MELONS ON THE WAY. Shore's a shomt trom grand ‘old Georgy, an’ fte echo fall at’ free, : Makes a Raltsujih feeling come a rushin’ .O¥0er me: : IN make tv people happy—drive the dark. peas all away, Bo here's to the nation’s gla : melons on the way! That good old striped melon, with a heart o° Aripnin’ sweet, for the | SILK FROM WOOD. | THE SILK WORM'S WORK ACCOM- PLISHED BY CHEMICAL PROCESS The New. Material Costs Less Than Natural Itis! i ¥ i | Silk and Is Said to Bs Beautifal i Are Pending ia Washington. Alrealy Worn im Europe and Patents] Uhipself BOTH PAPERS WERE The Fortunate Regalt of of » Tennessao Jus- tice Mixiag His Decurnents Bill Wright was a justice of the peice, ad nlio an absent-minded roan, {whose wife was as able an { Xantippe. ; Bill used to serve all his processes and to save time wonld sige the USEFUL. orator as EDSON DEFENDS HIM3 ; CRITICS. There Are Nagging Men, of Course, but A WOMAN. ELF FROM They Occupy Less Exacting Positions. The FfMect of Nagging Upon Children snd Upon the Peace of the Family. ONE RED ROSE AS RENT, {- i 0s FIDELITY. se sa bb A NEGR Zion s Lutherans Church in Manheim, Fay He Stil Watches Over His 014 Master's Fuaifills Its Obligation. The ceremony of paying the rent of “Onn Red Rose” for the plot of ground on which Zion's Lutheran Church stands in the qniint old town of Manheim, Pa, was was a ary large atten lance from all the coun- celeliriisd recently. Their Grave, Waiting te Join Him. . The attitudes of the Southern slaves during the ci7il war was extraoniinary. Thousands «¢ white women and chil dren, whose fufhers and husbands had joined the Confalerate army, werd left in chabge of fumily servants and were ates in blank aml de to the parson. had a process to serve «« mountains on a Hemi- Inse, who wis sued, for govie misdeeds, and Bill or a few of the IS YSom. mckagae a” ram certific dependent mn their fidelity and serv- irs for prt ‘ion and daily bread. Rarely i Hawn} “aid ome of these negroes betray his Hundreds of body servants acoorspanied the's masters to the army, them when sick or wounded and -toted” the home to recover health or to be buried. A par thetic illustration of a dy servant's fidelity was soon hy Mr. Wo. L. W Hams, 8 traveling «lesan, I saw a pathetic instance at Greens boro of a new 's fidelity, «aid Mr. Wil lame, About ton miles from the town I saw a grave with a marble slab at its head, Seats] near it was an oll negro with a banch «f flowers, which he was placing upcn wh e mound. 1 stopped my norss and spolze to bin, “Whose grave is that, uncle? I aeked. Sh ““Marze Tons, boss, “Oh, nn try side, including some lineal descend- ants of Baron Henry William Stiegel, the eccontric Gutman rw Hlaman who, in + 1792. donde the gronnd to the congraga- tion : the stipulation that an annual red rose shonid be puid to Lite Same ma Tring Le liver a nunits ; { jest a | 4 Te r Bill Ma ces a feat that brings the country pin "At ita foot, . rions tidis Dr. Edson ranges the hushands of NAC in three Men of tas first class are meted to 1 ty and vinlenwea, H 1 ol A has heen discov ored Mu : which material closely resembling «ilk | may be manufactured from wood. Even | the now ire walking about | Btrects of Enropean cities in he E313 anes of Joy | elaborate zowns of silk in the ma . : } rohit 1 ne i ture of which the worm had no rs 1 TOCrSAR sla pani 28 ring CIARREE, 3 Eh riital tit frost 1=bands of #3 i their homes and seek sol and saloone Those of Wi FIN vp gr we in Md ; ; remain devoted to their nag- 1 a tr rar Co eT : i £3 . 4 : a a Tia Arbre. # . ghorid be lverally demande i In fact, the silkworm has lot its occu Ze sticking hath at ha ;, are usnally of nervons tempers This = fedally deman hed, . So sticking b 1 sorie have been driven insane ns payinent has been asked OTS svn] only in 133 years. The church wus elaborately decorated with the ation. : ; : The saith for this valuable dissoissy | BF Sine peiet hy mommted b - exposure 0 post fault-fi i > pai TOT Tas Vaiaahily discovery andl rode off which i dst Baron's favorite flower, and the payment of the red rose was made by the pastor, : hemical seience it on SWitoop. 1 is more injurious than overwory | In chemical & ienoe must go 0 BWILZET- | pranching the mi star's, he stepped | o . 2] : this 3 : ! land, for a native of Zurich, Dr. Lehrer | oh 5 a 3ut if the irritable dagring of the wor b th { the and chatted awhile and, after deiver- | LT oF health, whim v Lae, 1 @ invent Or [7] Fi z, . oy + he at ; i rai iL n AIT Rd SERIO Ok dS . * it] - NT fn, : Pp ing his papers, he started off again and ths husband rmderstands this fact the ' 112 Rev. L. L. Lonha, to Mrs. Rebecca rE | took the road to the monntains K. Bover. oldest living descandant . i or or fror (Ee Sg k AFL RAY + HWY er th 8 OG HYIDZ « Haan y VOars ag 20 be began to make ob! 7% 4 adding at 4 nagging ofter. ceases to have any inj Ban u« AA Ix 1 09 parscn had a wedding that day, of Stiegel in the conntr v. Thera was a mamorial programine. including 4 poem entitled “'One Red Rose” Willism 4 1; : ; ect on him ¢ 0 pe " garvat on the tiabits and Physical ona of the parties being A polorious | rions off > atm, The : pi Is di fF R characteristics of | horse thief ont with children. Nagging ix eqnmal'y Halle, and ah address by the Rev, W. KE + Main, of Brooklyn. the mineral and | the silkworm and be- from sn adjoining coxnty. |. . . a .. & ! od wi "x ry ". von gv he United St mes in | came deeply interested in the subject. | When the cATHMONY Was over the mutson Senos » thely Dervous syslerh, “hather + wrist} i invalid ; , in 1893, | He discoverad the chemical action which | selected a certificate from the bila © hether the ; other 1s an invalid or hus : ng such exen | and unrolled jt saficiently : ; Baro ‘n n Stiogel was the fonder of Man- heim. His home ix still one of the land- marks of the town. He was the friend | took place inn the worm in producing iis Bis is cocoon, and at odd times sought to coun- | name, On handin to the iii ihe; A VIVA x toe “the work of nature. So con- | latter opened it. ard his ayn gTewW wild Bmey resr 3, $i ; viuci<l did hea become of the feasibility | when te read mstead of 8 marriage cer- | Tabaer and - of George Washington during the Revo. now. Didn't showing & 1a of no less than $62. % his ideas that he som abandoned all | tificate a warr. int of 8 arrest, signed by i ragged Intionary w ” When ings ial diffe were free? 518,004, or ti This frrent fall- hier work aod devoted his time t to this | both the jnstice of $ peace and the | tll the pox ok : V as hd Sh Froid “Dunne is Mn "bout ing off wus 4 “myer, due far : to sin ; adr, in which he has achieved a | parson, He fearad some tra, so sare : Os Sh . o Met faire £3 - RR info Marze Tors ish 4. ] lower price Heats sir jeaskonia} quantify of | ria ee himself to custody. [No ne prison. for and it was through foh me smh Dese han's done the produc: 3 be value of our coal in the process of manufac cinring the | When the Justice rine ched the momm- oe y ls a Har, Se tht the Boble- tote nim fric:. +411 Shiloh, production decline Inst year 313,783.- Dew fabric th re principal ingre lient :s used | gain = en 5 DA : acre ss 1 Stiegal subsequently an’ he died = lile 1 wah totin "im; jest. 828, or only 7 ouer cent, while in quan are SUPGCewW ood pup, cotton or ju te | it and ir i itcly 2a $78 natn ; : ness Xe EL ; en Zin ar rgd in the Tas Aantirs of Yalicts closed his 2 an’ nt to sleep, an’ waste, ete., combined with a large | main taining ds : i A8en, Seeing us Iavars reboving wa i a died OOF when I. eam ta cross the ribber ob amavked Jordan he : his is 10s an’ he ; Is de angel 3t de gate who I be, an’ he sumed ‘bout it lng mln eich ; Avie 4 East an' west | hour’ « ¢lnbs the thi Rf an’ Everything "no te in’ e For the on the hero Everybody s the way. ii Re CWO oe pik % 55. class, wiry iE I==let this wranglin growls ” | eortificate : : : 4 ns gtfe an’ sournbean HHH ORL nsonle pla nappy—when is " iw Fire am 4 ws eT 34s AIX Tinea ae BINT, ‘the on melons - Atlants LB onstitutic mn. MINERAL AND METAL PRODUCTION. i Tie Outpt Weil Sustained Ender Most Advorss Conditions. The statistics of metal prodae foal | 1894, compared with the antpn are publi hed im the Engine aring and | Mining Jo raal. "The total visine of the mineral a metal production was in 1898, 8615. 5.506; 1804, - £502. 272,90%; TOs ollection of a visit to a 1% of an irritable, invald vv, harassed bo. lining rom ’ all Spots g 12 it I'm his sigega.” yom are no man’s nigeer vot ever mow that yoo oaent * fil. dat Li I'se wih, an’ he's waitin’ Hes ove FELOYES 3 v of y on 9 Hn vi 3 gla for independence he was th . $s debt 5 GAT. ¥ - piace uey ® 5 i ¥ i tity it fell off om) ly 6. 230 470 short tims, 3 or 31-2 per e atdvely quantity of aleohol. The use of the | eited the form of giance, Pas, small declie in tha volmie of substantial or solid materials men- | fortunsitely remem be anote 1 4 ~adaced 18 suteiontis Te a measure of the tiousd ere a market for what was p ther rotor hitizor no whatever, being’ thief in ai] and 5 Se Wve ATES whale miners outpit of the oo iN Was The cop buitpnt in resse tory furnaces to get it out ; 54, hi nat ie : 5 ois as in gont,, from 597,235,188 ponds on 1530 | of the way. HE Toy a a ths mais Fina ee, and the comfo of h try 4 as also the firs a Entei iok his story. Th iB, 504.811 i sawdust now has market uninten fir y gervel the ends of “0 oa. “hu Roily der : dn : ot Spi . ; i, i the g “tol nat “walne it ar , fur this. as well as the of ‘her Iie tice. —Univers still i A in various part stern terials, are dig 168 ted by a chemical pro- —_—_ ie cess in wh jk 1plavs an important’ The Greatest Gr anpowder Explos) ym. | part. The al ‘thus digested is so much like the cocoon spun Ly the silk- ! worm that when the two re placed side by side in a finished stats Sv takes an axpert to determine Whicl ii is which : The artifi material es is 60,500,000 ounces in 13g 33 fo 40.8 416.8 in a liquid state, and of a density about ‘onnres in 1V44. but the pri a #1 Sa tae ordi yrup of com giined from THO an oanee f merce. When in this state 4 machine 68 cen i : tof Dr. Lohner may. be a, iron showed a heavy de . called an artificial si Cindi comes into guantity frors 7,047; i piay, This machine, which is very siin- | to 8,657, 9% ple in construction, requiring so litt] declined mr : can work or from § TRG - Soi fellow and a slab at 31 it was that of . killa} at the battle mestioned the farthfal VEY S rir in ihe | 3 a « fhat ; ara tant dno less tis a ga ive 5. hil The produ 835,955,000 in but the conn prodnced « Tew C1898 to 631.41 hi : 501 907.920, or! per ¢ i Eally dne to ti 1from | tin 1804, al valn w of. the silver from $47.511; in foe CLINE IN OF TATORY. ot How obd ars von, manele?” Mos” a huatired. I reckon, ie Ware. Lacks Style, Tom. sat Mr. Fletcher Osgood, Drs, gn’ hea an heaben. . Fornm” of the pecu. -AW@tin' ti I hones, weary wid road, il take me to de Tom help his ole ord 1-2 per een / : hea Himes seen is yo wider “Oh, it she w RYT ec ; £ n pe The : ne THE © ma, a1 Speax to me : I nsed to try so hard it isn't any fix do ghia al Ways think: 3 aah.” Tlie Freasent Generation Can Talk, bus It Wit good; Dna Pott 3 ht Ave Dever stat #4 just Row great a quantity of powder. ex- ploded’at this tims, but it certain that, three magazines and three mills in the upper vand were bl ap, one after anoiner. and a safe estimate will t the quantity of powder sxploded at ; 3 : 12) re 4 In this explosion thirem , cannot | Ihe remembered, rig ais ais dea men and one. woma instantly intain discipline. Oft reiterated coms | OMiarged, in an article published last 2 Was ra = killed, while twenty-tw 10 have af oratory © hi t1 Am fF i" Ja Mai doy call ‘1 dubor as. is devoted | Wornen were injured. SOT amd illustrated Sir siding v 25, = a Srey gute ims in 1904, perfor "Phe axtlosiod ooen foreible ex. Race del { Uinatanooge; €¢ REX C4Y mn . oy x, performs 1e £X] Bt ; : the - We wah it sata. Marse Tom den in went, 800 In Aun of only 5 23act.y the same we 114 v “ork that O'clock in the aftern I<Z40 in TU glory. Did Lead niceah lef to ten’ his gant, he és { 2 f Xa pov ler, YI30 hap GEIES Samay, Sm ( sarod tis how : . im when I got "im vl of ) 1G alle ia bk 7 nd ee Ta ov. : i £3 44 2 um ih . : rr » : = 1 : he ha h, and 3 jos" 1 eff to ten’ his As SPAS A Be 4 Ey fic Too i) Natta ob an’ i. wers heah.” 1H: 2 ! Ela : A wk : the story SE century : nothng but wr master, ne rthern —= Cin I'se his I'se jest Oo ‘matter Ww hat = | WIT mgr.” One BEA3 NETrVORR, nagging w sarge of schools and mast} orn, for the i policy & i 2.9 1 Cia: CNA i Than i | is men in PL ONL | pity Ae in sneak- traleliin dba y x io ot, 1 i r he Arvricilc Ate 3. 1, Mbber. arn ther . ARN IRIN 5 3 LH Palak and file iit Ren 0 BSIiDes 5 WW 8 onr Hon. tr 10 Bary s near uy wh, : Wile cents Wi H Faprs RITE Oe : WwW Pre Fours when he was R inventie oh 5H A . n : invention, which A Pr uy with him lina in 2 of the ch 354 long tons in 1804 1804 the vilus | + xr y aN The quantity : nos i \ - BN hos, Done pick "im bnt t ni Ere : ' i v4 (AVR ence he kept at rems hatin HER POTRAL, is =DORLT woe] . Fhe iin ewe 11- Bird LTA Was Held i Night, Biel iewisr A ry 1 earefnl a civil- dent be r ¢ higher spon si- £5 Anes nately ; fello zy TRCN. rfecily roing atitu- dbo. eping bed. ‘mg to at last. one of 1s, im ih. I ‘ed its muci fading hold- long. & Shs agent tod Said ir v4 ahd visit a Woman DS. 1 earned Bot fount Horse the wall and give himself up. Wornan's hame bicy- as in- rriage eC Tend n toa eleven {pp hie brag AI tet wo mane ! i 1 pMesil BILE 10 pt rest] : Is ard 1 who : go cor Ppom | feet lor oven : front hs th Aaron 9) in Ta a ate | wy § HER hy Cy Lay re * Re turned tl shld 6 3 : BILAL : : ; ! WE Tay- « 314 HAT: : bh. To ti MALT I alr ro ‘ssible of a or top of the m the CIA Corging ‘gouaty. er 801 : 5 defiersonv ii * or lila a 3 mont thrén oo “might, and “that took hin tA ial it Xs Fe t; «} x 5 to finiz 3 i git: on ained wt at Bra OT 1h Was fonnd that strings, and bits of cord of every size, was a pr ive 3 ax a LW Live: 3% Yinsse 3 eolor, Were “vo demgth and colo = Yel, | for manaiug pur ski EY 3 Lins plant was fata inished ve there 1h tri Jed to had un pocket tracted : at the moment that § is easier than described. Magnet in Sergery ol used OT taut Glatt whe In maunti- this plas ¢ the raw mil England for manufac- alfill On icon y uring wes, F jotted and twist M ; ; lgully. | reason the plant was located Shepherd was seat to prison to serve | burg, near Zurich, Germany, ‘a life sentence in 1875. A new trial | | there is 10 sar on aloohel used was secnred two years later. apd he | fantuves. From was recornmitted on the same sentence | (oo il cont b on April 19, 1878. He has continually | : petitioned for executive clemency, and ? me | two years ago hs senten Was com- More and Better A bars dvs A. cho ou gnuted to twenty years. He will be re. | 1 something to Orehard hocel proprietor, got o -Relf pity ard k of considor nw fp haw Fak hie oi 1sually eased, consequently, on. April 15, 1808, | : He was a country school teacher. One ; night at an apple paring he had a quar- rel with a man named Macey ¥ingle over a girl. Engle had Rhepherd ar- rested, and one night, before the case was tried. Engle was assassinated, Shepherd was corivicted purely on cir | _cumstantial evidence, and has always alan maintained his innocence.—Vincennes Upon the 1 Applying a Quotation. - Hoax—What's the matter with Stocke | ‘by? He was as drunk as a lord yester day. : 2% ‘Joax—Drowning his sorrow, I guess, He lost a lot of money on Reading Rail- road stock, Hoax—I ses. “Reading makes a full man.” — Philadelphia Record a i { tier face On Calne to light 10 tnarined AanQ | a 1p and rome Daughter sai me last night. Mother—I1 hope it was apropos, it, hit Daughter—It was more, mamma. It so. Finally, | was apropos al. —Detroit Fr ree ' Pr £88, steel for a re er electric light pear a dynamo, and re needle. — Portland Press. Frank into his altho babi pifacts 11s station and p out Then and Thers Commencement Is Nigh. ; : « or season is at hand (his the chi Commencement The old man « ie bo 33 rning HE, Log! c on An Fours. Ww hy take Lis stand 1. I deck. will . , Teacher was George Washing- il ton a rest mua ce will roar around, : igh ; Tommy —-B all ul nalty of a Not: Soon elogu: While orators speak vapidly; And soon again we'll hear the sound { school on his birthday. : { Of “laser roiling rapidly Record. a. : an i ~~ Atiat ita C ‘onstitution, I ps meme Jlows : In the Great Pie Beit. : ‘Dear Mi: his n wart : i ‘The Yargest altinuns plant in the | i Housewife (SUSpIC i usly Yo Arent von ; cashing. . 7 : 2 War's ] rp Ta : 5 ih 0 rien : —- ’ : : ab pas | world has just been completed at Oak | the tramp to whom Igave a wh le. Very shortly tk es AnSWer came back: i Ee .~ 3 : OTN] Dnres Er ra ya. | Ridge, Mo. it will have a capacity of | nince pie last week? [ s‘Dear sir: os but Lt, emotates 100 tons of clay per day, giving a daily | Ragged Haggard — Nome. 11a his Jon't fancy the job."—Tid Bits ; BEIT ~i"hilad Blph: | output of about 20,000 peunds of metal | ghost.-=Trath : Tov ir . 43 FaSAeY Fal 45 831 2 OT help toa E8340 i 1 =e z ntlema 1 r note to the iger.of a Tal inh, It read is O71 TIRE Cater: 28 6.1. We $a2¥ we i Ai 1g ay she d 3, ; Fp en Whe RR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers