT J. W. Leech. COUSTY RURVEYOR—8, (i, Felterman, Cor sTY AUDITORS Wim. J. Jones, W. Berry, lames Dally, JURY COMMISSIONERS Wm. Miller, CoroxEe— Dr, Geo Poor DI1zucrons— erville, Raphiel Hite. BOROUGH OF FICERS. Brrarss—W. J. Donnell CovrNciL—Lineoln 8S. Bell president: 8, M. Wilson, Frank Campbell, B. F. Wise, P. P. Young, Ralph Leisch, Young RE TC. Crowell, president: G. H. Curfroan, secretary; W. H. Sandford, tress. urer; Jesse E. Dale, H. E. Barton, Samuel Edminstor. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Jesse E. Dale, Jas. El mer Lioyd v A rpslem » Martin. Misare, James Rem- ellon. TrREASURER-W. H. Sandford. CLERK —Harvey Patterson, COLLECTOR Jas, Mellon, Asspsson—Jos, H. Ricker. Avprrors—F. H. Kinkead, H. O. Harry Gould. Juba or ELecriox—Ram’l Boyee, INSPECTOR— Walter Weakiand. CHIEY oF Porice—-John Boyee, STREET fouseIrNER-A. 4. Jackson. Winkiow, PERSECUTION OF MISSION A RIES, One of the grave situations that is to-day attracting the attention of the ‘American people is that of the mis- sionaries in China. At various periods, ever since foreign missions were es- tablished in the East, there have been uprisings that involved the destruction . of property, the suffering of indigni- ties by the missionaries and at times the loss of life, but it has almost always been something that the authorities of the erapire were very much opposed to and took early steps to suppress. The present trouble, if the advices can be depended on, is of a somewhat different character, pears to have been designedly located . back from the coast, out of immediate reach of American interests at sea; and as far as heard from there is no quick- ening on the part of the local officials for prevention of and proper punish- ment for the persecutions. There is no distinction made on account of creed or nationality —even the Pope has appealed to the German govern- ment to protect Cotholic interests in the country of the Celestinls. England is always well represented around Chi- nese ports for the protection of citizens and interests of the British Empire, but. the United States is not in such a favor- able condition for emergencies. It is pre- dicted hy some students of current affairs that the breaking up of the ancient dynasty of the Chinese is at hand. : It is probable that the recent victories of the Japanese much to do with encouraging opinions. : One thing is arrived when modern © hristianity y should he protec armies has such certain Lie iresentaty the reg from quarter. They go to hs On miso ns of T i nations to which them full protection mip m————————r— OF Ean PATENT] 1¢ }% Weakland, ‘of testimonials bear . while peddling; inasmuch as it ap- Fanurwe woes Of Interest to the armies Who Read the Patton Courier.” bay sheep. i Cabbage cannot have too rich a soil | or be cultivated too often. . To catch a sheep by the fleece is a cruelty; take them by the hind leg or flank. : : When the orchard begins bearing it ‘should receive an annual dressing of | phosphoric acid and potash. A little nitrate of soda sprinkled in the rows and hills of the lima beans will hasten the growth of the vine, Shearing off a little wool around the teat will often prevent the loss of a lamb from indigestion consequent on swallowing a lock of wool. Occagionly a crop of grass may be . grown in the orchard if the land is rich, but a permanent grass sod is sure to injure the trees sooner or later. Don’t let the weeds grow up and po to seed where early crops have been removed, and in the paths. year. ~The sheep raisers of Terra del Fuego are making plenty of money. It is said that a man who starts in with a good ‘outfit and 1,000 ewes should in ten years have an income of $10,000 a’ ' year. Diarrheea should be stopped prompt- ly. It soon becomes chronic. De- Wits Colic and Cholera Cure is effective, safe and certain. Hundreds witness to the virtue of this great medicine. It can ‘always be deenced, upon, its use saves time and money. C. W. Hodgkins. Seplember Fashions, _ Another new bicycle costume, which combines the unstrained freedom of bloomers with the more becoming modesty of ‘“‘regular’’ walking attire, is illustrated on the colored cover page of Toilettes. This dress is expressly designed to overcome the dragging effect of long skirts for wheelwomen the fullness of the skirt is gathered around the hips ina number of horizontal folds and held in place by narrow leather strips. For walking these folds are released, so the dress. hangs in fall lenghth down to the ground. There are fully 150 others equally original and interesting designs for women's and children’s wear, and no effort is spared to make this magazine what it justly claims to be, the most popular fashion magazine of America. An early retail price is announced, which will enable such other additions to be made as will place Toilettes ahead of all similar magazines on either side of the Atlantic. Look out for the November number, due October 1st. The issue just ont can be had of all newsdealers, at 50 cents per Copy. Children, especially infarita, are soon run. down with cholera infantum or “summer complaint.” Don’t wait determine, give DeWitt's Calic ‘and Cholera Cure promptly, rely on it, Hodgkins. but YOu {se nw wy Ww pair sD COM mencse VOr damaged Wood ashes Is the best fortitiner for | grapes. | The fall is usually the best time to. ¥ Eve, : If you do it will be adding to your work next advance in the to.“ Loos Market Heport. Por the benefit of the farmers in the vicinity of Patton the CoURIER | ben the following local market report, revised eat; week: Butter, 5 Rd ad nnd. Are rs ¥ Eye 2 Cerrn, ehelled. 2 in - Wheat, ; ; 0 Pack when t, 45 Hav Fi . tn pressed, Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, Parron, Pa. Office in the Good Building. W. H. SECHLEL. Attorney - at EBENSBUR(, Cambria Con unty, Law, Pa. JF MCKENRICK, - on Attorney and Counsslor at Lav. FBENSBURG, PA. Jil] attend 10 all business with prompiness any fidelity. : {iffie opposite the Monntain House, FISHER & CO. Wholesale. Fine Old Whiskies ported Liquors. and Im- California Wines and Brandies 147 Clinton & 60g Main Sts, ‘Johnstown. Pa. Telephone 175 Bottlers and Proprietors OLD CABINET, OLD FAVORITE AND COXEY’S CONMON- WEAL Rye VW hiskies. New York World, THRICE-A-WEEX EDITION. rey Tm og : ihe 1x : . the New * converted dh We oy Can Wines, Hastings, Penna. ASSETS of Fire Insurance Com panies The best in the world for bnsiness or DRY 50003, MILLINERY, ETC. i en A A A Hp rn SS oA 5 St yA Rsdih .. CENTRAL - . HOTEL, JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. Aoi omunodations the bas. First-class : Bar j in connection. ; Whotesile snd Retail Dealer in RATES $1 ” | NT Dealer in Liquors, Beer, Etc. Phoenix Brewing Co.'s a Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ete. OF ALL KINDS. Lard, FIFTH AVENUE, Bologna, Represented by the PATTON INSURANGE AGENCY Amount to over $25,050,000. 90. Best Kind of Protection. ALSO THE PREFERRED ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO. or NEW YORK, enable you to live cheap professional men. : Harvey Patterson, 8 Agent. JAMES QUINN, Johnstown, Pa. ®t! thing Vou Ww ant. GOOD BU ILDIN G, getting your 1s what some people try to do. sary ¥and the low cash prices at which I sell good will FRESH M di Ewe da goods OF PATTON, patton. Cambria es Pa es * CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. . SURPLUS, $10,000.00. Aseounts of Corporations, Firms, Individe- al and Banke rerived apon the most fvors- ble terms coavistent with safe and ous. | banking lines. Foreign Prati A ie Rilo Sib eg Simp, a in ej of the Old Pad 2 i» oii haveonr promptand 5 | personal attention. : Intervet paid om time Seposite. . _ yg. | A B PATTON, rwoxD, Si Pa. Frosident hug B or ce en. Ah A You Wouldn't for nothing, vet that Such a scheme is not neces IE You will only rake advantage of them You Could Not find a more complete stock of General Merchandise in a day’s (Call and examine woods and priees, every: travel. GEO. S GOOD. Patton, Pa. com os Ara ‘No Superior and Few Equals tri m- early ‘otton Omar stock of dry goods and mings for the late spring ar is SIMMET SLASGH it enabled dress goods never were 8) Be AR BOW NOT Prices 80 vw. Now is the time fo bx iy. Come Or Mend LW JAS QU INN, i® Fie es and Ran Suara Nteed nges. - ' wt. wit M aE a All aTe to be perfect workers. desirable pieces of Come in and see ~~ many hest and the Purest 4 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers