Fe P atton Courier. PATTON PUBLISHING co.. Proprietors. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1896. p— reams oF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one year, in advance, . $1.00 Advertising rates made known upon; jeation. ao pers discontinued until ail ar reariges are paid, unless at the option of the publisher. " Entred at the Postoffice at Patton as second- class mail matter, COUNTY. | TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 1st Monday of March 1st Monday of Sept. 1st Monday of June 1st Monday of Dec. OFFICKRS, PiesipEXT JUDGE—Hon. A. V. Barker. PRoTHOXOTARY J. C, Darby. REGISTER AND RECORTER—D. A. McGough. | . TieasvrEr—F. H, Barker, sSiErirr—-D. W. Coulter. © Derory SHERIFFS Samuel Davis, E. Davis, DISTRICT ATTORNEY -R. 8, Mu COMM ISRIONERS—P, J. Dillon, Geo, M. Werta. COMMISSIONER'S CLERK ~John C. Gates, COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT]. W. Leech. OHUNTY SURVEYORS, (i. Fetterman. ; OHUNTY AUDITORS Wi. J. Jones, W. C. Berry, Jamvs Daily JURY COMMIMION Eis — Anslem Weakian Wn. Miller, OyoxXeEr—Dr. Gicorge Martin. Por DIRECTORS Moore, erville, Raphiel Hite. : BOROUGH OFFICERS. Brraess—W. J. Donne a ol GyUNoIL--Lincoln 8. "Rel. president; 8. Wikon, Frank Cangpbell, B. F. Wise, P. Yong, Ralph Leisch, SrHooL Boarn--C. CC. Crowell, president; G. H. Curfman, secretary: W. H. Sandford, treas- | arer Jesse E. Dale,” H. KE. Barton, samuel Edminston. } JoaTICR OF THE PEACE-~Jesse FE. Dale, Jas. Mellon. TREASURER W. H. Sandford. CrLEax—Harvey Pattenion. CHLLECTOR—J as. Mellon. Asspssor—Jos. H. Avnrmors—F. H. Kinkead, H. O. Winslow, Harry Gould. JupoE or ELecTioN—Sam’l Boyce. ItspRCTOR— Walter Weankland. CHIEy or PoLicE-—-John Boyce. SIRES? COMMISSION ERA. J. Jackson. James Som- | MINERS AND MACHINERY. With the introduction of mining ma- | chines in the bituminous region the, query: “What will the miners do for a | tising fake that ¥. ness ‘men are ra Witt’s Colic and $91,499 for the twelve months ending] tion secured by the deposit of money | amonted to $24,704,475, a decrease of | $83,125 for the month and of $1,685, 080 for the year ending therewith. | -| While, therefore, there has been an in-. crease in the total bank circulation for | the twelve months ending with July, | this increase has been wholly owing to the augmentation of the portion based on bond deposits, while the circulation | based on money deposits shows a de | crease, exhibiting the continuance of a | tendency already noticed in previous Currency. ENCOURAGE THE. EDITOR. The editor can always write more | cheerfully of the business interests of ‘filled with the advertisements of the phy G. Lloyd, business houses. No editor can advo- an Pittsburg | cate the doctrine of buying from home | | merchants unless the home merchants | show they are interested in catering to ' oe to Conemaugh on Friday last Restaurant a, | the home trade by advertising in the ,.4 played the wecond nine of that | colums of the local newspaper. It is depressing to the editor to find ‘| business men patfonizing every adver- somes along, and at the same time thd name of those busi- the advertizing (olumns of the local newspaper. Diarrhcea should be stopped prompt- It soon becomes chronic. De- t Cholera Cure is effective, safe and certain. Hundreds testimonials bear witness to the virtue of this great medicine. It can always be depended upon, its nse saves | time and money. C. W. Hodgkins. - FARMING ING NOTES ly. of Interest to the Farmers Who Resd the Patton “Courier.” therewith. The portion of the circula- | Emm. EBENSBURG, Pa., August 6, 1885. Special sours waveted bere a4 107 O'clock yesterday morning. Robert Notley, of Hastings, - was a | visitor to Ebensburg on Monday. Miss Ann Davison, of this place, | visited friends in Johnstown last week. A new pavement was laid in front of | the residence of Miss Ann McDonald | last week. { H. A. Morris, of Hastings, visited | Ebensburg on Sumnay, Hary Fenlon, of Bellefonte, was the | guest of his pare ts, Mr. and Mrs | | statements of the Comptroller of the John Fenlon, last veel. Patrick Moran, of Loretto, visited | friends here on Friday. "The funeral of Jimes Zahm, of Pitts | burg, which took place at 1 o'clock on | Tuesday last from: the home of his Fimer | ® town when his columns are liberally parents in Ebensburg, was largely at- tended by a nuraber of prominent and parts of this | county. The second nire from this place | place. The score was 9 to 7 in favor of | Ebensburg. Mr. John Baker and Mrs. Sarah | Haskins, of Suscuebanna township, | were married by "quire Jones in the | rely, if ever, séen in | pi. house parlor on Thursday last. and Wines at the bar, Statding attached. Congratulations. E. C. Parrish hus moved his goods | into his new store rcom and is now ready for business. A game of ball ‘was played here on ‘Saturday afternoon between the law- | yers and merchints, of this place, ‘which resnlted in 8 score of 28 to 10 in | | favor of the merchants. Miss Minnie Craver, daughter of L. | A. Craver, of the Blair house, has been | | appointed teacher of the Fisher school | in Allegheny township. Last June Dick Crawford Brought Siving?’ is often heard. Thousands ‘A GUart of corn per day for ten hens | iy twelve-months-old child, suffering | upon thousands of men. are following the. occupation of mining and many | have already been displaced to make room for machines. There is no telling, appparently, where the displacement will end and that is what gives rise to the question. Other laborsaving de vies have been invented and brought into universal nse and yet the work- ~ men displaced by their use have found | something to do and do not, after the the lapse of some time following the introduction of the invention, realize that they have lost anything by the | The great mistake in handling orn | remedy. J. T. Marlow, M. D., Ta | is yet to be found who will show his op- | portanities for getting along have been | _ injured by the evolution. If, happily, : nate as well, after they have once came into universal use, it will be well, but it miay not be so. The only way to clear up the question is to wait. One who his made a study of these things, more particularly with reference to the use| of machinery in other fields of in- dustry, has farnished the following figures, which gives occasion to hope that mining will become a business to | ‘be carried on without a large employ- ment of labor at any time: “Much of the former labor of car- penters, brickmakers and furnitore- | makers is now performed by machin- | ery, but the census shows a large bacrease of workers in all these trades. Hetween the years 1880 the number “of carpenters in the United States in- creased from 53,547 to 140,021, and |} their average annual earnings from $450 10 403, - The Seickuakers in Yoo were 50,082, and in 1890 109,151, with ah advance in individual annual in-!’ tome of over 20 per cent. In forni-| no Ae AR A A AEN AIA Sl A GOVERNMENT RECEIPTS. Statistics of government receipts is the estimate. Weeds rob the growing crops of the | ‘available nitrates in the soil. Constant stirring of the soil will largely lessen the effects of drought. Yellow Danvers and Red Wether- field are standard market onions. Quickness of growth is essential to the quality and tenderness of any veg- | | etable. Half or two-thirds bran will give 'a much better flow of milk than all Unless the pallets are well matured before cold weather they will not lay | | before spring. i fodder is allowing it to get too ripe before it is cut. : : wi Doct ide ih ove nage | ELE ; ry was 8 romans , | 8 uteep pitch at the building and then | | a utrwet 80 rough tiat & milkman would | ‘have to double the quantity of water | in the milk to keep it from churning if | be was to drive omer it. Then thereis| | the fact that we all have more money | from infantile diiwrrhoea, to me. Tt: had been weaned at four months old | and had always been wickly. I gave it the usual treatment in such cases but | without benefit. “The child kept grow- ing thinner until il. weighed but little ‘more than when born, or perhaps ten | pounds. 1 then started the father to | Biving Chamberlsin’s Colic, Cholera: and Diarrhoea Remedy. ' Before one | bottle of the 25 cetit site had been used a marked improvement was seen and ite continued use ¢arec! the child. Its weakness and puny constitution disap- | peared and its father and myself be- | : Herve the child’s lif was saved by this | _ marcos, IIL For sale by C. E. Belcher’s City Drug Store. - : Moves Peridne Lotter. Well, now, Mr. )Sditor, I really have nothing to write stout this week. My addled brain a. been iil to help the ball cluly than we have to a Wines, : = Hastings, Penna. Ape yrulSuional mas. Sour sims snl: constipn. | tion. C. W. He | CENTRAL - HOTEL, |. JOHN R. CORDELL, Prop'r. i Accommodations the best. First-class Bar in connection. RATES $1.25 PER DAY. ll A Boarding By the week, day or meal. Ice { Cream, Cigars, Confectionery and Soft | Drinks at Glass’ Restaurant. Oppuaite Central Hotel. aresr Pe tr TOBACCO and CIGARS The finest Hine in Patton at ~ G. J. FITZPATRICK’S on Magen ‘aven near P. R. R. depot. ne MEALS AT ALL HOURS summer se. ws time to vey: MABAFFEY HOUSE Mahaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Accommodations firwi-class. Best of Liquors GEORGE FERGUSON, otf Prop’r. 'Reuel Somerville, Attorney-at-Law, : PATTON, Pa. Office in the Good Building. W. H. SECHLER, Attorney - at - Law, ~ ' EBENBBURG, Cambria Coty, P Pa. I Our stock of dry mings for the dress goods never i as now nor prices so low. Now is the ! DRY 600DS. MILLINERY, ETC. “ i and trim- | Spring and carly he d. Cotton | a Come down ox Sal | FirstNation’ I Hines, PATTON, PA. ~ General ah AND |THE EYE A SPECIALT ~ Room Ne. 3, GOOD BUILDING. Pp. P. Young & Bro. ‘OP ALL KINDS. handsome | Bologna, Lard, Etc. FIFTH AVENUE, Patton, Pa. OF PATTON, [Patton 1, Cambria Co., P. oarTraL pam PAID OP pm omon S (EEE emma | tielkets for sale for all “ities of the Hd We Pe miorest paid on time depoatis. Lost EH ie n CB MCKENRICK,— Attorney and Counselor at Law, FBENSBURG, PA. | Will attend to all husines: with promptnes | and fdelity Offer opposite the Mountidn Honse. DAVIS, Attorney and Counselor ot Law, | EBENSBURG, PA. | All legal business promptly attended to. ! Ate ss Avmory That’, arth of Rr L GEORGE, | . ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, | Solicitor for German National B. & association, : pa St aA 5 5 I i i Dealer in i : Liquors, Beer, Etc. Phoents Brean: Co's Ber. Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Bte., AssETS of ee Tamranos Compass JBopritaind pa CO. oF TNS YORK, ~&laSn Our shelves. are crowded with tinwars snd'coking whale of 418 | | White Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar, | Floor and Table il Cloths, == | Crocks and Jugs, Flower Pots, Be . A full line of F lour and Feed.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers