The Patton courier. (Patton, Cambria Co., Pa.) 1893-1936, August 15, 1895, Image 15

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Chinese ike a Vielons Attack
‘on the Fuchaa Mission.
Populace Parade the Sireetn and Denounce
all Foreigners,
Hoxa Koxa, Aag. 2 —Jrformation hae
been received here that a large mob of 1n
tariated patives, armed with weapons. o
every conceivable Kine I, male sn attack
a few days ago npon the Araricsy mis.
sion near Fachau an: i wrecked the chape
and school attached to the mission.
Four uative scholars attending the
school were wounded, bat the te
Amerioan, sncceaded 10 making bis es
cape. ~The strong anti-foreign feeling
which exiets in Fuchau is spreading rap-
The populace parade tha streets shont-
ing ‘Drive ont the foreign devils =~ aud if
13 not safe for a foreigner to show him-
Loxvox, Ang. 22.—A diepateh to the
Times from Hong Kong confirms the re.
spehar, a0
port of the attack upon the American.
mission chapel and school near Fraehan,.
and adds that Capt. News], of the Unit
ed States cruiser Detroit, has gone to Fo-
chan from Krcheng.
The dispstch also says that thousands
ot additioral anti-foreign pamphlets and
placards have been distributed throngh-
- ont Canton.
The Pall Mall Gogette, in an article
treating on the Chinese outrages, says
* that Bacretary Olney may be relied upon
to take vigorous action in behalf the
- Americans maltreated.
Paris, Aug. 22. —The Matin, in an ar-
ticle reviewing and condemning the out-
rages upon British and other foreign mis-
gionsries in China, declares that Lord
Salisbury must move with the utmost en-
ergy if he expects to obtain satisfaction
from the Chinese.
Scanion Pat Tom McCarthy Out at Kittanni g in the
; Second Round, !
Kirrassing, Ps, Aug. 29. —Tim
Besulon, of Pittsburg, and Tom MeCar-
thy, met here to-night for 8 20-round con-
test with the gloves, There was a hand-
some stake and a good deal of betting
and the whole raft was settled in a harry,
as Beanlon knocked MoeoCarthy out in the
second round.
"A erowd of 900 saw the fight. It was
a 25 round “go” for a purse of $250 and
- MeCarthy want down like a log from a
stiff right-hander i in the o peck.
Their Troubles Disturbed the Town.
Yousastows, O., Aug. 22—Mr. and
Mrs. William Myneer have not been long
* married. Both appeared at the police
station in response to requests from the
mayor and will be tried to-morrow for
disturbances, Myneer claims that al
though he was not well last Sanday, hie
wile insisted tbat he go to charch with
ber. He refused acd went to bed. When
he was half asleep he was aroused by the
_odot of burning cloth, and found that bia
wife had tried to roast him alive by set-
ting the bed clothes on fire. His wife
says that be seizad her by the throat and
‘did pot let np until she waa mach
Oscar Wilde's Baskruptey.
Loxpox, Ang. 22.—A statement of the |
eondition of Oscar Wilde's finances which
has just heen 18sued, shows his liabilities
to be £3,591, with po available assets.
His insolvency is ascribed bv him to the
failure of his action for libel agaist the
‘Marquis of Queensbury, who is tow 8 pe-
titioner creditor seeking the payment of
the cost of his defense, which the Court |
ordered wilde to pay.
Wilde's income has averaged £2,000 a
year, chiefly derived from his literary and
dramatic work. He bas beeu insolvent
two years, his expenditures haviog grest-
Ridgway National Bank,
. WasHINGTON, Aug. 23—The Elk Cons
ty National Bank, of Ridgwsy, capital
$100, 000.00, was to-day authorized to be-
‘gin business.
The Train Wasn't Blown Up.
Bourre, Mont, Aug. 23. An attempt
was made last night to blow up the 10:30
. eastbound Northern Pacifis- passenger
. train by placing a stick of dynamite in a
i frog at a junction balf a mile east of
the city. Nearly the whole tran
passed over the dynamite before it ex- |
ploded. The lass coach, filled with pae-
sengers, was badly shattered, bat no one
was injured. a
- Now Good Indians.
Burxs, Ore., Aug.—A courier from
. Diamond Valley reports the killing of
fitteen Banuccke by cattlemen under the
leadership of “Rye” Smith. Smith’s
reason was revenge for the murder of
his father in 1878 by the Bacnocks. |
There is great excitement and troop “A”
js in readiness to march on short notice
"aod is awaiting orders from the county
sheriff for authority to act.
While particnlars of the affair are diffi-
oult to obtain, it is learned that the
matter has no bearing on the Jackson's
Hole trouble.
2 Miners Wages y Advanced.
Teree Havre, Ind., Aug. 23.—The
miners’ strike in Indiana came to an end
to-day when the operators generally
agreed to pay the G0 cent price in the
bituminous field.
they could work at that price co long as
the operators fonnd it profitabla to pay
60 cents.
se a AA RA
| delegates are in mtte.dsuc:
| x governor of the state.
The men were told
er A § AA TAA (4 MI
About 10,000 Delegates Ashe nibiea at Erie, {
. ~Uaity of all Devnom luslions,
Erie, Pe, Ang. 22.— To-day the Penp-|
sylvania State convention of the Christ. |
jan Endeavor society Legan its eacaions |
ip this nity. Tt is setimated that 10,000
The En-|
desvorers are heartily weicomel hy the!
city and all denomipatione. Right Rev. |
Bishop Mullen, of the Roraan Catholic!
diocese, has given to toe Endéavorere
# ra ninron
without charge the nae df
anhool groncds, and poy tha site 18 A
‘mart of the Endeavor tent, The bishop |
previously refnsed to rept the lot o£ on
I aya comoany because it wonld interfer
| with the Yonog Men's Christian Aescieia-
tion's boys’ games and gpoil the groand
for the Endeav Catlsolic
assisting in different ways %0
or tent,
murka the
rapovement 8 noses,
Starvation Stares Them,
nuity to be paid them on Nov. IL
seems to be no hkelihoo d of their getting |
any interest on their prineipai of R900 000
and they are entirely withont resonroes §o
keep them through the wintar,
Bicycle Rider Kill ed.
Drirrwoop, Pa, Ang. 22—Cherles
Shaffer, agad abont 20, of Sinnemalion
train on the Cooke Run bridge. He wis
crossing the bridge with a bicycle when
struck. He was dragged abont a band
presumed he thought he was on the enct-
bound track of the bridge which is dou
ble tracked, but instead was on the west-
bound track and entered the bridge right
in the teeth of the train.
Asother Bri teh Flys y.
Loxpox, Aug. 22.—The performance of |
the new fast tran of the London & North- |
western railway, which mada a record be |
tween Londoa. and Aberdesn, inspired |
the London & Great Northern company
to enter into & rivalry with the Nort
western company - apd sccordingly 8
train was started for Aberdeen, over the!
(reat Northern ronta yesterday for the
purpose of smashing the rencrd made toe
day before.
The Great Northern line
different ronte and is 18 miles sho rter
than the Northwestern. The Great
Northern train left Kings Cross station at |
8 o'clock last eveming and arrived at’
Aberdeen, a distance of B27 miles, at |
4:40 o'clock this morning, The North- |
western train started at the same hour
tans Over &
and reached Aberdeen, 540 miles, at 5:55]
o' clock this morning.
Hardin May Be Dumped.
WasHisoToN, Ang. 22.--It is stated |
here this morning that the sound money |
Democrats of Kentucky will follow in the |
lead taken by the Louisville Evening]
Post, one of the lesding Demoeratic pap- |
ers 1n the state, and insist upon the with- |
drawal of Hardin, the Democratic free a1 |
ver candidate for governor. The man to!
be taken up as 8 candidate, it
stood, is Gen. Simon Bolivar
is ander !
Discovered Through Quinlan Removing |
CHICAGO, And, 22. —Apotterot H. H.|
Holmes' mjsterions buildings has been
discyvered. This is 10 miles from the]
“oaastie.” ou Bixty-third street. It is ov
Bobieska street,
Nortvestern raiiroad.. The building is
all boarded np and residents « :
‘it Was
some time.
Two weeks ago, they say, a man whom
they identify as Pat Quinlan wert thers
it away. :
- The buildiog i 8 odes uy omk In
was erected, the peighbory sa; w 10t!
more than a vear sgo. V '¢
they knew who owreld the building they |
{said po, bat when a photograph of
Holmes was shown them they at once
exclaimed, “That's the man.”
more than a month.
The discovery of this building wae
made throngh a Brink's Express com-
pany order. This order directed the
company to call ut No. 65 Bobieeka street
December 6. 1894, for a box. Direations
were given to stop at the glass company
boilding and await closer ordare. This
was signed by P. B. (Qainlan.
pressman called that sfternoon and wes
taken to the two-story and a half hcase
which lies in the rear of the facto y.
From this a large box and several band:
ldepot of ths express company, whence
they were taken two duys later, What
was in the box or where it finally was ta-
ken is not known.
The police, to far, have made no roves.
train between London sand Aberdeen, |
which left London at 8 o'clock last aven-
ing, arrived at Aberdeen at 4 32 o'clock
this morning, Part of th? jure ey of 540 |
miles was covere | at the rate of 79 miles |
an tour. :
were delayed i
if ci pay
feelisre tha
terrier |
ire ¥
Chicago, Ang. 22.—A special
Black River Falle, Wis. says: Owing to]
the failnre of the blueberry crop, whi ebi¥
asnally fnrpishes them. a hiv, «ia
consin Winnebsgo Indians ar= to =a 6 ed A]
with starvation this winter.
The Indians are hard ap sod have al
ready contracted obhigaticns with thr
merchant, which will exhanst their an-|
There |
ing, was strinck and instantly killed by a!
red yards and was badly matgled. It is
eve ry page.
: tenor,
| the well known writer of impressive verse,
‘find sdegoate expression
| beanti‘ni mnseal setting.
LO pent
| ings Webiyn.
Buciper, |
{saying the
near the tracks of the |
of the vie-
it thio ae or |
inity say no hi Ld hes baen done there for | the mother of t vo children + 1 :
and took what had been l<'t wu i cnrted |
asked if}
It was
bere that Holmes carried on bis glass]
bending businees and it this place for |
which the police have been looking tor |
1 in Spain.
- The ex-|
es were taken and carted to the general
I also delayed a balf hour.—Ridgway Ad-
tigations at the place. There is plenty ot |
room to dig. Samad
England's a Fas: Train n Fiyer
Lozpon, Aung. 23.—The London &|
Northwestern railway com piny’s new fast | |
On the Buffdlo, ‘Rochester sna Pittsburg |
Mond Wear Grove Sammift. | :
A disastrons head.and collision oocur- |
al on the Buffalo, Rochester and Pitts-!
bare road, near Grove Sammit, Satorday |
mor ing. Two engines and tep cars were these Ww. re
{ bart, James (Raibriath snd Henry Holmes.
tot ally wracked, but fortnoately no ove |
Drakeman Hazal-
jnmping |
Train |
was serionaly ivjared
apramed Hoh snkles by
a1 Was tow Duly peraso acjared.
wont «
4) unas gong east with: Bogioeer Lndwig
to ron to Grove Spmmit to mest 46 but
; getting. np the hill andj
me it abont one-fonrth mile north of the i ¥
summit, and of trains crashed together |
1id be sto [be wreck |
died ont
Fo mp #3 pped.
and it was five!
| horirs befors the road eonid be cleared. |
Ln the meantime passenger traing on the |
Bn fale. Rochester and Pittsbarg rosail i
vor he Ridgway sod Clearfield |
a Creak to Brockwaywvitie |
vol very little delay was aonssioned.
=e ran Of
y roid from Fil
Vahlicattons From
31 npat £3
Wippe GIWill _ By
A chariiog little |
| ~orne Chirmiog :
Oliver ison | Boston.
YP anoe of the
Helen Frances Lowa.
pe Ika in an entire ly pew and original |
vein. The eall of the Whipporwill 1s
imitated aconrately enongh to be easily, |
recognized, and the composition is fall of
fresh and trippiog music from beginning
to end. 40 ots.
“Bridal Tour Waltzes”: —By Charles
'E. Pratt. A naw set of Wallzas which
| shon!d prove immensely popular. The
anthor has not only hit npons most
happy theme, bat he has handled it
thronghout in an appreciative and musio-
lianly style. The composition te fall of
all ite titie implies, sentiment, dréaminess
and dainty moee. 75 cents.
“Conebelle Waltzes": -~By C. W. Ben-
net, A showy acd meledions set of
; Waltz» murked by clever tonches on
Their spirited treatment and
| nousaily rythimieal movement will recom
| mend them to piano players, both as a
| piece for recreation aD 1 for darea mus-
i2. 50 cents,
“My Sheperd is the Lord My God” :—
7 Pulp heey. An excellent sacred
song for a choir soloist, either soprano cr |
Tha words by Mr. Eagane Field,
in Mr. Greely's |
“0 cents.
“The Garden by the River:"—By 8B. N
| Panfiald. This snng is written in a vein
{that will appeal to ide tasta of cultivated
| and appreciated singers. The words are
an ¢1quisite little poem in themselves,
| anid toe music by Mr. Penfield 18 fall of
dainty, artistic touches. Mezzo or tenor
“The. Heart of a Boldier:”’—By Het.
A fine song for a baritone
{ voice. Has the epirit and vigor which sll
| male singers with Jow voices demand. |
Too melody 18 pleasing, the accompani- |
ment well wrought sod the harmonies in |
good tasts, 35 ceuts. :
the above compositions wil be |
Apy of
| sent postpaid on receipt of price by the |
Oliver ntson sompany, a ton, !
Remawen and Sue ke
X few weeks ago 3 Maine vonug
{ bought & pair of socks containing a note |
writer was an employe of th : |
Kegosha (Wie } knittiog works and want- | {
fed an good husband Khe gave her name t
| an4l requested the buyer, if an nomarried K
{ man, to write with a view to matrimony.
The young mas who fonud the note con-
‘sidered the matter in sll its phases and |
decided to write to the girl. He did. |
Awaiting the ‘answer with copsiderable
i anxiety, he wae at last Sil wit
curt letter stating that the met
| married fon- yenre, and the «itor us had |
| answers bad beeu wri rien evel BO long |
tage. It wae 8 “aro” sllager, and the!
| yonng mau buted or a solution. He!
found #*. The merchant of whom he
hyaght the socks doesn’t advertise. —
Gurdiner Rep: yrter Joarnal.
t May Help to Free Spain.
Gesoa, Ang. 23. —The Gunde solide
| give notice of the deperture from this
eity for Marseilles of a large pumber of
[talian republicans and socialists. It 1s
believed that they mre con their way to
take part in the revolutionary movement
Ex-Grvernor orets Dead.
New Havexw, Conn., Aug. 22.—Ex.
Governor Lazon B. Morns died this a!-
A wrecked freight train cn the P. & E.
BR ti. east of St. Marya Tuesday morning
cansed a thorough dissrrangemert of the
‘passenger trains on that - road. The
morning team dne from the east at 9.25
did pot arrive ngtil coon spd the moru-
ing ran wo DaBois was therefore aban-
doved, the train only guing as far as
Brockwayville, turning there and came
back to make its customary afternocon
connections eastward. Erie mail was
| “PERSECUTION CF missionaries” was the |
' title of an editorial which appeared in tte |
{ QoCRIER one week ago last Monday. It
was afterwards stolen by two papers thal |
wo know of, one a very prosperons daily |
paper published in the state of New York,
| in which it was nsed as the leading editor-
Hal of that isene, It is pleasant to notice |
| tbat it was cnod worthy of a good posi-
| tino, bat we do not admire the methods
ity which tha Papers obtains ite editorials. | :
| 31 jon] ioiralr carpet mapnfactnrs sivy-
ed the advance scale yesterdsy.
sort of an
weavera are also trying to coneclnde terms!
| of peace ~ith [vire,
{ing that
i 1 streets,
i | duced { nearly
i | anid the schedale of wages wis
| 0 make it even with what
| | the redaction did not. amount to
| Abont 14} weavers want ont
Orient on the Empress of Japan next week
is Rev. 8. E.
ary of the United States apispoeal chareb, |
stroke which compelled him to resign his
f jmbead,
| tactive Powers, wha was shot last night
! while attempting to arrest two of the train
rorbers, died at Butterworth bospital, : at
| Rapidsand Indiapa road. Powers grabbed
‘cne of the men and blew bis whistle for
aid. As be did so one of tha supposed
to ak ig 41 Ee
Kensin gion Will Cwners fgecing on Terms. Mr A Convey of 50 Wagons Aftacked m the Rebels and
" phy's Weavers Strike.
Paruaperriis, Aug. 25. —Hevere| wd {
J. & G. Brimley, I: ane Lock. |
| Jndge Brothers will probably «fect some 3
agreement to-day
[Dietz & Metzger,
A notice adoirps the pffioe door gnoonne
anced scale,
a abort meeting and soon afterwards no
ti0es wara preted thronghont saneingion
| notify g wpavers to oa) EWA tron
| Masisnd's mill. :
The cloth weavers employed by Joseph
Fourth and Chimberland |
strike. They!
P. Murphy at
yosterday went on
olan that they bave bad then
43 per cent. Mr. Marphy |
WhHEeS I'v
other riann- i
ale sayd thet |
14 per
factnrers are paying. Ha
| sent. und is only on a few kinds of goods. :
| One Satipnanca Man Killed and Another |
‘Fatally Irjared in a Hose Rice,
Brapvorp, Pa, Aag. 23.--
men’s meeting, which fignred ss en evant |
% i
of the seaeon here yesterday and to-day, |
finished ap very disastronsiy. Ion: the
hose race this afternoon the [ea er of the
Salamance ransing team fell, the follow |
ars piled np over hizm snd one of the men |
was struck on the side with the bub of
the cart and killed. Another was go
badly iejnred in the sccident that ba will
die. He is now lying at ths Riddell
Has Been Bishop Schereschewsky's Cragt Work for
Several Years.
Vancouver, B.-C., Ang.
the passengers who will
23 —Among |
iesva for the
J. Beherescheuwsky D. 1),
retired protestant bishop Hf Clina, who is |
spgaged in & most important task, the |
trapaiation of a Bible into Chkivese from:
the original tongne.
[a 1559 he left for China as a mission.
and was snbeeqnently appoitfed bishop
of China, being the third ineombeunt of
tbat office. Io 1882 he saffared a sun-
office, as it affected his speech and ren
derad him unable to move about. After
leaving China he visited Enrope, and
thera he commenced the task on which
lie bas been engaged ever sina. Four
years he spent in Earope and the re-
mainder of the time in America, and row,
ut last, this stapepdons wort has heen |
thin sou of the Japavess premier, who et- |
completed, and the bishop hes with hin |
of the whole Bible in Roman |
{ip hie armvsl in China be |
will commenes the work of repr |
| the manuserpt in Chivese character,
after which it will Be printed and pab | jos
A. translation
£ dacing
This wii take goont thres years
(ne Handred po! Twenly (aests,
One Landred spd twenty relatives and
friands gsthered at the home of J. Y.
Smith, of DeBel Josten Friday M
celebrated Mr. y's birthday an Shear
jsary. Tha whe oh t epongh to make
it Plone to sper J the time at a farm |
| hous» sr the retas usgen to gather ear ®
{inests were present from DuBoiz, |
7. Reyvoldsville, 8; ;kenville !
a Creek, Dinner was served acd
1 present spent a most del ghifal time.
\ number of pice presents wera given the.
host ne tokens of esteem. Araong those
present from DnBois were Me: apd Mrs.
J. W. Goodwin
Teel We
Deteciive Powers Den,
GRAND Rarrpa,. Mich, Aang. 23. —De-
1:40 o'clock this morning.
Powers was shot by one of the two men
whom he bad spotted and was attempt-
ing to arrest for holding up the Chieago
& West Michigan passenger train Tues-
day vight near New ‘Richmond. The men |
were ou & north-bound train on the Graod
rchbers fired, and be fell to the floor mor-
Both men then tad and
sscaping in the
tally wounded.
jnmped from the train,
darkness. :
Domestic Relations.
He at 3 a. m:)—The peopls, my dear,
mrsht rule themshslves ash to temper-
atce apd in every respect
She (vigorously )— Well, I waut you te
understand from this time forward that I
am the people in this hounse.—New York
Sap. :
He Wana
Mattie—1 understand that Quneen Vie-
toria doesn't look with faver upon the
ye WOmAD,
1 Be om the Th rome.
ack-—And I understand that her ald
| t son doesn't look with favor npea the
old woman. —Naw York San,
Charter for the rewing Company.
Higarserre, Ang. 28,—A charter was
graote 1 to the DuBois Brewin
| West, Aug. 23.—At 8 o'alork this. morn-
Among] ing & convnr, onneisting of I) wagons and
{50 motre bowied with provix ong and am-
Corbe, escorted by gnerillas and a body
nod the | af regular troops, in all 400 men. The |
| rebels, baving beard. of this,
[he Maxis: i weavers held 1
i G0 not
| srnment to snstain the war agaipst the
* +
are |
| boxes,
ichapgad the
nz CCmMPpany,!
cusan WARFAPE.
2 Battle Ensbes.
faxT1400 De CuBa, Aug. 15, via Key
ift thie oity for tue village of
heva veer
guthering for two dye mn that direction. |
‘args of the losomotive, and first] Yegterdny it was anvouned that C. H. Land, ju geen punters, ander { Hi. a!
y a . , asiand & Qo A arorei » i veil y 5
action, of 57 was coming west witly Fa- | M EAD i & Sons had signe i the soale mis VV. COTTE AR TTD £ Gh aiat, me t :
&in fey Hall ut the throttie. The train | hat the waaverw say that matters ara not ithe convoy s it's beso t Le LL mode is |
men ou 57 thought they won have time | #XACS tly as they peoenr. on tie snrfaee dl Crag where t hig mors 5 om {
i t A =F ts
fF »
ne government bes given |
rot orders to the anthorities of that!
pine in regard fo officer. snd the
siamo can rest asgnred |
that they wiil not enffer soy more ont. ! 4
aria AF ree
Pee of Gaaut
rds do not gave credit to sueb promises,
Antonio Maceo has sent letters to the
Lplanters of Goantansmo district. taxiog
Ha imposed a tex of 340,000 on a
renchman named Simon. . The planters
know what to do, bat they will
huve to pay, or the rebels will destroy
their plantations. Maocen says that as
they are paying ta es to the Spanish gov-
mbans, they mast pay taxes to the in-
Put people who know the Span-|
nrgenta to aid to make Coba free. {|
Ibe order of Maximo Gomez prohibit |
ing provisions, ste, from entering Poerto
Princip= i8 extending to other dwstriote, |
asd ao donb »t will don be felt in all the
itis swid here that last Sunday an ex- |
pedition landed not far from here, in Ba-
caonso, at a short Jistance from Dsigairl,
where the Spanish-American Mining]
sompany is stationed. The officers of a!
merchant steamer that came in here on
Monday say they saw a schooner at the
plisce mentioned acting ‘io a. suspicious
manner. A Spanish gunbost was sent
oni immediately, bat when she srrived
there they found only 10 or 12 empty
It is not known who bave Janded
In Mayari, this
troops culled Guadalojsra, lately arrivad
from Spain, bas bean struck with yellow
taver, and 10 officers and 150 privates
have died ot the disease,
Want Derelicts Destroyed,
Loxpox, Ang. 23—The Lioyd’s
mittee have communicuted with the
beard of trade, urging that the govern.
meant send 8 representative to Washing-
ton to arrange with the United Skates |
government a joint scheme to destroy)
derelicte, especially in the North Atlantin.
The board of trade are considering the
Japan May Make Rig Contracts.
Loxpox, Ang. 23 — It is rumored tht
posce ratifieations with
China, will be sent to England to ATranjie
larga rentracts for warships, arms, ef.
| is expected to arrive in November vis
ited States and Cansds.
Thera was Juite | A bard frost in th vis
i 15d ity We
doeedsy night, Aang. 21. [t
came si an aansaslly early dute and wie
a reminder that the snmmer of 1895
TY ‘ready getting zold.
The Faravery a
The potato yisid in Clinton county this
| your appears tobe beyond avything in
the pant. The westher bas been vety
tavorahle for the growth of the crop and
| the potatoes large,
farmers Save commenced digging the
tubers aud hardly know what to do with
tie. — Lock Haven Epes.
general iy sare’
At Corweneviite Laat.
Haw pleasing is the oi the hane
enh wins;
How evervhody inughs and chal, and every-
plaving wh
body grins,
And the umpire is forg!: von for all bis helngous
sins; - ;
So pleasing is the playing when the home bia
The boy npon the bleachers is as hiip-
py as a Ri ne;
The maton in the A is as
sweet as anytivng,
The crank is ail in cover and the
Butcher ison wp:
He sells a peck of péanuts and a half a
ross Of pop,
The fellow from the country widens int
nis month and eyes,
} Sanaa ris smiling a
mppy sighs,
Phe mascot is a-hanndi ng HO and as if
: HY pins
nd a-sighing
ie Were
»o phensing is the Hinving when the
© Bowe
oo Club .
Pat what a sad sensation when the home gab
sin ps,
Ihe umpire is a villain and a dast ur rl chwup i
of chumps,
Weo'ne om the ros! to mie, and we're denny in
the dumps,
or oh, the sad sensation when the home elub
uid RAG are a viry
Ome has yellow liver and the other jel.
ow Tair.
our captain ds aga
is & thief
There's not a word in Webster witich
iter and the other
ean give aman relied
Won't one give the gawks a hox
§ ginger wine and beef?
No, not the wine; they've had tob mich
1irendy —y Bedied, :
Wis don't they let the bloekheads go
and Sign a nine of nps?
the sad sensation w
fien the
Home :
i :
Siam ps!
of DuBois capital 2100, 000,
district, 8 regiment of |
oom. |
: SIS ROY. Bde
Hn Diviecs
Vaio I
from Kane to
1139 P rt ea oo
Harrisburg snd intermediate statho
ii at Phil eiphis at £ fa. m., N
Puaianan steeping cars (ro
geburg to Phiiadeiphia and New Yor
e : i ia passeugers cal) romain -
5 \Z. i aay Gaul Ta a me. :
hey ara Bghtin | oar of Aonses it 18 iE | 438 P, M~Traia 5, ‘ily for Sunt: 7, Bat
ated t the ad;
a3 We 1m,
eper at Hurrah,
fro Krie to Phiindel phi
vn ; res hus la yat, }
The piverpor 1! thie crty told 8 rep i | Phadoiphias 5 4 utestng York, i
ar of Ia Pati peaking of thas condnet | aya a. nd 105 a. m. on
* Cape. fharrido in Ciosptenamo, thet | uiman Sore and’
dba guia different there in| sengersin Ta dupa,
the tutare. ae agiol will be (run<ferred into Ww
port Lo Baltitoore,
128 A. M~Train 1, dsily exeepl a y
eo Ridgway, “Duce, Clermont and ites
we ves Ridgway et 3-00
Wares A, HS ins apa oe anw masa ver
B27 P.M Tain 11,
Kane and fo
faliy except unas. 10¥
FAIR iL ve 5
Whkebon 751m: H : 546 am,
ol arriving at rif rR er p.m, wi
Williameport., Rum Philsdeiptis
Ra 3 loaves Now Y York st #00 p.m ¥
adeiphia, 11:30 Wi 10:90 n. Ms»
- Baltimo! np % EY Satis Dip
wood st Ry Pullman sie Bak,
brah pameagerconchentrom Phi
TRAIN 20 ieaves
Read Up
Exp a
(Dally except Sunday.)s
TRAIN 19 leaves Ridgway ?
Sonbarg at 45a. m, arriving a, jou
leaves Clermont st 10:50 8. 18. Ne
riving at Johnsonbu
_ Ridgway at 12:00 noon yt thee
A ti pe. fim rit
Beech (Creek Railroad,
N.Y. & H. R RR. Co. Losses.
Eomenmaman-t ao SAE
PM s
PM AN ; ; : & Si y
v2 40 "8 35 Ar. Willis v 110
#8 $5 *11 30 Lve..Philade 3 =
NP... LveN Yvis Arr 84
sine 700 Lye X Y via Phila Arr 7 90
AM PN (Footof Lihertv 801 pi :
‘Daily. $Weekdave, ta -
. 05 AM. 8 ruse
Through Pullman Buffet
Wn. us
Fall Brook Ry. (AGL
Seep co re |
ween Clearfield and Philad
6 | cept 8am day, on trains Sand
Throngh conch to New York, and ti hn
Pullman Buffett ParlorCar to ix Boaters !
train leaving W Hlumasport 1000 ;
Connections—At Willlamport with
hikand Readtug Rat Railroad. At. J
unction with the
with Central Balint of
eall on 0
On and after June 10th,
will arrive and depart from
cept Sunday, as folleows:
4 a.m. Falis Creek.
3 0 " _ hs
os “ Punxsutawney and Big Run. y
SH pom.
13% *“ Punxsala
200 4 Clearfisld
235 “ Ridgway and E
5156 * Punxsuts
53 « Charfieddand .
TH5 Panxsatawney and ri)
8 55 a.m, Pnnxsuiawney and B Run,
7 i" Falls C akin and oy xa
3 - nXSh
B33 Bradford and i
iq Curwensvitlennd :
12 46 p.m. Clearfield o Phila, Sleeps attached
143 Punxsutawney and Big Ron
5 hester and Buftale. =
515 * Puozsatawney snd Big Run
rv Carwensville and Clearfield.
Puilman Buffett sleeping car for
yhig on train leaving DuBois at 550 p.m,
wand mile tickets good for
ail stations at 2 cents per ;
for ticks, time tables and formation:
3 Een, Agen
Bn eTgan, 4
E. C. Lapey, Gen’! Pass Agent,
LG Matthews. Gen, Supt., Rochester, N,
a 38
a ior 3s
pt pe 1G BE BS RS BS
Train 4.
Falls Creek
DuBois -
min 3, 77 a. m,
Train 6, 1:45 p, m.
AS p.m
General Manager.
nN ae
" Trin & Tne
x. wo] way
Gent Agt: Pass
id [
naa es
= g CA ata 3 a
A SRA A) .
iy pap ind Sgn