is i rr mor ke 16 Go Siaplosives and Motive rene t™: Fall of Wonder. AN ENEMY TO HER SEX. ¥he Lights of the Sea. “it wie Jammy soving ps i pz trying tp According to the opinion ¢ of Sujerim Mrs Paton, the Boat ch missimary's That’ What »M H" Keowt Says of § * Bome yoars ago the natives near Pom tidy hoot Gio other ng ‘He took | tendent Barker of the arms factory at Xite, in sin of bat itr ey a ar B+ Kev Boning he bay gare acsounte of a wonderful fans - Bparkbrook, Eup land, snd a prominent expert in that lino, the possibilitics of | the industrial use of high explosives for | 8 notion ‘that it was easy and fhat it "was all foolishness falling off and get- In the good time that is coming-—of gimple hearted astonishment of {he na- uy : TES ‘equal seffrage and of equal rights in all || ‘tives at some of the wonderful things i | wheal with one hand. He gave a little | pontemptuons sneer, pushed sd tha wheel and started off. He did it #0 coolly that | slick na grease, his feet bobbing up and | ting hort. He had been watching me | pbout 15 misfates, and he asked me to | lethim token try mt it. ‘He waltzed up and steadied the he actually landed in the wheel and got his feet on the pedals somehow. It was down a little slant, and away he went. down like machinery. It was glorious fun, and’ papa looked like some sot of 8 sx il American ofty, er that it Fla MRA BEI a the aterage onip-ess, w While out sleigh rid- ia hig pérm Yurk Russian Soldiers posed of the last slice in the hotel woman's worst enemy is no longer the : actos three little boys in the | a Fon in hiv i pant Be — the only finished or pil sg Mr, 2 hate) awe fashion. As a typeshe is asstined 10] of ey n Db m renee. snowhall-| gig enough buil 0x the body politio and | one in the world which has invariably Shested mayer of Naw Yuk i low: become as white “ lytia B eon | 2 apie 51 qoubtless far from healthful but we ‘behaved better in the field than the anti, —. Wir =m i or Olacioss Hurl we. Muyry BH “rf | have no soft of doubt that it will pais | peace conditions of both pation and Danetng In the Cathedral of Seville Chicago Ocean. To | aw bo absorbed into tho healthier | army lod critics to anticipate. The R A singular and attractive relic of tho | She titecd Tp Wor Her Rights. him comical me-| | that Chicago, with its strargi and Sov .erigh crowd of Bohemians, Italians, Polish Jews, Hungarians and Germans, of the Union. Meantime let vs learn to look on the nobler and far mon ‘real, if less scusational, side of Ameri can dife,— London Spectator. ; on pee Renndery the Jewish Historian, , The new life of John Cairns, the cele- brated Beotch divine, contains a pen sketch of Neander, the great Jenvish eo clesiastical historian. Cairn attended ‘his lectures at the University of Berlin in 1543 and describes him as a litfle man with a face that was pale, sallow and expressionless, a low forehead, | nothing striking in his features but Tis ‘black dyebrows. He was drused inn dirty brown coat, blue plah fronscrs and dirty top boots. As the distingaisi- | ed man stood and lectured to his stu- { dents he punctured. every semtenco by ‘spitting, so that the floor had to bo sir. '’ | ject of study. Of the gunpowder engine he thins ‘while the solid re: ertheless one pound of gunpo ; of energy. | category of armies which have not fal- three reasons—first, because he is a total -abstainer; secondly. becatise he "is. “{ Turkey than in Russia These plain 3 8 Without making reference to oh generating motive power are n ft sib- only slightly, as such an €x- plosive merely develops in combust on about 150 volumes of permanent gage: : dues ure vory cons erable, roan clogging any machine, Ye ey wder i8 oR pable of develosing 170,280 foot pounds The new smaokelos powders | i ars coomble of developivg still higher energy and ave also mire under control hesitation and stdpped every time his master moved or seemed on the point of awakening. — Landon Exchange. sian army, so far as the war of 1877.8 a eoncerned, belongs undoubtedly to the filled expectations. The average Turkish soldfer #1 phys- | joally, morally and intellectual! Bre rior to the average Russian soldier, for ligions—that is, intellectually religi whereas the Russian is a ro- ligious, i. e., superstitions; thirdly, be- cause elementary education is better in facts should be borne in mind when the next campaign becomes imminent.— “The Defense of Plevna,” by W. V. Herbert. : Professor Huxley. Professor Huxley was a man of very Fite lion, shaking his mane. ‘‘You sholy your ipories too fn vig you talk anyhow. "’'—Chieago west, 1 ‘plant he would give him a half dollar. shown tham by their new teachers. Two rooms have been added to our island home, one a little stndy, which | ti a drawing room. View The Aniwans eall this the Great House hii ice. ‘a glar upon women, the falsehood and the insult have gone forth Unfortae- | nately its chief monthpiece is a wormun— | ‘a woman so soor und hard that one wonders much at the fate snd experi- : ence that eonld sp have imbittered her Sometimes wo have to take them Judgment that she is incapable ¢ of being § his fo serve also as a and are perfectly lost when they get in- side, four rooms being quite ton mnch for their somyprehension. And althongh they saw them being built they ak in tach room, with bewildered fices, | whaother i are north, south, amit or | He refused the ice cream and cake and had another piece of eggplant sind dis- eastom of dancipg in churches is still practiced three times a year in the great ml of Seville—namely, on the of the Iramaculate Concegtion and of Christi, and on the Fut three davs of the carnival. Yen choristers, dressed in the costume of pags of the time of Philip II, with plamxl ‘hats, dance a stately but most gracef dl meas- iron screens iu front of the high altar. They are dressed In blue znd sthite for the Blessed Virgin and in red and white for Corpus Christi. The boys acsompany the minuetlike movements with the clinking of castanets. During the meas- ure a hymn arranged for three voices, with orchestral accompaniment, is sung in honor of the blessed sacrament. — “Curious Church Customs,’ William Andrews. : , is there?’ said Katie, with flash- eye nnd quivering ip 3-Cmerent erature. i shall mark the abolition of discrimina- ure for about half an hour within the | the avocations of life, the time that itm beeanse of sex—The Saturday Re- will be remembered as ome of the opponents of liberality and jus Whenever or wherever it can ntter. other. $0 it conscience aud gener sity are no restraint rigorous rules of etic gaette may be. The wonma who is cage. _#he heard the other day that the council wig going to pass dn t»” Laane prohibiting women from eagaging in the occapation of barbering, so when | ste presented herself in behalf of in Sony there must be some deep germ of ‘disease in our modern eivlfiza- Mrs. Lee is a woman barber in CBi- | toy being worked by tho motion of the while Hiving off nearly 1,000 volun i] bicrels wheels: of pernssant gu vid 6 iving ro solid | through the house several times in a ‘even fair upon the simplest question “Down, -d h i lw | res Tn Flos sae omperstares de { dav, and it is gemuive fun to'watch | | where the interéets of other women are wn, down he went in perfectly rf Ro : 'invelved. The world of working women glorious fashion until all at ence, quick { ¥ ‘by «1 thesa propellants aro | the is perpetual play. Some of the PV o as lightning, without any waning, ihe yh ery I y 40 erodes are truly dramatic. Ono fellow, | higin her a pronounced enemy, for she wheel just dashed into a tre and spilt | come this der in tho enine way as | the lier -¢ ea fontastionlly ex- |oneves iy wig EE ain : { SE 18 dunn eiith ihe plies tw GVO > ! Cin Ang rotect whet i 4 papa on the hard ground. He was swial- it 48 Gos with [US npn, en [red g = pe iu a hav v¢ & home = fy and even where of the orean, Sey of With a Sey { aking vee of the enerov of the water | | goin ut De ormed a war dance in 287 J Yio Shin ly hurt. He had to go on erukehes all making nee i gy 1 1 5 CG been deseribed. some of the ng 8 ; Lest Is Schian ao of Rostininle Swe, 8 | the next day and is limping yet 50 10] ployed when com verted into seam. | the middle of the floor, flung his Srous there is no one w Hing wanna the roviarkable th gorvedioming : Jono age, i able or ide omg L hard. “And what do yon suppose ho said to AS EB hh Yerrd “ geyelops 1,200 Call about ant called Instily for his #20 harden of the protection The lat i . 33 de Avhich many an older riger wot ATE ot i ; are ; .: £3 . 1 tou rif 35x | father diatribe roo 8 me when he came totter ng hark, | calor rg Jrass 1 ity | Tan. F 7 Jt. ; - 2 » . i $ : ehanlotens tirnos is sy Sh toa vhiles fn day ia not ti 4 Yon’ a got t: inl “3 st} Py st inf TTR 1 oy Ia 1 BT ip) } }¢ 1 A KATO I 3 i 4 Chbadi Waker ue Pee task tomtrrow. There's something | gas” r i is de, coupes in fer a 13 mu: for Lim, aud hie has been known : t 1 haven't fwoithoingt : to Sea run of 4%; miles in £0 min: | it, 5 oh i a Civ l 6 . r ates. — 1. A. W. Dullatin a as I, taka it 1 it Ling I ed gun ; Yiol can't ride bi ei'§ 81 Honein: be inta i : Hh Water ¢ no iit r Bat wi At tie By Fit : Chee 1558 § 2 Filia y oi re Pa Osi 1 i and Jace i g ta 3 i Ali ii i : - . of bays a noticeable pai dress is she Il) ANG AA A Ck | 1 short das) : blouse: nd Phe wild sud v r words of bys satwrali 8 describes how Jus a fiskord frp 3 pe. terfeal agitators, piric «1 sud political, | oommitted theft. While he pretended be ot - SE vad. bat he Viispared chan 1} '; | must not persue people inte thinking slép the apimal regarded him with | 7% W508 ad, but he wes ere Xpaly FACES Entel gn the waiter if he had a Little more egg | tion of opp woman 8% LLG Lands of 1 sii AnOESLTESH rely becane goin . fre pical climate cx ampels the in- t a semitropical climate fa- Frenchman— Lh er fe i i Tw Wig bs sive sae Sime and ul of Batre cleaned when he had finished. And ti; is | simple and direct manner. In the class- — was the old mun who, “for knowledze, | yoom he made his lectures graphic by An Absentminded Preacher. own anywhere.—Chicago Correspond- Catharine Parr. spirituality, senso and indomitc jin | finding illustrations for scientific truths | 41 dq circumstance happesed once ent: : i——— Catharine Parr, the sixth wife of the | spirit of the finest discretion on morul| in everyday examples, as whon, in treat: | oy Winehester. As Dr. Wilson: was one Dutch Bounet of Real Mair. much | ) subjects, was a marvel.”” of animals thas change their color, | Sunday morning going threngh: the | A sat near me at the theater the | to beri than to her © TA Misfit Sermon. pe Eulerrel 0 the 1300 tht When Be ae streets toward pe athdral By posrd 3 other night who was the Gheerved of ob- chars. Sho was good An English clergyman who ws 50d: | than usmal, He was gallant to the fafr | Jive" And en A ce Am wns the Washingtod | So skillfully did she deal cal os 0 ach to con “iv | sex. One of them, who attended his | churoh he began the service as follows: | Post. Her gown was like any one of a | Blesome husband as 1 : | tion of eolloge students was unable 10) Sonth Kensington lectures, asked him | «Whey the wicked man turnith away {half dosen pretty frocks.n the house, Si again onme of th mast treseed of spoak without notes and had only <« | to mtroduce her to Herbert Spencer and | from his wickedness and dooth that | but her hair was unique. You thought | his own officials. Ones aa emer was written sermon with him, which © was amused by his mock serious re- | whisk is lawful and right, he shall save when you first looked at her thatshe | of on the duties of the married state. I..o , “I thought I was your first | pis gon] alive, alive, OI" These last | was wearing a bonnet, but she wasn’t. topic was hardly one that he would has | Jove,” To this same lady he said, in | words the doctor proclaimed aloud, in | Her heavy brown hair was dragged to # | chosen for the occasion, buf go hue. | talking about the death of Agassis, the | (he true tone of the fishwomn, to the | the crown of her head, and there twist- : i LE that it would pass muster a8 8 2P- | pews of which he had just heard, “‘1| creat surprise of the congregaticn. But | 6d and puffed and pinned inta a very tion, and when the officers came to ~~ | propriate by anticipation. - But unfortu- | wonder where he is?’ He made the 19- | the good doctor was so studiors and ab- | fair imitation of & Dutch bonnet, com- | serve the order he drove them out with, pr the sermon over, | imi . , Cf Billy?’ | mately he did not read SE red mark in 8 tous of profound sadness. sent that he knew not what he had plete even to the bow in tie buck. Wace and Sigal. nd 80 before Be know 6 he had nite; | done.—Household Words. t was odd, it was striking, but it ‘was | who are mothers. '—XNew York Trib-| «You look as if you needpd a hair| [He Neat Not Disco 1%. she it. What ismure to tie pilnt, | Naturally a birthday purty malbup ape. i sat,” said the ele t, nosing abeut - “Katie,” sternly exclaimed the little | 311 {he women who saw it knew it, and of 50 little people, mere cr less, takes om Toa re | the tion's cage. girl's father at the ast tuble, ‘‘yeu | the knew they knew it. gala day phases. There are in- | «Mr, Lively,” said the managing cd- ‘Before you go around making re- are too noisy! I certainly ve to | pod 1 itor “we'd like to have yon draw sss. marks about other people’s appearance you’ > Our Daughters, } inte a 2 you'd better trim down your eass,’’ re- | - ‘Well, there ain’t anybocy holdin| If there be any “‘sevolt of EE NEE. — mowywoeman. ’ — J . : ti It hardly occur hen parents od How Greensboro Was Named. A GoveFner Numseq Jemnt df on. Are wise and Joving and when, for the The aris away in cnt de de-| General Kathie) (eng suring his| Bennington, Vt, is said to have been | foginess of wearisome restraints and the mi | pectic v minutes be.returned | retreat befora the British jn 178), sought want fom TE incessant interferences, they Sudgtitute cards: Per 5 2 ni a on of pe cn i 1784, the firm coutrol of Heartless Jove. | might be pietured as carrying huge : Ince called Greensboro. gave the and charter for the — Archd Farrar UW. “Tye drawn up my soigunti irk : | | town. = ei Tab. I» Forman ottan’s | velopes, inacribed with suitable
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers