Patton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co. ‘Proprietors. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1895. NEMITAPER LYW DECIOIONS. - . 1. Subscribers who do. not give express notice to the contrary are considered as wish- to renew their subscriptions, f subscribers er the discontinuance r period the feals, ublisher. may con- to send them unti all arrearages are. ee If gubderihers neglect or refuse to take BD m the postoffice to which re responsible until : rected, they a ART Arve sertiea ‘their bills and ordered them discontinued. 4. Ifsa bacribers move to other Jlces with- out informing the publishers, and the papers aresent io the former address, they are held The Co Courts have decided that refusing to I from the office or removing them uncalled for, is prima facia noe of intentional frand. f subscribers pay in advance they a ; nd to give potice at the end of th the time it .do not wish to continne taking it; other- wise the publishers’ a authoriized to send it and the subscriber will be responsible antil an notice, with ages. ia sent to the publis ro eHURCH NOTICES. CATHOLIC—Father Marceliias, stor. Mass every other Sunday at 8and 10a. m. Sun- day school at 2 p. m1. and vespersat 3 p. m. MeTHODIST Ermscoral—Rev. C. W. Wasson, Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ent of all arrear- | : J. W. Sykes and Thos, Giles, of| Irvona, were visitors to Patton on} Sunday. ir W. G. Comerford, of Loretto, this ‘office a very pleasant call on Tuesday. ; Mrs. Talmage, wife of Rev. T. De-| Witt Talmage, of Brooklyn, died Mon- | |at a very opportune time. The fares day morning. If you wish to get cooled off stop in | to Hodgkins drug store and get a aye from Leck Haven, $5.50, from Phil. ‘drink of soda. Geo. E. Walp, a traveling salesman | proportionate rates from all other | of Meadville, was a guest at the Com- | | points. - Stop off can be made at Phil- | mercial hotel Saturday. David Smith, formerly of Patton, but now of Broadtop, is visiting rela- tives in town this week. tailor, Mahaffey, Pa.-68tf L. 8. Bell, the Magee avenue mer- chant, calls your attention in another column of the COURIER this week. 0. C. Crowell, who has been visiting | old acquaintances at Philipsburg the past three weeks, returned home Toes: day. made} | season at the ocean summer ‘esorts in | Before leaving your order for al Route to the Sea,” the safest and fleet- spring suit of clothes call on Lerch, the $2 : To the Seashore. Resolution Passed. On August 15th and 20th tte Beech Ata meeting of the Patton School Creek railroad will run two nore low | Board on Tuesday evening, August 6th, rate excursions to the seashore. The | the following resolution was passed. Resolved, That the rules governing ‘now at ite heighth and the low rates | | the pupils of the public schools of Pat- | and excellent train service in ‘connec. ¥oR.8 ercby amended by the addition { of the foll i } be known as | tion with the Beech Creek ronte, come | Rule No. 10 © sid no'wn as Resolved, That the. opening exercis- good to return within ten days, to | es for the school term of 1895 and "98 be i as follows: | Atlantic City, Sea Isle and Cupe May, | Singing by the school. Reading Scripture selection without | ipsbnrg $8.55, from Clearfield 8.90 and | | comment. 2 44 Repetition of the Lord's prayer in Ladies’ Ades concert. All pupils enrolled will be required ; 500 pairs Hand turn and wel to 6, were 3.00, to 4.00, our pric PRICES ur IN SUeEs, 32 » ving purchased $2,000 worth of Ladies and Gents Foot- wear ah the Sheriff Sale of Fox & Curtis, wholesale shoe "dealers, we are giving y our ci1stomers the grand benefit, Dimes le.awake buyers. | | and Dollars in pock kets of wi Men's $5.00 French Patent Calf Shoe, i 2.00 Caseo Calf, lace and 50 Calf Dress Shoes, 00 Button and l.ace $1.20 > My YESS, 2 2. 'adelphia. In this connection it would | t5 be present in the school room during ‘be well to state that the rates given | these exercises. above cover transportation over the | By order of the board. : 10. GC. CrowrLL, GB). H. CURFMAN, Reading railroad’s double track ‘Royal | = “President, Secritary. 3- e ‘350 pairs. Boys’ Congress shoes, 1.50 tO. 3.00; our price 00 Cents. { to 3%; “ est scheduled trains in the work. Drink Ambrosia. Ft ef Two Infants Buried, Stomach and bowel complaints are | best relieved by the timely use of De- | Witt’s Colic and Cholera Cure. Insist lon having this - preparation. Don’t | take any other. C. W. Hodgkins. Yorold, the three-months-old son of | Mr. and Mrs. E. F. McLaughlin, of Magee avenue, after a sudden illness of but a few days of cholera infantam | died on Saturday evening. [funeral Undertaking. services were held on Monday morning | During the next few days Iw n not at 9 o'clock and interment took place be in Patton and have secured the 200 pairs boys Button Shoes, Were your choice for gge. Gus Simons, nday school at 2 p. m. Epworth League £o% m. PR every Wodnes- | Qay y eyuntng ut 7:45. Gov. Hastings and staff passed through Cresson on Satarday en route : Local Time Table. {to Glencairn, camp of the National The hours of arrival and departure Guards. of trains at she Pation Station are as! R. H. Yeager, of PuBois, who is follows: | property holder of Patton, was rs Train No. Mail Clowes. | i Monday looking after business in-. 08... ............. oe Xe 4 2 terests. 310 PM | 547 Pu! Postoffice hours from 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. Train numbers marked ‘N”’ northbound and “8 southbound. Arrives, Dowler took a drive to Mariposa Park are | on Sunday. . Ellis Westover, a prominent citizen of Westover, spent Tuesday in town ‘and ‘while here made the CoURIER a pleasant call. The Ebensburg Herald entered upon | its 25th year last week. The Herald is | a good county journal and may it al- Ways prosper. Willis ‘Ross is at Patton working on ‘the rope haulage plant being put in at the mine of Magee & Lingle.—Philips- burg Bituminous Record. Edward Miner, James Brown, James Overhall and A. J. Corbin, three col- ored gentlemen of Ebensburg, drove ‘downy to Patton Sunday. pli Wheels. When grardma in her gentle ‘zea! Was wont 10 spin beside her wheel In gowns that brashed | her heel, ; he httle dreamed "twas fal ; That maids would spin ajong i the pike : iis # wheel they called a “bike,” rments bifureated! —American Wheelman. Soda Soda water At Hodgkin's Drink Ambrosia. Soon coon hunting time. ‘ Try Traman’s coal. -67tf Now is the time to advertise. P Try Lerch, the tailor, Mahaffey. Pa. Say, have you tried Hodgkin's soda Mrs. J. A. Woleslagle and sons, | Ward and Arnold and daughter Jen- | nie, “Are visiting Mrs. Woleslagle’s parents at Kylertown this week. Drink the new summer drink, PARE] When you take a trip to Ebensburg brosia. stop at the Blair house and yon will be * Hastings is to have another Circus | eed. all right. Accommodations ex- this summer. | cellent and rates moderate. -69-tf. Grase seed for sale at Sam’ Boyce’! Samuel Eckenrode, the young man - feed store.—86tf | who had the misfortane to have one of | Patton te bound to be the North Sar | is legs broken on the 4th of July, is of Cambria yet. / able to move about with the use of Dr. W. H. ot Coalport, spent | | crutches. Tuesday in Patton. / | J.D, Riser, the party who has the Bro. Foley, of Mon Sew, omicgt 4 Suling Tm ars sw was a caller building at Spangler has secured | Get your note os ‘and envelopes | M- M. Crain of Patton, contractor, to at the COURIER office. do the job of plastering. guaran. ! The funniest yet, “Uncle Sam," pub- id {lished by Uncle Sam company, Bart tees & perfect; fit. -06t1 _ For lack of support the Ohorrytace| | paper ever published, price 10 cents | : | per copy. Send for sample; it is just | : r Washington, D. | what you want if you enjoy a hearty | . O., spent Tuesday} Patton, ~ | laugh. Fun in it for the whole family. | W. H. Wilson, of 0 registered | | at the Central hotel y. ; . foup of B ings wi] Geo. 8. Good, of Look Haven, ac-' Tribun companied by Felix Porier, were in app ong of Re |town Saturday looking after Mr. was a guest | at the Central y. | Good’ s machinery and tools prepara- | w. B. Thompson, of otie, stopped | where Geo. 8. Good & Co. have se-| at the Commercial Friday. " Wm. A. Crouse, stopping in town for Editor Gill, of ‘the ball game in P Lowking Aer Tools, Ele.. w days. at tended | tJ. Dixon, of Blairsville, will have git Sajintay. | charge of the construction of the same Mrs. 8. M. Wilso a daughter, | i and work will be commenced at once. Mary, visited at Al this week. ~ Note the change “of Gus. Simon’s | shoe store ‘ad’ in another column. © W.D. Belts, of Sprufe Creek, was a | welcome visitor to Pafton Monday. Raliroad Improvements. The Pennsylvania railroad company is erecting a one-story building 18x18 feet on the corner of Magee avenue, ‘next to the Cambria and Clearfield The Democratic primaries of Cam. railroad, which will be used by Super- ‘vigor W. H. Moore as an office. He bria county will be held August 24th. | : Baptist joes will be held in the | will remove from his present location ys hereafter. (of Philipsburg, | | operator’s room will be torn out, which baht ‘house Saturday. | i) make more room all around. © ..Geo. A. Wilson, f Petersburg, Pa. : registered at the Palmer house Friday. Observe the change of the Cambria Hardware company’s ‘‘ad’” this week, Geo. M. Glaim, tered at the Comp day. T. J. Keever, a Pittsburg, stopp Saturday. i Joe Marks and visited Mr. and ~ this week. Some Fine Music. , Wm. Young, of Lock Haven, was a { visitor to Patton over Sunday, being ‘the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. 8B. Bell, ‘Harrisburg, regis- of Fifth avenue. Mr. Young is a fine ercial- hotel Satur-. ugician and the COURIER representa- veling salesman of some very fine selections rendered by at the Central hotel him on a violin Sunday evening. ! Lock Haven and is very | succesrful. ily, of Altoona, LE. W. Hodgkins | Conrod Carroll Expires. Y | On Friday, July 26th, Conrod Car. Hall this week. J B. F. Wise, of Patton, is preparing | to manufacture handles for picks, axes, &c.—Spangler Sentin and leaves a wife and eleven grown | up children to mourn his sad departure. | {| He was buried at St. Augustine Cath- | : Frank Maible, of Altoona, and C. | olic cemetery after a. very impressive | ~~ W. Gould, of ot, were guests at | funeral ceremony. the Palmer house Mopday. Will Preach Here. or D. Bitter, of esboro, and A. | The Baptist congregation have se- | B. Cushing, of Spangler, were in Pat-| cured T. L. Joseph, of the Bucknell . ton on business y. ‘University, to preach for them in Miss Bessie Lingle; b Philipsburg, | Good’s hall every Sunday morning and | who has been the of Miss Bessie | evening until further notice. Every- Wolte, retiiraet ta hat home Monday. | one welcome at all these servicee. -86tf Hardware company’ saiom, ihe ‘old daaghter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Will L. Thompson, E 0. Hartzhorn, | - Miss Gracé Jackson and Miss Josephine | permit them to exist through a dif-' .. the coal trade conditions d¢ not war- ‘only in ; ; from now the art will have sco devel- ‘back upon us and account us slow and | is trade.’ | building Chicago, is the greatest funny | | tory to shipping them to Canada!or inquire of Patton Publishing Co., | cured a contract for building 150 miles ‘Springs, is of railway, which mention was made | {ina recent issue of the COURIER. Frank ‘gain. Inquire at this office. -86tf in the telegraph office and the partition i which divided his sanctum from the | Stivason. tive had the pleasure of listening to the coming school year, coal to be o He | | makes a business of this vocation at’ | the right to cancel contract at any “tf ‘time in case of dissatisfaction. | S6tf Hayes Wilson and Joe Hubbard vis- | | roll, an esteemed citizen of near St. } ited friends at Lock Haven and Mill | Augustine, died after a severe illness of : _ |several weeks. He was aged 87 years at the Carrolitown Catholic cemetery. | services of Jas. W. Hoy to look after Violet Alice, the fourteen-rnonths- my undertaking business during my absence. All calls will receive prompt and careful attention. J. R. CORNELIUS, " Furniture Dealer and Undertager. W. Prescott, of West Beech avenue, died on Monday morning »f cholera infantum after a brief illness. J“uneral services were held Tuesday at 2 o'clock There is no doubt. no failure, when y pm, ad her Teouns were laid to | you take DeWitt’s Colic and Cholera Ro in the Cassidy cetnetery, east of | Cure. It is pleasant, acts promptly, atton. : C. W. Hodzkins Heartfelt sympathy for tha two fam- : ilies are expressed by the COURIER and | For Sale, Valuable real estate, corner Third their many friends. : avenue and Beaver street, Hastings, Pa. A No. 1 business stand and resi- If company stores are wrong why dence. Reasons given for selling. 8513 R. J. YOTHRRS. { no bad after effects: From Coal Trade Jouraal. ferential in the rate of wages? One thousand new thirty-ton coal cars have been ordered for the Phila- delphia and Reading railroal, at a cost of $400,000. The output of coal is not sufficient to make an average of half- time work for the miners of the Beech (reek and | Drink Ambrosia. Mirkin & Kusner, PATTON CLOTRING STORE. Clearfield regions. . Secretary McBryde, of ther U, MW, is still talking about strikes. This is not the time of year for a strike and August Bargains Now prevail all over the store. Stock reduced 75 per cent. rant one. Fatare Advertising. “Advertising! Why, advertising is its infancy, sir! Ten years oped and the field so broadered and extended that the people will look: wonder how we got along with the little ink we used ‘to oil the wheels of Not only will the advertise ments be larger than they are now, but | more people will see the necessity and { advantages of using th- newspapers.” | The oracle was one whose business to- {day qualifies him to > apeak. —Philadel- : Pie Cab As well as all other stock Protect the Game and Fish. come under the price named | - Shoot or fish only in the proper sea- ‘above. son and escape the game ‘warden by observing the laws. Many tates have | (new game and fish laws this year, and if you don’t know them, send five 2c. stamps for a copy of the Game Law | | insue of The American Fiekl, 245 State | ws street, Chicago. Bark For Sale. About 800 cords of hemlock bark is | neh offered for sale at Patton, Pa. For in- | formation regarding the same write to make room for fall goods. Men’s and Boy's Clothing, Children’s Wear, Boots and Shoes, Gents Furnishings, Come and see us. Mirkin & Kusner. For all kinds of light | and heavy shelf Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Farming | Implements. It will soon be time to | get a stove and the Celebrated Patton, Pa.- s6tf A Bargain. : A high grade second hand bicycle, | | good as new, can be bought at a bar- . Lost. ha A child’ gold neck chain.. Anyone finding same will please leave at this office. -87t1 List of Unclaimed Letters. The following letters remain in the postoffice at Patton for the week end- ing Saturday, August 3, 1895: Andrew’ Anderson, Mrs. Mattie Fisk, J. J. Leidon, Wm. Marks. Fdwin 8. Moore, Mrs. Margaret Morris, J. I Persons calling for the above "letters will please say they are adver- tised. E. A. MELLON, P. M. Bids Wanted. | Bids will be received by the Patton School Board until Tuesday, August 13th, 1595, for the f f an 3t or the furnishing of coal for and Plumbing Specialty. A MTHOMAS, PATTON, ¢ Tinning good quality and free from dirt, Si or measurment to be certified to be- fore settlement. The Bosrd reserves PA. Geo. H. CURFMAN, Sec. Severe griping pains of the stomach and bowels instantly and effectually stopped by DeWitt's Colic and Cholera | ‘Cure. C. W. Hodgkins. Mr. A. A. Snyder, Supt. poor farm, . Winnisheik county., Ia, says: Last! winter Mr. Robert Leach used two | boxes of DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve | 8t your own price. Racket Store is the place every ‘thing line. “A fine line of HATS to at a bargain. Call RACKET STORE FIFTH AVENUE. {leg. Had been under care of physi- | | cians for months without obtaining re- | | C. w. | { relief sure cure for piles, | Hodgkin. For binder twine go to 'The Cambria Prices cut right and left to a buy : : : in the household In Shoes I have special bargains for the ladies, gg cents. If you don’t be- | : : and cured a large running sore on his lieve come and see. Everthing is sold = A fall line just r eceived. Leading Shoe Store. 1400 Eleventh ave. ALTOONA, PA. ALL SINPLE OF SITS T0 ORDER Now ready for inspection. guaranteed, in nice goods I can refer you to fifty have made suits for can recommniend me. dollars. Come and you Nothing. Suits made to at 13, :14, 3: 13 3 men in. Patton wh last season. Nitvone [ can save you ten our samples over. i 6 Y...) 100K Our Stock of SHOES For fall oar arriving every day. [eather has advaned 45 per cent. in the past four months, but WE have not advanced our price any. We bought early and saved money for you and ourselves, SEE OUR } pie Dress SHOES At 1.50, well worth $2. Men's ‘shoes, good ones, real dressy, for 1.25 and $1.50. poh ~ We have a genuine porpoise shoe in Men's, Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s in low and high cut which we want to call your attention to. It is something new here in Patton, and a shoe we gusrates to give good wear. We have a full stock of Dress or FW orking Shoes, all styles, all prices for you to inspect. Agent for the only genuine Wisconsin Driving Shoe in Patton. Look at others, but don’t buy till you see us, We are money savers, BELL, The Clothier, Tailor & Hatter. Finest line of Percales,. Shirtings and Tllumine Checks ever” ‘opened in the County. An assortment of Silk Wast Pat- ‘terns Ha just opened. WEE Ch pons Gauze underwear se: Ladies’ : Men's balbriggan 25¢. former price soc. ics for the money ever ‘offered. and ribbed underwear The best qual- Hose Good bargains at 10, 12, 15, and {25 cents. Butterick Patterns, Latest Styles. {cores and See Goods. dh GEO. S. GOOD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers