A Sabon A Wo BUILDING TOLLS by ( vir eied ; THRZE BEAD BOD:ES RECOVER tare apd Arrest The Bulider of the Stroe man Have Been Yorg, Ang. =. 4 eight gif NEW tion gourse . GOTNET street, mo ‘ning and ¢ nutaber of men Who were hot many men killed lapse of the building wil! tively known until to-morrow gatigs of men wera put to rk alc iminediately glter the collapse cle awiy the debris, bat it will be imp if to remove most of the wreckage potin to-morrow. Three dead bod been taken from the workmen serionsly found. Ten men who were ut work the building st the time of the colisps ara missing. I'he known dead are John ores, Obsries Smith and Peterson, electricians, ion of Cha les Bilklbeimer, an electrician, all the missing men are laborers bai'ding was nearly completed. There are different thecries regarding ‘the cause of the disaster. floara were overweighted with material. Ancther is that an upright girder i in the of an ry of ecopetraction { ¢ West collapsed ao at Si Broadw y arried ae were we ruins And irjared : have “£3 tr a 3 3 Parke, lab Charles E, centre of the building was defective ‘John H. Parker, the builder of the col ‘lapsed structure, and Telford Bilbick, Liss for aman, were arrested. HOLMES win A TRAP. Arraigned a Trap tor the Purpose ol Blowing up Mrs. Pietezel. ‘Cr1caGo, Aug. 7. — Mrs. B. F. Pitezal has jast made a ctartling accusation agairst H. H. Holmes. Bhe says he gave her 8 number of dresses, two. or three pairs of shoes and one or two ‘hats, with the remark that they had one belonged to his &usin, Miss Minnie Williams, who, he said, had gone east to live and did not need them. He advised Mrs. Pitezel to] = cut the dresses up at once and remodel | &T3 UAXS, them to fit her danghter, who was ther about 15 years old. She also told of a narrow escupe she | had from death by a dynamite plot which Holmes fixed up for her in the long chase which he led Mrs. Pitezal in the vain Lope of meting ber hosband. The last point * they reached in their long chase after B. E. Pitozel was in Burlington, Vt. There Holmes engaged rooms for Mrs. Pitezsl with a Mrs, Kichardson, at No. 26 Winooski avenue and there, she says, he * planned a murdar more diabolical than anything he had attempted before, He bad hardly been in the house a day before he exptessed a desire to visit the base- ment fer some alleged trivial purpose, and secured a lamp to make his explorations. Mrs. Pitezel had begun to grow sa<pi- cious of Holmes’ mysterious actions and ‘decided to go to the basement to see what be was doing. She found him working . with bis cont 02, | ernst frie Mo Nr v YORE, Z the ruins of ! re FAs | Thi rd gies! With the exc pl - was kept up sll i for the fire G¢ The | we this mo TE redo from tha in i One is that the ing men. hg only other event which early morning hou nrs was the tbe missing right foot of the cian, Pe ef tsor. wi we o taken ont of gy Eon a ERI Beg . se mangied remain i ternoon. on it and a fragment of th tached to it, abont four gpot at which Peterson's t Mear it was the shoe a Bad from the otner font when tha crash cama A number of the relatives of the missir men remained 1 althongh all hope of alive had long been: ean possibly be 3 | ving noder mendous mass of debris. Tt will } eeThaDL. heli sra the w ean be cleared away. ar ~ v4 s y Al rire hi jing fit DIET, ear the buat! recOovENINE AnYOna rye JOE PATCHEN Ihis Year Ha Delepts Great Robert J. .BrEeraro, Ang. 8.—For t this year Joe Patchen def=ated Rot to-day, the game son of Patelen Wil kes For the Third Time $rdinm IAAT : : the third ¥ convincingly demonstrating bis superior. | ity over the little knee sprung pacer and as 8 resnit of the struggle Hamlin's cham- pion will be retired from the track nntil He regains his old form. The track was in the finest poséibile condition and only 8 moderate wind was blowing agsinst thé horses ou the home stretch. Patchen won the first, second and fourth bests, Time 2:041, 404%, 2:0615. 2:061, Koelt Beto: ZaxesviuLg, OQ. Aug. a retired banker, who bas been #1 ethe Trajan 9, —Jducoh (igax, ; | trom illness for a long time He bad torn up the | gegk that he cculd Lardily walk, tottered and was. 80 flooring: and waa digging in the soft, black to the depot of the Cincionati & Muskir- earth with some tool be bad found in the | cellar. When be saw Mre. Pitezel be ap | disconcerted. He told her he was digging a bole to bury a bo of valuablex papers, and asked Mre. Pitezel wot to - mention the circumstance to anyone. ~~ Afew days afterward Holmes suddenly started for Boston on the strength of a telegram from Chicago. In Boston the detectives finally ran him down and "almost the first act be did was to write iv Mm Pitezel. He told ber if she would * Jook im a certain place under the flooring in the vellar she would find & bottle of nitro-glyoerine. He said it was in a den gerous place, and directed Mrs. Pilezel to carey a to a room in the attic. © “Holrses had arranged a trap door to fall on tbe bottle it it was distarbed on the of anyone. Mrs. Pitezs], how- ever, started to search tor the bottle from the opposite direction, and by eo dcing missed the trap be bad laid for her. | Mra Pitezel afterward related the inci- 4 dent to Mr. Perry, of the Fidelity Insur- £ {ane ‘pompany, and be bad Detective | were drowned. At tbe tic: gum railway this morning. Horrified spectators saw him get down | on his knees beside the track as a tram | started and place his head on the rail! Before anyone could reach bim the wheels had passed over bis head, crushing it and | pevering it from his body. (ligax wis 6 ‘years old and a pative of Switzerlad. BRITISH STEAMER SUNK. Nearly Four Score: of the Passengers and Crew Were Drowned. Loxpox, Aug. 8.—The British steamer Castterthun from Sydney, Australie, for Hong Kong, tan on a rock which lies be- tween Sydney aud Brisbane early yeater. | day morning and became a total wreck. Nine of the Enropean officers of the vessel, | thirty Cbiuese and eighteen Luscars the crew and five Enrop-an proir. os f ihe Tag strack 8 beavy ge ‘8 WAS DIET ius A Noted Georg Editor Dead. Americus, Ga, Aung. 8.--Ospt. Bae- com Myrick, editor of the Times Recor-| der, died at 1 o'clock this morning. Capt. | Myrick was one of Bpesker Crisp's most intimate political advisors. The only ‘| office which Mr. Crisp asked of President 1 Cleveland was a consulship for Myrick. | | Hoke Smith fought the appointment and defeated Myrick. That was the begin- ning of the estrangement between - the speaker | and the president. - Mine Operators Combine. Terre Havre, Ind., August 8.—-All the Indiana bituminous operators to-day com- pleted their organization to resist the de- mands of the miners for 60 cents sod stand firm for 51 cents. The state was di- vided into five districts, and esch distriot is to sign a contract with the men through | committees from the. miners from the Mine Workers organisation, whieh eon- tracts have been made. Demononstrations Against Christians. | Loxpom, Aug. 8.—A despatch from | Shanghai eays it islstated in that city that farther outbreaks against Christians have ‘ooonrred at Ching Obow, Taping, Hupeh {and Anbui. Itie stated sll reise ssonped without injuy. ii, Justice Jaokson Dead, §vre——— 8—Justice Howell E. Jaokeon, ot the Uhited States sapreme , dred ut Nushille this sfternooo. ag CS EH lering | td. LEY CY ry rv dz gp ot rand 9 Paris Ar. On Bd thie 18% Lonny, [ast sletticn aud, i Lyall, the (th pe List Lority of TH | liberal aoionis CT The cor which opens Monday, pati ves, 338; li ngionl tale, 177; antic P 7 (12 Tais gives the governinent, incladisg WHE 4 JK SIBNIO0 L Hopman pT EA > 5 roeil ites, liberal-unionists, 411 seats and the op- | positio 0 209, ' The conservat:- majority over «¢, mclading 1 4 ve forme 152. ‘eombination of per: | nuiopists, that mi | 81%, ston Ordered Lospon Ang. © An oficial telegram : that imperial orders have ned from Pekit: to the viceroy of Fukien direciing him to instantly | patch troops to Kucheag to protest the | remuiining missiopary baillings. He whS also instructed to ingn re into the orig Plo the ontrages thers “and arraign the | guilty persons qaickly as possible. The | viesroy obeyed the order us soon as re- oetvad and sent 1 500 troops to Knchen received stal hae jas Chance for Siz Lyuchings. : ~ Tousy, LT, Aung. 9—-Lasst Tuesday, 20 miles southwest of this piace, in the Creek pation, two women and two girls were assaulted by six negroes. Yesterday one of the girls died from the injariés sustained, and the other is not expected to live. now in porsuit of the villsins. Indigna- tion: runs very high aud a burning at stake ‘will certainly follow Hel it eaptare. New Tinuatinatle Line Projected. Loxrox, Ang. 9.—1t ia reported that a company bas been formed with Sir W. T. Lewis us chairman to establish a regular ling of steamers to raf direct between | Osidif and New York. The lina will carry both passengers 8 and freight. Sir W. T. Lewis is the chief coal mine owner of South Wales. Somk While at Anchor. - Xwospox, Aug. 9.—A dwepatch from Hamburg states thet the German schoon- er Jobaune, trom Ohurleston for Caxhba ven, while lyiog at Sticker, % was run into # government majority of des. Ope hundred and ity srmed men are. hE TAR | DSSS (US SR RE I ER TABI, 1 A A EY WN TS RR AH SPN BE [pefa nied File ti eldent be added to ber alas The yacht ra make its baw after taBiog & cf with tide sl : 3 a oa ia nt } wig towel I 'mach is . : poft aod Loan lieve that the Ba stand the shock it recived, Le proposed race | Jduhiles ! having rece Fian tue i : rr 8 dd a3 » fet a Marderer Escape, “reaco, Aug 1l.—A north-bonud LI- | nnis Contral subarban train from Harvey ran into nd Seventeenth street, dereiling A large oiimher several of the coaches being placed back en the t-acks. While watching the operators of tha traiomeén, the passengers noticed tha direction of Keusingron. neck. The blow severed th aud the man sack to the 1 without epeaking. 0 The Borror that the mardersr apd coe of kis cotLpanions escaped. The other, of 17, was caught, bat pro'esees to have met the men culy a few hours before. They had the appearance cf tramp: headed. Oasy’s Heavies! Hradicnp WassiNgrox, August 10.— Ex Lieut. Gov. Channcey F. Black. of Peupsylve- At the Ebbit house this morning hie said: over the ccmbine that is tryiag to com- pass bis political ancibilation.. I don't trary, it will add to his losd. Senator Cameron 1 another load, 1 good bit heav- jor one than the sympatly of the demo- orate. Thue handicapped Qaay has al | desperate fight on hie have. But my be- | liet is that he will achiev: 8 igus] valor nis, who is in the city, says he thinks | Senator (nay will whip out the combire. | “The dernocrats of Pevrsylvania, while | the fanera! is none of they, are gincersly | desirous to see Senator Quay triamph think that democratic well-wishing will be of any bevefit to Quay. On the con- at open witch at Jae Handred | of the ! passengers alignted while the cars were ° four men walking slowly down the tracks from | As these | appro ached, the passengers saw one of | " the man draw a long koife and deliberste- | iy plunge the blade into his ecmpanionus | » jugular vein | ground and died | spectators were so stapefied with [1° a bey The muderer has not yot been en appre- 1 Sunk « on» Flich Dirk Ni ght Loxpos, Aug. 10.—The steanzer Miran- | Ja stranded last night on Jument rock, ant, of Britsuny, France. The vessel was 80 badly damaged that | gbé sunk. - Nothing ia known concerning her crew. The night was pitch dark wien ghe struck and a heavy cea was rolling. A salvage boat went np to the steamer | belcre she sunk but could obtain vo in- | formation. trom ber. rin a rn bb Smoothing irons were first used i France, and are sapposed to have been ‘a Freuch invention, being introduced in thes sixtecuth mmry. ; pa — ! hi PARA PGR VIC the conthwest point of the island of Ush- | \s beaten is that the Philadelphia Ti # is si 4 324 guine Tig ¥ Was Ton rews aren weted for and 11 Ix owl sone extent He was met Pitsburg X narier and as mm ade in Phil ra . kod had adel ¢ before J - ; baad diseovered thar he that it was preposters aver tg for ght (rg TopOorter: was Sent ¥ my deliphia. 1 a it f his own stateraent, - f is news bureau, of » be i easly Bi TR an ont he case of good Willing Leach, is the of vacillationg, his past methods, to the minds of and that is, thas asin r hi 8 grin The re in oubt nis. His blunders of the pass ix mont ths emphasize this conclusion. Hastings Haefased to be *“Bamed * Genporal Hash ngs is the first Repebiican. rovernor in a quarter of a century whe has had conrage ! aniigh to presuIne to run tration according to his own tions of duty. and not acconling to the Jirections of Me. quay. This A nuV- elty which some Republicans cunot veg understand — Philadelphia Event ng Hale Tesdn aun Read This, Colonel McClure, One of the surest indications that Quay f his success. The Tlries ts the official and duly commissioned Joo pal of Pennsylvania polities, and, like the weatiier prognostications, mast als ways be read backwards —Renmnt Ade vance Quy Alone to Blame. Mr Quay began this warfare with justifiable reasons for it. II he shall e is by the party’s compulsion, he will have pone but his own bad judgment to Bian for the outcome. —Scranton, Daily TH use. : - — Tr ————— hs 0 iA -——
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers