urease the cost of the first six miles of the IT TR x4 Sly a fr FE = 3, : i wal aR pa? DISAPPEARED COMPLETELY Gardi- | ! Not a Bingle Clee to Mrs. ner's Whereabouts, MISTERY SFEMS TO BE IMPENET ABLE. Her Christian Endeavor Companion Cantal be Found. --Deser on Theory Sconted “"Boerox, Jury 31, —Foough bas become | known of Mrs. Gardner, of Arcadia. N ‘who disappesred 1 Boston the week 0 thie Caristian Endeavor convention, i wake the case ope of the most props thst the police bed to dea! with for a time. ; Every atteosdent of the ecirenmsty 1: the women's life 1s against the stimption that che hag dese rted her be band and her three. children. home with a ticket apd $100 in mor oy i her pocket. No one came with ber i i i { Gi i - jumrney she was practically alone. 11+ night of ber arrival —July 11—-ghe sent | this letter to her husband: “Tam all right and at a honse where Michigun people are to be eutertained if they come. I did not have any tronbie in getting a place. My money will do me - nileely.” . The day befcre her supposed death, July 13, she sent a] letter in which ste sys, in part: “Dear;Hasbacd—My dsy has been well spent land it 18 over at last. I find that my strength je hardly equzi to meetings of the Ecdeavorers, ard every one else seems eo weil. Really, it is very ~ hard work, and 1. need lots of strength ‘sad determination. 1 bure enough of the ladter to last me throngh, 1 think. Peo ple bere are very kind to me.” That night, according to the evidence it: the letters ! she wes taken very iil, and on the Banday following died. 8be real ized that her end was pear and wrote s third letter to ber busband, begiouivg: ‘‘It bas come at last,” saying that she was dying snd bidding him acd the children an affectionate farewell. Sih The next]day, July 15, a fourth letter - was written, signed “Mrs. M. J. Brown, Bouth Boston,” which ssid in brief: - “I have sad news to tell you. Your wife passed away at 7 p. m. Bundey. Sat- ‘urdsy evening and Bundsy ebe was very [hew YORK JAIL GHFICIALS | Steril Ta - Bhs bof | 4 | i with ¢ : that part of the state, ard daring the bre {i | men ET n ANSI He | Tall Stories of Indiah | Kill- | i Same ings Told. AGICTED. | meen Held Bespoes ble for Allow tog Vostofticw Fd hers 10 Escapes vw Here W ys Mare : iP Prova 1 Jai gs , Ye “inet TerY 18 ive 8 ts 4 iE tha fi £1 situation O0ES ERY, ret pF i «ABT ted Juiy © CH CHT moving nt, i preGpie GOIN 0 1 hers t the MEY jas % LrTe me I 3 ¢ finr. weil 2 1 &, i [he several scouting ramber | i some 5 men, i roi ny Wiles FORL ™ & shouting party of ta tte 2falr, fender of the § pty who mrre: ‘was Pili Manviog, the 1 When the bnoks were arrested they pot searched, which Wilson admits w: grav: error. Manoirg ned breakaway; in {act all signe were {or ane, hunt tock ouly the precsntisn of telling | his men to shoot at the Indispe horses Wilson said he knew potting of the pnm- ber of horses shot in obedience to thie! command; in fact, be is not sure thst suy were. Thera is a remarkable Sunk of kpowl- edge about facts of this kind eviccel by the settlers. There ise me talk of other Indiass being killed in the mountaivs Several persous who came in teil of bav- ing killed several bucks. Asked the di: rect question se to wheather he believed these etories, Mr. Wilson admitted thst they sounded tail. There are entrenchments here at Simp- son's postoffice, five miles north; at Con- ninghem’s, 32 miles north, aod s fourth at Jackson Lake, 50 miles northward. There sre 30 or 40 guns here, and some of the women sre resolate enough to eay whi WHE weeks sg, g iT + B i its desiniinny i“ Eni E ir. {he ilavin Were | i £1 » ito C.D. Li: ic rEGL® Lenhn srs nontes Gilkeson’s Reply y to Chester Coun- : ty's Chairman. A CANDIDATE UNDER REPUBLICAN RULES ihe Iroieg cf One of (thé Post tu © Hampisaos charg | 2y Gels “a gr. lism 47 cy = Republican ne ff Howing le er of Ciestir (iiigeson, State por ¥ ir sh adsl, sty “My Donr Sit 5 I ¢ s its pw bb GEIIGIT Se | LRT letiar {1dats for: ” £2 bho 12 I th &5 nal Vhout oni ef 1 i BLY re ws i 85 TH oF SES LES ESE 7 ne Lis : i auheaded. TOMY i trast 10 their inte &E0 rigs | gates who will fairly re préses t ther Taree Les sxox, Aag. 1.- of Lebanon ro adopted resnintiona port to Qaay. (rney Delegates — The anty met this svenicg = thres rd pledging ther SCARED AT STALE NEWS Bray Lake Fzepie Thimgh! fo be Unnecessary Frightenad Barr Luxe, Utah, Ang. 1. ght B. F. pg N je egstes | © lheemen bad s quieting effact npon them, | engp- | § -A special HC loved Boy Shot Pw a Washi ng- ton Younz Lady. BOY WAS aN FRY WHEN KILLED The jadly Ve «8 Danghrer of General Flag- AC. 8. Crdpancs part weersl fer, ie! “e ap heB Fi). W Wasgisoron Petey Flagier, « ett of 1 Ang. 2 — ofA For ’ ing giter arH for, be emdmianes 3 ed hey Hu . shot ne ned fii £58 TRE ne irk Waat boys Be Od Crestienoe, 8 LTEDTS, ie a tad bean in y g troit in the sir 30s r re iL BONess, sda to prevent it, but withoe | This morming Green spproaches with s ecompaoion for (he 1 nr pose of carrying off trmt. Miss Fiajler saw them ifrom uw window warning to ester the yard, tin" the warLing was Bha dmippesrad the | window and reap peanad with sn army re- volver and tagicg as firad at Green, ths a3, onliead them nd from ‘ hall entering the hae: easing Instant death. was groased smong the colored people who congregated shont {the sosne, but a pstrd wagon with po (Frost cxoitemeant | aod the body was rermoved to the morgne ystody. | Pot {and the yoone lady taken into ' Graneral Flagler ie st Toromto. Miss Flagler was this sflerncon releas- x , Qasy Keoops fps Xomber j wed Phe Fiagler | _ ; Vode Or: ay Ww orsted in Hunt} inedon Connty Pi Harries, £ -~ ¥ L L BIERNE Tans BY WASTINCS. of Drleguice in the Coantry Dritriets, : op $A specinl tu @ ii «don says that! = iy may decline wera for nomi «+ in apy other cabliean state vr Paros: wy Err TA a primaries are beard from tom voles to «very coe | “gates Yivored uy Jalpe Ou Sstardsy Jn. ge Orlady is 1 to have told 8 friand 1} > tthe pony er mm 5% ALE, “5 > $5 ‘ tearry decline to of snd lgine. ed thet he will be trae to his word snd Fri WW mid pn 20 twfcra the ciate convent, refuse to continoe 3s 8 candidate for Fup srr pont . . Next to ths featare publie sttenticn 8’ cantered in the probable ontesme of the fight for district jodge. Thera sre 14} districts yet to hear from. Retrroe re- coved givas Jodge Willismeon, who was sppointed by Governor Hasting, a small | m= jority over Thomas W. Myloo, but it! 18 believad complete returns will Dominate Mylon by as arrow margio. od + Haslinge Gor LEnarree's Delegate .. WiLxesBiBRE, Ang. 4.—Retarns from | hat of he did &7 storm {io@ to David Bell, at the outskirts of Al- TE ATG CANADY, Eh AN WS 100 TRIE STE POUT UTS ALLE BY BS OA | Exploded Pre yaturely in the As ‘archist’s Hands. % : AN UPRISING nA CHINESE Province. Tes Englvhbmen Killed but aif Amerson Reporied Safe. Pau, Ang. 4 — News hes been receliv- I bere of a dastard]; st'empt to monde o Vaillemine, minsging divedtor of the coal mines at Aochie, mm the spsriment of The wi} labration of the oom tha sear f M. Vaille- + the mines was oe x rar mins this emronnded B/ & party #78 wud slr holders in the MDS der the church pore Sait wirer named Comille UX, who bad tween decharged, Seed 43 from & revolver at Yim. Three ie ballets took « Foot, one errikiog ML e Semin i the cheek, spother 7a ihe and spother jg the back, i flicting 9% bat not dasgerons wonnde. | ter emptying tha revolver Desox was prepericg to throw a bomb when by some megns the machine exploded prematarely,. disemboweling the wonld be mardeser. Fe vB ae R003 wUO0 with $3 : Ber wey toda Bay. MM Vallemin i Sanding HE AD Bary at a aks 3 sd of s i ta’ sarin At ; Ten of tha bystanders wers vhghnly ie jared by the cxplosion. Decoun died a most immediately. Work or Lisboa. ALTooNs, Aog. .—Daring 8 thausder- this afternoon a large barn belong- {toooa, was struck by ligbtowg pd ed from enstodv, the coroners jary deetd- (the primary elections beld in Lazarns | 2r5ed, togeiher with contents. {402 it to be a essa of unintentional shaot- | 15 ol. i county yesterdsy are ocomiog in slowly, : About the same time s meandering | bat there is no donbt that the sadminie- | family from Willisme port sought shelter to the Herald (rom Bods Springs, | received at 1:20 this morviog, Wagon losds of ratcbers and ilies, comprising ell the settlers jn. 0 Lake region, 50 miles north of bere, many people from [3'azkisot river arnivad DEFENDER LEF p seus. | Met With an Accid at ‘and [ep to be Towed From | ! the Course by a Top. | Newport, Ang. 2. ~The Dafesder Jost | . | ber Bret raes to- tay »od great wee the : i of 1, for she had walked sav fro yesterday. They report that the Indisns | Sd . {her three competilors and was nearing | have left Jackson liole sod sre moving | home whe & pew fagled gaff at the top} south via the Salt river trai. ; iin ’ 8 ’: ; # ber mainsail broke sod most inglori- | A band of Iodisss nomberiog : in bist froma ~ TN ; ¥ that they would be glad fo go into the pit sud ase some of the extra gnops, women are even mors outspoken io their bitterness sgniost the indians (hsn men : : fhe | fll, and we aeked for advice in the css, but it was too Iste. Sold effects and en | olose 8 ring snd O.% FE: pio which ehe got Will Keep at Work. Broerierny, Ang. 1. The situation sf the mines sppears to be steadily improv ready hercell.” James W. Landers, of Arcadia, is bere | looking into the'case. He says that the! waws of Mrs. (Gardiner's desth was un- qhestionably socepted in Arcadia at first, and Mr. Gardner at ouce started for Bos-. - tm to claim the body. He could pot fiad any trace of the place where his wife | 14 rate and will probably pot try to forse stopped snd returned biome in despair. Funeral services in memory of the mise- it woman|were beld in Arcadia. .- Inquiry thas far failed to diecuver any AL J. Brown in Sonth!Boston or elsewbere sod po Mrs. Brown who knew anything about the case. ——— A ————— i RR BUILDING THE COUNTY. A “Coarier™ Correspondent Makes a Trip : : Over the{B..0. Extension. | Opmanrmeni, Aung. L.—A beevy force is ot work on the first nine miles of the west- orn extension of the Beech Creek rosd, snd many sections of the gradirg are _. tearing completion. Five bridges must he built before tLe rails can be laid into Indians county, which will grestly io- 3 ew road. The first bridge will be built aoross the Basguehamna, juet below the town of Mabaftey, sud the tracks will be | for the Bivé bridgee. Here will be a small bridge. ‘Not more than a fourth of a wile thls point the new road crosses the sod XV, the town of MoGees, {ot not guilty with leave to demaur. Re- d [oorder Goff fixed bail. at $1,000, which ‘10g. Nearly all the Elkhorn gnards were Pennsylvania. eash is paid. {in favor of obtaining for the miners high-. oud ing the operators wet w. & rere ateives amos pn. to Es : -postoffice [Hillpmn; trom Ludlow sfrest jsil, to-day {banded in indistments agsiobt Bheriff |oorder Goff. He was scoompanied by | Edward Groose, his counsel. Me was | arraigned on two indictments, one wmder 3% | the otber ander section 117 for & misde- dismissed today, The srmed fores at Coopers was strengthened by the addition of four or five gsarde. All the operators are loading coal and the output 18 5p to the average for the month before the strike began, The companies sre paying the the redaction which was decided on on Msy 1. Iti» thought this field wili be kept at work even if a elirike occur: 1 The committed of operstors who st tended toe miners’ convention said they | had power to act only ss individacis. It looks to-night as if the mers iu the Pittsburg district woald go on strike to- morrow for a £3 cent rate whers ocom- psoy stores exist aud 64 cents where! CONVENTION oF MINERS Chances for a Strike Being Ordered in the Pitts burg District. PITTSBURG, Ang. 1 —Filty.three dele- | gates representiog the noion mine work- ere of the Pittsburg distriot met in coo- veotion bere this morning. The session was oocnpied in appointing and listening to reports of committees on credentials sod rales. The covvention was addressed by Rev. Alexander Lsird, of Satervilie, who was or wages. He also aired bis opinion that stores io the mining districts should be owned jointly by the miners and oper. alors. National Secretary McBryde also sddresyed the convention after whih » was taken. This altegnecn a es taiiing yepesis * ." joiut consideration the Liu deoanied by the latter. me JAIL OFFICIALS FICIALS INDI3TED. . New Yonk, Aug, 1.—The grasd jary wirich bus been investigating the escape af wbhers, Allen, Raseell and Tamsen, ex-Warden" Rasbe, of Ludlow street jail, ex-Keepers Schoen and Schoeer, The sheri® was arraigned before Re section 80 of penal code, for felony, and | mesnor. Lawyer Groode entered a ples Sore Tovubies tov 138 Coun. Saidsuis, Aug. 1-11 the pew rule ! SEE thin ity $350 per i to M00 camped st a Tbe | Carriboo 1ast sight. j ot ty, warn eattlers on the i started in | iar valley settlers, fonnd si | Jaserted, point 16 miles wast mEly the sspirsot ‘er cup botors was | ; 10h 12¢d to take 8 Jina from 8 enthoon Ware sent] Lavery day tng and retire fron the reo sl lowirg the Vigilant fo win, The 3500 cup offered by Ozdes Goslet | - % 48 the ponnel prize for which the that | licate boat was racing, bat tie far fame the | A Rm ooralt that eselis international honors | was at wo Pitted . against her were e- her persistent antagonists, George J | Gould's at the preservar of Am :- thir k that the indiass are giving the s0id- | 1 ie S Say Ia asd Sausrs] Teasien . | iere the slip, and will sneak back to the | ews ub RE e8 ee, i rese: vation. They think that fhe Gray! | Lake people bave board stale pews and] chosen and also J. Meleom Forbes’ enc- of | CTTIETR 81nd Bonn Re. | tr inka Bi; et wight for Sada Couriers gant from (Gray Lake tha ropshes wari | £5 D- Tuay sflsrward rrp ali the settlers there had gattaed in npper valley, and’ r tarse, The best posted nizu in Suda Bpriogs | tan Are prepared i i B:xth distrisfs will elact | gates by large me joritien at their conven- to-night that Hastings | the Becond ¢ istrict by 8 good vote. {tration will hava & of the 3 Jelagates, sod | | ander a tree vesr Duncsneville. The free | possibly ail. The oaly district in doabt | | was strack and one of the family s young | now ie the Second oy to-night the indi- | msn samed John H. Miller, was killed |eatione were that Hastings delegates: 1 2 mother, Mrs. Miller, wss so badly hava been elected. The district is located | D9r0ed by the electric flaid thet it is in a farming section of the county sad. thought she will die. Two other meme many townships will not ba bhesrd from | bers cf the family, boy and girl, wore { antil to-morrow, | varely shocked. The First, Third, Fourth, Fifth and | Hustiogs dele- | naTOwAL Leasve cawes. Nzw Yomx, Asg The following. 2 ars the results of the Naticosl League . games played Setaray and to-day: | tors, County Chairman Eobinsco seid woakd also have Davphin Savy for the Senator Hagriszreo, Aog 4.—The primaries yesterday were a walkover for Qany a d {tha county convention will ba solid for | Frookls ‘be senalor, Po wil § otis wn saneel; Mei, At Brooklyn, ~ PT EY Rud i Daly: Merkin, Gens. (ras y Viel a Kndinatsd ld Fan MosTrosE, Aag. 4. Retarus ao far re- ezived from yesterdsy's primaries icdi- | cate a (aay vietory. “Quay Grete Elk. At Baltimore, Baitimern Washington . Batteries. Me Mahon and Robinson: [| ®on an 4 McoGaime, | was busy {acd did nut snd AY the §3 ft ARE are noeecessarily Niightered Be the residenis bere and the sammer visitors) fea) perfectly Alsrmed. » ¢ 2 a * . ¥ exis, LG mrréa LOG. 8x Rig Gatlin May Be Lyncthed Wasw o%, Ang. 1— Potts Camp, Miss, 5 A. EY & tthe, | & fe wd nigh IXGT ho ¥ of A special that (mat - + ime i. premigen Mal, Welton Beton eonnty, apreoiched 1h. offize, acd asked Woslorn tor Ed. West to take a & ¢ Re 3 | RuXiome to get » J miskio RL Lis Teepe Lt in ¥ A di Ba foe. | telegram, Gatiiio enterad and | pistol, shot bim in te instantly. Gatt A posse is efter him probable. ‘Colamuis's Miumorable Ran. : “3 ¥ Wg si Vim Lhd, RiPAD ' vind W Pong. is $i. £ oy ok lio flisd 4 § wand 8 ijue Colgmbia arrved st Qasrantine 1%: psotning at 10:35, completing ths = rsemorable run at +s ever mada © vessel. The Columbia Jett » -- July 26, passing the Needle, . . which point ber depsricre is reckoned st 2 p. 00., sod arriving «+ Haody Hook lightship at 8:59 this worsiag, making the ran of 3 1f% koots ip six dugs, 23 hours and 49 ; nainutes. Daily ruie were, 460, 473, 48 455, 458, 405. The liourly speed averaged daring the run was 18:41 knots neder patural dranght. Twenty-six hours of fog was experienc. d, bat the occasioned no delay. mins Spt———_ 7 ni Quay Going to Beaver, PHILADELPHIA, Ang. L.—Qaasy leli to- i vight for his home st Beaver. Qaa# sp- | peared well contest with the shape his, ssmpnign is in and eaid that ss be Lad) accomplished as mach work herein aix | days as Lie had expected to do in ten, he was going home for a few days. The opposition, on the other bacd, say (laay bss become frightenad sboat the | condition of bis fenpes in Beaver county and was burrying home to try sad qa them straightened out. : Lancaster Selected. Prrrsnvee, Ang. 2—Demoerats from all parts of the Stats assembled at the Monongahela hoase to-day, the object of the meeting being t» fix the time for hold- {ing the session of the State Lesgue of Democratic societies. Ex-Lieuntspant Governcr Black presided. It was de | cided to bold the varly meeting of the {eocieties at Lencester on September 5, one week before tbe Democratic State emvention, Orr Br os. ~ Camuiste, Aug. 2—Rev. M. Orth, a distinguiehed ‘mivitter of the Lutheran ‘ 5 tie Defende tbe changed tow ATARI &) tam | of 1805 east 2) beat the Thistle. 1 i QUARASTINE, 8.1., Ang. 2—The cruiser | } oA ge | cesefal cap defender of 18%, the Vol-| | i show (aay 3 wine. i steal, the latest Herresboff creating ‘went | { out to Brentons reef Lubtship ¢ff the en- trance to Newport harbor this morning | i and put ap after the Defender withdraw. npieer, With three opponents fit to ry her Ibe Vigilant sailed bome an casy winner, The Jubilée pot only failed to crowd bat ermid nos ti i 2 iF prsh 5 Vigilant pesr ae bard as she did io the || showisg that either change® |. |: ir, races of 1803, in the Vigilant bava hei; =] ber or that lk : 4 ahiien [oe performance the 0 ~3ay showed Bow munch we Barve progressed ju yacht bold, | iog sive 1857, when the host whieh wes |, over bal! an Boar slower thas Tree 3 «lt d one, Volanutesr G othe o) en # # i ; y { a Aa th 2 mnlal A POSTOFFICE SCANDAL. Sept. Flist Sccusrd of “rminally StaBag the Laks 3, Azg. 2.—The Chroni 4 & sensation this morning Tang BE . RT PA a 1fcts Superntendest of Msilsit "match ss to the fairness Flict. It is sileged Dy 8 railway postal ‘clerk, E. 8. Colver, and cthers tizat the Wnited States mails were frandalently staffed, with ike advice and cocsent of Sapt. Flint, daring tte month of June, 1894, im order that weights ceeried that tb, which formed 4 basis for estima- ing the compensation to be paid the radironds for the next four years, might “appear unduly lacge. : They allege, with s3uch dvaumétantial- ity, that ‘the saperintindent thereby per. mitted sach a viclstho of the laws ss would enable the Botghesn Pacific 2om- | pany doring the oar Jess joet begin- ning to rob the goverment of brundreds ‘ of fhoasands of dollmm, sod that the last I marghing wis tre mest faandalent ever perpet/ Med; sithongh equal oppoctaniy| i tiem for erovkeduness have eased ‘evel i sipce tha eonstraoction of ths roada It is probable that thers: wal be 8 coagres- sions] investigation. Cow Cagses 8 Wreck. : Proestxvinie, Asg. 4.—The passen. ger tran on the Pickurieg Valley railroad dae here at 8:40, rau mto & cow a short | miles from here to-nisht. The engine left the track, several cars following 1t over a steep embankment. Engineer Joseph Grow, of Phoenizvile, was ioutantly| killed snd the fireman dangerously ivjar- od, while a half deze pum were perhaps fatally injared. | —— Se —— Wastnvion, Aug AA cable was ror ceived yesterday at the State department from Consul General Jernigan st Shang- bad taken place in Kchaog, a province of China, and the natives were masssere- ing them. To-day Jernigan sent the foi lowing ceble: | races, borse races, bicyole races, (snd 8 game of basebail were lestarvs in| i Troutvilie’s i team { pi not | News | Fred Raikeldifer, bai stating thet a risivg against Christians | “Americans raivusebe bart, ten British luk ak yestouinge yeomasies RioGway, Aug. i { Sporting Events at Trond Hie, TroroTvILLE, Ps., Apa. eslebiration Satar bail players ma ovar Bors to get slacghtlared hy th Foliowit day. # { pe wie a * by ning is th oe tan, § snore by i - i Evil 3 § in the first preyoie race, one of Helvetia - i Brat, Tom Sykes second and George Wii- yard third. hy all mile, 3 i Calm | the race. § i ay Sal. Linther, of Troutviile, acd A. Ww. The trotting race between horses owned. | Sy kes, of Newtonbargz. Pools wera sel-| ling at 23 to 50 on Sykee. When the race | wad in progress for shoat half amie Sykes | fell over a dog thst was raoning neross | he track snd thers was a “chewing” of the race Sykes friends wanted it run over sod | wefe seemingly willing to pat ap $50 to say Sykes would win, and that wae how! 1t ended. Big strike Averted. Prrrsstra, Aag. 1.—A compromise has been effected and a strike of western Pesnaylvanis cos! miners averted This ‘morn ing’s session of the miners’ conven- tion was given op to discassion cf propo- sitions submitted by the odtnmittee rep resenting the coal operators at yesterday afternoon’s session. The proposition had | beem pizced by the miners in the form of 4. — Ret arps received Ce | § FAX A iy Newton borg a | Chisago Five men wera ented ini *" At Pang. Pitts tare : . aad a $ gan teries— Hawley arid Merit; Cappy and | Al Lomisviil ny $.—Ras ning | ¢ foot races x 2 and Wari: Rb isesand THRE . $12 3 bach and Ritiridge: Kine Mi shi “a and ther Sanday Gages, PILI : 9 3 a Fomine and Vanghamn- 4 nnning- IW LITT, At Lengo, Kitiridge, Terry and.’ and Mid ER Innings. faerie n wt i = Wisminger wr, The North Ameriona Review for Angusi The North American Review for Aag | opens with a paper oa “The Masace of | Romanism™ by W. J. H. Trayoor, Pres ident of the American Protective Associn- tice. Msjor Arthur Griffiths, Her Maj esty’'s [nspector of Prisons, writes inter jesheg of “Female Criminals,” and An- drew Lang, the well tows Poglish | writer, contributes a pigaant ‘article on * fendencies’ ip Fiction.” “The Solution of War,” is thoughtfully considered by ‘the eminent Jewish Rabbi, Rev. De. BH. Pereira Mendes, sod in “Ihe Watch as Naval Aoxiliary,” The Hon. Wm. Me Adoo, the assistant Seorstary of the Navy writes auth astastically of the stare of the - vaval militia. A most sesscpabls paper - is that on “What to Avosd in Uyoling™ by Sir Benjamin Ward Richerdson, M. D., sad in “The Tarning of the pr Worthiogten C. Ford, Chel of the rean of Statist ios at Washidgtob, a resclution, which extended the time | antil October 1. The wage rate mw the! interim to remain at 60 cents per top, af | ter that date, 64 cents in cash payments, and 69 cents where there are com pany | { stores or a conpon system in existende. | This resolution was adopted by the con | vention snd the operators were so notifi- | ed. This morning the executive eoramit- | ‘tee of the operators’s association met and | ratified the resolutions as sdopted by the miners’ convention, The operators’ pro- position had named November Ist su the. time for readjustment. Their acceptance of the miners’ date, October lst, is a de- cided victory for the latter. : Cexey for Gavernor. Corrusos, Ang. 2.— General Jacob 8. Coxey was to-day nomunated for governor | by the Populist siste convention. The Pikiioem of the usual popalistic char- will have a solid delegation from Lacks wanna county. : . 0 Climtos for Quay. Lock Haves, Angust 4 Clinton oan- ty the native county of Hastings, went for that the commerce of ihe country Hes tarved from depression to prosperity, The new Administregion in Eoglaed® Lia ably treated by he Kigle Hoo. Sm Chaties W. Diss, M. P., wio gives a tore ! what aay be expected iu Ente ish poiit.os from the Usionist sdminie tratico. A paper on “Leo XIII. and the | Social Question,” by the Rev. J. A. Zahm, Professor of Physics in the University of Notre Dame, Icdiaas, is of marked sigunis ficance containing as it does a direct meesage from his Holiness, the Pope, to the people of the Uaited States thragh the North Americag Reviews. Aibect D. Vaodam’s eighth installment of “Personal History of the Second Empire” deals ‘with the “Prosperity sad Social Splen- dor’ of that epoch. A thoughtful spd. scholarly contribution 0a ““Guesses af the Riddle of Existence,” by Professor Goldwin Smith is deserving of wide at- { tention. Other topics deait with are “Ravolver of Sabre? by Major W. PB. Hall, U. 8. A; “What Men Think of Women's dress,” by OU. H. Crandall, sad Historia Niokusines,” by P.W. Omaid Sanday was an nor qnuaually quiet day town on secount of the large namber of people who went out on the two es. . . earsions. dO 4 &
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers